Title 65.2. Workers' Compensation
Chapter 8. Insurance and Self-Insurance
§ 65.2-813.1. Insurers offering policies with deductibles.
Every insurer against liability arising under this title offering and making available policies in which the insured pays a deductible, without regard to amount and including such policies with deductibles of $1,000 or less, shall provide in such policies that (i) the insurer shall pay all of the deductible amount applicable to a compensable claim under this title to the person or provider entitled thereto, (ii) the insurer shall then obtain reimbursement from the policyholder for the applicable deductible amount, and (iii) failure to reimburse deductible amounts by the policyholder to the insurer will result in the cancellation of the deductible endorsement.
1995, c. 237.