Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 6.2. Financial Institutions and Services
Subtitle III. Other Regulated Providers of Financial Services
Chapter 14. Industrial Loan Associations

Chapter 14. Industrial Loan Associations.

§ 6.2-1400. Definitions.

As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Affiliated person of an association" means any person which is a subsidiary, stockholder, partner, trustee, director, officer, or employee of an association, and any corporation 10 percent or more of the capital stock of which is owned by an association or by any person which is a subsidiary, stockholder, partner, trustee, director, officer, or employee of an association.

"Association" means a corporation organized as an industrial loan association under the provisions of the Virginia Stock Corporation Act (§ 13.1-601 et seq.), the business of which is substantially confined to the business of making loans and issuing certificates of investment.

"Mortgage loan" means a loan made to an individual, the proceeds of which are to be used primarily for personal, family or household purposes, which loan is secured by a mortgage or deed of trust upon any interest in one- to four-family residential property located in the Commonwealth, regardless of where made, including the renewal or refinancing of any such loan, but excluding (i) loans or extensions of credit to buyers of real property for any part of the purchase price of such property by persons selling such property owned by them, (ii) loans to persons related to the lender by blood or marriage, and (iii) loans to persons who are bona fide employees of the lender. "Mortgage loan" shall not include any loan secured by a mortgage or deed of trust upon any interest in a more than four-family residential property or property used for a commercial or agricultural purpose.

2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1401. Powers of associations.

Associations shall have all the general powers and be subject to all the restrictions contained in the Virginia Stock Corporation Act (§ 13.1-601 et seq.), except as herein otherwise provided. An association need not comply with the provisions of subsection A of § 13.1-630.

Code 1950, §§ 6-242, 6-244; 1956, c. 433; 1958, c. 139; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-227; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1402. Use of certain words in name prohibited.

An association shall neither use in its corporate name nor do business under a name containing the word "bank," "savings bank," "banker," "trust company," "trust," or other word of similar import.

Code 1950, §§ 6-242, 6-244; 1956, c. 433; 1958, c. 139; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-227; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1403. Directors.

A. Every association shall have at least five directors, each of whom shall own in his own right and have in his personal possession or control shares of stock in the association that (i) have in the aggregate at least $100 in par value, and (ii) shall be unpledged and unencumbered at the time he became a director and during his entire term as director.

B. Each director shall take and subscribe an oath that he will (i) comply with the requirements of subsection A regarding his stock of the association and (ii) diligently and honestly administer the affairs of the association as its director. The oath shall be transmitted to the Commission within 60 days following his election.

C. Any director violating the provisions of this section shall thereby vacate his office. The remaining directors shall proceed forthwith to fill such vacancy.

D. The directors shall require all active officers of such association to provide bonds in such sums as may be prescribed by the Commission in a surety company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth.

Code 1950, § 6-252; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-235; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1404. Commission may regulate issuance of evidences of debt.

The Commission may by regulation prescribe the terms and conditions upon which an association may issue bonds, debentures, or other evidences of debt, however described, that are offered to the public by advertisement or solicitation.

1974, c. 174, § 6.1-227.1; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1405. Extent to which associations regarded as banks; conversion of certain associations to banks; new associations not authorized.

A. An association incorporated after July 1, 1960, shall have all the powers conferred on banks, shall be subject to all restrictions applicable to banks, and shall for the purposes of state supervision and control be banks.

B. An association that had certificates of investment issued and outstanding on January 1, 1959, may become a bank upon complying with all the provisions of Chapter 8 (§ 6.2-800 et seq.).

C. Any person who has not obtained authorization from the Commission to do business as an association prior to October 1, 2010, shall not conduct business as an association.

Code 1950, §§ 6-245, 6-250; 1956, c. 433; 1960, c. 62; 1966, c. 584, §§ 6.1-228, 6.1-230; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1406. Sale of certificates of investment by certain associations prohibited.

A. An association that had no certificates of investment issued and outstanding on January 1, 1959, may not sell certificates of investment.

B. An association that had certificates of investment issued and outstanding on January 1, 1959, may sell certificates of investment upon either the fully paid or partial payment system. Any such association that did not obtain insurance of its liability for such certificates, through either a state or federal agency, up to the limits of insurance provided thereby prior to July 1, 1975, shall not sell such certificates after such date.

Code 1950, § 6-255; 1960, c. 63; 1966, c. 584, §§ 6.1-229, 6.1-231; 1974, c. 176; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1407. Prohibitions on associations with certificates issued and outstanding; advertisements.

A. An association that has certificates of investment issued and outstanding shall not:

1. Advertise that it carries insurance unless its certificates of investment are insured or guaranteed by a state or federal agency;

2. Own any shares of stock issued by any other corporation except to the extent legal for banks;

3. Invest more than 80 percent of the amount of its outstanding certificates of investment in loans secured by liens on real estate;

4. Make any loan secured by liens on real estate in excess of that percent of the appraised value permitted to banks;

5. Issue certificates of investment for the purpose of borrowing money from financial institutions; or

6. Issue a certificate of investment paying a higher rate of interest than four and one-half percent per annum, except that notwithstanding this limitation it may pay at any time an interest rate equal to the highest rate paid by any state savings institution or bank located in the same community in the Commonwealth.

B. An association that has certificates of investment issued and outstanding shall place in a prominent manner in every advertisement for, and upon any document evidencing ownership of, certificates of investment that are not insured by a state or federal agency the words: "The savings accounts in this association are not insured."

Code 1950, § 6-251; 1956, c. 433; 1960, c. 64; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-232; 1974, cc. 175, 176, § 6.1-232.1; 1978, c. 14; 1996, c. 16; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1408. Associations to have one office; how office moved.

An association shall not have more than one office for the conduct of its business. An association shall not move its office without first satisfying the Commission that moving its office will promote the convenience of its customers.

1966, c. 584, § 6.1-233; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1409. Prepayment by borrower from association; rebates for unearned interest; prepayment penalty.

A. Any individual borrowing from an association shall have the right to anticipate payment of his debt at any time.

B. If interest has been added to the face amount of the note, the borrower shall have the right, upon prepayment of the debt, to receive a rebate by way of credit for any unearned interest. The rebate shall be computed:

1. On loans (i) with an initial maturity and corresponding amortization period of 61 months or less and (ii) payable in equal periodic installments, in accordance with the Rule of 78 as illustrated in § 6.2-403 or by using any other method that is at least as favorable to such borrower; and

2. On other loans, under a method at least as favorable to the borrower as the actuarial method.

C. An association may charge a prepayment penalty not to exceed two percent of the amount of the prepayment, provided such prepayment penalty, including the percent thereof, is set forth in the contract of indebtedness and is disclosed to the borrower pursuant to applicable federal interest disclosure laws.

1987, c. 622, § 6.1-330.84; 1990, c. 338; 1991, c. 171; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1410. Amount of loan.

No loan made by an association shall be made for a greater amount in the aggregate to any person than 20 percent of the paid-in capital stock and capital surplus of the association.

Code 1950, §§ 6-250, 6-253, 6-254; 1952, c. 70; 1956, c. 433; 1966, c. 584, § 6.1-234; 1968, c. 754; 1975, c. 448; 1981, c. 56; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1411. Retention of books, accounts, and records.

A. Every association shall maintain in its offices such books, accounts, and records as the Commission may reasonably require in order to determine whether such association is complying with the provisions of this chapter and regulations adopted in furtherance thereof. Such books, accounts, and records as relate to the mortgage lending or mortgage brokering business of the association shall be maintained separate from any other business in which the association is involved.

B. When acting as a mortgage lender, the association shall retain for at least three years after final payment is made on any mortgage loan or the mortgage loan is sold, whichever first occurs, copies of the note, settlement statement, Truth in Lending disclosure, and such other papers or records relating to the loan as may be required by regulation.

C. When acting as a mortgage broker, the association shall retain for at least three years after the mortgage loan is made the original contract for its compensation, a copy of the settlement statement, an account of fees received in connection with the loan, and such other papers and records as may be required by regulation.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.1; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1412. Annual report.

Each association shall annually, on or before March 25, file a written report with the Commissioner containing such information as the Commissioner may require concerning its business and operations during the preceding calendar year. Reports shall be made under oath and be in the form prescribed by the Commissioner.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.2; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1413. Investigations; examinations.

The Commission, as often as it deems necessary, may investigate and examine the affairs, business, premises, and records of any association. Examinations shall be conducted at least twice in each three-year period. In the course of such investigations and examinations, the owners, officers, directors, and employees of the association shall, upon demand of the person making such examination or investigation, afford full access to all premises, books, records, and information that the person making such examination or investigation deems necessary. For the purposes of this section, the person making such examination or investigation shall have authority to administer oaths, examine under oath all the aforementioned persons, and compel the production of papers and objects of all kinds.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.3; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1414. Annual fees.

Each association shall pay an annual fee calculated in accordance with a schedule set by the Commission. The schedule shall bear a reasonable relationship to the total assets of the individual associations, the actual costs of the associations' examination and other factors relating to their supervision and regulation. All such fees shall be assessed on or before July 1 for each calendar year and be paid by the associations to the State Treasurer on or before the July 31 following such assessment.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.4; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1415. Regulations.

The Commission shall adopt such regulations as it deems appropriate to effect the purposes of this chapter. Before adopting any such regulation, the Commission shall give reasonable notice of its content and shall afford interested parties an opportunity to be heard.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.5; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1416. Prohibited practices.

A. No association shall:

1. Obtain any agreement or instrument in which blanks are left to be filled in after execution;

2. Take an interest in collateral other than the real estate or residential property, including fixtures and appliances thereon, securing a mortgage loan; however, an interest in collateral other than real estate may be taken if the real estate taken as collateral does not have sufficient equity to secure the mortgage loan;

3. Obtain any exclusive dealing or exclusive agency agreement from any borrower;

4. Delay closing of any mortgage loan for the purpose of increasing interest, costs, fees, or charges payable by the borrower;

5. Obtain any agreement or instrument executed by the borrower which contains an acceleration clause permitting the unpaid balance of a mortgage loan to be declared due for any reason other than failure to make timely payments of interest and principal or to perform other obligations undertaken in the agreement or instrument; or

6. If acting as a mortgage lender, fail to require the person closing the mortgage loan to provide the borrower, prior to closing of the mortgage loan, with a (i) settlement statement and (ii) disclosure which conforms to that required by the provisions of 15 U.S.C. § 1601 et seq. and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Regulation Z (12 C.F.R. Part 1026).

B. No association, when acting as a mortgage broker, shall:

1. Except for documented costs of a credit report and appraisals, receive compensation from a borrower until a written commitment to make a mortgage loan is given to the borrower by a mortgage lender;

2. Receive compensation from a mortgage lender of which it is a principal, partner, trustee, director, officer, or employee;

3. Receive compensation from a borrower in connection with any mortgage loan transaction in which it is the lender or a principal, partner, trustee, director, or officer of the lender;

4. Receive compensation from a borrower other than that specified in a written agreement signed by the borrower; or

5. Receive compensation for negotiating, placing or finding a mortgage loan where such association, or any person affiliated with such association, has otherwise acted as a real estate broker, agent, or salesman in connection with the real estate which secures the mortgage loan, and such association or affiliated person has received or will receive any other compensation or thing of value from the lender, borrower, seller, or any other person, unless the borrower is given the following notice in writing at the time the mortgage broker services are first offered to the borrower:







The foregoing notice shall be in at least 10-point type, and the prospective borrower shall acknowledge receipt of the written notice.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.6; 2010, c. 794; 2016, c. 501.

§ 6.2-1417. Escrow accounts.

All moneys required by an association to be paid by borrowers in escrow to defray future taxes or insurance premiums shall be kept in accounts segregated from accounts of the association and shall not be commingled with other funds of the association. No association shall require any borrower to pay any amounts in escrow to defray future taxes and insurance premiums in connection with a loan secured by a subordinate mortgage or deed of trust as defined in Chapter 3 (§ 6.2-300 et seq.), except where escrows for such purposes are not being maintained in connection with a mortgage loan superior to such subordinate mortgage loan.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.7; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1418. Suspension or revocation of authority.

A. The Commission may suspend or revoke the authority of an association to do business upon any of the following grounds:

1. Any violation of the provisions of this chapter or regulations adopted by the Commission pursuant thereto, or a violation of any other law or regulation applicable to the conduct of its business;

2. A course of conduct consisting of failure to perform written agreements with borrowers;

3. Failure to account for funds received or disbursed to the satisfaction of the person supplying or receiving such funds;

4. Failure to disburse funds in accordance with any agreement connected with, and promptly upon closing of, a mortgage loan, taking into account any applicable right of rescission;

5. Conviction of any felony or misdemeanor involving fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit;

6. Entry of judgment against such association involving fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit;

7. Entry of a federal or state administrative order against such association for violation of any law or regulation applicable to the conduct of its business;

8. Refusal to permit an investigation or examination by the Commission;

9. Failure to pay any fee or assessment imposed by this chapter; or

10. Failure to comply with any order of the Commission.

B. For the purposes of this section, acts of any officer, director, or principal stockholder shall be deemed acts of the association.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.8; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1419. Cease and desist orders.

If the Commission determines that any association has violated any provision of this chapter or any regulation adopted pursuant thereto, the Commission may, upon 21 days' notice in writing, order the association to cease and desist from such practices and to comply with the provisions of this chapter. The notice shall be sent by certified mail to the principal place of business of the association and shall state the grounds for the contemplated action. Within 14 days of mailing the notice, the association may file with the clerk of the Commission a written request for a hearing. If a hearing is so requested, the Commission shall not issue a cease and desist order prior to such hearing. The Commission may enforce compliance with any such order by imposition and collection of such fines and penalties as may be prescribed by Commission regulations, or by revocation of the association's authority to do business in accordance with §§ 6.2-1418 and 6.2-1420.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.9; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1420. Notice of proposed suspension or revocation.

The Commission may not revoke or suspend the authority of an association to do business upon any of the grounds set forth in § 6.2-1418 until it has given the association 21 days' notice in writing of the reasons for the proposed revocation or suspension and an opportunity to introduce evidence and be heard. The notice shall be sent by certified mail to the principal place of business of the association and shall state with particularity the grounds for the contemplated action. Within 14 days of mailing the notice, the association may file with the clerk of the Commission a written request for a hearing. If a hearing is so requested, the Commission shall not suspend or revoke the association's authority to do business except based upon findings made at such hearing.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.10; 2010, c. 794.

§ 6.2-1421. Civil penalties.

In addition to the authority conferred upon the Commission by other provisions of this chapter, the Commission may impose a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 upon any association which it determines, in proceedings commenced in accordance with the Commission's Rules, has violated any of the provisions of this chapter or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. For the purposes of this section, each separate violation shall constitute a separate offense.

1993, c. 419, § 6.1-237.11; 2010, c. 794.