Title 54.1. Professions and Occupations
Chapter 33. Pharmacy
§ 54.1-3316. Refusal; revocation; suspension and denial.
The Board may refuse to admit an applicant to any examination; refuse to issue a license, permit, certificate, or registration to any applicant; or reprimand, impose a monetary penalty, place on probation, impose such terms as it may designate, suspend for a stated period of time or indefinitely, or revoke any license, permit, certificate, or registration if it finds that an applicant or a person holding a license, permit, certificate, or registration:
1. Has been negligent in the practice of pharmacy or in any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;
2. Has engaged in unprofessional conduct specified in regulations promulgated by the Board;
3. Has become incompetent to practice pharmacy or to engage in any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board because of a mental or physical condition;
4. Uses drugs or alcohol to the extent that he is rendered unsafe to practice pharmacy or to engage in any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;
5. Has engaged in or attempted any fraud or deceit in connection with the practice of pharmacy or any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board, including any application to the Board for such license, permit, certificate, or registration;
6. Has engaged in activities beyond the scope of a license, permit, certificate, or registration or has assisted or allowed unlicensed persons to engage in the practice of pharmacy or perform duties related to the practice of pharmacy for which a license or registration is required;
7. Has violated or cooperated with others in violating any provisions of law or regulation relating to practice of pharmacy or any activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;
8. Has had revoked or suspended any registration issued by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration or other federal agency that is necessary to conduct an activity also requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;
9. Has engaged in the theft or diversion of controlled substances or has violated any federal drug law or any drug law of Virginia or of another state;
10. Has had denied, suspended, or revoked in any other state a license to practice pharmacy or any license, permit, certificate, or registration necessary to conduct an activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board, or has surrendered in another state such license, permit, certificate, or registration;
11. Has been convicted of any felony or of any misdemeanor involving moral turpitude;
12. Has issued or published statements intended to deceive or defraud about his professional service or an activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board;
13. Has conducted his practice, or activity requiring a license, permit, certificate, or registration from the Board in such a manner as to be a danger to the health and welfare of the public; or
14. Has failed to comply with requirements of this chapter or any regulation of the Board relating to continuing education.
1972, c. 798, § 54-524.22:1; 1976, c. 614; 1977, c. 86; 1982, c. 401; 1988, c. 765; 1992, c. 868; 1994, c. 296; 2007, c. 662.