Title 59.1. Trade and Commerce
Chapter 17.8. Automatic Renewal Offers and Continuous Service Offers
§ 59.1-207.48. Exemptions.
This chapter shall not apply to:
1. Any service provided by a supplier or its affiliate where either the supplier or its affiliate is doing business pursuant to a franchise issued by a political subdivision of the Commonwealth or a license, franchise, certificate, or other authorization issued by the State Corporation Commission to a public service company or public utility pursuant to Title 56;
2. Any service provided by a supplier or its affiliate where either the supplier or its affiliate is regulated by the State Corporation Commission, the Federal Communications Commission, or the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;
3. Alarm company operators that are regulated pursuant to § 15.2-911;
4. A bank, bank holding company, or the subsidiary or affiliate of either, or a credit union or other financial institution, licensed under federal or state law;
5. Any home protection company regulated by the State Corporation Commission pursuant to Chapter 26 (§ 38.2-2600 et seq.) of Title 38.2;
6. Any home service contract provider regulated by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to Chapter 33.1 (§ 59.1-434.1 et seq.);
7. Any extended service contract provider regulated by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services pursuant to Chapter 34 (§ 59.1-435 et seq.) or its affiliates;
8. Any insurer or entity regulated under Title 38.2 or an affiliate of such insurer or entity; or
9. Any health club registered pursuant to the Virginia Health Club Act (59.1-294 et seq.).