Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 24.2. Elections
Chapter 9.3. Campaign Finance Disclosure Act of 2006

Article 3. Candidates and Their Campaign Committees.

§ 24.2-947. Candidate election cycle.

The candidate's election cycle shall be deemed to begin on January 1 of the year that the candidate first seeks election for the office through December 31 immediately following the election for such office. The next election cycle, and any subsequent election cycles, for the candidate who seeks election for successive terms in the same office shall begin on January 1 immediately following each election for the same office and continue through December 31 immediately following the next successive election for the same office. Solely for the purpose of filing reports pursuant to this article, a candidate with any activity to report in a new election cycle shall be presumed to be a candidate for election in the succeeding election.

1970, c. 462, § 24.1-256; 1975, c. 515; 1990, c. 976; 1993, c. 641, § 24.2-906; 2003, c. 248; 2006, cc. 787, 892.

§ 24.2-947.1. Statement of organization.

A. Any individual seeking or campaigning for an office of the Commonwealth or one of its governmental units in a party nomination process or general, primary, or special election shall file a statement of organization within 10 days of meeting any one of the following conditions:

1. Acceptance of a contribution;

2. Expenditure of any funds;

3. The payment of a filing fee for any party nomination method;

4. The filing of a candidate statement of qualification pursuant to § 24.2-501;

5. The appointment of a campaign treasurer, designation of a campaign committee, or designation of a campaign depository; or

6. In the case of a candidate for a town office in a town with a population of less than 25,000 that has not otherwise adopted the provisions of this chapter by ordinance, acceptance of a contribution or expenditure of funds that brings the total amount of contributions accepted or funds expended to more than $25,000 within the candidate's election cycle, as set forth in § 24.2-947.

B. Candidates for statewide office shall file the statement with the State Board. Candidates for the General Assembly shall file the statement with the State Board and a copy of the statement with the general registrar of the locality of the candidate's residence. Candidates for local or constitutional office shall file the statement with the general registrar and, if the statement indicates that the candidate committee will be filing electronically, a copy with the State Board.

C. The statement of organization shall include the following information:

1. The full name and residence address of the candidate;

2. The full name and mailing address for the campaign committee;

3. The full name, residence address, and daytime phone number of the treasurer;

4. The office being sought and district, if any, for the office;

5. The recognized political party affiliation of the candidate for statewide office or the General Assembly. In the absence of any political party affiliation, independent shall be used;

6. The name of the financial institution for his campaign depository; and

7. Such other information as shall be required by the State Board except that the account number for a designated depository account shall not be required.

D. In the case of any candidate who seeks election for successive terms in the same office, the statement of organization filed by the candidate shall continue in effect for such successive elections, but the candidate shall file notice of any changes in the information provided on the form within 10 days of the change with the State Board, general registrar, or both, as appropriate.

1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-253, 24.1-254; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 222; 1972, cc. 620, 622; 1975, c. 515; 1978, c. 778; 1983, c. 119; 1984, c. 480; 1993, c. 641, § 24.2-904; 1996, c. 405; 2003, c. 248; 2004, cc. 441, 480; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2007, cc. 151, 286; 2015, cc. 644, 645; 2019, c. 825.

§ 24.2-947.2. Campaign depositories; reimbursements of expenses; petty cash fund.

A. Upon meeting any of the requirements of subsection A of § 24.2-947.1, the candidate shall designate a campaign depository, which shall be maintained in a financial institution within the Commonwealth, in an account properly identifying the name of and the existence of the political candidacy.

B. No candidate, campaign treasurer, or other individual shall pay any expense on behalf of a candidate, directly or indirectly, except by a check or electronic debit drawn on such designated depository identifying the name of the campaign committee and candidate. However, a candidate, treasurer, or other authorized member of the candidate's campaign staff may be reimbursed, by a check or electronic debit drawn on the designated depository, or according to the provisions of subsection C, for the payment of expenses (i) paid by him by cash, check or electronic debit, or credit card, (ii) made on behalf of the campaign, and (iii) fully documented by complete records of the expenditure, maintained as required by this chapter, and including receipts identifying the nature of the expenses and the names and addresses of each person paid by the recipient of the reimbursement.

C. A campaign committee (i) may establish a petty cash fund to be utilized for the purpose of making expenditures or reimbursing verified credit card expenditures of less than $200 if complete records of such expenditures are maintained as required by this chapter and (ii) may transfer funds from the designated campaign depository to an account or instrument to earn interest on the funds so long as the transferred funds and earned interest are returned to the designated depository account, complete records are maintained, and all expenditures are made through the designated depository account.

D. 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section pertaining to campaign committee depositories and accounts, the campaign committee's treasurer may establish a separate federal compliance account in the candidate's designated campaign depository for the purpose of complying with requirements of federal law including, without limitation, restrictions on sources and amounts of campaign contributions applicable to federal candidates and officeholders. The candidate and campaign treasurer shall report all contributions and expenditures for an account established pursuant to this subsection on a consolidated basis with the candidate's campaign account established pursuant to this section in disclosure reports filed pursuant to this article. In addition, the treasurer may transfer funds from a federal compliance account created pursuant to this subsection to an account or instrument to earn interest on the funds so long as the transferred funds and earned interest are returned to the designated depository account created pursuant to subsection A, complete records are maintained, and all expenditures are made through the designated depository account.

2. A committee registered with the Federal Election Commission which is not otherwise required by this chapter to file with the State Board, shall not be deemed to have triggered such filing requirements solely by virtue of one or more contributions to one or more federal compliance accounts created pursuant to this subsection.

1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-253, 24.1-254; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 222; 1972, cc. 620, 622; 1975, c. 515; 1978, c. 778; 1983, c. 119; 1984, c. 480; 1993, c. 641, §§ 24.2-904, 24.2-905; 1996, cc. 217, 405; 2000, c. 326; 2001, c. 633; 2002, cc. 213, 232; 2003, cc. 248, 967, § 24.2-905.1; 2004, cc. 441, 457, 480; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2020, c. 349.

§ 24.2-947.3. Campaign committee treasurer requirements and responsibilities.

A. Upon meeting any of the requirements of subsection A of § 24.2-947.1, the candidate shall appoint a single campaign treasurer who shall be a registered voter in Virginia. Every treasurer so appointed shall accept the appointment, in writing on the statement of organization, prior to the filing thereof. No individual shall act as treasurer unless the required statement of appointment has been filed. The same person may serve as campaign treasurer for more than one candidate.

B. In the event of the death, resignation, removal, or change of the treasurer, the candidate shall designate a successor and file the name and address of the successor within 10 days of the change with the State Board, general registrar, or both, as provided in subsection B of § 24.2-947.1.

C. Any candidate who fails to appoint a treasurer or successor treasurer shall be deemed to have appointed himself treasurer and shall comply as such with the provisions of this chapter.

D. All contributions and expenditures received or made by any candidate, or received or made on his behalf or in relation to his candidacy by any person, except independent expenditures, shall be paid over or delivered to the candidate's treasurer or shall be reported to the treasurer in such detail and form as to allow him to comply fully with this chapter. An independent expenditure shall be reported pursuant to § 24.2-945.2 in lieu of being reported to the candidate's treasurer.

E. The candidate or his treasurer shall keep detailed and accurate accounts of all contributions turned over to and expenditures made by the candidate or his treasurer on behalf of the candidate or his campaign committee, or reported to any candidate or his treasurer pursuant to this article. Such account shall set forth the date of the contribution or expenditure, its amount or value, the name and address of the person or committee making the contribution or to whom the expenditure was made, and the object or purpose of the contribution or expenditure. Such books and records may be destroyed or discarded at any time after (i) one year from the date of filing the final report required by § 24.2-948.4 or (ii) three years after the December 31 immediately following the election, whichever last occurs, unless a court of competent jurisdiction shall order their retention for a longer period.

F. The treasurer shall be responsible for retaining all bank statements for, and copies of checks issued on, the campaign depository and bills, invoices, and receipts for any expenditure greater than $500. The treasurer for a nonincumbent candidate shall retain such records and materials for a period starting from the date of the designation of the campaign depository for the campaign through July 1 of the year immediately following the year of the election. The treasurer for incumbent candidates shall retain such records and materials for a period starting from the date that the incumbent was sworn into office for the term being served at the time of the election through July 1 of the year immediately following the year of the election. The treasurer shall make such records and materials available to the Department or its designee upon request pursuant to the provisions of § 24.2-948.5.

G. It shall be unlawful for any candidate, his treasurer, or any person receiving contributions or making expenditures on a candidate's behalf or in relation to his candidacy, to fail to report every contribution and expenditure as required by this article.

1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-253, 24.1-254, 24.1-255, 24.2-256; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 222; 1972, cc. 620, 622; 1975, c. 515; 1978, c. 778; 1981, c. 425; 1983, c. 119; 1984, c. 480; 1988, c. 616; 1990, c. 976; 1991, c. 9; 1993, cc. 641, 776, 921, §§ 24.2-904, 24.2-906, 24.2-907; 1996, c. 405; 2003, c. 248; 2004, cc. 441, 480; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2015, cc. 644, 645; 2022, c. 258.

§ 24.2-947.3:1. Certain contributions received from federal political action and out-of-state political committees; campaign committee responsibilities.

Prior to accepting contributions of $10,000 or more in the aggregate in any calendar year from any one federal political action committee or out-of-state political committee, the candidate campaign committee shall (i) request the federal political action committee's or out-of-state political committee's State Board of Elections registration number from the committee and (ii) verify that number with the State Board.

2006, cc. 771, 805, § 24.2-907.1.

§ 24.2-947.4. Information to be included on campaign finance reports for campaign committees.

A. The reports required by this article shall be filed on a form prescribed by the State Board and shall include all financial activity of the campaign committee. All completed forms shall be submitted in typed, printed, or legibly hand printed format or electronically as provided in § 24.2-946.1. Persons submitting the forms shall do so subject to felony penalties for making false statements pursuant to § 24.2-1016.

B. The report of receipts shall include:

1. The total number of contributors, each of whom has contributed an aggregate of $100 or less, including cash and in-kind contributions, as of the date of the report, and the total amount of contributions from all such contributors;

2. For each contributor who has contributed an aggregate of more than $100, including cash and in-kind contributions, as of the ending date of the report, the campaign committee shall itemize each contributor on the report and list the following information:

a. the name of the contributor, listed alphabetically,

b. the mailing address of the contributor,

c. the amount of the contribution,

d. the aggregate amount of contributions from the contributor to date,

e. the date of the contribution,

f. the occupation of the contributor,

g. the name of his employer or principal business, and

h. the city and state where employed or where his business is located.

For each such contributor, other than an individual, the principal type of business and place of business of the contributor shall be substituted for subdivisions f and g, respectively. For each such contributor other than an individual, it shall be sufficient to list the address of the contributor one time on the report of receipts.

3. For each designated contribution received by the campaign committee from a political committee, out-of-state political committee, or federal political action committee, the campaign committee shall list the name of the person who designated the contribution and provide the information required by this subsection.

C. The report of disbursements shall include all expenditures and give:

1. The name and address of the person paid;

2. A brief description of the purpose of the expenditure;

3. The name of the person contracting for or arranging the expenditure;

4. The amount of the expenditure; and

5. The date of the expenditure.

The report of disbursements shall itemize any expenditure made by credit card payment.

D. Each report for a candidate shall list separately those receipts and expenditures reported to the candidate or his treasurer by any person, campaign committee, or political committee pursuant to subsection D of § 24.2-947.3, and in the case of in-kind contributions, shall set forth in each instance the source of the information reported.

E. The report shall list separately all loans and, for each loan, shall give:

1. The date the loan was made;

2. The name and address of the person making the loan and any person who is a co-borrower, guarantor, or endorser of the loan;

3. The amount of the loan;

4. The date and amount of any repayment of the loan; and

5. For any loan or part of a loan that is forgiven by the lender, the amount forgiven listed as both a contribution and loan repayment.

F. The State Board shall provide for a "no activity" report that may be filed for any reporting period in which the filer has no activity to report.

G. It is the joint responsibility of the candidate and his treasurer that the report of a candidate be filed, that the report be in full and accurate detail, and that the report be received by the State Board, general registrar, or both, by the deadline for filing the report.

1970, c. 462, § 24.1-258; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 247; 1972, c. 620; 1975, c. 515; 1976, c. 616; 1978, c. 381; 1983, c. 119; 1990, c. 156; 1993, cc. 341, 641, § 24.2-914; 1997, cc. 364, 392; 1999, c. 864; 2000, c. 304; 2001, cc. 618, 810; 2002, c. 468; 2003, c. 248; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2008, cc. 152, 289; 2015, cc. 644, 645.

§ 24.2-947.4:1. Loans to candidate campaign committees; prohibited interest payments; civil penalty.

This section shall apply to any loan made to a candidate campaign committee by the candidate or by a member of his immediate family as that term is defined in § 30-101. There shall be no interest paid to the candidate or his immediate family member by the candidate campaign committee on the amount of the loan, and the committee shall repay no more than the face value of the loan.

Any person who accepts or makes an interest payment in violation of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty equal to the amount of the prohibited interest payment or $500, whichever amount is greater. The attorney for the Commonwealth shall initiate civil proceedings to enforce the civil penalty provided herein. Any civil penalties collected shall be payable to the State Treasurer for deposit to the general fund.

2012, c. 163.

§ 24.2-947.5. With whom candidates file reports; electronic filing requirement.

A. Candidates for statewide office and for the General Assembly shall file the reports required by this article by computer or electronic means in accordance with the standards approved by the State Board.

B. Candidates for local or constitutional office in any locality shall file reports required by this article with the State Board by computer or electronic means in accordance with the standards approved by the State Board and shall not be required to file reports with the general registrar of the locality in which the candidate resides.

C. Except as provided in § 24.2-948.1, candidates for any other office who file reports in nonelectronic format shall file with the general registrar of the locality in which the candidate resides.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection C, a former candidate who is no longer seeking election but has not yet filed a final report as required by § 24.2-948.4 and who files reports in nonelectronic format shall file with the general registrar of the locality in which he sought office.

E. Any report that may be filed with the State Board by mail shall be (i) received by the State Board by the deadline for filing the report or (ii) transmitted to the State Board by telephonic transmission to a facsimile device by the deadline for filing the report with an original copy of the report mailed to the State Board and postmarked by the deadline for filing the report.

1970, c. 462, §§ 24.1-253, 24.1-254; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 222; 1972, cc. 620, 622; 1975, c. 515; 1978, c. 778; 1983, c. 119; 1984, c. 480; 1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, c. 641, §§ 24.2-904, 24.2-915; 1996, c. 405; 2000, cc. 304, 511, 555; 2001, cc. 618, 794, 810; 2002, c. 468; 2003, c. 248; 2004, cc. 441, 480; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2007, cc. 151, 286; 2015, cc. 644, 645; 2018, cc. 538, 683; 2020, c. 769.

§ 24.2-947.6. Filing schedule for candidates for office; November elections.

A. Any candidate for any office to be filled at a November general election shall file the prescribed campaign finance reports as follows:

1. Not later than July 15 in a nonelection year for the period January 1 through June 30;

2. Not later than January 15 following a nonelection year for the period July 1 through December 31;

3. In an election year, not later than April 15 for the period January 1 through March 31 and pursuant to subdivisions 4 through 9 of this section;

4. Not later than the eighth day before the primary date complete through the twelfth day before the primary date;

5. Not later than July 15 complete through June 30;

6. Not later than September 15 complete through August 31;

7. Not later than October 15 complete through September 30;

8. Not later than the eighth day before the November election date complete through the twelfth day before the election date;

9. Not later than the thirtieth day after the November election date complete through the twenty-third day after the election date; and

10. Not later than January 15 following an election year complete through December 31, and then in accordance with subdivisions A 1 and A 2 or subdivisions A 3 through A 9, as appropriate, of this subsection until a final report is filed.

B. Any candidate, who was subject to the election year filing schedule set out in subdivisions A 3 through A 9 and who has not filed a final report, shall file reports in any subsequent election year for the same office in accordance with the election year filing schedule set out in subdivisions A 3 through A 9.

C. Any candidate shall also file any report of certain large contributions required by § 24.2-947.9, if applicable.

1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, cc. 639, 641, § 24.2-916; 1995, c. 785; 2004, c. 26; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2010, c. 696; 2015, c. 646.

§ 24.2-947.7. Filing schedule for candidates for office; May elections.

A. Any candidate for election to a local office to be filled at a May general election shall file the prescribed campaign finance reports as follows:

1. Not later than July 15 in a nonelection year for the period January 1 through June 30;

2. Not later than January 15 following a nonelection year for the period July 1 through December 31;

3. For municipal primary candidates only, not later than the eighth day before the primary date complete through the twelfth day before the primary;

4. Not later than April 15 of the election year complete through March 31;

5. Not later than the eighth day before the election date complete through the twelfth day before the election date;

6. Not later than June 15 of the election year complete through June 10;

7. Not later than July 15 of the election year complete through June 30; and

8. Not later than the following January 15 complete through December 31, and then in accordance with subdivisions A 1 and A 2 or subdivisions A 3 through A 7, as appropriate, of this subsection until a final report is filed.

B. Any candidate, who was subject to the election year filing schedule set out in subdivisions A 3 through A 8 and who has not filed a final report, shall file reports in any subsequent election year for the same office in accordance with the election year filing schedule set out in subdivisions A 3 through A 8.

C. Any candidate shall also file any report of certain large contributions required by § 24.2-947.9, if applicable.

1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, c. 641, § 24.2-917; 1995, c. 785; 2004, c. 26; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2008, c. 650; 2010, c. 696; 2015, c. 646.

§ 24.2-947.8. Filing requirements for special elections.

A. Candidates for nomination or election to an office to be filled by a special election held on a regular election date shall file the prescribed reports of contributions and expenditures which apply to regularly scheduled elections for that office.

B. In the case of a special election held on a date other than a regularly scheduled general election, the candidate shall file as follows:

1. A report not later than the eighth day before the special election date complete through the twelfth day before that date;

2. A postelection report no later than the thirtieth day after the election and prior to taking office; and

3. A postelection report not later than January 15 and July 15 each year until a final report is filed.

C. Any candidate, who has been subject to the election year filing schedule set out in subdivisions B 1 through B 3 and who has not filed a final report, shall file reports in any subsequent election year for the same office in accordance with the election year filing schedule set out in § 24.2-947.6 or 24.2-947.7 as appropriate for that office.

D. Any candidate shall also file any report of certain large contributions required by § 24.2-947.9, if applicable.

1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, cc. 639, 641, § 24.2-918; 2005, c. 831; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2010, c. 696; 2015, c. 646.

§ 24.2-947.9. Special report required of certain large pre-election contributions.

A. Any contribution reported pursuant to this section shall also be reported on the first report required by this article after any election.

B. Except as provided in subsection C, any single contribution of $5,000 or more for a statewide office, $1,000 or more for the General Assembly, or $500 or more for any other office, knowingly received or reported by the candidate or his treasurer on behalf of his candidacy on and after the eleventh day preceding (i) a primary and before the primary date, (ii) a general election and before the general election date, or (iii) any other election in which the individual is a candidate and before the election day, shall be reported in writing as provided in §§ 24.2-947.4 and 24.2-947.5 or electronically pursuant to § 24.2-946.1, and the report shall be received by the State Board or general registrar, as appropriate, by 11:59 p.m. on the following day or for a contribution received on a Saturday by 11:59 p.m. on the following Monday. However, any such contribution received within the 24 hours prior to the election day shall be reported and a report thereof received on the day prior to the election.

C. The reports required by subsection B of this section shall also be required of any candidate for nomination by a political party to serve as the party's nominee in a general or special election if (i) the party nominates by convention or any method other than a primary and (ii) there are at least two candidates for nomination pursuant to the rules and procedures of the party. In such case, candidates for nomination shall be required to file the reports required by subsection B for the 11-day period, as specified by subsection B, immediately preceding:

1. The caucus, mass meeting, convention, or other nominating event at which the party's nomination shall be finally determined pursuant to the rules and procedures of the party; and

2. Any caucus, mass meeting, convention, or other nominating event, other than that at which the party's nomination shall be finally determined, at which delegates are chosen who are pledged to support a specified candidate on at least one ballot at a subsequent district or state convention required as part of the nominating process.

D. No report shall be required pursuant to subsection C if the candidate is or has become, by virtue of the withdrawal of any opponent or the operation of the rules and procedures of the party, unopposed for nomination at the time such report otherwise would be required to be made.

E. Any person who is named as the candidate on the statement of organization for more than one campaign committee required to file campaign finance reports under this article shall be required to file special reports pursuant to this section for all such committees during the period applicable to any such campaign committee.

1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1991, c. 709; 1993, cc. 639, 641, § 24.2-919; 1995, c. 785; 1998, c. 382; 2000, c. 304; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2007, cc. 151, 286; 2008, c. 380; 2015, cc. 644, 645, 646; 2016, c. 401; 2020, c. 347.

§ 24.2-947.10. Filing requirements for persons with multiple campaign committees.

Any person who is named as the candidate on the statement of organization for more than one campaign committee required to file campaign finance reports under this article shall have separate campaign finance reports filed for all such campaign committees by the deadline for filing campaign finance reports for any such campaign committee. Such campaign finance reports shall be complete through the period prescribed for the associated deadline.

2020, c. 347.

§ 24.2-947.11. Special report required of certain large pre-legislative session contributions.

A. Any candidate for a statewide office or the General Assembly shall, not later than January 15, file a report with the State Board of any single contribution in excess of $1,000, or any combination of contributions with an aggregate value in excess of $1,000 from a single person, that is knowingly received or reported by the candidate or his treasurer on behalf of his candidacy during the period beginning January 1 and ending on the day immediately before the first day of a regular session of the General Assembly. This report shall be filed as provided in § 24.2-947.5, and the report shall be received by the State Board not later than January 15.

B. Any contribution reported pursuant to subsection A shall not be required to be reported on any subsequent report required by this article following the date of the contribution.

2020, c. 770, § 24.2-947.10; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 343.

§ 24.2-948. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2010, c. 696, cl. 2.

§ 24.2-948.1. Exemption from reporting requirements for certain candidates for local office and for directors of soil and water conservation districts.

A. This section shall apply to candidates for local office and for director of soil and water conservation districts. A candidate for local office or for director of a soil and water conservation district may seek an exemption from the requirements for filing campaign finance disclosure reports set out in this chapter except for the filing requirements of §§ 24.2-945.2, 24.2-947.1, and 24.2-948.4 pertaining to certain independent expenditures, the statement of organization, and the filing of a final report. The request for an exemption shall be filed with the general registrar of the county or city where the candidate resides on a form prescribed by the State Board and in accordance with instructions by the State Board for the time for filing and the process for approval by the general registrar.

B. To qualify for an exemption, the candidate shall certify on the form that (i) he has not and will not solicit or accept any contribution from any other person or political committee during the course of his campaign, (ii) he has not and will not contribute to his own campaign more than $1,000, (iii) he has not and will not expend more than $1,000 in the course of his campaign, and (iv) that he has complied and will comply with the requirements of this chapter. This certification shall apply for the duration of the campaign until the filing of a final report in compliance with § 24.2-948.4 after the election. A candidate may rescind his certification and exemption at any time during the campaign and shall file in accordance with the appropriate filing schedule thereafter, provided that the candidate rescinds his certification prior to engaging in the activities described in clauses (i), (ii), and (iii) of this subsection. The first report filed shall account for all prior contributions and expenditures pertaining to his campaign.

C. A candidate for director of a soil and water conservation district may also seek an exemption from the requirement that he designate a separate campaign depository pursuant to § 24.2-947.1 by certifying, on the same form as provided for other exemptions in subsection A, that (i) he has not and will not contribute any money to his own campaign and (ii) he has not and will not expend any money in the course of the campaign.

A candidate may rescind his certification and exemption at any time during the campaign and shall file in accordance with the appropriate filing schedule thereafter, provided that the candidate rescinds his certification prior to engaging in the activities described in clauses (i) and (ii).

D. Any candidate who has qualified for an exemption from reporting requirements pursuant to this section shall not be permitted to qualify for any office, enter upon the duties thereof, or receive any salary or emoluments therefrom until a final report has been filed that details all financial activity of the candidate's campaign and states that all reporting for the nomination and election is complete and final. No officer authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth to issue certificates of election shall issue one to any person determined to be elected to any such office, until copies of the final report cited above have been filed as required in this chapter.

E. A candidate who has a current exemption under the provisions of this section, or who is otherwise exempt from reporting contributions and expenditures under this chapter, may purchase voter lists from the State Board under the provisions of §§ 24.2-405 and 24.2-406 with a check drawn on the candidate's personal account.

2001, c. 794, § 24.2-906.1; 2005, c. 384; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2010, c. 696; 2015, cc. 644, 645; 2020, c. 772; 2024, cc. 110, 124.

§ 24.2-948.2. Reports as condition to qualification for office.

A. No person shall be permitted to qualify for any office, enter upon the duties thereof, or receive any salary or emoluments therefrom until he has filed the campaign finance reports required in subdivisions A 3 through A 9 of § 24.2-947.6; subdivisions A 3 through A 6 of § 24.2-947.7; and subdivisions B 1 and B 2 of § 24.2-947.8, as applicable; and a final report if required by subsection D of § 24.2-948.1; and has responded to and complied with any notice that additional information is required to complete a report in compliance with § 24.2-953.3. No person shall be permitted to qualify for any office, enter upon the duties thereof, or receive any salary or emoluments therefrom until he has paid any civil penalty and returned any contribution required to be returned pursuant to § 24.2-953.5. No officer authorized by the laws of this Commonwealth to issue certificates of election shall issue one to any person determined to be elected to any such office, until copies of the reports cited above have been filed as required in this article.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A, a person who is elected to fill a vacancy at a special election held on a general election day may qualify for the office and be issued a certificate of election in advance of filing the postelection report required to be filed under subdivision A 9 of § 24.2-947.6 in the case of a November election, or under subdivision A 6 of § 24.2-947.7 in the case of a May election, upon the filing of a postelection report complete through the election day.

1970, c. 462, § 24.1-260; 1972, c. 620; 1982, c. 650; 1986, c. 558; 1988, c. 734; 1993, c. 641, § 24.2-922; 1995, c. 785; 1999, c. 120; 2005, c. 384; 2006, cc. 771, 787, 805, 892; 2008, c. 650; 2024, cc. 110, 124.

§ 24.2-948.3. Compliance with reporting requirements of campaign finance disclosure act as requirement of candidacy for certain offices.

A. It shall be a requirement of candidacy in any election for statewide office or the General Assembly that the candidate shall have filed the disclosure reports required by this chapter for any election in which he participated as a candidate for any such office and which was held within the five years preceding the date of the election in which he seeks to be a candidate. For the purposes of this section, the candidate shall be presumed to have complied with the candidate disclosure reporting requirements unless (i) the State Board or general registrar, whichever is appropriate, has notified the candidate, at least 60 days prior to the applicable deadline for him to file his written statement of qualification set out in § 24.2-503, that he has failed to file a required report or reports and (ii) the candidate fails to file the specified report or reports by the applicable deadline for filing his written statement of qualification.

B. The authority of the State Board to grant an extension of the deadline established in § 24.2-503 shall include the authority to grant such extension with respect to the requirements of this section.

1994, c. 752, § 24.2-503.1; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2015, cc. 644, 645.

§ 24.2-948.4. Final report requirement; disbursement of surplus funds.

A. A final report shall be filed by every campaign committee which sets forth (i) all receipts and disbursements not previously reported, (ii) an accounting of the retirement of all debts, and (iii) the disposition of all surplus funds as provided in subsection D. The final report shall include a termination statement, signed by the candidate, that all reporting for the campaign committee is complete and final. Once a campaign committee's final report has been filed, no further report relating to that election shall be required.

B. A final report shall be required when (i) a candidate no longer seeks election to the same office in a successive election, (ii) a candidate seeks election to a different office, or (iii) the candidate is deceased.

C. If the candidate is deceased, the final report shall be filed and signed by the treasurer. If the candidate was serving as his own treasurer, his executor shall file and sign the final report. Any excess contributed funds shall be disposed of pursuant to the provisions of subsection D.

D. Amounts received by a candidate or his campaign committee as contributions that are in excess of the amount necessary to defray his campaign expenditures may be disposed of only by one or any combination of the following: (i) transferring the excess for use in a succeeding election or to retire the deficit in a preceding election; (ii) returning the excess to a contributor in an amount not to exceed the contributor's original contribution; (iii) donating the excess to any organization described in § 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code; (iv) contributing the excess to one or more candidates or to any political committee that has filed a statement of organization pursuant to this chapter; (v) contributing the excess to any political party committee; and (vi) defraying any ordinary, nonreimbursed expense related to his elective office. It shall be unlawful for any person to convert any contributed moneys, securities, or like intangible personal property to his personal use or to the use of a member of the candidate's "immediate family" as that term is defined in § 30-101.

1986, c. 558, § 24.1-257.2; 1988, c. 734; 1990, c. 931, § 24.1-258.1; 1991, c. 709; 1993, c. 641, §§ 24.2-920, 24.2-921; 2000, c. 233; 2003, c. 248; 2004, c. 457; 2006, cc. 787, 892; 2009, c. 231.

§ 24.2-948.5. Reviews of campaign finance reports and records.

A. The Department shall have the authority to review the reports and records of the campaign committees. The purposes of the review shall be to (i) reconcile the balance in the campaign depository with the amounts reported in the candidate's reports of receipts and expenditures and (ii) review the reports for mathematical accuracy and facial completeness including the reporting of specific information required by law. In the performance of its review, the Department is authorized to request the production of monthly bank statements for, and copies of checks issued on, campaign depositories and itemized bills, invoices, and receipts for any expenditure of campaign funds in an amount greater than $500.

B. The Department shall review the reports and records of the campaign committees within 180 days following the general election. The Department shall review the reports and records of all of the campaign committees for candidates, including losing primary candidates, for statewide office; 10 percent of the campaign committees for candidates, including losing primary candidates, for the Senate and House of Delegates; and one percent of candidates, including losing primary candidates, for all other offices in any year in which such offices are elected. The State Board shall meet publicly to select the campaign committees to be reviewed by a drawing that ensures selection on a random basis.

C. No review shall be conducted of a campaign committee for any office that has received less than $25,000 in contributions during the campaign, including the transfer of surplus funds from a prior campaign. Campaign committees for candidates that are exempt from review pursuant to this subsection shall not be included in the drawing provided for in subsection B or counted in determining the number that equals the relevant percentage of the campaign committees to be reviewed.

D. In the performance of its duties under this section, the Department may employ the services of additional personnel to the extent that appropriated funds are available to the Department for such purpose.

E. The Department shall make a report of the results of its reviews available to the State Board, the Governor, and the General Assembly by July 1 of each year following the election year for the office to which the review pertains and the same shall be posted to the Department's website.

2022, c. 258.