Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 15.2. Counties, Cities and Towns
Chapter 51. Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act

Article 3. Functions of Authorities.

§ 15.2-5110. Amendment of articles of incorporation.

The articles of incorporation of any authority created under the provisions of this chapter may be amended with respect to the name or powers of such authority or in any other manner not inconsistent with this chapter by following the procedure prescribed by law for the creation of an authority.

Code 1950, § 15-764.12; 1950, p. 1318; 1954, c. 554; 1958, cc. 400, 402; 1960, c. 430; 1962, cc. 130, 623, § 15.1-1250; 1968, cc. 355, 556; 1970, cc. 444, 617; 1972, c. 161; 1979, c. 280; 1980, c. 159; 1981, c. 610; 1983, c. 422; 1984, c. 554; 1994, c. 477; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5111. Specification of projects.

If they have specified the initial purpose or purposes of the authority and insofar as practicable, any project or projects to be undertaken by the authority, the governing bodies of any of the localities organizing an authority may, at any time by ordinance or resolution, after a public hearing, and with or without a referendum, specify further projects to be undertaken by the authority. No other projects shall be undertaken by the authority than those so specified. If the governing bodies of the localities organizing the authority fail to specify any project or projects to be undertaken, then the authority shall be deemed to have all the powers granted by this chapter.

Code 1950, § 15-764.9; 1950, p. 1316; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1247; 1984, c. 239; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5112. Joinder of another locality or authority; withdrawal from authority.

A. Any locality may become a member of any existing authority, and any locality that is a member of an existing authority may withdraw therefrom upon unanimous consent of the remaining members of the authority in accordance with this section. However, no locality may withdraw from any authority that has outstanding bonds without the unanimous consent of all the holders of such bonds unless all such bonds have been paid or cashed or United States government obligations have been deposited for their payment.

B. The governing body of any locality wishing to withdraw from an existing authority shall signify its desire by resolution or ordinance.

C. The governing body of any locality wishing to become a member of an existing authority and the governing bodies of the political subdivisions then members of the authority shall by concurrent resolutions or ordinances or by agreement provide for the joinder of such locality. The resolutions, ordinances, or agreement creating the expanded authority shall specify the number and terms of office of members of the board of the expanded authority which are to be appointed by each of the participating political subdivisions, and the names, addresses, and terms of office of initial appointments to board membership. Upon the date of issuance of the certificate by the State Corporation Commission as provided in this section, the terms of office of the board members of the existing authority shall terminate and the appointments made in the resolutions, ordinances, or agreement creating the expanded authority shall become effective.

D. If the authority by resolution expresses its consent to withdrawal or joinder of a locality, the governing body of such locality and the governing bodies of the political subdivisions then members of the authority shall advertise the ordinance, resolution, or agreement and hold a public hearing in accordance with § 15.2-5104.

Upon adoption or approval of the ordinance, resolution, or agreement, the governing body seeking to withdraw or join the authority shall file either an application to withdraw from or an application to become a member of the authority, whichever applies, with the State Corporation Commission. A joinder application shall set forth all of the information required in the case of original incorporation and shall be accompanied by certified copies of the resolutions, ordinances, or agreement described in subsection C. Joinder and withdrawal applications shall be executed by the proper officers of the withdrawing or incoming locality under its official seal, and shall be joined in by the proper officers of the governing board of the authority, and in the case of a locality seeking to become a member of the authority also by the proper officers of each of the political subdivisions that are then members of the authority, pursuant to resolutions by the governing bodies of such political subdivisions.

E. If the State Corporation Commission finds that the application conforms to law, it shall approve the application. When all proper fees and charges have been paid, it shall file the approved application and issue to the applicant a certificate of withdrawal or a certificate of joinder, whichever applies, attached to a copy of the approved application. The withdrawal or joinder shall become effective upon the issuing of such certificate.

F. Any authority may join an existing authority if the joinder is approved by concurrent ordinances or resolutions of the localities which created the joining authority, notwithstanding any contrary provisions of § 15.2-5150. However, if the localities, at the time of the creation of an authority, state that the authority is created with the intention of joining an existing authority, such concurrent ordinances or resolutions shall not be necessary. The provisions of this section pertaining to a locality becoming a member or withdrawing from an authority shall also apply, mutatis mutandis, to an authority becoming a member or withdrawing.

Code 1950, § 15-764.10; 1950, p. 1316; 1960, c. 313; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1248; 1968, c. 355; 1973, c. 478; 1993, cc. 670, 690; 1995, cc. 414, 415, 634; 1997, c. 587; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 487.

§ 15.2-5113. Members of authority board; chief administrative or executive officer.

A. 1. The powers of each authority created by the governing body of a single locality shall be exercised by an authority board of five members, or at the option of the board of supervisors of a county, a number of board members equal to the number of members of the board of supervisors. The powers of each authority created by the governing bodies of two or more localities shall be exercised by the number of authority board members specified in its articles of incorporation, which shall be not less than one member from each participating locality and not less than a total of five members. The board members of an authority shall be selected in the manner and for the terms provided by the agreement or ordinance or resolution or concurrent ordinances or resolutions creating the authority. One or more members of the governing body or one or more directors of an industrial or economic development authority of a locality may be appointed board members of the authority, the provisions of any other law to the contrary notwithstanding. No board member shall be appointed for a term of more than four years. When one or more additional political subdivisions join an existing authority, each of such joining political subdivisions shall have at least one member on the board. Board members shall hold office until their successors have been appointed and may succeed themselves. The board members of the authority shall elect one of their number chairman, and shall elect a secretary and treasurer who need not be members. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision A 1, if the City of Virginia Beach forms a community development authority pursuant to the provisions of Article 6 (§ 15.2-5152 et seq.) for the purpose of developing the sports and entertainment district, as defined in § 15.2-5928, the board of such authority may consist of a number of members equal to the number of members of the governing body of the City of Virginia Beach.

B. A majority of board members shall constitute a quorum and the vote of a majority of board members shall be necessary for any action taken by the authority. An authority may, by bylaw, provide a method to resolve tie votes or deadlocked issues.

C. No vacancy in the board membership of the authority shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the authority. If a vacancy occurs by reason of the death, disqualification or resignation of a board member, the governing body of the political subdivision which appointed the authority board member shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term. Whenever a political subdivision withdraws its membership from an authority, the term of any board member appointed to the board of the authority from such political subdivision shall immediately terminate. Board members shall receive such compensation as fixed by resolution of the governing body or bodies which are members of the authority, and shall be reimbursed for any actual expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties.

D. Alternate board members may also be selected. Such alternates shall be selected in the same manner and shall have the same qualifications as the board members except that an alternate for an elected board member need not be an elected official. The term of each alternate shall be the same as the term of the board member for whom each serves as an alternate; however, the alternate's term shall not expire because of the board member's death, disqualification, resignation, or termination of employment with the member's political subdivision. If a board member is not present at a meeting of the authority, the alternate for that board member shall have all the voting and other rights of a board member and shall be counted for purposes of determining a quorum.

E. The board members may appoint a chief administrative or executive officer who shall serve at the pleasure of the board members. He shall execute and enforce the orders and resolutions adopted by the board members and perform such duties as may be delegated to him by the board members.

Code 1950, § 15-764.11; 1950, p. 1317; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-1249; 1968, c. 355; 1972, c. 544; 1973, cc. 135, 521; 1974, c. 276; 1979, cc. 273, 280; 1980, c. 67; 1995, c. 285; 1997, c. 587; 2009, c. 655; 2020, c. 467.

§ 15.2-5114. Powers of authority.

Each authority is an instrumentality exercising public and essential governmental functions to provide for the public health and welfare, and each authority may:

1. Exist for a term of 50 years as a corporation, and for such further period or periods as may from time to time be provided by appropriate resolutions of the political subdivisions which are members of the authority; however, the term of an authority shall not be extended beyond a date 50 years from the date of the adoption of such resolutions;

2. Adopt, amend or repeal bylaws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this chapter or the general laws of the Commonwealth, for the regulation of its affairs and the conduct of its business and to carry into effect its powers and purposes;

3. Adopt an official seal and alter the same at pleasure;

4. Maintain an office at such place or places as it may designate;

5. Sue and be sued;

6. Acquire, purchase, lease as lessee, construct, reconstruct, improve, extend, operate and maintain any system or any combination of systems within, outside, or partly within and partly outside one or more of the localities which created the authority, or which after February 27, 1962, joined such authority; acquire by gift, purchase or the exercise of the right of eminent domain lands or rights in land or water rights in connection therewith, within, outside, or partly within and partly outside one or more of the localities which created the authority, or which after February 27, 1962, joined such authority; and sell, lease as lessor, transfer or dispose of all or any part of any property, real, personal or mixed, or interest therein, acquired by it; however, in the exercise of the right of eminent domain the provisions of § 25.1-102 shall apply. In addition, the authority in any county or city to which §§ 15.2-1906 and 15.2-2146 are applicable shall have the same power of eminent domain and shall follow the same procedure provided in §§ 15.2-1906 and 15.2-2146. No property or any interest or estate owned by any political subdivision shall be acquired by an authority by the exercise of the power of eminent domain without the consent of the governing body of such political subdivision. Except as otherwise provided in this section, each authority is hereby vested with the same authority to exercise the power of eminent domain as is set out in Chapter 2 (§ 25.1-200 et seq.) or Chapter 3 (§ 25.1-300 et seq.) of Title 25.1. In acquiring personal property or any interest, right, or estate therein by purchase, lease as lessee, or installment purchase contract, an authority may grant security interests in such personal property or any interest, right, or estate therein;

7. Issue revenue bonds of the authority, such bonds to be payable solely from revenues to pay all or a part of the cost of a system;

8. Combine any systems as a single system for the purpose of operation and financing;

9. Borrow at such rates of interest as authorized by the general law for authorities and as the authority may determine and issue its notes, bonds or other obligations therefor. Any political subdivision that is a member of an authority may lend, advance or give money to such authority;

10. Fix, charge and collect rates, fees and charges for the use of, or for the services furnished by, or for the benefit derived from, any facilities or systems owned, operated or financed by the authority. Such rates, fees, rents and charges shall be charged to and collected by such persons and in such manner as the authority may determine from (i) any person contracting for any such services and/or (ii) the owners or tenants who own, use or occupy any real estate or improvements that are served by, or benefit from, any such facilities or systems, and, if authorized by the authority, customers of facilities within a community development authority district. Water and sewer connection fees established by any authority shall be fair and reasonable, and each authority may establish and offer rate incentives designed to encourage the use of green roofs. If established, the incentives shall be based on the percentage of stormwater runoff reduction the green roof provides. Such fees and incentives shall be reviewed by the authority periodically and shall be adjusted, if necessary, to assure that they continue to be fair and reasonable. Nothing herein shall affect existing contracts with bondholders that are in conflict with any of the foregoing provisions;

11. Enter into contracts with the federal government, the Commonwealth, the District of Columbia or any adjoining state or any agency or instrumentality thereof, any unit or any person. Such contracts may provide for or relate to the furnishing of services and facilities of any system of the authority or in connection with the services and facilities rendered by any like system owned or controlled by the federal government, the Commonwealth, the District of Columbia or any adjoining state or any agency or instrumentality thereof, any unit or any person, and may include contracts providing for or relating to the right of an authority, created for such purpose, to receive and use and dispose of all or any portion of the refuse generated or collected by or within the jurisdiction or under the control of any one or more of them. In the implementation of any such contract, an authority may exercise the powers set forth in §§ 15.2-927 and 15.2-928. The power granted authorities under this chapter to enter into contracts with private entities includes the authority to enter into public-private partnerships for the establishment and operation of systems, including the authority to contract for, and contract to provide, meter reading, billing and collections, leak detection, meter replacement and any related customer service functions;

12. Contract with the federal government, the Commonwealth, the District of Columbia, any adjoining state, any person, any locality or any public authority or unit thereof, on such terms as the authority deems proper, for the construction, operation or use of any project which is located partly or wholly outside the Commonwealth;

13. Enter upon, use, occupy, and dig up any street, road, highway or private or public lands in connection with the acquisition, construction or improvement, maintenance or operation of a system, or streetlight system in King George County, subject, however, to such reasonable local police regulation as may be established by the governing body of any unit having jurisdiction;

14. Contract with any person, political subdivision, federal agency, or any public authority or unit, on such terms as the authority deems proper, for the purpose of acting as a billing and collecting agent for rates, fees, rents or charges imposed by any such authority;

15. Install, own and lease pipe or conduit for the purpose of carrying fiber optic cable, provided that such pipe or conduit and the rights-of-way in which they are contained are made available on a nondiscriminatory, first-come, first-served basis to retail providers of broadband and other telecommunications services unless the facilities have insufficient capacity for such access and additional capacity cannot reasonably be added to the facilities; and

16. Create, acquire, purchase, own, maintain, use, license, and sell intellectual property rights, including any patent, trademark, or copyright, relating to the business of the authority.

Code 1950, § 15-764.12; 1950, p. 1318; 1954, c. 554; 1958, cc. 400, 402; 1960, c. 430; 1962, cc. 130, 623, § 15.1-1250; 1968, cc. 355, 556; 1970, cc. 444, 617; 1972, c. 161; 1979, c. 280; 1980, c. 159; 1981, c. 610; 1983, c. 422; 1984, c. 554; 1994, c. 477; 1997, cc. 12, 527, 573, 587; 2001, c. 120; 2002, c. 446; 2003, c. 940; 2004, c. 545; 2005, c. 666; 2007, c. 813; 2008, c. 542; 2009, cc. 402, 473; 2011, c. 653.

§ 15.2-5115. Same; contracts relating to use of systems.

An authority may make and enter into all contracts or agreements, as the authority may determine, which are necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and to the execution of the powers granted by this chapter, including contracts with any federal agency, the Commonwealth, the District of Columbia or any adjoining state or any unit thereof, on such terms and conditions as the authority may approve, relating to (i) the use of any system, or streetlight system in King George County acquired or constructed by the authority under this chapter, or the services therefrom or the facilities thereof, or (ii) the use by the authority of the services or facilities of any system, or streetlight system in King George County owned or operated by an owner other than the authority.

The contract shall be subject to such provisions, limitations or conditions as may be contained in the resolution of the authority authorizing revenue bonds of the authority or the provisions of any trust agreement securing such bonds. Such contract may provide for the collecting of fees, rates or charges for the services and facilities rendered to a unit or to the inhabitants thereof, by such unit or by its agents or by the agents of the authority, and for the enforcement of delinquent charges for such services and facilities. The provisions of the contract and of any ordinance or resolution of the governing body of a unit enacted pursuant thereto shall not be repealed so long as any of the revenue bonds issued under the authority of this chapter are outstanding and unpaid. The provisions of the contract, and of any ordinance or resolution enacted pursuant thereto, shall be for the benefit of the bondholders. The aggregate of any fees, rates or charges which are required to be collected pursuant to any such contract, ordinance or resolution shall be sufficient to pay all obligations which may be assumed by the other contracting party.

Code 1950, § 15-764.12; 1950, p. 1318; 1954, c. 554; 1958, cc. 400, 402; 1960, c. 430; 1962, cc. 130, 623, § 15.1-1250; 1968, cc. 355, 556; 1970, cc. 444, 617; 1972, c. 161; 1979, c. 280; 1980, c. 159; 1981, c. 610; 1983, c. 422; 1984, c. 554; 1994, c. 477; 1997, cc. 527, 573, 587; 2007, c. 813; 2009, c. 473.

§ 15.2-5116. Same; effect of annexation.

In the event of any annexation by a municipality not a member of the authority of lands, areas, or territory served by the authority, an authority may continue to do business and exercise its jurisdiction over its properties and facilities in and upon or over such lands, areas or territory as long as any bonds or indebtedness remain outstanding or unpaid, or any contracts or other obligations remain in force.

Code 1950, § 15-764.12; 1950, p. 1318; 1954, c. 554; 1958, cc. 400, 402; 1960, c. 430; 1962, cc. 130, 623, § 15.1-1250; 1968, cc. 355, 556; 1970, cc. 444, 617; 1972, c. 161; 1979, c. 280; 1980, c. 159; 1981, c. 610; 1983, c. 422; 1984, c. 554; 1994, c. 477; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5117. Same; insurance for employees.

An authority may establish retirement, group life insurance, and group accident and sickness insurance plans or systems for its employees in the same manner as localities are permitted under §§ 51.1-801 and 51.1-802.

Code 1950, § 15-764.12; 1950, p. 1318; 1954, c. 554; 1958, cc. 400, 402; 1960, c. 430; 1962, cc. 130, 623, § 15.1-1250; 1968, cc. 355, 556; 1970, cc. 444, 617; 1972, c. 161; 1979, c. 280; 1980, c. 159; 1981, c. 610; 1983, c. 422; 1984, c. 554; 1994, c. 477; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5118. Powers of Authority; streetlights in King George County.

Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law in this chapter, an authority may lease as lessee or otherwise contract for the provision of, operate, and maintain streetlights in King George County. The lessor or other contractual provider of such streetlights shall be a public service corporation that holds a certificate of public convenience and necessity to provide retail electric service in the territory in which such streetlights are located. King George County may contribute funds to the authority by act of its governing body for use by the authority in carrying out the authority's powers listed in this section. In addition, the authority may fix, charge, and collect fees, rates, and charges for the use of the service described in this section or for such service furnished by the authority. Such fees, rates, and charges shall be charged to and collected from any person contracting for the service, or lessee, or tenant, or any other person who uses or occupies any real estate served by or benefiting from the service.

1997, c. 587; 2019, c. 632.

§ 15.2-5119. Power to provide and operate electric energy systems.

Notwithstanding any contrary provision of law in this chapter, an authority operating a water supply impoundment facility may, in connection with such facility, generate, produce, transmit, deliver, exchange, purchase or sell electric power and energy at wholesale and enter into contracts for such purposes.

1982, c. 469, § 15.1-1250.2; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5120. Powers of authority in certain counties and cities.

An authority or authorities created pursuant to the provisions of this chapter by Arlington County and the City of Alexandria, singularly or jointly, may enter into contracts relating to the furnishing of services and facilities for refuse collection and disposal and conversion of same to energy (system) with any person or partnership or corporation (entity). The contract shall not have a term in excess of 30 years from the date on which service is first provided. It may make provisions for:

1. The use by the authority of all or a portion of the disposal capacity of such system for the authority's present or future requirements;

2. The delivery by or for the account of the authority of specified quantities of refuse, whether or not the authority collects such refuse;

3. The making of payments in respect of such quantities of refuse, whether or not the refuse is delivered, including payments in respect of revenues lost if such refuse is not delivered;

4. Adjustments to payments to be made by the authority because of inflation, changes in energy prices or residue disposal costs, taxes imposed upon the system, or other events beyond the control of the entity or in respect of the actual costs of maintaining, repairing, or operating the system, including debt service or capital lease payments, capital costs, or other financing charges relating to the system; and

5. The collection by the entity of fees, rates, or charges from persons using disposal capacity for which the authority has contracted.

The authority may fix, charge, and collect fees, rates, and charges for services furnished or made available by the entity operating the system to provide sufficient funds at all times during the term of the contract, together with other funds available to the authority for such purposes, to pay all amounts due from time to time under such contract and to provide a margin of safety for such payment. The authority may covenant with the entity to establish and maintain fees, rates, and charges at such levels during the term of the contract for such purposes.

Such fees, rates, and charges shall not apply to refuse generated, purchased, or utilized by any enterprise located in the service area and engaged in the business of manufacturing, mining, processing, refining, or conversion that is not disposed at or through such system.

The fees, rates, and charges may be imposed upon the owners, tenants, or occupants of each occupied lot or parcel of land that the authority determines (with the concurrence at the time of such determination of the local government in which such parcel is located) is in the service area, or portion thereof, of the system for which the authority has contracted, whether or not refuse generated from such parcel is actually delivered to such system.

The fees, rates, and charges shall be fixed in accordance with the procedures set forth in subsection D of § 15.2-5136. Such fees, rates, and charges may be allocated among the owners, tenants, or occupants of each lot or parcel of land that the authority determines is in the service area, or portion thereof, of the system for which the authority has contracted. Such allocation may be based upon:

1. Waste generation estimates, the average number of persons residing, working in, or otherwise connected with such premises, the type and character of such premises, or upon any combination of the foregoing factors;

2. The amount of refuse delivered to such system;

3. The assessed value of such parcels; or

4. A combination of the foregoing.

There shall be a lien on real estate for the amount of such fees, rates, and charges as provided in § 15.2-5139. The authority is empowered by resolution or other lawful action to enforce the payment of the lien by means of the actions described in § 15.2-5138.

The power to establish such fees, rates, and charges shall be in addition to any other powers granted hereunder, and such fees, rates, and charges shall not be subject to the jurisdiction of any commission, authority, or other unit of government. The entity contracting with the authority, except to the extent that rights herein given may be restricted by the contract, either at law or in equity, by suit, mandamus, or other proceedings, may protect and enforce any and all rights granted under such contract and may force and compel the performance of all duties required by this chapter or by such contract to be performed by the authority or by any officer thereof, including without limitation the fixing, charging, and collecting of fees, rates, and charges in accordance with this chapter and such contract.

Such contract, with the irrevocable consent of the entity, may be made directly with the trustee for indebtedness issued to finance such system and provide for payment directly to such trustee. The authority may pledge fees, rates, and charges made in respect of the contract with the entity, and such pledge shall be valid and binding from the time it is made. Fees, rates, and charges so pledged and thereafter received by the authority shall immediately be subject to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery or further act, and the lien of such pledge shall be valid and binding against all parties having claims of any kind, in tort, contract, or otherwise, irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof. Neither the contract nor any assignment thereof need be filed or recorded except in the records of the authority.

The requirements and restrictions of § 15.2-5121 shall not apply to any contract of the authority with respect to the system if the entity for such system will not collect refuse from the generators of the same and there are no such facilities located in the area served by the authority.

1997, c. 587; 2019, c. 632.

§ 15.2-5121. Operation of refuse collection systems; displacement of private companies.

A. No authority shall operate or contract for the operation of a refuse collection and disposal system for any political subdivision, or collect service charges therefor, unless the authority, and subsequently the locality's governing body find: (i) that privately owned and operated refuse collection and disposal services are not available on a voluntary basis by contract or otherwise, (ii) that the use of such privately owned services has substantially endangered the public health or has resulted in substantial public nuisance, (iii) that the privately owned refuse collection and disposal service is not able to perform the service in a reasonable and cost-efficient manner, or (iv) that operation by such authority or the contract for such operation, in spite of any potential anti-competitive effect, is important in order to provide for the development and/or operation of a regional system of refuse collection and disposal for two or more units.

B. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, an authority formed under this chapter shall not operate or contract for the operation of a refuse collection and disposal system which displaces a private company engaged in the provision of refuse collection and disposal unless it provides the company with five years' notice of its decision to operate such a system. As an alternative to delaying displacement five years, the governing body or authority may pay a displaced company an amount equal to the company's preceding twelve months' gross receipts for the displaced service in the displacement area. Such five-year period shall lapse as to any private company being displaced when such company ceases to provide service within the displacement area.

C. For purposes of this section, "displace" or "displacement" means an authority's provision of a system which prohibits a private company from providing the same service and which it is providing at the time the decision that will result in the displacement is made. Displace or displacement does not mean: (i) competition between the public sector and private companies for individual contracts; (ii) situations in which an authority, at the end of a contract with a private company, does not renew the contract and either awards the contract to another private company or, following a competitive process conducted in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act, decides for any reason to provide such service itself; (iii) situations in which action is taken against a private company because the company has acted in a manner threatening to the public health and safety or resulting in a substantial public nuisance; (iv) situations in which action is taken against a private company because the company has materially breached its contract with the political subdivision; (v) entering into a contract with a private company to provide refuse collection and disposal so long as such contract is not entered into pursuant to an ordinance which displaces or authorizes the displacement of another private company providing refuse collection and disposal; or (vi) situations in which a private company refuses to continue operations under the terms and conditions of its existing agreement during the five-year notice period.

D. An authority shall not make the findings required by subsection A or proceed to seek to operate a refuse collection and disposal system for any political subdivision that would displace a private company pursuant to subsection B until it has provided (i) public notice; (ii) a public hearing; and (iii) no less than forty-five days prior to the public hearing, written notice mailed first class to all private companies providing a refuse collection and disposal system in the political subdivision that can be identified through the political subdivision's records.

E. The requirements and restrictions of this section shall not apply in any political subdivision wherein refuse collection and disposal services are being operated or contracted for by any sanitary district located therein, as of July 1, 1983.

F. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, a political subdivision need not comply with the requirements of this section if:

1. The authority proposes to contract with the private sector for services or systems involving discarded or waste materials removed from the nonhazardous solid waste stream for recycling; or

2. The authority proposes to contract with the private sector for services or systems involving collection and disposal of nonhazardous solid waste and (i) the collected waste will be disposed of in a state-permitted waste management facility; (ii) the authority has a contract for services which shall be paid for through a supporting financial agreement approved by the participating locality's governing body; and (iii) such action will not displace a private company engaged in refuse collection and disposal. For purposes of this section, "recycling" means the process of separating a particular nonhazardous waste material from the waste stream and processing it so that it may be used again as a new material.

1983, c. 155, § 15.1-1250.01; 1992, c. 247; 1993, c. 497; 1994, c. 190; 1995, c. 660; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5122. Approval for certain water supply impoundment facilities.

No locality or authority shall construct, provide or operate outside its boundaries any water supply impoundment system without first obtaining the consent of the governing body of the locality in which such system is to be located; however, no consent shall be required for the operation of any such water supply impoundment system in existence on July 1, 1976, or in the process of construction or for which the site has been purchased or for the orderly expansion of such water supply system.

In any case in which the approval by such governing body is withheld, the party seeking such approval may petition for the convening of a special court, pursuant to §§ 15.2-2135 through 15.2-2141.

1975, c. 573, § 15.1-1250.1; 1976, c. 69; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5123. Sewage treatment plants to include certain capability.

Whenever an authority is constructing a new sewage treatment plant, the facility shall be designed and constructed so that it has the capability to treat the sewage from all onsite sewage disposal systems which are not served by another approved disposal site located within the area of the locality or localities which created the authority to be served by such plant.

1986, c. 329, § 15.1-1239.1; 1997, c. 587.

§ 15.2-5124. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2015, cc. 263 and 284, cl. 1.