Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 3. Licensure of Drivers
§ 46.2-341.14:9. The skills test certificate; validity of results.
A. The Department will accept a skills test certificate issued in accordance with this section as satisfaction of the skills test component of the commercial driver's license examination.
B. Skills test certificates may be issued only to drivers who have passed the skills test conducted in accordance with this chapter and the instructions issued by the Department.
C. A skills test certificate will be accepted by the Department only if it is:
1. Issued by a third party tester certified by the Department in accordance with this article;
2. In a format prescribed by the Department, completed in its entirety, without alteration; and
3. Signed by the third party examiner who conducted the skills test.
D. The results of the skills test shall be valid for six months following the completion of the test.