Code of Virginia
Title 27. Fire ProtectionRead Title
- Chapter 1
- General Provisions [§§ 27-1 through 27-5.5]
- Chapter 2
- Fire/EMS Departments and Fire/EMS Companies [§§ 27-6 through 27-24]
- Chapter 3
- Local Fire Marshals [§§ 27-30 through 27-37.1]
- Chapter 4
- Relief for Fire Fighters and Dependents [§§ 27-38 through 27-50]
- Chapter 5
- Safety Provisions Generally [§§ 27-51 through 27-54.5]
- Chapter 6
- Department of State Police; Public Building Safety Law; Arson Reporting Immunity Act [§§ 27-55 through 27-85.6]
- Chapter 7
- Liquefied Petroleum Gases [Repealed] [§ 27-86]
- Chapter 8
- Fire Services Training [Repealed] [§ 27-91]
- Chapter 9
- Statewide Fire Prevention Code Act [§§ 27-94 through 27-101]