Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part IX. Biosolids Program

Article 1
Procedures and Requirements

9VAC25-32-303. Purpose and applicability.

Article 1
Procedures and Requirements

A. This part establishes standards, which consist of general requirements, pollutant limits, management practices, and operational standards, for the final use of biosolids or disposal of sewage sludge generated during the treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works. Standards are included in this part for biosolids applied to the land. Also included in this part are pathogen and alternative vector attraction reduction requirements for biosolids applied to the land.

B. The standards in this part also include the frequency of monitoring and recordkeeping requirements when biosolids is applied to the land.

C. Applicability.

1. This part applies to any person who prepares biosolids or applies biosolids to the land.

2. This part applies to biosolids applied to the land.

3. This part applies to land where biosolids is applied.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-305. Permits.

A. No owner shall cause or allow any land application, marketing, or distribution of biosolids except in compliance with a permit issued by the department that authorizes these activities.

B. A separate biosolids use permit shall be issued for each political jurisdiction (county or city) where land application is proposed.

C. No person shall land apply Class B biosolids on any land in Virginia unless that land has been identified in an application to issue, reissue or modify a permit and approved by the department.

D. No person shall land apply, market, or distribute biosolids in Virginia unless the biosolids source has been approved by the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; amended Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-307. Relationship to other regulations.

A. Disposal of sewage sludge in a municipal solid waste landfill unit that complies with the requirements in the Virginia Solid Waste Management Regulation (9VAC20-81) constitutes compliance with § 405 (d) of the federal Clean Water Act.

B. Any person who prepares sewage sludge that is disposed in a municipal solid waste landfill unit shall ensure that the sewage sludge meets the requirements in 9VAC20-81 concerning the quality of materials disposed in a municipal solid waste landfill.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-310. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-313. General requirements.

A. No person shall apply biosolids to the land except in accordance with the requirements in this article.

B. No person shall apply bulk biosolids to the land if it is likely to adversely affect a threatened or endangered species listed in 9VAC25-260-320 or § 4 of the Endangered Species Act (16 USC § 1533) or if the land application is likely to adversely affect its designated critical habitat.

C. No person shall apply bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site if any of the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has been reached.

D. No person shall apply domestic septage to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site during a 365-day period if the annual application rate in 9VAC25-32-356 D has been reached during that period.

E. The person who prepares bulk biosolids that is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site shall provide the person who applies the bulk biosolids written notification of the concentration of total nitrogen and phosphorus (as N and P on a dry weight basis) in the bulk biosolids.

F. Before bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 is applied to the land, the person who proposes to apply the bulk biosolids shall contact the department to determine whether bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has been applied to the site since July 20, 1993.

1. If bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has not been applied to the site since July 20, 1993, the cumulative amount of each pollutant listed in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 may be applied to the site in accordance with 9VAC25-32-356 B 2 a.

2. If bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has been applied to the site since July 20, 1993, and the cumulative amount of each pollutant applied to the site in the bulk biosolids since that date is known, the cumulative amount of each pollutant applied to the site shall be used to determine the additional amount of each pollutant that can be applied to the site in accordance with 9VAC25-32-356 B 2 a.

3. If bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 has been applied to the site since July 20, 1993, and the cumulative amount of each pollutant applied to the site in the bulk biosolids since that date is not known, an additional amount of each pollutant shall not be applied to the site in accordance with 9VAC25-32-356 B 2 a.

G. When a person who prepares bulk biosolids provides the bulk biosolids to a person who applies the bulk biosolids to the land, the person who prepares the bulk biosolids shall provide the person who applies the biosolids notice and necessary information to comply with the requirements in this article.

H. When a person who prepares biosolids provides the biosolids to another person who prepares the biosolids, the person who provides the biosolids shall provide the person who receives the biosolids notice and necessary information to comply with the requirements in this article.

I. The person who applies bulk biosolids to the land shall provide the owner or lease holder of the land on which the bulk biosolids is applied notice and necessary information to comply with the requirements in this article.

J. Any person who prepares bulk biosolids in another state that is applied to land in Virginia shall provide written notice to the department prior to the initial application of bulk biosolids to the land application site by the applier. The notice shall include:

1. The location, by either street address or latitude and longitude, of each land application site;

2. The approximate time period bulk biosolids will be applied to the site;

3. The name, address, telephone number, and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit number (if appropriate) for the person who prepares the bulk biosolids; and

4. The name, address, telephone number, and National (or Virginia) Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit number (if appropriate) for the person who will apply the bulk biosolids.

K. Any person who applies bulk biosolids subject to the cumulative pollutant loading rates in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3 to the land shall provide written notice, prior to the initial application of bulk biosolids to the land application site by the applier, to the department and the department shall retain and provide access to the notice. The notice shall include:

1. The location, by either street address or latitude and longitude, of the land application site; and

2. The name, address, telephone number, and Virginia Pollution Abatement permit number (if appropriate) of the person who will apply the bulk biosolids.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-315. Additional and more stringent requirements.

A. On a case-by-case basis, the department may impose requirements for the use of biosolids or the disposal of sewage sludge in addition to or more stringent than the requirements in this part when necessary to protect human health and the environment from any adverse effect of a pollutant in the biosolids or sewage sludge.

B. Nothing in this part precludes the authority of another state agency, political subdivision of Virginia, or an interstate agency with respect to the use of biosolids or disposal of sewage sludge.

C. For biosolids land application where, because of site specific conditions, including soil type, identified during the permit application review process, the department determines that special requirements are necessary to protect the environment or the health, safety, or welfare of persons residing in the vicinity of a proposed land application site, the department may incorporate in the permit at the time it is issued reasonable special conditions regarding setback distances, transportation routes, slope, material source, methods of handling and application, and time of day restrictions exceeding those required by this regulation. The permit applicant shall have at least 14 days in which to review and respond to the proposed conditions.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-317. Exclusions.

A. Treatment processes. This part does not establish requirements for processes to treat domestic sewage or for processes used to treat sewage sludge prior to final use or disposal, except as provided in 9VAC25-32-675 and 9VAC25-32-685.

B. Selection of a use or a disposal practice. This part does not dictate the selection of a specific biosolids use or sewage sludge disposal practice by the owner of the wastewater treatment works.

C. Incineration of sewage sludge. This part does not establish requirements for sewage sludge fired in a sewage sludge incinerator or co-fired in an incinerator with other wastes or for the incinerator in which sewage sludge or other waste are co-fired.

D. Hazardous sewage sludge. This part does not establish requirements for the use or disposal of sewage sludge determined to be hazardous in accordance with 40 CFR Part 261 as adopted by reference in 9VAC20-60-261 or the Code of Virginia.

E. Sewage sludge with high PCB concentration. This part does not establish requirements for the use or disposal of sewage sludge with a concentration of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) equal to or greater than 50 milligrams per kilogram of total solids (dry weight basis).

F. Incinerator ash. This part does not establish requirements for the use or disposal of ash generated during the firing of sewage sludge in a sewage sludge incinerator.

G. Grit and screenings. This part does not establish requirements for the use or disposal of grit (e.g., sand, gravel, cinders, or other materials with a high specific gravity) or screenings (e.g., relatively large materials such as rags) generated during preliminary treatment of domestic sewage in a treatment works.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia; § 402 of the Clean Water Act; 40 CFR Parts 122, 123, 124, 403, and 503.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; amended, Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 19, eff. June 13, 2018.

9VAC25-32-320. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 32, Issue 5, eff. January 1, 2016.

9VAC25-32-330. Variances.

A. The department may grant a variance to a procedural, design, or operational regulation by following the appropriate procedures set forth in this section.

B. Requirements for a variance. The department may grant a variance if it finds that the hardship imposed outweighs the benefits that may be received by the public and that the granting of such variance does not subject the public to unreasonable health risks or environmental pollution.

C. Application for a variance. Any owner may apply in writing for a variance. The application shall be submitted to the appropriate regional office for evaluation. The application shall include:

1. A citation of the regulation from which a variance is requested.

2. The nature and duration of variance requested.

3. A statement of the hardship to the owner and the anticipated impacts to the public health and welfare if a variance were granted.

4. Suggested conditions that might be imposed on the granting of a variance that would limit its detrimental impact on public health and welfare.

5. Other information, if any, believed to be pertinent by the applicant.

6. Such other information as may be required to make the determination in accordance with subsection B of this section.

D. Consideration of a variance.

1. The department shall act on any variance request submitted pursuant to this subsection within 90 days of receipt of request.

2. In the department's consideration of whether a biosolids use variance should be granted, the department shall consider such factors as the following:

a. The effect that such a variance would have on the adequate operation of the biosolids use facility, including public nuisance concerns;

b. The cost and other economic considerations imposed by this requirement; and

c. The effect that such a variance would have on the protection of the public health or the environment.

E. Disposition of a variance request.

1. The department may grant the variance request and if the department proposes to deny the variance it shall provide the owner an opportunity to an informal proceeding as provided in § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia. Following this opportunity for an informal proceeding the department may reject any application for a variance by sending a rejection notice to the applicant. The rejection notice shall be in writing and shall state the reasons for the rejection. A rejection notice constitutes a case decision.

2. If the department proposes to grant a variance request submitted pursuant to this regulation, the applicant shall be notified in writing of this decision. Such notice shall identify the variance, the biosolids use facility involved, and shall specify the period of time for which the variance will be effective. Such notice shall provide that the variance will be terminated when the biosolids use facility comes into compliance with the applicable regulation and may be terminated upon a finding by the department that the biosolids use facility has failed to comply with any requirements or schedules issued in conjunction with the variance. The effective date of the variance shall be 15 days following its issuance.

F. Posting of variances. All variances granted for the design or operation of biosolids use facility are nontransferable. Any requirements of the variance shall become part of the permit for biosolids use subsequently granted by the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-340. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-350. Procedures for obtaining a certificate to construct and certificate to operate.

No owner shall cause or allow the construction, expansion, modification, or operation of facilities necessary for biosolids treatment or storage except in compliance with a certificate to construct (CTC) and a certificate to operate (CTO) issued by the department in accordance with the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9VAC25-790).

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-355. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

Article 2
Operational and Monitoring Requirements

9VAC25-32-356. Pollutant monitoring and limits.

Article 2
Operational and Monitoring Requirements

A. Bulk biosolids or biosolids sold or given away in a bag or other container shall be monitored for the parameters identified in Table 1 of this section:



Percent solids (%)

Volatile solids (%)

pH (standard units)

Total Kjeldahl nitrogen (%)

Ammonia nitrogen (%)

Nitrates (mg/kg)

Total phosphorus (%)

Total potassium (%)

Alkalinity as CaCO3 (mg/kg)(2)

Arsenic (mg/kg)

Cadmium (mg/kg)

Copper (mg/kg)

Lead (mg/kg)

Mercury (mg/kg)

Molybdenum (mg/kg)

Nickel (mg/kg)

Selenium (mg/kg)

Zinc (mg/kg)

(1)Values reported on a dry weight basis unless indicated.

(2)Lime treated biosolids (10% or more lime by weight) shall be analyzed for percent CaCO3.

B. Biosolids pollutant limits.

1. Bulk biosolids or biosolids sold or given away in a bag or other container shall not be applied to the land if the concentration of any pollutant in the biosolids exceeds the ceiling concentration for the pollutant in Table 2 of this section.

2. If bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site, either:

a. The cumulative loading rate for each pollutant shall not exceed the cumulative pollutant loading rate for the pollutant in Table 3 of this section; or

b. The concentration of each pollutant in the biosolids shall not exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 4 of this section.

3. If bulk biosolids is applied to a lawn or a home garden, the concentration of each pollutant in the biosolids shall not exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 4 of this section.

4. If biosolids is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land, either:

a. The concentration of each pollutant in the biosolids shall not exceed the concentration for the pollutant in Table 4 of this section; or

b. The product of the concentration of each pollutant in the biosolids and the annual whole sludge application rate for the biosolids shall not cause the annual pollutant loading rate for the pollutant in Table 5 of this section to be exceeded. The procedure used to determine the annual whole sludge application rate is presented in subsection D of this section.

C. Pollutant concentrations and loading rates - biosolids.



Ceiling Concentration
(milligrams per kilogram)*



















*Dry weight basis


Cumulative Pollutant Loading Rate


(kilograms per hectare)

(pounds per acre)


























Notes:(1)Such total applications to be made on soils with the biosolids/soil mixture pH adjusted to 6.0 or greater if the biosolids cadmium content is greater than or equal to 21 mg/kg.

The maximum cumulative application rate is limited for all ranges of cation exchange capacity due to soil background pH in Virginia of less than 6.5 and lack of regulatory controls of soil pH adjustment after biosolids application ceases.

(2)The maximum cumulative application is currently under study by USEPA. Research suggests that for Molybdenum a cumulative pollutant loading rate below 40 kg/hectare may be appropriate to reduce the risk of copper deficiency in grazing animals.



Monthly Average Concentration
(milligrams per kilogram)*


















*Dry weight basis

Note: (1) The monthly average concentration is currently under study by USEPA. Research suggests that a monthly average Molybdenum concentration below 40 mg/kg may be appropriate to reduce the risk of copper deficiency in grazing animals.


Annual Pollutant Loading Rate
(per 365-day period)


(kilograms per hectare)

(pounds per acre)

Arsenic (2)

























Notes:(1)Such total applications to be made on soils with the biosolids/soil mixture pH adjusted to 6.0 or greater if the biosolids cadmium content is greater than or equal to 21 mg/kg.

The maximum cumulative application rate is limited for all ranges of cation exchange capacity due to soil background pH in Virginia of less than 6.5 and lack of regulatory controls of soil pH adjustment after biosolids application ceases.

(2)The maximum cumulative application is currently under study by USEPA.

D. Procedures to determine the annual whole sludge application rate (AWSAR) for biosolids. Subdivision B 4 b of this section requires that the product of the concentration for each pollutant listed in Table 4 of this section in biosolids sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land and the AWSAR for the biosolids not cause the annual pollutant loading rate for the pollutant in Table 5 to be exceeded. This subsection contains that procedure used to determine the AWSAR for a biosolids that does not cause the annual pollutant loading rates (APLR) in Table 5 of this section to be exceeded.

1. The relationship between the APLR for a pollutant and the AWSAR for a biosolids is shown in equation (1):


APLR = C X AWSAR X 0.001

APLR = Annual pollutant loading rate in kilograms per hectare per 365-day period

C = Pollutant concentration in milligrams per kilogram of total solids (dry weight basis)

AWSAR = Annual whole sludge application rate in metric tons per hectare per 365-day period (dry weight basis)

0.001 = A conversion factor

2. To determine the AWSAR, equation (1) is rearranged into equation (2):


AWSAR = APLR/(C X 0.001)

AWSAR = Annual whole sludge application rate in metric tons per hectare per 365-day period (dry weight basis)

APLR = Annual pollutant loading rate in kilograms per hectare per 365-day period

C = Pollutant concentration in milligrams per kilogram of total solids (dry weight basis)

0.001 = A conversion factor

3. The procedure used to determine the AWSAR for a biosolids is presented below:

a. Analyze a sample of the biosolids to determine the concentration for each of the pollutants listed in Table 4 of this section in the biosolids.

b. Using the pollutant concentrations from subdivision 3 a of this subsection and the APLRs from Table 5 of this section, calculate an AWSAR for each pollutant using Equation (2) above.

c. The AWSAR for the biosolids is the lowest AWSAR calculated in subdivision 3 b of this subsection.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-357. Operational standards, pathogens, and vector attraction reduction.

A. Biosolids shall be monitored to verify that the selected pathogen reduction treatment classification and vector attraction reduction method requirements have been met.

B. Pathogens – biosolids.

1. The Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A or the Class B pathogen requirements and site restrictions in 9VAC25-32-675 B shall be met when bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site.

2. The Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A shall be met when bulk biosolids is applied to a lawn or a home garden.

3. The Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A shall be met when biosolids is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land.

C. Pathogens – domestic septage. The requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 C shall be met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site.

D. Vector attraction reduction – biosolids.

1. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 10 shall be met when bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site.

2. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 shall be met when bulk biosolids is applied to a lawn or a home garden.

3. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 shall be met when biosolids is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land.

E. Vector attraction reduction – domestic septage. The vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 9, B 10, or B 12 shall be met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site.

F. Additional operational control information may be required on an individual basis by the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-358. Frequency of monitoring.

A. Biosolids.

1. The frequency of monitoring for the pollutants listed in Tables 1 through 5 of 9VAC25-32-356; the pathogen density requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A and B 2 through B 4; and the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 4, B 7, and B 8 shall be the frequency in Table 1 of this section.


Amount of biosolids(1)

(metric tons per 365-day period)


Greater than zero but less than 290

Once per year

Equal to or greater than 290 but less than 1,500

Once per quarter (four times per year)

Equal to or greater than 1,500 but less than 15,000

Once per 60 days (six times per year)

Equal to or greater than 15,000

Once per month (12 times per year

Note(1): Either the amount of bulk biosolids applied to the land or the amount of biosolids received by a person who prepares biosolids that is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land (dry weight basis).

Note(2): Sampling shall be conducted at approximately equal intervals at the listed frequencies. Biosolids programs that store biosolids and land apply only during discrete events throughout the year shall schedule sampling events to coincide with application periods. The department may require increased monitoring frequencies, if necessary, to adequately define any significant variability in biosolids quality.

2. After the biosolids has been monitored for two years at the frequency in Table 1 of this section, the department may reduce the frequency of monitoring for pollutant concentrations and for the pathogen density requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A 5 b and c.

B. Domestic septage. If the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 12 are met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site, each container of domestic septage applied to the land shall be monitored for compliance with those requirements.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-359. Recordkeeping.

A. Biosolids.

1. If the pollutant concentrations in Table 4 of 9VAC25-32-356, the Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A, and the vector attraction reduction requirements in either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10 are met when bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site:

a. The person who prepares the bulk biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

(1) The concentration of each pollutant listed in Table 4 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the bulk biosolids;

(2) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."; and

(3) A description of how the pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A are met.

b. The person who applies the bulk biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

(1) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the management practices in 9VAC25-32-560 and the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment.";

(2) A description of how the management practices in 9VAC25-32-560 are met for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied; and

(3) A description of how the vector attraction reduction requirements in either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10 are met for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied.

2. If the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4 and the Class B pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 B are met when bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site:

a. The person who prepares the bulk biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

(1) The concentration of each pollutant listed in Table 4 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the bulk biosolids;

(2) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the Class B pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 B and the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8, if one of those requirements is met) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.";

(3) A description of how the Class B pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 B are met; and

(4) When one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 is met, a description of how the vector attraction reduction requirement is met.

b. The person who applies the bulk biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

(1) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the management practices in 9VAC25-32-560, the site restrictions in 9VAC25-32-675 B 5, and the vector attraction reduction requirements in (insert either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10, if one of those requirements is met) was prepared for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.";

(2) A description of how the management practices in 9VAC25-32-560 are met on each site on which bulk biosolids is applied;

(3) A description of how the site restrictions in 9VAC25-32-675 B 5 are met for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied;

(4) When the vector attraction reduction requirement in either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10 is met, a description of how the vector attraction reduction requirement is met; and

(5) The date bulk biosolids is applied to each site.

3. If the requirements in 9VAC25-32-356 B 2 are met when bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site:

a. The person who prepares the bulk biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

(1) The concentration of each pollutant listed in Table 2 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the bulk biosolids;

(2) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the pathogen requirements in (insert either 9VAC25-32-675 A or B and the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8, if one of those requirements is met)) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fines and imprisonment.";

(3) A description of how the pathogen requirements in either 9VAC25-32-675 A or B are met; and,

(4) When one of the vector attraction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 is met, a description of how the vector attraction reduction requirement is met.

b. The person who applies the bulk biosolids shall develop the following information, retain the information in subdivisions A 3 b (1) through A 3 b (7) indefinitely, and retain the information in subdivisions A 3 b (8) through A 3 b (13) for five years:

(1) The location, by either street address or latitude and longitude, of each site on which bulk biosolids is applied;

(2) The number of hectares in each site on which bulk biosolids is applied;

(3) The date bulk biosolids is applied to each site;

(4) The cumulative amount of each pollutant (i.e., kilograms) listed in Table 3 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the bulk biosolids applied to each site, including the amount in 9VAC25-32-313 F 2 c;

(5) The amount of biosolids (i.e., dry metric tons) applied to each site;

(6) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the requirements to obtain information in 9VAC25-32-313 F 2 was prepared for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment.";

(7) A description of how the requirements to obtain information in 9VAC25-32-313 F 2 are met;

(8) The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the management practices in 9VAC25-32-313 B and 9VAC25-32-560 was prepared for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fine and imprisonment.";

(9) A description of how the management practices in 9VAC25-32-560 are met for each site on which bulk biosolids is applied;

(10) The following certification statement when the bulk biosolids meet the Class B pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 B:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the site restrictions in 9VAC25-32-675 B 5 was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including fines and imprisonment.";

(11) A description of how the site restrictions in 9VAC25-32-675 B 5 are met for each site on which Class B bulk biosolids is applied;

(12) The following certification statement when the vector attraction reduction requirement in either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10 is met:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment."; and

(13) If the vector attraction reduction requirements in either 9VAC25-32-685 B 9 or B 10 are met, a description of how the requirements are met.

B. Domestic septage. When domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site, the person who applies the domestic septage shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

1. The location, by either street address or latitude and longitude, of each site on which domestic septage is applied;

2. The number of acres in each site on which domestic septage is applied;

3. The date domestic septage is applied to each site;

4. The nitrogen and phosphorus requirement for the crop or vegetation grown on each site during the 365-day period;

5. The rate, in gallons per acre per 365-day period, at which domestic septage is applied to each site;

6. The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the pathogen requirements in (insert either 9VAC25-32-675 C 1 or C 2) and the vector attraction reduction requirements in (insert 9VAC25-32-685 B 9, B 10, or B 12) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.";

7. A description of how the pathogen requirements in either 9VAC25-32-675 C 1 or C 2 are met; and

8. A description of how the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 9; B 10 and B 12 are met.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-360. Reporting.

A. An activity report shall be submitted (electronically or postmarked) to the department by the 15th day of each month for land application activity that occurred in the previous calendar month, unless another date is specified in the permit in accordance with 9VAC25-32-80 I 4. The report shall indicate those sites where land application activities took place during the previous month. If no land application occurs under a permit during the calendar month, a report shall be submitted stating that no land application occurred.

B. A report shall be submitted to the department annually on February 19 of each year for the previous calendar year's activity. The report shall include at a minimum:

1. The information in 9VAC25-32-359 A, except the information in 9VAC25-32-359 A 1 b, A 2 b and A 3 b, for the appropriate requirements; and

2. The information in 9VAC25-32-359 A 3 b (1) through (7) when 90% or more of any of the cumulative pollutant loading rates in Table 3 of 9VAC25-32-356 is reached at a land application site.

C. Reports shall be maintained documenting the required treatment and quality characteristics and the maximum allowable land application loading rates established for biosolids use; in addition, operational monitoring results shall verify that required sludge treatment has achieved the specified levels of pathogen control and vector attraction reductions (9VAC25-32-675 and 9VAC25-32-685). Adequate records on biosolids composition, treatment classification, biosolids application rates, and methods of application for each site shall be maintained by the generator and owner.

D. The generator and owner shall maintain the records for a minimum period of five years. Sites receiving frequent applications of biosolids that meet or exceed maximum cumulative constituent loadings and dedicated disposal sites should be properly referenced for future land transactions (Sludge Disposal Site Dedication Form).

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-370. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-380. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-390. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-400. Additional monitoring.

A. The department may require that additional site specific monitoring be performed by the holder of the permit for any biosolids land application practice regardless of frequency of application or size of the application area. Such requirements may occur in situations in which groundwater contamination, surface runoff, soil toxicity, health hazards or nuisance conditions are identified as an existing problem or potential problem as a result of biosolids use operations. Additional monitoring may include, but is not limited to, groundwater, surface water, crop, and soil monitoring.

B. The department may require the owner or operator of any facility or operation to install, use, and maintain monitoring equipment for internal testing of biosolids quality, to identify and determine the causes of operational problems, and to determine the necessary corrective actions to correct such problems. If this testing is required, test results shall be recorded, compiled, and reported to the department.

C. Additional operational control information may be required on an individual basis by the department.

D. The department may require biosolids to be tested for certain toxic organic compounds prior to agricultural use. If performed and validated, these test results shall be utilized to evaluate the maximum allowable annual loading rate for the tested biosolids. If analytical test results verify that biosolids contains levels of organic chemicals exceeding concentration limits incorporated in federal regulations or standards, appropriate restrictions shall be imposed for agricultural use of those biosolids.

E. Additional parameters may be required for screening purposes such as aluminum (mg/kg), water soluble boron (mg/kg), calcium (mg/kg), manganese (mg/kg), sulfates (mg/kg), and those pollutants for which removal credits are granted.

F. Microbiological testing may be necessary to document the sludge treatment classification (9VAC25-32-675). Microbiological standards shall be verified by the log mean of the analytical results from testing of seven or more samples of the sludge source. Sampling events shall be separated by an appropriate period of time so as to be representative of the random and cyclic variations in sewage characteristics.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-410. Biosolids management plan.

A. The permit holder shall maintain and implement a Biosolids Management Plan that shall consist of three components:

1. The materials, including site booklets, developed and submitted at the time of permit application or permit modification adding a farm to the permit in accordance with 9VAC25-32-60 F;

2. Nutrient management plan developed for each site, prior to biosolids application; and

3. Operations and maintenance (O&M) manual, developed and submitted to the department within 90 days of the effective date of the permit.

B. The biosolids management plan and all of its components shall be incorporated as an enforceable part of the permit.

C. Nutrient management plan:

1. A nutrient management plan approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation shall be required for application sites prior to department authorization under specific conditions, including but not limited to:

a. Sites operated by an owner or lessee of a confined animal feeding operation as defined in subsection A of § 62.1-44.17:1 of the Code of Virginia, or confined poultry feeding operation as defined in subsection A of § 62.1-44.17:1.1 of the Code of Virginia;

b. Sites where land application more frequently than once every three years at greater than 50% of the annual agronomic rate is proposed;

c. Mined or disturbed land sites where land application is proposed at greater than agronomic rates; and

d. Other sites based on site-specific conditions that increase the risk that land application may adversely impact state waters.

2. Where conditions at the land application site change so that it meets one or more of the specific conditions identified in subdivisions 1 a through d of this subsection, an approved nutrient management plan shall be submitted prior to any future land application at the site.

3. The nutrient management plan shall be available for review by the department at the land application site during biosolids land application.

4. Within 30 days after land application at the site has commenced, the permit holder shall provide a copy of the nutrient management plan to the farm operator of the site, the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the chief executive officer or designee for the local government unless they request in writing not to receive the nutrient management plan.

5. The nutrient management plan must be approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation prior to land application for application sites where the soil test phosphorus levels exceed the values in Table 1 of this section. For purposes of approval, permittees should submit the nutrient management plan to the Department of Conservation and Recreation at least 30 days prior to the anticipated date of land application to ensure adequate time for the approval process.




Soil Test P (ppm)

VPI & SU Test (Mehlich I)*

Eastern Shore and Lower Coastal Plain


Middle and Upper Coastal Plain and Piedmont


Ridge and Valley


*If results are from another laboratory, the Department of Conservation and Recreation approved conversion factors must be used.

D. The O&M manual shall include at a minimum:

1. Equipment maintenance and calibration procedures and schedules;

2. Storage facility maintenance procedures and schedules;

3. Sampling schedules for:

a. Required monitoring; and

b. Operational control testing;

4. Sample collection, preservation, and analysis procedures, including laboratories and methods used; and

5. Instructions for recording and reporting of all monitoring activities.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-420. Operability.

A. Independently operated essential equipment, or components, of biosolids use facilities and operations, including treatment works, shall be provided with sufficient capacity and routine maintenance resources so that the average quantity of biosolids used may be reliably transported, stored, treated or otherwise managed in accordance with permit requirements.

B. The need for spare parts shall be determined from operational experience and evaluation of past maintenance requirements. A spare parts inventory may be included in the operation and maintenance manual.

C. Sufficient spare parts determined as necessary to ensure continuous operability of essential unit operations and equipment shall be either located at the treatment works or at readily accessible locations. The minimum quantities of spare parts actually provided shall be in accordance with the operation and maintenance manual.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-430. Maintenance.

A regular or routine program of preventive maintenance shall be adhered to. The operations and maintenance manual shall contain a system of maintenance requirements to be accomplished. The routine, minimum preventive maintenance system shall be in accordance with the operations and maintenance manual. Such a system should provide for advanced scheduling of preventive maintenance and should be continually assessed in order to reflect increased service requirements as equipment ages or flow rates increase. Adequate records, files and inventories to assist the operator in his task should also be described in the operation and maintenance manual. Information systems provided for maintenance should describe the documentation required to verify biosolids treatment quality necessary for compliance with permits. Where certain components of the treatment process may be damaged by flooding so as to cause excessive delays in restoring the treatment process to a normal operating level, the means of protecting or removal of such components prior to flooding should be described in the operations and maintenance manual.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008.

9VAC25-32-440. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-450. Sampling, analysis, and preservation.

A. Representative samples of biosolids that is applied to the land or placed on a surface disposal site shall be collected and analyzed.

1. Raw sewage or sludge samples are to be collected prior to the treatment process unit operations.

2. Final treated samples are to be taken at a point following appropriate unit operations in the treatment process. An evaluation of biosolids treatment may require monitoring of fecal coliform levels in treated biosolids.

3. Composite samples shall be collected in accordance with the treatment works operation and maintenance manual.

B. Liquid biosolids. In the case of digesters and liquid storage holding tanks, a representative sample shall be composed of at least four grab samples obtained during daily operations at the facility or land application site. Samples of liquid biosolids obtained under pressure or vacuum should be obtained shortly after the beginning, during and at the end of the time period that the biosolids are produced at the sampling point.

C. Biosolids storage facilities. Equal volumes of biosolids shall be withdrawn from random locations across the width and throughout the length of the storage facility at the surface, mid-depth and near the bottom of the lagoon at each grab sample location. These grab samples shall be added to form a composite mix. A range of the minimum number of grab samples that should be obtained from various sizes of biosolids storage facilities in order to obtain a representative composite sample is presented in Table 1 of this section:


Surface Area (Acres)

Minimum Number of Grab Samples

Depth less than 4 feet

Depth greater than 4 feet

1 to 9.99

4 to 5

6 to 8

10 or more

6 to 8

9 to 11

D. Dewatered biosolids. Small, equally sized grab samples of the dewatered sludge stream may be taken at equally spaced intervals over the period of operation of the dewatering unit. Centrifuged biosolids samples may be taken from a belt conveyor or receiving hopper. Filter cake biosolids samples may be taken from a belt conveyor or a portion of the cake may be removed as it leaves the unit. The smaller grab samples should be combined to form a representative composite sample. A composite sample can be obtained over the daily operational period at the land application site.

E. Compost sampling. Collect composite samples composed of at least three grab samples of one kilogram or more so that a representative average level of compost characteristics can be obtained from analytical testing. This mixture should be used for analytical testing or for combination with other composites to obtain a total composite sample representing a fixed period of operation. Compost samples may be taken with a scoop or shovel and placed in flexible bags that can be thoroughly shaken to mix grab samples.

F. Biosolids samples shall be preserved and analyzed in accordance with methods listed in 40 CFR Part 136 and methods identified in 9VAC25-31-490. Calculation procedures in the methods shall be used to calculate the percent volatile solids reduction for biosolids. Any other acceptable test procedure not listed in 40 CFR Part 136 shall be specified in the VPA permit.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia; § 402 of the Clean Water Act; 40 CFR Parts 122, 123, 124, 403, and 503.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013; Volume 34, Issue 19, eff. June 13, 2018.

9VAC25-32-460. Soils monitoring.

A. Soil shall be sampled and analyzed prior to biosolids application. No sample analysis used to determine application rates shall be more than three years old at the time of biosolids land application. Soil shall be sampled and analyzed in accordance with Table 1 of this section. Reduced monitoring may also apply to one time biosolids applications to forest or reclaimed lands. For background analysis, random composite soil samples from the zone of incorporation is required for infrequent applications and frequent applications at less than agronomic rates (total less than 15 dry tons per acre).



Soil pH (Std. Units)

Available phosphorus (ppm)2

Extractable potassium (ppm)

Extractable sodium (mg/100g)3

Extractable calcium (mg/100g)

Extractable magnesium (mg/100g)

Zinc (ppm)

Manganese (ppm)

1Note: Unless otherwise stated, analyses shall be reported on a dry weight basis.

2Available P shall be analyzed using one of the following methods: Mehlich I or Mehlich III.

3Extractable sodium shall be analyzed only where biosolids known to be high in sodium will be land applied.

B. The permit applicant or permit holder may be required to conduct soil testing and analysis of additional parameters, as determined by the department, based on site-specific history or conditions.

C. Samples shall be collected in accordance with § 10.1-104.2 of the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-470. Crop monitoring and reporting.

Vegetation monitoring may be required by the department upon recommendation of the department once every three years on sites with frequent applications of biosolids applied at or greater than agronomic rates and when 400 pounds per acre or more of available phosphorus has been applied to the soil. Analyses of plant tissue should be conducted at the proper growth stage as recommended by either the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation or Virginia Cooperative Extension Service. Routine analyses include nitrate-nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc. Analysis for additional parameters may be necessary as determined on a case-by-case basis. Results shall be reported annually to the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-480. Groundwater monitoring and reporting.

A. Monitoring wells may be required by the department for land treatment sites, sludge lagoons, biosolids land application sites, or biosolids storage facilities to monitor groundwater quality.

B. If groundwater monitoring is required, a groundwater monitoring plan shall be submitted to the department for approval that includes at a minimum:

1. Geologic and hydrologic conditions at the site;

2. Monitoring well design, placement, and construction;

3. Sampling frequency;

4. Sampling procedures, including quality assurance and quality control; and

5. Collection of background samples.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008, Errata, 25:15 VA.R. 2804 March 30, 2009; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

Article 3
Biosolids Use Standards and Practices

9VAC25-32-490. Compliance with biosolids use practices of this chapter.

Guidelines set forth in 9VAC25-32-515 through 9VAC25-32-580 of this regulation specify minimum standards for biosolids use for land application, marketing and distribution, including biosolids quality and site specific management practices. Compliance with this chapter will not be required for facilities not including land application, distribution, or marketing, which have received the approval of the Commissioner of the State Department of Health and the State Water Control Board and for which operation has commenced as of January 1, 2008. Such operation of facilities is deemed to be commenced upon issuance of a certificate to operate in accordance with the Sewage Collection and Treatment Regulations (9VAC25-790). However, the department may impose standards and requirements that are more stringent than those contained in this regulation according to the provisions of 9VAC25-32-100 E, 9VAC25-32-315, and 9VAC25-32-560 B 3. Conformance to local land use zoning and planning should be resolved between the local government and the facility owner or permit holder. Applications submitted for facilities must demonstrate that the facility and biosolids use management practices will adequately safeguard public health and will comply with the certificate and permit requirements, as appropriate. Submissions that are in substantial compliance with this regulation and comply with any additional requirements as noted above will be approved. Justification for biosolids use proposals may be required for those portions of the submitted proposal that differ from these criteria. The owner or owner's agent shall identify and justify noncompliance with specific standards or "shall" criteria that the department identifies, or the applicant, in his judgment, believes to be substantial in nature. The department may request changes in designs that are not in substantial compliance with this regulation and that are not adequately justified by the applicant. The fact that significant work was accomplished on a specific permit application prior to adoption of this regulation shall be a consideration when evaluating applications.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-500. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-510. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-515. Notification of land application activity.

A. Written notification.

1. At least 100 days prior to commencing the first land application of biosolids at a permitted site, the permit holder shall deliver or cause to be delivered written notification to the chief executive officer or designee for the local government where the site is located. This requirement may be satisfied by the department's notice to the local government at the time of receiving the permit application if all necessary information is included in the notice or by providing a list of available permitted sites in the locality at least 100 days prior to commencing the application at any site on the list. If the site is located in more than one county, the information shall be provided to all jurisdictions where the site is located.

2. At least 14 days prior to commencing land application of biosolids at a permitted site, the permit holder shall deliver or cause to be delivered written notification to the department and the chief executive officer or designee for the local government where the site is located unless they request in writing not to receive the notice. The notice shall identify the location of the permitted site and the expected sources of the biosolids to be applied to the site.

3. Not more than 24 hours prior to commencing land application activities, including delivery of biosolids at a permitted site, the permittee shall notify in writing the department and the chief executive officer or designee for the local government where the site is located unless they request in writing not to receive the notice. This notification shall include identification of the biosolids source and shall include only sites where land application activities will commence within 24 hours or where biosolids will be staged within 24 hours.

B. Posting signs.

1. At least five business days prior to delivery of biosolids for land application on any site permitted under this regulation, the permit holder shall post signs at the site that comply with this section, are visible and legible from the public right-of-way in both directions of travel, and conform to the specifications herein. The sign shall remain in place for at least five business days after land application has been completed at the site. The permit holder shall not remove the signs until at least 30 days after land application has been completed at the site.

a. A sign shall be posted at or near the intersection of the public right-of-way and the main site access road or driveway to the site used by the biosolids transport vehicles.

b. If the field is located adjacent to a public right-of-way, at least one sign shall be posted along each public road frontage beside the field to be land applied.

c. The department may grant a waiver to the requirements in this section, or require alternative posting options due to extenuating circumstances or where requirements conflict with local government ordinances and other requirements regulating the use of signs.

2. Upon the posting of signs at a land application site prior to commencing land application, the permittee shall deliver or cause to be delivered written notification to the department and the chief executive officer or designee for the local government where the site is located unless they request in writing not to receive the notice. Notification shall be delivered to the department within 24 hours of the posting of signs. The notice shall include the following:

a. The name and telephone number of the permit holder, including the name of a representative knowledgeable of the permit;

b. Identification by tax map number and the DEQ control number for sites on which land application is to take place;

c. The name or title and telephone number of at least one individual designated by the permit holder to respond to questions and complaints related to the land application project if not the permit holder identified in 9VAC25-32-515 B 2 a;

d. The approximate dates on which land application is to begin and end at the site; and

e. The name, address, and telephone number of the wastewater treatment facility or facilities from which the biosolids will originate, including the name or title of a representative of the treatment facility who is knowledgeable about the land application operation.

3. The sign shall be made of weather-resistant materials and shall be sturdily mounted so as to be capable of remaining in place and legible throughout the period that the sign is required at the site. Signs required by this section shall be temporary, nonilluminated, and four square feet or more in area, and only contain the following information:

a. A statement that biosolids are being land-applied at the site;

b. The name of the permit holder;

c. The telephone number of an individual designated by the permit holder to respond to complaints and inquiries; and

d. Contact information for the department, including a telephone number for complaints and inquiries.

4. The permit holder shall make a good faith effort to replace or repair any sign that has been removed from a land application site or that has been damaged so as to render any of its required information illegible prior to five business days after completion of land application.

C. Handling of complaints.

1. Within 24 hours of receiving notification of a complaint, the permit holder shall commence investigation of said complaint and shall determine whether the complaint is substantive. The permit holder shall confirm receipt of all substantive complaints by phone, email, or facsimile to the department, the chief executive officer or his designee for the local government of the jurisdiction in which the complaint originates, and the owner of the treatment facility from which the biosolids originated within 24 hours after receiving the complaint.

2. For the purposes of this section, a substantive complaint shall be deemed to be any complaint alleging a violation of these regulations, state law, or local ordinance; a release of biosolids to state waters or to a public right-of-way or to any location not authorized in the permit; or failure to comply with the nutrient management plan for the land application site.

3. Localities receiving complaints concerning land application of biosolids shall notify the department and the permit holder within 24 hours of receiving the complaint.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-520. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-530. Land acquisition.

A. When an application to permit land application of biosolids is submitted to the department, the permit applicant shall ensure the continued availability of the land and protection from improper concurrent use during the utilization period.

B. Land acquisition requirements.

1. Permit holders shall use a unique control number assigned by the department as an identifier for fields permitted for land application.

2. A written agreement shall be established between the landowner and permit applicant or permit holder to be submitted with the permit application, whereby the landowner shall consent to apply biosolids on his property. The landowner agreement shall include:

a. A statement certifying that the landowner is the sole owner or one of multiple owners of the property or properties identified on the landowner agreement;

b. A statement certifying that no concurrent agreements are in effect for the fields to be permitted for biosolids application;

c. An acknowledgement that the landowner shall notify the permittee when land is sold or ownership transferred;

d. An acknowledgement that the landowner shall notify the permittee if any conditions change such that any component of the landowner agreement becomes invalid;

e. Permission to allow department staff on the landowner's property to conduct inspections;

f. An acknowledgement by the landowner of any site restrictions identified in the regulation;

g. An acknowledgement that the landowner has received a biosolids fact sheet approved by the department; and

h. An acknowledgement that the landowner shall not remove notification signs placed by the permit holder.

3. New landowner agreements using the most current form provided by the department shall be submitted to the department for proposed land application sites identified in each application for issuance or reissuance of a permit or the modification to add land to an existing permit that authorizes the land application of biosolids.

4. For permits modified in order to incorporate changes to this regulation, the permit holder shall, within 60 days of the effective date of the permit modification, advise the landowner by certified letter of the requirement to provide a new landowner agreement. The letter shall include instructions to the landowner for signing and returning the new landowner agreement, and shall advise the landowner that the permit holder's receipt of such new landowner agreement is required prior to application of biosolids to the landowner's property.

5. The responsibility for obtaining and maintaining the agreements lies with the permit holder. The written agreement shall be submitted to the department with the permit application.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-540. Transport.

A. Transport routes should follow primary highways, shall avoid residential areas when possible, and shall comply with all Virginia Department of Transportation requirements and standards. Transport vehicles shall be sufficiently sealed to prevent leakage and spillage of biosolids. For biosolids with a solids content of less than 15%, totally closed watertight transport vehicles with rigid tops shall be provided to prevent spillage unless adequate justification is provided to demonstrate that such controls are unnecessary. The department may also require certain dewatered biosolids exceeding 15% solids content to be handled as liquid biosolids. The minimum information for biosolids transport that shall be supplied in the biosolids management plan is listed in 9VAC25-32-60 F.

B. The permit holder shall be responsible for the prompt cleanup and removal of biosolids spilled during transport. The operations manual shall include a plan for the prevention of spills during transport and for the cleanup and removal of spills. The permit holder shall ensure that its personnel, subcontractors or the drivers of vehicles transporting biosolids for land application shall be properly trained in procedures for spill removal and cleanup.

C. The permit holder shall take appropriate steps to prevent drag-out and track-out of dirt and debris or biosolids from land application sites onto public roads. Where material is transported onto a paved or public road surface, the road surface shall be cleaned thoroughly as soon as practicable, but no later than the end of each day.

D. The permit holder shall promptly report offsite spills to the department, the chief executive officer or designee for the local government and the owner of the facility generating the biosolids. The report shall be made verbally as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours after the discovery of the spill. After business hours notification may be provided by voicemail, facsimile or email.

E. A written report, which shall include a description of measures taken in response to the spill, shall be submitted by the permit holder to the department, the chief executive officer or designee for the local government, and the owner of the facility generating the biosolids within five working days of the spill. The report may be sent by first class mail, facsimile or email, or it may be hand delivered.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-545. Staging of biosolids for land application.

A. Staging is the placement of biosolids on a permitted land application field, within the land application area, in preparation for commencing land application or during an ongoing application, at the field or an adjacent permitted field. Staging is not considered storage and shall not take the place of storage.

B. Staging requirements.

1. Staging of biosolids shall not commence unless the field meets the requirements for land application in accordance with Part IX (9VAC25-32-303 et seq.) of this regulation and field conditions are favorable for land application;

2. Biosolids may be staged for up to seven days from the first day biosolids are offloaded onto the staging area, with the following exceptions:

a. In areas of Karst topography, biosolids offloaded at a permitted land application field shall be land applied by the end of the business day;

b. In areas identified in the USDA soil survey as frequently flooded, biosolids offloaded at a permitted land application field shall be land applied by the end of the business day; or

c. Biosolids shall not be staged overnight on sites that have on-site storage;

3. If staged biosolids cannot be spread by the end of the seventh day of staging, the permittee shall take the following actions:

a. Biosolids shall be covered to prevent contact with precipitation;

b. The permittee shall notify the department in writing within 24 hours. Notification shall include the biosolids source or sources and amounts, location of the site, and reason for staging biosolids longer than seven days; and

c. Biosolids that have been staged for greater than seven days shall be spread or removed from the field as soon as field conditions become favorable for land application;

4. Staging shall be limited to the amount of biosolids specified in the nutrient management plan to be applied at the intended field;

5. Biosolids will be staged within the land application area of the field in which the biosolids will be applied or in a permitted field adjacent to the subject field, in a location selected to prevent runoff to waterways and drainage ditches;

6. Biosolids shall not be staged in the setback areas;

7. Biosolids shall not be staged overnight within 400 feet of an occupied dwelling unless reduced or waived through written consent of the occupant and landowner;

8. Biosolids shall not be staged overnight within 200 feet of a property line unless reduced or waived through written consent of the landowner;

9. Management practices, as described in the biosolids management plan, shall be utilized as appropriate to prevent pollution of state waters by staged biosolids;

10. Staged biosolids are to be inspected by the certified land applier daily. After precipitation events of 0.1 inches or greater inspections shall ensure that runoff controls are in good working order. Observed excessive slumping, erosion, or movement of biosolids is to be corrected within 24 hours. Any ponding at the site is to be corrected and any malodor shall be addressed in accordance with the odor control plan. The certified land applier shall maintain documentation of the inspections of staged biosolids; and

11. Staged biosolids shall be managed so as to prevent adverse impacts to water quality or public health.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-550. Storage facilities.

A. No person shall apply to the department for a permit, a variance, or a permit modification authorizing storage of biosolids without first complying with all requirements adopted pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:3 R of the Code of Virginia.

B. Two types of storage may be integrated into a complete biosolids management plan:

1. On-site storage, or

2. Routine storage. Only routine storage facilities shall be considered a facility under this regulation.

C. All on-site storage and routine storage facilities shall comply with the requirements of this section by 12 months from the effective date of this regulation.

D. On-site storage. On-site storage is the short-term storage of biosolids on a constructed surface within a site approved for land application at a location preapproved by the department. These stored biosolids shall be applied only to sites under the operational control of the same owner or operator of the site where the on-site storage is located. Requirements for on-site storage include the following:

1. The certified land applier shall notify the department within the same working day whenever it is necessary to implement on-site storage. Notification shall include the source or sources, location, and amounts;

2. A surface shall be constructed with sufficient strength to support operational equipment and with a maximum permeability of 10-7 cm/sec;

3. Storage shall be limited to the amount of biosolids specified in the nutrient management plan to be applied at sites under the operational control of the same owner or operator of the site where the on-site storage is located;

4. If malodors related to the stored biosolids are verified by the department at any occupied dwelling on surrounding property, the problem must be corrected within 48 hours. If the problem is not corrected within 48 hours, the biosolids must be removed from the storage site;

5. All biosolids stored on the on-site storage pad shall be land applied by the 45th day from the first day of on-site storage;

6. Biosolids storage shall be located to provide minimum visibility from adjacent properties;

7. Best management practices shall be utilized as appropriate to prevent contact with storm water run on or runoff;

8. Stored biosolids are to be inspected by the certified land applier at least every seven days and after precipitation events of 0.1 inches or greater to ensure that runoff controls are in good working order. Observed excessive slumping, erosion, or movement of biosolids is to be corrected within 24 hours. Any ponding or malodor at the storage site is to be corrected. The certified land applier shall maintain documentation of inspections of stored biosolids;

9. The department may prohibit or require additional restrictions for on-site storage in areas of Karst topography and environmentally sensitive sites; and

10. Storage of biosolids shall be managed so as to prevent adverse impacts to water quality or public health.

E. Routine storage. Routine storage is the long-term storage of biosolids at a facility not located at the site of the wastewater treatment plant, preapproved by the department and constructed specifically for the storage of biosolids to be applied at any permitted site. Routine storage facilities shall be provided for all land application projects if no alternative means of management is available during nonapplication periods. No person shall apply to the department for a permit, a variance, or a permit modification authorizing storage of biosolids without first complying with all requirements adopted pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:3 A 5 of the Code of Virginia. Plans and specifications for any surface storage facilities (pits, ponds, lagoons) or aboveground facilities (tanks, pads) shall be submitted as part of the minimum information requirements. The minimum information requirements include:

1. Location.

a. The facility shall be located at an elevation that is not subject to, or is otherwise protected against, inundation produced by the 100-year flood/wave action as defined by U.S. Geological Survey or equivalent information.

b. Storage facilities should be located to provide minimum visibility.

c. All storage facilities located offsite of property owned by the generator shall be provided with a minimum 750-feet setback area. The length of the setback area considered will be the distance measured from the perimeter of the storage facility. Residential uses, high-density human activities and activities involving food preparation are prohibited within the setback area. The department may reduce the setback requirements based on site-specific factors, such as facility size, topography, prevailing wind direction, and the inclusion of an effective windbreak in the overall design.

2. Design capacity.

a. The design capacity for storage of liquid biosolids shall be sufficient to store a minimum volume equivalent to 60 days or more average production of biosolids and the incidental wastewater generated by operation of the treatment works plus sufficient capacity necessary for: (i) the 25 year-24 hour design storm (incident rainfall and any runoff as may be present); (ii) net precipitation excess during the storage period; and (iii) an additional one foot freeboard from the maximum water level (attributed to the sum of the above factors) to the top berm elevation. Storage capacity of less than that specified above will be considered on a case-by-case basis only if sufficient justification warrants such a reduction.

b. If alternative methods of management cannot be adequately verified, contractors shall provide for a minimum of 30 days of in-state routine storage capacity for the average quantity of biosolids transported into Virginia from out-of-state treatment works generating at least a Class B biosolids.

3. Facility design.

a. All drawings and specifications shall be submitted in accordance with 9VAC25-790-160.

b. The biosolids shall be stored on an engineered surface with a maximum permeability of 10-7 cm/sec and of sufficient strength to support operational equipment.

c. Storage facilities designed to hold dewatered biosolids shall be constructed with a cover to prevent contact with precipitation.

d. Existing facilities permitted as routine storage facilities and designed to contain liquid biosolids may be used to store dewatered biosolids. The supernatant shall be managed as liquid biosolids in accordance with 9VAC25-32-550 E 5 d. Freeboard shall be maintained in accordance with 9VAC25-32-550 E 5 c. The department may require additional monitoring prior to land application.

e. Storage facilities shall be of uniform shape (round, square, rectangular) with no narrow or elongated portions.

f. The facilities shall also be designed to permit access of equipment necessary for loading and unloading biosolids, and shall be designed with receiving facilities to allow for even distribution of biosolids into the facility.

g. The design shall also provide for truck cleaning facilities.

4. Monitoring. All biosolids storage facilities shall be monitored in accordance with the requirements of this regulation. Plans and specifications shall be provided for such a monitoring program in accordance with the minimum information specified in 9VAC25-32-60 F and 9VAC25-32-410.

5. Operation.

a. Only biosolids suitable for land application (Class A or B biosolids) shall be placed into permitted routine storage facilities.

b. Storage of biosolids located offsite or remote from the wastewater treatment works during the summer months shall be avoided whenever possible so that the routine storage facility remains as empty as possible during the summer months.

c. Storage facilities shall be operated in a manner such that sufficient freeboard is provided to ensure that the maximum anticipated high water elevation due to any and all design storm inputs is not less than one foot below the top berm elevation.

d. Complete plans for supernatant disposal shall be provided in accordance with 9VAC25-32-60 F. Plans for supernatant disposal may include transport to the sewage treatment works, mixing with the biosolids for land application or land application separately. However, separate land application of supernatant will be regulated as liquid biosolids; additional testing, monitoring and treatment (disinfection) may be required.

e. The facility site shall be fenced to a minimum height of five feet; gates and locks shall be provided to control access. The fence shall be posted with signs identifying the facility. The fence shall not be constructed closer than 10 feet to the outside edge of the facility or appurtenances, to allow adequate accessibility.

f. If malodors related to the stored biosolids are verified by the department at any occupied dwelling on surrounding property, the malodor must be corrected within 48 hours.

6. Closure. An appropriate plan of closure or abandonment shall be developed by the permittee when the facility ceases to be utilized and approved by the department. Such plans may also be reviewed by the Department of Health.

7. Recordkeeping. A manifest system shall be developed, implemented and maintained and be available for inspection during operations as part of the overall daily recordkeeping for the project (9VAC25-32-60 F).

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-560. Biosolids utilization methods.

A. Requirements applicable to land application of biosolids.

1. All biosolids application rates, application times and other site management operations shall be restricted as specified in the biosolids management plan. The biosolids management plan shall include a nutrient management plan as required by 9VAC25-32-410 and prepared by a certified nutrient management planner as stipulated in regulations promulgated pursuant to § 10.1-104.2 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Biosolids shall be treated to meet standards for land application as required by Part IX (9VAC25-32-303 et seq.) of this chapter prior to delivery at the land application site. No person shall alter the composition of biosolids at a site approved for land application of biosolids under a Virginia Pollution Abatement Permit. Any person who engages in the alteration of such biosolids shall be subject to the penalties provided in Article 6 (§ 62.1-44.31 et seq.) of Chapter 3.1 of Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia. The addition of lime or deodorants to biosolids that have been treated to meet standards for land application as required by Part IX (9VAC25-32-303 et seq.) of this chapter shall not constitute alteration of the composition of biosolids. The department may authorize public institutions of higher education to conduct scientific research on the composition of biosolids that may be applied to land.

B. Agricultural use. Agricultural use of biosolids is the land application of biosolids to cropland or pasture land to obtain agronomic benefits as a plant nutrient source and soil conditioner.

1. Biosolids treatment. As a minimum, biosolids that are applied to the land or incorporated into the soil shall be treated by a Class II pathogen treatment process and shall be treated or managed to provide an acceptable level of vector attraction reduction.

2. Site soils.

a. Depth to bedrock or restrictive layers shall be a minimum of 18 inches.

b. Biosolids application shall not be made during times when the seasonal high water table of the soil is within 18 inches of the ground surface. If Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey information regarding depth of seasonal water table is not available, the water table depth shall be determined by soil characteristics or water table observations. If the soil survey or such evidence indicates that the seasonal water table can be less than 18 inches below the average ground surface, soil borings shall be conducted within seven days prior to land application operations during periods of high water table for the soil series present to verify the actual water table depth. The use of soil borings and water table depth verification may be required for such sites from November to May (during seasonal high water table elevations) of each year depending on soil type. Constructed channels (agricultural drainage ditches) may be utilized to remove surface water and lower the water table as necessary for crop production and site management.

c. The pH of the biosolids and soil mixture shall be 6.0 or greater at the time of each biosolids application if the biosolids cadmium concentration is greater than or equal to 21 mg/kg. The soil pH must be properly tested and recorded prior to land application operations during which a pH change of one-half unit or more may occur within the zone of incorporation (i.e., use of biosolids containing lime or other alkaline additives at 10% or more of dry solid weight).

d. When soil test pH is less than 5.5 S.U., the land shall be supplemented with lime at the recommended agronomic rate prior to or during biosolids application if the biosolids to be land applied have not been alkaline stabilized.

e. When soil test potassium levels are less than 38 parts per million (Mehlich I analytical procedure or equivalent), the land shall be supplemented with potash at the recommended agronomic rate prior to or during biosolids application.

3. Management practices.

a. Site specific application rates shall not exceed the rates established in the nutrient management plan nor result in exceedance of the cumulative trace element loading rates specified in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 3.

b. Agricultural use of stabilized septage shall be in accordance with the same requirements as biosolids.

c. Infrequent application. If biosolids are applied to a field only once in a three-year period, biosolids may be applied such that the total crop needs for nitrogen is not exceeded during a one-year crop rotation period including the production and harvesting of two crops in succession within a consecutive 12-month growing season. The infrequent application rate may be restricted (i) down to 10% of the maximum cumulative loading rate (9VAC25-32-356 Table 3) for cadmium and lead or (ii) to account for all sources of nutrients applied to the site, including existing residuals.

d. Operations.

(1) Field management. The application rate of all application equipment shall be routinely measured as described in a biosolids management plan. Liquid biosolids shall not be applied at rates exceeding 14,000 gallons per acre, per application. Sufficient drying times shall be allowed between subsequent applications. Application vehicles shall be suitable for use on agricultural land. Pasture and hay fields shall be grazed or clipped to a height of approximately six inches prior to biosolids application. Biosolids shall be applied such that uniform application is achieved. If application methods do not result in a uniform distribution of biosolids, additional operational methods shall be employed following application such as dragging with a pasture harrow, followed by clipping if required, to achieve a uniform distribution of the applied biosolids.

(2) Surface incorporation may be required on cropland by the department, or the local monitor with approval of the department, to mitigate malodors when incorporation is practicable and compatible with a soil conservation plan or contract meeting the standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service.

(3) Slopes above 15%. Biosolids shall not be applied to site slopes exceeding 15%. This restriction may be waived by the department for the establishment and maintenance of perennial vegetation or based on site specific criteria and BMPs in place in the field.

(4) Biosolids application timing and slope restrictions shall conform to criteria contained in regulations promulgated pursuant to § 10.1-104.2 of the Code of Virginia.

(5) Snow. Biosolids may only be applied to snow-covered ground if the snow cover does not exceed one inch and the snow and biosolids are incorporated within 24 hours of application. If snow melts during biosolids application, incorporation is not necessary.

e. Setback distances.

(1) Setback distances. The land application of biosolids shall not occur within the following minimum setback distance requirements (Table 1 of this section):



Adjacent Feature

Minimum Setback Distance (Feet) to Land Application Area

Occupied dwelling


Odor sensitive receptors (without injection or same day incorporation)


Odor sensitive receptors (with injection or same day incorporation)


Property lines


Property lines of publicly accessible sites5


Water supply wells or springs


Public water supply reservoirs


All segments of streams and tributaries designated as a Public Water Supply under the Water Quality Standards


Surface waters without a vegetated buffer


Surface waters with a 35-foot vegetated buffer


Agricultural drainage ditches


All improved roadways


Rock outcrops


Open sinkholes


Limestone rock outcrops and closed sinkholes6


1The setback distance to occupied dwellings may be reduced or waived upon written consent of the occupant and landowner of the dwelling.

2The department shall grant to any landowner or resident in the vicinity of a biosolids land application site an extended setback of up to 200 feet from their property line and up to 400 feet from their occupied dwelling upon request from their physician based on medical reasons. In order for an extended setback request to be granted, the request must be submitted to the department in writing on a form provided by the department. A request must be received by the department no later than 48 hours before land application commences on the field affected by the extended setback, and communicated to the permittee no later than 24 hours before land application commences on the field affected by the extended setback. The department may extend a setback distance within 48 hours of land application if requested by the Virginia Department of Health in connection with the landowner or resident's physician.

3Setback distances may be extended beyond 400 feet where an evaluation by the Virginia Department of Health determines that a setback in excess of 400 feet is necessary to prevent specific and immediate injury to the health of an individual.

4The setback distance to property lines may be reduced or waived upon written consent of the landowner.

5Publicly accessible sites are open to the general public and routinely accommodate pedestrians and include, but are not limited to, schools, churches, hospitals, parks, nature trails, businesses open to the public, and sidewalks. Temporary structures, public roads or similar thoroughfares are not considered publicly accessible.

6A closed sinkhole does not have an open conduit to groundwater. The setback from a closed sinkhole may be reduced or waived by the department upon evaluation by a professional soil scientist.

(2) In cases where more than one setback distance is involved, the most restrictive distance governs.

(3) Waivers. Waivers from adjacent property residents and landowners may only be used to reduce setback distances from occupied dwellings and property lines.

(4) Extended setback distances. The department may increase setback requirements based on site specific features, such as agricultural drainage features and site slopes.

f. Voluntary extensions of setback distances. If a permit holder negotiates a voluntary agreement with a landowner or resident to extend setback distances or add other more restrictive criteria than required by this regulation, the permit holder shall document the agreement in writing and provide the agreement to the department. Voluntary setback increases or other management criteria will not become an enforceable part of the land application permit unless the permit holder modifies the biosolids management plan to include the additional restriction.

g. Extension of setback distances with phosphorus index. If the application rate included in a nutrient management plan for a biosolids land application site is dependent upon an extended setback distance calculated using the phosphorus index, the phosphorus index calculations shall be included in the nutrient management plan. The extended setback distance shall be an enforceable part of the permit.

C. Forestland (Silviculture). Silvicultural use includes application of biosolids to timber and fiber production land, as well as federal and state forests. The forestland may be recently cleared and planted, young plantations (two-year-old to five-year-old trees), or established forest stands.

1. Biosolids standards. Refer to the standards of this article.

2. Site suitability.

a. Site suitability requirements shall conform to the requirements contained in subdivision B 2 of this section.

b. Notwithstanding the requirements of subdivision B 2 of this section the soil pH shall be managed at the natural soil pH for the types of trees proposed for growth.

c. Notwithstanding the requirements of subdivision B 2 of this section the soil test potassium level is not required to be at a minimum level at the time of biosolids application.

3. Management practices.

a. Application rates. Biosolids application rates shall be in accordance with the biosolids management plan. The biosolids management plan shall include information provided by the Virginia Department of Forestry.

b. Operations.

(1) Field management.

(a) High pressure spray shall not be utilized if public activity is occurring within 1,500 feet downwind of the application site. Public access to the site shall be controlled following application in accordance with Article 3 (9VAC25-32-490 et seq.) of this part.

(b) Biosolids application vehicles shall have adequate ground clearance to be suitable for silvicultural field use.

(c) Application scheduling included in the biosolids management plan shall take into account rainfall and periods of freezing conditions.

(d) Monitoring requirements shall be site specific and may include groundwater, surface water or soils, for frequent application sites.

(2) Setbacks. Setbacks shall conform to those for agricultural utilization. Refer to Table 1 of this section.

D. Reclamation of disturbed land.

1. Biosolids standards. Refer to the standards of this article.

2. Site suitability. Site suitability requirements shall conform to the requirements contained in subdivision B 2 of this section. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

3. Management practices.

a. Application rates. The biosolids application rates shall be established in the biosolids management plan in consultation with the Virginia Department of Energy, the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, and the Department of Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The nutrient management plan shall be approved by the Department of Conservation and Recreation prior to permit issuance where land application is proposed at greater than agronomic rates.

b. Vegetation selection. The land shall be seeded with grass and legumes even when reforested. The biosolids management plan shall include information on the seeding mixture and a detailed seeding schedule.

c. Operations.

(1) The soil pH shall be maintained at 6.0 or above if the cadmium level in the biosolids applied is at or above 21 mg/kg. during the first year after the initial application. Soil samples should be analyzed by a qualified laboratory. The application rate shall be limited by the most restrictive cumulative trace element loading (9VAC25-32-356 Table 3).

(2) Surface material shall be turned or worked prior to the surface application of liquid biosolids.

(3) Unless the applied biosolids are determined to be Class A or have been documented as subjected to Class I treatment, crops intended for direct human consumption shall not be grown for a period of three years following the date of the last biosolids application. No animals whose products are intended for human consumption may graze the site or obtain feed from the site for a period of six months following the date of the last biosolids application.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Errata, 30:3 VA.R. 329 October 7, 2013; amended, Virginia Register Volume 38, Issue 3, eff. October 27, 2021; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-570. Distribution and marketing.

A. Exceptional quality. Distribution or marketing provides for the sale or distribution of exceptional quality biosolids or mixtures of exceptional quality biosolids with other materials such that the mixture achieves the Class A pathogen control, vector attraction reduction and pollutant control standards. Distribution or marketing of Class A biosolids that have been mixed with inert materials may be approved on a case-by-case basis. Use of such mixtures for agricultural purposes shall be evaluated through proper testing or research programs designed to assess the suitability of the material for such use. Exceptional quality biosolids marketed as fertilizers or soil conditioners must meet the following conditions:

1. The biosolids product must be registered with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services in accordance with the provisions of § 3.2-3607 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The biosolids product must be processed to meet Class A pathogen requirements as specified in 9VAC25-32-675 A.

3. The biosolids product must meet one of the vector attraction reduction requirements as specified in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

4. The biosolids product must meet the ceiling concentrations specified in 9VAC25-32-356 - Table 2.

5. The biosolids product must meet the pollutant concentrations specified in 9VAC25-32-356 - Table 4.

6. Additional parameters may be required for screening purposes such as organic chemicals, aluminum (mg/kg), water soluble boron (mg/kg), calcium (mg/kg), chlorides (mg/l), manganese (mg/kg), sulfur (mg/kg), and those pollutants for which removal credits are granted.

B. Bulk distribution. Exceptional quality biosolids may be distributed and marketed in either bulk amounts (unpacked) or as a bagged product. The following requirements shall apply to distribution and marketing of biosolids products:

1. Any permit holder who distributes or markets exceptional quality biosolids shall comply with the reporting requirements of §§ 3.2-3609 and 3.2-3610 of the Code of Virginia. The records shall be maintained for five years and made available to the department upon request.

2. Bulk quantities of exceptional quality biosolids shall be land applied in accordance with a nutrient management plan prepared by a certified nutrient management planner as stipulated in regulations promulgated pursuant to § 10.1-104.2 of the Code of Virginia, except under the following conditions:

a. The percent solids of the biosolids is equal to or greater than 90% based on moisture content and total solids, or

b. A blended product derived from biosolids is utilized for a purpose other than land application at agricultural operations.

3. Within 30 days after land application at the site has commenced, the permit holder shall provide a copy of the plan to the farm operator of the site and the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

C. Approval of biosolids sources. Only exceptional quality biosolids produced from a sludge processing facility approved by the department can be distributed and marketed.

D. Information furnished to all users. Labeling requirements shall be addressed in a biosolids management plan. Either a label shall be affixed to the bag or other container in which exceptional quality biosolids is sold or given away for application to the land, or an information sheet shall be provided to the person who receives exceptional quality biosolids. The label or information sheet shall contain the following information:

1. The name and address of the person who prepared the exceptional quality biosolids;

2. A statement that application of the exceptional quality biosolids to the land is prohibited except in accordance with the instructions on the label or information sheet;

3. The annual whole sludge application rate for the biosolids that does not cause any of the annual pollutant loading rates in Table 5 of 9VAC25-32-356 to be exceeded; and

4. Information required in accordance with regulations promulgated under § 3.2-3601 of the Code of Virginia and with the labeling provisions of § 3.2-3611 of the Code of Virginia.

E. Recordkeeping.

1. The person who prepares exceptional quality biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

a. The concentration of each pollutant listed in Table 4 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the biosolids;

b. The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A and the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.";

c. A description of how the Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A are met; and

d. A description of how one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 is met.

2. The person who derives the material that meets the criteria of exceptional quality biosolids shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

a. The concentration of each pollutant listed in Table 4 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the material;

b. The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A and the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.";

c. A description of how the Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A are met; and

d. A description of how one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 is met.

3. If the requirements in 9VAC25-32-356 B 4 b are met when biosolids is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land, the person who prepares the biosolids that is sold or given away in a bag or other container shall develop the following information and shall retain the information for five years:

a. The annual whole sludge application rate for the biosolids that does not cause the annual pollutant loading rates in Table 5 of 9VAC25-32-356 to be exceeded;

b. The concentration of each pollutant listed in Table 5 of 9VAC25-32-356 in the biosolids;

c. The following certification statement:

"I certify, under penalty of law, that the information that will be used to determine compliance with the management practices in 9VAC25-32-570 E and F, the Class A pathogen requirement in 9VAC25-32-675 A, and the vector attraction reduction requirement in (insert one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8) was prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with the system designed to ensure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate this information. I am aware that there are significant penalties for false certification including the possibility of fine and imprisonment.";

d. A description of how the Class A pathogen requirements in 9VAC25-32-675 A are met; and

e. A description of how one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8 is met.

F. An annual report shall be submitted to the department that includes the following information:

1. Total amount in dry tons of exceptional quality biosolids distributed in a bag or other container per year;

2. Total amount in dry tons of exceptional quality biosolids distributed in bulk; and

3. Total amount in dry tons of exceptional quality biosolids distributed from each approved source.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-580. Sludge disposal.

Permits for sludge disposal practices will be issued through other state and federal regulations and are not subject to this regulation. Such practices may include:

1. Incineration. Emission quality control requirements will be established in accordance with state and federal regulations. The generated ash is required to be properly managed in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Applicable regulatory requirements in addition to this regulation may involve permits issued by the appropriate state and federal agencies. Setback distance requirements will be established on a site specific basis in accordance with the applicable regulations.

2. Landfill. Management of stabilized sludge suitable for topdressing of completed landfill areas will be subject to state and federal regulations. Codisposal of sludge within municipal solid waste landfills is subject to state and federal regulation. Codisposal requirements have included:

a. Stabilization treatment of sludges.

b. Dewatering of sludges by methods designed to achieve a suspended solids level of 20% or more, or a treated sludge sample passes the paint filter test standards for free water.

c. A nonhazardous declaration from the owner.

3. Lagooning (surface disposal). When these facilities are closed by burying the wastes in place, they may be considered to be surface disposal sites. A closure plan shall be provided to the appropriate agencies.

4. Dedicated sites. The primary purpose of surface disposal sites is to allow frequent long-term sludge application at a single location at amounts that exceed agronomic rates but not for the purpose of reclaiming disturbed soils. Sludge disposal operations on dedicated sites will be subject to local, state and federal regulations including site management practices. Permits will be issued through state and federal regulations to protect public health and the quality of state waters. Any dedicated site may be subject to local zoning requirements and may be recorded as a dedicated site in the appropriate circuit court deed book by filing a Sludge Disposal Site Dedication Form.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-590. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-600. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-610. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-620. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-630. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-640. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-650. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-660. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

Article 4
Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction

9VAC25-32-665. Scope.

Article 4
Pathogen and Vector Attraction Reduction

A. This article contains the requirements for a biosolids to be classified either Class A or Class B with respect to pathogens.

B. This article contains the site restrictions for land on which a Class B biosolids is applied.

C. This article contains the pathogen requirements for domestic septage applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site.

D. This article contains alternative vector attraction reduction requirements for biosolids that is applied to the land or placed on a surface disposal site.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-670. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-675. Pathogens.

A. Biosolids - Class A.

1. The requirement in subdivision 2 of this subsection and the requirements in either subdivision 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 of this subsection shall be met for biosolids to be classified as Class A biosolids with respect to pathogens.

2. The Class A pathogen requirements in subdivisions 3 through 8 of this subsection shall be met either prior to meeting or at the same time the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685, except the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 6 through B 8, are met.

3. Class A - Alternative 1.

a. Either the density of fecal coliform in the biosolids shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis), or the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in the biosolids shall be less than three Most Probable Number per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2, the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4, the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section, and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

b. The temperature of the sewage sludge that is used as biosolids or disposed shall be maintained at a specific value for a period of time.

(1) When the percent solids of the sewage sludge is 7.0% or higher, the temperature of the sewage sludge shall be 50°C or higher, the time period shall be 20 minutes or longer; and the temperature and time period shall be determined using equation (1), except when small particles of sewage sludge are heated by either warmed gases or an immiscible liquid.


D = 131,700,000/100.1400t

D = time in days

t = temperature in degrees Celsius

(2) When the percent solids of the sewage sludge is 7.0% or higher and small particles of sewage sludge are heated by either warmed gases or an immiscible liquid, the temperature of the sewage sludge shall be 50°C or higher; the time period shall be 15 seconds or longer; and the temperature and time period shall be determined using equation (1).

(3) When the percent solids of the sewage sludge is less than 7.0% and the time period is at least 15 seconds, but less than 30 minutes, the temperature and time period shall be determined using equation (1).

(4) When the percent solids of the sewage sludge is less than 7.0%, the temperature of the sewage sludge is 50°C or higher; and the time period is 30 minutes or longer; the temperature and time period shall be determined using equation (2).


D = 50,070,000/100.1400t

D = time in days

t = temperature in degrees Celsius

4. Class A - Alternative 2.

a. Either the density of fecal coliform in the biosolids shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis) or the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in the biosolids shall be less than three Most Probable Number per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section, and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

b. The pH and temperature of the sewage sludge that is used as biosolids or disposed shall be maintained at specific values for a period of time.

(1) The pH of the sewage sludge that is used as biosolids or disposed shall be raised to above 12 and shall remain above 12 for 72 hours;

(2) The temperature of the sewage sludge shall be above 52°C for 12 hours or longer during the period that the pH of the sewage sludge is above 12; and

(3) At the end of the 72-hour period during which the pH of the sewage sludge is above 12, the sewage sludge shall be air dried to achieve a percent solids in the sewage sludge greater than 50%.

5. Class A - Alternative 3.

a. Either the density of fecal coliform in the biosolids shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis), or the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in biosolids shall be less than three Most Probable Number per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section; and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

b. The sewage sludge shall be analyzed prior to pathogen treatment to determine whether the sewage sludge contains enteric viruses.

(1) When the density of enteric viruses in the sewage sludge prior to pathogen treatment is less than one Plaque-forming Unit per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis), the sewage sludge is Class A with respect to enteric viruses until the next monitoring episode for the sewage sludge;

(2) When the density of enteric viruses in the sewage sludge prior to pathogen treatment is equal to or greater than one Plaque-forming Unit per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis), the sewage sludge is Class A with respect to enteric viruses when the density of enteric viruses in the sewage sludge after pathogen treatment is less than one Plaque-forming Unit per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) and when the values or ranges of values for the operating parameters for the pathogen treatment process that produces the biosolids that meets the enteric virus density requirement are documented; and

(3) After the enteric virus reduction in subdivision 5 b (2) of this subsection is demonstrated for the pathogen treatment process, the biosolids continues to be Class A with respect to enteric viruses when the values for the pathogen treatment process operating parameters are consistent with the values or ranges of values documented in subdivision 5 b (2) of this subsection.

c. The sewage sludge shall be analyzed prior to pathogen treatment to determine whether the sewage sludge contains viable helminth ova.

(1) When the density of viable helminth ova in the sewage sludge prior to pathogen treatment is less than one per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis), the sewage sludge is Class A with respect to viable helminth ova until the next monitoring episode for the sewage sludge.

(2) When the density of viable helminth ova in the sewage sludge prior to pathogen treatment is equal to or greater than one per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis), the sewage sludge is Class A with respect to viable helminth ova when the density of viable helminth ova in the sewage sludge after pathogen treatment is less than one per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) and when the values or ranges of values for the operating parameters for the pathogen treatment process that produces the sewage sludge that meets the viable helminth ova density requirement are documented.

(3) After the viable helminth ova reduction in subdivision 5 c (2) of this subsection is demonstrated for the pathogen treatment process, the sewage sludge continues to be Class A with respect to viable helminth ova when the values for the pathogen treatment process operating parameters are consistent with the values or ranges of values documented in subdivision 5 c (2) of this subsection.

6. Class A - Alternative 4.

a. Either the density of fecal coliform in the biosolids shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis), or the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in the biosolids shall be less than three Most Probable Number per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section; and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

b. The density of enteric viruses in the biosolids shall be less than one Plaque-forming Unit per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section; and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8, unless otherwise specified by the department.

c. The density of viable helminth ova in the sewage sludge shall be less than one per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section, and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8, unless otherwise specified by the department.

7. Class A - Alternative 5.

a. Either the density of fecal coliform in the biosolids shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis), or the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in the biosolids shall be less than three Most Probable Number per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section; and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

b. Biosolids that is used or disposed shall be treated in one of the processes to further reduce pathogens described in subsection E of this section.

8. Class A - Alternative 6.

a. Either the density of fecal coliform in the biosolids shall be less than 1,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis), or the density of Salmonella sp. bacteria in the biosolids shall be less than three Most Probable Number per four grams of total solids (dry weight basis) at the time the biosolids is used or disposed; at the time the biosolids is prepared for sale or giveaway in a bag or other container for application to the land; or at the time the biosolids or material derived from biosolids is prepared to meet the ceiling concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 2; the pollutant concentrations in 9VAC25-32-356 Table 4; the Class A pathogen requirements in subsection A of this section; and one of the vector attraction reduction requirements in 9VAC25-32-685 B 1 through B 8.

b. Biosolids that is used or disposed shall be treated in a process that is equivalent to a process to further reduce pathogens, as determined by the department.

B. Biosolids - Class B.

1. Minimum requirements for Class B biosolids.

a. The requirements in either subdivisions 2, 3, or 4 of this subsection shall be met for a sewage sludge to be classified as Class B biosolids with respect to pathogens.

b. The site restrictions in subdivision B 5 of this section shall be met when biosolids that meets the Class B pathogen requirements in subdivision 2, 3, or 4 of this subsection is applied to the land.

2. Class B - Alternative 1.

a. Seven representative samples of the biosolids that is used or disposed shall be collected.

b. The geometric mean of the density of fecal coliform in the samples collected in subdivision 2 a of this subsection shall be less than either 2,000,000 Most Probable Number per gram of total solids (dry weight basis) or 2,000,000 Colony Forming Units per gram of total solids (dry weight basis).

3. Class B - Alternative 2. Biosolids that is used or disposed shall be treated in one of the processes to significantly reduce pathogens described in subsection D of this section.

4. Class B - Alternative 3. Biosolids that is used or disposed shall be treated in a process that is equivalent to a process to significantly reduce pathogens, as determined by the department.

5. Site restrictions.

a. Food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture and are totally above the land surface shall not be harvested for 14 months after application of biosolids.

b. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 20 months after application of biosolids when the biosolids remains on the land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation into the soil.

c. Food crops with harvested parts below the surface of the land shall not be harvested for 38 months after application of biosolids when the biosolids remains on the land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation into the soil.

d. Food crops, feed crops, and fiber crops shall not be harvested for 30 days after application of biosolids.

e. Animals shall not be grazed on the land for 30 days after application of biosolids (60 days for lactating dairy livestock).

f. Turf grown on land where biosolids is applied shall not be harvested for one year after application of the biosolids when the harvested turf is placed on either land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn, unless otherwise specified by the department.

g. Public access to land with a high potential for public exposure shall be restricted for one year after application of biosolids.

h. Public access to land with a low potential for public exposure shall be restricted for 30 days after application of biosolids.


Type of Application



Control of access for high potential for public contact(3)

12 months

12 months

Time lapse required before above ground food crops with harvested parts that touch the biosolids/soil mixture can be harvested

14 months

14 months

Time lapse before food crops with harvested parts below the land surface can be harvested

20 months

38 months

Harvesting food crops, feed crops and fiber crops

1 month

1 month

Grazing and feeding harvested crops to animals whose products are consumed by humans(4)

1 month

1 month

Grazing of farm animals whose products are not consumed by humans

1 month

1 month

Harvesting turf for placement on land with a high potential for public exposure or a lawn(5)

12 months

12 month


(1)Remains on land surface for four months or longer prior to incorporation.

(2)Remains on land surface for less than four months prior to incorporation.

(3)Public access to agricultural sites and other sites with a low potential for direct contact with the ground surface shall be controlled for 30 days.

(4)The restriction for lactating dairy cows is 60 days.

(5)This time restriction must be met unless otherwise specified by the department.

C. Domestic septage. The site restrictions in subdivision B 5 of this section shall be met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site.

D. Processes to significantly reduce pathogens (PSRP).

1. Aerobic digestion. Sewage sludge is agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions for a specific mean cell residence time at a specific temperature. Values for the mean cell residence time and temperature shall be between 40 days at 20°C and 60 days at 15°C.

2. Air drying. Sewage sludge is dried on sand beds or on paved or unpaved basins. The sewage sludge dries for a minimum of three months. During two of the three months, the ambient average daily temperature is above 0°C.

3. Anaerobic digestion. Sewage sludge is treated in the absence of air for a specific mean cell residence time at a specific temperature. Values for the mean cell residence time and temperature shall be between 15 days at 35°C to 55°C and 60 days at 20°C.

4. Composting. Using either the within-vessel, static aerated pile, or windrow composting methods, the temperature of the sewage sludge is raised to 40°C or higher and remains at 40°C or higher for five days. For four hours during the five days, the temperature in the compost pile exceeds 55°C.

5. Lime stabilization. Sufficient lime is added to the sewage sludge to raise the pH of the sewage sludge to 12 after two hours of contact.

E. Processes to further reduce pathogens (PFRP).

1. Composting. Using either the within-vessel composting method or the static aerated pile composting method, the temperature of the sewage sludge is maintained at 55°C or higher for three days. Using the windrow composting method, the temperature of the sewage sludge is maintained at 55°C or higher for 15 days or longer. During the period when the compost is maintained at 55°C or higher, there shall be a minimum of five turnings of the windrow.

2. Heat drying. Sewage sludge is dried by direct or indirect contact with hot gases to reduce the moisture content of the sewage sludge to 10.0% or lower. Either the temperature of the sewage sludge particles exceeds 80°C or the wet bulb temperature of the gas in contact with the sewage sludge as the sewage sludge leaves the dryer exceeds 80°C.

3. Heat treatment. Liquid sewage sludge is heated to a temperature of 180°C or higher for 30 minutes.

4. Thermophilic aerobic digestion. Liquid sewage sludge is agitated with air or oxygen to maintain aerobic conditions and the mean cell residence time of the sewage sludge is 10 days at 55°C to 60°C.

5. Beta ray irradiation. Sewage sludge is irradiated with beta rays from an accelerator at dosages of at least 1.0 megarad at room temperature (ca. 20°C).

6. Gamma ray irradiation. Sewage sludge is irradiated with gamma rays from certain isotopes, such as Cobalt 60 and Cesium 137, at dosages of at least 1.0 megarad at room temperature (ca. 20°C).

7. Pasteurization. The temperature of the sewage sludge is maintained at 70°C or higher for 30 minutes or longer.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

9VAC25-32-680. (Repealed.)

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; repealed, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-685. Vector attraction reduction.

A. Conditions under which vector attraction reductions are required:

1. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in subdivisions B 1 through B 10 of this section shall be met when bulk biosolids is applied to agricultural land, forest, a public contact site, or a reclamation site;

2. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in subdivisions B 1 through B 8 of this section shall be met when bulk biosolids is applied to a lawn or a home garden;

3. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in subdivisions B 1 through B 8 of this section shall be met when biosolids is sold or given away in a bag or other container for application to the land;

4. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in subdivisions B 1 through B 11 of this section shall be met when sewage sludge (other than domestic septage) is placed on an active sewage sludge unit;

5. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in subdivision B 9, B 10, or B 12 of this section shall be met when domestic septage is applied to agricultural land, forest, or a reclamation site; and

6. One of the vector attraction reduction requirements in subdivisions B 9 through B 12 shall be met when domestic septage is placed on an active sewage sludge unit.

B. Vector attraction reduction options:

1. The mass of volatile solids in the sewage sludge shall be reduced by a minimum of 38%, calculated according to the method in 9VAC25-32-450 F 8.

2. When the 38% volatile solids reduction requirement in subdivision 1 of this subsection cannot be met for an anaerobically digested sewage sludge, vector attraction reduction can be demonstrated by digesting a portion of the previously digested sewage sludge anaerobically in the laboratory in a bench-scale unit for 40 additional days at a temperature between 30°C and 37°C. When at the end of the 40 days, the volatile solids in the sewage sludge at the beginning of that period is reduced by less than 17%, vector attraction reduction is achieved.

3. When the 38% volatile solids reduction requirement in subdivision 1 of this section cannot be met for an aerobically digested sewage sludge, vector attraction reduction can be demonstrated by digesting a portion of the previously digested sewage sludge that has a percent solids of 2.0% or less aerobically in the laboratory in a bench-scale unit for 30 additional days at 20°C. When at the end of the 30 days, the volatile solids in the sewage sludge at the beginning of that period is reduced by less than 15%, vector attraction reduction is achieved.

4. The specific oxygen uptake rate (SOUR) for sewage sludge treated in an aerobic process shall be equal to or less than 1.5 milligrams of oxygen per hour per gram of total solids (dry weight basis) at a temperature of 20°C.

5. Sewage sludge shall be treated in an aerobic process for 14 days or longer. During that time, the temperature of the sewage sludge shall be higher than 40°C and the average temperature of the sewage sludge shall be higher than 45°C.

6. The pH of sewage sludge shall be raised to 12 or higher by alkaline addition and, without the addition of more alkaline material, shall remain at 12 or higher for two hours and then at 11.5 or higher for an additional 22 hours.

7. The percent solids of sewage sludge that does not contain unstabilized solids generated in a primary wastewater treatment process shall be equal to or greater than 75% based on the moisture content and total solids prior to mixing with other materials.

8. The percent solids of sewage sludge that contains unstabilized solids generated in a primary wastewater treatment process shall be equal to or greater than 90% based on the moisture content and total solids prior to mixing with other materials.

9. Sewage sludge injection requirements:

a. Sewage sludge shall be injected below the surface of the land.

b. No significant amount of the sewage sludge shall be present on the land surface within one hour after the sewage sludge is injected.

c. When the sewage sludge that is injected below the surface of the land is Class A with respect to pathogens, the sewage sludge shall be injected below the land surface within eight hours after being discharged from the pathogen treatment process.

10. Sewage sludge incorporation requirements:

a. Sewage sludge applied to the land surface or placed on an active sewage sludge unit shall be incorporated into the soil within six hours after application to or placement on the land unless otherwise specified by the department.

b. When the sewage sludge that is incorporated into the soil is Class A with respect to pathogens, the sewage sludge shall be applied to or placed on the land within eight hours after being discharged from the pathogen treatment process.

11. Sewage sludge placed on an active sewage sludge unit shall be covered with soil or other material at the end of each operating day.

12. The pH of domestic septage shall be raised to 12 or higher by alkaline addition and, without the addition of more alkaline material, shall remain at 12 or higher for 30 minutes.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013; amended, Virginia Register Volume 39, Issue 5, eff. November 23, 2022.

Article 5
Certification of Land Applicators

9VAC25-32-690. Ceritificate requirements for land applicators.

Article 5
Certification of Land Applicators

A. No person shall land apply biosolids pursuant to a permit issued in accordance with this regulation unless an individual holding a valid certificate of competence as specified in this regulation (certified land applicator) is onsite at all times during such land application. Certified land applicators may be considered to be onsite if they are at the site permitted for land application and, if it is necessary to leave the site, they are available within 30 minutes to return to the site to verify and ensure that land application of biosolids is in compliance with the issued permit. Certified land applicators shall possess the site-specific permit information necessary to conduct land application on the site in accordance with the issued permit and make available at the land application site proper identification, including their certificate number issued by the department. The certified land applicator shall maintain an operator field log to document at minimum, site location, arrival and departure times, inspectors or any visitors to the site, complaints received, and any unusual condition or event. The field log shall be available for inspection by the department. Monthly reports submitted in accordance with the requirements of 9VAC25-32-360 A shall bear the name and certificate number of the certified land applicators with an approved statement attesting that they were onsite at the times of the reported operations and that those operations were in compliance with the permit. The following parts of this regulation apply to any individual seeking a certificate of competence as required in § 62.1-44.19:3.1 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Certificates of competence shall be issued by the department to certified land applicators. The department may issue such certification based on specified areas of training, experience and level of knowledge as demonstrated through successful completion of examinations as acceptable to the department.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-700. Eligibility requirements.

A. Certification may be obtained by satisfying all of the following requirements:

1. Satisfactorily completing and submitting to the department an application in the form required by the department, including a statement of any felony convictions. Such application shall be submitted to the department at least 30 days before the scheduled examination date set by the department. The application shall request information relating to the person's education, work experience, knowledge of land application of biosolids and applicable regulations, and willingness to abide by the requirements of this regulation;

2. Supplying proof of meeting one of the following:

a. A copy of a transcript or similar documentation indicating completion of a high school or higher degree or equivalent education level with work experience in an agriculturally related area including farming and three months of practical experience related to land application of biosolids acceptable to the department;

b. A combination of training acceptable to the department that may include soil science or nutrient management or farming practice related educational training and a minimum of six months of practical experience related to land application of biosolids; or

c. Evidence of prior supervisory level experience with land application of biosolids of two or more years that is acceptable to the department;

3. Obtaining a passing score on each part of the land applicators certification examination administered by the department; and

4. Submitting the required certification fee by check or money order to the department.

B. Certificates shall be valid upon notification by the department and for two years following each renewal from the established renewal date and will expire on the last day of the expiration month. Certified land applicators or applicants shall notify the department of any change in mailing address within 30 days of such change in address.

C. The department, upon review, may accept or approve land applicator certification programs of other states as satisfying partial requirements for certification.

D. Individuals certified as land application operators in other states under certification or licensing programs acceptable to the department will be eligible for certification in Virginia by complying with all requirements of these regulations except for subdivision A 2 of this section. These individuals may also substitute, for the requirements in this regulation, 9VAC25-32-720, the attainment of a passing score on a Virginia specific examination component that shall include at a minimum the elements listed in 9VAC25-32-720 C 1 and C 6.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-710. Fees.

A. Fees shall be collected for certification and recertification to defray the administrative cost for the certification program.

B. A fee may be charged to supply training materials and present education and training programs, including continuing education, which support the certification program.

C. Fees are nonrefundable and shall not be prorated.

D. The certification fee of $100 for the initial certification period shall be due with the application for certification. If an applicant is unsuccessful in achieving a passing score on the examination, the applicant is eligible to retake the examination at a scheduled time as offered by the department. Applicants may retake the examination one time with no additional charge by resubmitting the application for certification. Eligibility for any additional examinations beyond the initial retaking will require the submittal of an application and appropriate fees.

E. The certificate of competence renewal fee is $100.

F. All fees collected by the department shall be used exclusively for the operation of the Land Applicator Training and Certification Program.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008.

9VAC25-32-720. Examination.

A. The department may offer the land applicator certification examinations on request and will schedule an examination at least once per year. The examinations shall require a demonstration of the ability to ensure that biosolids will be land applied in compliance with the requirements of this regulation. The department may limit the number of applicants taking the examination based upon available examination space.

B. Applicants for a certificate of competence shall achieve a passing score on each part of the land applicator certification examination to become eligible for certification. If applicants receive a passing score on any part of the examination they will only be retested on the remaining parts.

C. The examinations for qualified applicants for a certificate of competence in accordance with this regulation shall address the elements listed below.

1. General understanding of biosolids treatment processes and biosolids characteristics;

2. Basic principles of soils, agriculture, and silviculture;

3. Public health protection concepts;

4. Land application concepts and site management and operations;

5. Occupational safety and health protection concepts; and

6. Land application training and certification regulatory requirements, and requirements of other land application related laws, regulations, and incentive programs.

D. An individual who is unable to take an examination at the scheduled time shall notify the department at least five days prior to the date of the examination; such individual may reapply for an examination. The department may consider accepting notice of less than five days due to individual hardship situations on a case-by-case basis. Failure to notify the department may require the individual to submit a new application and payment of fees in accordance with 9VAC25-32-710.

E. The department shall establish acceptable passing scores for the examinations based on the department's determination of the level of examination performance required to show minimal acceptable competence.

F. All applicants shall be notified of results in writing within 60 days of the completion of the examinations.

G. A certificate renewal date will be established and provided to the certified land applicator.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008.

9VAC25-32-730. Training.

A. The department shall provide training sessions on the various topics essential to ensure that land application of biosolids complies with state and federal laws and regulations at least annually.

B. The department may provide a training course on concepts supporting and relating to land application of biosolids that may include biosolids use regulation; basic soil and crop science; soil fertility; environmental management; and other relevant topics.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008.

9VAC25-32-740. Certificate renewal.

A. The department may not renew a certificate if a proceeding to deny certification under 9VAC25-32-760 has begun, or if the department has found that the applicant violated any requirements of this regulation. A certificate is to be renewed every two years and may be renewed on or before the expiration of a certificate by complying with all of the following requirements:

1. Submittal of a renewal application on the form the department requires;

2. Payment of the renewal fee to the department; and

3. Submittal of proof of satisfactory completion of at least four hours of continuing education course work within the past two years. The completed course work must be approved by the department as providing satisfactory training. Requests for pre-approval of continuing education courses should be received at least 60 days prior to the expected course date(s) and must include a detailed syllabus indicating time to be spent on each topic area covered. Continuing education course work must be in subject matter consistent with 9VAC25-32-720.

B. Department personnel may attend continuing education sessions to verify that the requirements are met. Proof of attendance must be verified by the course provider. The department may accept continuing education units obtained in other states if such continuing education units are specifically for the purpose of recertification in the state land application operator certification program.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008.

9VAC25-32-750. Certificate expiration.

A. Certificates issued under this regulation shall expire two years from the last day of the month in which they were issued, as indicated on the certificate, if any of the requirements of 9VAC25-32-740 are not met.

B. Following the expiration of a certificate, reinstatement may be accomplished only by reapplication and compliance with all requirements of 9VAC25-32-700 A, including the examination requirements.

C. It is the responsibility of the certified land applicators to accumulate the required continuing education requirements prior to expiration of the certificate of competence they hold. The department will attempt to notify the certified land applicators of any continuing education needs and other requirements as necessary for certificate renewal 90 days or more prior to certificate expiration.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008.

9VAC25-32-760. Compliance with regulations and disciplinary action.

A. If the department finds that a certified land applicator or an applicant for certification violated any applicable requirements of this regulation, including the procedural violations listed in subsection B of this section, the department may deny, suspend or revoke certification, following the informal fact-finding procedures of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).

B. Certification procedural violations include:

1. Providing misleading, false, or fraudulent information in applying for a certificate;

2. Providing the department with any misleading, false, or fraudulent report;

3. Failing to ensure that land application of biosolids complies with permit requirements due to negligence of responsibilities by the certified land applicator;

4. Failing to promptly and accurately record observed permit noncompliance or, failure to promptly notify the permittee of observed permit noncompliance or, preventing access to inspect any land application site or, failure to provide required field records upon request, in accordance with this regulation; and

5. Conviction of a felony related in any way to the responsibilities of a certified land applicator.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 24, Issue 6, eff. January 1, 2008; amended, Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

Article 6
Liability Requirements for Transport, Storage, and Land Application of Biosolids

9VAC25-32-770. Definitions.

Article 6
Liability Requirements for Transport, Storage, and Land Application of Biosolids

The following terms are used in the specifications for liability insurance and the financial tests liability coverage. The definitions contained in this section are intended to assist in the understanding of these regulations and are not intended to limit the meanings of terms in a way that conflicts with general insurance industry usage or with generally accepted accounting practices.

"Assets" means all existing and all probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a particular entity.

"Current assets" means cash or other assets or resources commonly identified as those that are reasonably expected to be realized in cash or sold or consumed during the normal operating cycle of the business.

"Current liabilities" means obligations whose liquidation is reasonably expected to require the use of existing resources properly classifiable as current assets or the creation of other current liabilities.

"Independently audited" means an audit performed by an independent certified public accountant in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.

"Legal defense costs" means any expenses that an insurer incurs in defending against claims of third parties brought under the terms and conditions of an insurance policy.

"Liabilities" means probable future sacrifices of economic benefits arising from present obligations to transfer assets or provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events.

"Local government" means a county, city, or town or any authority, commission, or district created by one or more counties, cities, or towns.

"Net working capital" means current assets minus current liabilities.

"Net worth" means total assets minus total liabilities and is equivalent to owner's equity.

"Substantial business relationship" means the extent of a business relationship necessary under applicable state law to make a guarantee contract issued incident to that relationship valid and enforceable. A "substantial business relationship" must arise from a pattern of recent or ongoing business transactions, in addition to the guarantee itself, such that a currently existing business relationship between the guarantor and the permit holder is demonstrated to the satisfaction of the department.

"Tangible net worth" means the tangible assets that remain after deducting liabilities; such assets would not include intangibles such as goodwill and rights to patents or royalties.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-780. Liability requirements.

A. A permit holder or applicant must demonstrate financial responsibility for clean-up costs, personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage resulting from the transport, storage, and land application of biosolids in Virginia. The permit holder or applicant must have and maintain pollution liability and general liability coverage in the amount of $2 million per occurrence with an annual aggregate of at least $2 million, exclusive of legal defense costs.

B. The permit holder or applicant may demonstrate the required liability coverage by using one of the mechanisms specified below:

1. A pollution liability policy as well as a general liability policy that covers all activities associated with the "Transport, Storage, and Land Application" of biosolids as specified in 9VAC25-32-790;

2. Passing a corporate financial test as specified in 9VAC25-32-800 or using the corporate guarantee for liability coverage as specified in 9VAC25-32-810;

3. Passing a local government financial test as specified in 9VAC25-32-820 or using the local government guarantee for liability coverage as specified in 9VAC25-32-830;

4. Obtaining a letter of credit for liability coverage as specified in 9VAC25-32-840; or

5. Obtaining a trust fund for liability coverage as specified in 9VAC25-32-850.

C. The permit holder or applicant shall notify the department in writing within 30 days whenever:

1. A claim results in a reduction in the amount of financial assurance for liability coverage provided by a financial instrument authorized in this section;

2. A certification of valid claim for bodily injury or property damages caused by the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia is entered between the owner or operator and a third-party claimant for liability coverage in this section; or

3. A final court order establishing a judgment for bodily injury or property damage caused by the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia is issued against the permit holder or applicant or an instrument that is providing financial assurance for liability coverage authorized in this section.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-790. Liability insurance.

A. Each pollution and general liability insurance policy must be amended by attachment of an endorsement or evidenced by a certificate of liability insurance. The wording of the endorsement must be identical to that specified in the Biosolids Liability Endorsement form. The wording of the certificate of insurance must be identical to that specified in the Certificate of Liability Insurance form. The permit holder or applicant must submit a signed duplicate original of the endorsement or the certificate of insurance to the department. If requested by the department, the permit holder or applicant must provide a signed duplicate original of the insurance policy. An applicant for a new permit must submit the signed duplicate original of the biosolids liability endorsement or the certificate of liability insurance to the department at least 60 days before the initial application of biosolids. The insurance must be effective before the initial application of biosolids.

B. Each insurance policy must be issued by an insurer that, at a minimum, is licensed to transact the business of insurance or eligible to provide insurance as an excess or surplus lines insurer in Virginia and the insurer shall be in good financial position, as demonstrated by the AM Best (A++, A+, A, A-, B++, B+), Standard and Poor's (AAA, AA, A, BBB), or Moody's (Aaa, Aa, A, Baa) financial strength ratings.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-800. Corporate financial test.

A. A permit holder or applicant may satisfy the requirements of this section by demonstrating that he passes a financial test as specified in this section. To pass this test the permit holder or applicant must meet the criteria of subsection B of this section.

B. A permit holder or applicant must have:

1. Net working capital and tangible net worth each at least six times the amount of liability coverage to be demonstrated by this test, and a tangible net worth of at least $10 million; or

2. A current rating for his most recent bond issuance of AAA, AA, A, or BBB as issued by Standard and Poor's, or Aaa, Aa, A, or Baa as issued by Moody's and a tangible net worth of at least $10 million; and a tangible net worth at least six times the amount of liability coverage to be demonstrated by this test; and assets in the United States amounting to either:

a. At least 90% of this total assets; or

b. At least six times the amount of liability coverage to be demonstrated by this test.

3. For the purposes of this section, the phrase "amount of liability coverage" refers to the annual aggregate amounts for which coverage is required under 9VAC25-32-780 A.

C. To demonstrate that he passes this test, the permit holder or applicant must submit the following three items to the department:

1. A letter signed by the permit holder or applicant's chief financial officer;

2. A copy of the independent certified public accountant's report on examination of the permit holder or applicant's financial statements for the latest completed fiscal year; and

3. A special report from the permit holder or applicant's independent certified public accountant to the permit holder or applicant stating that:

a. He has compared the data that the letter from the chief financial officer specifies as having been derived from the independently audited, year-end financial statements for the latest fiscal year with the amounts in such financial statements; and

b. In connection with that procedure, no matters came to his attention that caused him to believe that the specified data should be adjusted.

D. A new permit holder or new applicant must submit the items specified in subsection C of this section at least 30 days before the date on which the biosolids are first applied.

E. After the initial submission of the items specified in subsection C of this section, the permit holder or applicant must send updated information to the department within 90 days after the close of each succeeding fiscal year. This information must consist of all three items specified in subsection C of this section.

F. If the permit holder or applicant no longer meets the requirements of subsection B of this section, he must obtain insurance, a letter of credit, a surety bond, a trust fund, or a guarantee for the entire amount of the required liability coverage as specified in this section. Evidence of liability coverage must be submitted to the department within 90 days after the end of the fiscal year for which the year-end financial data show that the permit holder or applicant no longer meets the test requirements.

G. The department may disallow use of this test on the basis of qualifications in the opinion expressed by the independent certified public accountant in his report on an examination of the permit holder's or applicant's financial statements. An adverse opinion or a disclaimer of opinion may be cause for disallowance. The department will evaluate other qualifications on an individual basis. The permit holder or applicant must provide evidence for the entire amount of the required liability coverage as specified in this section within 30 days of notification of disallowance.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-810. Corporate guarantee.

A. A permit holder or applicant may meet the requirements of this section by obtaining a written guarantee, hereafter referred to as "guarantee." The guarantor must be the direct or higher-tier parent corporation of the permit holder or the applicant; a firm whose parent corporation is also the parent corporation of the permit holder or applicant; or a firm with a substantial business relationship with the permit holder or applicant. The guarantor must meet the requirements for the permit holder or applicant as specified in 9VAC25-32-800. A certified copy of the guarantee must accompany the items sent to the department as specified in 9VAC25-32-800 C. One of these items must be the letter from the guarantor's chief financial officer. If the guarantor's parent corporation is also the parent corporation of the permit holder or the applicant, this letter must describe the value received in consideration of the guarantee. If the guarantor is a firm with a substantial business relationship with the permit holder or applicant, this letter must describe this substantial business relationship and the value received in consideration of the guarantee.

B. If the permit holder or applicant fails to satisfy a judgment based on a determination of liability for bodily injury or property damage to third parties caused by the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia or fails to pay an amount agreed to in a settlement of claims arising from or alleged to arise from such injury or damage, the guarantor will do so up to the limits of coverage.

C. The guarantee will remain in force unless the guarantor sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the permit holder or applicant and to the department. Cancellation may not occur, however, during the 120 days beginning on the date of receipt of the notice of cancellation by both the permit holder or applicant and the department, as evidenced by return receipts.

D. If a guarantee is cancelled, the permit holder or applicant shall, within 90 days following receipt of the cancellation notice by the permit holder or applicant and the department, obtain alternate financial assurance and provide evidence of that alternate financial assurance to the department. If the permit holder or applicant fails to provide evidence of alternate financial assurance within the 90-day period, the guarantor shall provide that alternate financial assurance within 120 days following the close of the guarantor's fiscal year; obtain alternate assurance acceptable to the department; and provide evidence of the alternate assurance to the department.

E. Recordkeeping and reporting.

1. The permit holder or applicant shall submit a signed original guarantee to the department along with the items required under 9VAC25-32-800 C. The guarantee shall be worded as specified on the Corporate Guarantee form.

2. The permit holder or applicant is no longer required to maintain the items specified in 9VAC25-32-800 C when:

a. The permit holder or applicant substitutes alternate financial assurance as specified in this section; or

b. The permit holder or applicant is released from the requirements of this chapter.

F. If a guarantor no longer meets the requirements specified in this section, the permit holder or applicant shall, within 90 days following close of the guarantor's fiscal year, obtain alternate financial assurance acceptable to the department and submit evidence of the alternate financial assurance to the department. If the permit holder or applicant fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90-day period, the guarantor shall provide that alternate financial assurance within 120 days.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-820. Local government financial test.

A. A permit holder or applicant that satisfies the requirements of this section may demonstrate financial assurance using the local government financial test.

B. The permit holder or applicant shall satisfy the provisions of this section as applicable:

1. If the permit holder or applicant has outstanding, rated general obligation bonds that are not secured by insurance, a letter of credit, or other collateral or guarantee, he shall supply the department with documentation demonstrating that the permit holder or applicant has a current rating of Aaa, Aa, A, or Baa as issued by Moody's or AAA, AA, A, or BBB as issued by Standard and Poor's on all such general obligation bonds; or

2. If the permit holder or applicant does not have outstanding, rated general obligation bonds, he shall satisfy each of the following financial ratios based on the permit holder's or applicant's most recent audited annual financial statements:

a. A ratio of cash plus marketable securities to total expenditures greater than or equal to 0.05; and

b. A ratio of annual debt service to total expenditures less than or equal to 0.20.

C. The permit holder or applicant shall prepare his financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles for governments and have his financial statements audited by an independent certified public accountant or by the Auditor of Public Accounts.

D. A permit holder or applicant is not eligible to assure its obligations under this section if he:

1. Is currently in default on any outstanding general obligation bonds;

2. Has any outstanding general obligation bonds rated lower than Baa as issued by Moody's or BBB as issued by Standard and Poor's;

3. Operated at a deficit equal to 5.0% or more of total annual revenue in each of the past two fiscal years; or

4. Receives an adverse opinion, disclaimer of opinion, or other qualified opinion from the independent certified public accountant or Auditor of Public Accounts auditing his financial statements as required under subsection C of this section. However, the department may evaluate qualified opinions on a case-by-case basis and allow use of the financial test in cases where the department deems the qualification insufficient to warrant disallowance of the test.

E. The local government permit holder or applicant must submit to the department the following items:

1. An original letter signed by the local government's chief financial officer stating that the permit holder or applicant meets the requirements of this section;

2. The local government's independently audited year-end financial statements for the latest fiscal year, including the unqualified opinion of the auditor who must be an independent, certified public accountant or an appropriate state agency that conducts equivalent comprehensive audits;

3. A report of the local government from the local government's independent certified public accountant or the Auditor of Public Accounts based on performing an agreed upon procedures engagement relative to the financial ratios required by subdivision B 2 of this section, if applicable, and the requirements of this section. The certified public accountant's or state agency's report shall state the procedures performed and the certified public accountant's or state agency's findings; and

4. A copy of the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) used to comply with subdivision B 2 of this section.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-830. Local government guarantee.

A. A local government who is also the permit holder or applicant may meet the requirements of this section by providing a written guarantee, herein referred to as "guarantee" by a local government. The guarantor shall meet the requirements of the local government financial test in section 9VAC25-32-820 and shall comply with the terms of the written guarantee identified in subsection B of this section.

B. Terms of the written guarantee.

1. The guarantee shall be effective before the initial application of biosolids; and

2. The guarantee shall provide that:

a. If the permit holder or applicant fails to satisfy a judgment based on a determination of liability for bodily injury or property damage to third parties caused by the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia or fails to pay an amount agreed to in settlement of claims arising from or alleged to arise from such injury or damage, the guarantor will do so up to the limits of coverage;

b. The guarantee will remain in force unless the guarantor sends notice of cancellation by certified mail to the permit holder or applicant and to the department. Cancellation may not occur, however, during the 120 days beginning on the date of receipt of the notice of cancellation by both the permit holder or applicant and the department, as evidenced by return receipts; and

c. If a guarantee is cancelled, the permit holder or applicant shall within 90 days following receipt of the cancellation notice by the permit holder or the applicant and the department obtain alternate financial assurance and notify the department. If the permit holder or applicant fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90-day period, the guarantor shall provide that alternate financial assurance within 120 days following the close of the guarantor's fiscal year; obtain alternative financial assurance acceptable to the department; and submit evidence of that alternate financial assurance to the department.

C. Recordkeeping and reporting.

1. The permit holder or applicant shall submit a signed original guarantee on the Local Government Guarantee form to the department along with the items required under 9VAC25-32-820 E before the initial application of biosolids.

2. The permit holder or applicant is no longer required to maintain the items specified in 9VAC25-32-820 E when:

a. The permit holder or applicant substitutes alternate financial assurance as specified in this section; or

b. The permit holder or applicant is released from the requirements of this section.

D. If a local government guarantor no longer meets the requirements of this section, the permit holder or applicant shall, within 90 days following the close of the guarantor's fiscal year, obtain alternate financial assurance acceptable to the department and submit evidence of that alternate financial assurance to the department. If the permit holder or applicant fails to provide alternate financial assurance within the 90-day period, the guarantor shall provide that alternate financial assurance within 120 days.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-840. Letter of credit.

A. A permit holder or applicant may satisfy the requirements of this article by obtaining an irrevocable standby letter of credit that satisfies the terms of the letter of credit and by submitting the original letter of credit to the department.

B. Terms of the letter of credit.

1. The letter of credit shall be effective before the initial application of biosolids.

2. The issuing institution shall be a bank or other financial institution that has the authority to issue letters of credit and whose letter of credit operations are regulated and examined by the Commonwealth of Virginia, by a federal agency, or by an agency of another state.

3. The letter of credit shall be irrevocable and issued for a period of at least one year in an amount of $2 million to cover the costs for clean-up costs, personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage that may result from the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia by the permit holder or applicant.

4. The letter of credit shall provide that the expiration date will be automatically extended for a period of at least one year. If the issuing institution decides not to extend the letter of credit beyond the current expiration date, it shall, at least 120 days before the date, notify both the permit holder or applicant and the department by certified mail of that decision. The 120-day period will begin on the date of receipt by the department as shown on the signed return receipt. Expiration cannot occur, however, while an enforcement action is pending. Within 60 days of receipt of notice from the issuing institution that it does not intend to extend the letter of credit, the permit holder or applicant shall obtain alternate financial assurance and submit evidence of the alternate financial assurance to the department.

C. In the event of failure of the permit holder or applicant to comply with the requirements of this article, the department may cash the letter of credit.

D. The permit holder or applicant may cancel the letter of credit only if alternate financial assurance acceptable to the department is substituted as specified in this article or if the permit holder or applicant is released by the department from the requirements of this chapter.

E. The department shall return the original letter of credit to the issuing institution for termination when:

1. The permit holder or applicant substitutes acceptable alternate financial assurance for clean-up costs, personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage resulting from the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia; or

2. The department notifies the permit holder or applicant that he is no longer required by this article to maintain financial assurance for clean-up costs, personal injury, bodily injury, and property damage resulting from the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia.

F. The permit holder or applicant shall establish a standby trust fund. The standby trust fund shall meet the requirements of 9VAC25-32-850, except the requirements for initial payments and subsequent annual payments.

G. Payments made under the terms of the letter of credit will be deposited by the issuing institution directly into the standby trust fund. Payments from the trust fund shall be approved by the department.

H. The department may cash the letter of credit if it is not replaced 30 days prior to expiration with alternate financial assurance approved by the department.

I. The wording of the letter of credit shall be identical to that specified in the Letter of Credit form.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

9VAC25-32-850. Trust fund.

A. A permit holder or applicant may satisfy the requirements of this article by establishing a trust fund that conforms to the requirements of subsection B of this section and submitting an originally signed duplicate of the trust agreement to the department.

B. Trust fund requirements.

1. The trustee must be an entity that has the authority to act as a trustee and whose trust operations are regulated and examined by the Commonwealth of Virginia, by a federal agency, or by an agency of another state.

2. The trust fund for liability coverage must be funded for the full amount of the liability coverage to be provided by the trust fund before it may be relied upon to satisfy the requirements of this section. If at any time after the trust fund is created, the amount of funds in the trust fund is reduced below the full amount of the liability coverage to be provided, the permit holder or applicant, by the anniversary date of the establishment of the fund, must either add sufficient funds to the trust fund to cause its value to be equal to the full amount of the liability coverage to be provided, or obtain other alternate financial assurance as specified in this section to cover the difference.

3. For purpose of this section, "the full amount of liability coverage provided" means the amount of coverage for clean-up costs, personal injury, bodily injury, and personal damage resulting from the transport, storage, or land application of biosolids in Virginia.

4. The wording of the trust fund must be identical to that specified in the Trust Fund form.

Statutory Authority

§ 62.1-44.15 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 29, Issue 24, eff. September 1, 2013.

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