Chapter 19. Solar EnergyRead Chapter
- Article 1. Virginia Solar Energy CenterRead all
- § 45.2-1900
- Virginia Solar Energy Center; purposes
- Article 2. Virginia Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage AuthorityRead all
- § 45.2-1901
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Definitions
- § 45.2-1902
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Virginia Solar Energy Development and Energy Storage Authority established; purpose
- § 45.2-1903
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Membership; terms; vacancies; expenses
- § 45.2-1904
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Partnerships
- § 45.2-1905
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Federal loan guarantees
- § 45.2-1906
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Powers and duties of the Authority
- § 45.2-1907
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Director; staff; counsel to the Authority
- § 45.2-1908
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Annual report
- § 45.2-1909
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Confidentiality of information
- § 45.2-1910
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Declaration of public purpose; exemption from taxation
- § 45.2-1911
- (Expires July 1, 2025) Sunset
- Article 3. Clean Energy Advisory BoardRead all
- § 45.2-1912
- Definitions
- § 45.2-1913
- Clean Energy Advisory Board; purpose
- § 45.2-1914
- Membership; terms; quorum; meetings
- § 45.2-1915
- Powers and duties of the Board; report
- § 45.2-1916
- Low-to-Moderate Income Solar Loan and Rebate Fund
- § 45.2-1917
- Low-to-Moderate Income Solar Loan and Rebate Pilot Program