Title 32.1. Health
Chapter 2. Disease Prevention and Control
§ 32.1-37.01. Posting of information about cases of communicable disease of public health threat.
A. As used in this section:
"Reporting entity" means a medical care facility, residential or day program, service or facility licensed or operated by any agency of the Commonwealth, school, or summer camp required to report an outbreak of a communicable disease pursuant to § 32.1-37.
B. Upon declaration of an emergency by the Governor pursuant to § 44-146.17 in response to a communicable disease of public health threat, the Department shall make information regarding outbreaks of such communicable disease of public health threat reported pursuant to § 32.1-37 available to the public on a website maintained by the Department, provided the release of such information does not violate the provisions of § 32.1-41. Such information shall include (i) the name of the reporting entity at which an outbreak of such communicable disease of public health threat has been reported; (ii) the number of confirmed cases of such communicable disease of public health threat reported by such reporting entity; and (iii) the number of deaths resulting from such communicable disease of public health threat reported by such reporting entity.