Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part II. Inspection Requirements

19VAC30-70-1. Purpose and authority.

Virginia's Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program was developed and adopted to promote highway safety. The program model is based on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. Vehicles submitted for inspection must be compliant with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards applicable on the date of manufacture. The goal of the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program is to assure all Virginia registered vehicles are mechanically safe to operate over the highways of the Commonwealth.

The rules and regulations governing the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program are contained in the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. These rules and regulations are promulgated under the authority of Chapter 10 (§ 46.2-1000 et seq.) of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia. All official inspection stations shall comply with these rules and regulations, issuing approval certificates only to those vehicles which the inspections shall determine to be in compliance with those rules and regulations.

For devices or equipment required to be approved pursuant to § 46.2-1005 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia, the superintendent may waive such approval and the issuance of a certificate of approval when the device or equipment is identified as complying with the standards and specifications of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), or the regulations of the federal Department of Transportation (DOT).

These rules and regulations are intended to ensure a uniform system of corrective action for those who violate the rules and regulations of the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program.

The Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual covers administrative procedure as well as numerous vehicular safety items of varying importance. It is, therefore, necessary that the various sections of the manual be divided into categories of seriousness. This will provide a uniform system of corrective action for the certified inspectors and the inspection stations.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 33, Issue 25, eff. September 8, 2017; Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020.

19VAC30-70-2. Corrective action procedures.

These procedures are intended to establish an equitable and effective process for recognizing and correcting unacceptable work performances. When multiple offenses arise out of the same act or inspection, disciplinary action will be taken on the most serious offense. All classes of offenses will apply uniformly to the inspectors involved in the offenses and management alike, where it is revealed that management was involved in the matter or had knowledge of its occurrence.

Unacceptable work performance shall be divided into four groups of offenses based on the seriousness as they pertain to vehicle safety.

Specified disciplinary action for each class offense shall not be exceeded. However, if additional aggravating circumstances exist, the appropriate corrective action will be taken.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016.

19VAC30-70-3. Class I offenses.

Class I offenses are unacceptable work performances less serious in nature, but which require correction in order to maintain an efficient and effective Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program. A violation of any paragraph of the following sections of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual and rules and agreements not covered in the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual or those disseminated by other means shall constitute a Class I offense, unless designated otherwise:

19VAC30-70-10 A through D

19VAC30-70-10 F through I

19VAC30-70-10 K through O

19VAC30-70-10 U

19VAC30-70-20 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-30 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-40 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-50 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-60 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-70 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-80 B 3

19VAC30-70-160 in its entirety (except subdivisions I 12 and 13 f (2))

19VAC30-70-170 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-200 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-290 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-310 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-330 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-360 D 4 e and f

19VAC30-70-410 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-440 B

19VAC30-70-530 in its entirety (except subdivisions K 10 i and K 11 g (2))

19VAC30-70-540 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-570 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-660 in its entirety

Disciplinary action for Class I offenses shall be:

1st offense - Verbal counseling - Recorded on Form SP-164.

2nd offense - Written reprimand from the safety officer or his designee.

3rd offense - Suspension of not less than 15 or more than 30 days.

Offenses shall be cumulative in nature and shall remain active for 24 months from date of offense. When Class II, III, or IV offenses are active, discipline can be written reprimand or suspension of not more than 60 days.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018.

19VAC30-70-4. Class II offenses.

Class II offenses shall be violations of any section of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual considered very serious, but the consequence of such violation or omission is not likely to be an imminent cause or contributing factor to a traffic crash or other vehicle related injury. A violation of the following sections of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual shall constitute a Class II offense unless designated otherwise:

19VAC30-70-150 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-180 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-210 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-230 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-240 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-250 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-260 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-270 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-280 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-300 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-320 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-360 A 7 and C

19VAC30-70-380 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-390 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-420 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-520 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-550 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-580 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-600 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-610 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-620 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-630 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-640 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-650 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-670 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-680 in its entirety

Disciplinary action for a Class II offense shall be:

1st Offense - Verbal counseling - Recorded on Form SP-164.

2nd Offense - Written reprimand from the safety officer or his designee.

3rd Offense - Suspension of not less than 30 or more than 60 days.

Offenses are cumulative in nature and shall remain active for a period of 24 months from date of offense.

When Class I, III, or IV offenses are active, discipline can be written reprimand or suspension of not more than 90 days.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018.

19VAC30-70-5. Class III offenses.

Class III offenses may be violations of those sections of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual considered more severe in nature, and usually considered most critical from a safety or administrative viewpoint. They would include the omission of checking or improper approval of an item so critical to the safe operation of a motor vehicle as to have the potential of being the imminent cause or factor of a motor vehicle crash. A violation of the following sections of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual shall constitute a Class III offense unless designated otherwise:

19VAC30-70-10 J and Q

19VAC30-70-11 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-80 in its entirety (except subdivision B 3)

19VAC30-70-90 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-100 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-110 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-120 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-130 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-140 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-160 I 12 g and 13 e

19VAC30-70-160 I 12 f and 13 f (2)

19VAC30-70-190 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-220 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-340 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-350 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-360 A and B

19VAC30-70-370 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-400 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-440 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-450 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-460 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-470 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-480 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-490 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-500 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-510 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-530 K 10 i and K 11 g (2)

19VAC30-70-560 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-590 in its entirety

19VAC30-70-690 in its entirety

Disciplinary action for a Class III offense shall be:

1st offense - Written reprimand from the safety officer or his designee.

2nd offense - Suspension for not less than 45 or more than 90 days.

3rd offense - Suspension for not less than 90 days or more than six months.

Offenses are cumulative in nature and will remain active for a period of 24 months from date of offense.

When a Class I, II, or IV offense is active, discipline can be written reprimand or suspension of any duration less than one year.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018.

19VAC30-70-6. Class IV offenses.

A. Class IV offenses are those violations considered so critically important to the integrity and credibility of the Official Annual Motor Vehicle Inspection Program as to require immediate and severe disciplinary action. Any Class IV offense is grounds for suspension or revocation. The following violations and actions shall be considered a Class IV offense:

1. Loss of driver's license, with the exception of an administrative court-ordered suspension that does not exceed seven days.

2. Obvious usage of either alcohol or drugs by an employee associated with the Annual Motor Vehicle Inspection Program.

3. Loss of inspection stickers through neglect, or subsequent violations of subsection K of 19VAC30-70-10.

4. Improper use of inspection supplies, such as placement on a vehicle that has not been inspected or failure to affix the inspection sticker to the vehicle in its proper location, after inspection.

5. Falsifying inspection receipts or inspection records.

6. Giving false information during an inspection complaint investigation.

7. Performing an inspection at a station without authority from the safety officer.

8. The arrest of any person associated with the inspection program for a criminal offense or the institution of civil action of a nature that would tend to immediately reflect upon the integrity and reputation of the Department of State Police may be grounds for an inactive inspector or station status until final court disposition. A finding other than acquittal for any criminal offense, civil judgment, or bankruptcy may result in a suspension or revocation of the inspector or station appointment, or both.

9. The use of profanity or verbal abuse by station owners, managers, or safety inspectors toward each other or directed at customers presenting their vehicles for inspection.

10. Illegal use of inspection supplies such as stealing, selling, mailing or giving away, or the attempt thereof.

11. Nonpayment of inspection fees.

12. Conduct displayed by station owners, managers, or safety inspectors that may be rude or discourteous, or the use of profanity or verbal abuse directed at or toward Safety Division Personnel.

13. Failure of any person connected with the inspection program to notify their supervising trooper or Safety Division Area Office within 72 hours of an arrest for a criminal offense or the institution of civil action.

14. Any misuse or falsification of the automated Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP) system through neglect, or intentionally allowing an assigned password or personal identification number (PIN) to be used by other persons.

15. Willfully obtaining computer services without proper authority from the safety officer.

16. Failure to adequately explain and differentiate, both orally and in writing, to customers what repairs are necessary to pass the safety inspection and those repairs that are only recommended. Each station shall explicitly (not fine print) convey to each customer when his vehicle will be examined beyond the parameters of the state inspection and empower the customer with the ability to decline this service.

17. Allowing a suspended or revoked safety inspector to perform predelivery inspections (PDIs) or have access to inspection supplies, which may be grounds for suspension or revocation of the station appointment and an additional suspension or revocation for the inspector.

B. Disciplinary action for a Class IV offense shall be immediate suspension or revocation. A revocation shall not be less than one year or more than three years. A suspension shall constitute any period of time less than a year and shall not be less than 90 days, unless mitigating circumstances exist. Offenses are cumulative in nature and will remain active for a period of 24 months from the date of the offense. For a subsequent violation within 24 months, the suspension or revocation shall be no less duration than the prior discipline received.

C. In the case of the loss of the driver's license, the suspension shall remain in effect until the driver's license is reinstated and consideration for reinstatement of inspection privileges will be made at that time.

D. In cases concerning nonpayment of fees when the inspection station has been given 15 days to reply to a final notice, the suspension of the affected inspection station shall remain in effect until all inspection fees are paid. Consideration for reinstatement of inspection privileges will be made when all fees are paid. Furthermore, stations that have not paid their processing fee after the 15-day period will not be issued any additional inspection supplies. Supply orders may resume when the inspection fee is paid and the station has been reinstated to an active status.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 24, Issue 8, eff. March 1, 2008; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 33, Issue 25, eff. September 8, 2017; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018; Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019.

19VAC30-70-7. General information.

All suspension or revocation decisions may be appealed. The request must be made in writing to the safety officer within 15 calendar days of receiving the official notice of suspension or revocation.

The suspension or revocation period for a subsequent violation requiring suspension or revocation under any class of offenses within a 24-month period shall be twice that of a previous suspension or revocation, unless mitigating circumstances exist. Any violation under any class of offenses requiring a third suspension within a 14-month period shall be grounds for revocation.

For suspension periods of less than six months, inspection stations and safety inspectors will not be required to file an application for reinstatement.

For suspension periods of six months or more, or revocation periods of one to three years, inspection stations must complete the process as set forth for original appointment. Reapplications may be made 60 days prior to the expiration of suspension periods only, not revocations. An inspection station that has its privilege to perform inspections revoked must complete the application process as set forth for original appointments after the expiration of the period of revocation.

Safety inspectors who are suspended for suspension periods of six months or more shall contact the appropriate Safety Division Area Office or supervising trooper to request reinstatement. Safety inspectors who have their privilege to perform inspections revoked must complete the application process for initial certification after the expiration of the period of revocation.

If during the course of an official investigation, station management voluntarily surrenders the station's inspection supplies, particularly after being cautioned not to do so, the station shall not be eligible for reinstatement for a period of 90 days. This voluntary action shall not be the subject of an appeal.

If during the course of an official investigation, an inspector voluntarily surrenders his inspector's license, particularly after being cautioned not to do so, the inspector shall not be eligible for reinstatement for a period of 90 days. This voluntary action shall not be the subject of an appeal.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 24, Issue 8, eff. March 1, 2008; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019.

19VAC30-70-8. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

"MVIP" means the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program.

"Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual" means this chapter (19VAC30-70).

"Official Safety Inspection Station or Official Inspection Station" means a bonafide garage or other facility that performs motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer repairs as a routine business, has met all criteria for appointment to perform safety inspections pursuant to Virginia's Annual Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, and has been issued a Certificate of Appointment by the Department of State Police.

"Revocation" means that the privilege or appointment is not subject to renewal or restoration except through reapplication after the expiration of the period of revocation. A period of revocation is from one to three years depending on the severity of the case.

"Safety inspector" or "inspector" means an individual who has successfully completed all the requirements for appointment and is certified by the Department of State Police to perform motor vehicle safety inspections pursuant to Virginia's Annual Motor Vehicle Inspection Program.

"Suspension" means that the privilege or appointment has been temporarily withdrawn, but may be reinstated following the period of suspension unless it has expired prior to the end of the period of suspension.

"Test site" means any location designated for Class A, B, and C certifications and all recertifications designated by the Department of State Police. A list of test sites is maintained in the MVIP system and at each Safety Division Area Office.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; amended, Virginia Register Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012.

19VAC30-70-9. Inspector requirements.

A. The inspection of motor vehicles required by this chapter shall be made only by those individuals who are certified and licensed as safety inspectors by the Department of State Police. The procedures outlined in this section are applicable to the processing of applications for initial certification, reclassification of safety inspector's licenses, and reinstatement of suspended or revoked safety inspector's licenses.

B. All certified inspectors shall be at least 18 years of age and meet the following qualifications:

1. A minimum of one year of practical experience as an automotive mechanic (six months of practical experience as an automotive mechanic combined with an additional and separate six months of mirroring a certified state inspector shall suffice as practical experience), or

2. Satisfactorily completed a training program in the field of automotive mechanics approved by the Superintendent of State Police.

A person who has met either of the practical experience requirements in repairing motorcycles may be certified to inspect motorcycles only. A person who meets practical experience requirements in repairing trailers may be certified to inspect trailers only.

C. Each mechanic entering the inspection program is required to satisfactorily pass a written and practical examination exhibiting knowledge of the inspection procedures.

D. Each certified inspector shall possess a valid Virginia driver's license with the following exceptions:

1. An inspector who is a resident of an adjoining state holding a valid driver's license in that state and who commutes regularly to work in Virginia; or

2. A member of the armed forces of the United States on active duty, or a dependent or spouse thereof, who holds a driver's license from the inspector's home state.

E. An inspector whose driver's license is suspended or revoked, including the seven-day administrative suspension for an arrest for driving under the influence (DUI), must immediately notify the station's supervising trooper or the local Safety Division Area Office of the suspension or revocation. The suspension or revocation of an inspector's driver's license shall automatically act as a suspension of the inspector's privilege to inspect motor vehicles until such suspension or revocation is terminated, and the reinstatement has been made by the Superintendent of State Police.

F. Each licensed safety inspector must have a valid safety inspector's license in the inspector's possession at all times while conducting inspections.

G. Each safety inspector with a valid safety inspector's license need only present such valid license to the inspector's new employer to commence participation in the program at a new place of employment. Management of the inspection station is required to notify the Safety Division when a safety inspector begins or ends employment. This notification may be handled by contacting the inspection station's supervising trooper by telephone.

H. In the event the safety inspector's license becomes mutilated, lost, or stolen, the inspector must notify the Department of State Police immediately to request a duplicate using the Safety Inspector Notification Form. All required information shall be printed legibly and completely. An inspector who is not employed, writes "Inactive" in the station name block.

In those cases where notification is being made due to an address change, it is necessary to complete the Safety Inspector Notification Form and submit it to the Safety Division Headquarters. The inspector's information will be updated within the MVIP database by the Inspector Files Clerk.

NOTE: The Safety Inspector Notification Form can be downloaded from the Virginia State Police website under the Vehicle Safety Inspection link.

NOTE: Safety inspector licenses are only generated and distributed for initial certifications, renewals, name changes, and mutilated, lost, or stolen licenses. Inspectors submitting a change of address notification are not issued a new license.

I. An inspector must notify the station's supervising trooper or Safety Division Area Office within 72 hours of an arrest for a criminal offense or the institution of a civil action.

J. Requirements for safety inspector applicants with a specific learning disability.

1. Applicants must furnish documentation from the particular school division where the applicant was classified as having a learning disability. The specific learning disability must be clearly identified.

2. Once the learning disability has been documented, and if applicable, the applicant will be allowed to test with the written exam being orally presented.

3. The station management, where the applicant is employed or to be employed, must agree to have someone present during the hours the employee is conducting inspections to assist with the reading of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual when necessary during the initial three-year certification period. If the inspector changes stations within the first three-year period, it is the inspector's responsibility to notify station management of the inspector's disability and this requirement.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020; Volume 40, Issue 10, eff. February 1, 2024.

19VAC30-70-9.1. Inspector certification.

A. Upon request, the Safety Inspector Application (Form SP-170B) and Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167) are provided online via the Virginia State Police website to individuals desiring appointment as certified safety inspectors.

1. The application package includes instructions to help guide the applicant through the process.

2. Applicants may be certified in any of the following classes after completing the necessary requirements and the appropriate examinations:

a. Class A: May inspect any motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer.

b. Class B: May inspect trailers only.

c. Class C: May inspect motorcycles only.

B. Applicants should immediately prepare for the written examination by studying the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual in its entirety.

1. The applicant must present the applicant's completed application in accordance with the provisions established in 19VAC30-70-9.2.

2. If the applicant's driver's license is expired, suspended, or revoked, the applicant will be advised, and the application destroyed. The applicant may reapply after the applicant's driver's license is reinstated.

C. The Class A inspector examination consists of five sections containing 20 questions each. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for each section. The Classes B and C inspector examinations will consist of 50 questions each. A minimum score of 74% must be attained. If the applicant fails the test, failure is noted at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B with the word "failed" and the date. The application is returned to the applicant. Applicants failing to attain the minimum score are not allowed to test again for 30 days. Applicants failing a second or subsequent examination are not allowed to test again for six months.

D. The Safety Inspector Application (Form SP-170B) and Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167) for applicants who achieve a minimum score or greater is forwarded to Safety Division Headquarters.

1. The applicant's record is checked against safety inspector and Central Criminal Records Exchange (CCRE) files.

2. Inspection and criminal record information along with the applicant's driver transcript is forwarded with the application to the appropriate Safety Division Area Office for investigation.

3. A credit check is performed to determine that the applicant associated with the inspection program is in compliance with any judgment order or is meeting all financial obligations, or both.

E. A background investigation is conducted consisting of the following:

1. Verification that the applicant is at least 18 years of age.

2. Verification that the applicant has not less than one year's practical experience employed as an automotive technician repairing vehicles for the public (six months of practical experience as an automotive mechanic combined with an additional and separate six months of mirroring a certified state inspector shall suffice as practical experience) or has satisfactorily completed a training program in the field of automotive mechanics approved by the Department of State Police. The following training programs in the field of automotive mechanics have been approved as a substitute for the one year's practical experience requirement:

a. The two-year associate degree or diploma programs in automotive technology offered by the Virginia Community College System consisting of the following minimum curriculum:

(1) Automotive Electrical Systems - three semester hours.

(2) Braking Systems - three semester hours.

(3) Emissions Control Systems - three semester hours.

(4) Suspension and Steering Systems - three semester hours.

(5) Vehicle Safety Inspection - two semester hours.

b. The 1,080-hour Career Technical Automotive Services Technology Program, offered by the Office of Career Technical Education, State Department of Education, in the various technical schools located throughout Virginia or be certified by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE), or both.

(1) Upon the successful completion of this course, including a practical test as defined in this section, the student must complete a Safety Inspector Application (Form SP-170B) and a Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167), pass a written test as defined in subsection C of this section, and submit to a background investigation as defined in this subsection. Upon successful completion of these requirements, the student, if 18 years of age, is certified as a safety inspector and issued a safety inspector license.

(2) If the student scores less than 75% on any part of the examination, the application will be returned to the certifying trooper. Students scoring less than 75% on any part of the examination may retest at the certifying trooper's next recertification testing date, but not sooner than 30 days from the date of the last examination. If the student passes the test at this time and is at least 18 years of age, the student is issued a safety inspector license. Upon the student's 18th birthday, providing the student still meets all of the requirements, the student will be issued a safety inspector license.

(3) Students failing the second written examination are not allowed to test again for six months. In order to retest the student must be at least 18 years of age and must complete the application process set forth for original certification.

c. The 1,500-hour Course #1 entitled "Auto-Diesel Technician Course" offered by the Nashville Auto Diesel College, Inc., 1524 Gallatin Road, Nashville, Tennessee 37206.

3. A determination of the applicant's mechanical ability through interviews with employers and customers.

4. A review of the applicant's current driving record on file with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is utilized in determining applicant's suitability for certification.

5. Determination of the character and reputation of the applicant through previous associates, employers, and records.

6. Determination of the applicant's attitude toward the inspection program and receptiveness to State Police supervision through personal interview.

7. The investigating trooper shall administer a practical examination to determine the applicant's ability to conduct a safety inspection. The applicant will conduct a complete inspection, including the use of the optical headlight aimer. This shall be conducted at the applicant's station of employment. If the applicant is not employed at a certified inspection station, the applicant may make arrangement with one to conduct practical testing.

F. Any applicant whose application is voluntarily withdrawn may not reapply sooner than six months from the date of the withdrawal. Any applicant whose application is denied may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial.

G. When a safety inspector is certified, the bottom of the Form SP-170B is completed by the certifying trooper. The classification for which the safety inspector is being certified and the date of certification must be entered by the trooper on the bottom of the Form SP-170B. The Form SP-170B shall then be forwarded to the Safety Division Area Office.

H. Upon certification, the supervising trooper shall issue the inspector's license.

I. All safety inspector licenses shall be valid for a period of three years.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020; Volume 40, Issue 10, eff. February 1, 2024.

19VAC30-70-9.2. Examinations for inspector's license.

A. The Department of State Police administers the written examination for original certification for all inspectors. With few exceptions, recertifications are done at the normal testing sites along with original certification tests.

B. In order for an individual to become a certified safety inspector, the following actions shall be followed:

1. The person shall download the following forms from the Virginia State Police website:

a. Safety Inspector Application, Form SP-170B;

b. Criminal History Record Request, Form SP-167;

c. Inspector Application Worksheet;

d. Authorization for Release of Information (SP-170D).

2. The applicant shall (i) complete Form SP-170B in its entirety and have it notarized; (ii) complete and have notarized Form SP-167 with appropriate credit card information or an attached $15 cashier's check, business check or money order payable to "Virginia State Police"; and (iii) complete the Inspector Applicant Worksheet with two character references, two mechanical references, places of employment, and qualified automotive training, or schools completed or mechanical experience.

3. The applicant shall then take the completed application forms to any State Police testing site and present it to the trooper conducting the written examination. Applicants arriving after the designated testing time are not eligible to participate in the written examination.

4. The trooper verifies the notarizations and checks the driver's license for validity and identification of the applicant. If the applicant's driver's license is found to be expired, suspended, or revoked, the applicant is advised, and the application is destroyed. The applicant may reapply once the driver's license has been reissued or reinstated.

5. If the applicant successfully passes the test, the trooper notes at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B the word "passed" and the date. The trooper signs the test and sends it to Safety Division Headquarters, Inspectors File Section for further processing and investigation.

6. The Class A examination consists of five sections: general information, brakes, suspension, lights, and glass. Each section contains 20 questions. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for each section and for the practical examination. The Classes B and C examinations consist of 50 questions each. A minimum score of 74 must be attained on the written and practical examination.

7. If the applicant fails the test, failure is noted at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B with the word "failed" and the date.

8. If the applicant desires to test again for the written or practical test, he may do so after 30 days. If the applicant is again unsuccessful in passing either examination, the trooper shall take the application forms and forward them to Safety Division Headquarters, Inspector Files Section. The applicant may contact his assigned Safety Division trooper or the local Safety Division Area Office after six months to reapply.

C. Recertification.

1. Safety inspectors desiring to renew their inspector's license must participate in the recertification written examination. Inspectors arriving after the designated testing time are not eligible to participate in the written examination.

2. All safety inspectors are required to satisfactorily pass the appropriate examination for the license the inspector holds.

3. A safety inspector is not permitted to perform inspections after the expiration date of his inspector's license.

4. A safety inspector's license shall be valid for a period of three years.

5. All safety inspectors' licenses display an inspector's VSP number and do not display the social security number. The inspector's VSP number is written on the inspection sticker receipt or displayed on the automated MVIP receipt.

6. Safety inspector testing sites are not included on an inspection bulletin. Testing site information is updated in the computer system so that the usual letters going to inspectors to remind them of their upcoming recertification contain the updated information. All Safety Division Area Offices also have the updated information.

7. If the safety inspector has any questions about the testing sites, the safety inspector should contact the Safety Division Area Office closest to him. The office numbers are:

Area 61 (Richmond)


Area 62 (Culpeper)


Area 63 (Amherst)


Area 64 (Wytheville)


Area 65 (Suffolk)


Area 66 (Salem)


Area 67 (Fairfax)


D. Vo-tech students who successfully complete the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course and who are expected to graduate from the program with the required 1,080 hours and meet the requirements of the Department of State Police are certified as safety inspectors.

1. The vo-tech instructor contacts his assigned Safety Division trooper or the local Safety Division Area Office by March 15 of each year. The written examination is scheduled for students who are at least 18 years of age or who will be at least 18 years of age by March 31 of that year.

2. The Safety Division troopers responsible for administering the written examinations at the vo-tech centers forward sufficient applications, Form SP-170B, for each student to complete prior to the testing date. A Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167) if the student is at least 18 years of age must also be completed. The Safety Division trooper indicates at the top of the Form SP-170B the name of the vo-tech school where the examination is given.

3. The trooper verifies the notarizations and checks the driver's license for validity and identification of the applicant. If the applicant's driver's license is found to be expired, suspended, or revoked, the applicant is advised, and the application is destroyed. The applicant may reapply once the driver's license has been reissued or reinstated.

4. If the applicant successfully completes the written examination, the trooper notes at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B the word "passed" and the date. The trooper signs the test and forwards it to Safety Division Headquarters, Inspector Files Section for further processing and investigation. Due to the age of these students, this should be done in a minimal amount of time.

5. If the applicant fails the test, failure is noted at the end of Section I on the Form SP-170B with the word "failed" and the date.

a. The Safety Division trooper only administers one written examination at the vo-tech center. Those students who fail the first written examination may retest, but not sooner than 30 days from the date of the last written examination. Those students who fail the first written examination keep the Form SP-170B in their possession and present it to the Safety Division trooper at the test site prior to taking the second written examination.

b. The second written examination is not administered to the students prior to the end of the school year. Prior to taking the second written examination, the student shall have completed the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course and must be employed at an official inspection station. These students are not required to have completed the one year of practical experience as an automotive mechanic.

c. For those students who pass the second written examination, the Safety Division trooper will forward the student's Form SP-170B to the Safety Division for further processing and investigation. Those students who successfully pass all phases for original certification are then issued an inspector license by the Safety Division trooper.

d. Students failing the second written examination are not allowed to test again for six months and must complete the application process as set forth for original certification.

6. The written examination consists of five sections: general information, brakes, suspension, lights, and glass. Each section contains 20 questions. A minimum score of 75% must be attained for each section.

7. Those students who successfully complete all phases of the written examination and background checks are then administered a practical examination. The vo-tech instructor, who holds a valid Class A Safety Inspector's License, administers the practical "Class A" examination to each student who is expected to graduate from the program. The Safety Division trooper should be on hand to observe at least some of the practical examinations administered by the vo-tech instructor to ensure that testing is administered according to Safety Division regulations.

8. Each student who successfully completes all phases for original certification by March 31 will be issued an inspector license by the Safety Division trooper, provided the student is at least 18 years of age. The Safety Division trooper will issue the original (white copy) to the inspector, forward the canary copy to Safety Division Headquarters, and retain the pink copy at the Safety Division Area Office for six months.

a. The vo-tech instructor is required to contact the Safety Division trooper prior to the end of the school year if any student fails to complete the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course.

b. Any student who fails to complete the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course is not licensed as a certified safety inspector and is required to complete the application process as set forth for original certification.

9. Those students who will be at least 18 years of age after March 31 of that year and have successfully completed the Vocational Automotive Mechanics Course must contact the Safety Division trooper assigned to the inspection stations where they are employed and complete the application process as set forth for original certification. These students are not required to have completed the one year of practical experience as an automotive mechanic.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020.

19VAC30-70-9.3. Reinstatement of safety inspector license; classification change; recertification.

A. Reinstatement of safety inspector licenses following a period of suspension or revocation.

1. The inspector shall contact his supervising trooper or nearest Safety Division Area Office to initiate the reinstatement process.

2. If the inspector is suspended for less than six months, the safety inspector's license will be held at the local Safety Division Area Office and returned upon the expiration of the suspension period. A check will be made by the supervising trooper with Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) prior to reinstatement.

3. Once a safety inspector's license has been suspended for a period of six months or more, regardless of the cause for suspension, no application Form SP-170B is required for reinstatement; however, Form SP-170D and Form SP-167 must be completed. The supervising trooper will conduct checks with DMV, all court jurisdictions, and the Central Criminal Records Exchange. The supervising trooper shall also review the inspector's history while in the inspection program to include the inspector's disciplinary record and a current credit report, which will be considered contingent upon reinstatement.

4. If the suspended inspector's license expires during the suspension period, the inspector may complete the process for inspector recertification as set forth in this section. The trooper administering the test will retain all documentation. The inspector's license will be returned at the end of the suspension period, if the suspended inspector's records indicate he is suitable for reinstatement, and the appropriate documents forwarded to the Safety Division.

5. Inspectors whose safety inspector's licenses have been revoked must complete the application process for initial certification as set forth in this section.

B. Safety inspectors who desire to change their license classification must complete the written and practical examinations as outlined in 19VAC30-70-9.2.

C. Safety inspectors desiring to renew their inspector's license must participate in the recertification process. The process requires the following:

1. Review of training materials as may be presented at the certification testing site by State Police personnel.

2. Completion of the appropriate examination for the class license the inspector holds. A minimum score must be attained as previously outlined in 19VAC30-70-9.2.

3. An inspector holding an expired license may be tested as long as his license has not been expired more than one month. During the period of expiration, he will not be permitted to perform inspections.

An inspector holding an expired inspector license that has not been expired more than one month and who fails the recertification examination the first time during this one-month grace period may be retested one additional time not sooner than 30 days from the date of the last recertification examination. Inspectors failing this subsequent examination are not retested for six months and must complete the application process as set forth for initial certification.

D. When a request for reinstatement is denied, inspectors who are suspended for a period of six months or more may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial. Following an initial certification investigation for a revoked inspector, if the revoked inspector is denied, he may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020.

19VAC30-70-10. Official inspection station requirements.

A. Official inspection stations, except private appointments, shall be open at least eight hours of each normal business day and shall be able to perform inspections 12 months throughout the year, except during illness of limited duration or normal vacation.

1. Normal business hours, Monday through Friday, are defined as an eight-hour period of time between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

2. Stations are not prohibited from performing inspections at times other than during normal business hours.

3. A station that advertises inspections beyond normal business hours shall be able to perform such inspections.

4. If a station desires to maintain business hours that are different from those defined in this section, written permission must be obtained from the safety officer and a sign setting forth the inspection hours must be posted conspicuously at the station where it can be observed by a person desiring to have a vehicle inspected.

5. Stations seeking to participate on a part-time basis, due to not having a full-time inspector available during normal business hours, shall be available for inspections for a minimum of 20 hours per week and shall notify their supervising trooper of the following items to have documented in their files:

a. Hours of operation the station will be conducting safety inspections.

b. Intended methods of notifying the public what hours inspections are available.

c. Name of the inspector who will be designated for part-time hours of operation.

d. Time period established for ownership to find and employ a full-time inspector.

B. At least one full-time safety inspector (stations in compliance with subdivision A 5 of this section excluded), to perform inspections and one inspection lane meeting the minimum requirements shall be available for inspection at all times during the normal business day. All inspections must be made only at the locations and in the inspection lane approved by the Department of State Police. All stations shall have other lanes, bays, or areas in which repairs can be made so the inspection lane can remain available.

The designated inspection areas, including any location where customers are permitted to enter when submitting vehicles for inspection, must be kept clean and free from excessive dirt, grease, and loose materials. If requested, customers presenting vehicles for inspection shall be allowed to observe the inspection process from a safe location designated by the station.

C. Inspection station facilities must be properly maintained and must present a businesslike appearance to the general public. Property adjacent to the inspection station that is owned or controlled by the station must be free of debris, litter, used parts and junk vehicles. Vehicles properly contained within fenced storage areas shall be deemed to comply with this requirement.

D. Official inspection stations may, at their discretion, accept vehicles on a first-come, first-served basis or by prescheduled appointments for the safety inspection of a motor vehicle pursuant to § 46.2-1157 of the Code of Virginia. Appointments shall be made for those motorists that are required by subdivision A 12 of § 46.2-1158.01 of the Code of Virginia.

E. Safety inspectors, managers who supervise inspection activities, and business owners, through participation in the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Program, are representatives of the Department of State Police and should conduct themselves in a manner to avoid controversy in dealing with customers presenting vehicles for inspection. The use of profanity or verbal abuse directed at customers presenting their vehicles for inspection will be grounds for suspension from participation in the inspection program and will be considered a Class IV offense as set forth in 19VAC30-70-6. Controversy that cannot be calmly resolved by the safety inspector, managers, and owners should be referred to the supervising trooper for handling.

F. The "Certificate of Appointment" must be framed under glass or clear plastic and posted in the customer waiting area where it can be observed and read by a person submitting a vehicle for inspection.

Inspection stations must have garage liability insurance in the amount of at least $500,000 with an approved surplus lines carrier or insurance company licensed to write such insurance in this Commonwealth. This requirement shall not apply to inspection stations that only inspect their company-owned, government-owned, or leased vehicles.

G. The required "Official Inspection Procedure" sheet and the "Direct Inquiries" sheet furnished to each station must both be framed under glass or clear plastic and posted conspicuously in the customer waiting area where they can be observed and read by a person submitting a vehicle for inspection.

H. The poster designating the station as an official inspection station shall be posted in a prominent location, outside or visible outside the station, to alert passersby that inspection services are available. Private inspection stations shall not display an outside poster.

I. Each official inspection station shall display a list with the names and license expiration dates of each active inspector associated to the station within the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP) system, adjacent to the certificate of appointment. All inspectors listed must be actively employed by the station.

J. Important -- Any change in name, ownership, or location of any official inspection station cancels the appointment of that station, and the Department of State Police must be notified immediately. The department shall be notified when an official inspection station discontinues operation.

K. All inspection supplies, inspection binders and manual, unused stickers, duplicates of certificates issued, bulletins, and other forms are the property of the Department of State Police and must be safeguarded against loss.

L. Inspection supplies issued to an inspection station can be used only by that station and are not to be loaned or reissued to any other station.

1. Stations must maintain a sufficient supply of approval stickers, trailer and motorcycle approval stickers, rejection stickers, and inserts. When reordering supplies, station owners or managers shall request sufficient supplies to sustain their business for at least six months. However, it is realized that some stations will not be able to comply with the six-month requirement since there is a maximum of 100 books per order limit. Also, when ordering supplies, the following information should be considered so the station does not order an excessive amount of supplies: each book of approval stickers contains 25 stickers, the rejection book contains 50 stickers, the month inserts are packaged in strips of 50 each, and trailer and motorcycle decals are five per strip.

Stations are responsible for maintaining an adequate supply of inspections supplies to operate efficiently and without delay; therefore, after stations receive the first shipment of the calendar year, additional supplies shall be ordered through the MVIP station account.

2. Inspection stations that exhaust any type of their supplies, such as approval stickers, trailer and motorcycle approval stickers, rejection stickers, or inserts shall immediately stop all inspection operations and contact their supervising trooper or the nearest Safety Division Area Office.

M. All losses of stickers must be reported immediately to the supervising inspection trooper or the nearest Safety Division Area Office.

N. Every precaution against the loss of stickers must be taken. If the loss occurs through carelessness or neglect, a suspension of the station may result.

O. The Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual must be kept at or near the point of inspection for ready reference. Additional manuals, bulletins, regulations, and lists of approved equipment must also be available at all times. All reference materials may be kept in written or electronic form. Revisions to the Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual will be sent to each station electronically through the MVIP system. Station management shall be responsible to see that each safety inspector is familiar with all bulletins and manual revisions and shall be required to furnish evidence to the department that all bulletins and manual revisions have been reviewed by each licensed inspector.

A copy of the diagram drawn by the investigating trooper, showing the approved inspection lane or lanes, will be maintained for review and kept available with the station's inspection supplies.

P. Private appointment may be made of company stations or government stations that own and operate a minimum of 20 vehicles and they may inspect only company-owned or government-owned vehicles respectively. When authorized by the department, they may inspect vehicles of a wholly-owned subsidiary or leased vehicles.

1. A private station may perform inspections during each month of the year or may elect to inspect only during certain designated months.

2. A private station not electing to inspect vehicles every month of the year that finds it necessary to inspect a vehicle during a month other than those selected for inspection may issue a sticker to the vehicle from the nearest past inspection month.

Q. All official inspection station owners, managers, and certified safety inspectors shall comply with the Virginia inspection laws and the inspection rules and regulations and will adhere to all instructions given by the supervising trooper or the Safety Division. Reports of violations will be investigated and, if found to be valid, may result in the suspension of the station, suspension of the inspector, possible court action, or other appropriate action, or any combination of these actions. Repeated violations or serious violations may result in a revocation of the inspector or station appointment, or both, by the superintendent.

R. The arrest of any person associated with the inspection program for a criminal offense of a nature that would tend to immediately reflect upon the integrity and reputation of the Department of State Police may be grounds for an inactive station status until final court disposition. Any finding other than acquittal may result in a suspension or revocation of the station's appointment.

S. When a station has been suspended or revoked, it must release to an employee of the Department of State Police all inspection supplies, posters, and papers including the certificate of appointment. Failure to do so is a violation of § 46.2-1172 of the Code of Virginia.

T. The authority of the superintendent to suspend the designation or appointment of an official inspection station as provided in § 46.2-1163 of the Code of Virginia, or to suspend the certification of an inspector designated to perform inspections at an official inspection station, and, in keeping with the provisions of § 46.2-1166 of the Code of Virginia, is hereby delegated to any of the following supervisory ranks of the Department of State Police: Lieutenant Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, First Sergeant, and Sergeant.

U. Each station must purchase and keep in proper operating condition the following equipment: computer, printer, internet connection, paper hole punch, black ball point pen or pens or black marker or markers, sticker scraper with replacement razor blades, tire tread depth gauge, amp meter, headlight and auxiliary lamp adjustment tools, 12-inch ruler, 25-foot measuring tape, torque wrench or torque sticks, brake pads/shoes/disc/drum measuring device, dial indicator, micrometer, pry bars, roller jack (at least 4-ton), and an approved type optical headlight aiming device. Each station that requests an additional inspection lane that is not in close proximity to the originally approved inspection lane must purchase an additional approved headlight machine for each lane that meets the minimum requirements. Stations are required to have one of the following headlight aiming devices: Hopkins Vision1, Hopkins Vision 100, American Aimers Vision 100, American Aimers Vision 2 Pro, or the Symtech (former L.E.T.), DVA-6, HBA-5, PLA-11, and PLA-12. This shall not apply to "trailer-only" inspection stations.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020; Volume 40, Issue 10, eff. February 1, 2024.

19VAC30-70-10.1. Official inspection station appointment.

A. These procedures are applicable to the application process for initial appointment, reclassification of appointment, change in ownership, change in name, and reinstatement of the appointment for an official inspection station following a period of suspension or revocation.

For investigations involving changes to the original report, only those areas of inquiry that have changed need to be reported.

For changes in station name, location, and classification only, a narrative report is not required. These requests may be reported on the Form SP-164. This report should include information pertinent to the change. A statement should be included to report verification of information contained in the station's new application for appointment.

1. Any garage or other facility that routinely performs motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer repairs may apply to the Department of State Police by contacting their Safety Division office for an application packet for appointment as an Official Safety Inspection Station.

a. The Department of State Police will forward an application package to the applicant.

b. The application forms are to be completed and returned to the supervising trooper processing the application within 45 days.

c. The application shall include the names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, and social security numbers for the applicant and each person who will supervise or otherwise participate in the program. Each person is also required to execute an Authorization for Release of Information Form (SP-170-D) and a Criminal History Record Request (Form SP-167). When a corporation with other established inspection stations is applying for an additional location, it shall not be necessary for the corporate officers to complete the Form SP-167 or undergo the usual background investigation. In these situations, the Department of State Police is only concerned with the personnel who will be responsible for handling and securing the safety inspection supplies.

2. Each inspection station application is reviewed, and the applicant must meet the following criteria:

a. The facility must have been in business at its present location for a minimum of 90 days.

(1) This requirement does not apply to a change in location for a previously appointed station.

(2) This requirement does not apply to a repair garage that is an established business and is expanding its mechanical convenience to the general public by the addition of other repair locations.

(3) This requirement does not apply to a business license as a franchised dealer of new vehicles.

b. The facility must perform motor vehicle, motorcycle, or trailer repairs routinely.

c. The station must have on hand or be willing to purchase the necessary equipment as identified by the Department of State Police for performing safety inspections.

d. The station must employ or be willing to employ at least one safety inspector with the appropriate license for the desired station's classification.

e. The facility's physical plant must meet the specific standards for the station classification for which the appointment is required.

3. Each applicant station must undergo a background investigation to determine if the business and associated personnel meet the following minimum criteria:

a. A review of the history of management and all persons employed who will participate in the inspection program must reflect general compliance with all federal, state, and local laws.

b. The character, attitude, knowledge of safety inspection requirements, mechanical ability, and experience of each individual who will perform or supervise safety inspections must be satisfactory.

c. The applicant and all participants must be familiar with and agree to comply with the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual. Each vehicle presented for safety inspection must be inspected in strict compliance with the Code of Virginia and the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual.

d. The business establishment must be financially stable. Its future existence should not be dependent upon appointment as an inspection station. The applicant and all persons to be associated with the inspection program must be in compliance with any judgment order or meeting all financial obligations, or both. The applicant and all persons to be associated with the inspection program must be in good financial standing for a period of at least one year.

Following any change in ownership, new ownership must show financial stability for a minimum of 90 days prior to their official inspection station appointment.

4. Each business must agree to provide the necessary space, equipment, and personnel to conduct inspections as required by the Department of State Police. Facilities and equipment must be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the superintendent. All safety inspectors must read and be thoroughly familiar with the instructions furnished for Official Inspection Stations and agree to abide by these instructions and to carefully inspect every motor vehicle, trailer, and semi-trailer presented for inspection as required by the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. Businesses must operate inspection stations in strict accordance with the Code of Virginia and the Official Motor Vehicle Inspection Manual. The appointment of an inspection station may be canceled at any time by the superintendent and are automatically canceled if any change in address, name, or ownership is made without proper notification.

5. Any applicant whose application is voluntarily withdrawn may not reapply sooner than six months from the date of the withdrawal. Any applicant whose application is denied may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial.

6. Each business to be appointed will be assigned one of 11 classifications based upon the physical plant specifications or other criteria as follows:

a. Unlimited: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane and in good condition for 60 feet. The front portion of the lane shall be level or on the same plane for a minimum of 40 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and no less than nine feet in width. Space should be adequate to allow a tractor truck towing a 53-foot trailer access to the inspection lane.

b. Small exemption: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane for 40 feet. The entrance opening shall be at least 10 feet in height, eight feet in width, and adequate to accommodate vehicles 40 feet in length. Any vehicle exceeding 10 feet in height may be inspected if the building entrance will allow such vehicle to completely enter the designated inspection lane.

c. Large exemption: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane and in good condition for 60 feet. The front portion of the lane shall be level or on the same plane for a minimum of 40 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and no less than nine feet in width. Space should be adequate to allow a tractor truck towing a 53-foot trailer access to the inspection lane. This classification is required to inspect only vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) exceeding 10,000 pounds.

d. Motorcycle: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance shall be adequate to accommodate the motorcycle and the operator.

e. Unlimited trailer: The inspection lane shall be reasonably level and in good condition for 60 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and no less than nine feet in width. This classification is required to inspect all trailers.

f. Small trailer exemption: The inspection lane shall be reasonably level and in good condition for 40 feet. The entrance shall be at least 10 feet in height and adequate to accommodate trailers 40 feet in length. This classification is required to inspect only those trailers not exceeding 40 feet in length or 10 feet in height measured to the highest part of the trailer but not including racks, air conditioners, antennas, etc.

g. Large trailer exemption: The inspection lane shall be reasonably level and in good condition for 60 feet. The entrance shall be at least 13-1/2 feet in height and adequate to accommodate all legal size trailers. This classification is required to inspect only property-carrying trailers exceeding 10 feet in height or 40 feet in length.

h. Safety and emissions: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The lane must accommodate most passenger cars and light trucks. The emissions equipment must be placed in the lane at a location to allow the inspected vehicle to be positioned with all four wheels on the floor or on an above-ground ramp on a plane to the floor to accommodate headlight aiming and other required inspection procedures. Any above-ground structure must be constructed so as to permit proper steering, suspension, brake, and undercarriage inspection as outlined in the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. A list of local inspection stations that can accommodate vehicles that cannot be safety inspected due to the pretenses of emissions equipment must be maintained and available for customers. A "bottle" jack or other appropriate lifting equipment may be used for safety inspection on above-ground structures.

i. Private station: The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance and size must be adequate to accommodate any vehicle in the fleet. An applicant who owns and operates fewer than 20 vehicles will not be considered.

j. Private station (fleet service contractor): The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance and size must be adequate to accommodate any vehicle in the fleet to be inspected. This classification will permit the inspection of all vehicles that the applicant has a written agreement to service and repair. An applicant who does not have at least six written agreements to service private fleets with at least five vehicles in each fleet or at least one written agreement to service a private fleet with at least 30 vehicles in the fleet will not be considered for this type of appointment. Vehicles not covered by a written agreement for service and repair, other than the vehicles owned by the applicant's company or corporation, shall not be inspected by a garage having this type of classification.

k. Private station (government): The inspection lane shall be level or on the same plane. The entrance and size must be adequate to accommodate any vehicle in the fleet to be inspected. This classification permits the inspection of all vehicles in the government entity's fleet, the fleet of any volunteer or paid fire department, or any other unit or agency of the government structure having a written agreement with such governmental entity for repair, inspection service, or both. An applicant for this classification must own or have a written agreement to inspect 30 or more vehicles. Vehicles not owned by or covered by a written agreement shall not be inspected by a garage having this type of classification.

7. Classifications listed in subdivisions 6 a through 6 h of this subsection must be open to the public and have at least one safety inspector available to perform inspections during normal business hours as set forth in 19VAC30-70-10.

8. Private inspection station classifications may be assigned to businesses or governmental entities with fixed garage or repair facilities operating or contracting with vehicle fleets.

B. A representative of any official inspection station may apply to the Department of State Police in writing to request a change of the station's status.

1. An application form is forwarded to the applicant.

2. The applicant completes the application form and contacts the Department of State Police in keeping with the application instructions. Applications must include all data as set forth in this section.

3. A Safety Division trooper is assigned to complete the appropriate investigation to affect the change. A change in status investigation includes the following:

a. A review of the existing station file.

b. An update of the file to include personnel, facility, or other significant changes. Criteria for appointment and background investigation procedures for a change in status will be in keeping with this section.

c. Official inspection stations are permitted to continue to perform safety inspections during a change of ownership investigation provided at least one safety inspector is retained from the prior owner.

d. If disqualifying criteria is revealed, the station's appointment shall be canceled until final disposition of the application is made or until issues of disqualifying criteria are resolved.

C. Once an official inspection station has been suspended, regardless of the cause for the suspension, management may request reinstatement up to 60 days prior to the expiration of the suspension period. Stations whose appointments are revoked may complete the application process as set forth for original appointments after the expiration of the period of revocation.

1. The applicant station must submit a letter to Safety Division Headquarters (Attention: Station Files) requesting reinstatement.

2. An application package is forwarded to the applicant.

3. The completed application forms must be returned to Safety Division Headquarters (Attention: Station Files).

4. After review, the application package is forwarded to the appropriate Safety Division Area Office for investigation.

a. The trooper assigned to the investigation compares the information in the new application package to the information in the existing files.

b. The investigation focuses on any changes, inconsistencies, and the inspection station's history while in the inspection program, to include the station's disciplinary record.

c. The applicant station must meet all criteria for appointment as set forth in this section.

d. Any applicant whose application for reinstatement is voluntarily withdrawn may not reapply sooner than six months from the date of the withdrawal of the application.

D. When a request for reinstatement is denied, a station suspended a period of six months or more may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial. Following an original appointment investigation for a revoked station, if the revoked station is denied, it may not reapply sooner than 12 months from the date of the letter notifying the denial.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; amended, Virginia Register Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020.

19VAC30-70-11. Automated Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP).

A. Effective March 1, 2011, the automated Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP) was implemented. The MVIP system will enable the Safety Division and inspection stations to more efficiently record and retain data, thereby enhancing the overall operation of the program.

B. Passwords or personal identification numbers (PINs) shall only be used by the person to whom they were assigned.

C. Automated stations shall order all supplies via the MVIP system. Stations will ensure supplies are ordered no more than once per month.

D. Once a certified safety inspector completes an inspection, he will be required to immediately enter the inspection information via the MVIP system. In the event there is an MVIP or internet connection failure, inspectors will complete the corresponding receipt provided in the approval or rejection sticker book. A manual copy will be given to the customer or placed in the vehicle, while the original will remain in the book. Inspections performed during such outages shall be entered into MVIP by the inspector performing the inspections and done so by the close of business of the day MVIP connectivity is restored.

E. All stations and inspectors are required to verify the accuracy of the information entered through the MVIP system to include:

1. One copy of the official safety inspection approval or rejection receipt shall be printed on 8-1/2 by 11 inch white paper and given to the customer or placed in the vehicle. The size of the print on the receipt shall not be reduced. In the event of MVIP or internet connection failure, the corresponding manual receipt from the book shall take the place of the MVIP generated receipt.

2. The printed official inspection receipt number shall correspond with the issued decal.

3. The complete vehicle identification number (VIN) shall be verified before submitting the inspection through the MVIP system and printing the official inspection receipt.

F. When a station has a voided decal, it must be entered into MVIP by the inspector. Once entered, the receipt shall be printed, attached to the decal, and retained until the supervising trooper's next visit. The supervising trooper will be responsible for destroying the voided sticker and a Form SP-164 will not be required.

G. Station management shall ensure that all stickers are accounted for and all information has been entered correctly into the MVIP system. Completed approval or rejection receipts shall be retained by the station for a period of six months. At the end of the six-month period, used receipts shall be destroyed by burning or shredding.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; amended, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018.

19VAC30-70-20. General inspection requirements.

A. Each official inspection station must inspect every vehicle presented for inspection as prescribed by this chapter, either approving or rejecting it. Inspections will not be performed unless requested.

1. Dealers' vehicles and out-of-state vehicles shall be inspected according to these standards when submitted for inspection. The dealer's name rather than the license number shall be shown on the rear of the approval or rejection sticker.

2. When a vehicle is presented for inspection, the previous approval sticker, if any, on the vehicle shall be removed and destroyed before any inspection is conducted (except a rejection sticker). For purposes of the safety inspection program, "destroyed" shall mean that the previous inspection sticker will be disposed of in a manner so it cannot be reused or placed on another vehicle's windshield. After removing the inspection sticker, the safety inspector who is to perform the inspection must drive the vehicle into an approved inspection lane unless the safety inspector is not qualified to operate the vehicle. During the operation of the vehicle, the safety inspector must make application of the service and parking brakes and check for conditions as set forth in the Service Brake Section of the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual applicable to the vehicle being inspected.

WARNING: No razor blades or similar devices should be used to remove stickers from "Securiflex," "Anti-Lacerative," or "Inner Shield" type windshield. These windshields are identified as AS-14. Any questions concerning removal should be directed to the nearest Safety Division Area Office.

B. Each inspection shall be a complete, uninterrupted inspection and shall include a check of all applicable items in the Official Motor Vehicle Safety Inspection Manual. All repair tools and testing equipment required prior to a station's appointment shall be properly maintained and available for use during each inspection.

C. The term "inspection" as used in this chapter shall not include repairs or adjustments. Repairs or adjustments necessary to bring the vehicle in conformity with this chapter may be made by agreement between the owner and such station or whatever repair shop the owner may select. When requested to do so by the person submitting a vehicle for inspection, any repairs or adjustments necessary to bring the vehicle into compliance with the inspection program rules and regulations shall be made by the inspection station performing the inspection. The inspection station management may utilize the option of subcontracting the repairs or adjustments provided the application filed for the station appointment reflected that such repairs or adjustments will be subcontracted.

D. Each vehicle that meets the requirements as set forth in this chapter shall be issued an approval sticker. Those vehicles that do not meet the inspection requirements shall be issued a rejection sticker. Any trailer required to be inspected under the provisions of the Code of Virginia may, only if the size or configuration of the trailer and the size and configuration of the facilities of the inspection station prevent the trailer from being inspected inside the inspection station, be inspected outside the inspection station. The location on the outside of an inspection station where trailers may be inspected shall be approved by the Department of State Police and shown on the station diagram.

E. Inspections may be made when it is raining or snowing. Care must be exercised when making inspections in inclement weather. Vehicles covered with ice, snow, mud, or other debris to the extent that required parts cannot be inspected, may be refused inspection until the operator removes such debris.

F. A certified safety inspector shall be prohibited from conducting safety inspection examinations on any vehicle registered to himself. This restriction shall also apply to vehicles registered outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR545-01-07 § 2, eff. May 1, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 10, Issue 8, eff. February 9, 1994; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 33, Issue 25, eff. September 8, 2017; Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; Volume 40, Issue 10, eff. February 1, 2024.

19VAC30-70-25. Exceptions to motor vehicle inspection requirements.

A. The following shall be exempt from inspection as required by § 46.2-1157 of the Code of Virginia:

1. Four-wheel vehicles weighing less than 500 pounds and having less than six horsepower;

2. Boat, utility, or travel trailers that are not equipped with brakes;

3. Antique motor vehicles or antique trailers as defined in § 46.2-100 of the Code of Virginia and licensed pursuant to § 46.2-730 of the Code of Virginia;

4. Any motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer that is outside the Commonwealth at the time its inspection expires when operated by the most direct route to the owner's or operator's place of residence or the owner's legal place of business in the Commonwealth;

5. A truck, tractor truck, trailer, or semitrailer for which the period fixed for inspection has expired while the vehicle was outside the Commonwealth (i) from a point outside the Commonwealth to the place where such vehicle is kept or garaged within the Commonwealth or (ii) to a destination within the Commonwealth where such vehicle will be (a) unloaded within 24 hours of entering the Commonwealth, (b) inspected within such 24-hour period, and (c) operated, after being unloaded, only to an inspection station or to the place where it is kept or garaged within the Commonwealth;

6. New motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers may be operated upon the highways of Virginia for the purpose of delivery from the place of manufacture to the dealer's or distributor's designated place of business or between places of business if such manufacturer, dealer, or distributor has more than one place of business, without being inspected; dealers or distributors may take delivery and operate upon the highways of Virginia new motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers from another dealer or distributor provided a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer shall not be considered new if driven upon the highways for any purpose other than the delivery of the vehicle;

7. New motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers bearing a manufacturer's license may be operated for test purposes by the manufacturer without an inspection;

8. Motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers may be operated for test purposes by a certified inspector without an inspection sticker during the performance of an official inspection;

9. New motor vehicles, new trailers, or new semitrailers may be operated upon the highways of Virginia over the most direct route to a location for installation of a permanent body without being inspected;

10. Motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers purchased outside the Commonwealth may be driven to the purchaser's place of residence or the dealer's or distributor's designated place of business without being inspected;

11. Prior to purchase from auto auctions, motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers operated upon the highways not to exceed a 10-mile radius of such auction by prospective purchasers only for the purpose of road testing and motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers purchased from auto auctions operated upon the highways from such auction to (i) an official safety inspection station provided that (a) the inspection station is located between the auto auction and the purchaser's residence or place of business or within a 10-mile radius of such residence or business and (b) the vehicle is taken to the inspection station on the same day the purchaser removes the vehicle from the auto auction or (ii) the purchaser's place of residence or business;

12. Motor vehicles, trailers, or semitrailers, after the expiration of a period fixed for the inspection thereof, may be operated over the most direct route between the place where such vehicle is kept or garaged and an official inspection station for the purpose of having the same inspected pursuant to a prior appointment with such station;

13. Any vehicle for transporting well-drilling machinery and mobile equipment as defined in § 46.2-700 of the Code of Virginia;

14. Motor vehicles being towed in a legal manner as exempted under § 46.2-1150 of the Code of Virginia;

15. Logtrailers as exempted under § 46.2-1159 of the Code of Virginia;

16. Motor vehicles designed or altered and used exclusively for racing or other exhibition purposes as exempted under § 46.2-1160 of the Code of Virginia;

17. Any tow dolly or converter gear as defined in § 46.2-1119 of the Code of Virginia;

18. A new motor vehicle, as defined in § 46.2-1500 of the Code of Virginia, that has been inspected in accordance with an inspection requirement of the manufacturer or distributor of the new motor vehicle (i.e., predelivery inspection (PDI)) by an employee who customarily performs such inspection on behalf of a motor vehicle dealer licensed pursuant to § 46.2-1508 of the Code of Virginia shall be deemed to have met the safety inspection requirements of this section without a separate safety inspection by an official inspection station. Such inspection shall be deemed to be the first inspection for the purpose of § 46.2-1158 of the Code of Virginia, and an inspection approval sticker furnished by the Department of State Police at the uniform price paid by all official inspection stations to the Department of State Police for an inspection approval sticker may be affixed to the vehicle as required by § 46.2-1163 of the Code of Virginia.

NOTE: Only an active certified safety inspector may enter the vehicle's information into the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP) database and affix the inspection sticker to the vehicle;

19. Mopeds;

20. Low-speed vehicles;

21. Vehicles exempt from registration pursuant to Article 6 (§ 46.2-662 et seq.) of Chapter 6 of Title 46.2 of the Code of Virginia; and

22. Military surplus motor vehicles as defined in § 46.2-100 of the Code of Virginia and licensed pursuant to § 46.2-730.1 of the Code of Virginia.

B. The following shall be exempt from inspection as required by § 46.2-1157 of the Code of Virginia provided (i) the commercial motor vehicle operates in interstate commerce; (ii) the commercial motor vehicle is found to meet the federal requirements for annual inspection through a self-inspection, a third-party inspection, a Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance inspection, or a periodic inspection performed by any state with a program; (iii) the inspection has been determined by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to be comparable to or as effective as the requirements of 49 CFR 396.3(a); and (iv) documentation of such determination as provided for in 49 CFR 396.3(b) is available for review by law-enforcement officials to verify that the inspection is current:

1. Any commercial motor vehicle operating in interstate commerce that is subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.

2. Any trailer or semitrailer being operated in interstate commerce that is subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; amended, Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020.

19VAC30-70-30. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR545-01-07 § 3, eff. May 1, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 10, Issue 8, eff. February 9, 1994; Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 33, Issue 25, eff. September 8, 2017; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019.

19VAC30-70-31. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; amended, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019.

19VAC30-70-32. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; amended, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019.

19VAC30-70-40. Fees.

A. Before the inspection of a vehicle begins, the vehicle owner or operator must be informed there is a regulated fee pursuant to § 46.2-1167 of the Code of Virginia.

B. The maximum inspection fees effective July 1, 2019, are as follows:

$51 for each inspection of any (i) tractor truck, (ii) truck that has a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more, or (iii) motor vehicle that is used to transport passengers and has a seating capacity of more than 15 passengers, including the driver.

$12 for each inspection of any motorcycle and autocycle.

$16 for each inspection of any other vehicle, including trailers and motor homes.

1. Inspection fees will result in inspection stations retaining and forwarding $.70 to the Department of State Police to support the department's costs in administering the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP). Collection of these fees will be billed quarterly to each station on April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 of each year.

Tractor Trucks

Trucks that have a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more

Buses that seat more than 15 passengers (including the driver)

$.50 per inspection


Pickup Trucks/Trucks

Recreational Motor Homes


$.70 per inspection



$2.00 per inspection

2. After the appropriate fee has been determined for each station, an invoice is uploaded to each station's billing account, an invoice is uploaded to each station's billing account, the station has 30 days to submit payment by logging in to their respective eReceivables billing account.

NOTE: Late fees will be handled in accordance with §§ 2.2-4805 and 6.2-302 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If a rejected vehicle is not submitted to the same station within the validity period of the rejection sticker or is submitted to another official inspection station, a complete inspection must be performed and a charge of $51 may be made for inspection of tractor trucks, trucks that have a gross vehicle weight rating of 26,000 pounds or more, and buses that seat more than 15 passengers, including the driver. A charge of $20 may be made for each inspection performed on any other vehicle to include recreational motor homes and trailers. A charge of $12 may be made for each motorcycle and autocycle inspection.

NOTE: The truck inspection fee does not pertain to any trailer.

D. A charge of $1.00 may be made for reinspection of a vehicle rejected by the same station during the 15-day validity of the rejection sticker.

E. Inspection stations shall not charge an additional fee to those customers who drop off their vehicles for a state inspection. This is a violation of § 46.2-1167 of the Code of Virginia unless the station charges a "storage fee" for all services and repairs and not just for inspections.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR545-01-07 § 4, eff. May 1, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 10, Issue 8, eff. February 9, 1994; Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 24, Issue 8, eff. March 1, 2008; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019; Volume 36, Issue 25, eff. September 4, 2020; Volume 40, Issue 10, eff. February 1, 2024.

19VAC30-70-50. Approval stickers and decals.

A. If the vehicle meets all inspection requirements, the certified safety inspector performing the inspection shall immediately enter the receipt information via the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program (MVIP) system.

The inspection sticker is not valid unless the rear portion is completed with the vehicle make, year built, license plate number (dealer name if a dealer tag is displayed), body type, and the complete vehicle identification number (VIN). The inspection sticker shall be completed using black indelible ink.

B. Approval stickers and decals shall be issued according to the following schedule:


Vehicles inspected in January are issued stickers bearing the Number "1"
Vehicles inspected in February are issued stickers bearing the Number "2"
Vehicles inspected in March are issued stickers bearing the Number "3"
Vehicles inspected in April are issued stickers bearing the Number "4"
Vehicles inspected in May are issued stickers bearing the Number "5"
Vehicles inspected in June are issued stickers bearing the Number "6"
Vehicles inspected in July are issued stickers bearing the Number "7"
Vehicles inspected in August are issued stickers bearing the Number "8"
Vehicles inspected in September are issued stickers bearing the Number "9"
Vehicles inspected in October are issued stickers bearing the Number "10"
Vehicles inspected in November are issued stickers bearing the Number "11"
Vehicles inspected in December are issued stickers bearing the Number "12"

All issued annual inspection stickers shall expire at the end of the last day of the month displayed on the sticker. For example, a January inspection sticker expires at 12:00:00 a.m. on February 1.

All February annual inspection stickers (i.e., stickers numbered "2") due to expire at midnight, February 28 automatically will be valid through midnight February 29 each leap year.

C. The numeral insert indicating the month of expiration shall be affixed to the box identified as month on the car or truck approval sticker. The numeral insert indicating the month and year of expiration shall be affixed to the box identified as month and year on the trailer or motorcycle sticker.

Extreme care should be used by inspectors when applying inserts. The sticker shall be placed at the bottom left corner of the windshield when viewed from the inside of the vehicle. The left edge of the sticker is to be placed as close as practical, but no closer than one inch to the left edge of the windshield when viewed from the inside of the vehicle. The top edge of the sticker is to be approximately four inches from the bottom of the windshield when viewed from the inside of the vehicle.

NOTE: Minor adjustments to the placement of the safety inspection sticker may be made to avoid the decal being obscured by the windshield's monogram.

NOTE: On passenger vehicles not equipped with a windshield, the sticker shall be placed on or under the dash and protected in some manner from the weather.

EXCEPTIONS: On vehicles equipped with heating and grid elements on the inside of the windshield, the sticker shall be placed one inch above the top of the grid element and the left edge of the sticker shall be approximately one inch to the right of the left edge of the windshield when viewed from the inside of the vehicle.

Any sticker or decal required by the laws of any other state or the District of Columbia and displayed upon the windshield of a vehicle submitted for inspection in the Commonwealth is permitted by the superintendent, provided the vehicle is currently registered in that jurisdiction, and the sticker is displayed in a manner designated by the issuing authority and has not expired. In these cases, if the sticker or decal is located where the inspection sticker is to be placed, it will not be removed unless the owner or operator authorizes its removal. The inspection sticker will be placed 1/4 inch to the right of the sticker or decal when viewed from the inside of the vehicle without removing or overlapping the sticker or decal.

D. The Code of Virginia requires that the inspection sticker be displayed on the windshield or at other designated places at all times. The inspection sticker cannot be transferred from one vehicle to another.

EXCEPTION: If the windshield in a vehicle is replaced, a valid sticker may be removed from the old windshield and placed on the new windshield.

E. The sticker issued to a motorcycle shall be affixed to the left side of the cycle where it will be most visible after mounting. The sticker may be placed on a plate on the left side where it will be most visible and securely fastened to the motorcycle for the purpose of displaying the sticker. The sticker may be placed horizontally or vertically.

F. Trailer stickers will be issued to all trailers and semitrailers required to be inspected. (No boat, utility, or travel trailer that is not equipped with brakes shall be required to be inspected.)

G. All inspected trailers must display a trailer sticker on that particular vehicle. These stickers are to be placed on the left side of the trailer near the front corner. The sticker must be affixed to the trailer body or frame. In those instances where a metal back container with a removable transparent cover has been permanently affixed to the trailer body, the sticker may be glued to it. The container must be permanently mounted in such a manner that the sticker must be destroyed to remove it.

H. In all other cases involving unusually designed trailers such as pole trailers, the safety inspector is to exercise his own good judgment in placing the sticker at a point where it will be as prominent as possible and visible for examination from the left side.

I. Motorcycles have a separate sticker that is orange and issued with the prefix M. Trailers have a separate sticker that is blue and issued with the prefix T. The trailer and motorcycle receipts are completed in the same manner as other inspection receipts.

J. Appointed stations will keep sufficient inspection supplies on hand to meet their needs. Requests for additional supplies shall be ordered via the MVIP system. Requests for supplies that are to be picked up at the Safety Division Headquarters must be made at least 24 hours prior to pick up.

Packing slips mailed with inspection supplies will be kept on file at the station for at least 24 months.

K. All unused center inserts used to indicate the month that a sticker expires, in possession of the inspection station at the end of each month, shall be retained by the inspection station, properly safeguarded, and used in the inspection of vehicles for that particular month in the following year or be disposed of as directed by the Department of State Police.

All inspection supplies that are voided, damaged, disfigured or become unserviceable in any manner, will be returned to the Safety Division. New replacement supplies will be issued to the station. Expired stickers will be picked up by the station's supervising trooper.

L. All voided approval or rejection stickers will be picked up by the station's supervising trooper.

M. The MVIP system approval or rejection printed receipt shall be given to the owner or operator of the vehicle. In the event of an MVIP or internet connection failure, manual receipts from the approval and rejection books shall be utilized.

N. All white copies within the approval (car and truck, trailer and motorcycle) and rejection books shall be retained in the books and shall be kept on file at the station for at least six months. Stations shall notate necessary information on the white copy to provide a means of tracking for audit purposes. They may be inspected by any law-enforcement officer during normal business hours.

O. Safety Division troopers may replace inspection stickers that have separated from the windshield of motor vehicles and become lost or damaged without conducting an inspection of the safety components of the vehicle. Such replacement of inspection stickers shall be made only in accordance with the following provisions:

1. A vehicle owner or operator complaining of the loss or damage to the inspection sticker on the windshield of their vehicle due to separation of the sticker from the windshield shall be directed to the nearest Safety Division Area Office or Safety Division trooper.

2. Safety Division troopers, upon receipt of a complaint from a vehicle owner or operator that their inspection sticker has been stolen, lost or become damaged due to separation from the windshield, will make arrangements to meet the person to effect the replacement of the sticker. A vehicle owner or operator alleging theft of the inspection sticker will furnish proof to the Safety Division trooper that such theft has been reported to the proper law-enforcement authority.

3. The vehicle owner or operator must produce the original safety inspection approval sticker receipt indicating a valid approval inspection sticker was issued to the vehicle within the past 11 months. (The vehicle must be reinspected if the expiration of the original inspection sticker is in the month the request is being made.)

4. The Safety Division trooper will verify by the inspection receipt that the vehicle was issued an approval inspection sticker within the past 11 months and will then issue a replacement inspection sticker to the vehicle. If any obvious equipment defects are detected during the replacement process, the vehicle will not be issued a replacement approval sticker.

5. The Safety Division trooper will complete the inspection sticker receipt for the approval sticker from information contained on the original receipt. The date the replacement sticker is issued will be used in the date space. In the space for Inspection Related Charges, the trooper will insert the word "REPLACEMENT" and the sticker number from the original inspection receipt.

6. The Safety Division trooper will sign the receipt vertically in the O.K. column in the "Equipment Inspected" blocks. These blocks will not otherwise be completed.

7. The Safety Division trooper shall place month and year inserts on the inspection sticker to reflect the expiration as shown on the original approval inspection sticker and place the inspection sticker on the windshield in accordance with the requirements of subsection C of this section.

8. The Safety Division trooper will enter the replacement information into the MVIP system.

P. New vehicle safety inspections.

1. Section 46.2-1158.01 of the Code of Virginia allows an employee who customarily performs the inspection requirement of a manufacturer or distributor of new motor vehicles to place an inspection sticker furnished by the Department of State Police on the vehicle once it has met the requirements of that manufacturer or distributor. This employee does not have to be a certified safety inspector.

2. With the addition of other personnel using Department of State Police inspection supplies, a system shall be developed at each inspection station to afford accountability of all supplies. The system shall include proper safeguards to prevent the loss of supplies through carelessness, neglect, theft, or unauthorized use.

3. Inspection stations shall not mix annual state inspections with predelivery inspections (PDI) in the same book of inspection stickers.

4. All employees shall be reminded that anyone who performs inspections, whether it be for the annual inspection or the PDI inspection, is subject to criminal prosecution if inspection supplies are used illegally or used in some other unauthorized way.

5. Station management and licensed safety inspectors are subject to administrative sanctions for any misuse of inspection supplies.

6. The inspection receipts shall be completed as usual with the following exceptions: On the "inspector" line, the initials "PDI" (for predelivery inspection) and the printed employee's name performing the inspection shall be entered. On the "inspector's license number" line, the letters "N/A" shall be entered. In the equipment inspected section, the words "New Vehicle" shall be entered in the "adjust" column. The PDI employee performing the inspection shall sign his name in the "O.K." column.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR545-01-07 § 5, eff. May 1, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 10, Issue 8, eff. February 9, 1994; Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 24, Issue 8, eff. March 1, 2008; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Errata, 28:25 VA.R. 2077 August 13, 2012; amended, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 33, Issue 25, eff. September 8, 2017; Volume 34, Issue 9, eff. January 26, 2018; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018; Volume 35, Issue 25, eff. September 1, 2019.

19VAC30-70-60. Rejection stickers.

A. Only one rejection sticker shall be issued to any one vehicle. A rejection sticker shall not be issued to any vehicle already bearing such a sticker or to one which bears evidence of previously being issued a rejection sticker. When a vehicle is bearing a valid or expired rejection sticker, it is not to be removed unless the vehicle meets all of the inspection requirements.

B. A vehicle rejected by one station may be reinspected by another station if the owner desires to have this done; however, that station shall perform a complete inspection of the vehicle.

C. Reinspection of a rejected vehicle by the same station during the 15-day validity of the rejection sticker need include only a check of the items previously found defective, unless there is an obvious equipment defect that would warrant further rejection of the vehicle. Such reinspection will not constitute a complete inspection and a $1.00 fee may be charged. Furthermore, if a vehicle returns for reinspection within the 15-day period, the rejecting station will reinspect the vehicle without delay or at the reasonable conclusion of the current inspection being performed.

1. If additional defects are detected during reinspection of a vehicle previously rejected, the vehicle will not be issued an approval sticker.

2. No vehicle bearing a valid rejection sticker shall be entitled to receive more than two reinspections by the rejecting station during the validity period of the rejection sticker.

3. The validity period of the rejection sticker shall be 15 days in addition to the day of inspection.

4. Any vehicle that is presented for inspection at another inspection station after the 15-day validity period, if the vehicle was rejected for brakes, and the inspector cannot determine which wheels were checked, then all four wheels will be removed to ensure that all repairs or defects have been corrected.

D. If repairs are to be made to a rejected vehicle that would necessitate removing the vehicle from the inspection lane, no rejection sticker need be issued; however, the vehicle must be returned to an approved lane for a recheck of the rejected items and the application of the approval sticker.

E. If the vehicle does not meet all the requirements and the owner does not authorize immediate repairs, and if a rejection sticker has not already been issued, a rejection sticker shall be legibly filled out in its entirety with a black ball point pen. The certified safety inspector performing the inspection shall immediately enter the receipt information via the MVIP system. The complete vehicle identification number (VIN), tag number or car dealer name if a dealer tag is attached, mileage, year, make, and model shall be included. A circle to indicate which wheels were pulled to check the brakes and an individual mark shall be placed in each equipment block of the rejection sticker that was pertinent to the rejection. In addition, information may be written on any blank area as to the exact nature of the rejection (i.e., front brakes vs. rear brakes). The date of issue shall be punched, and the sticker affixed to the same location as indicated in subsections C, E, and G of 19VAC30-70-50. (When affixed to a trailer or motorcycle, the face of the rejection sticker shall be attached to the trailer or motorcycle in order to allow the rejection data on the back side to be read.)

F. The operator of the rejected vehicle shall be informed of the following:

1. The rejection sticker is valid for 15 days in addition to the date of inspection.

2. The rejection sticker places no travel restriction on the operation of the vehicle and is issued in lieu of an approval sticker.

3. The vehicle operator is legally responsible for any defect if operated on the highway and may be subject to a traffic summons for any existing equipment violation.

G. All receipt copies of rejection stickers will be retained in the books and shall be kept on file at the station for at least six months. They may be inspected by any law-enforcement officer during normal business hours.

Statutory Authority

§ 46.2-1165 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from VR545-01-07 § 6, eff. May 1, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 10, Issue 8, eff. February 9, 1994; Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 24, Issue 8, eff. March 1, 2008; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016; Volume 35, Issue 1, eff. October 4, 2018.

19VAC30-70-70. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from VR545-01-07 § 7, eff. May 1, 1990; amended, Virginia Register Volume 10, Issue 8, eff. February 9, 1994; Volume 12, Issue 21, eff. August 7, 1996; Volume 15, Issue 2, eff. November 11, 1998; Volume 21, Issue 4, eff. September 22, 2004; Volume 28, Issue 24, eff. August 1, 2012; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 24, eff. October 3, 2016.

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