Title 3.2. Agriculture, Animal Care, and Food
Chapter 65. Comprehensive Animal Care
§ 3.2-6542.2. Dangerous dog fees; local fund.
All fees collected by a locality pursuant to § 3.2-6540, 3.2-6540.01, 3.2-6540.02, 3.2-6540.03, 3.2-6540.04, 3.2-6542, or 3.2-6542.1, less the costs incurred by the animal control officer in producing and distributing any certificate or tag required by such section and any fees due to the Department for maintenance of the Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry established by § 3.2-6542, shall be paid into a special dedicated fund in the treasury of the locality for the purpose of paying the expenses of any training course required under § 3.2-6556.
2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 464.