Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 4.1. Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Control
Chapter 1. Definitions and General Provisions

§ 4.1-111. Regulations of Board.

A. The Board may promulgate reasonable regulations, not inconsistent with this subtitle or the general laws of the Commonwealth, which it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this subtitle and to prevent the illegal manufacture, bottling, sale, distribution, and transportation of alcoholic beverages. The Board may amend or repeal such regulations. Such regulations shall be promulgated, amended or repealed in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) and shall have the effect of law.

B. The Board shall promulgate regulations that:

1. Prescribe what hours and on what days alcoholic beverages shall not be sold by licensees or consumed on any licensed premises, including a provision that mixed beverages may be sold only at such times as wine and beer may be sold.

2. Require mixed beverage caterer licensees to notify the Board in advance of any event to be served by such licensee.

3. Maintain the reasonable separation of retailer interests from those of the manufacturers, bottlers, brokers, importers, and wholesalers in accordance with § 4.1-216 and in consideration of the established trade customs, quantity, and value of the articles or services involved; prevent undue competitive domination of any person by any other person engaged in the manufacture, distribution, and sale at retail or wholesale of alcoholic beverages in the Commonwealth; and promote reasonable accommodation of arm's length business transactions.

4. Establish requirements for the form, content, and retention of all records and accounts, including the (i) reporting and collection of taxes required by § 4.1-236 and (ii) the sale of alcoholic beverages in kegs, by all licensees.

5. Require retail licensees to file an appeal from any hearing decision rendered by a hearing officer within 30 days of the date the notice of the decision is sent. The notice shall be sent to the licensee at the address on record with the Board by certified mail, return receipt requested, and by regular mail.

6. Prescribe the terms and conditions under which persons who collect or trade designer or vintage spirit bottles may sell such bottles at auction, provided that (i) the auction is conducted in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 6 (§ 54.1-600 et seq.) of Title 54.1 and (ii) the bottles are unopened and the manufacturers' seals, marks, or stamps affixed to the bottles are intact.

7. Prescribe the terms and conditions under which credit or debit cards may be accepted from licensees for purchases at government stores, including provision for the collection, where appropriate, of related fees, penalties, and service charges.

8. Require that banquet licensees in charge of public events as defined by Board regulations report to the Board the income and expenses associated with the public event on a form prescribed by the Board when the banquet licensee engages another person to organize, conduct, or operate the event on behalf of the banquet licensee. Such regulations shall be applicable only to public events where alcoholic beverages are being sold.

9. Provide alternative methods for licensees to maintain and store business records that are subject to Board inspection, including methods for Board-approved electronic and off-site storage.

10. Require off-premises retail licensees to place any premixed alcoholic energy drinks containing one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume in the same location where wine and beer are available for sale within the licensed premises.

11. Prescribe the terms and conditions under which mixed beverage licensees may infuse, store, and sell flavored distilled spirits, including a provision that limits infusion containers to a maximum of 20 liters.

12. Prescribe the schedule of proration for refunded license taxes to licensees who qualify pursuant to subsection C of § 4.1-232.

13. Establish reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on outdoor advertising of alcoholic beverages, not inconsistent with the provisions of this subtitle, so that such advertising does not encourage or otherwise promote the consumption of alcoholic beverages by persons to whom alcoholic beverages may not be lawfully sold. Such regulations shall:

a. Restrict outdoor advertising of alcoholic beverages in publicly visible locations consistent with (i) the general prohibition against tied interests between retail licensees and manufacturers or wholesale licensees as provided in §§ 4.1-215 and 4.1-216; (ii) the prohibition against manufacturer control of wholesale licensees as set forth in § 4.1-223 and Board regulations adopted pursuant thereto; and (iii) the general prohibition against cooperative advertising between manufacturers, wholesalers, or importers and retail licensees as set forth in Board regulation; and

b. Permit (i) any outdoor signage or advertising not otherwise prohibited by this subtitle and (ii) the display of outdoor alcoholic beverage advertising on lawfully erected billboard signs regulated under Chapter 12 (§ 33.2-1200 et seq.) of Title 33.2 where such signs are located on commercial real estate as defined in § 55.1-1100, but only in accordance with this subtitle.

14. Prescribe the terms and conditions under which a licensed brewery may manufacture beer pursuant to an agreement with a brand owner not under common control with the manufacturing brewery and sell and deliver the beer so manufactured to the brand owner. The regulations shall require that (i) the brand owner be an entity appropriately licensed as a brewery or beer wholesaler, (ii) a written agreement be entered into by the parties, and (iii) records as deemed appropriate by the Board are maintained by the parties.

15. Prescribe the terms for any "happy hour" conducted by on-premises licensees. Such regulations shall permit on-premises licensees to advertise any alcoholic beverage products featured during a happy hour and any pricing related to such happy hour. Such regulations shall not prohibit on-premises licensees from using creative marketing techniques in such advertisements, provided that such techniques do not tend to induce overconsumption or consumption by minors.

16. Permit retail on-premises licensees to give a gift of one alcoholic beverage to a patron or one bottle of wine to a group of two or more patrons, provided that (i) such gifts only are made to individuals to whom such products may lawfully be sold and (ii) only one such gift is given during any 24-hour period and subject to any Board limitations on the frequency of such gifts.

17. Permit the sale of beer and cider for off-premises consumption in resealable growlers made of glass, ceramic, metal, or other materials approved by the Board, or other resealable containers approved by the Board, with a maximum capacity of 128 fluid ounces or, for metric-sized containers, four liters.

18. Permit the sale of wine for off-premises consumption in resealable growlers made of glass, ceramic, metal, or other materials approved by the Board, or other resealable containers approved by the Board, with a maximum capacity of 64 fluid ounces or, for metric-sized containers, two liters. Wine growlers may be used only by persons licensed to sell wine for both on-premises and off-premises consumption or by gourmet shops granted a retail off-premises wine and beer license. Growlers sold by gourmet shops shall be labeled with (i) the manufacturer's name or trade name, (ii) the place of production, (iii) the net contents in fluid ounces, and (iv) the name and address of the retailer.

19. Permit the sale of wine, cider, and beer by retailers licensed to sell beer and wine for both on-premises and off-premises consumption, or by gourmet shops granted a retail off-premises wine and beer license for off-premises consumption in sealed containers made of metal or other materials approved by the Board with a maximum capacity of 32 fluid ounces or, for metric-sized containers, one liter, provided that the alcoholic beverage is placed in the container following an order from the consumer.

20. Permit mixed beverage licensees to premix containers of sangria and other mixed alcoholic beverages and to serve such alcoholic beverages in pitchers, subject to size and quantity limitations established by the Board.

21. Establish and make available to all licensees and permittees for which on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed and employees of such licensees and permittees who serve as a bartender or otherwise sell, serve, or dispense alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption a bar bystander training module, which shall include (i) information that enables licensees, permittees, and their employees to recognize situations that may lead to sexual assault and (ii) intervention strategies to prevent such situations from culminating in sexual assault.

22. Require mixed beverage licensees, except for mixed beverage casino licensees, to have food, cooked or prepared on the licensed premises, available for on-premises consumption until at least 30 minutes prior to an establishment's closing. Such food shall be available in all areas of the licensed premises in which spirits are sold or served.

23. Prescribe the terms and conditions under which the Board may suspend the privilege of a mixed beverage licensee to purchase spirits from the Board upon such licensee's failure to submit any records or other documents necessary to verify the licensee's compliance with applicable minimum food sale requirements within 30 days of the date such records or documents are due.

24. Prescribe the terms and conditions under which manufacturers, brokers, importers, and wholesalers may advertise and promote alcoholic beverages via the Internet, social media, direct-to-consumer electronic communication, or other electronic means in a manner not inconsistent with the provisions of this subtitle.

C. The Board may promulgate regulations that:

1. Provide for the waiver of the license tax for an applicant for a banquet license, such waiver to be based on (i) the amount of alcoholic beverages to be provided by the applicant, (ii) the not-for-profit status of the applicant, and (iii) the condition that no profits are to be generated from the event. For the purposes of clause (ii), the applicant shall submit with the application, an affidavit certifying its not-for-profit status. The granting of such waiver shall be limited to two events per year for each applicant.

2. Establish limitations on the quantity and value of any gifts of alcoholic beverages made in the course of any business entertainment pursuant to subdivision A 22 of § 4.1-325 or subsection C of § 4.1-325.2.

3. Provide incentives to licensees with a proven history of compliance with state and federal laws and regulations to encourage licensees to conduct their business and related activities in a manner that is beneficial to the Commonwealth.

D. Board regulations shall be uniform in their application, except those relating to hours of sale for licensees.

E. Courts shall take judicial notice of Board regulations.

F. The Board's power to regulate shall be broadly construed.

Code 1950, §§ 4-11, 4-36; 1968, c. 7, §§ 4-98.5, 4-98.14; 1974, c. 460; 1982, c. 145; 1991, c. 690; 1992, c. 220; 1993, cc. 433, 866; 1997, c. 40; 1998, c. 301; 1999, cc. 98, 641; 2003, c. 856; 2008, c. 513; 2009, c. 122; 2010, c. 481; 2011, c. 728; 2012, cc. 376, 760, 818; 2015, cc. 404, 412; 2017, cc. 160, 743, 744; 2019, cc. 7, 29, 706; 2020, cc. 1113, 1114; 2022, cc. 589, 590; 2024, cc. 38, 139.

The chapters of the acts of assembly referenced in the historical citation at the end of this section may not constitute a comprehensive list of such chapters and may exclude chapters whose provisions have expired.