Chapter 1. General ProvisionsRead Chapter
- § 35.1-1
- Definitions
- § 35.1-1.1
- Certified mail; subsequent mail or notices may be sent by regular mail
- § 35.1-2
- Enforcement
- § 35.1-3
- Commissioner vested with Board's authority
- § 35.1-4
- Applicability of Administrative Process Act
- § 35.1-5
- Right of entry to inspect, etc.; warrants
- § 35.1-6
- Orders
- § 35.1-7
- Penalties, injunctions, civil penalties and charges for violations
- § 35.1-8
- Repealed
- § 35.1-9
- Local ordinance superseded; exceptions
- § 35.1-10
- Measures to prevent transmission of disease