Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Chapter 60. Participants

11VAC10-60-10. Generally.

No person shall participate in any horse racing subject to the jurisdiction of the commission or in the conduct of a race meeting or pari-mutuel wagering of the race meeting unless the person possesses a permit from the commission and complies with the provisions of the Act and the regulations of the commission. Permits issued by the commission are not transferable.

A. Application for permit. A person desiring to obtain a permit to participate in horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering shall make an application for a permit on a form prescribed by the commission. The application shall be accompanied by a fee prescribed by the commission and the cost of fingerprinting. The applicant shall be photographed. The application shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of the applicant.

B. Fee schedule. Before submitting an application for a permit as a participant, the applicant shall consult the fee schedule (11VAC10-60-15) of the Virginia Racing Commission to ascertain the applicable fee, make out a check or money order payable to the Virginia Racing Commission or pay in cash or with a credit card the full amount of the fee, and submit the fee with the application.

C. Reciprocity. The commission shall conduct a review of the statutes of other jurisdictions pertaining to horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering to ascertain which jurisdictions have substantially the same standards as those of Virginia. Upon submission of an application and payment of the prescribed fee by a holder of a permit, license or other similar document from those jurisdictions whose standards for permits, licenses or similar documents are substantially the same, the commission may, in its discretion, grant reciprocity to the applicant provided that the applicant has not been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony.

D. Fingerprinting. The applicant shall be fingerprinted upon making his initial application in the Commonwealth. The commission may waive this requirement in connection with an application for a permit by reciprocity with another jurisdiction provided that the applicant was fingerprinted and was subjected to a criminal history record information check in a jurisdiction whose laws governing fingerprinting and background investigations are substantially the same as required by Virginia and that he has not been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony. However, the commission, in its discretion, may require fingerprints from any applicant or holder of a permit at any time.

E. Consideration of application. The commission, acting through its executive secretary or other designee, shall promptly consider any application for a permit and issue the permit based on the information contained in the application and all other information before it, including any investigation it deems appropriate. If an application for a permit is approved, the commission shall issue the permit.

F. Denial of application. If from the face of the application, an applicant appears ineligible because of the requirements specified in § 59.1-389 B of the Code of Virginia, his application shall be denied by the commission, acting through its executive secretary or other designee. The commission may deny an application for a permit for the reason specified in § 59.1-389 C of the Code of Virginia. Absent mitigating circumstances, the application for a permit shall be denied if the applicant has three or more misdemeanor convictions, regardless of offense, within five years preceding the application date. If the applicant has multiple convictions of the same offense on the same day, it shall not constitute three or more misdemeanor convictions for purposes of this regulation. The applicant may withdraw his application prior to denial.

G. Ineligible applicant. If it appears that the applicant may be ineligible because he has committed a felony or misdemeanor that may be detrimental to horse racing in the Commonwealth, he shall be afforded the opportunity to withdraw his application or request a hearing before a steward regarding his application. However, the commission, in its discretion, may issue a permit to an applicant providing the felony or misdemeanor is not one of those listed in § 59.1-389 C of the Code of Virginia.

H. Felonies considered detrimental. In the absence of mitigating circumstances, the following felonies are considered detrimental to horse racing in Virginia and the commission, acting through its executive secretary or other designee, shall deny the application and refuse to issue the permit if the applicant has been convicted of any of them:

1. For horsemen participants:

a. Serious violent offenses, including murder, rape, forcible sodomy, crimes against nature, and aggravated assault or maiming;

b. Burglary offenses; and

c. Arson offenses.

2. For employees of a licensee:

a. Larceny or theft offenses, including robbery, embezzlement, and credit card theft;

b. Fraud offenses, including forgery, uttering, and credit card fraud;

c. Arson offenses; and

d. Serious violent offenses, including murder, rape, forcible sodomy, crimes against nature, and aggravated assault or maiming.

I. Renewal of permit. A holder of a currently valid permit may renew the permit annually by making application for a renewal on a form prescribed by the commission. The application for a renewal of a permit shall be accompanied by a fee prescribed by the commission. The applicant may be photographed with each application for a renewal.

J. Knowledge of regulations. A holder of a permit shall be familiar with and knowledgeable of the regulations of the commission. Every holder of a permit is presumed to know the regulations.

K. Reporting violations. A holder of a permit shall report immediately to the commission every observed violation of these regulations as well as all violations of state and federal laws during the race meeting.

L. Multiple participation. A holder of a permit may participate in horse racing in more than one capacity, with the exception of those capacities specifically prohibited by these regulations. A holder of a permit shall submit, in writing on a form prescribed by the commission, a request for approval of his multiple participation in horse racing. The stewards shall deny a request for multiple participation where it would, in their discretion, pose a potential conflict of interest. Where approval is granted to a holder of a valid permit, all applicable fees shall be paid by the participant.

M. Employment of unauthorized participants. A holder of a permit shall not employ for participation within the enclosure any person who does not possess the appropriate permit issued by the commission or has not made application for the appropriate permit.

N. Financial responsibility. A holder of a permit who obtains food, shelter, medicine, transportation, veterinary services or other goods and services for himself or for others shall be responsible for paying for those goods and services. The stewards shall neither be obligated to collect debts nor intervene where there is a dispute over a debt, unless in receipt of a judgment from a duly constituted court in the Commonwealth.

O. Possession of permit. A holder of a permit shall have in his possession at all times his permit issued by the commission and shall be responsible for its safekeeping. The holder shall display his permit to gain entry to the enclosure or upon the request of appropriate racing officials, commission personnel, or security personnel.

P. Duplicate permit. A holder of a permit shall report immediately to the stewards the loss of his permit and immediately make application for a duplicate. The stewards shall notify the appropriate security personnel of the loss of the permit.

Q. Misuse of permit. A holder of a permit shall not allow another person to use his permit for the purpose of obtaining any benefits or privileges pertaining to the permit.

R. Search and seizure. A holder of a permit shall consent upon application and for the duration of the permit to personal inspections (searches) of the holder, inspections (searches) of the holder's personal property, and inspections (searches) of the premises and property located within the enclosure of the racetrack related to his participation in a race meeting by persons authorized by the commission, and to seizure of such property as is determined by the commission's designee conducting the search to be in violation of Chapter 29 (§ 59.1-364 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia or this chapter. The following provisions shall apply to searches and seizures:

1. Any drug, stimulant, narcotic, controlled substance, drug paraphernalia, hypodermic needle, hypodermic syringe, battery or other electrical or mechanical appliance or any other device or substance which could be used to affect the speed or action of a horse, or any other device prohibited by this chapter that is in the possession of a holder of a permit may be seized.

2. Commission personnel have the right to enter into or upon buildings, stables, rooms (other than residences), private vehicles or other places within the enclosure, and may examine them, and inspect and examine personal property and effects of a holder of a permit for the purpose of determining that the items listed in subdivision 1 of this subsection are not in the possession of a permit holder unless authorized by Chapter 29 of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia or this chapter.

3. In addition, commission personnel shall visit, investigate, and have free access to the office, track, facilities, or other places of business of any licensee or permit holder and may compel the production of any of the books, documents, records, or memoranda of any licensee or permit holder for the purpose of satisfying themselves that Chapter 29 of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter are being strictly complied with.

4. Failure to submit to any inspection or search described in this subsection or to any production of documents or seizure of property resulting therefrom may subject a licensee or a holder of a permit to disciplinary action. In the event that such licensee or permit holder refuses to submit, the following procedure shall apply:

Such refusal shall be immediately reported to the stewards by the person attempting to conduct the search. Such refusal, and the basis therefor, shall be provided in writing to the stewards by the permit holder and shall state the date, time and circumstances of the attempted search and his reasons for refusing to submit to it. Upon receipt of such report, the stewards may take appropriate disciplinary action, which may include the revocation or suspension of the permit or referral to the appropriate law-enforcement authorities, but neither the search nor any seizure of the property shall proceed.

5. The foregoing shall not preclude commission personnel from conducting searches and seizures when they have reasonable suspicion that a permit holder is in the act of violating a regulation or evidence of a violation of a regulation may be destroyed, in which event the provisions of these regulations dealing with consent, refusal to consent, scope of search, and disciplinary action shall apply.

S. Workers' compensation. An applicant for a permit who is subject to the compensation provisions of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act (§ 65.2-100 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) shall comply with the provisions of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act regarding insurance and self-insurance and shall submit proof of his compliance with his application for a permit. Failure to remain in compliance with the insurance and self-insurance provisions of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act throughout the duration of the permit shall constitute grounds for its revocation or suspension.

T. Supervision of employees. A holder of a permit who is an employer shall supervise his employees so that their participation in horse racing is in accordance with these regulations, and shall be held jointly responsible for the actions of his employees as they relate to racing matters.

U. Human drug testing. The use, possession, or transportation of any controlled substance or drug as those terms are defined in the Virginia Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) is prohibited within the enclosure of the racetrack unless the controlled substance or drug was obtained pursuant to a valid prescription or order from a duly licensed physician who is acting in the course of his professional practice or is otherwise authorized by these regulations. It shall be the responsibility of the holder of a permit to provide proof that he is using, possessing, or transporting the controlled substance or drug pursuant to a valid prescription or order from a duly licensed physician or that such use, possession, or transportation is otherwise authorized by these regulations.

In addition, the following provisions shall apply to the use or possession of controlled substances or drugs:

1. Any apprentice jockey, assistant starter, assistant trainer, clerk of scales, driver of Standardbreds, driver of starting gate, exercise rider, farrier, groom, hotwalker, identifier, jockey, outrider, paddock judge, patrol judge, placing judge, pony rider, starter, steward, trainer, valet, veterinarian, or veterinarian's assistant at any horse racing facility licensed by the commission may be subjected by the commission or its designee to a urine test or other fluid test, including a blood test, for the purpose of detection of the presence of controlled substances, in the following manner:

a. At least once per week during the course of every unlimited race meeting, the executive secretary of the commission, or his designee, may direct that the testing as described in this subsection be conducted. The day of each such testing shall be selected by the executive secretary or his designee at random and shall not be announced to the persons affected until the day so selected shall have arrived; and

b. Each sample shall be provided in the presence of the licensee's physician or other representative appointed by the executive secretary or his designee and in sufficient quantity to provide a split sample whenever possible. Such samples shall be immediately sealed and tagged. Evidence of such sealing shall be indicated by the signature of the tested permit holder, but the portion of the form which is provided to the laboratory for analysis shall not identify the individual permit holder by name. Only laboratories approved by the commission may be used in obtaining analysis reports or urine or other specimens. The commission and the stewards shall receive reports directly from the laboratory. If the permit holder so requests in writing to the stewards within 48 hours of notice of a positive lab report on the test sample submitted, the second portion shall be sent for further testing to a drug testing laboratory designated and approved by the commission. All costs for the transportation and testing of the second sample portion shall be the financial responsibility of the requesting permit holder, and payment shall be due from the requesting permit holder within 30 days of receipt of notice of the costs. The licensee's physician or other representative appointed by the executive secretary or his designee shall have overall responsibility for the preservation, storage and safeguarding of the second sample portion.

2. The steward, acting with reasonable suspicion, may direct any holder of a permit, whether or not listed in the categories in this subsection, to submit a specimen of urine, or to submit to any other fluid test including a blood test for the detection of controlled substances or drugs, in which event the provisions of these regulations dealing with collection of samples, failure to provide a sample, positive sample tests, and disciplinary action shall apply.

3. The presence in a sample of metabolites of opioid, barbiturate, cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine, hallucinogen, phencyclidine-type drugs, volatile solvents or volatile nitrates, or other mood-altering or dependency-causing controlled substances or drugs will be considered a positive test. A positive test result shall be reported, in writing, to the executive secretary or his designee, who shall notify the permit holder involved in writing as quickly as possible.

4. In the event of a positive test, the following shall also apply:

a. For an initial positive test, a holder of a permit shall undergo a professional evaluation, at his own expense, by a physician approved by the stewards. If the evaluation indicates that the person's condition is nonaddictive and not detrimental to the best interests of horse racing, the person shall be allowed to participate in horse racing after producing a negative test and agreeing to undergo random testing for a period of not greater than six months at the discretion of the stewards;

b. If the evaluation indicates the person's condition is addictive or detrimental to the best interests of horse racing, the person shall not be allowed to participate in horse racing until he can produce a negative test, has successfully completed a drug rehabilitation program acceptable to the commission, and agrees to undergo random testing for a period of not greater than six months at the discretion of the stewards; and

c. For a second positive test, a holder of a permit shall be suspended indefinitely by the stewards and may only apply for reinstatement after having successfully completed a drug rehabilitation program acceptable to the commission and agreeing to undergo random testing for a period of not greater than one year at the discretion of the stewards.

5. A holder of a permit whose sample is positive may be subject to disciplinary action including revocation or suspension of his permit.

V. Human alcohol testing. On any racing day, any holder of a permit may not have present within his system an amount of alcohol which would constitute being under the influence of alcohol, defined as.08% alcohol content or more, or being impaired, defined as between.079% and.04% alcohol content. In addition, the following provisions shall apply to the consumption of alcoholic beverages:

1. The commission hereby adopts breath testing as its approved method of testing for the presence of alcohol in humans and adopts the following procedure for such testing:

a. Any apprentice jockey, assistant starter, assistant trainer, clerk of scales, driver of Standardbreds, driver of a starting gate, exercise rider, farrier, groom, hotwalker, identifier, jockey, outrider, paddock judge, patrol judge, placing judge, pony rider, starter, steward, trainer, valet, veterinarian or veterinarian's assistant at any horse racing facility licensed by the commission may be required to take a breath alcohol test prior to his participation in horse racing;

b. Testing devices shall be selected by the commission from among those listed on the Conforming Products List of Evidential Breath Measurement Devices amended and published in the Federal Register from time to time by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), United States Department of Transportation;

c. Each device shall be properly maintained and shall be calibrated by the use of calibrating unit listed on the NHTSA Conforming Products List of Calibrating Units for Breath Alcohol Testers (as amended) with sufficient frequency to ensure the accuracy of the device (within plus or minus .01%), but not less frequently than provided in the manufacturer's instructions;

d. Tests shall be conducted by a trained and qualified operator. The operator shall have received training on the operational principles of the particular instrument employed and practical experience in the operation of the device and use of the breath alcohol calibrating unit; and

e. Tests shall be conducted in accordance with procedures specified by the manufacturer of the testing device consistent with sound technical judgment and shall include appropriate restrictions on ambient air temperature.

2. The steward, acting with reasonable suspicion, may direct any holder of a permit, whether or not listed in the categories in this subsection, to submit to a breath alcohol test, in which event the provisions of subdivision 4 of this subsection shall apply.

3. A holder of a permit listed in subdivision 1 a of this subsection who is impaired shall not participate in horse racing on that day, but for the first occurrence, shall not be subject to further disciplinary action; a second or subsequent occurrence shall subject such permit holder to disciplinary action.

4. A holder of a permit who is under the influence of alcohol or refuses to take a breath alcohol test at the direction of the stewards is subject to disciplinary action.

W. Reciprocity of rulings. Any holder of a permit whose permit or license to engage in any activity related to horse racing in any other jurisdiction has been denied, suspended, or revoked for just cause in that jurisdiction shall not be permitted to participate in horse racing with pari-mutuel wagering in the Commonwealth of Virginia if such denial, suspension, or revocation is still in effect.

X. Official address. All notices required by law and by regulations of the commission to be mailed by the commission to any holder of a permit shall be validly given when mailed to the latest address on file with the commission. Each holder of a permit shall maintain a record of his current mailing address with the commission. Any change of address by a holder of a permit shall be submitted in writing to the commission within 30 days of such change.

Y. Disorderly conduct. A holder of a permit shall not engage in disorderly conduct, which shall include using profane, abusive or insulting language, or assaulting or threatening to assault other participants, racing officials, commission employees or the public.

Z. Unwarranted objection. A holder of a permit may be subject to disciplinary action by the stewards if they determine that an objection or protest is unwarranted and without merit.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 1, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000; Volume 34, Issue 19, eff. June 14, 2018.

11VAC10-60-15. Fee schedule for permit holders.

Type of Permit


Apprentice Jockey


Assistant General Manager


Assistant Racing Secretary


Assistant Starter


Assistant Trainer


Authorized Agent


Claims Clerk


Clerk of Scales


Clerk of the Course






Concessionaire/Vendor Employee


Custodian of Jockeys' Room


Director of Security




Entry Clerk


Exercise Rider






Gap Attendant


General Manager




Horse Identifier


Horsemen's Bookkeeper


Horse Owner




Jockey Agent


Licensee-Administrative Employee


Licensee-Marketing Employee


Licensee-Medical Employee


Licensee-Operations Employee


Licensee-Plant Employee


Licensee-Staff Employee


Mutuel Clerk


Mutuel Manager




Paddock Judge


Patrol Judge


Photo-Finish Camera Operator


Placing Judge


Pony Rider


Program Director


Racing Secretary


Security Officer


Stable Name


Stall Superintendent






Track Superintendent




Trainer/Driver (Harness Racing)




Veterinarian (Licensee)


Veterinarian (Private Practice)


Video Patrol Personnel


Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000; amended, Virginia Register Volume 26, Issue 10, eff. January 1, 2010; Volume 35, Issue 10, eff. January 1, 2019; Volume 36, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2020.

11VAC10-60-20. Practicing veterinarian.

A. Qualifications. A holder of a permit allowing the person to participate as a practicing veterinarian in Virginia shall possess a full and unrestricted license from the Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine.

B. Prohibitions. A practicing veterinarian shall be prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

1. Owning, directly or indirectly, entirely or a portion of any horse racing at the race meeting where he is practicing veterinary medicine. For purposes of this section, ownership shall be based on being named on the certificate of registration or eligibility paper, or named in a syndicate, corporation, lease, partnership, or other joint venture owning or managing the racehorse and shall not be based solely on community property laws relating to marriage;

2. Wagering on the outcome of any race, either directly or indirectly, at the race meeting where he is practicing veterinary medicine;

3. Furnishing any injection device, injectable substance, or any other medication intended for use by injection to another permit holder without the written permission of the stewards; and

4. Treating any other horses entered to race in the same race as a horse owned or trained by the veterinarian's spouse after entries have closed for that race.

C. Duties. In the exercise of his duties, the practicing veterinarian shall:

1. Treat all horses under his care in a humane manner and report all instances of animal abuse or neglect immediately to the stewards and commission veterinarian;

2. Report immediately to the commission veterinarian and stewards any illness in a horse presenting unusual or unknown symptoms;

3. Maintain complete medical records consistent with the statutes and regulations of the Virginia Board of Veterinary Medicine, and retain duplicate copies of bills or statements issued to trainers or owners for at least one year;

4. Make available to the commission veterinarian, stewards or other commission personnel, upon request, copies of any written or electronic records or billing statements to trainers or owners; and

5. Use only single-use disposable syringes, needles, and infusion tubes and dispose of the syringes, needles, and infusion tubes as directed by the commission veterinarian.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 2, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000; Volume 28, Issue 15, eff. April 16, 2012.

11VAC10-60-30. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 3, eff. August 14, 1991; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-40. Horse owner.

A. Generally. No horse may start in a race at a race meeting licensed by the commission unless the owner, or part owner who has an interest of 5.0% or more in the horse, has been issued a permit by the commission, or unless an application has been submitted by the owner or part owner, or by their trainer, assistant trainer, or authorized agent, and the approval of the stewards has been obtained. If the trainer or authorized agent submits a partially completed application on behalf of an owner, the applicant shall complete the application within 30 days. The applicant shall be subject to disciplinary action for failure to complete the application. In any event, all purse moneys earned shall be held until the application is completed.

B. Husband and wife. For the purposes of these regulations, a husband and wife who enter their horse or horses as a single entity shall not be considered a partnership but shall make separate applications for permits as owners.

C. Registration of ownership. Every certificate of registration or eligibility paper shall reflect the true ownership of the horse, and the ownership of the horse printed in the daily program shall conform to the ownership listed on the certificate of registration or eligibility paper.

1. Before a horse can start in a race, the trainer must list its ownership with the racing secretary;

2. In the event ownership of a horse is a syndicate, corporation, partnership or other joint venture, the name of the managing owner shall be printed in the daily program; and

3. In the event of a change in ownership of a horse, it shall be the responsibility of the new owner to record the change in ownership with the racing secretary.

D. Qualifications of owners. In addition to all of the qualifications applying to all applicants in these regulations, applicants for permits as horse owners shall meet the following additional requirements:

1. Shall present a copy of a declaration page or certificate of insurance for workers' compensation as required by these regulations; and

2. Shall own or have under lease a horse eligible to race and shall be able to prove ownership of a horse eligible to race to the satisfaction of the stewards.

E. Disclosure of ownership. Trainers shall be responsible for the full disclosure of ownership of all horses under their care to the racing secretary. This disclosure shall be in writing and include:

1. All persons, who directly or indirectly, through lien, lease, partnership, corporate stockholding, syndication, or other joint venture, hold any present or reversionary right, title, or interest in the horse; and

2. All persons who by virtue of any form of ownership interest might exercise control over the horse or derive benefit from the racing of the horse as well as the degree and type of ownership held in the horse.

The full disclosure shall be made to the racing secretary, with a copy submitted to the stewards, upon the horse's arrival within the enclosure or at the time of entry, whichever event occurs first, and the racing secretary shall be notified immediately upon any subsequent change in ownership.

F. Joint ownership. No more than five persons may be listed as owners of a single horse. In the event more than five persons own interests in a single horse, through partnership, corporation, syndication or other joint venture, the owners shall designate, in writing, a member of the partnership, corporation, syndication or joint venture to represent the entire ownership and be responsible for the horse as the managing owner. Before the horse may be entered to race, the following requirements must be met:

1. A written designation of a managing owner to represent the entire joint venture must be submitted to the racing secretary and signed by every person having an interest of 5.0% or more in any horse entered to race, the chief executive officer of any corporation involved, and the general partner of any limited partnership;

2. Each person having an interest of 5.0% or more in a horse shall apply for a permit as an owner;

3. Each person having an interest of less than 5.0% need not apply for a permit as an owner, unless he intends to participate at the race meeting; however, a complete list of names and addresses of persons having an interest of less than 5.0% shall be provided to the stewards for their approval; and

4. A horse shall not be entered where a person who has any ownership interest in the horse would be ineligible for a permit under these regulations.

G. Estates, partnerships, corporations and other legal entities. Every estate, partnership, corporation and other legal entity shall make application for a permit to the commission and all persons having a 5.0% or more ownership interest in the estate, partnership, corporation or legal entity shall also make application to the commission for permits as owners.

1. A written designation of a managing owner to represent the estate, partnership, corporation or other legal entity must be submitted to the stewards and signed by every person having an interest of 5.0% or more in any horse entered to race, by the chief executive officer of any corporation involved, and by the general partner of any limited partnership;

2. The managing owner shall be responsible for submitting to the stewards a copy of the partnership papers or articles of incorporation which shall include the following information:

a. The name or names of the horse or horses involved in the estate, partnership, corporation or other legal entity;

b. The name and address of every person having any interest in the horse or horses involved in the estate, partnership, corporation or other legal entity;

c. The relative proportions of such interests;

d. In whose name the horse or horses shall run, and whose name shall be printed in the daily program;

e. The person who may enter the horse in races if other than the trainer;

f. The terms of any contingency, lease or any other arrangement; and

g. All partnership papers, articles of incorporation or other appropriate documents must be signed by all parties to the estate, partnership, corporation or other legal entity.

3. All parties in the estate, partnership, corporation or other legal entity shall be jointly and severally liable for all stakes, fees and other obligations.

H. Leases. When a horse is held under a lease, the lease agreement must be submitted to the stewards for their approval, and when approved by the stewards, the lease shall be attached to the certificate of foal registration or eligibility certificate. Before the stewards may approve a lease agreement, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

1. The lessee is a permit holder as an owner;

2. The lessor is eligible for a permit;

3. The signatures of the lessors and lessees on the lease agreement are subscribed and sworn to before a notary public;

4. The conditions of the lease specify whether the horse can be entered in a claiming race, and if so, the minimum price for which the horse can be entered, and the name of the payee in the event the horse is claimed;

5. The conditions of the lease specify that upon the horse being claimed, the lease shall terminate and all rights to the horse shall pass to the claimant as a bona fide purchaser;

6. The conditions of the lease divest lessors or sublessors of control or direction of the racing performance of the horse while held under the lease agreement; and

7. The program listing of the lessee would not mislead the public by reason of the absence in the daily program of the name of a person or persons possessing a beneficial interest in the horse.

I. Stable names. A holder of a permit as an owner may register a "stable name" with the commission. All names that do not reveal the actual identity or identities of the owner or owners of the horse or horses shall be considered stable names. The following conditions shall apply to stable names:

1. In making an application for a stable name, the applicant shall make a full disclosure of all of the parties to the stable name regardless of the proportion of their interest;

2. All parties who have an interest of 5.0% or more in the stable name must be holders of permits as owners;

3. If a partnership or corporation is involved in the stable name, then all of the provisions of these regulations applicable to partnerships or corporation must be complied with as well;

4. Any changes in the parties to the stable name must be reported to the racing secretary and the stewards prior to the horse being entered;

5. Any person who has been a party to a stable name may cancel his participation in the stable name upon giving a written statement to the stewards and racing secretary, and the notice must be received before time of entry;

6. A stable name shall not be used that is identical to one registered with the commission or with The Jockey Club, the National Steeplechase Association, the United States Trotting Association or the American Quarter Horse Association;

7. A stable name shall not be used which is the name of another owner of horses or the name of another prominent person;

8. A trainer may use a stable name only if he is a party to the stable name and trains all of the horses racing under the stable name;

9. The stable name must be clearly distinguishable from other stable names. If the stable name has more than one owner, one legal name of a party to the stable name must appear followed by the term "et al.";

10. A corporate name may be used as a stable name; and

11. A stable name may be canceled when all parties to the stable name submit to the stewards and racing secretary written notice of the cancellation, and a stable name may be changed by registering a new stable name with the commission.

J. Racing colors. For thoroughbred, steeplechase and other flat races, a holder of a permit as an owner shall register a set of racing colors when submitting an application for an owner's permit. The following provisions shall regulate the registration of racing colors:

1. Owners shall be responsible for designing and providing racing colors, consisting of jackets and caps of distinctive colors and patterns, to be worn by jockeys during a race;

2. Racing colors shall be registered annually by the owner;

3. Racing colors that are not readily distinguishable from those already registered by the commission or from those already registered with The Jockey Club or the National Steeplechase Association shall be prohibited;

4. No jockey may wear the racing colors except those registered by the owner; however, in emergency situations, the jockey may wear substitute racing colors with the permission of the stewards; and

5. Owners and trainers shall be jointly responsible for providing the clerk of scales with racing colors that are neat, clean and in good repair.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 4, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-50. Authorized agent.

A holder of a permit allowing the person to participate in horse racing as an owner may employ an authorized agent to act on his behalf in all matters pertaining to racing and ownership of horses within the enclosure. The following provisions shall apply to authorized agents:

1. The owner shall submit to the stewards a signed, notarized statement authorizing the agent, specifying the powers of the agent, and specifying whether or not the agent is empowered to receive money from the horsemen's account;

2. The authorized agent shall apply for the appropriate permit, and shall apply separately for permits for each owner represented;

3. A copy of the owner's signed, notarized authorization shall be submitted by the owner to the racing secretary, horsemen's bookkeeper and attached to the application for the permit;

4. The owner shall be jointly responsible for all acts and omissions of the authorized agent while serving on behalf of the owner in a racing matter; and

5. An owner may revoke the agency by submitting written notification to the stewards.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 5, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-60. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 6, eff. August 14, 1991; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-70. Trainer.

A. Generally. No horse may be entered to race at a race meeting licensed by the commission unless the horse is under the care and supervision of a person holding a permit in good standing from the commission as a trainer. A trainer may represent the owner in entering of a horse, declaring the horse out of a race or retaining a jockey.

B. Qualifications. A permit may be issued to a person to participate in horse racing as a trainer if the person possesses a currently valid permit as a trainer in Virginia or another jurisdiction or if the person satisfactorily completes a trainer's test administered under the supervision of the stewards. A person shall not be issued a permit as a trainer unless he meets the following requirements:

1. The person must be 18 years old or older;

2. If the applicant for the permit is subject to the compensation provisions of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Act (§ 65.2-100 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), he must submit proof of his compliance with the insurance and self-insurance provisions of that Act with his application for the permit;

3. The person must be qualified by experience or competence to care for and train racehorses; and

4. The person must have in his charge a horse eligible to race.

C. Trainer's test. The stewards may require any person, whether or not he holds a currently valid permit in Virginia or another jurisdiction as a trainer, to satisfactorily complete a trainer's test to demonstrate that he is qualified by experience or competence to care for and train racehorses. The test shall consist of a written test administered by the stewards and a barn test administered by representatives of the horsemen, under the supervision of the stewards.

D. Prohibitions. A holder of a permit may not participate in horse racing as a trainer and as a jockey agent, veterinarian or veterinarian's assistant. In addition, a trainer:

1. Shall not train horses under an assumed name or stable name;

2. Shall not engage in any activity, directly or indirectly, involving the care, supervision or racing of horses other than those he has registered with the racing secretary as being in his charge; and

3. A holder of permits to participate in horse racing as a trainer and as a jockey shall only ride those horses trained by the permit holder.

E. Suspension. All horses in the care of a trainer who is suspended for more than 10 days must be transferred to another trainer approved by the stewards. During the period of suspension the suspended trainer shall (i) have no communication with the new trainer, the new trainer's staff, or the horse owner; (ii) not benefit financially from transferred horses in his stable during the time of suspension; and (iii) not be permitted on the grounds except with the permission of the stewards.

F. Duties. A person holding a permit allowing him to participate in horse racing as a trainer shall be responsible for the proper care, health, training, safety and protection of horses under his care against administration of all substances foreign to the natural horse, except those specifically permitted by the regulations of the commission. In the exercise of his duties, a trainer shall:

1. Register with the stewards all persons in his employ and ensure that all of his employees have made application for the appropriate permits from the commission;

2. Promptly notify the stewards and the licensee's director of security of any employee he discharges;

3. Register all horses in his charge and present to the racing secretary the certificates of registration, certificates of eligibility or other registration documents;

4. Enter horses with the permission of the owner and bear primary responsibility as to the horse's eligibility, weight allowances, racing fitness, proper shoes, bandages, and other equipment;

5. Ensure that the horse is in the paddock at the time prescribed by the stewards;

6. Furnish the name of the jockey engaged to ride the horse at the time designated by the racing secretary;

7. Attend the horse in the paddock and supervise the saddling of the horse, and in his absence, provide an assistant trainer or other trainer to attend the saddling of horses and assume responsibility for the horses already entered;

8. Witness himself, or assign one of his employees to witness, the collection of samples of blood, urine, or other bodily substances in the test barn;

9. Maintain the stable area assigned to his horses in a neat, clean and sanitary condition at all times, and ensure that all fire prevention measures are taken; and

10. Report promptly to the commission veterinarian any serious illness or death of a horse in his charge.

G. Standardbred trainer. A permit may be issued to a person desiring to participate in horse racing as a trainer of Standardbreds if the person possesses a currently valid trainer's license from the United States Trotting Association or a permit in Virginia.

H. Steeplechase trainer. A permit may be issued to a person desiring to participate in horse racing as a trainer of horses utilized in steeplechase races if the person possesses a currently valid trainer's license issued by the stewards of the National Steeplechase Association or a currently valid permit as a trainer of horses utilized in steeplechase races in Virginia or another jurisdiction.

I. Substitute trainer. When a trainer is absent from his stable or the enclosure and a horse under his care is scheduled to race, he must provide a licensed trainer or assistant trainer to assume joint responsibility for the horses he is training. The substitute trainer or assistant trainer shall sign, in the presence of the stewards, a statement accepting responsibility for those horses.

J. Assistant trainer. A person holding a permit allowing him to participate in horse racing as a trainer may employ an assistant trainer with the approval of the stewards. Any assistant trainer shall be qualified to assume the duties and responsibilities imposed upon the holder of a trainer's permit, and the trainer shall be jointly responsible for the assistant trainer's acts and omissions involving racing matters and this chapter.

K. Trainer responsibility. The trainer shall be the absolute insurer of, and responsible for, the condition of each horse he enters in a race, regardless of the acts of third parties. A trainer shall not start a horse or permit a horse in his custody, care or control to be started if he knows, or through the exercise of reasonable care he might have known or has cause to believe, that the horse has received a substance foreign to the natural horse, except those specifically permitted by the regulations of the commission. The trainer shall guard, or caused to be guarded, each horse in his charge in a manner and for a period of time before racing so as to prevent any person from administering a substance foreign to the natural horse, except those specifically permitted by the regulations of the commission.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 7, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000; Volume 26, Issue 20, eff. May 29, 2010.

11VAC10-60-80. Stable foreman.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a stable foreman. The person shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to participants, and be an employee of a person holding a permit as an owner or trainer. The person's participation in horse racing shall be in accordance with this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 8, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-90. Night watchman.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a night watchman. The person shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to participants, and be an employee of a person holding a permit as an owner or trainer. The person's participation in horse racing shall be in accordance with this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 9, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-100. Groom.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a groom. The person shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to participants, and be the employee of a person holding a permit as an owner or trainer. The person's participation in horse racing shall be in accordance with this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 10, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-110. Hotwalker.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a hotwalker. The person shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to participants, and be the employee of a person holding a permit as an owner or trainer. The person's participation in horse racing shall be in accordance with this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 11, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-120. Jockey.

A. Generally. A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a jockey. The applicant shall submit to the stewards sufficient evidence that he is either a journeyman or apprentice jockey in Virginia or another jurisdiction and demonstrates sufficient horsemanship to ride in a race without jeopardizing the safety of horses or other jockeys.

B. Examinations. A jockey may be required to take a physical examination from a physician appointed by the stewards to establish that he possesses the physical ability to safely ride in races. A jockey may also be required to take an eye examination from a physician appointed by the stewards to establish he has eyesight sufficient to safely ride in races.

C. Apprentice jockey. If the person does not possess a currently valid permit in Virginia or another jurisdiction as an apprentice jockey, has not ridden satisfactorily in three races at a pari-mutuel meeting, or has never held a thoroughbred journeyman jockey permit, then the stewards may allow the person to ride probationary mounts in three races at a race meeting licensed by the commission under the following conditions:

1. That he is at least 16 years old;

2. That he has held a permit for at least one year as an exercise rider under the supervision of a person holding a permit as a trainer;

3. A trainer submits a notarized statement to the stewards that the person has been employed by him and has demonstrated sufficient horsemanship to be allowed to ride in three races at a race meeting licensed by the commission;

4. The starter has schooled the person from the starting gate with other horses and approves the person as capable of breaking a horse properly from the starting gate;

5. The stewards retain sole discretion of whether or not the person possesses the physical ability and has demonstrated sufficient horsemanship to ride in a race without jeopardizing the safety of horses or other jockeys; and

6. The stewards, in their discretion, may at any time deny the person the opportunity to ride in more races for cause.

If the person possesses a currently valid permit from another jurisdiction as an apprentice jockey or has ridden satisfactorily in three races at a pari-mutuel meeting, then the person must submit sufficient evidence to the stewards:

a. That he is at least 16 years old;

b. That he has ridden satisfactorily in at least three races at a pari-mutuel meeting; and

c. That he has demonstrated to the stewards sufficient horsemanship to ride in a race without jeopardizing the safety of horses or other jockeys.

D. Amateur jockey. A permit may be issued to a person desiring to participate in horse racing as an amateur jockey. The person shall compete on even terms when riding against professional jockeys, but he shall not accept any fees or gratuities. The person must meet all of the requirements for an apprentice jockey, and his amateur status must be noted on the program.

E. Steeplechase jockey. A permit may be issued to a person desiring to participate in horse racing as a jockey riding horses in steeplechase races. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements pertaining to holders of permits as jockeys, and hold a currently valid license issued by the stewards of the National Steeplechase Association.

F. Foreign jockey. Whenever a jockey from a foreign country, excluding Mexico and Canada, rides in the United States, he must submit an application for a permit and declare that he is a holder of a valid permit and currently not under suspension. To facilitate this process, the jockey shall present a declaration sheet stating:

1. That he is the holder of a valid permit to ride;

2. That he is not currently under suspension; and

3. That he agrees to be bound by the rules and regulations of the jurisdiction in which he is riding.

This sheet shall be retained by the stewards and at the conclusion of the jockey's participation in racing, it shall be returned to the jockey, properly endorsed by the stewards, stating he has not incurred any penalty or had a fall. If a penalty has been assessed against the jockey, the stewards shall notify the racing authority issuing the original permit to extend the penalty for the same period of time.

G. Apprentice allowance. An apprentice jockey may claim the following weight allowances in all overnight races except stakes and handicaps:

1. A 10-pound allowance beginning with the first mount and continuing until the apprentice has ridden five winners.

2. A seven-pound allowance until the apprentice has ridden an additional 35 winners.

3. If an apprentice has ridden a total of 40 winners prior to the end of a period of one year from the date of riding his fifth winner, he shall have an allowance of five pounds for one year from the date of the fifth winning mount.

4. If, after a period of one year from the date of the fifth winning mount, the apprentice jockey has not ridden 40 winners, the applicable weight allowance shall continue for one more year or until the apprentice rides his 40th winning mount, whichever comes first. But in no event may a weight allowance be claimed for more than two years from the date of the fifth winning mount, unless an extension has been granted under the provisions of this regulation.

5. An apprentice who possesses a contractual agreement may claim an allowance of three pounds for an additional one year when riding horses owned or trained by the original contract employer.

H. Extension of apprentice allowance. The commission or its designee may extend the weight allowance of an apprentice jockey when an apprentice jockey is unable to continue riding due to (i) physical disablement or illness, (ii) military service, (iii) attendance in an institution of secondary or higher education, (iv) restriction on racing, or (v) other valid reasons.

1. In order to qualify for an extension, an apprentice jockey shall have been rendered unable to ride for a period of not less than seven consecutive days during the period in which the apprentice was entitled to an apprentice weight allowance. Under exceptional circumstances, the commission or its designee will give consideration to the total days lost collectively.

2. The commission or its designee shall have the authority to grant an extension to an eligible applicant, but only after the apprentice jockey has submitted documentation to them verifying the days lost as defined by this regulation.

3. An apprentice jockey may petition the commission or its designee for an extension of time for claiming apprentice weight allowances, and the apprentice jockey shall be bound by the decision of the commission or its designee. If the apprentice jockey has been denied an extension in another jurisdiction, the commission or its designee shall deny the application for an extension.

I. Jockey contracts. An apprentice jockey may enter into a contract with an owner or trainer, who holds an appropriate permit issued by the commission, for a period not less than three years nor more than five years. The following provisions shall apply to contracts for apprentice jockeys:

1. The original contract is to be submitted to the stewards with copies made available to the parties to the contract;

2. A written extension may be made to a contract, if the original was for less than five years;

3. The original contract shall be kept in full force and in effect throughout its contract period. Any and all amendments to the contract shall be made a part of and either added to or attached to copies in the possession of the parties and a copy of the amendments submitted to the stewards;

4. An owner or trainer may not enter into a contract with an apprentice jockey unless he has control or possession of a stable of horses as would, in the discretion of the stewards, warrant the employment of an apprentice;

5. An apprentice jockey may not acquire his own contract;

6. All apprentice jockey contracts must be submitted to the stewards within 30 days of their execution or upon filing an application for a permit;

7. The contract shall provide for fair remuneration, adequate medical attention, suitable board and lodging, workers' compensation insurance coverage, and provision for conserving the savings out of the earnings of the apprentice; and

8. Any apprentice or contract rider shall be entitled to the regular jockey fees, except when riding a horse owned in part or solely by his contract holder. An interest in the winnings only, e.g., a trainer's commission, does not constitute ownership.

J. Apprentice certificate. An apprentice jockey may be granted an apprentice certificate issued by the commission or its designee, in lieu of a traditional apprentice contract. An apprentice jockey who loses his weight allowances shall obtain a jockey permit before being permitted to ride again.

K. Restrictions of jockeys under contract. Any apprentice or journeyman jockey who is under a contract to an owner or trainer shall not:

1. Ride any horse not owned or trained by his contract employer in a race against a horse owned or trained by his contract employer;

2. Ride or agree to ride any horse in a race without consent of his contract employer; and

3. Share any money earned from riding with his contract employer.

L. Calls and engagements. Any jockey who is not prohibited by a contract may agree to give first or second calls on his services to any owner or trainer. If the agreement is for more than 30 days, then the agreement must be in writing and a copy of the agreement submitted to the stewards for approval. Any jockey employed by an owner or trainer on a regular salaried basis may not ride against the stable. No owner or trainer shall employ or engage a jockey to prevent him from riding another horse.

M. Naming of jockeys. A jockey shall be named to ride a horse in a race at a time designated by the racing secretary, and a subsequent change of a jockey shall be approved by the stewards. The following provisions shall apply to the naming of a jockey:

1. After a jockey gives a call to ride a horse in a race, either personally or through his agent, and fails to fulfill the engagement, he shall not accept another engagement in that race or be assigned by the stewards to another horse in that race;

2. In races where a jockey has more than one engagement, the jockey agent shall specify a first and second call on the jockey's services; and

3. A jockey may be named on no more than two horses in a race. In turf course races, in which there is an also-eligible list for the dirt course, a jockey may be named on no more than three horses, one of which shall be a dirt course only entrant.

N. Fee earned. A jockey's fee shall be considered earned when the jockey is weighed out by the clerk of scales. The fee shall not be considered earned if the jockey, of his own free will, takes himself off of his mount where injury to the horse or rider is not involved. Any conditions or considerations not covered by the above regulation shall be at the discretion of the stewards.

O. Multiple engagements. If any owner, or his trainer or authorized agent, engages two or more jockeys to ride the same horse in the same race after the time designated by the racing secretary to name jockeys, the owner shall pay the jockey taken off the horse a matching fee equal to that earned by the jockey who rode the horse. No owner shall be held liable for multiple engagements where such engagements are the results of actions taken by jockeys or their agents. An owner or trainer who elects to remove a jockey from his mount after the time designated by the racing secretary for naming jockeys may be subject to disciplinary action by the stewards.

P. Duty to fulfill engagements. A jockey shall fulfill his duly scheduled riding engagements, unless excused by the stewards. No jockey shall be forced to ride a horse he believes to be unsound or over a racing surface that he believes to be unsafe. If the stewards find that a jockey's refusal to fulfill a riding engagement is unwarranted, then the jockey may be subject to disciplinary action.

Q. Presence in jockey room. A jockey who has an engagement to ride in a race shall report his weight and be physically present in the jockeys' room at a time appointed by the stewards, unless excused by the stewards, and upon arrival shall report all of his engagements for the program to the clerk of scales. The following provisions shall apply:

1. In the event a jockey does not report to the clerk of scales at the appointed time, the clerk of scales shall advise the stewards who may name a substitute jockey and any substitution shall be publicly announced prior to the opening of wagering;

2. After reporting to the clerk of scales, a jockey shall remain in the jockeys' room until he has fulfilled all of his engagements for the program. A jockey may only leave to ride in a race or to view the races from a location approved by the stewards;

3. A jockey shall have no communication with any person outside the jockeys' room other than an owner or trainer for whom he is riding, a racing official, his jockey agent or a representative of the media; and

4. A jockey who intends to discontinue riding at a race meeting prior to its conclusion shall notify the stewards no later than upon fulfilling his final engagement of the day he intends to depart.

R. Attire. A jockey shall wear traditional attire and shall be neat and clean in appearance. A jockey shall wear the cap and jacket in the owner's racing colors, white breeches, top boots, protective helmet, safety vest which meets the minimum specifications as defined by the British Equestrian Trade Association, and a number on his right shoulder corresponding to the horse's number as shown on the saddle cloth and daily program.

S. Weighing out. A jockey shall report to the clerk of scales for weighing out, not more than one hour and not less than 15 minutes before post time for each race in which he is engaged to ride, and at the time of weighing out shall declare overweight, if any. The following provisions shall apply to weighing out:

1. A jockey shall not carry more than two pounds of overweight without the consent of the owner or trainer of the horse which he is engaged to ride; however, a jockey shall not carry more than five pounds of overweight;

2. Bit, blinkers, bridle, number cloth, reins, safety helmet, safety vest, whip, goggles, overgirth, chamois, and breastplate shall not be included in a jockey's weight;

3. All overweights shall be promptly reported to the stewards; and

4. No horse shall be disqualified because of overweight carried.

T. Weighing in. Following the completion of the race, a jockey shall ride his horse to the designated area, salute the stewards, dismount, remove from the horse his equipment, without assistance, which is to be included in a jockey's weight, and move directly to the scales where he may be weighed in by the clerk of scales. No person shall throw any covering over any horse until a jockey has removed from the horse his equipment which is to be included in a jockey's weight. Due to injury to either horse or jockey, the stewards may excuse the jockey from weighing in. A jockey shall not weigh in at less weight than he weighed out and no jockey shall weigh in at more than four pounds over the weight at which he weighed out, unless affected by the weather and with the permission of the stewards.

U. Wagering. A jockey may only have a wager placed for him through an owner or trainer of the horse he is riding in the race, and the jockey's wager shall only be on his horse to win. The owner or trainer placing the wager shall keep precise records of all wagers placed for a jockey and the record shall be available to the stewards upon request.

V. Viewing films. The stewards shall attempt to notify all jockeys who are requested to attend the reviewing of the films, and their names shall be posted on the film list. A jockey whose name is on the film list shall be present at the designated time and place to view the films of the race, unless excused by the stewards. A jockey may be accompanied by a representative of his choosing.

W. Designated races. A jockey who is serving a suspension of 10 days or less will be permitted to ride in a designated race during the suspension if:

1. The race has been specified as a designated race by the racing secretary before opening day of the race meeting.

2. The race has been approved as a designated race by the stewards.

3. The jockey is named not later than at the time designated by the racing secretary.

4. The jockey agrees to serve an additional day of suspension in place of the day on which the jockey rides in a designated race.

Reciprocity of this regulation will apply only to those jurisdictions which have adopted the designated race regulation.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 12, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000; Volume 26, Issue 20, eff. May 29, 2010.

11VAC10-60-130. Jockey agent.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a jockey agent. The jockey agent acts as an agent for the jockey he represents in securing riding engagements. The stewards, in their discretion, may ask a person to take a written or oral examination to determine his fitness to participate in horse racing as a jockey agent. In addition to all of the requirements imposed upon all holders of permits, the following shall apply to jockey agents:

1. A jockey agent shall designate in writing those jockeys for whom he is making engagements;

2. A jockey agent shall have in his possession at all times an engagement book, approved by the stewards, and all engagements made for a jockey by the agent shall be recorded in the book. The book shall be presented to the stewards upon request;

3. A jockey agent shall not make or assist in making any engagement for a jockey other than those he has designated in writing;

4. A jockey agent may make engagements for only two jockeys, one of which must be an apprentice jockey;

5. A jockey agent may make engagements for two journeyman jockeys only with the permission of the stewards;

6. If a jockey agent relinquishes the making of engagements for any jockey, the jockey agent shall immediately notify the stewards and clerk of scales and turn over to the stewards a list of any unfilled engagements he may have made for that jockey;

7. A jockey agent may give only one "first call" and one "second call" per race for each jockey he represents, and conflicting claims for the services of a jockey shall be decided by the stewards;

8. A jockey agent shall be able to explain, to the satisfaction of the stewards, rival claims for the services of a jockey or that the rival claims are the result of bona fide error;

9. No jockey shall have more than one agent;

10. An owner, trainer or authorized agent may make engagements for an apprentice jockey or jockey;

11. A jockey not represented by an agent may make his own engagements;

12. A holder of a jockey agent permit may not be licensed as an owner, trainer, or authorized agent; and

13. Under no circumstances shall a jockey agent be permitted within the saddling enclosure during racing hours nor shall he be allowed on the track proper or in the winner's circle at the conclusion of any race run. An agent may not have access to the jockey quarters at any time or communicate with any jockey during racing hours without permission of the stewards.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 13, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000; Volume 28, Issue 15, eff. April 16, 2012.

11VAC10-60-140. Exercise rider.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as an exercise rider. If the applicant for a permit as an exercise rider is not employed by an owner or trainer or does not possess a similar permit from another jurisdiction, then the stewards may, in their discretion, require the applicant to demonstrate his horsemanship before issuing a permit to the applicant. The exercise rider shall wear a protective helmet and a safety vest which meets the minimum specifications as defined by the British Equestrian Trade Association when exercising horses.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 14, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-150. Pony rider.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a pony rider. If the applicant for a permit as a pony rider is not in possession of a similar permit from another jurisdiction, then the stewards may, in their discretion, require the applicant to demonstrate his horsemanship before issuing a permit to the applicant. The pony rider shall wear a protective helmet, a safety vest which meets the minimum specifications as defined by the British Equestrian Trade Association, and attire prescribed by the licensee. The attire shall be neat, clean and in good repair.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 15, eff. August 14, 1991; amended, Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-160. Farrier.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a farrier. If the applicant for a permit as a farrier does not possess a similar permit from another jurisdiction, then the stewards may, in their discretion, require the applicant to demonstrate his skill under the supervision of the commission veterinarian and an experienced farrier before issuing a permit.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 16, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-170. Driver.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a driver of Standardbreds. The person shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and hold a currently valid provisional or full license as a driver from the United States Trotting Association. The following provisions shall apply to drivers:

1. A driver may be required to take a physical examination from a physician appointed by the stewards to establish that the person is physically fit to safely drive in races;

2. A driver may be required to take an eye examination from a physician appointed by the stewards to establish that the person has eyesight sufficient to safely drive in races;

3. A driver shall wear attire as prescribed by the stewards, including racing colors registered with the United States Trotting Association and a protective helmet, approved by the Snell Foundation or United States Department of Transportation, with the chin strap in place, on the racing surface during racing hours;

4. A driver shall report to the paddock judge, at a time prescribed by the stewards, on those days he has a driving engagement;

5. A driver, once he has reported to the paddock judge, may leave the paddock only to warmup or drive horses in races and may not leave the paddock until his participation in the program is completed;

6. A driver shall fulfill his engagements, and, if he is removed from driving a horse in a race, he shall not drive another horse in the same race; and

7. A driver shall not refuse to be substituted by the stewards without good and sufficient reason.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 17, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-180. Mutuel clerk.

The licensee shall employ a sufficient number of qualified persons to act as mutuel clerks for the race meeting. A mutuel clerk shall sell and cash valid pari-mutuel tickets under the supervision of the mutuel manager and report any unusual patterns in the wagering to the mutuel manager. The person shall submit an application for a permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 18, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-190. Concessionaire or vendor.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a concessionaire or vendor. A concessionaire or vendor shall be considered any person selling goods or services, either personally or through employees or representatives, to other persons within the enclosure, whether the sales are made to the public or persons holding permits issued by the commission. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 19, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-200. Concessionaire or vendor employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as an employee of a concessionaire or vendor. An employee of a concessionaire or vendor shall be considered a person who sells goods or services for his employer whether the sales are made to the public or persons holding permits issued by the commission. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 20, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-210. Licensee-administrative employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as an administrative employee of the licensee. An administrative employee shall be considered any person employed in the administrative offices of the licensee who is not specifically mentioned elsewhere in this chapter. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 21, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-220. Licensee-marketing employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a marketing employee of the licensee. A marketing employee shall be considered as any person employed in marketing, promotion, public address announcing, publicity, information windows or public relations for the licensee. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 22, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-230. Licensee-medical employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a medical employee of the licensee. A medical employee of the licensee shall be considered as any person employed as a physician, nurse, paramedic, first-aid room attendant or ambulance driver. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 23, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-240. Licensee-operations employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as an operations employee of the licensee. An operations employee shall be considered as any person employed in admissions, parking, program sales, gift shop and as ushers, technicians or guides. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 24, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-250. Licensee-plant employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a plant employee of the licensee. A plant employee shall be considered as any person employed in maintenance and repair of structure, grounds, or racing surface of the facility. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 25, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-260. Licensee-staff employee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a staff employee of the licensee. A staff employee shall be considered as any person employed as a secretary, receptionist or any other capacity on the licensee's staff. A person shall submit an application for the appropriate permit, meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 26, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-270. Other applicants for participation in horse racing as employee of permit holder, vendor or licensee.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as an employee of another permit holder, vendor or licensee, not stated elsewhere in these regulations. The employer shall notify the stewards, in writing, of the employment of the person. The person shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this chapter pertaining to holders of permits, and his participation shall be in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 27, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-280. Independent contractors.

These regulations, which are applicable to persons employed by the licensee in various categories, are equally applicable to persons employed as independent contractors retained by the licensee.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR662-03-02 § 28, eff. August 14, 1991.

11VAC10-60-290. Clocker.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a clocker for flat race meetings. The clocker shall be present at his assigned location at the opening of training hours each morning and remain there until training hours are concluded. The clockers shall keep a listing of the name of each horse working out, distance, time, manner in which the workout was accomplished, condition of the racing surface, and any other information deemed appropriate. At the conclusion of training hours, the clocker shall submit the listing to the stewards, racing secretary and any other personnel deemed appropriate.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-300. Gap attendant.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a gap attendant for flat race meetings. The gap attendant shall be present at his assigned location at the opening of training hours each morning and remain there until training hours are concluded. The gap attendant shall obtain the name of each horse working out, distance, and the starting point and finishing points of the workout, and report this information to the clocker. The gap attendant shall report to the stewards any exercise rider or trainer who refuses to supply this information.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-310. Stall superintendent.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a stall superintendent. The stall superintendent shall assist the racing secretary in seeing that the horses are quartered in their assigned stalls, establish a system where horses may not leave or enter the stabling area without the racing secretary's permission, and ensure that the stabling area is maintained in a clean, neat and sanitary condition.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

11VAC10-60-320. Track superintendent.

A person shall submit an application to participate in horse racing as a track superintendent. The track superintendent shall (i) be responsible for maintaining the racing surfaces in a safe and humane condition; and (ii) keep written records of the maintenance done on the racing surfaces and present the written records for inspection upon the request of the stewards or commission.

Statutory Authority

§ 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 16, Issue 21, eff. August 4, 2000.

Forms (11VAC10-60)

Apprentice Jockey Certificate (rev. 6/05).

Authorized Agent Form (rev. 3/12).

Application for Participants (rev. 2/07).

Renewal Application for Participants (rev. 2/07).

Website addresses provided in the Virginia Administrative Code to documents incorporated by reference are for the reader's convenience only, may not necessarily be active or current, and should not be relied upon. To ensure the information incorporated by reference is accurate, the reader is encouraged to use the source document described in the regulation.

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