Title 24.2. Elections
Chapter 1. General Provisions and Administration
§ 24.2-124.1. Acceptance of certain gifts and funding prohibited.
The State Board, the Department, each local electoral board, and all offices of the general registrar shall not solicit, accept, use, or dispose of any money, grants, property, or services given by a private individual or nongovernmental entity for the purpose of funding voter education and outreach programs, voter registration programs, or any other expense incurred in the conduct of elections.
This section shall not be construed to prohibit (i) the operation of a polling place or voter satellite office in a facility furnished by a private individual or nongovernmental entity that otherwise meets the requirements for polling places provided in §§ 24.2-310 and 24.2-310.1 or voter satellite offices provided in § 24.2-701.2 or (ii) acceptance of a federal government grant funded in whole or part by donations from private individuals or nongovernmental entities.