Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 2.2. Administration of Government
Chapter 2. Governor's Secretaries

Article 2. Secretary of Administration.

§ 2.2-203. Position established; agencies for which responsible.

The position of Secretary of Administration (the Secretary) is created. The Secretary shall be responsible to the Governor for the following agencies and boards: Department of Human Resource Management, Information Technology Advisory Council, Department of General Services, Compensation Board, Secretary of the Commonwealth, Virginia Information Technologies Agency, Virginia Geographic Information Network Advisory Board, and 9-1-1 Services Board. The Governor may, by executive order, assign any other state executive agency to the Secretary, or reassign any agency listed above to another Secretary.

1976, c. 743, §§ 2.1-51.25, 2.1-51.27; 1978, c. 84; 1980, c. 620; 1981, c. 315; 1984, cc. 720, 746; 1985, c. 447; 1988, cc. 424, 839; 1993, c. 542; 1994, cc. 4, 85; 1995, c. 837; 1997, c. 858; 1999, cc. 412, 421, 433; 2000, cc. 66, 657, 947, 1006; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 572; 2003, cc. 197, 657, 670, 884; 2006, c. 150; 2008, cc. 387, 689; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2020, c. 738.

§ 2.2-203.1. Secretary to establish telecommuting policy; duties.

A. The Secretary shall establish a comprehensive statewide telecommuting and alternative work schedule policy under which eligible employees of state agencies, as determined by state agencies, may telecommute or participate in alternative work schedules, and the Secretary shall periodically update such policy as necessary.

B. The telecommuting and alternative work schedule policy described in subsection A shall include, but not be limited to, model guidelines, rules and procedures for telecommuting and participation in alternative work schedules, and identification of the broad categories of positions determined to be ineligible to participate in telecommuting and the justification for such a determination. Such policy may also include an incentive program, to be established and administered by the Department of Human Resource Management, that may encourage state employees to telecommute or participate in alternative work schedules and that may encourage the state agencies' management personnel to promote telecommuting and alternative work schedules for eligible employees.

C. The Secretary shall have the following duties related to promoting the telecommuting and alternative work schedule:

1. Promote and encourage use of telework alternatives for public and private employees, including but not limited to appropriate policy and legislative initiatives. Upon request, the Secretary may advise and assist private-sector employers in the Commonwealth in planning, developing, and administering programs, projects, plans, policies, and other activities for telecommuting by private-sector employees and in developing incentives provided by the private sector to encourage private sector employers in the Commonwealth to utilize employee telecommuting.

2. Advise and assist state agencies and, upon request of the localities, advise and assist localities in planning, developing, and administering programs, projects, plans, policies, and other activities to promote telecommuting by employees of state agencies or localities.

3. Coordinate activities regarding telework with, and regularly report to, a panel consisting of the Secretaries of Commerce and Trade, Finance, and Transportation. The Secretary of Administration shall serve as chair of the panel. Additional members may be designated by the Governor. Staff support for the panel shall be provided by the offices of the Secretaries of Administration and Transportation, and the Governor shall designate additional agencies to provide staff support as necessary.

4. Report annually to the General Assembly on telework participation levels and trends of both private and public-sector employees in the Commonwealth.

2001, c. 405, § 2.1-51.31:1; 2004, cc. 701, 755; 2005, c. 421; 2009, c. 86; 2020, c. 738.

§ 2.2-203.2. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2009, c. 180, cl. 2.

§ 2.2-203.2:1. Secretary to report state job elimination due to privatization.

On or before November 30 of each year, the Secretary shall report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the number of state jobs eliminated in the immediately preceding fiscal year due to the privatization of commercial activities to a commercial source.

As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Commercial activities" means an activity performed by or for state government that is not an inherently governmental activity and that may feasibly be obtained from a commercial source at lower cost than the activity being performed by state employees.

"Commercial source" means any business or other concern that is eligible for a contract award in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.).

2005, c. 476; 2012, cc. 803, 835.

§ 2.2-203.2:2. Promotion of alternative dispute resolution procedures.

The Secretary may convene ad hoc working groups to promote alternative dispute resolution procedures.

2012, cc. 803, 835.

§ 2.2-203.2:3. Policy of the Commonwealth regarding the employment of individuals with disabilities; responsibilities of state agencies; report.

A. As used in this section, "state agency" means any agency, institution, board, bureau, commission, council, or instrumentality of state government in the executive branch.

B. It shall be the policy of the Commonwealth to promote and increase the employment of individuals with disabilities directly employed at all levels and occupations by state agencies, institutions, boards, and authorities of the Commonwealth. To assist in achieving this policy, it shall be the goal of the Commonwealth to increase by five percent the level of employment of individuals with disabilities by the state by fiscal year 2023. The Secretary shall coordinate and lead efforts to achieve the goals of the Commonwealth established by this section.

C. To further this goal, the Commonwealth shall:

1. Use available hiring authorities, consistent with statutes, regulations, and prior executive orders;

2. Increase efforts to accommodate individuals with disabilities within state government employment by increasing the retention and return to work of individuals with disabilities;

3. Expand existing efforts for the recruitment, accommodation, retention, and advancement of individuals with disabilities for positions available in state government;

4. Designate senior-level staff within each state agency to be responsible for increasing the employment of individuals with disabilities within the state agency; and

5. Require state agencies to prepare a plan to increase employment opportunities at the agencies for individuals with disabilities.

D. Each state agency shall submit a plan to increase employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities to the Secretary no later than December 31, 2017, and each July 1 thereafter. The Secretary shall (i) establish guidelines regarding the development and content of state agency plans and (ii) establish a reporting system for tracking and reporting the progress of state agencies toward meeting the employment goals of the Commonwealth established by this section.

E. All state agencies shall examine existing policies relating to the employment of individuals with disabilities, including a review of recruitment efforts, interviewing criteria, testing procedures, and resources to accommodate applicants and workers with disabilities.

F. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require (i) the creation of new positions or the changing of existing qualification standards for any position or (ii) any state employee or applicant for state employment to disclose his disability status involuntarily.

G. The Secretary, in collaboration with the Department of Human Resource Management, shall develop an annual report on the number of individuals with disabilities directly employed by the state agencies. The information shall be included in the annual demographic report of the Department of Human Resource Management.

H. The Secretary shall report on the progress of state agencies toward meeting the employment goals of the Commonwealth to the Governor and the Chairmen of the House Committee on Appropriations and the Senate Committee on Finance and Appropriations by September 1 of each year.

2017, cc. 358, 371; 2020, c. 50.

§ 2.2-203.2:4. Office of Data Governance and Analytics; Chief Data Officer; creation; report.

A. As used in this section, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Board" means the Executive Data Board.

"CDO" means the Chief Data Officer of the Commonwealth.

"Commonwealth Data Trust" means a secure, multi-stakeholder data exchange and analytics platform with common rules for data security, privacy, and confidentiality. The Commonwealth Data Trust shall include data from state, regional, and local governments, from public institutions of higher education, and from any other sources deemed necessary and appropriate.

"Council" means the Data Governance Council.

"Group" means the Data Stewards Group.

"Office" means the Office of Data Governance and Analytics.

"Open data" means data that is collected by an agency that is not prohibited from being made available to the public by applicable laws or regulations or other restrictions, requirements, or rights associated with such data.

B. There is created in the Office of the Secretary of Administration the Office of Data Governance and Analytics to foster and oversee the effective sharing of data among state, regional, and local public entities and public institutions of higher education, implement effective data governance strategies to maintain data integrity and security, and promote access to Commonwealth data. The purpose of the Office shall be to (i) improve compliance with the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act (§ 2.2-3800 et seq.); (ii) increase access to and sharing of Commonwealth data, including open data, between state, regional and local public entities and public institutions of higher education across all levels of government; (iii) Increase the use of data and data analytics to improve the efficiency and efficacy of government services and improve stakeholder outcomes; and (iv) establish the Commonwealth as a national leader in data-driven policy, evidence-based decision making, and outcome-based performance management.

C. The Office shall have the following powers and duties:

1. To support the collection, dissemination, analysis, and proper use of data by state agencies and public entities as defined in the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act (§ 2.2-3800 et seq.);

2. To facilitate and guide data-sharing efforts between state, regional, and local public entities and public institutions of higher education;

3. To develop innovative data analysis and intelligence methodologies and best practices to promote data-driven policy making, decision making, research, and analysis;

4. To manage and administer the Commonwealth Data Trust;

5. To assist the Chief Data Officer and the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth in the development of a comprehensive six-year Commonwealth strategic plan for information technology;

6. In cooperation with the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth, to provide technical assistance to state agencies, local governments, and regional entities to establish and promote data sharing and analytics projects including data storage, data security, privacy, compliance with federal law, the de-identification of data for research purposes, and the appropriate access to and presentation of open data and datasets to the public;

7. To develop measures and targets related to the performance of the Commonwealth's data governance, sharing, analytics, and intelligence program;

8. To undertake, identify, coordinate, and oversee studies linking government services to stakeholder outcomes;

9. To implement a website dedicated to (i) hosting open data from state, regional, and local public entities and public institutions of higher education and (ii) providing links to any other additional open data websites in the Commonwealth;

10. To provide staff and operational support to the Virginia Data Commission, Executive Data Board, Data Governance Council, and Data Stewards Group;

11. To apply for and accept grants from the United States government and agencies and instrumentalities thereof and any other source. To those ends, the Office shall have the power to comply with such conditions and execute such agreements as may be necessary or desirable;

12. To solicit, receive, and consider proposals for funding projects or initiatives from any state or federal agency, local or regional government, public institution of higher education, nonprofit organization, or private person or corporation;

13. To enter into public-private partnerships and agreements with public institutions of higher education in the Commonwealth to conduct data sharing and analytics projects;

14. To solicit and accept funds, goods, and in-kind services that are part of any accepted project proposal;

15. To establish ad hoc committees or project teams to investigate related technology or technical issues and provide results and recommendations for Office action;

16. To enter into reciprocal data-sharing agreements with state agencies for the purpose of sharing veteran-specific data in order to support data-informed outreach plans for veterans. Such agencies may include the Department of Veterans Services, Department of Corrections, Department of Social Services, Virginia Employment Commission, Department of Small Business and Supplier Diversity, Department of Taxation, and other relevant state agencies that have access to data regarding veterans residing in the Commonwealth; and

17. To establish such bureaus, sections, or units as the Office deems appropriate to carry out its goals and responsibilities.

D. There is created in the Office of the Secretary of Administration the position of Chief Data Officer of the Commonwealth to oversee the operation of the Office. The CDO shall exercise and perform the duties conferred or imposed upon him by law and perform such other duties as may be required by the Governor and the Secretary of Administration. The CDO shall not be considered the custodian of any public records in or derived from the Commonwealth Data Trust. The CDO shall:

1. Establish business rules, guidelines, and best practices for the use of data, including open data, in the Commonwealth. Such rules, guidelines, and best practices shall address, at a minimum, (i) the sharing of data between state, regional, and local public entities and public institutions of higher education, and, when appropriate, private entities; (ii) data storage; (iii) data security; (iv) privacy; (v) compliance with federal law; (vi) the de-identification of data for research purposes; and (vii) the appropriate access to and presentation of open data and datasets to the public;

2. Assist state, regional, and local public entities, public institutions of higher education, and employees thereof, with the application of the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act (§ 2.2-3800 et. seq.) and understanding the applicability of federal laws governing privacy and access to data to the data sharing practices of the Commonwealth;

3. Assist the Chief Information Officer of the Commonwealth with matters related to the creation, storage, and dissemination of data upon request;

4. Encourage and coordinate efforts of state, regional, and local public entities and public institutions of higher education to access and share data, including open data, across all levels of government in an effort to improve the efficiency and efficacy of services, improve outcomes, and promote data-driven policy making, decision making, research, and analysis;

5. Oversee the implementation of a website dedicated to (i) hosting open data from state, regional, and local public entities and public institutions of higher education and (ii) providing links to any other additional open data websites in the Commonwealth;

6. Enter into contracts for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this section;

7. Rent office space and procure equipment, goods, and services necessary to carry out the provisions of this section; and

8. Report on the activities of the Office, the Commonwealth Data Trust, and the Virginia Data Commission established pursuant to Article 13 (§ 2.2-2558 et seq.) of Chapter 25 annually by December 1 to the Governor and the General Assembly.

E. The Commonwealth Data Trust shall be governed by a multi-level governance structure as follows:

1. The Executive Data Board shall consist of the directors or chief executives, or their designees, of executive branch agencies engaged in data sharing and analytics projects with the Commonwealth Data Trust. The CDO shall chair the Board. Members of the Board shall (i) translate the Commonwealth's data-driven policy goals and objectives into performance targets at their respective agencies; (ii) allocate appropriate resources at their respective agencies to support data governance, sharing, and analytics initiatives; and (iii) provide any reports to the Office regarding their respective agencies' data analytics work and implementation of recommendations.

2. The Data Governance Council shall consist of employees of the agencies represented on the Board, selected by the Board members from their respective agencies. The CDO, or his designee, shall chair the Council. The Council shall (i) liaise between state agency operations and the CDO; (ii) advise the CDO on data technology, policy, and governance structure; (iii) administer data governance policies, standards, and best practices, as set by the Board; (iv) oversee data sharing and analytics projects; (v) review open data assets prior to publication; (vi) provide to the Board any reports on the Council's recommendations and work as required by the Board; (vii) develop necessary privacy and ethical standards and policies for Commonwealth Data Trust resources; (viii) monitor the sharing of Commonwealth Data Trust member-contributed data resources; (ix) review and approve new Commonwealth Data Trust-managed data resources; and (x) conduct any other business the CDO deems necessary for Commonwealth Data Trust governance.

3. The Data Stewards Group shall consist of employees from executive branch agencies with technical experience in data management or data analytics. Executive branch agencies shall be encouraged to designate at least one agency data steward to serve on the Group and may designate multiple data stewards as appropriate based upon organizational or data system responsibilities. The Group shall (i) provide the Board and Council with technical subject matter expertise in support of data policies, standards, and best practices; (ii) implement data sharing and analytics projects promoting data accessibility, sharing, and reuse, thereby reducing redundancy across the Commonwealth; (iii) coordinate and resolve technical stewardship issues for standardized data; (iv) ensure data quality processes and standards are implemented consistently by agencies in the Commonwealth; (v) provide communication and education to data users on the appropriate use, sharing, and protection of the Commonwealth's data assets; (vi) promote the collection and sharing of metadata by registering data assets in the Virginia Data Catalog; (vii) liaise with agency project managers and information technology investment staff to ensure adherence to Commonwealth data standards and data sharing requirements; and (viii) support informed, data-driven decision making through compliance with Commonwealth data policies, standards, and best practices.

F. In carrying out the provisions of this section, the Office shall coordinate and collaborate with, to the fullest extent authorized by federal law and notwithstanding any state law to the contrary, all agencies set forth in subsection A of § 2.2-212 and subsection A of § 2.2-221; any other state, regional, and local public bodies, including community services boards; local law-enforcement agencies; any health and human services-related entity of a political subdivision that receives state funds; public institutions of higher education; and, when appropriate, private entities.

G. The Office shall be considered an agent of any state agency in the executive branch of government that shares information or data with the office, and shall be an authorized recipient of information under any statutory or administrative law governing the information or data. Interagency data shared pursuant to this section shall not constitute a disclosure or release of information or data under any statutory or administrative law governing the information or data.

H. The Office shall be responsible for overseeing and supporting any workforce development data systems authorized under the Secretary of Labor to ensure the interoperability of the systems, to facilitate data sharing, to identify innovative technology solutions, and to support processes that create data-informed decisions.

2018, c. 679; 2023, cc. 46, 47; 2024, c. 292.

§ 2.2-203.2:5. Additional duties of the Secretary; technology programs.

Unless the Governor expressly reserves such power to himself, the Secretary may, with regard to strategy development, planning, and budgeting for technology programs in the Commonwealth:

1. Continuously monitor and analyze the technology investments and strategic initiatives of other states to ensure that the Commonwealth remains competitive.

2. Designate specific projects as enterprise information technology projects, prioritize the implementation of enterprise information technology projects, and establish enterprise oversight committees to provide ongoing oversight for enterprise information technology projects. At the discretion of the Governor, the Secretary shall designate a state agency or public institution of higher education as the business sponsor responsible for implementing an enterprise information technology project and shall define the responsibilities of lead agencies that implement enterprise information technology projects. For purposes of this subdivision, "enterprise" means an organization with common or unifying business interests. An enterprise may be defined at the Commonwealth level or Secretariat level for programs and project integration within the Commonwealth, Secretariats, or multiple agencies.

3. Establish Internal Agency Oversight Committees and Secretariat Oversight Committees as necessary and in accordance with § 2.2-2021.

4. Review and approve the Commonwealth strategic plan for information technology, as developed and recommended by the Chief Information Officer pursuant to subdivision A 3 of § 2.2-2007.1.

5. Communicate regularly with the Governor and other Secretaries regarding issues related to the provision of information technology services in the Commonwealth, statewide technology initiatives, and investments and other efforts needed to achieve the Commonwealth's information technology strategic goals.

2020, c. 738.