Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 10.1. Conservation
Chapter 1. General Provisions

Article 3. Disposition of Department Lands.

§ 10.1-108. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Environment" means the natural, scenic, scientific and historic attributes of the Commonwealth.

"Exploration" means the examination and investigation of land for the purpose of locating and determining the extent of minerals, by excavating, drilling, boring, sinking shafts, sinking wells, driving tunnels, or other means.

"Mineral" means petroleum, natural gas, coal, ore, rock and any other solid chemical element or compound which results from the inorganic process of nature. For the purposes of this article, the word mineral shall not include timber.

1978, c. 835, § 10-17.113; 1988, c. 891.

§ 10.1-109. Lease of lands and other properties.

A. The Director is authorized, subject to the written recommendation of the Department of General Services to the Governor and the written approval of the Governor, following review as to form and content by the Attorney General and the provisions of this article, to lease to any person for consideration, by appropriate instrument signed and executed by the Director, in the name of the Commonwealth: (i) any lands or other properties held for general recreational or other public purposes by the Department, for the Commonwealth, or (ii) any lands over which the Department has supervision and control, or any part of such lands where such lease is for the purposes of recreation, agriculture, or resource management and is consistent with the purposes and duties of the Department. Notwithstanding the provisions of subdivision (ii), whenever land is acquired by purchase or otherwise for public recreation and conservation purposes under the administration of the Department, the Director is authorized to lease the land or any portion of it back to the owner from whom the land is acquired upon terms and conditions in the public interest. No lease granted under this section shall be for an initial term longer than ten years, but any such lease may contain provisions for lease renewals, either contingent or automatic at the discretion of the Director, for a like period upon the same terms and conditions as originally granted. If written notice of termination is received by the Director from the lessee or if use of the lease is in fact abandoned by the lessee at any time prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal, the Director may immediately terminate the lease.

B. The Director is authorized to lease state-owned housing under the control of the Department to state employees. Such leases shall be approved as to form and content by the Attorney General and the Department of General Services. The leasing of Department-controlled housing to state employees shall be for the purposes of providing security and operational efficiencies to property of the Department and shall not cause the property to be considered surplus to the agency's need. If the Director determines that the availability of state-owned housing is inadequate to meet the onsite security and operational efficiencies requirements for Department-owned property, he may lease residential property not owned by the Commonwealth from prospective landlords for the purposes of subleasing to state employees who otherwise qualify for leasing state-owned housing. Such leases and subleases shall be approved by the Director.

C. Property leased under this section shall not be considered surplus to the agency's need.

D. The Department shall include information about leasing activities carried out pursuant to this section in an annual report to the General Assembly.

1978, c. 835, § 10-17.114; 1980, c. 451; 1984, c. 739; 1987, c. 453; 1988, c. 891; 1991, c. 461; 2008, c. 22; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 400.

§ 10.1-110. Easements to governmental agencies and public service corporations.

A. The Director is authorized, subject to the consent and approval of the Governor following review as to form and content by the Attorney General, to grant to any governmental agency, political subdivision, public utility company, public service corporation, public service company or authority for consideration by proper deed or other appropriate instrument signed and executed by the Director in the name of the Commonwealth, any easement over, upon and across any lands or other properties held by the Commonwealth or over which it has supervision and control, provided that the easement is consistent with and not in derogation of the general purpose for which the land or other property is held. No easement shall be granted for an initial term longer than ten years, but may contain provisions for renewals either contingent or automatic at the discretion of the Director, for a like period on the same terms and conditions as originally granted. If written notice of termination is received by the Director from the grantee or if use of the easement is in fact abandoned by the grantee at any time prior to the end of the initial term or any renewal, the Director may immediately terminate the easement. If the Department amends its master site plan to include buildings, structures or improvements on or in the vicinity of any easement granted under this section, the Director reserves the right to require, upon written notice given 180 days in advance, the relocation of the easement at the expense of the grantee of the easement.

B. The relocation requirement of subsection A shall not apply to any easement granted by the Director to the Virginia Department of Transportation.

1978, c. 835, § 10-17.114; 1980, c. 451; 1984, c. 739; 1987, c. 453; 1988, c. 891; 1991, c. 360.

§ 10.1-111. Removal of minerals.

The Director, with the approval of the Governor, is authorized to make and execute leases, contracts or deeds in the name of the Commonwealth, for the removal or mining of minerals that may be found in Departmental lands whenever it appears to the Director that it would be in the best interest of the Commonwealth to dispose of these minerals. Before any deed, contract or lease is made or executed, it shall be approved as to form by the Attorney General, and bids therefor shall be received after notice by publication once each week for four successive weeks in two newspapers of general circulation. The Director shall have the right to reject any or all bids and to readvertise for bids. The accepted bidder shall give bond with good and sufficient surety to the satisfaction of the Director, and in any amount that the Director may fix for the faithful performance of all the conditions and covenants of the lease, contract or deed. The proceeds arising from any contract, deed, or lease shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of the State Park Conservation Resources Fund established in subsection A of § 10.1-202.

1978, c. 835, § 10-17.114; 1980, c. 451; 1984, c. 739; 1987, c. 453; 1988, c. 891; 2003, cc. 79, 89.

§ 10.1-112. Capital improvement projects.

The Director is authorized to make and execute leases and contracts in the name of the Commonwealth for the development and operation of revenue-producing capital improvement projects in Virginia state parks upon the written approval of the Governor. Prior to approval, the Governor shall consider the written recommendation of the Director of the Department of General Services and the Attorney General shall review such leases and contracts as to form.

Any contract or lease for the development and operation of the capital improvement project shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.). The accepted bidder shall give a performance bond for the construction, operation and maintenance of the project with good and sufficient surety in an amount fixed by the Director for the faithful performance of the conditions and covenants of such lease or contract.

Such lease or contract, with an initial term not exceeding 30 years, shall be subject to terms, conditions, and limitations as the Director may prescribe and may be renewed with the approval of the Director. The proceeds arising from a contract or lease executed pursuant to this section shall be paid into the State Park Conservation Resources Fund established in subsection A of § 10.1-202.

1987, c. 835, § 10-17.114; 1980, c. 451; 1984, c. 739; 1987, c. 453; 1988, c. 891; 1998, c. 168; 2003, cc. 79, 89.

§ 10.1-113. Sale of trees.

For the purpose of managing Departmental lands or maintaining the production of forest products in Departmental lands, the Director, upon the recommendation of the State Forester, may designate and appraise trees to be cut under the principles of scientific forest management, and may sell them for not less than their appraised value. When the appraised value of the trees to be sold is more than $50,000, the Director, before selling them, shall receive bids, after notice by publication once a week for two weeks in two newspapers of general circulation; but the Director shall have the right to reject any and all bids and to readvertise for bids. The proceeds arising from the sale of the timber and trees from state park lands shall be paid into the State Park Conservation Resources Fund established in subsection A of § 10.1-202. The proceeds arising from the sale of the timber and trees from natural area preserves owned by the Department in fee simple shall be paid into the Natural Area Preservation Fund established in § 10.1-215.

1988, c. 891; 2003, cc. 79, 89; 2007, c. 158.

§ 10.1-114. Commemorative facilities and historic sites management; duties of Director.

In order to further public understanding and appreciation of the persons, places and events that contributed substantially to the development and enhancement of our Commonwealth's and nation's democratic and social values and ideals and in order to encourage, stimulate and support the identification, protection, preservation and rehabilitation of the Department's significant historic, architectural and archaeological sites, the Director has the following duties:

1. To ensure that Departmental historical and cultural facilities are suitable for public, patriotic, educational and recreational assemblies and events;

2. To plan, establish, construct, operate, maintain and manage historic museums, commemorative memorials and other facilities as directed by acts of the General Assembly;

3. To acquire lands, property and structures deemed necessary to the purposes of this chapter by purchase, lease, gift, devise or condemnation proceedings. The title to land and property acquired shall be in the name of the Commonwealth. In the exercise of the power of eminent domain granted under this section, the Director may proceed in the manner provided in Chapter 3 (§ 25.1-300 et seq.) of Title 25.1; and

4. To lease acquired property to any person, association, firm or corporation for terms and conditions determined by the Director with the Governor's consent.

1989, c. 656; 2003, c. 940.

§ 10.1-114.1. Directory of cultural heritage sites.

A. The Director is authorized to develop a state directory of cultural heritage facilities and sites. The directory shall recognize commemorative and historic facilities and sites that interpret significant aspects of national, state, or regional culture or history. Sites included in the directory shall not be owned or operated by state agencies.

B. Owners or managers of a potential commemorative or historic facility desiring to be included in the directory of cultural heritage sites shall submit an application to the Department. To be eligible for inclusion in the directory, the application shall include a discussion of the cultural and historic significance of the facility or site; a description of how the facility or site is staffed and managed; information on any oversight or advisory boards, including their mission statements and goals; information regarding the accessibility of the site to persons with special needs; information confirming the availability of the facility or site to the public for tours and educational or recreational programs on a regular basis; letters of support from local governments, chambers of commerce, tourism bureaus, or other supporting entities; and other information as the Department determines to be necessary. The Department may develop additional qualification criteria and application materials that may be necessary to implement the registry program. Such criteria may be adopted by the Director after considering the recommendations of the Board of Conservation and Recreation.

C. The Director shall evaluate whether the facility or site qualifies for inclusion in the directory. In evaluating the facility or site, the Director shall consult with the Department of Historic Resources, the Virginia Tourism Corporation, and other state and federal agencies when such consultation would benefit the evaluation.

D. The Director shall present any findings to the Board for its recommendation. Upon the favorable recommendation of the Board, the Director may designate a facility or site for inclusion in the directory with the Governor's written approval.

E. The Department shall maintain the directory of cultural heritage facilities and sites on its website and actively promote those facilities or sites.

2010, c. 29.