Title 24.2. Elections
Chapter 3. Election Districts, Precincts, and Polling Places
§ 24.2-310.1. Polling places; additional requirement.
The requirement stated in this section shall be in addition to requirements stated in §§ 24.2-307, 24.2-308, and 24.2-310, including the requirement that polling places be located in public buildings whenever practical. No polling place shall be located in a building which serves primarily as the headquarters, office, or assembly building for any private organization, other than an organization of a civic, educational, religious, charitable, historical, patriotic, cultural, or similar nature, unless the State Board has approved the use of the building because no other building meeting the accessibility requirements of this title is available.
1993, c. 904, § 24.1-37.1; 1993, c. 641.