Title 64.2. Wills, Trusts, and Fiduciaries
Chapter 27. Uniform Powers of Appointment Act
Article 2. Creation, Revocation, and Amendment of Power of Appointment.
§ 64.2-2707. Creation of power of appointment.A. A power of appointment is created only if:
1. The instrument creating the power:
a. Is valid under applicable law; and
b. Except as otherwise provided in subsection B, transfers the appointive property; and
2. The terms of the instrument creating the power manifest the donor's intent to create in a powerholder a power of appointment over the appointive property exercisable in favor of a permissible appointee.
B. Subdivision A 1 b does not apply to the creation of a power of appointment by the exercise of a power of appointment.
C. A power of appointment may not be created in a deceased individual.
D. Subject to an applicable rule against perpetuities, a power of appointment may be created in an unborn or unascertained powerholder.
2016, c. 266.
§ 64.2-2708. Nontransferability.A powerholder may not transfer a power of appointment. If a powerholder dies without exercising or releasing a power, the power lapses.
2016, c. 266.
§ 64.2-2709. Presumption of unlimited authority.Subject to § 64.2-2711, and unless the terms of the instrument creating a power of appointment manifest a contrary intent, the power is:
1. Presently exercisable;
2. Exclusionary; and
3. Except as otherwise provided in § 64.2-2710, general.
2016, c. 266.
§ 64.2-2710. Exception to presumption of unlimited authority.Unless the terms of the instrument creating a power of appointment manifest a contrary intent, the power is nongeneral if:
1. The power is exercisable only at the powerholder's death; and
2. The permissible appointees of the power do not include the powerholder's estate, the powerholder's creditors, or the creditors of the powerholder's estate.
2016, c. 266.
§ 64.2-2711. Rules of classification.A. As used in this section, "adverse party" means a person with a substantial beneficial interest in property which would be affected adversely by a powerholder's exercise or nonexercise of a power of appointment in favor of the powerholder, the powerholder's estate, a creditor of the powerholder, or a creditor of the powerholder's estate.
B. If a powerholder may exercise a power of appointment only with the consent or joinder of an adverse party, the power is nongeneral.
C. Only a power of appointment whose permissible appointees are defined and limited can be nonexclusionary.
2016, c. 266.
§ 64.2-2712. Power to revoke or amend.A donor may revoke or amend a power of appointment only to the extent that:
1. The instrument creating the power is revocable by the donor; or
2. The donor reserves a power of revocation or amendment in the instrument creating the power of appointment.
2016, c. 266.