Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 10.1. Conservation
Chapter 14. Virginia Waste Management Act

Article 3. Litter Control and Recycling.

§ 10.1-1414. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Advisory Board" means the Litter Control and Recycling Fund Advisory Board.

"Beneficial use" means a use that is of benefit as a substitute for natural or commercial products and does not contribute to adverse effects on health or the environment. Beneficial use products are produced by facilities that include beneficiation facilities and recycling centers.

"Beneficiation facility" means a facility that uses methods including sorting by color, removal of contaminants, crushing, grinding, screening, grading, and monitoring of size and quality to produce clean, crushed glass cullet that satisfies the specifications of the end user of the cullet, including a manufacturer of glass containers or fiberglass.

"Disposable package" or "container" means all packages or containers intended or used to contain solids, liquids or materials and so designated.

"Expanded polystyrene food service container" means a rigid single-use container made primarily of expanded polystyrene and used in the restaurant and food service industry for serving or transporting prepared, ready-to-consume food or beverages. "Expanded polystyrene food service container" includes plates, cups, bowls, trays, and hinged containers but does not include packaging for unprepared foods or packaging, including a cooler, used in the shipment of food.

"Food vendor" means an establishment that provides prepared food for public consumption on or off its premises and includes a store, shop, sales outlet, restaurant, grocery store, supermarket, delicatessen, or catering truck or vehicle; any other person who provides prepared food; and any individual, organization, group, or state or local government entity that regularly provides food as a part of its services.

"Fund" means the Litter Control and Recycling Fund.

"Litter" means all waste material disposable packages or containers but not including the wastes of the primary processes of mining, logging, sawmilling, farming, or manufacturing.

"Litter bag" means a bag, sack, or durable material which is large enough to serve as a receptacle for litter inside a vehicle or watercraft which is similar in size and capacity to a state approved litter bag.

"Litter receptacle" means containers acceptable to the Department for the depositing of litter.

"Person" means any natural person, corporation, association, firm, receiver, guardian, trustee, executor, administrator, fiduciary, or representative or group of individuals or entities of any kind.

"Prepared food" means a food or beverage prepared for consumption on or off a food vendor's premises, using any cooking or food preparation technique. "Prepared food" does not include raw or uncooked meat, fish, or eggs provided without further food preparation.

"Public place" means any area that is used or held out for use by the public, whether owned or operated by public or private interests.

"Recycling" means the process of separating a given waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it may be used again as a raw material for a product which may or may not be similar to the original product.

"Recycling center" means a facility that (i) accepts recyclable materials that have already been separated at the source from municipal solid waste generated by either residential or commercial producers; (ii) processes source segregated recyclable materials, including mixed-paper fiber materials, metal and plastic postconsumer containers, and glass containers; and (iii) processes and sells recyclable materials according to end-user specifications. "Recycling center" does not include a facility for construction and demolition debris processing, sorting of municipal solid waste, incineration, sorting or processing of industrial waste, composting, or used tire processing.

"Sold within the Commonwealth" or "sales of the business within the Commonwealth" means all sales of retailers engaged in business within the Commonwealth and in the case of manufacturers and wholesalers, sales of products for use and consumption within the Commonwealth.

"Vehicle" includes every device capable of being moved upon a public highway and in, upon, or by which any person or property may be transported upon a public highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.

"Watercraft" means any boat, ship, vessel, barge, or other floating craft.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.1; 1988, c. 891; 1995, c. 417; 2018, c. 615; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 262.

§ 10.1-1415. Litter Control Program.

The Department shall support local, regional, and statewide programs to control, prevent, and eliminate litter from the Commonwealth and to encourage the recycling and beneficial use of discarded materials to the maximum practical extent. Every department of state government and all governmental units and agencies of the Commonwealth shall cooperate with the Department in the administration and enforcement of this article.

This article is intended to add to and coordinate existing litter control removal and recycling efforts, and not to terminate existing efforts nor, except as specifically stated, to repeal or affect any state law governing or prohibiting litter or the control and disposition of waste.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277; 1988, c. 891; 1989, c. 284; 1995, c. 417; 2018, c. 615.

§ 10.1-1415.1. Labeling of plastic container products required; penalty.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, expose for sale, or distribute any plastic bottle or rigid plastic container unless the container is labeled indicating the plastic resin used to produce the container. Such label shall appear on or near the bottom of the container, be clearly visible, and consist of a number placed within three triangulated arrows and letters placed below the triangle of arrows. The triangulated arrows shall be equilateral, formed by three arrows with the apex of each point of the triangle at the midpoint of each arrow, rounded with a short radius. The pointer (arrowhead) of each arrow shall be at the midpoint of each side of the triangle with a short gap separating the pointer from the base of the adjacent arrow. The triangle, formed by three arrows curved at their midpoints, shall depict a clockwise path around the code number. The numbers and letters shall be as follows:

1. For polyethylene terepthalate, the letters "PETE" and the number 1.

2. For high density polyethylene, the letters "HDPE" and the number 2.

3. For vinyl, the letter "V" and the number 3.

4. For low density polyethylene, the letters "LDPE" and the number 4.

5. For polypropylene, the letters "PP" and the number 5.

6. For polystyrene, the letters "PS" and the number 6.

7. For any other plastic resin, the letters "OTHER" and the number 7.

B. As used in subsection A of this section:

"Container," unless otherwise specified, refers to "rigid plastic container" or "plastic bottle" as those terms are defined below.

"Plastic bottle" means a plastic container intended for single use that has a neck that is smaller than the container, accepts a screw-type, snap cap or other closure and has a capacity of sixteen fluid ounces or more but less than five gallons.

"Rigid plastic container" means any formed or molded container, other than a bottle, intended for single use, composed predominantly of plastic resin, and having a relatively inflexible finite shape or form with a capacity of eight ounces or more but less than five gallons.

C. Any person convicted of a violation of the provisions of subsection A of this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars. Each day of violation shall constitute a separate offense.

1990, c. 519.

§ 10.1-1415.2. Plastic holding device prohibited.

A. On and after January 1, 1993, it shall be unlawful to sell or offer for sale beverage containers connected to each other, using rings or other devices constructed of plastic which is not degradable or recyclable.

B. For the purpose of this section:

"Beverage container" means the individual bottle, can, jar, or other sealed receptacle, in which a beverage is sold, and which is constructed of metal, glass, or plastic, or other material, or any combination of these materials. "Beverage container" does not include cups or other similar open or loosely sealed containers.

"Degradable" means decomposition by photodegradation or biodegradation within a reasonable period of time upon exposure to natural elements.

1991, c. 209.

§ 10.1-1416. Collection and survey of litter.

Collections and surveys of the kinds of litter that are discarded in violation of the laws of the Commonwealth shall be conducted as the need is determined by the Department, after receipt of the recommendations of the Advisory Board, or as directed by the General Assembly. The survey shall include litter found throughout the Commonwealth, including standard metropolitan statistical areas and rural and recreational areas. To the fullest extent possible, in standard metropolitan statistical areas the Department of Transportation shall make use of local litter and trash collection services through arrangements with local governing bodies and appropriate agencies, in the discharge of the duties imposed by this section. The Department of Transportation shall report to the Governor, the General Assembly and the Department as to the amount of litter collected pursuant to this section and shall include in its report an analysis of litter types, their weights and volumes, and, where practicable, the recyclability of the types of products, packages, wrappings and containers which compose the principal amounts of the litter collected. The products whose packages, wrappings and containers constitute the litter shall include, but not be limited to the following categories:

1. Food for human or pet consumption;

2. Groceries;

3. Cigarettes and tobacco products;

4. Soft drinks and carbonated waters;

5. Beer and other malt beverages;

6. Wine;

7. Newspapers and magazines;

8. Paper products and household paper;

9. Glass containers;

10. Metal containers;

11. Plastic or fiber containers made of synthetic material;

12. Cleaning agents and toiletries;

13. Nondrug drugstore sundry products;

14. Distilled spirits; and

15. Motor vehicle parts.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.3; 1988, c. 891; 1995, c. 417.

§ 10.1-1417. Enforcement of article.

The Department shall have the authority to contract with other state and local governmental agencies having law-enforcement powers for services and personnel reasonably necessary to carry out the provisions of this article. In addition, all law-enforcement officers in the Commonwealth and those employees of the Department of Wildlife Resources vested with police powers shall enforce the provisions of this article and regulations adopted hereunder, and are hereby empowered to arrest without warrant, persons violating any provision of this article or any regulations adopted hereunder. The foregoing enforcement officers may serve and execute all warrants and other process issued by the courts in enforcing the provisions of this article and regulations adopted hereunder.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.4; 1988, c. 891; 2020, c. 958.

§ 10.1-1418. Penalty for violation of article.

Every person convicted of a violation of this article for which no penalty is specifically provided shall be punished by a fine of not more than fifty dollars for each such violation.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.5; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-1418.1. Improper disposal of solid waste; civil penalties.

A. It shall be the duty of all persons to dispose of their solid waste in a legal manner.

B. Any owner of real estate in this Commonwealth, including the Commonwealth or any political subdivision thereof, upon whose property a person improperly disposes of solid waste without the landowner's permission, shall be entitled to bring a civil action for such improper disposal of solid waste. When litter is improperly disposed upon land owned by the Commonwealth, any resident of the Commonwealth shall have standing to bring a civil action for such improper disposal of solid waste. When litter is improperly disposed of upon land owned by any political subdivision of this Commonwealth, any resident of that political subdivision shall have standing to bring a civil action for such improper disposal of solid waste. When any person improperly disposes of solid waste upon land within the jurisdiction of any political subdivision, that political subdivision shall have standing to bring a civil action for such improper disposal of solid waste.

C. In any civil action brought pursuant to the provisions of this section, when the plaintiff establishes by a preponderance of the evidence that (i) the solid waste or any portion thereof had been in possession of the defendant prior to being improperly disposed of on any of the properties referred to in subsection A of this section and (ii) no permission had been given to the defendant to place the solid waste on such property, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that the defendant improperly disposed of the solid waste. When the solid waste has been ejected from a motor vehicle, the owner or operator of such motor vehicle shall in any civil action be presumed to be the person ejecting such matter. However, such presumption shall be rebuttable by competent evidence. This presumption shall not be applicable to a motor vehicle rental or leasing company that owns the vehicle.

D. Whenever a court finds that a person has improperly disposed of solid waste pursuant to the provisions of this section, the court shall assess a civil penalty of up to $5,000 against such defendant. All civil penalties assessed pursuant to this section shall be paid into the state treasury and deposited by the State Treasurer into the Virginia Environmental Emergency Response Fund pursuant to Chapter 25 (§ 10.1-2500 et seq.) of this title, except as provided in subsection E.

E. Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this section in a civil action brought by a political subdivision shall be paid into the treasury of the political subdivision, except where the violator of this section is the political subdivision or its agent.

F. A court may award any person or political subdivision bringing suit pursuant to this section the cost of suit and reasonable attorney's fees.

1990, c. 430; 1991, c. 718; 1992, c. 27; 1997, c. 353.

§ 10.1-1418.2. Improper disposal of tires; exemption; penalty.

A. For the purposes of this section:

"Convenience center" means a collection point for the temporary storage of waste tires provided for individuals who choose to transport waste tires generated on their own premises to an established centralized point, rather than directly to a disposal facility. To be classified as a convenience center, the collection point shall not receive waste tires from collection vehicles that have collected waste from more than one real property owner. A convenience center shall have a system of regularly scheduled collections and may be covered or uncovered.

"Speculatively accumulated waste tires" means any waste tires that are accumulated before being used, reused, or reclaimed or in anticipation of potential use, reuse, or reclamation. Waste tires are not being accumulated speculatively when at least 75 percent of the waste tires accumulated are being removed from the site annually.

B. It shall be unlawful for any person to store, dispose of, speculatively accumulate or otherwise place more than 100 waste tires on public or private property, without first having obtained a permit as required by § 10.1-1408.1 or in a manner inconsistent with any local ordinance. No person shall allow others to store, dispose of, speculatively accumulate or otherwise place on his property more than 100 waste tires, without first having obtained a permit as required by § 10.1-1408.1.

C. Any person who knowingly violates any provision of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. However, any person who knowingly violates any provision of this section and such violation involves 500 or more waste tires shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony.

D. Salvage yards licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles shall be exempt from this section, provided that they are holding fewer than 300 waste tires and that the waste tires do not pose a hazard or a nuisance or present a threat to human health and the environment.

E. As used in this section, the terms "store" and "otherwise place" shall not be construed as meaning the holding of fewer than 500 tires for bona fide uses related to the growing, harvesting or processing of agricultural or forest products.

F. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the (i) storage of less than 1,500 waste tires in a container at a convenience center or at a salvage yard licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles, as long as the tires are not being speculatively accumulated, or (ii) storage of tires for recycling or for processing to use in manufacturing a new product, as long as the tires are not being speculatively accumulated.

G. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the storage of tires for recycling or for processing to use in manufacturing a new product, as long as the tires are not being speculatively accumulated.

H. Nothing in this section shall limit enforcement of the prohibitions against littering and the improper disposal of solid waste contained elsewhere in this chapter.

1994, c. 556; 1997, c. 353; 2003, c. 101.

§ 10.1-1418.3. Liability for large waste tire pile fires; exclusions.

A. For the purposes of this section:

"Tire pile" means an unpermitted accumulation of more than 100 waste tires.

B. For any tire pile that (i) is included in the survey of waste tire piles completed by the Department in 1993 or (ii) contains tires that were placed on property with the consent of the property owner, any person who owns or is legally responsible for such a tire pile that burns or is burned and any person who owns or is legally responsible for the property where the tire pile is located shall be responsible for the damage caused by the fire and by any waste or chemical constituents released into the environment to any person who sustains damage from the fire or from any released wastes or chemical constituents. It shall not be necessary for the claimant to show that the damage was caused by negligence on the part of such owners, legally responsible persons or other person who set or caused to be set the fire that burns the tires. Damages include, but are not limited to, the cost for any repair, replacement, remediation, or other appropriate action required as a result of the fire. This liability shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any other liability authorized by statute or regulation. Without limiting what constitutes consent, acceptance of compensation for the placement of tires on one's property shall be deemed to be consent.

C. Any person who sets or causes to be set the fire that burns the tire pile shall be responsible for the damage caused by the fire and by any waste or chemical constituents released into the environment to any person who sustains damage from the fire or from any released wastes or chemical constituents. It shall not be necessary for the claimant to show that the damage was caused by negligence on the part of such owners, legally responsible persons or other persons who set or caused to be set the fire that burns the tires. Damages shall include, but are not limited to, the cost for any repair, replacement, remediation, or other appropriate action required as a result of the fire. This liability shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, any liability authorized by statute or regulation.

D. Any person who transfers waste tires for disposition and has taken all reasonable steps to ensure proper disposition of the waste tires shall not be held liable under the standard set forth in this section. Documentation that a person has taken all reasonable steps to ensure proper disposition of the waste tires may include, but is not limited to, utilization of the Waste Tire Certification developed by the Department and any equivalent manifest or tracking system.

1996, c. 734; 2003, c. 101.

§ 10.1-1418.4. Removal of waste tire piles; cost recovery; right of entry.

Notwithstanding any other provision, upon the failure of any owner or operator to remove or remediate a waste tire pile in accordance with an order issued pursuant to this chapter or § 10.1-1186, the Director may enter the property and remove the waste tires. The Director is authorized to recover from the owner of the site or the operator of the tire pile the actual and reasonable costs incurred to complete such removal or remediation. If a request for reimbursement is not paid within 30 days of the receipt of a written demand for reimbursement, the Director may refer the demand for reimbursement to the Attorney General for collection or may secure a lien in accordance with § 10.1-1418.5.

2003, c. 101.

§ 10.1-1418.5. Lien for waste tire pile removal.

A. The Commonwealth shall have a lien, if perfected as hereinafter provided, on land subject to removal action under § 10.1-1418.4 for the amount of the actual and reasonable costs incurred to complete such removal action.

B. The Director shall perfect the lien given under the provisions of this section by filing, within six months after completion of the removal, in the clerk's office of the court of the county or city in which the land or any part of the land is situated, a statement consisting of (i) the name of the owner of record of the property sought to be charged, (ii) an itemized account of moneys expended for the removal work, and (iii) a brief description of the property to which the lien attaches.

C. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the court in whose office the statement described in subsection B is filed to record the statement in the deed books of the office and to index the statement in the general index of deeds in the name of the Commonwealth as well as the owner of the property, and shall show the type of such lien. From the time of such recording and indexing, all persons shall be deemed to have notice thereof.

D. Liens acquired under this section shall have priority as a lien second only to the lien of real estate taxes imposed upon the land.

E. Any party having an interest in the real property against which a lien has been filed may, within 60 days of such filing, petition the court of equity having jurisdiction wherein the property or some portion of the property is located to hold a hearing to review the amount of the lien. After reasonable notice to the Director, the court shall hold a hearing to determine whether such costs were reasonable. If the court determines that such charges were excessive, it shall determine the proper amount and order that the lien and the record be amended to show the new amount.

F. Liens acquired under this article shall be satisfied to the extent of the value of the consideration received at the time of transfer of ownership. Any unsatisfied portion shall remain as a lien on the property and shall be satisfied in accordance with this section. The proceeds from any lien shall be deposited in the Waste Tire Trust Fund established pursuant to § 10.1-1422.3. If an owner fails to satisfy a lien as provided herein, the Director may proceed to enforce the lien by a bill filed in the court of equity having jurisdiction wherein the property or some portion of the property is located.

2003, c. 101.

§ 10.1-1419. Litter receptacles; placement; penalty for violations.

A. The Board shall promulgate regulations establishing reasonable guidelines for the owners or persons in control of any property which is held out to the public as a place for assemblage, the transaction of business, recreation or as a public way who may be required to place and maintain receptacles acceptable to the Board.

In formulating such regulations the Board shall consider, among other public places, the public highways of the Commonwealth, all parks, campgrounds, trailer parks, drive-in restaurants, construction sites, gasoline service stations, shopping centers, retail store parking lots, parking lots of major industrial and business firms, marinas, boat launching areas, boat moorage and fueling stations, public and private piers and beaches and bathing areas. The number of such receptacles required to be placed as specified herein shall be determined by the Board and related to the need for such receptacles. Such litter receptacles shall be maintained in a manner to prevent overflow or spillage.

B. A person owning or operating any establishment or public place in which litter receptacles of a design acceptable to the Board are required by this section shall procure and place such receptacles at his own expense on the premises in accordance with Board regulations.

C. Any person who fails to place and maintain such litter receptacles on the premises in the number and manner required by Board regulation, or who violates the provisions of this section or regulations adopted hereunder shall be subject to a fine of twenty-five dollars for each day of violation.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.6; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-1420. Litter bag.

The Department may design and produce a litter bag bearing the state anti-litter symbol and a statement of the penalties prescribed for littering. Such litter bags may be distributed by the Department of Motor Vehicles at no charge to the owner of every licensed vehicle in the Commonwealth at the time and place of the issuance of a license or renewal thereof. The Department may make the litter bags available to the owners of watercraft in the Commonwealth and may also provide the litter bags at no charge to tourists and visitors at points of entry into the Commonwealth and at visitor centers to the operators of incoming vehicles and watercraft.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.7; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-1421. Responsibility for removal of litter from receptacles.

The responsibility for the removal of litter from litter receptacles placed at parks, beaches, campgrounds, trailer parks, and other public places shall remain upon those state and local agencies now performing litter removal services. The removal of litter from litter receptacles placed on private property used by the public shall remain the duty of the owner or operator of such private property.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.8; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-1422. Further duties of Department.

In addition to the foregoing duties the Department shall:

1. Serve as the coordinating agency between the various industry and business organizations seeking to aid in the recycling, beneficial use, and anti-litter effort;

2. Recommend to local governing bodies that they adopt ordinances similar to the provisions of this article;

3. Cooperate with all local governments to accomplish coordination of local recycling, beneficial use, and anti-litter efforts;

4. Encourage all voluntary local recycling, beneficial use, and anti-litter campaigns seeking to focus the attention of the public on the programs of the Commonwealth to control and remove litter and encourage recycling;

5. Investigate the availability of, and apply for, funds available from any private or public source to be used in the program provided for in this article;

6. Allocate funds annually for the study of available research and development in recycling and litter control, removal, and disposal, as well as study methods for implementation in the Commonwealth of such research and development. In addition, such funds may be used for the development of public educational programs concerning the litter problem and recycling. Grants shall be made available for these purposes to those persons deemed appropriate and qualified by the Board or the Department;

7. Investigate the methods and success of other techniques in recycling and the control of litter, and develop, encourage, and coordinate programs in the Commonwealth to utilize successful techniques in recycling and beneficial use and the control and elimination of litter; and

8. Expend, after receiving the recommendations of the Advisory Board, at least 95% of the funds deposited annually into the Fund pursuant to contracts with localities. The Department may enter into contracts with planning district commissions for the receipt and expenditure of funds attributable to localities which designate in writing to the Department a planning district commission as the agency to receive and expend funds hereunder.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.9; 1988, c. 891; 1995, c. 417; 2006, c. 6; 2009, c. 409; 2018, c. 615.

§ 10.1-1422.01. Litter Control and Recycling Fund established; use of moneys; purpose of Fund.

A. All moneys collected from the civil penalties imposed pursuant to § 10.1-1424.3, from the taxes imposed under §§ 58.1-1700 through 58.1-1710, and by the taxes increased by Chapter 616 of the 1977 Acts of Assembly, shall be paid into the treasury and credited to a special nonreverting fund known as the Litter Control and Recycling Fund, which is hereby established. The Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller. Any moneys remaining in the Fund shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on such moneys shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. The Director is authorized to release money from the Fund on warrants issued by the Comptroller after receiving and considering the recommendations of the Advisory Board for the purposes enumerated in subsection B.

B. Moneys from the Fund shall be expended, according to the allocation formula established in subsection C, for the following purposes:

1. Local litter prevention and recycling grants to localities that meet the criteria established in § 10.1-1422.04;

2. Payment to (i) the Department to process the grants authorized by this article and (ii) the actual administrative costs of the Advisory Board. The Director shall assign one person in the Department to serve as a contact for persons interested in the Fund; and

3. The operation of public information campaigns to discourage the sale and use of expanded polystyrene products and to promote alternatives to expanded polystyrene.

C. All moneys deposited into the Fund shall be expended pursuant to the following allocation formula:

1. Ninety percent for grants made to localities pursuant to subdivision B 1;

2. Up to a maximum of five percent for the actual administrative expenditures authorized pursuant to subdivision B 2; and

3. Up to a maximum of five percent for the operation of public information campaigns pursuant to subdivision B 3.

1995, c. 417; 2006, c. 6; 2009, c. 409; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 262.

§ 10.1-1422.02. Litter Control and Recycling Fund Advisory Board established; duties and responsibilities.

There is hereby created the Litter Control and Recycling Fund Advisory Board. The Advisory Board shall:

1. Review applications received by the Department for grants from the Fund and make recommendations to the Director for the award of all grants authorized pursuant to § 10.1-1422.01;

2. Promote the control, prevention and elimination of litter from the Commonwealth and encourage the recycling of discarded materials to the maximum practical extent; and

3. Advise the Director on such other litter control and recycling matters as may be requested by the Director or any other state agency.

1995, c. 417.

§ 10.1-1422.03. Membership, meetings, and staffing.

A. The Advisory Board shall consist of five persons appointed by the Governor. Three members shall represent persons paying the taxes which are deposited into the Fund and shall include one member appointed from nominations submitted by recognized industry associations representing retailers; one member appointed from nominations submitted by recognized industry associations representing soft drink distributors; and one member appointed from nominations submitted by recognized industry associations representing beer distributors. One member shall be a local litter or recycling coordinator. One member shall be from the general public.

B. The initial terms of the members of the Advisory Board shall expire July 1, 1999, and five members shall be appointed or reappointed effective July 1, 1999, for terms as follows: one member shall be appointed for a term of one year; one member shall be appointed for a term of two years; one member shall be appointed for a term of three years; and two members shall be appointed for terms of four years unless found to violate subsection E of this section. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for terms of four years except for appointments to fill vacancies, which shall be for the unexpired term. They shall not receive a per diem, compensation for their service, or travel expenses.

C. The Advisory Board shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman annually from among its members. The Advisory Board shall meet at least twice annually on such dates and at such times as they determine. Three members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum.

D. Staff support and actual associated administrative expenses of the Advisory Board shall be provided by the Department from funds allocated from the Fund.

E. Any member who is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Advisory Board, as certified by the Chairman of the Advisory Board to the Secretary of the Commonwealth, shall be dismissed as a member of the Advisory Board. The replacement of any dismissed member shall be appointed pursuant to subsection A of this section and meet the same membership criteria as the member who has been dismissed. Vacancies occurring other than by expiration of term shall be filled for the unexpired term. No person shall be eligible to serve on the Advisory Board for more than two terms.

1995, c. 417; 1998, c. 86; 2006, c. 6; 2014, c. 283.

§ 10.1-1422.04. Local litter prevention and recycling grants; eligibility and funding process.

The Director shall award local litter prevention and recycling grants to localities that apply for such grants and meet the eligibility requirements established in the Department's Guidelines for Litter Prevention and Recycling Grants (DEQ-LPR-2) which were in effect on January 1, 1995, and as may be amended by the Advisory Board after notice and opportunity to be heard by persons interested in grants awarded pursuant to this section. Grants awarded by the Director shall total the amount of Litter Control and Recycling Funds available annually as provided in subdivision B 1 of § 10.1-1422.01.

1995, c. 417.

§ 10.1-1422.05. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2009, c. 409, cl. 2.

§ 10.1-1422.06. Beneficiation facility as manufacturer for grant purposes.

For the purpose of any state or local economic development incentive grant, including a grant awarded pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 51 (§ 2.2-5100 et seq.) of Title 2.2, a beneficiation facility or recycling center as defined in § 10.1-1414 shall be considered a manufacturer.

2018, c. 615.

§ 10.1-1422.1. Disposal of waste tires.

The Department shall develop and implement a plan for the management and transportation of all waste tires in the Commonwealth.

1989, c. 630; 1993, c. 211.

§ 10.1-1422.2. Recycling residues; testing.

The Department shall develop and implement a plan for the testing of recycling residues generated in the Commonwealth to determine whether they are nonhazardous. The costs of conducting such tests shall be borne by the person wishing to dispose of such residues.

1990, c. 781.

§ 10.1-1422.3. Waste Tire Trust Fund established; use of moneys; purpose of Fund.

A. All moneys collected pursuant to § 58.1-642, minus the necessary expenses of the Department of Taxation for the administration of this tire recycling fee as certified by the Tax Commissioner, shall be paid into the treasury and credited to a special nonreverting fund known as the Waste Tire Trust Fund, which is hereby established. Any moneys remaining in the Fund shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on such moneys shall remain in the Fund and be credited to it. The Department of Waste Management is authorized and empowered to release moneys from the Fund, on warrants issued by the State Comptroller, for the purposes enumerated in this section, or any regulations adopted thereunder.

B. Moneys from the Fund shall be expended to:

1. Pay the costs of implementing the waste tire plan authorized by § 10.1-1422.1, as well as the costs of any programs created by the Department pursuant to such a plan;

2. Provide partial reimbursement to persons for the costs of using waste tires or chips or similar materials; and

3. Pay the costs to remove waste tire piles from property pursuant to § 10.1-1418.4, to the extent funds are available from the increased revenues generated by the increased tire recycling fee collected beginning July 1, 2003, and ending July 1, 2006, in accordance with § 58.1-641.

C. Reimbursements under § 10.1-1422.4 shall not be made until regulations establishing reimbursement procedures have become effective.

1993, c. 211; 2003, c. 101.

§ 10.1-1422.4. Partial reimbursement for waste tires; eligibility; promulgation of regulations.

A. The intent of the partial reimbursement of costs under this section is to promote the use of waste tires by enhancing markets for waste tires or chips or similar materials.

B. Any person who (i) purchases waste tires generated in Virginia and who uses the tires or chips or similar materials for resource recovery or other appropriate uses as established by regulation may apply for partial reimbursement of the cost of purchasing the tires or chips or similar materials or (ii) uses but does not purchase waste tires or chips or similar materials for resource recovery or other appropriate uses as established by regulation may apply for a reimbursement of part of the cost of such use.

C. To be eligible for the reimbursement (i) the waste tires or chips or similar materials shall be generated in Virginia, and (ii) the user of the waste tires shall be the end user of the waste tires or chips or similar materials. The end user does not have to be located in Virginia.

D. Reimbursements from the Waste Tire Trust Fund shall be made at least quarterly.

E. The Board shall promulgate regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this section. The regulations shall include, but not be limited to:

1. Defining the types of uses eligible for partial reimbursement;

2. Establishing procedures for applying for and processing of reimbursements; and

3. Establishing the amount of reimbursement.

F. For the purposes of this section "end user" means (i) for resource recovery, the person who utilizes the heat content or other forms of energy from the incineration or pyrolysis of waste tires, chips or similar materials and (ii) for other eligible uses of waste tires, the last person who uses the tires, chips, or similar materials to make a product with economic value. If the waste tire is processed by more than one person in becoming a product, the end user is the last person to use the tire as a tire, as tire chips, or as similar material. A person who produces tire chips or similar materials and gives or sells them to another person to use is not an end user.

1993, c. 211; 1997, c. 627.

§ 10.1-1422.5. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 569.

§ 10.1-1422.6. Used motor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters; signs; establishment of statewide program.

A. The Department shall establish a statewide management program for used motor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters. The program shall encourage the environmentally sound management of motor oil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters by (i) educating consumers on the environmental benefits of proper management, (ii) publicizing options for proper disposal, and (iii) promoting a management infrastructure that allows for the convenient recycling of these materials by the public. The Department may contract with a qualified public or private entity to implement this program.

B. The Department shall maintain a statewide list of sites that accept used (i) motor oil, (ii) other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, and (iii) oil filters from the public. The list shall be updated at least annually. The Department shall create, maintain, and promote a toll-free hotline number and a website where consumers may receive information describing the location of collection sites in their locality to properly dispose of used motor oil, other fluids for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters.

C. The Department shall establish an ongoing outreach program to existing and potential collection sites that provides a point of contact for questions and disseminates information on (i) the way to establish a collection site, (ii) technical issues associated with being a collection site, and (iii) the benefits of continued participation in the program.

D. Any person who sells motor oil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, or oil filters at the retail level and who does not accept the return of used motor oil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, or oil filters shall post a sign that encourages the environmentally sound management of these products and provides a website address and toll-free hotline number where additional information on the locations of used motor oil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, and oil filters collection sites are available. This sign shall be provided by the Department or its designee to all establishments selling motor oil, other fluids used for automotive engine maintenance, or oil filters. In determining the size and manner in which such signs may be affixed or displayed at the retail establishment, the Department shall give consideration to the space available in such retail establishments.

E. Any person who violates any provision of subsection D shall be subject to a fine of $25.

2001, c. 569; 2008, c. 646.

§ 10.1-1423. Notice to public required.

Pertinent portions of this article shall be posted along the public highways of the Commonwealth, at public highway entrances to the Commonwealth, in all campgrounds and trailer parks, at all entrances to state parks, forest lands and recreational areas, at all public beaches, and at other public places in the Commonwealth where persons are likely to be informed of the existence and content of this article and the penalties for violating its provisions.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.11; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-1424. Allowing escape of load material; penalty.

No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless the vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom. However, sand or any substance for increasing traction during times of snow and ice may be dropped for the purpose of securing traction, or water or other substances may be sprinkled on a roadway in cleaning or maintaining the roadway by the Commonwealth or local government agency having that responsibility. Any person operating a vehicle from which any glass or objects have fallen or escaped which could constitute an obstruction or damage a vehicle or otherwise endanger travel upon a public highway shall immediately cause the highway to be cleaned of all glass or objects and shall pay any costs therefor. Violation of this section shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.

1986, c. 757, § 10-211; 1987, c. 234, § 10-277.12; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-1424.1. Material containing fully halogenated chloro-fluorocarbons prohibited; penalty.

A. On and after January 1, 1992, it shall be unlawful for any distributor or manufacturer knowingly to sell or offer for sale, for purposes of resale, any packaging materials that contain fully halogenated chloro-fluorocarbons as a blowing or expansion agent.

B. Any person convicted of a violation of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

1991, c. 101.

§ 10.1-1424.2. Products containing trichloroethylene prohibited; penalty.

As of January 1, 2004, it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly sell or distribute for retail sale in the Commonwealth any product containing trichloroethylene if such product is manufactured for or commonly used as an adhesive for residential hardwood floor installation.

As of January 1, 2006, it shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly sell or distribute for retail sale in the Commonwealth any product manufactured on or after January 1, 2004, for any household or residential purpose if such product contains trichloroethylene. Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

2003, c. 620.

§ 10.1-1424.3. Expanded polystyrene food service containers prohibited; civil penalty.

A. Beginning July 1, 2023, no food vendor that is a restaurant or similar retail food establishment and is part of a chain with 20 or more locations offering for sale substantially the same menu items and doing business under the same name, regardless of the form of ownership of such locations, shall dispense prepared food to a customer in an expanded polystyrene food service container.

Beginning July 1, 2025, no food vendor of any type shall dispense prepared food to a customer in an expanded polystyrene food service container.

B. Any food vendor may request from the locality in which it is located an exemption from the provisions of subsection A. The locality may grant the exemption if the food vendor demonstrates to the satisfaction of the locality that compliance with subsection A would impose an undue economic hardship on the food vendor. For the purposes of this subsection, "undue economic hardship" means a situation in which (i) a food vendor has no reasonable alternative to the expanded polystyrene food service containers in use by that food vendor and (ii) compliance with subsection A would cause significant economic hardship to that food vendor. A locality may so exempt a food vendor for a period of not more than one year from the date of the exemption. A food vendor granted such an exemption may reapply to the locality before the expiration of the exemption, and the locality may grant an additional exemption from the provisions of subsection A not to exceed one year for each such reapplication if the food vendor demonstrates a continuing undue economic hardship at the time of reapplication to the satisfaction of the locality.

C. Any person who violates any provision of this section, upon such finding by an appropriate circuit court, shall be assessed a civil penalty of not more than $50 for each day of such violation. Any civil penalties assessed pursuant to this section in a civil action brought by the Attorney General in the name of the Commonwealth shall be paid into the state treasury and deposited by the State Treasurer into the Litter Control and Recycling Fund. Any civil penalty assessed pursuant to this section in a civil action brought by a locality shall be paid into the treasury of the locality, except where the violator of this section is the locality or its agent, in which case the civil penalty shall be paid into the state treasury and deposited by the State Treasurer into the Fund.

D. The Department shall post to its website information on how to comply with this section and how to file a complaint for a violation of this section.

2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 262.

§ 10.1-1425. Preemption of certain local ordinances.

The provisions of this article shall supersede and preempt any local ordinance which attempts to regulate the size or type of any container or package containing food or beverage or which requires a deposit on a disposable container or package.

1987, c. 234, § 10-277.14; 1988, c. 891.