Title 18.2. Crimes and Offenses Generally
Chapter 6. Crimes Involving Fraud
§ 18.2-246.9. Disclosure requirements.
The notice required under subdivision A 3 of § 18.2-246.8 shall include:
1. A prominent and clearly legible statement that cigarette sales to consumers below the legal minimum purchase age are illegal;
2. A prominent and clearly legible statement that consists of one of the warnings set forth in section 4(a)(1) of the Federal Cigarette Labeling and Advertising Act (15 U.S.C. § 1333 (a)(1)) rotated on a quarterly basis;
3. A prominent and clearly legible statement that sales of cigarettes are restricted to those consumers who provide verifiable proof of age in accordance with § 18.2-246.8; and
4. A prominent and clearly legible statement that cigarette sales are subject to tax under § 58.1-1001, and an explanation of how such tax has been, or is to be, paid with respect to such delivery sale.
2003, c. 1010.