Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 18.2. Crimes and Offenses Generally
Chapter 6. Crimes Involving Fraud

Article 8. Misrepresentations and Other Offenses Connected with Sales.

§ 18.2-214. Changing or removing, etc., trademarks, identification marks, etc.

Any person, firm, association or corporation who or which intentionally removes, defaces, alters, changes, destroys or obliterates in any manner or way or who causes to be removed, defaced, altered, changed, destroyed or obliterated in any manner or way any trademark, distinguishment or identification number, serial number or mark on or from any article or device, in order to secrete its identification with intent to defraud, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-42; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-214.1. Penalties for failure to report removal or alteration of identification or serial number on business machines.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association, or corporation regularly engaged in the business of repairing, selling, renting or leasing of business machines to fail to report any business machine which such person, firm, association, or corporation knows has an altered or removed identification or serial number. The report shall be made to the appropriate law-enforcement agency for the county, city, or town where such business machine is located.

For purposes of this section, the term "business machines" includes, but is not limited to, typewriters, adding machines, check-writing machines, cash registers, calculators, addressing machines, copying, and accounting equipment, and recording equipment.

Any person, firm, association, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.

1981, c. 186; 1982, c. 154.

§ 18.2-215. Removal or alteration of identification numbers on household electrical appliances; possession of such appliances.

No person, firm, association or corporation, either individually or in association with one or more other persons, firms, associations or corporations shall remove, change or alter the serial number or other identification number stamped upon, cut into or attached as a permanent part of any household or electrical or electronic appliance where such number was stamped upon, cut into or attached to such appliance by the manufacturer thereof.

No person, firm, association or corporation shall knowingly have in his or its possession for the purpose of resale or keep in his possession for a period in excess of forty-eight hours without reporting such possession to the appropriate law-enforcement agency in his county, town or city a household or electrical or electronic appliance, with knowledge that the serial number or other identification number has been removed, changed or altered.

Any person, firm, association or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-43; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1976, c. 305.

§ 18.2-216. Untrue, deceptive or misleading advertising, inducements, writings or documents.

A. Any person, firm, corporation or association who, with intent to sell or in anywise dispose of merchandise, securities, service or anything offered by such person, firm, corporation or association, directly or indirectly, to the public for sale or distribution or with intent to increase the consumption thereof, or to induce the public in any manner to enter into any obligation relating thereto, or to acquire title thereto, or any interest therein, makes, publishes, disseminates, circulates or places before the public, or causes, directly or indirectly to be made, published, disseminated, circulated or placed before the public, in a newspaper or other publications, or in the form of a book, notice, handbill, poster, blueprint, map, bill, tag, label, circular, pamphlet or letter or in any other way, an advertisement of any sort regarding merchandise, securities, service, land, lot or anything so offered to the public, which advertisement contains any promise, assertion, representation or statement of fact which is untrue, deceptive or misleading, or uses any other method, device or practice which is fraudulent, deceptive or misleading to induce the public to enter into any obligation, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

The actions prohibited in this section, shall be construed as including (i) the advertising in any manner by any person of any goods, wares or merchandise as a bankrupt stock, receiver's stock or trustee's stock, if such stock contains any goods, wares or merchandise put therein subsequent to the date of the purchase by such advertiser of such stock, and if such advertisement of any such stock fail to set forth the fact that such stock contains other goods, wares or merchandise put therein, subsequent to the date of the purchase by such advertiser of such stock in type as large as the type used in any other part of such advertisement, including the caption of the same, it shall be a violation of this section; and (ii) the use of any writing or document which appears to be, but is not in fact a negotiable check, negotiable draft or other negotiable instrument unless the writing clearly and conspicuously, in at least 14-point bold type, bears the phrase "THIS IS NOT A CHECK" printed on its face.

B. An allegation made by a plaintiff in a civil pleading that a defendant real estate licensee has violated this section shall be stated with particularity.

Code 1950, § 59.1-44; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15, 507; 2005, c. 150; 2014, cc. 650, 696.

§ 18.2-216.1. Unauthorized use of name or picture of any person; punishment.

A person, firm, or corporation that knowingly uses for advertising purposes, or for the purpose of trade, the name, portrait, or picture of any person resident in the Commonwealth, without having first obtained the written consent of such person, or if dead, of his surviving consort, or if none, his next of kin, or, if a minor, of his or her parent or guardian, as well as that of such minor, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and be fined not less than $50 nor more than $1,000.

Code 1950, § 8-650; 1977, c. 624.

§ 18.2-217. Advertising merchandise, etc., for sale with intent not to sell at price or terms advertised; prima facie evidence of violation.

(a) Any person, firm, corporation or association who in any manner advertises or offers for sale to the public any merchandise, goods, commodity, service or thing with intent not to sell, or with intent not to sell at the price or upon the terms advertised or offered, shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

(b) In any prosecution or civil action under this section, the refusal by any person, firm, corporation or association or any employee, agent or servant thereof to sell, or the refusal to sell at the price or upon the terms advertised or offered, any merchandise, goods, commodity, service or thing advertised or offered for sale to the public, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this section; provided, that this subsection shall not apply when it is clearly stated in the advertisement or offer by which such merchandise, goods, commodity, service or thing is advertised or offered for sale to the public, that the advertiser or offeror has a limited quantity or amount of such merchandise, goods, commodity, service or thing for sale, and the advertiser or offeror at the time of such advertisement or offer did in fact have at least such quantity or amount for sale.

Code 1950, § 59.1-45; 1968, c. 439; 1972, c. 217; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-218. Failure to indicate goods, etc., are "seconds," "irregulars," "secondhand," etc.

Any person, firm, corporation or association who in any manner knowingly advertises or offers for sale to the public any merchandise, goods, commodity or thing which is defective, blemished, secondhand or used, or which has been designated by the manufacturer thereof as "seconds," "irregulars," "imperfects," "not first class," or words of similar import without clearly and unequivocally indicating in the advertisement or offer of the merchandise, goods, commodity or thing or the articles, units or parts, thereof so advertised or offered for sale to the public is defective, blemished, secondhand or used or consists of "seconds," "irregulars," "imperfects" or "not first class," shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-46; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-219. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 1992, c. 768.

§ 18.2-220. Use of word "wholesale" or "wholesaler.".

Any person, firm, corporation or association who in any manner in any advertisement or offer for sale to the public of any merchandise, goods, commodity or thing uses the words "wholesale" or "wholesaler" to represent or describe the nature of its business shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, unless such person, firm, corporation or association is actually engaged in selling at wholesale the merchandise, goods, commodity or thing advertised or offered for sale.

Code 1950, § 59.1-48; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-221. Advertising new or used automobiles or trucks.

Any person, firm, corporation or association engaged in selling new or used automobiles or trucks to the public shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor unless, in any printed advertisement or printed offer in which a price is stated, the following is included: (a) the make, year, and model of such automobile or truck; (b) if reference is made to items of optional equipment which are not included in the advertised price, the additional cost of each such items of optional equipment; and (c) if the manufacturer's suggested retail price is stated, whether such price is an F.O.B. factory or delivered price.

Code 1950, § 59.1-49; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1985, c. 420.

§ 18.2-222. Misrepresentation as to source of merchandise; penalty.

No person, firm, corporation or association selling or offering for sale any article or merchandise, shall in any manner represent, contrary to fact, that the article was made for, or acquired directly or indirectly from, the United States government or its military or naval forces or any agency of the United States government, or that it has been disposed of by the United States government.

Any person, firm, corporation or association violating any provision of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-53; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1983, c. 290.

§ 18.2-223. "Going out of business" sales; permit required.

It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise, or conduct, a sale for the purpose of discontinuing a retail business, or to modify the word "sale" in any advertisement with the words "going out of business" or any other words which tend to insinuate that the retail business is to be discontinued and the merchandise liquidated, unless such person obtains a permit to conduct such sale from the city, town or county, or from each city, town or county, wherein such sale is to be conducted.

A violation of the provisions of this section shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-53.1; 1972, c. 399; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-224. "Going out of business" sales; counties, cities and towns to issue permits; inspections; application for permit; inventory required; commingling of other goods prohibited; duration; additional permits; inclusion of permit number and dates in advertisements; fee.

Every county, town and city shall issue permits to retail merchants for special sales as required by § 18.2-223 upon the application of such merchant and shall inspect the advertisement and conducting of such sale to insure that it is being advertised and conducted in conformity with the required permit.

All applications for special sale permits shall be accompanied by an inventory, including the kind and quantity of all goods which are to be offered for sale during the sale and only the goods specified in the inventory list may be advertised or sold during the sale period. Goods not included on the inventory of special sale goods shall not be commingled with or added to the special sale goods. Each county, city or town shall have the right to revoke a special sale permit upon proof that goods not appearing on the original inventory of special sale goods have been commingled with or added to the special sale goods.

Each special sale permit shall be valid for a period of no longer than sixty days, and any extension of that time shall constitute a new special sale and shall require an additional permit and inventory. A maximum of one permit beyond the initial sixty-day permit may be granted solely for the purpose of liquidating only those goods contained in the initial inventory list which remain unsold.

Any person who advertises such sale shall conspicuously include in the advertisement the permit number assigned for the sale by the city, town or county wherein the sale is to be conducted and the effective dates of the sale as authorized in the permit.

Each county, town and city is authorized to charge a fee for the issuance of special sale permits. Such fee shall not exceed sixty-five dollars for each permit.

Code 1950, § 59.1-53.2; 1972, c. 399; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 1983, c. 445; 1988, c. 779; 1992, c. 562.

§ 18.2-225. Misrepresentations as to agricultural products.

Misrepresentation by advertising in the press or by radio or by television, or misrepresentation by letter, statement, mark representing grade, quality or condition, label or otherwise in handling, selling, offering or exposing for sale any agricultural commodities is hereby prohibited.

Any person, firm, association or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

The Director of the Division of Marketing, with the approval of the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services, may, in his discretion, cause prosecutions for violations of this section to be instituted through the attorneys for the Commonwealth, or otherwise, in counties or cities of the Commonwealth where in his opinion violations of this section are found.

Code 1950, § 59.1-54; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-226. Fraud and misrepresentation in sale of liquid fuels, lubricating oils and similar products.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation, to store, sell, expose for sale or offer for sale any liquid fuels, lubricating oils or other similar products, in any manner whatsoever, so as to deceive or tend to deceive the purchaser as to the nature, quality and identity of the product so sold or offered for sale.

Code 1950, § 59.1-55; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-227. Same; sale from pump indicating other brand.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to store, keep, expose for sale, offer for sale or sell, from any tank or container, or from any pump or other distributing device or equipment, any other liquid fuels, lubricating oils or other similar products than those indicated by the name, trade name, symbol, sign or other distinguishing mark or device of the manufacturer or distributor, appearing upon the tank, container, pump or other distributing equipment from which the same are sold, offered for sale or distributed.

Code 1950, § 59.1-56; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-228. Same; imitating indicia of other brands.

It shall be unlawful, for any person, firm, association or corporation to disguise or camouflage his or their own equipment by imitating the design, symbol or trade name of the equipment under which recognized brands of liquid fuels, lubricating oils and similar products are generally marketed.

Code 1950, § 59.1-57; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-229. Same; false trade name or mixing brands.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to expose for sale, offer for sale or sell, under any trademark or trade name in general use, any liquid fuels, lubricating oils or other like products, except those manufactured or distributed by the manufacturer or distributor marketing liquid fuels, lubricating oils or other like products under such trademark or trade name, or to substitute, mix or adulterate the liquid fuels, lubricating oils or other similar products sold, offered for sale or distributed under such trademark or trade name.

Code 1950, § 59.1-58; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-230. Same; assisting in violation of §§ 18.2-226 through 18.2-229.

It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation to aid or assist any other person, firm, association or corporation in the violation of the provisions of §§ 18.2-226 through 18.2-229 by depositing or delivering into any tank, receptacle or other container any other liquid fuels, lubricating oils or like products than those intended to be stored therein and distributed therefrom, as indicated by the name of the manufacturer or distributor or the trademark or trade name of the product displayed on the container itself, or on the pump or other distributing device used in connection therewith.

Code 1950, § 59.1-59; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-231. Same; label required.

There shall be firmly attached to or painted at or near the point of outlet from which lubricating oil is drawn or poured out for sale or delivery a sign or label consisting of the word or words in letters not less than one inch in height comprising the brand or trade name of such lubricating oil. But if any lubricating oil shall have no brand or trade name, the above sign or label shall consist of the words "lubricating oil, no brand."

Code 1950, § 59.1-60; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-232. Same; punishment for violation of §§ 18.2-226 through 18.2-231.

Any person, firm, association or corporation or any officer, agent or employee thereof who shall violate any provision of §§ 18.2-226 through 18.2-231, shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor; and a second or any subsequent offense shall be punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-61; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-233. Sale of goods marked "sterling" and "sterling silver.".

A person who makes or sells or offers to sell or dispose of or has in his possession with intent to sell or dispose of any article of merchandise marked, stamped or branded with the words "sterling" or "sterling silver," or encased or enclosed in any box, package, cover or wrapper, or other thing in or by which such article is packed, enclosed or otherwise prepared for sale or disposition, having thereon any engraving or printed label, stamp, imprint, mark or trademark indicating or denoting by such marking, stamping, branding, engraving or printing that such article is silver, sterling silver or solid silver, unless nine hundred and twenty-five one-thousandths part of the component parts of the metal of which such article is manufactured is pure silver, shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-62; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-234. Sale of goods marked "coin" and "coin silver.".

A person who makes or sells or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his possession with intent to sell or dispose of, any article of merchandise marked, stamped or branded with words "coin" or "coin silver," or encased or enclosed in any box, package, cover, wrapper or other thing in or by which such article is packed, enclosed, or otherwise prepared for sale or disposition, having thereon any engraving or printed label, stamp, imprint, mark or trademark indicating or denoting by such marking, stamping, branding, engraving or printing that such article is coin or coin silver, unless nine hundred one-thousandths part of the component parts of the metal of which such article is manufactured is pure silver, shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-63; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-235. Regulating sale of merchandise made of gold.

Any person who marks or sells or offers to sell or dispose of or has in his possession with intent to sell or dispose of any article of merchandise made of gold of a less carat of fineness than is stamped or marked on it or of a less carat of fineness than is engraved, stamped or imprinted on the tag, card, box, label, package, wrapper, cover or other thing in or by which such article is packed, enclosed or otherwise prepared for sale or disposition shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-64; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-236. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2006, cc. 392 and 485, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2006.

§ 18.2-237. Buying, etc., certain secondhand materials; intent; possession.

If any person buy or receive secondhand grate baskets, keys, bells and bell fixtures, gas fixtures, water fixtures, water pipes, gas pipes, or any part of such fixtures or pipes with intent to defraud, he shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor. Possession of any such secondhand baskets, keys, bells and bell fixtures, water fixtures, gas fixtures, water pipes, gas pipes, or any part of such fixtures or pipes if bought or received from any other person than the manufacturer thereof or his authorized agent or the owner thereof shall be prima facie evidence of such intent.

Code 1950, § 59.1-66; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-238. Buying, etc., pig iron, etc., with intent to defraud; possession; evidence of intent.

If any person buy or receive pig iron or railroad, telephone, telegraph, coal mining, industrial, manufacturing or public utility iron, brass, copper, metal or any composition thereof with intent to defraud, he shall be guilty of a Class 6 felony. Possession of any pig iron or railroad, telephone, telegraph, coal mining, industrial, manufacturing or public utility iron, brass, copper, metal or any composition thereof, if bought or received from any other person than the manufacturer thereof or his authorized agent or of a regularly licensed dealer therein, shall be prima facie evidence of such intent.

Code 1950, § 59.1-67; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-239. Pyramid promotional schemes; misdemeanor; definitions; contracts void.

Every person who contrives, prepares, sets up, operates, advertises or promotes any pyramid promotional scheme shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. For the purposes of this section:

(1) "Compensation" means the transfer of money or anything of value.

"Compensation" does not mean payment based on sales of goods or services to persons who are not participants in the scheme and who are not purchasing in order to participate in the scheme;

(2) "Consideration" means the payment of cash or the purchase of goods, services, or intangible property;

(3) "Promotes" means inducing one or more other persons to become a participant; and

(4) "Pyramid promotional scheme" means any plan or operation by which a person gives consideration for the opportunity to receive compensation a majority of which is derived from the introduction of other persons into the plan or operation rather than from the sale or consumption of goods, services, or intangible property by a participant or other persons introduced into the plan or operation.

All contracts and agreements, now existing or hereafter formed, whereof the whole or any part of the consideration is given for the right to participate in pyramid promotional scheme programs, are against public policy, void and unenforceable.

Any violation of the provisions of this section shall constitute a prohibited practice under the provisions of § 59.1-200 and shall be subject to any and all of the enforcement provisions of the Virginia Consumer Protection Act (§ 59.1-196 et seq.).

Code 1950, §§ 59.1-67.1, 59.1-67.2; 1970, c. 450; 1975, cc. 14, 15; 2008, cc. 791, 842.

§ 18.2-240. Same; injunction.

Any attorney for the Commonwealth may petition a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin the further prosecution of any pyramid promotional scheme as defined in § 18.2-239, and to appoint receivers to secure and distribute in an equitable manner any assets received by any participant as a result of such scheme, any such distribution to effect reimbursement, to the extent possible, for uncompensated payments made to become a participant in the scheme. The procedure in any such suit shall be similar to the procedure in other suits for equitable relief, except that no bond shall be required upon the granting of either a temporary or permanent injunction therein. Any person who organizes an endless chain scheme and, either directly or through an agent, promotes such scheme within the Commonwealth shall be deemed subject to the personal jurisdiction of such court of competent jurisdiction under §§ 8.01-328 through 8.01-330, and shall be liable for reasonable costs and attorneys' fees in such suit.

Code 1950, § 59.1-67.3; 1970, c. 450; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-241. Acceptance of promissory notes in payment for food sold at retail.

As used in this section, "food" includes food, groceries and beverages, for human consumption. "Retailer" means a person who sells food for consumption and not for resale.

It shall be unlawful for any retailer to accept, in payment for any food sold by him to a customer, a promissory note or notes for an amount in excess of twice the sales price of food delivered by him to the customer. As used in this section the word "delivered" means that actual physical delivery into the exclusive custody and control of the customer is made within seven days of the receipt of the note by the seller.

Any person who violates the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-68; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-242. Use of games, lotteries, etc., for promoting sale of certain products.

(a) No retail establishment in this Commonwealth shall use any game, contest, lottery or other scheme or device, whereby a person or persons may receive gifts, prizes or gratuities as determined by chance for the purpose of promoting, furthering or advertising the sale of any product or products having both a federal and state excise tax placed upon it, and the fact that no purchase is required in order to participate in such game, contest, lottery or scheme shall not exclude such game, contest, lottery or scheme from the provisions of this section.

(b) Any person violating the provision of this section shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-68.01; 1970, c. 764; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-242.1. Certain referral transactions in connection with consumer sales or leases prohibited; effect of such transactions.

(a) For the purpose of this section, the term "consumer sale or lease of goods or services" means the sale or lease of goods or services which are purchased or leased by a natural person primarily for a personal, family or household purpose, and not for resale.

(b) With respect to a consumer sale or lease of goods or services, no seller or lessor shall give or offer to give a rebate or discount or otherwise pay or offer to pay value to the buyer or lessee as an inducement for the sale or lease in return for the buyer's giving to the seller or lessor the names of prospective buyers or lessees, or otherwise aiding the seller or lessor in entering into a transaction with another buyer or lessee, if the earning of the rebate, discount, or other value is contingent upon the occurrence of any sale, lease, appointment, demonstration, interview, conference, seminar, bailment, testimonial or endorsement subsequent to the time the buyer or lessee enters into the agreement of sale or lease.

(c) Agreements made in whole or in part pursuant to a referral transaction as above described shall be void and unenforceable by the seller or lessor. The buyer or lessee shall be entitled to retain the goods, services or money received pursuant to a referral transaction without obligation to make any further or future payments of any sort on the transaction total, or he shall be entitled to avoid the transaction and to recover from the seller or lessor any sums paid to the seller or lessor pursuant to the transaction.

Code 1950, § 59.1-68.02; 1975, c. 3; 1976, c. 641.

§ 18.2-243. When issuer or distributor of advertisements not guilty of violation; inadvertent error.

A person, firm, corporation or association who or which, for compensation, issues or distributes any advertisement or offer, written, printed, oral or otherwise, in reliance upon the copy or information supplied him by the advertiser or offeror, shall not be deemed to have violated the provisions of this article, nor shall an inadvertent error on the part of any such person, firm, corporation or association be deemed a violation of such provisions.

Code 1950, § 59.1-51; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-244. Right to select clientele or customers not affected.

Nothing in this article shall be deemed to impair the right of any person, firm, corporation or association to select its clientele or customers.

Code 1950, § 59.1-52; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-245. Enjoining violation of this article.

(a) Any person, firm, corporation or association who violates any one or more of the sections in this article, may be enjoined by any court of competent jurisdiction notwithstanding the existence of an adequate remedy at law. In any action under this section, it shall not be necessary that damages be alleged or proved.

(b) Actions for injunctive relief under this section may be brought by an attorney for the Commonwealth in the name of the Commonwealth of Virginia upon their own complaint or upon the complaint of any person, firm, corporation or association. The bringing of an action under this section shall not prevent the institution or continuation of criminal proceedings against the same defendant or defendants.

Code 1950, § 59.1-50; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.

§ 18.2-246. Penalty in general for violations.

Unless otherwise provided, any person who shall violate any provision of any section in this article shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 59.1-68.1; 1968, c. 439; 1975, cc. 14, 15.