Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part III. Entry

18VAC15-30-51. Application procedures.

All applicants seeking licensure, interim licensure or accredited lead training program approval shall submit an application with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC15-30-162. Application shall be made on forms provided by the department.

By signing the application or submitting it electronically to the department, the applicant certifies that he has read and understands the board's statutes and regulations.

The receipt of an application and the deposit of fees by the board does not indicate approval by the board.

The board may make further inquiries and investigations with respect to the applicant's qualifications to confirm or amplify information supplied.

Applicants will be notified if their application is incomplete. Applicants who fail to complete the process within 12 months after the date the department receives the application shall submit a new application and fee.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 3, eff. December 1, 2006.

18VAC15-30-52. Qualifications for licensure - individuals.

A. General. Applicants shall meet all applicable entry requirements at the time application is made.

B. Name. The applicant shall disclose the applicant's full legal name.

C. Age. The applicant shall be at least 18 years old.

D. Address. The applicant shall disclose a physical address. A post office box is only acceptable when a physical address is also provided.

E. Training. The applicant shall provide documentation of having satisfactorily completed the board-approved initial training program and all subsequent board-approved refresher training programs as specified in subsection F of this section. Board-approved initial training programs shall be valid for 36 months after the last day of the month wherein completed. Board-approved refresher training programs shall be satisfactorily completed no later than 36 months after the last day of the month wherein the board-approved initial training program was completed and once each 36 months thereafter.

F. Specific entry requirements.

1. Worker. Each applicant for a lead abatement worker license shall provide evidence of successful completion of board-approved lead abatement worker training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

2. Project designer.

a. Each applicant for a lead project designer license shall provide evidence of successful completion of board-approved lead project designer training and board-approved lead abatement supervisor training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

b. Each applicant for a lead project designer license shall also provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following:

(1) A bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, or a related profession, and one year experience in building construction and design or a related field; or

(2) Four years of experience in building construction and design or a related field.

3. Supervisor.

a. Each applicant for a lead abatement supervisor license shall provide evidence of:

(1) Successful completion of board-approved lead abatement supervisor training in accordance with subsection E of this section; and

(2) One year of experience as a licensed lead abatement worker or two years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, or environmental remediation) or in the building trades.

b. Each applicant shall pass a board-approved licensing examination for supervisors within 36 months after completion of the board-approved lead abatement supervisor initial training course or the board-approved lead supervisor refresher course. Applicants who fail the examination three times must provide to the board evidence, after the date of their third examination failure, of having retaken and satisfactorily completed the initial training requirements and make new application to the board. The applicant is then eligible to sit for the examination an additional three times.

c. A licensed lead abatement supervisor may perform the duties of a licensed lead abatement worker.

4. Inspector.

a. Each applicant for a lead inspector license shall provide evidence of successful completion of board-approved lead inspector training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

b. Each applicant shall pass a board-approved licensing examination for lead inspector within 36 months after completion of the board-approved lead inspector initial training course or the board-approved lead inspector refresher course. Applicants who fail the examination three times must provide to the board evidence, after the date of their third examination failure, of having retaken and satisfactorily completed the initial training requirements and make new application to the board. The applicant is then eligible to sit for the examination an additional three times.

5. Risk assessor.

a. Each applicant for a lead risk assessor license shall provide evidence of successful completion of board-approved lead risk assessor training and successful completion of board-approved lead inspector training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

b. Each applicant for a lead risk assessor license shall also provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following:

(1) Certification or licensure as an industrial hygienist, a professional engineer, or a registered architect or licensure in a related engineering/health/environmental field;

(2) A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction);

(3) An associate's degree and two years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction); or

(4) A high school diploma or its equivalent, and at least three years of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction).

c. Each applicant shall pass a board-approved licensure examination for risk assessor within 36 months after completion of the board-approved lead risk assessor initial training course or the board-approved lead risk assessor refresher course. Applicants who fail the examination three times must provide to the board evidence, after the date of their third examination failure, of having retaken and satisfactorily completed the initial training requirements and make new application to the board. The applicant is then eligible to sit for the examination an additional three times.

G. Training verification. Training requirements shall be verified by submittal to the board of the training certificate issued by the accredited lead training provider for that course.

H. Education verification. Education requirements shall be verified by submittal to the board on the Education Verification Form sent directly from the school.

I. Experience verification. Experience requirements shall be verified by resumes, letters of reference, or documentation of work experience.

J. Conviction or guilt. The applicant shall disclose the following information:

1. A conviction in any jurisdiction of any felony.

2. A conviction in any jurisdiction of any misdemeanor except marijuana convictions.

3. Any disciplinary action taken in another jurisdiction in connection with the applicant's environmental remediation practice including monetary penalties, fines, suspension, revocation, or surrender of a license in connection with a disciplinary action.

4. Any current or previously held environmental remediation certifications, accreditations, or licenses issued by Virginia or any other jurisdiction.

Subject to the provisions of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, the board may deny any application for licensure or accreditation as a lead training provider when any of the parties listed in this subsection have been convicted of any offense listed in this subsection or has been the subject of any disciplinary action listed in subdivision 3 of this subsection. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this subsection. A certified copy of a final order, decree, or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with the lawful authority to issue such order shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or discipline.

K. Standards of conduct and practice. Applicants shall be in compliance with the standards of conduct and practice set forth in Part VIII (18VAC15-30-510 et seq.) of this chapter at the time of application to the board, while the application is under review by the board, and at all times when the license is in effect.

L. Standing. The applicant shall be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed, and the applicant shall not have had a license that was suspended, revoked, or surrendered in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure or approval to any applicant based on disciplinary action by any jurisdiction.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 3, eff. December 1, 2006; amended, Virginia Register Volume 31, Issue 20, eff. August 1, 2015; Volume 38, Issue 7, eff. December 22, 2021.

18VAC15-30-53. Qualifications for licensurebusiness entities.

A. General. Every business entity shall secure a license before transacting business.

B. Name. The business name shall be disclosed on the application. The name under which the entity conducts business and holds itself out to the public (i.e., the trade or fictitious name) shall also be disclosed on the application. Business entities shall register their trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission in accordance with Chapter 5 (§ 59.1-69 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia before submitting their applications to the board.

C. Address. The applicant shall disclose the firm's mailing address and the firm's physical address. A post office box is only acceptable as a mailing address when a physical address is also provided.

D. Form of organization. Applicants shall meet the additional requirements listed below for their business type:

1. Corporations. All applicants shall have been incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia or, if a foreign corporation, shall have obtained a certificate of authority to conduct business in Virginia from the State Corporation Commission in accordance with § 13.1-544.2 of the Code of Virginia. The corporation shall be in good standing with the State Corporation Commission at the time of application to the board and at all times when the license is in effect.

2. Limited liability companies. All applicants shall have obtained a certificate of organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia or, if a foreign limited liability company, shall have obtained a certificate of registration to do business in Virginia from the State Corporation Commission in accordance with § 13.1-1105 of the Code of Virginia. The company shall be in good standing with the State Corporation Commission at the time of application to the board and at all times when the license is in effect.

3. Partnerships. All applicants shall have a written partnership agreement. The partnership agreement shall state that all professional services of the partnership shall be under the direction and control of a licensed or certified professional.

4. Sole proprietorships. Sole proprietorships desiring to use an assumed or fictitious name, that is a name other than the individual's full name, shall have their assumed or fictitious name recorded by the clerk of the court of the county or jurisdiction wherein the business is to be conducted.

E. Qualifications.

1. Lead contractor. Each applicant for lead contractor licensure shall:

a. Hold a valid Virginia contractor license with a lead specialty issued by the Virginia Board for Contractors and comply with the provisions of Chapter 11 (§ 54.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia governing the regulation of contractors.

b. Certify that:

(1) Only properly licensed lead abatement supervisors and workers will be employed to conduct lead-based paint activities;

(2) A licensed lead abatement supervisor is present at each job site during all work site preparation and during post-abatement cleanup, and shall be on site or available by telephone, pager, or answering service and able to be present at the work site in no more than two hours when abatement activities are being conducted;

(3) The standards for conducting lead-based paint activities established in this chapter and standards established by EPA and OSHA shall be followed at all times during the conduct of lead-based paint activities; and

(4) The company is in compliance with all other occupational and professional licenses and standards as required by Virginia statute and local ordinance to transact the business of a lead abatement contractor.

F. Conviction or guilt. Neither the firm nor the owners, officers, or directors shall have been convicted or found guilty, regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of any felony or of any misdemeanor involving lying, cheating, or stealing or of any violation while engaged in environmental remediation activity that resulted in the significant harm or the imminent and substantial threat of significant harm to human health or the environment, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time of appeal having lapsed. Any plea of nolo contendre shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this section. A certified copy of the final order, decree, or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with lawful authority to issue such order, decree, or case decision shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or discipline. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure to any applicant in accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.

G. Standards of conduct and practice. Applicants shall be in compliance with the standards of conduct and practice set forth in Part VIII (18VAC15-30-510 et seq.) and Part IX (18VAC15-30-760 et seq.) of this chapter at the time of application to the board, while the application is under review by the board, and at all times when the license is in effect.

H. Standing. Both the firm and the owners, officers, and directors shall be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed, and the applicant shall not have had a license that was suspended, revoked, or surrendered in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure to any applicant based on disciplinary action by any jurisdiction.

I. Denial of license. The board may refuse to issue a license to any lead contractor applicant if the applicant or its owners, officers, or directors have a financial interest in a lead contractor whose lead license has been revoked, suspended, or denied renewal in any jurisdiction.

Statutory Authority

§54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 3, eff. December 1, 2006; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 15, eff. May 1, 2020.

18VAC15-30-54. Qualifications for accredited lead training program approval.

A. For a training program to obtain accreditation from the board to teach lead-based paint activities, the program shall demonstrate through its application material that it meets the minimum requirements for principal instructor qualifications, required topic review, length of training, and recordkeeping for each discipline for which the program is seeking accreditation. Training programs shall offer courses that teach the standards for conducting lead-based paint activities contained in this chapter and other such standards adopted by the EPA.

B. Each applicant for approval as an accredited lead training provider shall meet the requirements established by this chapter before being granted approval to offer an accredited lead training program. Applicants requesting approval of a lead training program to prepare participants for licensure shall apply on a form provided by the board. The application form shall be completed in accordance with the instructions supplied and shall include the following:

1. The course for which it is applying for accreditation.

2. A statement signed by the training program manager, which certifies that the training program meets the minimum requirements established in this chapter.

3. The names and qualifications, including education and experience, of each principal instructor.

4. A copy of the student manuals and instructor manuals or other materials to be used.

5. A copy of the course agenda that includes the time allocation for each course topic.

6. A copy of the test and answer sheet.

7. A description of the facilities and equipment to be used for lecture and hands-on training.

8. A description of the activities and procedures that will be used for conducting the assessment of hands-on skills.

9. A copy of the quality control plan as described in this chapter.

10. An example of a certificate that will be issued to students who successfully complete the course.

11. A proposed course date for auditing purposes.

12. The application fee required by 18VAC15-30-162.

C. The completed application form with attachments and fee shall be received by the board no later than 45 days before the desired audit date.

D. An applicant may seek approval for as many initial and refresher courses as it chooses, but shall submit a separate application and fee for each program.

E. Applicants may seek accreditation to offer lead-based paint activities initial or refresher courses in any of the following disciplines: lead abatement worker, lead project designer, lead abatement supervisor, lead inspector, and lead risk assessor.

F. Each training program shall be conducted in compliance with this chapter to qualify for and maintain approval as an accredited lead training program.

G. Upon receipt of an application, the board shall conduct a preliminary review and shall notify the applicant in writing of any deficiencies in the submittal packages. Applicants will have one year from the board's receipt of the application to correct any problems noted in the review.

H. After the application has been found to be complete and in compliance with this chapter, an on-site audit of the training program shall be conducted. The board shall conduct an additional on-site audit, grant approval or deny approval based on the board's evaluation of the level of compliance with this chapter found during the initial on-site audit.

I. Applicants denied approval shall have one year from the date of receipt of the application by the board to correct any deficiencies and notify the board in writing.

J. An accredited training provider shall have been approved by the board before its training certificates shall be accepted by the board as evidence that an individual has completed an accredited lead training program.

K. Each accredited lead training program that is granted approval shall be sent a form indicating the discipline approved and an expiration date that shall be maintained at the business address listed on the application.

Statutory Authority

§§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 3, eff. December 1, 2006.

18VAC15-30-60. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 2, eff. November 13, 1996; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 19, Issue 24, eff. October 1, 2003.

18VAC15-30-100. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 2, eff. November 13, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 13, Issue 10, eff. April 1, 1997; Volume 16, Issue 11, eff. May 1, 2000; Volume 19, Issue 24, eff. October 1, 2003; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 23, Issue 3, eff. December 1, 2006.

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