Title 45.2. Mines, Minerals, and Energy
Chapter 21. Nuclear Energy
§ 45.2-2101. Nuclear energy; strategic plan.
A. The Department and the Secretaries of Commerce and Trade and Education shall work in coordination with the Authority, established pursuant to Article 2 (§ 45.2-2102), and the Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority, established pursuant to Article 4 (§ 2.2-2234 et seq.) of Chapter 22 of Title 2.2, to develop a strategic plan for nuclear energy as part of the Commonwealth's overall goal of carbon-free energy.
B. Such plan may include (i) the promotion of new technologies and opportunities for innovation, including advanced manufacturing; (ii) the establishment of a collaborative research center and university nuclear leadership program to promote education in fields that meet the workforce demands of Virginia's nuclear industry; and (iii) recognition of the role of nuclear energy in the Commonwealth's goal of employing 100 percent carbon-free sources of energy by 2050.
C. Such plan shall be completed by October 1, 2020, updated every four years thereafter, and published on the Internet by the Authority.