Title 10.1. Conservation
Chapter 4. Scenic Rivers Act
§ 10.1-413.2. North Landing and Tributaries State Scenic River.
The North Landing from the North Carolina line to the bridge at Route 165, the Pocaty River from its junction with the North Landing River to the Blackwater Road bridge, West Neck Creek from the junction with the North Landing River to Indian River Road bridge, and Blackwater Creek from the junction with the North Landing River to the confluence, approximately 4.2 miles, of an unnamed tributary approximately 1.75 miles, more or less, west of Blackwater Road, are hereby designated as the North Landing and Tributaries State Scenic River, components of the Virginia Scenic Rivers System.
1988, cc. 490, 891; 1989, c. 656; 2003, c. 240; 2018, c. 273.