Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 54.1. Professions and Occupations
Chapter 27. Dentistry

Article 3. Licensure of Dental Hygienists.

§ 54.1-2722. License; application; qualifications; practice of dental hygiene; report.

A. No person shall practice dental hygiene unless he possesses a current, active, and valid license from the Board of Dentistry. The licensee shall have the right to practice dental hygiene in the Commonwealth for the period of his license as set by the Board, under the direction of any licensed dentist.

B. An application for such license shall be made to the Board in writing and shall be accompanied by satisfactory proof that the applicant (i) is of good moral character, (ii) is a graduate of a dental hygiene program accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation and offered by an accredited institution of higher education, (iii) has passed the dental hygiene examination given by the Joint Commission on National Dental Examinations, and (iv) has successfully completed a clinical examination acceptable to the Board.

C. The Board may grant a license to practice dental hygiene to an applicant licensed to practice in another jurisdiction if he (i) meets the requirements of subsection B; (ii) holds a current, unrestricted license to practice dental hygiene in another jurisdiction in the United States; (iii) has not committed any act that would constitute grounds for denial as set forth in § 54.1-2706; and (iv) meets other qualifications as determined in regulations promulgated by the Board.

D. A licensed dental hygienist may, under the direction or general supervision of a licensed dentist and subject to the regulations of the Board, perform services that are educational, diagnostic, therapeutic, or preventive. These services shall not include the establishment of a final diagnosis or treatment plan for a dental patient. Pursuant to subsection V of § 54.1-3408, a licensed dental hygienist may administer topical oral fluorides under an oral or written order or a standing protocol issued by a dentist or a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine.

A dentist may also authorize a dental hygienist under his direction to administer Schedule VI nitrous oxide and oxygen inhalation analgesia and, to persons 18 years of age or older, Schedule VI local anesthesia. In its regulations, the Board of Dentistry shall establish the education and training requirements for dental hygienists to administer such controlled substances under a dentist's direction.

For the purposes of this section, "general supervision" means that a dentist has evaluated the patient and prescribed authorized services to be provided by a dental hygienist; however, the dentist need not be present in the facility while the authorized services are being provided.

The Board shall provide for an inactive license for those dental hygienists who hold a current, unrestricted license to practice in the Commonwealth at the time of application for an inactive license and who do not wish to practice in Virginia. The Board shall promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, including requirements for remedial education to activate a license.

E. For the purposes of this subsection, "remote supervision" means that a public health dentist has regular, periodic communications with a public health dental hygienist regarding patient treatment, but such dentist may not have conducted an initial examination of the patients who are to be seen and treated by the dental hygienist and may not be present with the dental hygienist when dental hygiene services are being provided.

Notwithstanding any provision of law, a dental hygienist employed by the Virginia Department of Health or the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services who holds a license issued by the Board of Dentistry may provide educational and preventative dental care in the Commonwealth under the remote supervision of a dentist employed by the Department of Health or the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. A dental hygienist providing such services shall practice pursuant to protocols developed jointly by the Department of Health and the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services for each agency, in consultation with the Virginia Dental Association and the Virginia Dental Hygienists' Association. Such protocols shall be adopted by the Board as regulations.

A report of services provided by dental hygienists employed by the Virginia Department of Health pursuant to such protocol, including their impact upon the oral health of the citizens of the Commonwealth, shall be prepared and submitted annually to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources by the Department of Health, and a report of services provided by dental hygienists employed by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services shall be prepared and submitted annually to the Secretary of Health and Human Resources by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize or establish the independent practice of dental hygiene.

F. For the purposes of this subsection, "remote supervision" means that a supervising dentist is accessible and available for communication and consultation with a dental hygienist during the delivery of dental hygiene services, but such dentist may not have conducted an initial examination of the patients who are to be seen and treated by the dental hygienist and may not be present with the dental hygienist when dental hygiene services are being provided.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a dental hygienist may practice dental hygiene under the remote supervision of a dentist who holds an active license by the Board and who has a dental practice physically located in the Commonwealth. No dental hygienist shall practice under remote supervision unless he has (i) completed a continuing education course designed to develop the competencies needed to provide care under remote supervision offered by an accredited dental education program or from a continuing education provider approved by the Board and (ii) at least two years of clinical experience, consisting of at least 2,500 hours of clinical experience. A dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision shall have professional liability insurance with policy limits acceptable to the supervising dentist. A dental hygienist shall only practice under remote supervision at a federally qualified health center; charitable safety net facility; free clinic; long-term care facility; elementary or secondary school; Head Start program; mobile dentistry program for adults with developmental disabilities operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services' Office of Integrated Health; or women, infants, and children (WIC) program.

A dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision may (a) obtain a patient's treatment history and consent, (b) perform an oral assessment, (c) perform scaling and polishing, (d) perform all educational and preventative services, (e) take X-rays as ordered by the supervising dentist or consistent with a standing order, (f) maintain appropriate documentation in the patient's chart, (g) administer topical oral fluorides, topical oral anesthetics, topical and directly applied antimicrobial agents for treatment of periodontal pocket lesions, and any other Schedule VI topical drug approved by the Board of Dentistry under an oral or written order or a standing protocol issued by a dentist or a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine pursuant to subsection V of § 54.1-3408, and (h) perform any other service ordered by the supervising dentist or required by statute or Board regulation. No dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision shall administer local anesthetic or nitrous oxide.

Prior to providing a patient dental hygiene services, a dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision shall obtain (1) the patient's or the patient's legal representative's signature on a statement disclosing that the delivery of dental hygiene services under remote supervision is not a substitute for the need for regular dental examinations by a dentist and (2) verbal confirmation from the patient that he does not have a dentist of record whom he is seeing regularly.

After conducting an initial oral assessment of a patient, a dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision may provide further dental hygiene services following a written practice protocol developed and provided by the supervising dentist. Such written practice protocol shall consider, at a minimum, the medical complexity of the patient and the presenting signs and symptoms of oral disease.

A dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision shall inform the supervising dentist of all findings for a patient. A dental hygienist practicing under remote supervision may continue to treat a patient for 180 days. After such 180-day period, the supervising dentist, absent emergent circumstances, shall either conduct an examination of the patient or refer the patient to another dentist to conduct an examination. The supervising dentist shall develop a diagnosis and treatment plan for the patient, and either the supervising dentist or the dental hygienist shall provide the treatment plan to the patient. The supervising dentist shall review a patient's records at least once every 10 months.

Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a dental hygienist from practicing dental hygiene under general supervision whether as an employee or as a volunteer.

1950, pp. 983-985, §§ 54-200.2, 54-200.4, 54-200.7 through 54-200.9, 54-200.11; 1968, c. 604; 1970, c. 639; 1972, cc. 805, 824; 1973, c. 391; 1975, c. 479; 1976, c. 327; 1986, c. 178; 1988, c. 765; 1990, c. 441; 1997, c. 855; 2002, c. 170; 2005, cc. 505, 587; 2006, c. 858; 2007, c. 702; 2009, cc. 99, 506, 561; 2011, c. 289; 2012, c. 102; 2013, c. 240; 2016, c. 497; 2017, c. 410; 2019, cc. 86, 431; 2024, c. 295.

§ 54.1-2723. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2005, cc. 505 and 587, cl. 2.

§ 54.1-2724. Limitations on the employment of dental hygienists.

The Board shall determine by regulation the total number of dental hygienists, including dental hygienists under general supervision and dental hygienists under remote supervision, who may work at one time for a dentist. No dentist shall employ more than two dental hygienists who practice under remote supervision at one time. The State Board of Health may employ the necessary number of hygienists in public school dental clinics, subject to regulations of the Board.

1950, p. 984, § 54-200.6; 1972, c. 805; 1978, c. 247; 1988, c. 765; 2016, c. 497.

§ 54.1-2725. Faculty licenses to teach dental hygiene; renewals.

A. Upon payment of the prescribed fee, the Board shall grant, without examination, a license to teach dental hygiene to any applicant who (i) is a graduate of a dental hygiene school or college or the dental hygiene department of an institution of higher education accredited by the Commission of Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association; (ii) has a B.S., B.A., A.B., or M.S. degree and is otherwise qualified; (iii) is not licensed to practice dental hygiene; and (iv) has a license to practice dental hygiene in at least one other United States jurisdiction.

B. The dean or program director of the accredited dental hygiene program shall provide to the Board verification that the applicant is being hired by the program and shall include an assessment of the applicant's clinical competency and clinical experience that qualifies the applicant for a faculty license.

C. The holder of a license issued pursuant to this section shall be entitled to perform all activities that a person licensed to practice dental hygiene would be entitled to perform that are part of his faculty duties, including all patient care activities associated with teaching, research, and the delivery of patient care that take place only within educational facilities owned or operated by or affiliated with the dental school or program. A license issued pursuant to this section does not entitle the holder to practice dental hygiene in nonaffiliated clinics or other private practice settings.

D. Any license issued under this section shall expire on June 30 of the second year after its issuance or shall terminate when the licensee leaves employment at the accredited dental program. Such license may be renewed annually thereafter as long as the accredited program certifies to the licensee's continuing employment.

1975, c. 479, § 54-175.1; 1976, c. 327; 1988, c. 765; 2012, cc. 20, 116.

§ 54.1-2726. Temporary permits for certain hygienists.

A. The Board may issue a temporary permit to a graduate of an accredited dental hygiene program who is otherwise qualified, has not held a license to practice dental hygiene in Virginia, and has not failed an examination for a license to practice dental hygiene in the Commonwealth. Such temporary permits shall be issued only to those eligible graduates who serve in the Department of Health or the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services in a dental clinic operated by the Commonwealth or in a Virginia charitable corporation granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and operated as a clinic for the indigent and uninsured that is organized for the delivery of primary health care services: (i) as a federally qualified health center designated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) or (ii) at a reduced or sliding fee scale or without charge.

B. Applicants for temporary permits shall be certified to the executive director of the Board by the Commissioner of Health or the Commissioner of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services or the chief executive officer of a Virginia charitable corporation pursuant to subsection A. The holder of such permit shall not be entitled to receive any fee or compensation other than salary. Such permits shall be valid for no more than two years and shall expire on the June 30 of the second year after their issuance, or shall terminate when the holder ceases to be employed by the certifying agency. Such permits may be reissued annually or may be revoked at any time for cause. Reissuance or revocation of a temporary permit is in the discretion of the Board.

The holder of a temporary permit shall function under the direction of a dentist.

Code 1950, § 54-152; 1968, c. 604; 1970, c. 639; 1972, c. 805; 1975, c. 479; 1976, c. 327; 1985, c. 373; 1988, c. 765; 2005, cc. 505, 587; 2009, cc. 813, 840.

§ 54.1-2726.1. Restricted volunteer license for certain dental hygienists.

A. The Board may issue a restricted volunteer license to a dental hygienist who:

1. Held an unrestricted license in Virginia or another state as a licensee in good standing at the time the license expired or became inactive;

2. Is sponsored and supervised by a dentist who holds an unrestricted license in the Commonwealth;

3. Is volunteering for a public health or community free clinic that provides dental services to populations of underserved people;

4. Has fulfilled the Board's requirement related to knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the practice of dentistry in Virginia;

5. Has not failed a clinical examination within the past five years; and

6. Has had at least five years of clinical practice.

B. A person holding a restricted volunteer license under this section shall:

1. Only practice in public health or community free clinics that provide dental hygiene services to underserved populations;

2. Only treat patients who have been screened by the approved clinic and are eligible for treatment;

3. Attest on a form provided by the Board that he will not receive remuneration directly or indirectly for providing dental hygiene services; and

4. Not be required to complete continuing education in order to renew such a license.

C. A dental hygienist with a restricted volunteer license issued under this section shall only practice dental hygiene under the direction of a dentist with an unrestricted license in Virginia.

D. A restricted voluntary license granted pursuant to this section shall expire on the June 30 of the second year after its issuance, or shall terminate when the supervising dentist withdraws his sponsorship. Such license may be renewed annually thereafter as long as the supervising dentist continues to sponsor the licensee.

E. A dental hygienist holding a restricted volunteer license issued pursuant to this section is subject to the provisions of this chapter, the regulations promulgated under this chapter, and the disciplinary regulations which apply to all dental hygienists practicing in Virginia.

1997, c. 719; 1998, c. 326; 2005, cc. 505, 587.

§ 54.1-2727. Display of license.

Every person practicing dental hygiene shall at all times display his license in a conspicuous place in his office in plain view of patients.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to any dental hygienist while he is serving as a volunteer providing dental hygiene services in an underserved area of the Commonwealth under the auspices of a Virginia charitable corporation granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and operating as a clinic for the indigent and uninsured that is organized for the delivery of primary health care services.

1950, p. 985, § 54-200.14; 1972, c. 805; 1988, c. 765; 2006, c. 823.

§ 54.1-2728. Grounds for revocation or suspension.

The Board may revoke or suspend the license of any dental hygienist for any of the causes set forth in § 54.1-2706, insofar as applicable to the practice of dental hygiene.

1950, p. 986, § 54-200.18; 1972, c. 805; 1988, c. 765; 2005, cc. 505, 587.

§ 54.1-2729. Continuing education.

The Board shall promulgate regulations requiring continuing education for any dental hygienist license renewal or reinstatement. The Board may grant exceptions or exemptions from these continuing education requirements.

1993, c. 555; 1997, c. 3; 2004, c. 137; 2005, cc. 505, 587.