Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 17.1. Courts of Record
Chapter 3. Supreme Court

Article 2. Compensation and Expenses; Fees.

§ 17.1-324. Justices of Supreme Court.

The justices of the Supreme Court shall receive such salaries as shall be fixed from time to time in the general appropriation act.

Code 1950, § 14-38; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-29; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1972, c. 856; 1998, c. 872.

§ 17.1-325. Clerk and deputy clerks of Supreme Court.

The Clerk of the Supreme Court and the deputy clerks of the Court shall each receive an annual salary, as fixed by the Court. The salaries prescribed in this section for the Clerk and deputy clerks of the Supreme Court shall be the entire compensation for all services rendered by them, respectively, and shall be in lieu of any and all fees and other emoluments of their offices, prescribed by any other statutes or acts. A reasonable sum as approved by the Court, shall be allowed for the necessary expenses of maintaining the offices of the Clerk.

Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to lessen or eliminate the authority of the General Assembly to fix and determine such salaries.

Code 1950, § 14-39; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-30; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1972, c. 856; 1998, c. 872.

§ 17.1-326. Reporter of Supreme Court.

The reporter of the Supreme Court shall receive an annual salary as fixed by the Court.

Nothing herein contained, however, shall be construed to lessen or eliminate the authority of the General Assembly to fix and determine such salary.

Code 1950, § 14-41; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-32; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1972, c. 856; 1998, c. 872.

§ 17.1-327. Payment for services of retired judges; members of the State Corporation Commission and Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission.

Any justice, judge, member of the State Corporation Commission, or member of the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission who is retired under the Judicial Retirement System (§ 51.1-300 et seq.) and who is temporarily recalled to service shall be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred during such service and shall be paid a per diem of $400 for each day he actually sits, exclusive of travel time.

1990, c. 832, § 14.1-39.1; 1998, c. 872; 1999, c. 730; 2023, c. 328.

§ 17.1-328. Fees charged and collected by Clerk of Supreme Court.

A. The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall charge the following fees:

1. In every case in which a petition is presented, $50, which shall be collected at the time such petition is presented. Twenty-five dollars of each fee collected under this section shall be apportioned to the Courts Technology Fund established under § 17.1-132.

2. For making and certifying a copy of any record or document in the clerk's office, ten cents per 100 words or twenty-five cents per page.

3. For verifying and certifying any record or document not actually copied by the clerk, one-half of the fee for copying and certifying, which shall not, however, be applied to the certification of a copy of the record in this court which has already been printed.

4. For authentication of any record, document or paper under the seal of the court, fifty cents.

5. For copying and certifying any document or paper of less than 250 words, twenty-five cents.

6. For administering an oath and entering an order qualifying an attorney to practice in the court, two dollars and fifty cents.

7. For certificate of such qualification under seal of the court, one dollar plus the cost of engrossing.

8. For entering an order and licensing an attorney from another state, under the reciprocity statute, $500.

9. For a law license certificate under seal of the court and a certificate of qualification under seal of the court, $15, which shall be apportioned to the Courts Technology Fund established under § 17.1-132, plus the cost of engrossing.

10. For all other services not specifically mentioned above, the same fee as would be charged by a clerk of a circuit court in similar cases.

B. The tribunal wherein a motion to associate counsel pro hac vice and an application of an out-of-state lawyer are filed shall collect the fee specified in Rule 1A:4 of the Rules of the Supreme Court and transmit such fee to the Clerk of the Supreme Court, who shall deposit such fee in the Pro Hac Vice Fund established pursuant to § 17.1-205.

Code 1950, § 14-129; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-120; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1972, c. 856; 1977, c. 449; 1992, c. 252; 1998, c. 872; 2006, cc. 623, 718; 2007, cc. 113, 372.

§ 17.1-329. Disposition of fees of Clerk of Supreme Court.

The Clerk of the Supreme Court shall keep an accurate account of all fees and costs collected by him and shall make monthly deposits thereof in a depository, or depositories, approved by the State Treasurer, to the credit of the Commonwealth of Virginia. A report of each deposit shall be promptly submitted to the State Treasurer, and detailed reports thereof shall be made monthly to the State Comptroller. Except as provided in § 17.1-328, all such fees and costs shall be credited by the Comptroller to the general fund of the state treasury.

Code 1950, § 14-40; 1964, c. 386, § 14.1-31; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 156; 1998, c. 872; 2006, cc. 623, 718.