Title 15.2. Counties, Cities and Towns
Chapter 59.2. Virginia Beach Sports or Entertainment Project
§ 15.2-5932. Sports or Entertainment Project Financing Fund; use.
A. The City of Virginia Beach may, in its discretion, create a Sports or Entertainment Project Financing Fund, hereafter referred to as "the Fund." The City of Virginia Beach may use the Fund as a non-lapsing revolving fund for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this chapter and providing security for any bonds issued under this chapter.
B. All of the following receipts of the City of Virginia Beach may be placed in the Fund: (i) proceeds from the sale of bonds, (ii) revenues collected or received from any source under the provisions of this chapter, (iii) sales and use tax revenues remitted to the City of Virginia Beach by the State Comptroller pursuant to § 15.2-5933, and (iv) any other revenues under the jurisdiction of the City of Virginia Beach.
C. The City of Virginia Beach may pay expenses and make expenditures from the Fund. To the extent deemed appropriate by the City of Virginia Beach, the receipts of the Fund may be pledged to and charged with the payment of debt service on City of Virginia Beach bonds and all reasonable charges and expenses related to the City borrowing and the management of the City's obligations. The City of Virginia Beach may use the Fund to pay for expenses or debt service associated with or incurred by a community development authority formed by the City of Virginia Beach pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 (§ 15.2-5152 et seq.) of Chapter 51 for the purpose of developing the sports and entertainment district.