Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Chapter 551. Integrated Directional Signing Program (Idsp) Participation Criteria

24VAC30-551-10. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the content clearly indicates otherwise:

"Bed and breakfast" means any establishment (i) having no more than 15 bedrooms; (ii) offering to the public, for compensation, transitory lodging or sleeping accommodations; and (iii) offering at least one cooked meal per day, which may but need not be breakfast, to each person to whom overnight lodging is provided. The facility shall have an on-premises sign describing it as a bed and breakfast and shall clearly describe itself as a bed and breakfast in all marketing materials.

"Bumping" means the removal of a business from the Specific Travel Services (Logo) Signing Program or Tourist-Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) Program.

"Colleges and universities" means the main campus of an educational institution and shall be interpreted as all that contiguous real estate and improvements owned and operated by the educational institution, housing the administrative, educational and other programs of the institution. An educational institution may have more than one main campus located within the state provided each facility meets the above description and the facilities are not closer than 50 miles to each other. The distance limitation shall not apply to campuses of the Virginia Community College System. Satellite facilities shall be all educational or other facilities associated with the institution located within 25 miles of the limits of the main campus.

In general application, a main campus should give visitors the clear impression that they have entered a campus setting. Facilities sharing space in commercial centers, office parks, industrial centers and similar settings shall not be considered main campuses; however, they may constitute satellite facilities if meeting the description in this definition.

"Emergency medical facility" means a licensed facility providing continuous emergency medical care to the general public. The facility shall have a licensed medical doctor on duty 24 hours per day, 365 days per year.

"Equestrian center" means a facility, marketing itself as an "equestrian center," dedicated to the public education and recreational enjoyment of horses through a variety of features such as riding lessons, training facilities and clinics.

"Farm market" means a year-round or seasonal facility located on an individual farm dedicated to selling fresh, locally produced products. At least 50% of sales must be from Virginia-grown and -produced products.

"Farmer's market" means a year-round or seasonal open air or permanent facility, marketing itself as a "farmer's market," where multiple farmers come to sell their products to the consumer.

"Full service food" means a restaurant that meets all the requirements for participation in the Specific Travel Services (Logo) Signing Program as a Food Category I facility. The restaurant must also provide (i) indoor seating for at least 100 adults, (ii) sit-down table service with wait staff, (iii) public restroom facilities, and (iv) a full breakfast menu, including coffee, juice, and items from at least two of the following groups: (a) eggs; (b) breakfast meat (e.g., bacon, sausage, ham, steak); and (c) breakfast bread (e.g., toast, bagels, pastry) or cereal, or both. Eggs and breakfast meat shall be prepared on the premises (pre-packaged items will not meet this requirement).

"Historic building" means the same as "historic site."

"Historic cemetery" means the same as "historic site."

"Historic site" means a site, facility or structure that is officially listed in the Virginia Landmarks Register, where guided tours are (i) regularly scheduled or (ii) available upon request during the hours of operation.

"Hospital" means the same as "emergency medical facility."

"Regional retail facility" means a unified facility where more than 10 retail businesses are located. The facility must (i) print and distribute promotional brochures over 50 miles from its location or regularly advertise in media over 50 miles from its location; (ii) receive 1/3 or more of annual sales from visitors from over 50 miles from its location (as determined by customer survey or credit card tracking, or both; the regional retail facility is responsible for providing supporting data); and (iii) employ a staff person for the promotion, advertising, marketing, or sales to persons over 50 miles from its location. Consideration will be given to recommendations of the Virginia Tourism Corporation relative to the determination of a regional retail facility.

"Virginia educational institution" means a for-profit educational institution with its main campus located in Virginia that (i) has for at least five consecutive years awarded academic degrees approved by the State Council of Higher Education; (ii) offers programs in workforce training or job readiness that contribute to Virginia's economic growth and development; and (iii) has combined annual enrollment of at least 1,000 at its main campus and any branch location situated within a radius of 25 miles from the main campus.

"Water-oriented business" means a business that includes canoe liveries, raft liveries, marinas, water parks, wave pools, and other similar businesses providing access to or facilities for waterborne recreational activities.

"Wine trail" means a trail that consists of a group of three or more wineries that have declared their intention to be a wine trail and published joint marketing materials. To participate in either the Tourist-Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) Program or Logo Program, each winery on a wine trail must meet the hours of operation and licensing requirements for that program. The driving distance between one winery and the next wine trail facility shall not be greater than 15 miles. To be eligible for participation in the TODS Program, the first and last facilities on a wine trail must be located within 15 miles of the intersection of a noncontrolled access state primary or secondary system highway where the initial TODS panel is to be located. To be eligible for participation in the Logo Program, the facility at one terminus of the wine trail must be located within 15 miles of the interchange. The facility at the other terminus must be eligible for either TODS or Logo signage.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-20. General criteria for Specific Travel Services (Logo) Signing Program.

A. Specific travel services (Logo) signing may be installed on any limited access interstate, primary or secondary facility under the authority of the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT).

B. To qualify for specific travel services (Logo) signing, a facility shall be open to the general public and shall:

1. Meet the appropriate criteria/eligibility requirements for the type of facility;

2. Comply with all applicable laws concerning the provision of public accommodations without regard to age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or accessibility by the physically handicapped;

3. Furnish the necessary panels displaying the name, symbol or trademark of the facility fabricated according to the specifications of VDOT, at no cost to VDOT. (The facility is free to select any fabricator of its choosing for the panels.);

4. Agree to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, procedures and criteria associated with the program, including the bumping policy in 24VAC30-551-60; and

5. Agree that in any cases of dispute or other disagreement with the rules, regulations, policies, procedures and criteria or applications of the program, the decision of the State Traffic Engineer shall be final and binding.

C. The following table below summarizes the criteria for this program:

Criteria Summary





GAS(1), (1a)

Three miles max
Fuel, oil, tire repair (or info), air, free water
Public restroom
Drinking water with cups
16 hours per day, seven days per week

All of Category I, except 12 hours per day, seven days per week


Three miles max
State Board of Health permit
Indoor seating for 20 adults
12 consecutive hours per day, six days per week (7 a.m.)
Menu conspicuously displayed
Hours displayed visible to customer prior to entering the business

All of Category I, except six hours per day, six days per week


Three miles max
State Board of Health permit
10 or more rooms for rent
Off-street parking for each room
24 hours per day, seven days per week

All of Category I, except four or more rooms for rent


15 miles max
State Board of Health permit
10 or more camping units
Off-street parking for each unit
24 hours per day, seven days per week


All criteria referenced in subsection D of this section.

(Experimental Program-- If the experiment proves positive, it is the intent of VDOT to have the full service food program as permanent part of the IDSP on a statewide basis)


I-64 Exit 124

I-64 Exit 94

I-81 Exit 118

I-64 Exit 180

I-81 Exit 150

I-81 Exit 247

I-81 Exit 264

I-81 Exit 283

I-95 Exit 92

I-81 Exit 313

I-95 Exit 126

I-85 Exit 12

I-95 Exit 143

I-95 Exit 130

All FOOD CATEGORY I criteria and:
Indoor seating for 100 adults
Full sit-down table service with wait staff
Public restroom facilities
Full breakfast menu--see full service food definition in 24VAC30-551-10.

(1) Signage for establishments open 24 hours per day may include indication of continuous operation.

(1a) Effective August 1, 2005, two spaces are reserved for establishments with 24-hour-per-day, seven-days-per-week operations.

(2) At locations where four or more attractions facilities desire to participate in the Logo Program, camping will be limited to a maximum of two spaces. Camping logos existing on September 16, 2004, will be grandfathered, assuming they continue to meet all contractual commitments.

D. In addition to the general criteria for specific travel services (Logo) signing, to qualify for an attraction sign, a facility shall:

1. Not be currently using other supplemental guide signs at the same location as the Logo mainline or trailblazer signing;

2. Have licensing or approval, where required;

3. Provide sanitary public restroom facilities;

4. Be in continuous operation at least eight hours per day, five days per week during the normal operating season for the type of business (except this requirement shall not apply to certain facilities such as arenas, auditoriums, civic centers, stadiums, and flea markets);

5. Be located within 15 miles of the interchange and must provide written directions or have adequate signage to direct motorists back to their original route of travel;

6. Provide adequate parking to accommodate normal traffic volumes for the facility;

7. Be of regional interest to the traveling public and one or more of the following acceptable sites:



Art/craft center

Historic building
Historic site
Historic district

Retail Tourism

Farm market

Flea market
Auction house
Regional retail facility
Bed and breakfast
Farmer's market


Amusement park
Boat landing
Botanical garden
Civic center
Concert hall
Natural resource agency
Equestrian center

Golf course
Natural attraction
Race track
Park - national
Park - state
Park - municipal
Park - regional
Park - theme
Ski resort
Water-oriented business


Colleges and universities (main campus or satellite campus facilities)


Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries (DGIF) Birding & Wildlife
Civil War
Virginia Wine
Others as approved by VDOT


Conference center
Power plant
Research facility

E. The following sites are excluded from participation as an attraction on a specific travel services (Logo) sign. The exclusion relates only to qualification under these categories. These facilities may participate if qualifying under another acceptable category:



Adult entertainment facility
Camping business
Funeral home
Industrial park or plant
Media facility
Movie theater

Office park
Radio station
Television station
Tree nursery
Truck terminal


Local jail
Local police/sheriff's office
Post office


Drug rehabilitation facility
Extended care facility
Fraternal home
Humane facility

Mental facility
Nursing home
Retirement home
Treatment center
Veterans facility


Animal shelter
Mobile home park
Veterinary facility



Other religious sites


High school
Middle school
Elementary school

Winery Signage Program - See 24VAC30-551-80

F. Additional criteria and considerations apply to wineries participating in the Winery Signage Program (24VAC30-551-80).

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-30. General criteria for the Tourist-Oriented Directional Signs (TODS) Program.

A. TODS assemblies may only be installed within public right- of-way maintained by VDOT and will be excluded from any cities and towns of 5,000 or more population and Arlington County and Henrico County. VDOT will not acquire rights-of-way or easements, or otherwise enter into agreements for the purposes of installing TODS assemblies.

B. A facility will be eligible to participate as a TODS—Category I if it is open to the general public; a substantial portion of its products or services are of significant interest to tourists; it derives its major portion of income or visitors during the normal business season from road users not residing in the area of the facility, defined as within 15 miles; the facility falls within one of the acceptable TODS sites; and it meets the following criteria:

1. Is located within 15 miles of the intersection of a nonlimited access state primary system highway where the initial TODS panel is to be located at the nearest primary intersection along the selected route;

2. Has the name of the facility prominently displayed on the premises in such a manner that it is readily visible to motorists from the public highway on which the business is located;

3. Is open a minimum of six hours per day, five days per week during at least a 12-consecutive-week period each year, except this requirement shall not apply to certain facilities such as arenas, auditoriums, civic centers, farmer's markets, farm markets, wineries and flea markets;

4. Is in continuous operation at least six hours per day, five days per week during its normal season or the normal operating season for the type of business;

5. Is licensed and approved by the appropriate state or local agencies, or both, regulating the particular type of business or activity;

6. For camping businesses, meets Specific Travel Services (Logo) Signing Program criteria to be eligible for participation;

7. Complies with all applicable laws concerning the provision of public accommodations without regard to age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or accessibility by the physically handicapped;

8. Agrees to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, procedures and criteria associated with the program; and

9. Agrees that in any cases of dispute or other disagreement with the rules, regulations, policies, procedures and criteria or applications of the program, the decision of the State Traffic Engineer shall be final and binding.

C. In addition to the facilities listed as acceptable TODS sites, gas, food and lodging establishments may participate in the TODS Program as a TODS—Category II site provided they meet all of the TODS—Category I criteria with the exception that the following criteria apply:

1. Is located within three miles of the intersection of a nonlimited access state primary or secondary system highway where the initial TODS panel is to be located; and

2. Meets the Specific Travel Services (Logo) Signing Program—Category II criteria for its respective type of facility and agrees to be bumped in accordance with the bumping policy for a Category II facility.

D. The following table lists acceptable sites for TODS:

Category I


Art/craft center
Historic building

Historic cemetery
Historic site
Historic district


Amusement park
Boat landing/marina
Botanical garden
Civic center
Concert hall
Equestrian center

Golf course
Natural attraction
Natural resource agency(1)
Race track
Park - national
Park - municipal
Park - privately owned
Park - regional
Park - theme
Ski resort
Water-oriented business

Retail Tourism

Antique business
Auction house
Bed and breakfast
Farm market

Farmer's market
Flea market
Regional retail facility


Colleges & universities (main campus or satellite campus facilities)


DGIF Birding & Wildlife
Civil War
Virginia Wine
Others as approved by VDOT


Conference center
Power plant
Research facility

(1) VDOT shall waive requirements and conditions of participation in the TODS Program as may be necessary to provide adequate signage for facilities maintained by the agencies within Virginia's Natural Resources Secretariat. The requirements and conditions that may be waived include, but are not limited to, (i) the required proximity of a facility to an initial sign structure and (ii) the limitation that signage be provided only at the nearest primary highway.

(2) Shall not be a franchise or part of a national chain. Food Category II can be a franchise or part of a national chain.

E. The following sites are excluded from participation in the TODS Program. The exclusion relates only to qualification under these categories. These facilities may participate if qualifying under another acceptable category.



Adult entertainment facility
Funeral home
Industrial park or plant
Media facility
Movie theater

Office park
Radio station
Television station
Truck terminal


Local jail
Local police/sheriff's office
Post office


Drug rehabilitation facility
Extended care facility
Fraternal home
Humane facility

Mental facility
Nursing home
Retirement home
Treatment center
Veterans facility


Animal shelter
Mobile home park

Veterinary facility



Other religious sites

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-40. General criteria for the Supplemental Guide Signs Program.

A. The following requirements shall apply to signs in the Supplemental Guide Signs Program:

1. Supplemental guide signs shall be limited to two structures per interchange or intersection per direction with no more than two destinations per sign structure, except as noted in subdivision 2 of this subsection. When there is excessive demand over available space for new supplemental guide signing, VDOT, in consultation with the affected jurisdiction, shall determine which facilities will be listed on the signs.

2. All supplemental guide signs in place as of September 15, 2004, will be "grandfathered" into the program and may be repaired or replaced as necessary, except if the facility closes, relocates, or fails to comply with the criteria under which it originally qualified, the signs will be removed.

3. Additional structures over the two-structure limit may only be installed when the Commissioner of Highways or his designee determines that such installation is in the public interest.

B. To qualify for supplemental guide signing, a facility shall:

1. Be open to the general public on a continuous basis either year-round or during the normal operating season for the type of facility. Closings for the observance of official state holidays are allowed;

2. Comply with all applicable laws concerning the provision of public accommodations without regard to age, race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or accessibility by the physically handicapped;

3. Agree to abide by all rules, regulations, policies, procedures and criteria associated with the program; and

4. Agree that in any cases of dispute or other disagreement with the rules, regulations, policies, procedures and criteria or applications of the program, the decision of the State Traffic Engineer shall be final and binding.

C. All facilities shall be located within 15 miles of the initial supplemental guide sign.

D. Additional criteria and considerations apply to wineries participating in the Winery Signage Program (24VAC30-551-80).

E. The following table lists acceptable sites for supplemental guide signs:

Acceptable Sites(3)


Historic building(1), (2)
Historic site(1), (2)
Historic district(1), (2)


Correction facility
Department of Game and Inland Fisheries facility
Department of Motor Vehicles facility
Landfill/transfer station
Government office

Regional jail
Local police/sheriff's office(1)
State Police facility(1)
Recycling facility

Military (1)

Military facility


Boat landing (public)
Natural attraction
Park - national(1)

Park - municipal(1)
Park - regional(1)
Park - state(1)


Colleges and universities(1) (main campus only)
High school
Junior high school

Virginia educational institution(1)
Middle school
Elementary school


Arlington National Cemetery
Virginia Veterans Cemetery
Special events

Tourist information center
Welcome center

(1) Permitted on Interstate and limited access highways.

(2) If supplemental guide signs are installed for a historic district, separate signs for individual historic sites within the historic district shall not be allowed.

(3) VDOT shall waive requirements and conditions of participation in the supplemental signage program as may be necessary to provide adequate signage for facilities maintained by the agencies within Virginia's Natural Resources Secretariat.

F. The following sites are excluded from being displayed on official supplemental guide signs. The exclusion only relates to qualification under these categories. These facilities may participate if qualifying under another acceptable category.

Excluded Sites


Adult entertainment facility
Funeral home
Industrial park or plant
Landfill - private
Media facility
Movie theater
Office park

Radio station
Shopping center
Television station
Transfer station - private
Tree nursery
Truck terminal

Colleges and Universities

Satellite campus and individual on-campus facilities of main campuses on limited access highways


Local jail
Post office


Drug rehabilitation facility
Extended care facility
Fraternal home
Humane facility

Mental healthcare facility
Nursing home
Retirement home
Treatment center
Veterans facility


Boat landing - private
Camp - church, civic, 4-H, Scout, YMCA/YWCA, other



Other religious sites


Animal shelter
Cemetery/columbarium (except those noted as acceptable)
Mobile home park

Veterinary facility

Statutory Authority

§ 33.2-210 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 4, eff. November 23, 2011.

24VAC30-551-50. General criteria for the General Motorist Services Signs Program.

A. General motorist services signs may be installed along state maintained roadways for gas, food, lodging, camping, and hospital locations that fulfill the needs of the road user and satisfy the following criteria:

Criteria Summary


Three miles max

Fuel, oil, tire repair (or info), air, free water

Public restroom

Drinking water and cups

16 hours per day, seven days per week


Three miles max

State Board of Health permit

Indoor seating for 20 adults

12 hours per day, six days per week (7 a.m.)


Hours displayed


Three miles max

State Board of Health permit

10 or more rooms for rent

Off-street parking for each room

24 hours per day, seven days per week


15 miles max

State Board of Health permit

10 or more camping units


Continuous public emergency care

Medical doctor on duty

24 hours per day, seven days per week

(1) General motorist services signs will not be installed and may be removed at an interchange or intersection if there is adequate space for the installation of either specific travel services (Logo) signs or tourist-oriented directional signs, as appropriate.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-60. Specific Travel Services (Logo) Signing Program and Tourist-Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) Program bumping policy.

A. "Bumping" or the removal of a business from the Virginia Logo or TODS Program for another business of the same service is only allowed within the services of gas, food, or lodging.

B. Bumping shall be governed by the following conditions:

1. A Category I business located within one mile of the interchange or intersection as measured for inclusion in the Logo Program cannot be bumped from the program and will remain in the program as long as it continues to remain fully qualified, provides the necessary service to the motorist, and satisfies the contracted financial obligation to the program.

2. A Category I business located outside of one mile of the interchange or intersection as measured for inclusion in the Logo Program can be bumped from the program at the conclusion of its contract period if a request is made by another business of the same service that satisfies all of the Category I requirements for the service and is located more than 1/2 mile closer to the interchange or intersection as measured for inclusion in the Logo Program.

3. A business meeting only the Category II criteria can be removed from the program if a request for participation is made by another businesses that satisfies all of the Category I requirements for the service. The Category II business will be allowed to satisfy the Category I requirements before being removed from the program if the participating business is located closer to the interchange or intersection or is situated such that the business would not be removed from the program if the business met the Category I qualifications.

4. A Category II business located within one mile of the intersection as measured for inclusion in the Virginia Logo or TODS Program cannot be bumped from the program by another Category II business provided it continues to satisfy the Category II requirements for the service, provides the necessary service to the motorist, and satisfies the contracted financial obligation to the program.

5. A Category II business located outside of one mile of the intersection as measured for inclusion in the Virginia Logo or TODS Program can be bumped from the program at the conclusion of its contract period if a request is made by another business of the same service that satisfies all of the Category II requirements for the service and is located more than 1/2 mile closer to the interchange or intersection as measured for inclusion in the Virginia Logo or TODS Program.

6. Gas Category I. Two spaces will be reserved for facilities open 24 hours per day, seven days per week and that meet the remaining gas Category I requirements. Other gas participants may use these spaces if there are not sufficient 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week operations to fill the spaces. A 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week operation can bump any operation that is not 24 hours per day, seven days per week unless there are already two participants with 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week operations. Participants with 24-hours-per-day, seven-days-per-week operations that use the two reserved spaces are required to identify in their logos that they are open 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-70. Signs for Special Programs.

A. Specific special programs signing may be installed on any limited access, primary or secondary facility under the authority of VDOT. VDOT may issue a land use permit to others to have the signs installed after the approval of the State Traffic Engineer that the sign is included in the special sign program. Limited access facility permits will need the approval of the Chief Engineer.

B. Special programs are subject to the following criteria:

1. Civil War Trails program signs may be installed on interstate, primary and secondary facilities and may be installed as stand-alone structures or attached to existing sign structures. This program is exempt from the IDSP criteria and annual fee requirements. All costs associated with this program, including costs for the fabrication, installation, maintenance, and replacement of these signs, shall be the responsibility of the requesting entity.

2. The Birding and Wildlife Trail programs established by DGIF may be installed on interstate, primary and secondary facilities and may be installed as stand-alone structures or attached to existing sign structures. This program is exempt from the Integrated Directional Signing Program (IDSP) criteria and annual fee requirements. All costs associated with this program, including costs for the fabrication, installation, maintenance, and replacement of these signs, shall be the responsibility of the requesting entity.

3. The following sites are eligible for wayfinding signs:

a. Historic Triangle Wayfinding Group, sponsored by the City of Williamsburg and the Counties of James City and York, may implement a wayfinding system within state maintained rights-of-ways as a pilot program. Continuation of the pilot program shall be subject to regular consultation with VDOT.

b. Loudoun County may implement a wayfinding system within state maintained rights-of-ways as a pilot program. Continuation of the pilot program shall be subject to regular consultation with VDOT.

c. Journey Through Hallowed Ground Wayfinding System.

4. Virginia Waterways Signage Program signs may be installed on interstate, primary, and secondary facilities. All costs associated with this program, including costs for the fabrication, maintenance, installation and replacement of these signs, shall be the responsibility of the requesting entity.

5. State scenic river signs may be installed on interstate, primary, and secondary facilities. All costs associated with this program, including costs for the fabrication, maintenance, installation and replacement of these signs, shall be the responsibility of the requesting entity.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-80. General criteria for integration of the Winery Signage Program.

A. The following criteria apply to all existing Winery Signage Program signs:

1. All existing supplemental guide signage for wineries (in place as of September 15, 2004) will remain in place.

2. To retain an existing supplemental guide sign, a winery must continue to meet the existing winery program hours of operation requirements (open six hours per day, five days per week, at least nine consecutive months per year).

3. When an existing supplemental guide sign is damaged, or for any other reason needs to be replaced, the replacement sign may be a supplemental guide sign or a TODS sign. The fee to install the supplemental guide sign will be the standard installation fee. The requesting entity will thereafter be required to pay the standard annual fee for supplemental guide signs or TODS signage, whichever is applicable.

4. In the event an existing supplemental guide sign for a winery needs to be replaced and there is insufficient space on the appropriate TODS structure for an additional TODS panel, or the sign is in an area where TODS signs are not permitted, a replacement supplemental guide sign may be installed. In this event, the requesting entity will be required to pay all costs related to the replacement sign and thereafter be required to pay the annual fee for supplemental guide signs.

5. Until September 15, 2007, there will be no annual fee for existing supplemental guide signage. Wineries with supplemental guide signage will be required to pay all maintenance costs due to damage during this period.

6. Effective September 16, 2007, an annual fee equal to approximately 1/3 of the standard TODS annual fee will be charged for existing winery supplemental guide signage. Wineries will not be charged any maintenance costs for existing supplemental guide signage after this date.

7. Effective September 16, 2010, supplemental guide signage for wineries will be charged an annual fee equal to the standard fee for TODS signage.

B. The following criteria apply to all new Winery Signage Program signs:

1. All new winery signs installed on nonlimited access highways after September 15, 2004, will be standard TODS signs. Entities requesting such signs will be required to pay the standard fees for participation in the TODS Program.

2. In order to be eligible for TODS signage, wineries will be required to meet the standard TODS hours of operation requirements (six hours per day, five days per week for at least 12 consecutive weeks each year).

3. Wineries will be eligible for Logo signage (attractions category) on limited access highways. To be eligible for Logo signage, a winery will be required to meet the standard hours of operation requirements (open eight hours per day, five days per week) and to pay the standard annual fee for the Logo Program.

4. Wineries will have the option to display the "grape cluster" logo (in color) on TODS or Logo signs, upon request.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-90. Sign participant selection process.

A. With the assistance of interested parties, VDOT shall develop selection processes and bumping procedures for supplemental guide signage and Logo attractions category signage that incorporate local governments and other entities, as appropriate.

B. Prior to the development of the sign participant selection process, a first come—first served, process will be utilized. These participants will be limited to a one-year contract, which will provide that they may be bumped depending on the specific selection process and bumping procedures that are developed.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

24VAC30-551-100. Integrated Directional Signing Program (IDSP) participation fees.

A. Annual participation fees for the Logo Program are as follows:


Annual Participation Fees


Average Daily Traffic

High Volume(1), (2)


Main line






Switchout (per occurrence)(4)



(1) High volume--40,000 average daily traffic (ADT) or more in both directions on any leg of the interchange.

(2) A nonprofit entity may elect to pay the regular rates and be classified as a Category II.

(3) A Logo trailblazer sign on a TODS panel will be charged the Logo trailblazer fee.

(4) Defined as replacing a Logo panel due to a design change.

B. Participation fees for the Tourist-Oriented Directional Signing (TODS) Program are as follows:

1. A one-time application fee of $100.

2. Annual participation fees as shown in the following table:

Annual Fees


Annual Fee

Main panel






(1) Annual fees are not assessed for agencies in the Natural Resources Secretariat.

(2) Defined as covering a panel due to seasonal closing or other temporary closure.

C. Participation fees for the Supplemental Guide Signs Program are as follows:

1. Fees for participating commercial entities are as follows:

Fees for Commercial Entities


Annual Fee

Application/Site Preparation Fees(3)



Major sign(2)




Minor sign




(1) The following are exempt from annual fees; however, they will be charged for new construction, maintenance, and replacement:
(a) Federal, state, and local governments; and
(b) Nonprofit organizations.
All entities are subject to application/site preparation fees per installation for new signs, maintenance or replacement of signs.

(2) Defined as 12 square feet or larger.

(3) Commercial entities participating in supplemental guide signing will be responsible for maintenance, replacement, or new construction.

2. Fees for participating wineries are as follows:

Fees for Wineries(1)

Signing per set - Main and trailblazers





(1) In 2004, participating wineries paid for maintenance and replacement.

(2) Participating wineries will pay no charge for maintenance.

D. There are no fees for participation in the General Motorist Services Signs Program.

Statutory Authority

§§ 33.2-210 and 33.2-1220 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 22, Issue 24, eff. September 6, 2006.

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