Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 38.2. Insurance
Subtitle .
Chapter 22. Liability Insurance Policies

Chapter 22. Liability Insurance Policies.

§ 38.2-2200. Required provisions as to insolvency or bankruptcy, and as to when action maintained against insurer.

No policy or contract insuring or indemnifying against liability for injury to or the death of any person, liability for injury to or destruction of property, or liability for injury to the economic interests of any person, shall be issued or delivered in the Commonwealth unless it contains in substance the following provisions or other provisions that are at least equally favorable to the insured and to judgment creditors:

1. That the insolvency or bankruptcy of the insured, or the insolvency of the insured's estate, shall not relieve the insurer of any of its obligations under the policy or contract.

2. That if execution on a judgment against the insured or his personal representative is returned unsatisfied in an action brought to recover damages for injury sustained or for loss or damage incurred during the life of the policy or contract, then an action may be maintained against the insurer under the terms of the policy or contract for the amount of the judgment not exceeding the amount of the applicable limit of coverage under the policy or contract.

Code 1950, § 38-238; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-380; 1986, c. 562; 2005, c. 290.

§ 38.2-2201. Provisions for payment of medical expense and loss of income benefits; assignment of certain benefits.

A. Upon request of an insured, each insurer licensed in this Commonwealth issuing or delivering any policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle shall provide on payment of the premium, as a minimum coverage (i) to persons occupying the insured motor vehicle; and (ii) to the named insured and, while resident of the named insured's household, the spouse and relatives of the named insured while in or upon, entering or alighting from or through being struck by a motor vehicle while not occupying a motor vehicle, the following health care and disability benefits for each accident:

1. All reasonable and necessary expenses for medical, chiropractic, hospital, dental, surgical, prosthetic and rehabilitation services, services provided by an emergency medical services vehicle as defined in § 32.1-111.1, and funeral expenses, resulting from the accident and incurred within three years after the date of the accident, up to $2,000 per person; however, if the insured does not elect to purchase such limit the insurer and insured may agree to any other limit;

2. If the person is usually engaged in a remunerative occupation, an amount equal to the loss of income incurred after the date of the accident resulting from injuries received in the accident up to $100 per week during the period from the first workday lost as a result of the accident up to the date the person is able to return to his usual occupation. However, the period shall not extend beyond one year from the date of the accident; and

3. An expense described in subdivision 1 shall be deemed to have been incurred:

a. If the insured is directly responsible for payment of the expense;

b. If the expense is paid by (i) a health care insurer pursuant to a negotiated contract with the health care provider or (ii) Medicaid or Medicare, where the actual payment with reference to the medical bill rendered by the provider is less than or equal to the provider's usual and customary fee, in the amount of the actual payment as evidenced by an explanation of benefits, remittance advice, or similar documentation from the health care provider; however, if the insured is required to make a payment in addition to the actual payment by the health care insurer or Medicaid or Medicare, the amount shall be increased by the payment made by the insured; or

c. If no medical bill is rendered or specific charge made by a health care provider to the insured, an insurer, or any other person, in the amount of the usual and customary fee charged in that community for the service rendered.

B. The insured has the option of purchasing either or both of the coverages set forth in subdivisions A 1 and A 2. Either or both of the coverages, as well as any other medical expense or loss of income coverage under any policy of automobile liability insurance, shall be payable to the covered injured person or pursuant to an assignment of benefits in accordance with subsection D, notwithstanding the failure or refusal of the named insured or other person entitled to the coverage to give notice to the insurer of an accident as soon as practicable under the terms of the policy, except where the failure or refusal prejudices the insurer in establishing the validity of the claim.

C. In any policy of personal automobile insurance in which the insured has purchased coverage under subsection A, every insurer providing such coverage arising from the ownership, maintenance or use of no more than four motor vehicles shall be liable to pay up to the maximum policy limit available on every motor vehicle insured under that coverage if the health care or disability expenses and costs mentioned in subsection A exceed the limits of coverage for any one motor vehicle so insured.

D. Any attempt to assign medical expense benefits shall be subject to the following:

1. An assignment of medical expense benefits shall be valid only if:

a. A copy of the AOB form, executed by the assignor and in compliance with the other requirements of subdivision D 1 and a copy of the notice complying with subdivision g if such notice is provided in a separate document pursuant to subdivision e, is provided to the motor vehicle insurer;

b. The AOB form is (i) in writing, which includes any printed or electronic format, (ii) dated, and (iii) executed by the assignor;

c. The AOB form includes a conspicuous statement that the assignor is not required to execute the AOB form;

d. If the AOB form includes a notice that complies with the provisions of subdivision g, the AOB form is signed, initialed, or otherwise marked by the assignor, at or near the notice provision, to acknowledge that the assignor has read, or had the opportunity to read, the notice;

e. If the AOB form does not include a notice that complies with the provisions of subdivision g, (i) the assignor is given a separate document, in any printed or electronic format, that is delivered to the assignor at the same time as the AOB form and that contains a notice that complies with the provisions of subdivision g; (ii) the AOB form includes a conspicuous statement that a notice regarding the assignment of medical expense benefits is provided in a separate document; and (iii) the AOB form is signed, initialed, or otherwise marked by the assignor at or near the statement described in clause (ii) to acknowledge that the assignor has read, or had the opportunity to read, the separate document containing the notice;

f. The statements required by subdivision D 1 to be included in the AOB form or a separate document, including the notice prescribed by subdivision g, are in not less than eight-point type; and

g. The assignor is provided, either in the AOB form or in a separate document, a notice that summarizes the effect of the assignment of medical expense benefits, which notice states the following:

"Notice: automobile accident patients

If you have been in an automobile accident, you may be entitled to payment from your automobile insurance if you have medical expense benefits coverage. By signing this assignment of benefits form you are giving to your health care provider the right to receive some or all of that payment directly from your automobile insurance company.

If you have health insurance and your healthcare provider is in-network: as long as you provide information necessary to verify your health insurance coverage the healthcare provider may only bill the amount you owe for any copayment, coinsurance, or deductibles to your automobile insurance and you may be entitled to any remainder of your automobile insurance benefit.

If you do not provide information necessary to verify your health insurance coverage, do not have health insurance, or your healthcare provider is not in your health insurer's provider network: your health care provider may bill their full charges to your automobile insurance.

You may want to consult your insurance agent or attorney before signing or initialing this form. You are not required to sign/initial this form to receive care."

2. Upon receipt of a copy of an AOB form that satisfies the requirements of subdivision D 1 and (i) an explanation of benefits or remittance advice or (ii) a bill, claim form, or documentation from the assignee advising that it has been represented to the assignee that the covered injured person does not have health insurance or is covered by a self-insured or self-funded employee welfare benefit plan subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 which requires medical expense coverage to be primary, a motor vehicle insurer shall pay directly to the health care provider, from any medical expense benefits available to such person under a motor vehicle insurance policy:

a. If the covered injured person is covered under a health care policy, the health care provider is an in-network provider, and the health care provider has submitted its claim to the health insurer for the health care services, the amount of any copayments, coinsurance, or deductibles owed by the injured covered person to the health care provider, as evidenced by an explanation of benefits, remittance advice, or similar documentation provided to the motor vehicle insurer; or

b. If (i) the covered injured person is not covered under a health care policy, (ii) the covered injured person is covered by a self-insured or self-funded employee welfare benefit plan subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 which requires medical expense coverage to be primary, or (iii) the health care provider is not an in-network provider, amounts to cover the cost of the health care services provided, in the amount of the usual and customary fee charged in that community for the health care services rendered;

3. A motor vehicle insurer shall in all respects be held harmless for making payments pursuant to subdivision D 2 to a health care provider in accordance with an assignment of benefits that satisfies the requirements of subdivision D 1;

4. A covered injured person shall not be required to assign to any person any medical expense benefits he may have under this section, including any assignment of the proceeds of such coverages;

5. An assignment of medical expense benefits shall be void and unenforceable as against public policy if the assignment does not comply with the requirements of subdivision D 1;

6. Medical expense benefits may not be reduced because of any benefits paid, payable, or provided by any insurance contract providing hospital, medical, surgical, and similar or related benefits, or any subscription contract or health services plan delivered or issued for delivery or providing for the payment of benefits to or on behalf of persons residing in or employed in the Commonwealth, except as authorized by this section; and

7. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the payment of medical expense benefits due to the covered injured person directly to any state or federal assistance program that has provided medical benefits to such injured person when the injury arose out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle.

E. As used in subsection D:

"AOB form" means the document or instrument that contains a provision by which the assignor assigns medical expense benefits, including any assignment of the proceeds of such coverages, to an assignee. The AOB form may be a separate instrument or included in another instrument, including a consent form or a form assigning other benefits.

"Assignee" means the health care provider to which the assignor is assigning medical expense benefits, including any assignment of the proceeds of such coverages.

"Assignor" means the covered injured person or a person authorized to consent on the covered injured person's behalf.

"Health care policy" means any health care plan, subscription contract, evidence of coverage, certificate, health services plan, medical or hospital services plan, accident and sickness insurance policy or certificate, or other similar certificate, policy, contract, or arrangement, and any endorsement or rider thereto, offered, arranged, issued, or administered by a health insurer to an individual or a group contract holder to cover all or a portion of the cost of individuals, or their eligible dependents, receiving covered health care services. Health care policy includes coverages issued pursuant to (i) Chapter 28 (§ 2.2-2800 et seq.) of Title 2.2 (state employees); (ii) § 2.2-1204 (local choice); (iii) 5 U.S.C. § 8901 et seq. (federal employees); and (iv) an employee welfare benefit plan as defined in 29 U.S.C. § 1002(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 that is self-insured or self-funded. Health care policy does not include (a) coverages issued pursuant to Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1395 et seq. (Medicare); Title XIX of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1396 et seq. (Medicaid), or Title XXI of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. § 1397aa et seq. (CHIP); or Chapter 55 of Title 10 of the United States Code, 10 U.S.C. § 1071 et seq. (TRICARE); (b) subscription contracts for one or more dental or optometric services plans that are subject to Chapter 45 (§ 38.2-4500 et seq.); (c) insurance policies that provide coverage, singly or in combination, for death, dismemberment, disability, or hospital and medical care caused by or necessitated as a result of accident or specified kinds of accidents, including student accident, sports accident, blanket accident, specific accident, and accidental death and dismemberment policies; (d) credit life insurance and credit accident and sickness insurance issued pursuant to Chapter 37.1 (§ 38.2-3717 et seq.) of Title 38.2; (e) insurance policies that provide payments when an insured is disabled or unable to work because of illness, disease, or injury, including incidental benefits; (f) long-term care insurance as defined in § 38.2-5200; (g) plans providing only limited health care services under § 38.2-4300 unless offered by endorsement or rider to a group health benefit plan; (h) TRICARE supplement, Medicare supplement, and workers' compensation coverages; or (i) medical expense coverage issued pursuant to this section.

"Health care provider" has the same meaning that is ascribed to that term in § 8.01-581.1.

"Health care services" means items or services furnished to any individual for the purpose of preventing, alleviating, curing, or healing human illness, injury, or physical disability.

"Health insurer" means any entity that is the issuer or sponsor of a health care policy.

"In-network provider" means a health care provider that is employed by or has entered into a provider agreement with the health insurer that has issued the health care policy, under which applicable agreement the health care provider has agreed to provide health care services to covered patients.

"Medical expense benefits" means the benefits of coverages described in subdivision A 1, including any assignment of the proceeds of such coverages.

"Motor vehicle insurer" means the insurer issuing or delivering a policy or contract covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle that provides coverage for medical expense benefits.

"Person authorized to consent on the covered injured person's behalf" means any person authorized by law to consent on behalf of the covered injured person incapable of making an informed decision or, in the case of a minor child, the parent or parents having custody of the child or the child's legal guardian or as otherwise provided by law.

"Provider agreement" means a contract, agreement, or arrangement between a health care provider and a health insurer, or a health insurer's network, provider panel, intermediary, or representative, under which the health care provider has agreed to provide health care services to patients with coverage under a health care policy issued by the health insurer and to accept payment from the health insurer for the health care services provided.

1972, c. 859, § 38.1-380.1; 1973, c. 294; 1977, c. 112; 1982, c. 450; 1983, cc. 197, 370; 1986, c. 562; 1987, c. 429; 1989, c. 243; 1991, c. 4; 1996, c. 276; 1997, c. 503; 2013, c. 75; 2014, cc. 157, 417; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

§ 38.2-2202. Required notice of optional coverage available.

A. No new policy for insurance covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle shall be issued or delivered in the Commonwealth unless there is enclosed with the policy, in boldface type, the following statement:






The insurer issuing the policy shall inform the insured by any reasonable means of communication of the approximate premium for the additional coverage.

B. No new policy of insurance covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle shall be issued or delivered in the Commonwealth unless the following statement, printed in boldface type, is enclosed with the policy:




C. No policy of insurance covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle shall be issued, delivered, or renewed after July 1, 2023, in the Commonwealth unless the following statement, printed in boldface type, is enclosed with the policy:







1974, c. 607, § 38.1-380.2; 1977, c. 112; 1981, c. 245; 1982, cc. 450, 642; 1986, c. 562; 1987, c. 429; 1989, c. 243; 1992, c. 230; 2001, c. 564; 2015, cc. 502, 503; 2016, c. 558; 2022, c. 308.

§ 38.2-2203. Policy providing for reimbursement for services that may be performed by certain practitioners other than physicians.

Notwithstanding any provision of any policy or contract of bodily injury liability insurance, when the policy or contract provides for reimbursement for any service that may be legally performed by a person licensed in this Commonwealth for the practice of chiropractic, reimbursement under the policy shall not be denied because the service is rendered by a licensed chiropractor.

1984, c. 441, § 38.1-380.3; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2204. Liability insurance on motor vehicles, aircraft, and watercraft; standard provisions; "omnibus clause.".

A. No policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance, covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle, aircraft, or private pleasure watercraft, shall be issued or delivered in the Commonwealth to the owner of such vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft, or shall be issued or delivered by any insurer licensed in the Commonwealth upon any motor vehicle, aircraft, or private pleasure watercraft that is principally garaged, docked, or used in the Commonwealth, unless the policy contains a provision insuring the named insured, and any other person using or responsible for the use of the motor vehicle, aircraft, or private pleasure watercraft with the expressed or implied consent of the named insured, against liability for death or injury sustained, or loss or damage incurred within the coverage of the policy or contract as a result of negligence in the operation or use of such vehicle, aircraft, or watercraft by the named insured or by any such person; however, nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to prohibit an insurer from limiting its liability under any one policy for bodily injury or property damage resulting from any one accident or occurrence to the liability limits for such coverage set forth in the policy for any such accident or occurrence or for any one person, regardless of the number of insureds under that policy. Provided that, when one accident or occurrence involves more than one defendant who is covered by the policy, the plaintiff may recover the per person limit of the policy against each such defendant, subject to the per accident or occurrence limit of the policy. Each such policy or contract of liability insurance, or endorsement to the policy or contract, insuring private passenger automobiles, aircraft, or private pleasure watercraft principally garaged, docked, or used in the Commonwealth, that has as the named insured an individual or spouses and that includes, with respect to any liability insurance provided by the policy, contract, or endorsement for use of a nonowned automobile, aircraft, or private pleasure watercraft, any provision requiring permission or consent of the owner of such automobile, aircraft, or private pleasure watercraft for the insurance to apply, shall be construed to include permission or consent of the custodian in the provision requiring permission or consent of the owner.

B. Notwithstanding any requirements in this section to the contrary, an insurer may exclude any person from coverage under a personal umbrella or excess policy, if the exclusion is requested in writing by the first named insured and is acknowledged in writing by the excluded driver.

C. For aircraft liability insurance, such policy or contract may contain the exclusions listed in § 38.2-2227. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section or any other provisions of law, no policy or contract shall require pilot experience greater than that prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration, except for pilots operating air taxis, or pilots operating aircraft applying chemicals, seed, or fertilizer.

D. No policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance relating to the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle shall be issued or delivered in the Commonwealth to the owner of such vehicle or shall be issued or delivered by an insurer licensed in the Commonwealth upon any motor vehicle principally garaged or used in the Commonwealth without an endorsement or provision insuring the named insured, and any other person using or responsible for the use of the motor vehicle with the expressed or implied consent of the named insured, against liability for death or injury sustained, or loss or damage incurred within the coverage of the policy or contract as a result of negligence in the operation or use of the motor vehicle by the named insured or by any other such person; however, nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to prohibit an insurer from limiting its liability under any one policy for bodily injury or property damage resulting from any one accident or occurrence to the liability limits for such coverage set forth in the policy for any such accident or occurrence or for any one person regardless of the number of insureds under that policy. Provided that, when one accident or occurrence involves more than one defendant who is covered by the policy, the plaintiff may recover the per person limit of the policy against each such defendant, subject to the per accident or occurrence limit of the policy. This provision shall apply notwithstanding the failure or refusal of the named insured or such other person to cooperate with the insurer under the terms of the policy. If the failure or refusal to cooperate prejudices the insurer in the defense of an action for damages arising from the operation or use of such insured motor vehicle, then the endorsement or provision shall be void. If an insurer has actual notice of a motion for judgment or complaint having been served on an insured, the mere failure of the insured to turn the motion or complaint over to the insurer shall not be a defense to the insurer, nor void the endorsement or provision, nor in any way relieve the insurer of its obligations to the insured, provided the insured otherwise cooperates and in no way prejudices the insurer.

Where the insurer has elected to provide a defense to its insured under such circumstances and files responsive pleadings in the name of its insured, the insured shall not be subject to sanctions for failure to comply with discovery pursuant to Part Four of the Rules of Supreme Court of Virginia unless it can be shown that the suit papers actually reached the insured, and that the insurer has failed after exercising due diligence to locate its insured, and as long as the insurer provides such information in response to discovery as it can without the assistance of the insured.

E. Any endorsement, provision or rider attached to or included in any such policy of insurance which purports or seeks to limit or reduce the coverage afforded by the provisions required by this section shall be void, except an insurer may exclude such coverage as is afforded by this section, where such coverage would inure to the benefit of the United States Government or any agency or subdivision thereof under the provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act, the Federal Drivers Act and Public Law 86-654 District of Columbia Employee Non-Liability Act, or to the benefit of the Commonwealth under the provisions of the Virginia Tort Claims Act (§ 8.01-195.1 et seq.) and the self-insurance plan established by the Department of General Services pursuant to § 2.2-1837 for any state employee who, in the regular course of his employment, transports patients in his own personal vehicle.

F. An insurer writing a policy of bodily injury or property damage liability motor vehicle insurance, or an endorsement to such policy, may exclude coverage under a motor vehicle policy issued to the owner of a shared vehicle for use of such vehicle on a peer-to-peer vehicle sharing platform during the vehicle sharing period for (i) liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage, (ii) uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage, (iii) medical expense and loss of income benefits coverage, and (iv) collision and other than collision physical damage coverage. Nothing in this article invalidates or limits an exclusion contained in a motor vehicle liability insurance policy, including any insurance policy in use or approved for use, that excludes coverage for motor vehicles used as a public or livery conveyance. For purposes of this subsection, "peer-to-peer vehicle sharing platform," "shared vehicle," and "vehicle sharing period" have the meanings ascribed to those terms in § 46.2-1408.

Code 1950, § 38-238; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-381; 1958, c. 282; 1959, Ex. Sess., cc. 42, 70; 1970, c. 462; 1962, c. 457; 1964, c. 477; 1966, cc. 182, 459; 1968, cc. 199, 721; 1970, c. 494; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 216; 1973, cc. 225, 390; 1974, c. 87; 1976, cc. 121, 122; 1977, c. 78; 1979, c. 113; 1980, cc. 326, 331; 1981, Sp. Sess., c. 6; 1982, cc. 638, 642; 1984, c. 541; 1985, cc. 39, 325; 1986, cc. 544, 562; 1992, c. 140; 1995, c. 652; 1999, c. 4; 2003, cc. 756, 761; 2005, c. 771; 2020, cc. 900, 1266.

§ 38.2-2205. Liability insurance on motor vehicles; standard provisions; applicability of other valid and collectible insurance.

A. 1. Each policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance which provides insurance to a named insured in connection with the business of selling, leasing, repairing, servicing, storing or parking motor vehicles, against liability arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle incident thereto shall contain a provision that the insurance coverage applicable to those motor vehicles shall not be applicable to a person other than the named insured and his employees in the course of their employment if there is any other valid and collectible insurance applicable to the same loss covering the other person under a policy with limits at least equal to the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472. Such provision shall apply to motor vehicles which are either for the purpose of demonstrating to the other person as a prospective purchaser, or which are loaned or leased to the other person as a convenience during the repairing or servicing of a motor vehicle for the other person, or leased to the other person for a period of six months or more. This provision shall apply whether such repair or service is performed by the owner of the vehicle being loaned or leased or by some other person or business.

2. If the other valid and collectible insurance has limits less than the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472, then the coverage afforded a person other than the named insured and his employees in the course of their employment shall be applicable to the extent necessary to equal the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472.

3. If there is no other valid and collectible insurance available, the coverage under such policy afforded a person, other than the named insured and his employees in the course of their employment, shall be applicable, but the amount recoverable in such case shall not exceed the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472. If there is no other valid and collectible collision or upset insurance available and if such policy provides insurance to the named insured for collision or upset, it shall include any such other person as an additional insured, unless in the case of a leased vehicle such other person receives a conspicuous written disclosure at the commencement of the lease, warning such person that he is not an additional insured under the owner's policy for collision or upset coverage.

B. 1. Any policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance relating to the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle shall exclude coverage to persons other than (i) the named insured, or (ii) directors, stockholders, partners, agents, or employees of the named insured, or (iii) residents of the household of either (i) or (ii), while those persons are employed or otherwise engaged in the business of selling, repairing, servicing, storing, or parking motor vehicles if there is any other valid or collectible insurance applicable to the same loss covering the persons under a policy with limits at least equal to the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472.

2. If the other valid and collectible insurance has limits less than the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472, then the coverage afforded a person other than the named insured while that person is employed or otherwise engaged in the business of selling, repairing, servicing, storing, or parking motor vehicles shall be applicable to the extent necessary to equal the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472.

3. If there is no other valid and collectible insurance available, the coverage afforded a person other than the named insured while that person is employed or otherwise engaged in the business of selling, repairing, servicing, storing, or parking motor vehicles shall apply, but the amount recoverable shall not exceed the financial responsibility requirements specified in § 46.2-472.

Code 1950, § 38-238; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-381; 1958, c. 282; 1959, Ex. Sess., cc. 42, 70; 1970, c. 462; 1962, c. 457; 1964, c. 477; 1966, cc. 182, 459; 1968, cc. 199, 721; 1970, c. 494; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 216; 1973, cc. 225, 390; 1974, c. 87; 1976, cc. 121, 122; 1977, c. 78; 1979, c. 113; 1980, cc. 326, 331; 1981, Sp. Sess., c. 6; 1982, cc. 638, 642; 1984, c. 541; 1985, cc. 39, 325; 1986, c. 562; 1987, c. 685; 1992, c. 474.

§ 38.2-2205.1. Suspension of liability coverage at insured's request.

A. Each insurer issuing or delivering a policy or contract of motor vehicle insurance that includes coverage for bodily injury or property damage liability arising from the ownership, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle as provided in this chapter, shall suspend any coverage for any motor vehicle at the request of a named insured ordered to military duty outside this Commonwealth, or his personal representative, during any period that the motor vehicle is impounded in a motor vehicle impound lot on a military base of the United States Armed Forces, the Reserves of the United States Armed Forces or the National Guard. However, an insurer may decline to suspend such coverage (i) unless satisfactory evidence of such impoundment is furnished to it, or (ii) if the period for which coverage suspension is requested is less than thirty days. The suspended coverage shall be reinstated upon request of the named insured, or his personal representative, effective not earlier than the receipt of such request by the insurer or any of its authorized representatives.

B. Any insurer suspending coverage pursuant to this section shall refund any unearned premium to the named insured, or his personal representative, on a pro rata basis.

C. The provisions of this section shall not alter or limit the insured's obligations under Article 8 (§ 46.2-705 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 46.2.

1991, c. 699.

§ 38.2-2206. Uninsured motorist insurance coverage.

A. Except as provided in subsection J, no policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance relating to the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle shall be issued or delivered in this Commonwealth to the owner of such vehicle or shall be issued or delivered by any insurer licensed in this Commonwealth upon any motor vehicle principally garaged or used in this Commonwealth unless it contains an endorsement or provisions undertaking to pay the insured all sums that he is legally entitled to recover as damages from the owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle, within limits not less than the requirements of § 46.2-472. Those limits shall equal but not exceed the limits of the liability insurance provided by the policy, unless any one named insured rejects the additional uninsured motorist insurance coverage by notifying the insurer as provided in subsection B of § 38.2-2202. This rejection of the additional uninsured motorist insurance coverage by any one named insured shall be binding upon all insureds under such policy. The endorsement or provisions shall also provide underinsured motorist insurance coverage with limits that shall be equal to the uninsured motorist insurance coverage limits and shall obligate the insurer to make payment for bodily injury or property damage caused by the operation or use of an underinsured motor vehicle to the extent the vehicle is underinsured.

The endorsement shall provide that underinsured motorist coverage shall be paid without any credit for the bodily injury and property damage coverage available for payment, unless any one named insured signs an election to reduce any underinsured motorist coverage payments by the bodily injury liability or property damage liability coverage available for payment by notifying the insurer as provided in subsection C of § 38.2-2202. This election by any one named insured shall be binding upon all insureds under such policy.

The endorsement or provisions shall also provide for at least $20,000 coverage for damage or destruction of the property of the insured in any one accident but may provide an exclusion of the first $200 of the loss or damage where the loss or damage is a result of any one accident involving an unidentifiable owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle.

For the purposes of this section, "legally entitled to recover" has the same meaning as provided in § 8.01-66.1.

B. 1. As used in this section:

"Bodily injury" includes death resulting from bodily injury.

"Insured" as used in subsections A, D, G, and H, means the named insured and, while resident of the same household, the spouse of the named insured, and relatives, wards or foster children of either, while in a motor vehicle or otherwise, and any person who uses the motor vehicle to which the policy applies, with the expressed or implied consent of the named insured, and a guest in the motor vehicle to which the policy applies or the personal representative of any of the above.

"Uninsured motor vehicle" means a motor vehicle for which (i) there is no bodily injury liability insurance and property damage liability insurance in the amounts specified by § 46.2-472, (ii) there is such insurance but the insurer writing the insurance denies coverage for any reason whatsoever, including failure or refusal of the insured to cooperate with the insurer, (iii) there is no bond or deposit of money or securities in lieu of such insurance, (iv) the owner of the motor vehicle has not qualified as a self-insurer under the provisions of § 46.2-368, or (v) the owner or operator of the motor vehicle is immune from liability for negligence under the laws of the Commonwealth or the United States, in which case the provisions of subsection F shall apply and the action shall continue against the insurer. A motor vehicle shall be deemed uninsured if its owner or operator is unknown.

A motor vehicle is "underinsured" when, and to the extent that, the total amount of bodily injury and property damage coverage applicable to the operation or use of the motor vehicle and available for payment for such bodily injury or property damage, including all bonds or deposits of money or securities made pursuant to Article 15 (§ 46.2-435 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 46.2, is less than the total amount of damages sustained up to the total amount of underinsured motorist coverage afforded any person injured as a result of the operation or use of the vehicle.

"Available for payment" means the amount of liability insurance coverage applicable to the claim of the injured person for bodily injury or property damage reduced by the payment of any other claims arising out of the same occurrence.

2. If an injured person is entitled to uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage under more than one policy, the insurers shall be obligated to the injured person in the following order of priority of payment:

a. The policy covering a motor vehicle occupied by the injured person at the time of the accident;

b. The policy covering a motor vehicle not involved in the accident under which the injured person is a named insured;

c. The policy covering a motor vehicle not involved in the accident under which the injured person is an insured other than a named insured.

Where there is more than one insurer providing coverage under one of the payment priorities set forth, their liability shall be proportioned as to their respective available uninsured or underinsured motorist coverages.

3. If an injured person is entitled to underinsured motorist coverage under one or more policies wherein a named insured has elected to reduce the underinsured motorist limits by the available bodily injury liability insurance or property damage liability insurance coverage available for payment, any amount available for payment shall be credited against such policies in payment priority pursuant to subdivision 2 a only, and where there is more than one such policy entitled to such credit, the credit shall be apportioned pro-rata pursuant to the policies' respective available underinsured motorist coverages.

4. Recovery under the endorsement or provisions shall be subject to the conditions set forth in this section.

C. There shall be a rebuttable presumption that a motor vehicle is uninsured if the Commissioner of the Department of Motor Vehicles certifies that, from the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles, it appears that (i) there is no bodily injury liability insurance and property damage liability insurance in the amounts specified by § 46.2-472 covering the owner or operator of the motor vehicle; (ii) no bond has been given or cash or securities delivered in lieu of the insurance; or (iii) the owner or operator of the motor vehicle has not qualified as a self-insurer in accordance with the provisions of § 46.2-368.

D. If the owner or operator of any motor vehicle that causes bodily injury or property damage to the insured is unknown, and if the damage or injury results from an accident where there has been no contact between that motor vehicle and the motor vehicle occupied by the insured, or where there has been no contact with the person of the insured if the insured was not occupying a motor vehicle, then for the insured to recover under the endorsement required by subsection A, the accident shall be reported promptly to either (i) the insurer or (ii) a law-enforcement officer having jurisdiction in the county or city in which the accident occurred. If it is not reasonably practicable to make the report promptly, the report shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.

E. If the owner or operator of any vehicle causing injury or damages is unknown, an action may be instituted against the unknown defendant as "John Doe" and service of process may be made by delivering a copy of the motion for judgment or other pleadings to the clerk of the court in which the action is brought. Service upon the insurer issuing the policy shall be made as prescribed by law as though the insurer were a party defendant. The provisions of § 8.01-288 shall not be applicable to the service of process required in this subsection. The insurer shall have the right to file pleadings and take other action allowable by law in the name of John Doe.

F. If any action is instituted against the owner or operator of an uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle by any insured intending to rely on the uninsured or underinsured coverage provision or endorsement of this policy under which the insured is making a claim, then the insured shall serve a copy of the process upon this insurer in the manner prescribed by law, as though the insurer were a party defendant. The provisions of § 8.01-288 shall not be applicable to the service of process required in this subsection. The insurer shall then have the right to file pleadings and take other action allowable by law in the name of the owner or operator of the uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle or in its own name. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection A, the immunity from liability for negligence of the owner or operator of a motor vehicle shall not be a bar to the insured obtaining a judgment enforceable against the insurer for the negligence of the immune owner or operator, and shall not be a defense available to the insurer to the action brought by the insured, which shall proceed against the named defendant although any judgment obtained against an immune defendant shall be entered in the name of "Immune Defendant" and shall be enforceable against the insurer and any other nonimmune defendant as though it were entered in the actual name of the named immune defendant. Nothing in this subsection shall prevent the owner or operator of the uninsured motor vehicle from employing counsel of his own choice and taking any action in his own interest in connection with the proceeding.

G. Any insurer paying a claim under the endorsement or provisions required by subsection A shall be subrogated to the rights of the insured to whom the claim was paid against the person causing the injury, death, or damage and that person's insurer, although it may deny coverage for any reason, to the extent that payment was made. The bringing of an action against the unknown owner or operator as John Doe or the conclusion of such an action shall not bar the insured from bringing an action against the owner or operator proceeded against as John Doe, or against the owner's or operator's insurer denying coverage for any reason, if the identity of the owner or operator who caused the injury or damages becomes known. The bringing of an action against an unknown owner or operator as John Doe shall toll the statute of limitations for purposes of bringing an action against the owner or operator who caused the injury or damages until his identity becomes known. In no event shall an action be brought against an owner or operator who caused the injury or damages, previously filed against as John Doe, more than three years from the commencement of the action against the unknown owner or operator as John Doe in a court of competent jurisdiction. Any recovery against the owner or operator, or the insurer of the owner or operator shall be paid to the insurer of the injured party to the extent that the insurer paid the named insured in the action brought against the owner or operator as John Doe. However, the insurer shall pay its proportionate part of all reasonable costs and expenses incurred in connection with the action, including reasonable attorney fees. Nothing in an endorsement or provisions made under this subsection nor any other provision of law shall prevent the joining in an action against John Doe of the owner or operator of the motor vehicle causing the injury as a party defendant, and the joinder is hereby specifically authorized. No action, verdict or release arising out of a suit brought under this subsection shall give rise to any defenses in any other action brought in the subrogated party's name, including res judicata and collateral estoppel.

H. No endorsement or provisions providing the coverage required by subsection A shall require arbitration of any claim arising under the endorsement or provisions, nor may anything be required of the insured except the establishment of legal liability, nor shall the insured be restricted or prevented in any manner from employing legal counsel or instituting legal proceedings.

I. Except as provided in § 65.2-309.1, the provisions of subsections A and B of § 38.2-2204 and the provisions of subsection A shall not apply to any policy of insurance to the extent that it covers the liability of an employer under any workers' compensation law, or to the extent that it covers liability to which the Federal Tort Claims Act applies. No provision or application of this section shall limit the liability of an insurer of motor vehicles to an employee or other insured under this section who is injured by an uninsured motor vehicle; provided that in the event an employee of a self-insured employer receives a workers' compensation award for injuries resulting from an accident with an uninsured motor vehicle, such award shall be set off against any judgment for damages awarded pursuant to this section for personal injuries resulting from such accident.

J. Policies of insurance whose primary purpose is to provide coverage in excess of other valid and collectible insurance or qualified self-insurance may include uninsured motorist coverage as provided in subsection A. Insurers issuing or providing liability policies that are of an excess or umbrella type or which provide liability coverage incidental to a policy and not related to a specifically insured motor vehicle, shall not be required to offer, provide or make available to those policies uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle coverage as defined in subsection A.

K. An injured person, or in the case of death or disability his personal representative, may settle a claim with (i) a liability insurer, including any insurer providing liability coverage through an excess or umbrella insurance policy or contract and (ii) the liability insurer's insured for the available limits of the liability insurer's coverage. Upon settlement with the liability insurer, the injured party or personal representative shall proceed to execute a full release in favor of the underinsured motorist's liability insurer and its insured and finalize the proposed settlement without prejudice to any underinsured motorist benefits or claim. Any such release that states that it is being executed pursuant to or consistent with this subsection shall not operate to release any parties other than the liability insurer and underinsured motorist, regardless of the identities of the released parties set forth in the release, and any terms contained in the release that are inconsistent with, or in violation of, this section are null and void. Upon payment of the liability insurer's available limits to the injured person or personal representative or his attorney, the liability insurer shall thereafter have no further duties to its insured, including the duty to defend its insured if an action has been or is brought against the liability insurer's insured, and the insurer providing applicable underinsured motorist coverage shall have no right of subrogation or claim against the underinsured motorist. However, if the underinsured motorist unreasonably fails to cooperate with the underinsured motorist benefits insurer in the defense of any lawsuit brought by the injured person or his personal representative, he may again be subjected to a claim for subrogation by the underinsured motorist benefits insurer pursuant to § 8.01-66.1:1. Nothing in this section or § 8.01-66.1:1 shall create any duty on the part of any underinsured motorist benefits insurer to defend any underinsured motorist. No attorney-client relationship is created between the underinsured motorist and counsel for the underinsured motorist benefits insurer without the express intent and agreement of the underinsured motorist, the underinsured motorist benefits insurer, and counsel for the underinsured motorist benefits insurer. This section provides an alternative means by which the parties may resolve claims and does not eliminate or restrict any other available means.

L. Any settlement between the injured person or his personal representative, any insurer providing liability coverage applicable to the claim, and the underinsured motorist described in subsection K shall be in writing, signed by both the injured person or his personal representative and the underinsured motorist, and shall include the following notice to the underinsured motorist, which must be initialed by the underinsured motorist:

"NOTICE TO RELEASED PARTY: Your insurance company has agreed to pay the available limits of its insurance to settle certain claims on your behalf. This settlement secures a full release of you for all claims the claimant/plaintiff has against you arising out of the subject accident, as well as ensures that no judgment can ever be entered against you by the claimant/plaintiff. In order to protect yourself from subrogation by any underinsured motorist insurer, you are agreeing to cooperate with the underinsured motorist benefits insurer(s). The underinsured motorist benefits insurer is not your insurer and has no duty to defend you.

Under this manner of settlement, the underinsured motorist benefits insurer(s) that is/are involved in this case has/have no right of subrogation against you unless you fail to reasonably cooperate in its/their defense of the claim by not (i) attending your deposition and trial, if subpoenaed, (ii) assisting in responding to discovery, (iii) meeting with defense counsel at reasonable times after commencement of this suit and before your testimony at a deposition and/or trial, and (iv) notifying the underinsured motorist benefits insurer or its defense counsel of any change in your address, provided that the underinsured motorist benefits insurer or its defense counsel has notified you of its existence and provided you with their contact information.

Upon payment of the agreed settlement amount by your insurance company(ies), such company shall no longer owe you any duties, including the duty to hire and pay for an attorney for you. You are not required to consent to settlement in this manner. If you do not consent to settlement in this manner, your insurance company will still defend you in any lawsuit brought against you by the claimant/plaintiff, but you will not have the protections of a full release from the claimant/plaintiff, judgment could be entered against you and may exceed your available insurance coverage, and any underinsured motorist benefits insurer would have a right of subrogation against you to recover any moneys it pays to the claimant/plaintiff.

You are encouraged to discuss your rights and obligations related to settlement in this manner with your insurance company and/or an attorney. By signing this document, you agree to consent to this settlement and to reasonably cooperate with the underinsured motorist benefits insurer in the defense of any lawsuit brought by the claimant/plaintiff.

______ (initial)"

In the alternative to having the underinsured motorist sign the release and initial the notice, the liability insurer may send the notice and release to the underinsured motorist by certified mail return receipt requested to his last known address, which will be deemed to have satisfied the requirements of this subsection.

M. Any action brought by the injured person or his personal representative to recover underinsured motorist benefits after payment of the liability insurer's available limits pursuant to subsection K shall be brought against the released defendant, and a copy of the complaint shall be served on any insurer providing underinsured motorist benefits. If an action is pending at the time the liability insurer's available limits are paid to the injured person or personal representative or his attorney, then the action shall remain pending against the named defendant or defendants who have been released. If such action results in a verdict in favor of the injured person or his personal representative against a released defendant, then judgment as to that defendant shall be entered in the name of "Released Defendant" and shall be enforceable against the underinsured motorist benefits insurer, not to exceed the underinsured motorist benefits limits, and against any unreleased defendant, as though it were entered in the actual name of the released defendant.

N. Any proposed settlement between a liability insurer and a person under a disability or a personal representative as permitted in subsection K that compromises in part a claim for personal injuries by the person under a disability or for death by wrongful act pursuant to § 8.01-50 may be, but is not required to be, approved pursuant to § 8.01-424 or 8.01-55, as applicable. If the personal representative elects not to have the settlement with the liability insurer approved pursuant to § 8.01-55, then any payment made to the personal representative by the liability insurer shall be made payable to the personal representative's attorney, to be held in trust, or paid into the court pursuant to § 8.01-600 if the personal representative is not represented by an attorney, with no disbursements made therefrom until the compromise is approved by the court pursuant to § 8.01-55. Approval by the court of a settlement between the liability insurer and a person under a disability or the personal representative pursuant to this subsection shall not prejudice the person's or personal representative's claim for underinsured motorist benefits.

Code 1950, § 38-238; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-381; 1958, c. 282; 1959, Ex. Sess., cc. 42, 70; 1960, c. 462; 1962, c. 457; 1964, c. 477; 1966, cc. 182, 459; 1968, cc. 199, 721; 1970, c. 494; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 216; 1973, cc. 225, 390; 1974, c. 87; 1976, cc. 121, 122; 1977, c. 78; 1979, c. 113; 1980, cc. 326, 331; 1981, Sp. Sess., c. 6; 1982, cc. 638, 642; 1984, c. 541; 1985, cc. 39, 325; 1986, c. 562; 1987, c. 519; 1988, cc. 565, 578, 585, 586, 594; 1989, c. 621; 1993, c. 381; 1995, cc. 189, 267, 476; 1997, cc. 170, 191; 1999, c. 992; 2001, c. 218; 2003, c. 283; 2010, c. 492; 2011, c. 107; 2015, cc. 584, 585; 2019, c. 779; 2022, c. 308; 2024, c. 781.

§ 38.2-2207. No policy to exclude coverage to employee.

No policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance relating to the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle, aircraft or watercraft shall exclude coverage to an employee of the insured in any controversy arising between employees even though one employee shall be awarded compensation as provided in Title 65.2.

Code 1950, § 38-238; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-381; 1958, c. 282; 1959, Ex. Sess., cc. 42, 70; 1970, c. 462; 1962, c. 457; 1964, c. 477; 1966, cc. 182, 459; 1968, cc. 199, 721; 1970, c. 494; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 216; 1973, cc. 225, 390; 1974, c. 87; 1976, cc. 121, 122; 1977, c. 78; 1979, c. 113; 1980, cc. 326, 331; 1981, Sp. Sess., c. 6; 1982, cc. 638, 642; 1984, c. 541; 1985, cc. 39, 325; 1986, c. 562; 1987, c. 519.

§ 38.2-2208. Notices of cancellation of or refusal to renew motor vehicle insurance policies.

A. No written notice of cancellation or refusal to renew that is mailed or delivered electronically by an insurer to an insured in accordance with the provisions of a motor vehicle insurance policy shall be effective unless the insurer complies with the applicable provisions of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3:

1. If the notice is mailed, proof of mailing a notice of cancellation or refusal to renew shall be obtained using one of the following methods that demonstrates the date that the notice was sent to the named insured at the address stated in the policy or to the named insured's last known address:

a. The notice is sent by:

(1) Registered mail;

(2) Certified mail; or

(3) Any other similar first-class mail tracking method used or approved by the United States Postal Service, including Intelligent Mail barcode Tracing (IMb Tracing); or

b. The notice is sent by another method of mailing for which a certificate of mailing is obtained from the United States Postal Service at the time the notice is accepted for mailing. A certificate of mailing from the United States Postal Service does not include a certificate of bulk mailing.

2. If such notice is delivered electronically, the insurer retains evidence of electronic transmittal or receipt of the notification for at least one year from the date of the transmittal.

3. If the notice is mailed, the insurer retains a copy of the notice of cancellation or refusal to renew for at least one year from the date such action was effective. If the notice is mailed, proof of mailing from the United States Postal Service consistent with the mailing method utilized by the insurer shall be maintained for one year from the date the cancellation or nonrenewal notice is effective.

B. 1. If the terms of the policy require the notice of cancellation or refusal to renew to be given to any lienholder, then the insurer shall mail such notice and retain a copy of the notice in the manner required by subsection A. If the notices sent to the insured and the lienholder are part of the same form, the insurer may retain a single copy of the notice. Proof of mailing from the United States Postal Service consistent with the mailing method utilized by the insurer shall be maintained for one year from the date the cancellation or nonrenewal notice is effective.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision B 1, if the terms of the policy require the notice of cancellation or refusal to renew to be given to any lienholder, the insurer and lienholder may agree by separate agreement that such notices may be transmitted electronically, provided that the insurer and lienholder agree upon the specifics for transmittal and acknowledgment of notification. Evidence of transmittal or receipt of the notification required by this subsection shall be retained by the insurer for at least one year from the date of termination.

C. "Copy," as used in this section, includes photographs, microphotographs, photostats, microfilm, microcard, printouts or other reproductions of electronically stored data or copies from optical disks, electronically transmitted facsimiles, or any other reproduction of an original from a process that forms a durable medium for its recording, storing, and reproducing.

1954, c. 263, § 38.1-381.1; 1960, c. 127; 1975, c. 164; 1983, c. 371; 1986, c. 562; 1992, c. 160; 2000, c. 529; 2003, c. 387; 2009, c. 215; 2013, c. 257; 2015, cc. 9, 443; 2016, cc. 4, 71.

§ 38.2-2209. Motor vehicle liability medical benefit insurer not to retain right of subrogation to recover from third party.

No policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance that contains any representation by an insurer to pay all reasonable medical expenses incurred for bodily injury caused by accident to the insured or any relative or other person coming within the provisions of the policy, shall be issued or delivered by any insurer licensed in this Commonwealth upon any motor vehicle then principally garaged or principally used in this Commonwealth, if the insurer retains the right of subrogation to recover amounts paid on behalf of an injured person under the provision of the policy from any third party.

1964, c. 612, § 38.1-381.2; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2210. Warning concerning cancellation to appear on application for motor vehicle liability insurance; reason for cancellation or nonrenewal required on application.

A. Any application for the original issuance of a policy of insurance covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle as defined in § 38.2-2212 shall have the following statement printed on or attached to the application, in boldface type: READ YOUR POLICY. THE POLICY OF INSURANCE FOR WHICH THIS APPLICATION IS BEING MADE, IF ISSUED, MAY BE CANCELLED WITHOUT CAUSE AT THE OPTION OF THE INSURER AT ANY TIME IN THE FIRST 60 DAYS DURING WHICH IT IS IN EFFECT AND AT ANY TIME THEREAFTER FOR REASONS STATED IN THE POLICY.

B. Any application for the original issuance of a policy of insurance covering liability arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle defined in § 38.2-2212 that requires the insured to disclose information as to any previous cancellation or refusal to renew shall also permit the insured to offer or provide a full explanation of the reason for the cancellation or refusal to renew.

C. The notice required by this section shall be given by the insurer to any applicant within ten days of the application in the event the applicant is not provided a written copy of the application and the coverage has been bound by such insurer.

D. This section shall not apply to the renewal of any policy of insurance.

1966, c. 523, § 38.1-381.3; 1986, c. 562; 1988, cc. 655, 665; 2016, c. 558.

§ 38.2-2211. Motor vehicle liability insurer not to receive credit for other medical expense insurance.

No policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance that contains any representation by an insurer to pay all reasonable medical expenses incurred for bodily injury caused by accident to the insured, relative or any other person coming within the provisions of the policy, shall be issued or delivered by any insurer licensed in this Commonwealth upon any motor vehicle then principally garaged or principally used in this Commonwealth, if the policy provides for credit against the medical expense coverage for any other medical expense insurance to which the injured person may be entitled. Nothing in this section allows the injured person to collect more than his actual medical expenses as a result of an accident from any one or any combination of all policies providing motor vehicle medical payment coverage applicable to the accident.

1968, c. 759, § 38.1-381.4; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2212. Grounds and procedure for cancellation of or refusal to renew motor vehicle insurance policies; review by Commissioner.

A. As used in this section:

"Cancellation" or "to cancel" means a termination of a policy during the policy period.

"Insurer" means any insurance company, association, or exchange licensed to transact motor vehicle insurance in the Commonwealth.

"Policy of motor vehicle insurance" or "policy" means a policy or contract for bodily injury or property damage liability insurance issued or delivered in this Commonwealth covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of any motor vehicle, insuring as the named insured one individual or spouses who are residents of the same household, and under which the insured vehicle designated in the policy is either:

1. A motor vehicle of a private passenger, station wagon, or motorcycle type that is not used commercially, rented to others, or used as a public or livery conveyance where the term "public or livery conveyance" does not include car pools, or

2. Any other four-wheel motor vehicle which is not used in the occupation, profession, or business, other than farming, of the insured, or as a public or livery conveyance, or rented to others. The term "policy of motor vehicle insurance" or "policy" does not include (i) any policy issued through the Virginia Automobile Insurance Plan, (ii) any policy covering the operation of a garage, sales agency, repair shop, service station, or public parking place, (iii) any policy providing insurance only on an excess basis, or (iv) any other contract providing insurance to the named insured even though the contract may incidentally provide insurance on motor vehicles.

"Renewal" or "to renew" means (i) the issuance and delivery by an insurer of a policy superseding at the end of the policy period a policy previously issued and delivered by the same insurer, providing types and limits of coverage at least equal to those contained in the policy being superseded, or (ii) the issuance and delivery of a certificate or notice extending the term of a policy beyond its policy period or term with types and limits of coverage at least equal to those contained in the policy. Each renewal shall conform with the requirements of the manual rules and rating program currently filed by the insurer with the Commission. Except as provided in subsection K, any policy with a policy period or term of less than 12 months or any policy with no fixed expiration date shall for the purpose of this section be considered as if written for successive policy periods or terms of six months from the original effective date.

B. This section shall apply only to that portion of a policy of motor vehicle insurance providing the coverage required by §§ 38.2-2204, 38.2-2205, and 38.2-2206.

C. 1. No insurer shall refuse to renew a motor vehicle insurance policy solely because of any one or more of the following factors:

a. Age;

b. Sex;

c. Residence;

d. Race;

e. Color;

f. Creed;

g. National origin;

h. Ancestry;

i. Marital status;

j. Sexual orientation;

k. Gender identity;

l. Lawful occupation, including the military service;

m. Lack of driving experience, or number of years driving experience;

n. Lack of supporting business or lack of the potential for acquiring such business;

o. One or more accidents or violations that occurred more than 48 months immediately preceding the upcoming anniversary date;

p. One or more claims submitted under the uninsured motorists coverage of the policy where the uninsured motorist is known or there is physical evidence of contact;

q. A single claim by a single insured submitted under the medical expense coverage due to an accident for which the insured was neither wholly nor partially at fault;

r. One or more claims submitted under the comprehensive or towing coverages. However, nothing in this section shall prohibit an insurer from modifying or refusing to renew the comprehensive or towing coverages at the time of renewal of the policy on the basis of one or more claims submitted by an insured under those coverages, provided that the insurer shall mail or deliver to the insured at the address shown in the policy, or deliver electronically to the address provided by the named insured, written notice of any such change in coverage at least 45 days prior to the renewal;

s. Two or fewer motor vehicle accidents within a three-year period unless the accident was caused either wholly or partially by the named insured, a resident of the same household, or other customary operator;

t. Credit information contained in a "consumer report," as defined in the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., bearing on a natural person's creditworthiness, credit standing or credit capacity. If credit information is used, in part, as the basis for the nonrenewal, such credit information shall be based on a consumer report procured within 120 days from the effective date of the nonrenewal. The provisions of this subdivision shall apply only to insurance purchased primarily for personal, family, or household purposes;

u. The refusal of a motor vehicle owner as defined in § 46.2-1088.6 to provide access to recorded data from a recording device as defined in § 46.2-1088.6; or

v. The status of the person as a foster care provider or a person in foster care.

2. Nothing in this section shall require any insurer to renew a policy for an insured where the insured's occupation has changed so as to materially increase the risk. Nothing contained in subdivisions 1 p, q, and r shall prohibit an insurer from refusing to renew a policy where a claim is false or fraudulent. Nothing in this section prohibits any insurer from setting rates in accordance with relevant actuarial data.

D. No insurer shall cancel a policy except for one or more of the following reasons:

1. The named insured or any other operator who either resides in the same household or customarily operates a motor vehicle insured under the policy has had his driving privileges suspended or revoked during the policy period or, if the policy is a renewal, during its policy period or the 90 days immediately preceding the last effective date.

2. The named insured fails to pay the premium for the policy or any installment of the premium, whether payable to the insurer or its agent either directly or indirectly under any premium finance plan or extension of credit.

3. The named insured or his duly constituted attorney-in-fact has notified the insurer of a change in the insured's legal residence to a state other than Virginia and the insured vehicle will be principally garaged in the new state of legal residence.

E. No cancellation or refusal to renew by an insurer of a policy of motor vehicle insurance shall be effective unless the insurer delivers or mails to the named insured at the address shown in the policy a written notice of the cancellation or refusal to renew, or the insurer delivers such notice electronically to the address provided by the named insured. The notice shall:

1. Be in a type size authorized under § 38.2-311.

2. State the effective date of the cancellation or refusal to renew. The effective date of cancellation or refusal to renew shall be at least 45 days after mailing or delivering to the insured the notice of cancellation or notice of refusal to renew. However, when the policy is being canceled or not renewed for the reason set forth in subdivision D 2 the effective date may be less than 45 days but at least 15 days from the date of mailing or delivery.

3. State the specific reason of the insurer for cancellation or refusal to renew and provide for the notification required by §§ 38.2-608, 38.2-609, and subsection B of § 38.2-610. However, those notification requirements shall not apply when the policy is being canceled or not renewed for the reason set forth in subdivision D 2.

4. Inform the insured of his right to request in writing within 15 days of the receipt of the notice that the Commissioner review the action of the insurer.

The notice of cancellation or refusal to renew shall contain the following statement to inform the insured of such right:


Within 15 days of receiving this notice, you or your attorney may request in writing that the Commissioner of Insurance review this action to determine whether the insurer has complied with Virginia laws in canceling or nonrenewing your policy. If this insurer has failed to comply with the cancellation or nonrenewal laws, the Commissioner may require that your policy be reinstated. However, the Commissioner is prohibited from making underwriting judgments. If this insurer has complied with the cancellation or nonrenewal laws, the Commissioner does not have the authority to overturn this action.

5. Inform the insured of the possible availability of other insurance which may be obtained through his agent, through another insurer, or through the Virginia Automobile Insurance Plan.

6. If sent by mail or delivered electronically, comply with the provisions of § 38.2-2208.

Nothing in this subsection prohibits any insurer or agent from including in the notice of cancellation or refusal to renew, any additional disclosure statements required by state or federal laws, or any additional information relating to the availability of other insurance.

F. Nothing in this section shall apply:

1. If the insurer or its agent acting on behalf of the insurer has manifested its willingness to renew by issuing or offering to issue a renewal policy, certificate, or other evidence of renewal, or has manifested its willingness to renew in writing to the insured. The written manifestation shall include the name of a proposed insurer, the expiration date of the policy, the type of insurance coverage, and information regarding the estimated renewal premium. The insurer shall retain a copy of each written manifestation for a period of at least one year from the expiration date of any policy that is not renewed;

2. If the named insured, or his duly constituted attorney-in-fact, has notified the insurer or its agent orally, or in writing, if the insurer requires such notification to be in writing, that he wishes the policy to be canceled or that he does not wish the policy to be renewed, or if prior to the date of expiration he fails to accept the offer of the insurer to renew the policy;

3. To any motor vehicle insurance policy which has been in effect less than 60 days when the termination notice is mailed or delivered to the insured, unless it is a renewal policy; or

4. If an affiliated insurer has manifested its willingness to provide coverage at a lower premium than would have been charged for the same exposures on the expiring policy. The affiliated insurer shall manifest its willingness to provide coverage by issuing a policy with the types and limits of coverage at least equal to those contained in the expiring policy unless the named insured has requested a change in coverage or limits. When such offer is made by an affiliated insurer, an offer of renewal shall not be required of the insurer of the expiring policy, and the policy issued by the affiliated insurer shall be deemed to be a renewal policy.

G. There shall be no liability on the part of and no cause of action of any nature shall arise against the Commissioner or his subordinates; any insurer, its authorized representatives, its agents, or its employees; or any person furnishing to the insurer information as to reasons for cancellation or refusal to renew, for any statement made by any of them in complying with this section or for providing information pertaining to the cancellation or refusal to renew. For the purposes of this section, no insurer shall be required to furnish a notice of cancellation or refusal to renew to anyone other than the named insured, any person designated by the named insured, or any other person to whom such notice is required to be given by the terms of the policy and the Commissioner.

H. Within 15 days of receipt of the notice of cancellation or refusal to renew, any insured or his attorney shall be entitled to request in writing to the Commissioner that he review the action of the insurer in canceling or refusing to renew the policy of the insured. Upon receipt of the request, the Commissioner shall promptly begin a review to determine whether the insurer's cancellation or refusal to renew complies with the requirements of this section and of § 38.2-2208 if the notice was sent by mail or delivered electronically. The policy shall remain in full force and effect during the pendency of the review by the Commissioner except where the cancellation or refusal to renew is for the reason set forth in subdivision D 2, in which case the policy shall terminate as of the effective date stated in the notice. Where the Commissioner finds from the review that the cancellation or refusal to renew has not complied with the requirements of this section or of § 38.2-2208, he shall immediately notify the insurer, the insured and any other person to whom such notice was required to be given by the terms of the policy that the cancellation or refusal to renew is not effective. Nothing in this section authorizes the Commissioner to substitute his judgment as to underwriting for that of the insurer. Where the Commissioner finds in favor of the insured, the Commission in its discretion may award the insured reasonable attorney fees.

I. Each insurer shall maintain for at least one year, records of cancellation and refusal to renew and copies of every notice or statement referred to in subsection E that it sends to any of its insureds.

J. The provisions of this section shall not apply to any insurer that limits the issuance of policies of motor vehicle liability insurance to one class or group of persons engaged in any one particular profession, trade, occupation, or business. Nothing in this section requires an insurer to renew a policy of motor vehicle insurance if the insured does not conform to the occupational or membership requirements of an insurer who limits its writings to an occupation or membership of an organization. No insurer is required to renew a policy if the insured becomes a nonresident of Virginia.

K. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a motor vehicle insurance policy with a policy period or term of five months or less may expire at its expiration date when the insurer has manifested in writing its willingness to renew the policy for at least 30 days and has mailed or delivered the written manifestation to the insured at least 15 days before the expiration date of the policy. The written manifestation shall include the name of the proposed insurer, the expiration date of the policy, the type of insurance coverage, and the estimated renewal premium. The insurer shall retain a copy of the written manifestation for at least one year from the expiration date of any policy that is not renewed.

1970, c. 564, § 38.1-381.5; 1972, c. 273; 1975, cc. 63, 319; 1978, c. 441; 1982, c. 482; 1983, cc. 125, 371; 1984, c. 340; 1986, c. 562; 1988, c. 655; 1990, c. 960; 1991, c. 116; 1995, c. 3; 1996, cc. 206, 239; 1998, cc. 141, 142; 2003, cc. 543, 553; 2006, cc. 851, 889; 2008, cc. 58, 221; 2009, c. 215; 2013, c. 257; 2019, c. 334; 2020, cc. 900, 1137, 1227, 1246.

§ 38.2-2212.1. Powers of Commission; replacement policies.

Upon the verified petition of an insurer, where the petitioning insurer proposes to replace all or substantially all of its policies in another insurer, the Commission may relieve the insurer of the requirements of subsection E of § 38.2-2212 and of the mailing requirements of § 38.2-2208, provided the insurer demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Commission that (i) the replacement policy is underwritten by an affiliate insurer under common control with the petitioning insurer; (ii) the replacement policy is substantially similar to the existing policy with the petitioning insurer; (iii) the premium charged for the replacement policy is no greater than that charged by the petitioning insurer for the existing policy; and (iv) the replacement insurer is duly licensed to transact the business of insurance in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The replacement insurer shall retain a copy of any offer of replacement for a period of one year from the expiration of any existing policy that is not replaced. The Commission may further condition any such relief to protect the best interests of the policyholder.

1991, c. 215.

§ 38.2-2213. Discrimination in issuance of motor vehicle insurance.

No insurer or agent shall refuse to issue a motor vehicle insurance policy as defined in § 38.2-2212 solely because of any one or more of the following factors: the age, sex, residence, race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, status of a person as a foster care provider or a person in foster care, or lawful occupation, including the military service, of the person seeking the coverage. Nothing in this section prohibits any insurer from limiting the issuance of motor vehicle insurance policies to those who are residents of this Commonwealth nor does this section prohibit any insurer from limiting the issuance of motor vehicle insurance policies only to persons engaging in or who have engaged in a particular profession or occupation, or who are members of a particular religious sect. Nothing in this section prohibits any insurer from setting rates in accordance with relevant actuarial data.

1976, c. 495, § 38.1-381.6; 1977, c. 181; 1983, c. 61; 1986, c. 562; 2019, c. 334; 2020, c. 1137.

§ 38.2-2213.1. Certain action prohibited when motor vehicle owner fails to allow access to recorded data from recording device.

No insurer or agent shall reduce coverage, increase the insured's premium, apply a surcharge, refuse to apply a discount other than a discount that is based on data recorded by a recording device as defined in § 46.2-1088.6, place in a less favorable tier, refuse to place in the company's best tier, or when there are multiple companies available within a group of insurers, fail to place in the most favorably priced company solely because a motor vehicle owner refuses to allow an insurer access to recorded data as defined in § 46.2-1088.6 from a recording device as defined in § 46.2-1088.6. However, nothing in this section shall prohibit an insurer from charging an actuarially sound rate in accordance with subdivision A 3 of § 38.2-1904.

2006, cc. 851, 889.

§ 38.2-2214. Statement defining rate classifications to be provided by insurer to insured.

Any insurer issuing motor vehicle insurance policies as defined in § 38.2-2212, including those policies assigned to any insurer by the Virginia Automobile Insurance Plan, shall provide the named insured with a statement defining his rate classifications. This statement shall be provided at the time of issuance or at the time of renewal if there has been a change in the named insured's rate classification. The statement shall not be considered a part of the policy and shall not be deemed a warranty or representation by the insurer to the insured.

The Commission shall approve the form of the statement prior to its use.

1977, c. 188, § 38.1-381.7; 1979, c. 4; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2215. Failure to issue or failure to renew motor vehicle liability insurance on the basis of a motor vehicle's age prohibited.

No insurer or agent shall refuse to issue or fail to renew a policy of motor vehicle liability insurance solely because of the age of the motor vehicle to be insured, provided the motor vehicle is licensed.

1978, c. 56, § 38.1-381.8; 1983, c. 61; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2216. Medical benefit offset against liability or uninsured motorist coverage prohibited.

No policy or contract of bodily injury liability insurance which contains any representation by an insurer to pay medical expenses incurred for bodily injuries caused by an accident to the insured or any relative or any other person coming under the provisions of the policy, shall be issued or delivered by any insurer licensed in this Commonwealth upon any motor vehicle then principally garaged or principally used in this Commonwealth, if the policy contains any provision reducing the amount of damages covered under the liability or uninsured motorist coverages of the policy by the amount of payments made by the insurer under the medical expense or other medical payments coverage of the policy.

1984, c. 383, § 38.1-381.9; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2217. Reduction in rates for certain persons who attend mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention courses and driver improvement clinics.

A. Any schedule of rates, rate classifications or rating plans for motor vehicle insurance as defined in § 38.2-2212 filed with the Commission shall provide for an appropriate reduction in premium charges for those insured persons who are fifty-five years of age and older and who qualify as provided in this subsection. Only those insured persons who have voluntarily and successfully completed a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles shall qualify for a three-year period after the completion of the course for the reduction in rates. No reduction in premiums shall be allowed for a self-instructed course or for any course that does not provide actual classroom instruction for a minimum number of hours as determined by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this section, a course sponsor that has been approved by the Department for the classroom delivery of a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course may also be approved to deliver that same substantive course through a secure computer-based medium provided via the Internet or other electronic means that have been approved by the Department, provided that the sponsor has acceptable security features designed to assure that the certificates issued pursuant to subsection E are issued to the same person who took the course and passed the examination related to the course. No person assigned by the court to attend a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course shall be eligible for such reduction in premium charges.

B. Any schedule of rates, rate classifications or rating plans for motor vehicle insurance as defined in § 38.2-2212 filed with the Commission may provide for an appropriate reduction in premium charges for a two-year period for those insured persons who are fifty-four years of age or younger and who have satisfactorily completed a driver improvement clinic approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles, as set forth in Article 19 (§ 46.2-489 et seq.) of Chapter 3 of Title 46.2. No person assigned by the courts or notified by the Department of Motor Vehicles to attend a driver improvement clinic shall be eligible for such reduction in premium charges.

C. The Commission and the Department of Motor Vehicles may promulgate rules and regulations which will assist them in carrying out the provisions of this section.

D. All insurers writing motor vehicle insurance in Virginia as defined in § 38.2-2212 shall allow an appropriate reduction in premium charges to all eligible persons upon successfully completing an approved crash prevention course through actual classroom instruction subject to the provisions of subsection A. Such insurers may allow an appropriate reduction in premium charges to all eligible persons upon successfully completing an approved crash prevention course via the Internet or other electronic means subject to the provisions of subsection A.

E. Upon successfully completing the approved course, the course's sponsor shall issue to each participant a certificate approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles which shall be evidence of satisfactory completion of either a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course or a driver improvement clinic for the reduction in premium charges. Participants shall be required to provide satisfactory evidence to the insurance provider that the course or clinic was completed in accordance with this section.

F. Each participant in a mature driver motor vehicle crash prevention course shall take an approved course every three years in order to continue to be eligible for the reduction in premium charges. Each voluntary participant in a driver improvement clinic shall take an approved course every two years in order to continue to be eligible for the reduction in premium charges, if any.

G. Nothing in this section prevents an insurer from offering appropriately reduced rates based solely on age.

1984, c. 686, § 38.1-381.10; 1986, c. 562; 1995, c. 226; 2009, cc. 357, 545; 2014, c. 282.

§ 38.2-2217.1. Insurers required to renew motor vehicle liability coverage for vanpools; exceptions.

A. As used in this section, "vanpooling" means the type of joint arrangement described in subdivision 5 of § 46.2-2000.1 and § 46.2-1400 where such motor vehicles are used to transport commuters to and from their places of employment on a regular basis. "Motor vehicle" as used in this section shall mean any motor vehicle designed to transport not less than ten nor more than fifteen passengers, including the driver, in fixed seats.

B. If an insurer as defined in § 38.2-2212 who issues or renews a policy of motor vehicle liability insurance to an insured who intends to use a vehicle for vanpooling which was not so used at the time the policy was issued or last renewed has received by certified mail thirty days' written notice that the insured intends to use the vehicle for vanpooling, the insurer shall not cancel or refuse to renew a policy of liability insurance coverage for such motor vehicle used in vanpooling as defined in subsection A of this section, except for one or both of the following specified reasons:

1. The named insured fails to discharge when due any payment of the premium for the policy or any installment thereof; or

2. The driving record of the named insured or any regular driver is such that it substantially increases the risk.

C. [Repealed.]

1986, c. 612, § 38.1-381.11; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2002, c. 337.

§ 38.2-2218. Adoption of standard forms for motor vehicle insurance.

The Commission shall prepare a standard form whenever it believes that any form of policy or any form of rider, endorsement, or other supplemental agreement or provision, for use in connection with any contract of motor vehicle insurance to be issued or delivered upon any motor vehicle principally garaged or principally used in this Commonwealth, is so extensively used that a standard form is desirable. The Commission shall file a copy of the standard form in its office and shall provide by order that, at least 30 days after the order, the form shall become a standard form for use by all insurers unless objection to the proposed form is filed with the Commission within 20 days after the entry of the order. The Commission shall provide notice of its order to all insurers licensed to transact the class of insurance to which the form is applicable, and to all rate service and advisory organizations representing those insurers.

Code 1950, §§ 38-240, 38-551; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-382; 1986, c. 562; 2022, c. 180.

§ 38.2-2219. Hearing on objections to the form.

If any insurer or rate service organization affected by an order entered pursuant to § 38.2-2218 files objections to a proposed standard form within the time prescribed in the Commission's order, the Commission shall rescind the order and shall provide notice of the rescission to all insurers and rate service organizations affected by the order that on a day specified in the notice, which shall be at least 30 days from the date on which the objections are received, it will hold a public hearing on the adoption of the proposed form, and that at the hearing any person interested may appear and be heard. After the hearing the Commission may by order confirm or amend the proposed form and set a day, at least 30 days after the entry of the order, when the approved form shall become a standard form for use by all insurers. The Commission may by order refuse to adopt the proposed form.

Code 1950, §§ 38-241, 38-552; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-383; 1986, c. 562; 2022, c. 180.

§ 38.2-2220. Use of form after adoption.

Except as provided in § 38.2-2223, after any standard form is adopted by the Commission, no insurer shall use any form covering substantially the same provisions contained in the standard form unless it is in the precise language of the form filed and adopted by the Commission.

Code 1950, §§ 38-240, 38-551; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-384; 1981, c. 172; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2221. Amendment of standard form.

The Commission may amend the provisions of any standard form in the manner provided in this chapter for the adoption of a new standard form.

Code 1950, §§ 38-242, 38-553; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-385; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2222. Withdrawal of form.

Whenever the Commission believes there is no further necessity for requiring the use of any standard form adopted under the provisions of this chapter, it may, by order entered of record, withdraw the form, and thereafter its use shall not be required.

Code 1950, §§ 38-243, 38-554; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-386; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2223. Variations of, or additions to, form.

For the word "company" appearing in any standard form, there may be substituted a more accurate descriptive term for the type of insurer. Additional provisions, other than those in the standard form, or coverages more favorable than those in the standard form, may be used with a standard form by any insurer with the approval of the Commission. However, the Commission shall first determine that the more favorable coverage or the additional provisions are not in conflict or inconsistent with the standard form, the laws of this Commonwealth or any rules and regulations adopted by the Commission.

Code 1950, §§ 38-244, 38-555; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-387; 1981, c. 172; 1986, c. 562; 1994, c. 316.

§ 38.2-2224. Commission to establish guidelines for filing readable motor vehicle insurance policy forms.

The Commission may establish guidelines for the filing of simplified and readable motor vehicle insurance policy forms that are acceptable for issuance. Notwithstanding the provisions of §§ 38.2-2218 through 38.2-2223, an insurer may issue a motor vehicle insurance policy that deviates in language, but not in substance or coverage, from the standard policy form provided for in §§ 38.2-2218 through 38.2-2223, if the deviating policy form is (i) in no respect less favorable to the insured than the standard form, and (ii) approved by the Commission prior to issuance.

1977, c. 255, § 38.1-387.1; 1981, c. 172; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2225. Sending copies of orders to companies affected.

A copy of each order entered by the Commission in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be sent to every insurer and rate service organization affected by the order.

Code 1950, §§ 38-245, 38-556; 1952, c. 317, § 38.1-388; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2226. Insurer to give notice to claimant of intention to rely on certain defenses and of execution of nonwaiver of rights agreement.

Whenever any insurer on a policy of liability insurance discovers a breach of the terms or conditions of the insurance contract by the insured, the insurer shall notify the claimant or the claimant's counsel of the breach. Notification shall be given within forty-five days after discovery by the insurer of the breach or of the claim, whichever is later. Whenever, on account of such breach, a nonwaiver of rights agreement is executed by the insurer and the insured, or a reservation of rights letter is sent by the insurer to the insured, notice of such action shall be given to the claimant or the claimant's counsel within forty-five days after that agreement is executed or the letter is sent, or after notice of the claim is received, whichever is later. Failure to give the notice within forty-five days will result in a waiver of the defense based on such breach to the extent of the claim by operation of law.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, in any claim in which a civil action has been filed by the claimant, the insurer shall give notice of reservation of rights in writing to the claimant, or if the claimant is represented by counsel, to claimant's counsel not less than thirty days prior to the date set for trial of the matter. The court, upon motion of the insurer and for good cause shown, may allow such notice to be given fewer than thirty days prior to the trial date. Failure to give the notice within thirty days of the trial date, or such shorter period as the court may have allowed, shall result in a waiver of the defense based on such breach to the extent of the claim by operation of law.

1968, c. 410, § 38.1-389.1; 1986, c. 562; 1997, c. 377; 2001, c. 728.

§ 38.2-2226.1. Insurer to give notice of settlement of claim.

Whenever any insurer on a policy or contract of bodily injury or property damage liability insurance relating to the ownership, maintenance, or use of a motor vehicle compromises, settles and discharges a claim made by a person other than the named insured that arose in connection with a motor vehicle accident involving an automobile covered by such policy or contract, the insurer, upon request by a named insured shall advise every named insured of the compromise, settlement and discharge of the claim.

2002, c. 405.

§ 38.2-2227. Aircraft liability policy not to deny coverage for violation of federal or civil regulations, etc.; permitted exclusions or conditions.

No insurance policy issued or delivered in this Commonwealth covering loss, expense, or liability arising out of the loss, maintenance, or use of an aircraft shall act to exclude or deny coverage because the aircraft is operated in violation of federal or civil regulations or any state or local ordinance. This section does not prohibit the use of specific exclusions or conditions in any policy that relates to any of the following:

1. Certification of an aircraft in a stated category by the Federal Aviation Administration;

2. Certification of a pilot in a stated category by the Federal Aviation Administration;

3. Establishing requirements for pilot experience; or

4. Restricting the use of the aircraft to the purposes stated in the policy.

1970, c. 227, § 38.1-389.2; 1986, c. 562.

§ 38.2-2228. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1996, c. 31.

§ 38.2-2228.2. Certain medical malpractice claims to be reported to the Commission.

All medical malpractice claims settled or adjudicated to final judgment against a person, corporation, firm, or entity providing health care, and any such claim closed without payment during each calendar year shall be reported annually to the Commission by the insurer of the health care provider. The reports shall not identify the parties. The report shall state the following data, to the extent applicable, in a format prescribed by the Commission:

1. The nature of the claim and damages asserted;

2. The principal medical and legal issues;

3. Attorneys' fees and expenses paid in connection with the claim or defense, to the extent these amounts are known;

4. Attorneys' fees and expenses reserved in connection with the claim or defense;

5. The amount of the settlement or judgment awarded to the claimant to the extent this amount is known;

6. The specialty of each health care provider;

7. The date the claim was reported to the company;

8. The date the loss occurred;

9. The date the claim was closed;

10. The date and amount of the initial reserve;

11. The amount of loss paid by the insurer if different from the amount of settlement or judgment awarded to the claimant; and

12. Any other pertinent information the Commission may require as is consistent with the provisions of this section.

The report shall include a statistical summary of the information collected in addition to an individual report on each claim. The report shall be submitted in an electronic format. Statistical summaries and individual closed claim reports shall be a matter of public record, except that data reported under item 10 shall, at the request of the reporting insurer, not be disclosed in the public record.

The report shall be filed electronically by July 1 of the year following the applicable calendar year; however, a report with data for calendar years 2002, 2003, and 2004 shall be filed by September 1, 2005.

2005, cc. 649, 692.

§ 38.2-2229. Claims-made liability insurance.

Pursuant to the authority granted in § 38.2-223, the Commission may issue regulations regarding claims-made liability insurance policies. These regulations may include, but are not limited to, (i) the pricing of extended reporting period coverage, (ii) provisions for installment payment of premiums for such coverage, and (iii) the providing of such coverage in the event of the death, disability, or retirement of the insured.

1990, c. 241.

§ 38.2-2230. Mandatory offer of rental reimbursement coverage.

Every insurer issuing a new or renewal policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, which provides comprehensive or collision coverage, shall offer in writing to the named insured the option of purchasing rental reimbursement coverage.

1994, c. 9.

§ 38.2-2231. Physical damage arbitration between insurers; alternate forums.

A. Except as otherwise provided hereafter, insurers shall arbitrate and settle all disputed claims made for automobile physical damage between them in accordance with the terms of the Nationwide Intercompany Arbitration Agreement, or any successor thereto, as adopted and from time to time amended by its members, and the rules promulgated pursuant to the Agreement, unless the parties mutually agree, on a per case basis, to use another forum, which forum may include a court of competent jurisdiction, in which case the claim shall be arbitrated or tried in that alternate forum. Mandatory arbitration of disputed claims shall be limited solely to the issues of liability and damages.

B. Every automobile liability or physical damage insurer doing business in the Commonwealth shall be a member of the Nationwide Intercompany Arbitration Agreement, or any successor thereto, sponsored by the Committee on Insurance Arbitration. However, if any such insurer is unable to furnish proof of its membership in such agreement, an action may be asserted in a court of competent jurisdiction.

1994, c. 346; 1999, c. 514.

§ 38.2-2232. Liability insurance on private pleasure watercraft; optional coverage.

A. Every insurer issuing a new or renewal policy or contract covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance or use of a private pleasure watercraft shall offer, in writing, to the named insured the option of purchasing coverage for damages which the insured is legally entitled to recover from the owner or operator of an uninsured private pleasure watercraft arising out of the ownership, maintenance, or use of such uninsured watercraft. Such insurer shall be required to offer limits of liability for uninsured private pleasure watercraft coverage equal to the limits of the liability insurance provided by the policy. However, no insurer shall be required to pay damages for uninsured private pleasure watercraft coverage in excess of the limits of uninsured private pleasure watercraft coverage provided by the policy. Uninsured private pleasure watercraft coverage shall include coverage for bodily injury and property damage liability; provided, however, that such property damage liability coverage shall be excess over any other valid and collectible insurance of any kind applicable to the property. Insurers issuing or providing liability policies that are of an excess or umbrella type or which provide liability coverage incidental to a policy not related to a specifically insured private pleasure watercraft shall not be required to offer, provide or make available to those policies uninsured private pleasure watercraft coverage.

For purposes of this section, a "new or renewal policy or contract covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance or use of a private pleasure watercraft" shall mean and include only a policy or contract of marine protection and indemnity insurance, as defined in subsection B of § 38.2-126, written as a separate policy, which is not in combination with any other class of insurance defined in Article 2 (§ 38.2-101 et seq.) of Chapter 1 of this title, to insure a private pleasure watercraft.

For purposes of this section, "uninsured private pleasure watercraft" means a private pleasure watercraft for which there is no valid insurance policy or contract covering liability arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of such private pleasure watercraft in effect at the time liability is incurred. Such term does not, however, include any watercraft owned by, furnished to, or available for the regular use of any insured, or owned by any governmental unit or agency.

B. If any action is instituted against an owner or operator of an uninsured private pleasure watercraft by any insured intending to rely on the coverage required by this section, then the insured shall serve a copy of the process upon the insurer in the manner prescribed by law, as though the insurer were a party defendant, but the provisions of § 8.01-288 shall not be applicable to service of process under this section. The insurer shall then have the right to file pleadings and take other actions allowable by law in the name of the owner or operator of the uninsured private pleasure watercraft or in its own name.

Any insurer paying a claim under coverage required by this section shall be subrogated to the rights of the insured to the extent of any payment on such claim.

1998, c. 726; 1999, c. 918.

§ 38.2-2233. Installment payments of motor vehicle insurance.

Whenever an insurer who accepts payments of insurance in installments and has a set date for the payment of an installment unilaterally changes the due date for such installment payment, the insurer shall conspicuously disclose the new due date for the installment payment. This section shall apply to all policies of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or renewed on or after October 1, 2002.

2002, c. 629.

§ 38.2-2234. Insurance credit score disclosure; use of credit information.

A. Any insurer issuing or delivering a policy of motor vehicle insurance in this Commonwealth, as defined in § 38.2-2212, that uses credit information contained in a consumer report for underwriting, tier placement or rating an applicant or insured shall meet the following requirements:

1. Disclose, either on the insurance application or at the time the insurance application is taken (i) that it shall obtain credit information in connection with such application, (ii) that the insured may request that his credit information be updated; and (iii) that, if the insured questions the accuracy of the credit information, the insurer will, upon request of the insured, reevaluate the insured based on corrected credit information from a consumer reporting agency. The disclosure may be made by the insurer or its agent. Such disclosure shall be either written or provided to an applicant in the same medium as the application for insurance. The insurer need not provide the disclosure required under this subsection to any insured on a renewal policy, if such insured has previously been provided a disclosure. Use of the following example disclosure constitutes compliance with this subsection: "In connection with this application for insurance, we shall review your credit report or obtain or use an insurance credit score based on the information contained in that credit report. We may use a third party in connection with the development of your insurance credit score. You may request that your credit information be updated and if you question the accuracy of the credit information, we will, upon your request, reevaluate you based on corrected credit information from a consumer reporting agency."

2. If an insurer takes an adverse action, based in whole or in part, upon credit information, the insurer shall provide notice to the applicant or insured that the adverse action was based, in whole or in part, on credit information. Such notice shall also either include a statement advising the applicant or insured of the primary factors or characteristics that were used as the basis for the adverse action, or notify the applicant or insured that he may request such information. For the purposes of this section, adverse action means a denial, nonrenewal or cancellation of, an increase in any charge for or refusal to apply a discount, or placement in a less favorable tier, or a reduction or other adverse or unfavorable change in the terms of coverage or amount of, any insurance, existing or applied for, in connection with underwriting, tier placement or rating of insurance based on the applicant's or insured's credit information. Adverse action includes circumstances where due to his credit information the applicant or insured (i) receives a higher rate, (ii) is placed in a less favorable tier, and (iii) when there are multiple companies available within a group of insurers, receives coverage in a less favorably priced company of the group. Notice is required when the effect of the credit information would put the applicant or insured in a worse position than if the credit information had not been considered. In the case of renewals, the circumstances listed in clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) shall not be deemed adverse actions if, due to the insured's credit information, the insured is not receiving a less favorable rate or placed in a less favorable tier or company than during the policy period immediately preceding renewal.

B. If an insurer uses credit information from a consumer report for tier placement or rating of its renewal business for a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or delivered in this Commonwealth the insurer shall be required to update the credit information at least once every three years, provided, however, that the insurer shall be required to update an insured's credit information within the three-year period if requested by the insured. If an update request is made by the insured at least 45 days prior to the end of the policy term, any adjustment to the premium required by the update of the insured's credit information shall take effect at the first renewal following the request for update of the insured's credit information. If an update request is made by the insured within 45 days of the end of the policy term, the insurer shall have the option of applying any adjustment to the premium required by the update of the insured's credit information to the first renewal or the second renewal following the request for update of the insured's credit information. An insurer need not update the credit information more frequently than once every policy term. Notwithstanding the requirements of this subsection, no insurer need obtain updated credit information if the insured has the most favorably priced tier or rate based on his credit information.

C. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision A 3 of § 38.2-1904, if an insurer issuing or delivering a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, in this Commonwealth is unable to obtain credit information from a consumer report or when an insured or applicant has insufficient credit to produce an insurance credit score, the insurer shall underwrite, tier, or rate the individual risk in one of the following ways: (i) as if the risk received a neutral or average insurance credit score, as defined by the insurer, (ii) by excluding the use of credit information as a factor and using only other underwriting, tiering, or rating criteria, or (iii) in accordance with established underwriting guidelines or filed tiering or rating rules. Any such established underwriting guidelines or filed tiering or rating rules shall consider other actuarially justified factors associated with the risk in addition to the inability to obtain credit information or the insufficiency of the credit information.

D. The following factors shall not be used as credit criteria or to determine an insurance credit score for underwriting, tier placement, or rating purposes for a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or delivered in this Commonwealth:

1. Information that has been identified by the consumer reporting agency as disputed by the consumer and coded as such, if the use of such disputed information would result in an adverse action;

2. Information that has been identified by the consumer reporting agency as related to insurance inquiries or nonconsumer-initiated inquiries and coded as such;

3. Information that has been identified by the consumer reporting agency as related to collection accounts with a medical industry code;

4. Information that includes multiple lender inquiries, if coded by the consumer reporting agency as being from the home mortgage industry and made within 30 days of one another, unless only one inquiry is considered;

5. Information that includes multiple lender inquiries, if coded by the consumer reporting agency as being from the automobile lending industry and made within 30 days of one another, unless only one inquiry is considered;

6. Income, gender, address, zip code, ethnic group, race, color, religion, marital status, or nationality of the consumer; or

7. The total available line of credit; however, an insurer may consider the total amount of outstanding debt in relation to the total available line of credit.

E. No insurer shall take an adverse action against an applicant for a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or delivered in this Commonwealth, based on credit information, unless an insurer obtains and uses a consumer report procured within 90 days from the date the policy is first written.

F. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, for a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or delivered in this Commonwealth, an insurer may, upon request, provide reasonable exceptions for an individual whose credit information is directly and adversely impacted by a catastrophic event, as determined by the insurer, including catastrophic illness or injury or the death of a spouse or member of the same household. The insurer may require reasonable documentation of the event prior to granting an exception. No insurer shall be deemed out of compliance with its filed rules and rates as a result of granting an exception pursuant to this subsection.

G. Upon the request of an insured or applicant with respect to a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or delivered in this Commonwealth, for a reevaluation as set forth in this section, the insurer shall reevaluate the individual based on corrected credit information from a consumer reporting agency. If the reevaluation results in a lower premium, the lower premium shall be applied retroactively to the effective date of the current policy term, and the insurer shall either refund or credit the amount to the insured. The insurer may require reasonable documentation of the corrected information from the consumer reporting agency prior to the reevaluation.

H. An insurer shall indemnify, defend, and hold agents harmless from and against all liability, fees, and costs arising out of or relating to the actions, errors, or omissions of an agent who obtains or uses credit information or insurance credit scores for an insurer, provided the agent follows the instructions or procedures established by the insurer and complies with any applicable law. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to provide an applicant or insured with a cause of action that does not exist in the absence of this subsection.

I. No consumer reporting agency shall provide or sell data or lists that include any information that in whole or in part was submitted in conjunction with an insurance inquiry about an individual's credit information or a request for a consumer report or an insurance credit score. Such information includes the expiration dates of an insurance policy or any other information that may identify time periods during which an individual's insurance may expire and the terms and conditions of the individual's insurance coverage. The restrictions provided in this subsection do not apply to data or lists the consumer reporting agency supplies to the insurance agent from whom information was received or the insurer on whose behalf such agent acted. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to restrict any insurer from being able to obtain a claims history report or a motor vehicle report.

J. For the purposes of this section, "insurance credit score" means a number or rating that is derived from an algorithm, computer application, model, or other process that is based in whole or in part on credit information for the purposes of predicting the future insurance loss exposure of an individual applicant or insured for or under a policy of motor vehicle insurance, as defined in § 38.2-2212, issued or delivered in this Commonwealth.

K. The provisions of this section shall apply only to insurance purchased primarily for personal, family, or household purposes.

2003, cc. 543, 553; 2019, c. 704.