Title 36. Housing
Chapter 4.1. Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Law
§ 36-85.5. Enforcement.
The Department of Housing and Community Development is designated as the agency of this State Administrative Agency plan approved by HUD. The Administrator is authorized to perform the following functions:
1. Enforce the Federal Standards with respect to all manufactured homes manufactured in Virginia;
2. Assure that no state or local standard conflicts with those Federal Standards governing manufactured housing construction and performance;
3. Enter and inspect factories, warehouses, or establishments in which manufactured homes are manufactured, stored, or offered for sale as may be required;
4. Seek enforcement of the civil and criminal penalties established by § 36-85.12 of this law;
5. Carry out the notification and correction procedures specified in the Federal Regulations, including holding such hearings and making such determinations as may be necessary and requiring manufacturers in the Commonwealth to provide such notifications and corrections as may be required by the Federal Regulations;
6. Employ such qualified personnel as may be necessary to carry out the approved plan for enforcement and otherwise administer this law;
7. Require manufacturers, distributors, and dealers in the Commonwealth to make reports to the Secretary in the same manner and to the same extent as if such plan were not in effect;
8. Participate, advise, assist, and cooperate with other state, federal, public, and private agencies in carrying out the approved plan for enforcement;
9. Provide for participation by the SAA in any interstate monitoring activities which may be carried out on behalf of HUD;
10. Receive consumer complaints and take such actions on the complaints as may be required by the Federal Regulations;
11. Give satisfactory assurance to HUD that the SAA has and will have the legal authority necessary for enforcement of the Federal Standards;
12. Take such other actions as may be necessary to comply with Federal Regulations and Standards referenced in this law.
1986, c. 37.