Title 15.2. Counties, Cities and Towns
Chapter 22. Planning, Subdivision of Land and Zoning
§ 15.2-2293. Airspace subject to zoning ordinances.
A. A zoning ordinance shall be applicable to the superjacent airspace of any nonpublic-owned land area.
B. Airspace superjacent or subjacent to any public highway, street, lane, alley or other way in this Commonwealth not required for the purpose of travel, or other public use, by the Commonwealth or other political jurisdiction owning it, shall be subject to the zoning ordinance of the locality in which the airspace is located.
C. Airspace not provided for in subsection B herein that is superjacent to any land owned by the Commonwealth or other political jurisdiction and occupied by a nonpolitical entity or person shall be subject to the zoning ordinance that would be applicable if the land were owned by a private person.
1979, c. 431, § 15.1-491.01; 1997, c. 587.