Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 2.2. Administration of Government

Title 2.2. Administration of Government (2024 Updates)

  • Subtitle I. Organization of State Government
    • Part A. Office of the Governor
      • Chapter 2. Governor's Secretaries
        • Article 2. Secretary of Administration
        § 2.2-203.2:4
        Office of Data Governance and Analytics; Chief Data Officer; creation; report
        • Article 3. Secretary of Commerce and Trade
        § 2.2-204
        Position established; agencies for which responsible; additional duties
        • Article 4. Secretary of Education
        § 2.2-208.1
        Commission on Early Childhood Care and Education
        • Article 5. Secretary of Finance
        § 2.2-211
        Position established; agencies for which responsible; additional powers
        • Article 7. Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources
        § 2.2-220.5
        Chief Resilience Officer of the Commonwealth; Interagency Resilience Management Team
      • Chapter 3.2. Office of the State Inspector General
        • Article 1. General Provisions
        § 2.2-309
        Powers and duties of State Inspector General
      • Chapter 4. Secretary of the Commonwealth
        • Article 1. General Provisions
        § 2.2-401.01
        Liaison to Virginia Indian tribes; Ombudsman for Tribal Consultation; Virginia Indigenous People's Trust Fund
      • Chapter 4.2. Coordination of Workforce Development
        § 2.2-435.8
      • Chapter 4.2:1. Special Assistant to the Governor for Coastal Adaptation and Protection
        § 2.2-435.11
      • Chapter 4.4. Office of the Children's Ombudsman
        § 2.2-438
        § 2.2-442
        Children's Ombudsman; powers and duties
        § 2.2-445
        Department and child-placing agency; duties; information to be provided to biological parent, adoptive parent, or foster parent; access to departmental computer networks
        § 2.2-447
        Report of findings; recommendations; consultation with individual, Department, local department, children's residential facility, or child-placing agency; publication of adverse report; notice of actions; information provided to complainant; child fatality investigation; report
        § 2.2-449
    • Part B. Department of Law
      • Chapter 5. Department of Law
        • Article 1. General Provisions
        § 2.2-509.1
        Powers of investigators; enforcement of certain tobacco laws
        § 2.2-515.1
        Statewide Facilitator for Victims of Domestic Violence
        § 2.2-515.2
        Address confidentiality program established; victims of domestic violence, stalking, child abduction, sexual violence, or human trafficking; application; disclosure of records
    • Part C. State Agencies Related to the General Operation of Government
      • Chapter 6. General Provisions
        • Article 1. In General
        § 2.2-602
        Duties of agencies and their appointing authorities; establishment of personnel standards; diversity, equity, and inclusion strategic plans
      • Chapter 11. Department of General Services
        • Article 3. Division of Purchases and Supply
        § 2.2-1124
        Disposition of surplus materials
      • Chapter 15. Department of Planning and Budget
        § 2.2-1503.1
        Filing of six-year financial outline by Governor
        § 2.2-1509.4
        Budget bill to include an appropriation for land preservation
      • Chapter 20. Department of Veterans Services
        § 2.2-2001.4
        Military medical personnel; program
      • Chapter 20.2. Workforce Development and Advancement
        • Article 1. General Provisions
        § 2.2-2035
        Department of Workforce Development and Advancement; creation; appointment of Commissioner
        § 2.2-2036
        § 2.2-2040.1
        Virginia Health Care Career and Technical Training and Education Fund
        • Article 2. Data Collection and Analytics
        § 2.2-2041
        Workforce program evaluations; sharing of certain data; prohibited uses; civil penalty
        • Article 3. Apprenticeships
        § 2.2-2043
        § 2.2-2044
        Apprenticeship Council; membership and terms of office; meetings and duties; report
        § 2.2-2045
        Authority of Council
        § 2.2-2046
        Commissioner to administer article; requirements for certain programs
        § 2.2-2049
        Requisites of apprentice agreement
        § 2.2-2050
        Approval of apprentice agreement by Commissioner; signing
        § 2.2-2052
        Apprentice agreement signed by association of employers or organization of employees
    • Part D. State Authorities, Boards, Commissions, Councils, Foundations and Other Collegial Bodies
      • Chapter 22. Authorities
        • Article 4. Virginia Economic Development Partnership Authority
        § 2.2-2240.2:1
        Virginia Business Ready Sites Program Fund
        § 2.2-2240.2:2
        (Effective January 1, 2025 until June 30, 2028) Virginia Business Ready Expedited Permitting Program.
        • Article 8. Virginia Tourism Authority
        § 2.2-2318
        Powers of Authority
        • Article 10. Fort Monroe Authority Act
        § 2.2-2339
        Duties of the Authority
        § 2.2-2340
        Additional declaration of policy; powers of the Authority; penalty
        § 2.2-2345
        Powers and duties of chief executive officer
        § 2.2-2348.1
        Ratification of the ownership of certain lands in the City of Hampton known as Fort Monroe; ownership and operation of utilities
      • Chapter 24. Boards
        • Article 19. Charitable Gaming Board
        § 2.2-2455
        Charitable Gaming Board; membership; terms; quorum; compensation; staff
        • Article 24. Virginia Board of Workforce Development
        § 2.2-2472.2
        Minimum levels of fiscal support from WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker funds by local workforce development boards; incentives
        • Article 26. Virginia Growth and Opportunity Act
        § 2.2-2485
        Virginia Growth and Opportunity Board; membership; terms; compensation
        § 2.2-2489
        Award of grants to regional councils
      • Chapter 25. Commissions
        • Article 10. Henrietta Lacks Commission
        § 2.2-2537
      • Chapter 26. Councils
        • Article 34. Broadband Advisory Council
        § 2.2-2699.3
        Broadband Advisory Council; purpose; membership; compensation; chairman
      • Chapter 27. Foundations and Other Collegial Bodies
        • Article 7. The Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for Rural Virginia
        § 2.2-2720
        The Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for Rural Virginia; purpose
        § 2.2-2721
        The Senator Frank M. Ruff, Jr. Center for Rural Virginia Board of Trustees established; membership; terms; vacancies; chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, and other officers as necessary; quorum; meetings
      • Chapter 27.1. State-Facilitated IRA Savings Program
        § 2.2-2744
        § 2.2-2753
        Audit and annual reports
    • Part E. State Officers and Employees
      • Chapter 28. General Provisions
        § 2.2-2833
        Possession of naloxone or other opioid antagonists by state agencies
      • Chapter 29. Virginia Personnel Act
        § 2.2-2905
        Certain officers and employees exempt from chapter
      • Chapter 31. State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act
        • Article 3. Prohibited Conduct Relating to Contracts
        § 2.2-3106
        (Effective July 1, 2024) Prohibited contracts by officers and employees of state government
        • Article 5. Disclosure Statements Required to Be Filed
        § 2.2-3114
        Disclosure by state officers and employees
  • Subtitle II. Administration of State Government
    • Part B. Transaction of Public Business
      • Chapter 37. Virginia Freedom of Information Act
        § 2.2-3701
        § 2.2-3703
        Public bodies and records to which chapter inapplicable; voter registration and election records; access by persons incarcerated in a state, local, or federal correctional facility
        § 2.2-3705.1
        Exclusions to application of chapter; exclusions of general application to public bodies
        § 2.2-3705.2
        Exclusions to application of chapter; records relating to public safety
        § 2.2-3705.3
        Exclusions to application of chapter; records relating to administrative investigations
        § 2.2-3705.4
        (Effective July 1, 2024) Exclusions to application of chapter; educational records and certain records of educational institutions
        § 2.2-3705.5
        Exclusions to application of chapter; health and social services records
        § 2.2-3705.7
        Exclusions to application of chapter; records of specific public bodies and certain other limited exclusions
        § 2.2-3706.1
        Disclosure of law-enforcement records; criminal incident information and certain criminal investigative files; limitations
        § 2.2-3708.2
        Meetings held through electronic communication means during declared states of emergency
        § 2.2-3708.3
        Meetings held through electronic communication means; situations other than declared states of emergency
        § 2.2-3711
        (Effective July 1, 2024) Closed meetings authorized for certain limited purposes
      • Chapter 39. Virginia Human Rights Act
        § 2.2-3900
        Short title; declaration of policy
        § 2.2-3901
        § 2.2-3902
        Construction of chapter; other programs to aid persons with disabilities, minors, and the elderly
        § 2.2-3904
        Nondiscrimination in places of public accommodation; definitions
        § 2.2-3905
        Nondiscrimination in employment; definitions; exceptions
        § 2.2-3907
        Procedures for a charge of unlawful discrimination; notice; investigation; report; conciliation; notice of the right to file a civil action; temporary relief
        § 2.2-3908
        Civil actions by private parties
      • Chapter 40. Administrative Process Act
        • Article 2. Regulations
        § 2.2-4006
        Exemptions from requirements of this article
      • Chapter 43. Virginia Public Procurement Act
        • Article 1. General Provisions
        § 2.2-4302.2
        Process for competitive negotiation
        • Article 2. Contract Formation and Administration
        § 2.2-4303.2
        Job order contracting; limitations
        § 2.2-4324
        (Effective until July 1, 2027) Preference for Virginia goods, U.S. goods, and Virginia residents
        § 2.2-4324
        (Effective July 1, 2027) Preference for Virginia products with recycled content and for Virginia firms
        • Article 3. Exemptions and Limitations
        § 2.2-4343
        (Effective July 1, 2024) Exemption from operation of chapter for certain transactions
        § 2.2-4345
        (Effective July 1, 2024) Exemptions from competitive sealed bidding and competitive negotiation for certain transactions; limitations
      • Chapter 43.1. Construction Management and Design-Build Contracting
        • Article 1. General Provisions
        § 2.2-4378
        Purpose; applicability
        § 2.2-4379
        • Article 2. Procedures for State Public Bodies
        § 2.2-4380
        Construction management or design-build contracts for state public bodies authorized
        • Article 3. Procedures for Covered Institutions
        § 2.2-4381
        Construction management or design-build contracts for covered institutions authorized
        • Article 4. Procedures for Local Public Bodies
        § 2.2-4382
        Design-build or construction management contracts for local public bodies authorized
        • Article 5. Reporting Requirements for All Public Bodies
        § 2.2-4383
        Reporting requirements
      • Chapter 45. Investment of Public Funds Act
        § 2.2-4511
        Investment of funds in asset-backed securities
      • Chapter 51. Virginia Investment Partnership Act
        § 2.2-5101
        Virginia investment performance grants
        § 2.2-5102.1
        Virginia economic development incentive grants
      • Chapter 55.3. Prohibition on the Use of Certain Products and Services
        § 2.2-5514
        Prohibited products and services and required incident reporting