Title 29.1. Wildlife, Inland Fisheries and Boating
Chapter 3. Licenses
§ 29.1-345.1. Time period for obtaining nonriparian stationary blind licenses.
A. A nonriparian license for a stationary blind in the public waters that was licensed the previous year as a nonriparian stationary blind may be obtained by the previous year's licensee beginning July 1 through August 15 pursuant to § 29.1-345. A stake or blind shall be erected on the site, and a license plate supplied with the license for that season shall be affixed thereto, by August 31.
B. A stationary blind or a site in the public waters that is not licensed and posted by August 31 can be licensed as a nonriparian blind beginning September 1 through October 15 pursuant to § 29.1-345. A stake or blind shall be erected on the site, and a license plate supplied with the license for that season must be affixed thereto. If a stake has been erected on the site of a stationary blind, such stake must be replaced by a blind by November 1 pursuant to the provisions of § 29.1-341. Such stationary blinds shall conform to the standards prescribed in § 29.1-341.
2013, c. 745.