Title 58.1. Taxation
Chapter 3. Income Tax
§ 58.1-465. Overlapping pay periods, and payment by agent or fiduciary.
The manner of withholding and the amount to be deducted and withheld under this article shall be determined in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Tax Commissioner under which the withholding exemption allowed to the employee in any calendar year shall approximate the withholding exemption allowable with respect to an annual payroll period, if a payment of wages is made to an employee by an employer:
1. With respect to a payroll period or other period, any part of which is included in a payroll period or other period with respect to which wages are also paid to such employee by such employer;
2. Without regard to any payroll period or other period, but on or prior to the expiration of a payroll period or other period with respect to which wages are also paid to such employee by such employer;
3. With respect to a period beginning in one and ending in another calendar year; or
4. Through an agent, fiduciary, or other person who also has the control, receipt, custody, or disposal of, or pays, the wages payable by another employer to such employee.
Code 1950, § 58-151.6; 1962, c. 612; 1984, c. 675.