Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 51.1. Pensions, Benefits, and Retirement
Chapter 11. Sickness and Disability Program

Article 5. Provisions Applicable to Disability Benefits Generally.

§ 51.1-1131. Supplemental benefits for catastrophic disability.

Disability benefits shall be increased to eighty percent of creditable compensation for any disabled participating employee who (i) is unable to perform at least two of the six activities of daily living due to a loss of functional capacity or (ii) requires substantial supervision to protect the employee from threats to health and safety as a result of severe cognitive impairment. Determination of whether a participating employee satisfies either of these conditions shall be made in accordance with the policies of the Board or its designee.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2001, c. 694.

§ 51.1-1131.1. Employer contributions during disability absences.

Mandatory employer contributions to the defined contribution component of the hybrid retirement program pursuant to subdivision B 2 of § 51.1-169 on behalf of a participating employee shall be made for each employee who is permanently and totally disabled (as defined in § 22(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code). The calculation of such contributions shall be based on the full amount of the participating employee's creditable compensation.

2012, cc. 701, 823.

§ 51.1-1132. Health insurance coverage during disability absences.

A. Participating employees enrolled in a health insurance plan established pursuant to § 2.2-2818 shall continue to be covered during periods of short-term disability and shall have the option of continuing to be covered by such plan during periods of absence covered by long-term disability benefits.

B. The Commonwealth shall pay the employer's share of the cost of health insurance coverage under such plan for participating employees and for the families or dependents of such employees during periods the employee is receiving short-term disability benefits to the same extent as for other state employees covered by such plan.

C. Participating employees enrolled in such plan established pursuant to § 2.2-2818 shall have the option of continuing to be covered under such plan, and shall pay the full cost for coverage under such plan for themselves and for their families and dependents during periods the employee is receiving long-term disability benefits. However, for an employee as defined in § 51.1-201 who is receiving long-term disability benefits for a work-related disability pursuant to Article 4 (§ 51.1-1119 et seq.) of Chapter 11, the Commonwealth shall continue to pay the employer's share of the cost of health insurance coverage under such plan for the participating employee and for his family and dependents until such time as the employee is approved for continued health insurance coverage as provided under Chapter 4 (§ 9.1-400 et seq.) of Title 9.1.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2007, c. 90.

§ 51.1-1133. Life and accident insurance coverage during disability absences.

A. Participating full-time employees participating in a group life and accident insurance program established pursuant to Chapter 5 (§ 51.1-500 et seq.) of this title shall continue to participate in such program during periods of absence covered by short-term and long-term disability benefits.

B. During periods of absence covered by short-term disability benefits, the amount of the life insurance benefit shall be based on the annual salary of the participating full-time employee at the commencement of the disability and shall be adjusted to include salary increases awarded during the period covered by short-term disability benefits.

C. During periods of absence covered by long-term disability benefits, the amount of the life insurance benefit shall be based on the annual salary of the participating employee at the commencement of the disability. Such amount shall (i) not include salary increases awarded during the period covered by long-term disability benefits and (ii) be increased annually by an amount recommended by the program actuary and approved by the Board.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2004, c. 98; 2007, c. 64.

§ 51.1-1134. Optional insurance during disability absences.

Participating full-time employees may continue coverage under the optional insurance for themselves and their spouses and minor dependents pursuant to § 51.1-512 at their own expense during periods of disability.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2011, c. 722.

§ 51.1-1135. Exclusions and limitations.

A. Disability benefits shall not be payable to any participating employee (i) whose disability results from the employee's commission of a felony or (ii) during any period when the employee is incarcerated.

B. Long-term disability benefits shall not be payable to any participating employee whose disability results from the abuse of alcohol, the misuse of any prescribed medication, or the misuse of any controlled substance, unless the employee is actively receiving treatment and, in the judgment of the case manager, is fully complying with the treatment plan and is making substantial progress toward rehabilitation.

C. Disability benefits shall not be payable if the participating employee is determined by the Board or its designee to be noncompliant with the program.

1998, c. 774; 1999, c. 144; 2000, c. 889.

§ 51.1-1135.1. Appeals.

The Board may elect to develop an alternative to the process set forth in the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) to allow appeals of case decisions related to the payment of disability benefits under this chapter. This alternative process shall be modeled after the claims provisions as provided for in the federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended, and shall (i) provide for adequate notice in writing to any participant whose claim for benefits has been denied setting forth the specific reasons for such denial, and (ii) afford a reasonable opportunity to any participant whose claim for benefits has been denied for a review of the decision denying the claim. Articles 3 (§ 2.2-4018 et seq.) and 4 (§ 2.2-4024) of the Administrative Process Act shall not apply to any portion of this alternative appeals process. However, any person aggrieved by, and claiming the unlawfulness of, a final case decision issued pursuant to this alternative appeals process, whether issued by the Board or by the Board's delegate, shall have a right to seek judicial review thereof. Such judicial review shall be in accordance with Article 5 (§ 2.2-4025 et seq.) of the Administrative Process Act.

1999, c. 144; 2000, c. 889; 2001, c. 694; 2005, c. 473.

§ 51.1-1135.2. Board authorized to provide long-term care insurance and benefits.

A. For purposes of this section, "participating employee" means the same as that term is defined in § 51.1-1100.

B. The Board is authorized to develop, implement, and administer a long-term care insurance program for participating employees that includes, among other elements, provisions under which a person may purchase continuing coverage if he ceases to be a participating employee. The Board may contract for and purchase such long-term care insurance or may self-insure long-term care benefits or may use such other actuarially sound funding necessary to effectuate such long-term care insurance and benefits.

C. The costs of providing long-term care benefits for participating employees shall be paid by state agencies from funds as shall be appropriated by law to state agencies. State agencies shall pay to the Board from such funds contribution amounts, to be determined by the Board, to provide the Board with such funds as shall be required from time to time to (i) obtain and maintain long-term care insurance and benefits for participating employees, and (ii) administer the long-term care insurance program, including providing case management and cost containment programs. Contributions shall be deposited in the Disability Insurance Trust Fund established under § 51.1-1140.

2002, cc. 663, 697; 2011, c. 30.