Title 33.2. Highways and Other Surface Transportation Systems
Chapter 2. Transportation Entities
§ 33.2-299.7. Exclusions from the Virginia Freedom of Information Act; proprietary records and trade secrets.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.), the Authority shall keep confidential trade secrets or confidential proprietary information, not publicly available, provided by a private person or entity pursuant to a promise of confidentiality where if such information were made public, the financial interest of the private person or entity could be adversely affected. In order for trade secrets or proprietary information to be excluded from the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the private person or entity shall (i) invoke such exclusion upon submission of the data or other materials for which protection from disclosure is sought, (ii) identify the data or other materials for which protection is sought, and (iii) state the reason why protection is necessary.
B. Notwithstanding the provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, the Authority shall keep confidential information submitted by a private person, entity, or other party in negotiations with the Authority, where if such information was made public prior to the execution of a business arrangement, the financial interests of bargaining positions of the public or private entity would be adversely affected.