Title 8.01. Civil Remedies and Procedure
Chapter 21.1. Medical Malpractice
§ 8.01-581.3. Composition, selection, etc., of panel.
The medical review panel shall consist of (i) two impartial attorneys and two impartial health care providers, licensed and actively practicing their professions in the Commonwealth and (ii) the judge of a circuit court in which the action was filed, who shall preside over the panel. The judge shall have no vote and need not attend or participate in the deliberations. The medical review panel shall be selected by the Supreme Court from a list of health care providers submitted by the Board of Medicine and a list of attorneys submitted by the Virginia State Bar. In the selection of the health care provider members, the Court shall give due regard to the nature of the claim and the nature of the practice of the health care provider.
Code 1950, § 8-913; 1976, c. 611; 1977, cc. 202, 617; 1983, c. 208; 1984, c. 777; 1986, c. 227; 1993, c. 928; 1994, c. 384.