Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 27. Fire Protection
Subtitle .
Chapter 3. Local Fire Marshals

Chapter 3. Local Fire Marshals.

§ 27-30. Appointment of fire marshal.

An officer, who shall be called a "fire marshal," may be appointed for each county, city or town, by the governing body thereof, whenever, in the opinion of such body, the appointment shall be deemed expedient. The term "fire marshal" as used in this chapter may include the local fire official and local arson investigator when appointed pursuant to this section.

Code 1919, § 3137; 1970, c. 187; 1977, c. 334; 1984, c. 644.

§ 27-31. Investigation of fires and explosions.

Such fire marshal shall make an investigation into the origin and cause of every fire and explosion occurring within the limits for which he was appointed, and for any such service he shall receive such compensation as the governing body may allow.

Code 1919, § 3138; 1997, c. 436.

§ 27-32. Summoning witnesses and taking evidence.

In making investigations pursuant to § 27-31, the fire marshal may issue a summons directed to a sheriff or sergeant of any county, city or town commanding the officer to summon witnesses to attend before him at such time and place as he may direct. Any such officer to whom the summons is delivered, shall forthwith execute it, and make return thereof to the fire marshal at the time and place named therein.

Witnesses, on whom the summons before mentioned is served, may be compelled by the fire marshal to attend and give evidence, and shall be liable in like manner as if the summons had been issued by a magistrate in a criminal case. They shall be sworn by the fire marshal before giving evidence, and their evidence shall be reduced to writing by him, or under his direction, and subscribed by them respectively.

Code 1919, §§ 3138, 4808, 4810; 1970, c. 187; 1997, c. 436; 2008, cc. 551, 691.

§ 27-32.1. Right of entry to investigate cause of fire or explosion.

If in making such an investigation, the fire marshal shall make complaint under oath that there is good cause of suspicion or belief that the burning of or explosion on any land, building or vessel or of any object was caused by any act constituting a crime as defined in Article 1 (§ 18.2-77 et seq.) of Chapter 5 of Title 18.2 and that he has been refused admittance to the land, building or vessel or to examine the object in or on which any fire or explosion occurred within fifteen days after the extinguishment of such, any magistrate serving the city or county where the land, building, vessel or object is located may issue a warrant to the sheriff of the county or the sergeant of the city requiring him to enter such land, building or vessel or the premises upon which the object is located in the company of the fire marshal for the purposes of conducting a search for evidence showing that such fire or explosion was caused by any act defined in Article 1 of Chapter 5, of Title 18.2.

1970, c. 187; 2008, cc. 551, 691.

§ 27-32.2. Issuance of fire investigation warrant.

A. If, in undertaking such an investigation, the fire marshal or investigator appointed pursuant to § 27-56 makes an affidavit under oath that the origin or cause of any fire or explosion on any land, building, or vessel, or of any object is undetermined and that he has been refused admittance thereto, or is unable to gain permission to enter such land, building, or vessel, or to examine such object, within 15 days after the extinguishing of such, any magistrate serving the city or county where the land, building, vessel, or object is located may issue a fire investigation warrant to the fire marshal or investigator appointed pursuant to § 27-56 authorizing him to enter such land, building, vessel, or the premises upon which the object is located for the purpose of determining the origin and source of such fire or explosion. After issuing a warrant under this section, the magistrate shall file the affidavit in the manner prescribed by § 19.2-54. After executing the warrant, the fire marshal, or investigator appointed pursuant to § 27-56, shall return the warrant to the clerk of the circuit court of the city or county wherein the investigation was made.

B. If the fire marshal or investigator appointed pursuant to § 27-56, after gaining access to any land, building, vessel, or other premises pursuant to such a fire investigation warrant, has probable cause to believe that the burning or explosion was caused by any act constituting a criminal offense, he shall discontinue the investigation until a search warrant has been obtained pursuant to § 27-32.1, or consent to conduct the search has otherwise been given.

1987, c. 701; 2008, cc. 551, 691; 2012, cc. 279, 330; 2014, c. 354.

§ 27-33. Report of investigation.

The fire marshal shall make report to the governing body by whom he was appointed of any investigation made by him as soon thereafter as practicable, returning therewith the evidence taken by him and submitting such recommendations therein as he may think the public interest demands.

Code 1919, § 3138.

§ 27-34. Duties and powers at fires.

Whenever any fire occurs, it shall be the duty of such fire marshal or his designated representative to be present at the same and advise and act in concert with such officers of police as may be present; and, for preserving order at and during the existence of such fire, and for the protection of property, he shall have concurrent powers with the officers of police, and the chief, director, or other officer in charge, but shall not exercise any authority which will conflict with the powers of any chief, director, or other officer in command of any fire department in the discharge of his special duties as such.

Code 1919, § 3139; 1970, c. 187; 2008, c. 410.

§ 27-34.1. Power of fire marshal or fire chief to take property found at scene of fire or explosion; restitution of such property.

The fire chief, fire marshal or his designated representative is authorized to take and preserve any property found at the scene of a fire or explosion during his presence there while in the act of extinguishing such or found later with the consent of the owner or pursuant to § 27-32.1, which property indicates the fire or explosion was intentionally caused. Any person whose property is so taken and held may petition the circuit court of the county or city in which the property was taken or judge in vacation, for return of the property, and the court may order restitution upon such conditions as are appropriate for preservation of evidence, including the posting of bond.

1970, c. 187; 1979, c. 189.

§ 27-34.2. Power to arrest, to procure and serve warrants and to issue summons; limitation on authority.

In addition to such other duties as may be prescribed by law, the local fire marshal and his assistants appointed pursuant to § 27-36 shall, if authorized by the governing body of the county, city or town appointing the local fire marshal, have the authority to arrest, to procure and serve warrants of arrest and to issue summons in the manner authorized by general law for violation of fire prevention and fire safety laws and related ordinances. The authority granted in this section shall not be exercised by any local fire marshal or assistant until such person has satisfactorily completed a training course designed specifically for local fire marshals and their assistants, which course shall be approved by the Virginia Fire Services Board.

The Department of Fire Programs in cooperation with the Department of Criminal Justice Services shall have the authority to design, establish and maintain the required courses of instruction through such agencies and institutions as the Departments jointly may deem appropriate and to approve such other courses as such Departments determine appropriate.

The authority granted in this section shall not be construed to authorize a fire marshal or his assistants to wear or carry firearms.

1974, c. 334; 1975, c. 173; 1979, c. 402; 1984, c. 779; 1986, c. 60; 1988, c. 65; 1997, c. 436.

§ 27-34.2:1. Police powers of fire marshals.

In addition to such other duties as may be prescribed by law, the local fire marshal and those assistants appointed pursuant to § 27-36 designated by the fire marshal shall, if authorized by the governing body of the county, city, or town appointing the local fire marshal, have the same police powers as a sheriff, police officer, or law-enforcement officer. The investigation and prosecution of all offenses involving hazardous materials, fires, fire bombings, bombings, attempts or threats to commit such offenses, false alarms relating to such offenses, and possession and manufacture of explosive devices, substances, and fire bombs shall be the responsibility of the fire marshal or his designee, if authorized by the governing body of the county, city, or town appointing the local fire marshal. The police powers granted in this section shall not be exercised by any local fire marshal or assistant until such person has satisfactorily completed a basic law-enforcement course for fire marshals with police powers, and maintains satisfactory participation in in-service and advanced courses and programs, designed by the Department of Fire Programs in cooperation with the Department of Criminal Justice Services, which course shall be approved by the Virginia Fire Services Board.

Current or prior certification as a law-enforcement officer, who retired or resigned from his position as a law-enforcement officer in good standing, may satisfy the police powers training requirements upon successful review to determine equivalency by the Department of Fire Programs in cooperation with the Department of Criminal Justice Services.

In addition, fire marshals with police powers shall continue to exercise those powers only upon satisfactory participation in in-service and advanced courses and programs designed by the Department of Fire Programs in cooperation with the Department of Criminal Justice Services, which courses shall be approved by the Virginia Fire Services Board.

1977, c. 209; 1979, c. 446; 1984, c. 779; 1986, c. 60; 1988, c. 65; 2000, cc. 39, 390; 2023, cc. 215, 216.

§ 27-34.3. Power to order immediate compliance with law, etc., or prohibit use of building or equipment.

The local fire marshal shall, if authorized by the governing body of the county, city or town appointing him, have the authority to exercise the powers authorized by the Fire Prevention Code. However, an order prohibiting the use of a building or equipment issued pursuant to this section shall not be effective beyond the date of a determination made by the authorities identified in and pursuant to § 27-97, regardless of whether or not said determination overrules, modifies or affirms the order of the local fire marshal. If an order of the local fire marshal issued pursuant to this section conflicts to any degree with an order previously issued by an authority identified in and pursuant to § 27-97, the latter order shall prevail. The local fire marshal shall immediately report to the authorities identified in § 27-97 on the issuance and content of any order issued pursuant to this section.

1975, c. 216; 1988, c. 199.

§ 27-34.4. Inspection and review of plans of buildings under construction.

Inspection of buildings other than state-owned buildings under construction and the review and approval of building plans for these structures for enforcement of the Uniform Statewide Building Code shall be the sole responsibility of the appropriate local building inspectors. Upon completion of such structures, responsibility for fire safety protection shall pass to the local fire marshal or official designated by the locality to enforce the Statewide Fire Prevention Code (§ 27-94 et seq.) in those localities which enforce the Statewide Fire Prevention Code.

1980, c. 498; 1989, c. 258.

§ 27-35. Penalty for failure to discharge duty.

For his failure to discharge any duty required of him by law the fire marshal shall be liable for each offense to a fine not exceeding $100, to be imposed by the governing body and to be collected as other fines are collected.

Code 1919, § 3138.

§ 27-36. Appointment, powers and duties of assistant fire marshals.

The governing body of any county, city or town, or its designee may appoint one or more assistants, who, in the absence of the fire marshal, shall have the powers and perform the duties of the fire marshal.

Code 1919, § 3140; 1970, c. 187; 1984, c. 644; 1998, c. 236.

§ 27-37. Oath of fire marshal and assistants.

The fire marshal and his assistants, before entering upon their duties, shall respectively take an oath, before any officer authorized to administer oaths, faithfully to discharge the duties of such office; the certificate of the oath shall be returned to and preserved by such governing body.

Code 1919, § 3140.

§ 27-37.1. Right of entry to investigate releases of hazardous material, hazardous waste, or regulated substances.

A. The fire marshal shall have the right, if authorized by the governing body of the county, city, or town appointing the fire marshal, to enter upon any property from which a release of any hazardous material, hazardous waste, or regulated substance, as defined in § 10.1-1400 or 62.1-44.34:8, has occurred or is reasonably suspected to have occurred and which has entered into the ground water, surface water or soils of the county, city or town in order to investigate the extent and cause of any such release.

B. If, in undertaking such an investigation, the fire marshal makes an affidavit under oath that the origin or cause of any such release is undetermined and that he has been refused admittance to the property, or is unable to gain permission to enter the property, any magistrate serving the city or county where the property is located may issue an investigation warrant to the fire marshal authorizing him to enter such property for the purpose of determining the origin and source of the release. After issuing a warrant under this section, the magistrate shall file the affidavit in the manner prescribed by § 19.2-54. After executing the warrant, the fire marshal shall return the warrant to the clerk of the circuit court of the city or county wherein the investigation was made.

C. If the fire marshal, after gaining access to any property pursuant to such investigation warrant, has probable cause to believe that the release was caused by any act constituting a criminal offense, he shall discontinue the investigation until a search warrant has been obtained or consent to conduct the search has otherwise been given.

1992, c. 712; 2008, cc. 551, 691; 2014, c. 354.