Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 20. Regulation of Passenger Carriers

Article 1. Motor Carriers of Passengers -- Generally.

§ 46.2-2000. Definitions.

Whenever used in this chapter unless expressly stated otherwise:

"Authorized insurer" means, in the case of an interstate motor carrier whose operations may or may not include intrastate activity, an insurer authorized to transact business in any one state, or, in the case of a solely intrastate motor carrier, an insurer authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth.

"Broker" means any person not included in the term "motor carrier" and not a bona fide employee or agent of any such carrier, who, as principal or agent, sells or offers for sale any transportation subject to this chapter except for transportation pursuant to Article 15 (§ 46.2-2099.45 et seq.), or negotiates for, or holds himself out by solicitation, advertisement, or otherwise as one who sells, provides, furnishes, contracts, or arranges for such transportation.

"Carrier by motor launch" means a common carrier, which carrier uses one or more motor launches operating on the waters within the Commonwealth to transport passengers.

"Certificate" means a certificate of public convenience and necessity or a certificate of fitness.

"Certificate of fitness" means a certificate issued by the Department to a contract passenger carrier, a sight-seeing carrier, a transportation network company, or a nonemergency medical transportation carrier.

"Certificate of public convenience and necessity" means a certificate issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles to certain common carriers, but nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed to mean that the Department can issue any such certificate authorizing intracity transportation.

"Common carrier" means any person who undertakes, whether directly or by a lease or any other arrangement, to transport passengers for the general public by motor vehicle for compensation over the highways of the Commonwealth, whether over regular or irregular routes, including such motor vehicle operations of carriers by rail or water under this chapter. "Common carrier" does not include nonemergency medical transportation carriers, transportation network companies, or TNC partners as defined in this section.

"Contract passenger carrier" means a motor carrier that transports groups of passengers under a single contract made with one person for an agreed charge for such transportation, regardless of the number of passengers transported, and for which transportation no individual or separate fares are solicited, charged, collected, or received by the carrier. "Contract passenger carrier" does not include a transportation network company or TNC partner as defined in this section.

"Department" means the Department of Motor Vehicles.

"Digital platform" means any online-enabled application, software, website, or system offered or utilized by a transportation network company that enables the prearrangement of rides with TNC partners.

"Employee hauler" means a motor carrier operating for compensation and exclusively transporting only bona fide employees directly to and from the factories, plants, office or other places of like nature where the employees are employed and accustomed to work.

"Excursion train" means any steam-powered train that carries passengers for which the primary purpose of the operation of such train is the passengers' experience and enjoyment of this means of transportation, and does not, in the course of operation, carry (i) freight other than the personal luggage of the passengers or crew or supplies and equipment necessary to serve the needs of the passengers and crew, (ii) passengers who are commuting to work, or (iii) passengers who are traveling to their final destination solely for business or commercial purposes.

"Financial responsibility" means the ability to respond in damages for liability thereafter incurred arising out of the ownership, maintenance, use, or operation of a motor vehicle, in the amounts provided for in this chapter.

"Highway" means every public highway or place of whatever nature open to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel in the Commonwealth, including the streets and alleys in towns and cities.

"Identification marker" means a decal or other visible identification issued by the Department to show one or more of the following: (i) that the operator of the vehicle has registered with the Department for the payment of the road tax imposed under Chapter 27 (§ 58.1-2700 et seq.) of Title 58.1; (ii) proof of the possession of a certificate or permit issued pursuant to this chapter; or (iii) proof of compliance with the insurance requirements of this chapter.

"Interstate" means transportation of passengers between states.

"Intrastate" means transportation of passengers solely within a state.

"License" means a license issued by the Department to a broker or a TNC broker.

"Minibus" means any motor vehicle having a seating capacity of not less than seven nor more than 31 passengers, including the driver, and used in the transportation of passengers.

"Motor carrier" means any person who undertakes, whether directly or by lease, to transport passengers for compensation over the highways of the Commonwealth.

"Motor launch" means a motor vessel that meets the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard for the carriage of passengers for compensation, with a capacity of six or more passengers, but not in excess of 50 passengers. "Motor launch" does not include sight-seeing vessels, special or charter party vessels within the provisions of this chapter. A carrier by motor launch shall not be regarded as a steamship company.

"Nonemergency medical transportation carrier" means a motor carrier that exclusively provides nonemergency medical transportation and provides such transportation only (i) through the Department of Medical Assistance Services; (ii) through a broker operating under a contract with the Department of Medical Assistance Services; or (iii) as a Medicaid Managed Care Organization or through a contractor of a Medicaid Managed Care Organization contracted with the Department of Medical Assistance Services to provide such transportation.

"Nonprofit/tax-exempt passenger carrier" means a bona fide nonprofit corporation organized or existing under Chapter 10 (§ 13.1-801 et seq.) of Title 13.1, or a tax-exempt organization as defined in §§ 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, who undertakes, whether directly or by lease, to control and operate minibuses exclusively in the transportation, for compensation, of members of such organization if it is a membership corporation, or of elderly, disabled, or economically disadvantaged members of the community if it is not a membership corporation.

"Operation" or "operations" includes the operation of all motor vehicles, whether loaded or empty, whether for compensation or not, and whether owned by or leased to the motor carrier who operates them or causes them to be operated.

"Operation of a TNC partner vehicle" means (i) any time a TNC partner is logged into a digital platform and is available to pick up passengers; (ii) any time a passenger is in the TNC partner vehicle; and (iii) any time the TNC partner has accepted a prearranged ride request through the digital platform and is en route to a passenger.

"Operator" means the employer or person actually driving a motor vehicle or combination of vehicles.

"Permit" means a permit issued by the Department to carriers operating as employee haulers or nonprofit/tax-exempt passenger carriers or to operators of taxicabs or other vehicles performing taxicab service under this chapter.

"Person" means any individual, firm, copartnership, corporation, company, association, or joint-stock association, and includes any trustee, receiver, assignee, or personal representative thereof.

"Personal vehicle" means a motor vehicle that is not used to transport passengers for compensation except as a TNC partner vehicle.

"Prearranged ride" means passenger transportation for compensation in a TNC partner vehicle arranged through a digital platform. "Prearranged ride" includes the period of time that begins when a TNC partner accepts a ride requested through a digital platform, continues while the TNC partner transports a passenger in a TNC partner vehicle, and ends when the passenger exits the TNC partner vehicle.

"Restricted common carrier" means any person who undertakes, whether directly or by a lease or other arrangement, to transport passengers for compensation, whereby such transportation service has been restricted. "Restricted common carrier" does not include a transportation network company or TNC partner as defined in this section.

"Route," when used in connection with or with respect to a certificate of public convenience and necessity, means the road or highway, or segment thereof, operated over by the holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity or proposed to be operated over by an applicant therefor, whether such road or highway is designated by one or more highway numbers.

"Services" and "transportation" include the service of, and all transportation by, all vehicles operated by, for, or in the interest of any motor carrier irrespective of ownership or contract, expressed or implied, together with all facilities and property operated or controlled by any such carrier or carriers and used in the transportation of passengers or the performance of any service in connection therewith.

"Sight-seeing carrier" means a restricted common carrier authorized to transport passengers under the provisions of this chapter, whereby the primary purpose of the operation is the passengers' experience and enjoyment or the promotion of tourism.

"Sight-seeing carrier by boat" means a restricted common carrier, which restricted common carrier uses a boat or boats operating on waters within the Commonwealth to transport passengers, and whereby the primary purpose of the operation is the passengers' experience and enjoyment or the promotion of tourism. Sight-seeing carriers by boat shall not be regarded as steamship companies.

"Single state insurance receipt" means any receipt issued pursuant to 49 C.F.R. Part 367 evidencing that the carrier has the required insurance and paid the requisite fees to the Commonwealth and other qualified jurisdictions.

"Special or charter party carrier by boat" means a restricted common carrier which transports groups of persons under a single contract made with one person for an agreed charge for such movement regardless of the number of persons transported. Special or charter party carriers by boat shall not be regarded as steamship companies.

"Taxicab or other motor vehicle performing a taxicab service" means any motor vehicle having a seating capacity of not more than six passengers, excluding the driver, not operating on a regular route or between fixed terminals used in the transportation of passengers for hire or for compensation, and not a common carrier, restricted common carrier, transportation network company, TNC partner, or nonemergency medical transportation carrier as defined in this chapter.

"TNC broker" means any person who (i) is not a transportation network company or TNC partner and (ii) is not a bona fide employee or agent of a transportation network company or TNC partner, and who contracts or enters into an agreement or arrangement, with a transportation network company and who, in accordance with such contract, agreement or arrangement, arranges any transportation subject to Article 15 (§ 46.2-2099.45 et seq.) or negotiates for or holds himself out by solicitation, advertisement, or otherwise as one who arranges for such transportation but does not control the manner in which such transportation is provided.

"TNC broker insurance" means a motor vehicle liability insurance policy that specifically covers liabilities arising while the TNC partner is en route to a passenger pursuant to arrangements made by a TNC broker.

"TNC insurance" means a motor vehicle liability insurance policy that specifically covers liabilities arising from a TNC partner's operation of a TNC partner vehicle.

"TNC partner" means a person authorized by a transportation network company to use a TNC partner vehicle to provide prearranged rides on an intrastate basis in the Commonwealth.

"TNC partner vehicle" means a personal vehicle authorized by a transportation network company and used by a TNC partner to provide prearranged rides on an intrastate basis in the Commonwealth.

"Trade dress" means a logo, insignia, or emblem attached to or visible from the exterior of a TNC partner vehicle that identifies a transportation network company or digital platform with which the TNC partner vehicle is affiliated.

"Transportation network company" means a person who provides prearranged rides using a digital platform that connects passengers with TNC partners.

Code 1950, § 56-273; 1950, p. 368; 1966, c. 543; 1973, cc. 306, 460; 1982, c. 257; 1989, c. 625; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2004, c. 780; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, cc. 554, 635, 694, 708.

§ 46.2-2000.1. Vehicles excluded from operation of chapter.

This chapter shall not be construed to include:

1. Motor vehicles employed solely in transporting school children and teachers;

2. Taxicabs, or other motor vehicles performing bona fide taxicab service, having a seating capacity of not more than six passengers, excluding the driver, while operating in a county, city, or town which has or adopts an ordinance regulating and controlling taxicabs and other vehicles performing a bona fide taxicab service, and not operating on a regular route or between fixed termini;

3. Motor vehicles owned or operated by or on behalf of hotels while used exclusively for the transportation of hotel patronage between hotels and local railroad or other common carrier stations;

4. Motor vehicles owned and operated by the United States, the District of Columbia, or any state, or any municipality or any other political subdivision of this Commonwealth, including passenger-carrying motor vehicles while being operated under an exclusive contract with the United States;

5. Any motor vehicle designed with a seating capacity for and used to transport not more than 15 passengers, including the driver, if the driver and the passengers are engaged in a share-the-ride undertaking and if they share not more than the expenses of operation of the vehicle. Regular payments toward a capital recovery fund not exceeding the cost of the vehicle or used to pay for leasing the vehicle are to be considered eligible expenses of operation;

6. Unless otherwise provided, motor vehicles while used exclusively in the transportation of passengers within the corporate limits of incorporated cities or towns, and motor vehicles used exclusively in the regular transportation of passengers within the boundaries of such cities or towns and adjacent counties where such vehicles are being operated by such county or pursuant to a contract with the board of supervisors of such county;

7. Motor vehicles while operated under the exclusive regulatory control of a transportation district commission acting pursuant to the Transportation District Act of 1964 (§ 33.2-1900 et seq.) of Title 33.2;

8. Motor vehicles used for the transportation of passengers by nonprofit, nonstock corporations funded solely by federal, state or local subsidies, the use of which motor vehicles are restricted as to regular and irregular routes to contracts with four or more counties and, at the commencement of the operation, no certificated carrier provides the same or similar services within such counties; and

9. Emergency medical services vehicles as defined in § 32.1-111.1.

Code 1950, § 56-274; 1950, p. 370; 1958, c. 285; 1966, c. 575; 1968, c. 183; 1970, c. 33; 1973, c. 460; 1975, c. 122; 1976, cc. 378, 411; 1977, c. 514; 1978, c. 152; 1979, cc. 608, 618; 1980, c. 230; 1982, c. 257; 1983, c. 112; 1985, c. 88; 1986, c. 420; 1989, c. 625; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 337; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2015, cc. 502, 503.

§ 46.2-2000.2. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 596, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2002.

§ 46.2-2000.3. Disposition of funds collected.

Except as otherwise provided, all fees collected by the Department pursuant to this chapter shall be paid into the state treasury and set aside as a special fund to be used to meet the expenses of the Department.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2001. Regulation by Department; reports; prevention of discrimination; regulation of leasing of motor vehicles.

The Department shall supervise, regulate and control all motor carriers, carriers by rail, TNC brokers, and brokers not exempted under this chapter doing business in the Commonwealth, and all matters relating to the performance of their public duties and their charges therefor as provided by this chapter, and shall correct abuses therein by such carriers; and to that end the Department may prescribe reasonable rules, regulations, forms and reports for such carriers and brokers in furtherance of the administration and operation of this chapter; and the Department shall have the right at all times to require from such motor carriers, carriers by rail, TNC brokers, and brokers special reports and statements, under oath, concerning their business.

The Department shall make and enforce such requirements, rules and regulations as may be necessary to prevent unjust or unreasonable discriminations by any carrier, TNC broker, or broker in favor of, or against, any person, locality, community or connecting carrier in the matter of service, schedule, efficiency of transportation or otherwise, in connection with the public duties of such carrier, TNC broker, or broker. The Department shall administer and enforce all provisions of this chapter, and may prescribe reasonable rules, regulations and procedure looking to that end.

The Department may prescribe and enforce such reasonable requirements, rules and regulations in the matter of leasing of motor vehicles as are necessary to prevent evasion of the Department's regulatory powers.

The Department shall work in conjunction with the Department of State Police and local law-enforcement officials to promote uniform enforcement of the laws pertaining to motor carriers and the rules, regulations, forms, and reports prescribed under the provisions of this chapter.

Code 1950, § 56-276; 1964, c. 571; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2017, c. 635.

§ 46.2-2001.1. License, permit, or certificate required.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, offer, advertise, provide, procure, furnish, or arrange by contract, agreement, or arrangement to transport passengers for compensation as a TNC broker, broker, motor carrier or excursion train operator without first obtaining a license, permit, or certificate, unless otherwise exempted, as provided in this chapter.

B. Beginning July 1, 2014, any person making application for a license, permit, or certificate pursuant to this chapter who has violated § 46.2-2001.1, either as a result of a conviction or as a result of an imposition of a civil penalty, shall be denied such license, permit, or certificate for a period of 12 months from the date the final disposition of the conviction or imposition of the civil penalty has been rendered.

The Department of Motor Vehicles shall require applicants for a license, permit, or certificate to report any conviction or imposition of civil penalties for violations of § 46.2-2001.1.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2013, cc. 165, 582; 2017, c. 635.

§ 46.2-2001.2. Identification marker required.

Each motor carrier shall be issued an identification marker, unless the operation is interstate in nature and the carrier has been issued a single state registration receipt by the Department or other qualified jurisdiction. The identification marker issued by the Department shall be displayed on each vehicle as prescribed by the Department and shall be valid for the period of time prescribed by the Department.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2001.3. Application; notice requirements.

A. Applications for a license, permit, certificate, or identification marker or renewal of a license, permit, certificate, or identification marker under this chapter shall be made to the Department and contain such information and exhibits as the Department shall require. Such information shall include, in the application or otherwise, the matters set forth in § 46.2-2011.24 as grounds for denying licenses, permits, and certificates, and other pertinent matters requisite for the safeguarding of the public interest.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the Commissioner may require all or certain applications for a license, permit, certificate, or identification marker to be filed electronically.

B. An applicant for any original certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this chapter, or any request for a transfer of such certificate, unless otherwise provided, shall cause a notice of such application, on the form and in the manner prescribed by the Department, on every motor carrier holding the same type of certificate issued by the Department and operating or providing service within the area proposed to be served by the applicant.

C. For any application for original certificate or license issued under this chapter, or any request for a transfer of such certificate or license, the Department shall publish a notice of such application on the Department's public website in the form and in the manner prescribed by the Department.

D. An applicant for any original certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this chapter, or any request for a transfer of such certificate of public convenience and necessity, shall cause a publication of a summary of the application to be made in a newspaper having a general circulation in the proposed area to be served or area where the primary business office is located within such time as the Department may prescribe.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 870; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2013, cc. 165, 582; 2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, cc. 694, 708.

§ 46.2-2002. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 596, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2002.

§ 46.2-2005. Action on applications; hearings on denials and protests.

A. The Department may act upon any application required under this chapter for a certificate of public convenience and necessity without a hearing, unless such application is protested by any aggrieved party, except that no protest shall be heard in such cases whereby the applicant has received a notice of intent to award a contract under the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) for irregular route common carrier service to or from a public-use airport located in the City of Norfolk or the County of Henrico. Aggrieved parties may protest an application by submitting written grounds to the Department setting forth (i) a precise statement of the party's interest and how the party could be aggrieved if the application were granted; (ii) a full and clear statement of the facts that the person is prepared to provide by competent evidence; (iii) a statement of the specific relief sought; (iv) the case number assigned to the application; and (v) a certification that a copy of the protest was sent to the applicant.

B. The Department may act upon any application required under this chapter for a license or certificate of fitness without a hearing, unless such application is protested by any party based upon fitness allegations. Parties may protest an application by submitting written grounds to the Department setting forth (i) a precise statement of the party's objections to the application being granted; (ii) a full and clear statement of the facts that the person is prepared to provide by competent evidence; (iii) the case number assigned to the application; and (iv) a certification that a copy of the protest was sent to the applicant. The Department shall have full discretion as to whether a hearing is warranted based on the merits of any protest filed.

C. Any applicant denied without a hearing an original license, permit, or certificate under subsection A or B of this section or subsection B of § 46.2-2001.1, or any request for a transfer of such a license or certificate, shall be given a hearing at a time and place determined by the Commissioner or his designee upon the applicant's written request for such hearing made within 30 days of denial.

Code 1950, § 56-279; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2001, c. 596; 2002, cc. 681, 734, 870; 2011, cc. 424, 881, 889; 2013, cc. 165, 582.

§ 46.2-2005.1. Determination for issuance for license, permit, or certificate.

If the Department finds the applicant for a license, permit, or certificate has met all the requirements of this chapter, it shall issue a license, permit, or certificate to the applicant, subject to such terms, limitations, and restrictions as the Department may deem proper.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2006. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 596, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2002.

§ 46.2-2011. Considerations for determination of issuance of license or certificate.

In determining whether a license or certificate required by this chapter shall be granted, the Department may, among other things, consider the applicant's experience, qualifications, character, fitness, financial responsibility, and compliance with the requirements of this chapter.

Code 1950, § 56-282; 1979, c. 609; 1995, cc. 744, 803; 2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.1. Issuance of temporary authority.

To enable the provision of service for which there is an immediate and urgent need to a point or between points in Virginia where certificated carriers are unable to perform the service, or within a territory having no certificated carrier, the Department may, in its discretion and without hearings or other proceedings, grant temporary authority for such service by a carrier that would otherwise be required to obtain a certificate under this chapter. Such temporary authority, unless suspended or revoked in accordance with § 46.2-2011.26, shall be valid for such time as the Department shall specify, but for not more than an aggregate of 180 days, and shall create no presumption that corresponding permanent authority will be granted thereafter.

1996, c. 170; 2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.2. Temporary emergency operation.

In an emergency, the Department or its agents may, by letter, telegram, or other means, authorize a vehicle to be operated in the Commonwealth without a proper registration card or identification marker for not more than ten days.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.3. Issuance, expiration, and renewal of license, permit, and certificate.

All licenses, permits, and certificates issued under this chapter shall be issued for a period of twelve consecutive months except, at the discretion of the Department, the periods may be adjusted as necessary. Such licenses, permits, and certificates shall expire if not renewed annually. Such expiration shall be effective thirty days after the Department has provided the licensee, permittee, or certificate holder notice of non-renewal. If the license, permit, or certificate is renewed within thirty days after notice of non-renewal, then the license, permit, or certificate shall not expire.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.4. Conversion of contract bus certificates.

All contract bus carriers that hold a certificate issued prior to July 1, 2012, shall be issued a replacement certificate of fitness as a contract passenger carrier. The holder of such certificate shall not be required to apply for a replacement certificate.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2012, cc. 22, 111.

§ 46.2-2011.5. Filing and application fees.

A. Unless otherwise provided, every applicant, other than a transportation network company, for an original license, permit, or certificate issued under this chapter and transfer of a license or certificate under the provisions of this chapter shall, upon the filing of an application, deposit with the Department, as a filing fee, a sum in the amount of $50.

B. An applicant for a certificate under § 46.2-2099.45 shall elect and remit to the Department one of the following fees:

1. An annual fee of $100,000 to accompany an application for an original certificate or a fee of $60,000 to accompany an application for renewal thereof; or

2. A fee of $20 per report to accompany payment for each driving history research report the applicant obtains from the Department pursuant to subdivision B 2 of § 46.2-2099.49, which fee shall be in addition to any other fees that are authorized for such reports.

A transportation network company may change its election under this subsection when applying for renewal of its certificate.

If the Department does not approve an application for an original certificate, the Department shall refund to the applicant $90,000 of the application fee paid under subdivision 1.

C. The Department shall collect a fee of $3 for the issuance of a duplicate license, permit, or certificate issued under this chapter.

2001, c. 596; 2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, cc. 74, 126.

§ 46.2-2011.6. Vehicle fees.

Every person, other than a TNC partner, who operates a passenger vehicle for compensation over the highways of the Commonwealth, unless such operation is exempted from this chapter, shall be required to pay an annual fee of $3 for each such vehicle so operated, unless a vehicle identification marker fee has been paid to the Department as to such vehicle for the current year under the provisions of Chapter 27 (§ 58.1-2700 et seq.) of Title 58.1. Such fee shall be paid through the single state registration system established pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 14504 and 49 C.F.R. Part 367 or through the unified carrier registration system established pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 14504a and the federal regulations promulgated thereunder for carriers registered pursuant to those provisions. No more than one vehicle fee shall be charged or paid as to any vehicle in any one year under Chapter 27 (§ 58.1-2700 et seq.) of Title 58.1 and this chapter, including payments made pursuant to the single state registration system or the unified carrier registration system.

2001, c. 596; 2003, c. 322; 2006, c. 208; 2015, cc. 2, 3.

§ 46.2-2011.7. Certificate holders must provide services.

Every holder of a certificate of public convenience and necessity shall provide services in accordance with this chapter and any terms, limitations, conditions, or restrictions as the Department may place on such certificate.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.8. Transfers of certificates of public convenience and necessity.

Any certificate of public convenience and necessity issued under this chapter may be transferred, subject to the approval of the Department, and under such reasonable rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Department. An application for such approval shall be made jointly by the transferor and transferee. The transfer of a certificate of public convenience and necessity can only be made upon a satisfactory showing that such purchaser or transferee can and will comply with the applicable motor carrier or broker laws, rules and regulations of the Department, is fit, willing and able to properly perform the services, and all taxes due the Commonwealth have been paid, or payment guaranteed.

2001, c. 596; 2011, cc. 881, 889; 2012, cc. 22, 111.

§ 46.2-2011.9. Bond and letter of credit requirements.

A. Every applicant for an original certificate under this chapter shall obtain and file with the Department, along with the application, a surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit, in addition to any other bond or letter of credit required by law, in the amount of $25,000, which shall remain in effect for the first three years of licensure. The bond or letter of credit shall be in a form and content acceptable to the Department. The bond or letter of credit shall be conditioned on a statement by the applicant that the applicant will not practice fraud, make any fraudulent representation, or violate any provision of this chapter in the conduct of the applicant's business. The Department may, without holding a hearing, suspend the certificate during the period that the certificate holder does not have a sufficient bond or letter of credit on file.

B. Every applicant for an original license pursuant to this chapter shall obtain and file with the Department, along with the application, a surety bond or an irrevocable letter of credit, in addition to any other bond or letter of credit required by law, in the amount of $25,000. The bond or letter of credit shall be in a form and content acceptable to the Department. The bond or letter of credit shall be conditioned on a statement by the applicant that the applicant will not practice fraud, make any fraudulent representation, or violate any provision of this chapter in the conduct of the applicant's business. The Department may, without holding a hearing, suspend the license during the period that the licensee does not have a sufficient bond or letter of credit on file.

C. If a person suffers any of the following: (i) loss or damage in connection with the transportation service by reason of fraud practiced on him or fraudulent representation made to him by a licensee or certificate holder or his agent or employee acting within the scope of employment; (ii) loss or damage by reason of a violation by a licensee or certificate holder or his agent or employee of any provision of this chapter in connection with the transportation service; or (iii) loss or damage resulting from a breach of a contract entered into on or after the effective date of this act, that person shall have a claim against the licensee or certificate holder's bond or letter of credit, and may recover from such bond or letter of credit the amount awarded to such person by final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction against the licensee or certificate holder as a result of such loss or damage up to, but not exceeding, the amount of the bond or letter of credit.

D. The licensee or certificate holder's surety shall notify the Department when a claim is made against a licensee or certificate holder's bond, when a claim is paid and when the bond is canceled. Such notification shall include the amount of a claim and the circumstances surrounding the claim. Notification of cancellation shall include the effective date and reason for cancellation.

E. The surety on any bond filed by a licensee or certificate holder shall be released and discharged from all liability accruing on such bond after the expiration of 60 days from the date on which the surety files with the Department a written request to be released and discharged. Such request shall not operate to relieve, release or discharge the surety from any liability already accrued or which shall accrue before the expiration of the 60-day period.

2001, c. 596; 2013, cc. 165, 582.

§ 46.2-2011.10. Advertisements.

A. No person shall advertise or permit to be advertised by any means a transportation service unless such person first obtains a license, permit, or certificate as provided in this chapter. Whenever any licensee, permittee, or certificate holder places an advertisement in any newspaper or publication advertising a transportation service, there shall appear within such advertisement the license, permit, or certificate number. If multiple licenses, permits, or certificates are held, only one number must appear.

B. It shall be unlawful for any licensee, permittee, or certificate holder to knowingly advertise by any means any assertion, representation, or statement of fact that is untrue, misleading, or deceptive relating to the conduct of the business for which a license, permit, or certificate is held.

C. The requirement of subsection A of this section to include a license, permit, or certificate number in advertisements shall not apply to excursion train operators.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861.

§ 46.2-2011.11. Established place of business.

A. No license or certificate shall be issued to any applicant that does not have an established place of business, owned or leased by the applicant, where a substantial portion of the activity of the motor carrier, TNC broker, or broker business will be routinely conducted and that:

1. Satisfies all applicable local zoning regulations;

2. Houses all records that the motor carrier, TNC broker, or broker is required to maintain by this chapter or by regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter; and

3. Is equipped with a working telephone listed or advertised in the name of the motor carrier, TNC broker, or broker.

B. Every licensee and certificate holder shall maintain an established place of business in accordance with subsection A of this section and keep on file a physical address with the Department. Every licensee and certificate holder shall inform the Department by certified letter or other manner prescribed by the Department of any changes to the motor carrier, TNC broker, or broker's mailing address, physical location, telephone number, and legal status, legal name of company, or trade name of company within 30 days of such change.

C. Any licensee or certificate holder that relocates his established place of business shall confirm to the Department that the new established place of business conforms to the requirements of subsection A.

2001, c. 596; 2012, cc. 22, 111; 2013, cc. 165, 582; 2017, c. 635.

§ 46.2-2011.12. Transportation of baggage with passengers.

A certificate authorizing the transportation of passengers as a motor carrier shall also be deemed to include authority to transport in the same vehicle with passengers the baggage of passengers.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.13. Stowing of baggage, parcels, etc.

Motor carriers transporting baggage or other property of passengers shall do so only when such articles are stowed in a manner to assure:

1. Unrestricted freedom of motion to the driver for proper operation of the vehicle.

2. Unobstructed passage to regular and emergency exits by any person.

3. Adequate protection from personal injury that may result from the displacement or fall of such articles.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.14. Notice of abandonment of service.

Every motor carrier, TNC broker, broker, or excursion train operator who ceases operation or abandons his rights under a license, certificate, or permit issued shall notify the Department within 30 days of such cessation or abandonment.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2017, c. 635.

§ 46.2-2011.15. Department may seek judgment for refunds due public and collect and distribute same.

If any motor carrier or broker, upon the final decision of an appeal from the action of the Department prescribing rates, charges, tariffs, or classification of traffic, confirming or modifying the action of the Department, fails to refund in the manner and within the time prescribed in the notice of the Department all amounts that the appealing carrier or broker may have collected, pending the appeal, in excess of that authorized by such final decision, upon notice to such carrier or broker by the Department of such final decision, then the Department, after thirty days' notice to any such carrier or broker, may, unless the amount required by such final decision is paid to the Department, seek judgment in the name of the Commonwealth, for the use of the persons, firms and corporations entitled to the same, against any such carrier or broker for the aggregate amount of such collections and for costs, and may enforce the amount of such judgment and costs by process of execution, as provided by law. The Department shall, upon the collection of such judgment, forthwith distribute the amount thereof among the parties entitled thereto, respectively, in such manner as it may by its rules or regulations prescribe, and shall, upon the payment or collection of any such judgment, mark the same satisfied upon its records, and have the same entered satisfied on the judgment lien docket of the court where the same may have been docketed; the satisfaction of any such judgment shall be a bar to any further action or recovery against any such carrier or broker to the extent of such recovery.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861.

§ 46.2-2011.16. Reports, records, etc.

A. The Department is hereby authorized to require annual, periodical, or special reports from motor carriers, except such as are exempt from the operation of the provisions of this chapter; to prescribe the manner and form in which such reports shall be made; and to require from such carriers specific answers to all questions upon which the Department may deem information to be necessary. Such reports shall be under oath whenever the Department so requires. The Department may also require any motor carrier to file with it a true copy of each or any contract, agreement, or arrangement between such carrier and any other carrier or person in relation to the provisions of this chapter.

B. The Department may, in its discretion, prescribe (i) the forms of any and all accounts, records, and memoranda to be kept by motor carriers and (ii) the length of time such accounts, records, and memoranda shall be preserved, as well as of the receipts and expenditures of money. The Department or its employees shall at all times have access to all lands, buildings, or equipment of motor carriers used in connection with their operations and also all accounts, records, and memoranda, including all documents, papers, and correspondence now or hereafter existing, and kept, or required to be kept, by motor carriers. The Department and its employees shall have authority to inspect and examine any and all such lands, buildings, equipment, accounts, records, and memoranda, including all documents, papers, and correspondence now or hereafter existing and kept or required to be kept by such carriers. These provisions shall apply to receivers of carriers and to operating trustees and, to the extent deemed necessary by the Department, to persons having control, direct or indirect, over or affiliated with any motor carrier.

C. As used in this section the term "motor carriers" includes TNC brokers, brokers, and excursion train operators.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2017, c. 635.

§ 46.2-2011.17. Certificate, license, or permit holder not relieved of liability for negligence.

Nothing in this chapter shall relieve any holder of a certificate, license, or permit issued by and under the authority of the Department from any liability resulting from his negligence, whether or not he has complied with the requirements of this chapter.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.18. Violation by passengers; misdemeanor; ejection.

All persons who fail, while using transportation services of a common carrier or restricted common carrier, to act in an orderly manner so as to permit the safe operation of a vehicle by the driver, or who fail to obey the directions of any such driver, operator, or other person in charge to act in such orderly manner, shall be deemed guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor. Furthermore, such persons may be ejected from any such vehicle by any driver, operator, or person in charge of such vehicle, or by any police officer or other conservator of the peace; and in case such persons ejected have paid their fares upon such vehicle, they shall not be entitled to the return of any part of the same. For the refusal of any such passenger to abide by the direction of the person in charge of such vehicle as aforesaid, and his consequent ejection from such vehicle, neither the driver, operator, person in charge, owner, manager, nor common carrier or restricted common carrier operating such vehicle shall be liable for damages in any court.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.19. Vehicle seizure; penalty.

A. Any police officer of the Commonwealth authorized to serve process may hold a motor vehicle owned by a person against whom an order or penalty has been entered, but only for such time as is reasonably necessary to promptly petition for a writ of fieri facias. The Commonwealth shall not be required to post bond in order to hold and levy upon any vehicle held pursuant to this section.

B. Upon notification of the judgment or penalty entered against the owner of the vehicle and notice to such person of the failure to satisfy the judgment or penalty, any investigator, special agent, or officer of the Commonwealth shall thereafter deny the offending person the right to operate the motor vehicle on the highways of the Commonwealth.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.20. Unlawful use of registration and identification markers.

It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated on any highway in the Commonwealth any motor vehicle that (i) does not carry the proper registration and identification that this chapter requires, (ii) does not display an identification marker in such manner as is prescribed by the Department, or (iii) bears registration or identification markers of persons whose license, permit, or certificate issued by the Department has been canceled, revoked, or suspended or whose renewal thereof has been denied in accordance with this chapter.

2001, c. 596; 2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, cc. 694, 708.

§ 46.2-2011.21. Registration and identification violations; penalties.

A. The following violations of laws shall be punished as follows:

1. Any person who does not obtain a proper registration card, identification marker, or other evidence of registration as required by this chapter shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.

2. Any person who operates or causes to be operated on any highway in the Commonwealth any motor vehicle that does not carry the proper registration and identification that this article requires or any motor vehicle that does not display (i) an identification marker in such manner as is prescribed by the Department or (ii) other identifying information that this article requires it to display shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.

3. Any person who knowingly displays or uses on any vehicle operated by him any identification marker or other identification that has not been issued to the owner or operator thereof for such vehicle and any person who knowingly assists him to do so shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

4. Any person who operates or causes to be operated on any highway in the Commonwealth any motor vehicle requiring registration from the Department under this title after such registration cards or identification markers have been revoked, canceled or suspended shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

B. The officer charging the violation under this section shall serve a citation on the operator of the vehicle in violation. Such citation shall be directed to the owner, operator or other person responsible for the violation as determined by the officer. Service of the citation on the vehicle operator shall constitute service of process upon the owner, operator, or other person charged with the violation under this article, and shall have the same legal force as if served within the Commonwealth personally upon the owner, operator, or other person charged with the violation, whether such owner, operator, or other person charged is a resident or nonresident.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.22. Violation; criminal penalties.

A. Any person knowingly and willfully violating any provision of this chapter, or any rule or regulation thereunder, or any term or condition of any certificate, permit, or license, for which a penalty is not otherwise herein provided, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $2,500 for the first offense and not more than $5,000 for any subsequent offense. Each day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense.

B. Any person, whether carrier, TNC broker, broker, or any officer, employee, agent, or representative thereof, or a TNC partner, who knowingly and willfully by any such means or otherwise fraudulently seeks to evade or defeat regulation as in this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $500 for the first offense and not more than $2,000 for any subsequent offense.

C. Any motor carrier, TNC broker, broker, or excursion train operator or any officer, agent, employee, or representative thereof, or a TNC partner, who willfully fails or refuses to make a report to the Department as required by this chapter or to keep accounts, records, and memoranda in the form and manner approved or prescribed by the Department, or knowingly and willfully falsifies, destroys, mutilates, or alters any such report, account, record, or memorandum, or knowingly and willfully files any false report, account, record, or memorandum, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, be subject for each offense to a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $5,000.

2001, c. 596; 2002, c. 861; 2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, c. 635.

§ 46.2-2011.23. Violations; civil penalties.

The Department may impose a civil penalty not exceeding $1,000 if any person has:

1. Made any misrepresentation of a material fact to obtain proper operating credentials as required by this chapter or other requirements in this Code regulating the operation of motor vehicles;

2. Failed to make any report required in this chapter;

3. Failed to pay any fee or tax properly assessed against him; or

4. Failed to comply with any provision of this chapter or lawful order, rule or regulation of the Department or any term or condition of any certificate, permit, or license.

Any such penalty shall be imposed by order; however, no order issued pursuant to this section shall become effective until the Department has offered the person an opportunity for an administrative hearing to show cause why the order should not be enforced. Instead of or in addition to imposing such penalty, the Department may suspend, revoke, or cancel any license, permit, certificate, registration card or identification marker issued pursuant to this title. If, in any such case, it appears that the defendant owes any fee or tax to the Commonwealth, the Department shall enter order therefor.

For the purposes of this section, each separate violation shall be subject to the civil penalty.

2001, c. 596; 2013, cc. 165, 582.

§ 46.2-2011.24. Grounds for denying, suspending, or revoking licenses, permits, or certificates.

A license, permit, or certificate issued pursuant to this chapter may be denied, suspended, or revoked on any one or more of the following grounds, where applicable:

1. Material misstatement or omission in application for license, certificate, permit, identification marker, or vehicle registration;

2. Failure to comply subsequent to receipt of a written warning from the Department or any willful failure to comply with a lawful order, any provision of this chapter or any regulation promulgated by the Department under this chapter, or any term, condition, or restriction of a license, permit, or certificate;

3. Failure to comply with zoning or other land use regulations, ordinances, or statutes;

4. Use of deceptive business acts or practices;

5. Knowingly advertising by any means any assertion, representation, or statement of fact that is untrue, misleading, or deceptive relating to the conduct of the business for which a license, certificate, permit, identification marker, or vehicle registration is held or sought;

6. Having been found, through a judicial or administrative hearing, to have committed fraudulent or deceptive acts in connection with the business for which a license, permit, or certificate is held or sought or any consumer-related fraud;

7. Having been convicted of any criminal act involving the business for which a license, permit, or certificate is held or sought;

8. Failure to comply with § 46.2-2056 or any regulation promulgated pursuant thereto;

9. Improper leasing, renting, lending, or otherwise allowing the improper use of a license, certificate, permit, identification marker, or vehicle registration;

10. Having been convicted of a felony;

11. Having been convicted of any misdemeanor involving lying, cheating, stealing, or moral turpitude;

12. Failure to submit to the Department any tax, fees, dues, fines, or penalties owed to the Department;

13. Failure to furnish the Department information, documentation, or records required or requested pursuant to statute or regulation;

14. Knowingly and willfully filing any false report, account, record, or memorandum;

15. Failure to meet or maintain application certifications or requirements of public convenience and necessity, character, fitness, and financial responsibility pursuant to this chapter;

16. Willfully altering or changing the appearance or wording of any license, permit, certificate, identification marker, license plate, or vehicle registration;

17. Failure to provide services in accordance with license, permit, or certificate terms, limitations, conditions, or requirements;

18. Failure to maintain and keep on file with the Department motor carrier liability insurance, issued by a company licensed to do business in the Commonwealth, or a bond, certificate of insurance, certificate of self-insurance, or unconditional letter of credit in accordance with this chapter, with respect to each motor vehicle operated in the Commonwealth;

19. Failure to comply with the Workers' Compensation Act of Title 65.2;

20. Failure to properly register a motor vehicle under this title;

21. Failure to comply with any federal motor carrier statute, rule, or regulation;

22. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Virginians with Disabilities Act (§ 51.5-1 et seq.);

23. Inactivity of a motor carrier as may be evidenced by the absence of a motor vehicle registered to operate under such certificate or permit for a period of greater than three months; or

24. Failure to comply with any provision regarding the filing and registered agent requirements set forth in Title 13.1.

2001, c. 596; 2013, cc. 165, 582; 2015, cc. 2, 3.

§ 46.2-2011.25. Altering or amending licenses, permits, or certificates.

The Department may alter or amend a license, permit, or certificate at the request of a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder, or upon a finding by the Department that a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder failed to observe any of the provisions within this chapter, or any of the rules or regulations of the Department, or any term, condition, or limitation of such license, permit, or certificate.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.26. Suspension, revocation, and refusal to renew licenses, permits, or certificates; notice and hearing.

A. Except as provided in subsection D of this section, unless otherwise provided in this chapter, no license, permit, or certificate issued under this chapter shall be suspended or revoked, or renewal thereof refused, unless the licensee, permittee, or certificate holder has been furnished a written copy of the complaint against him and the grounds upon which the action is taken and has been offered an opportunity for an administrative hearing to show cause why such action should not be taken.

B. The order suspending, revoking, or denying renewal of a license, permit, or certificate shall not become effective until the licensee, permittee, or certificate holder has, after notice of the opportunity for a hearing, had thirty days to make a written request for such a hearing. If no hearing has been requested within such thirty-day period, the order shall become effective and no hearing shall thereafter be held. A timely request for a hearing shall automatically stay operation of the order until after the hearing.

C. Notice of an order suspending, revoking, or denying renewal of a license, permit, or certificate and an opportunity for a hearing shall be mailed to the licensee, permittee, or certificate holder by registered or certified mail at the address as shown on the license, permit, or certificate or other record of information in possession of the Department and shall be considered served when mailed.

D. If the Department makes a finding, after conducting a preliminary investigation, that the conduct of a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder (i) is in violation of this chapter or regulations adopted pursuant to this chapter and (ii) such violation constitutes a danger to public safety, the Department may issue an order suspending the license, permit, or certificate. Notice of the suspension shall be in writing and mailed in accordance with subsection C of this section. Upon receipt of a request for a hearing appealing the suspension, the licensee, permittee, or certificate holder shall be afforded the opportunity for a hearing within thirty days. The suspension shall remain in effect pending the outcome of the hearing.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.27. Basis for reinstatement of suspended licenses, permits, or certificates; reinstatement fees.

A. The Department shall reinstate any license, permit, or certificate suspended pursuant to this chapter provided the grounds upon which the suspension action was taken have been satisfied and the appropriate reinstatement fee and other applicable fees have been paid to the Department.

B. The reinstatement fee for suspensions issued pursuant to this chapter shall be fifty dollars. In the event multiple credentials have been suspended under this chapter for the same violation, only one reinstatement fee shall be applicable.

C. In addition to a reinstatement fee, a fee of $500 shall be paid for failure of a motor carrier to keep in force at all times insurance, a bond or bonds, in an amount required by this chapter. Any motor carrier who applies for a new license, permit, or certificate because his prior license, permit, or certificate was revoked for failure to keep in force at all times insurance, a bond or bonds, in an amount required by this chapter, shall also be subject to a fee of $500.

2001, c. 596; 2011, cc. 881, 889.

§ 46.2-2011.28. Basis for relicensure after revocation of licenses, permits, or certificates; fees.

The Department shall not accept an application for a license, permit, or certificate from an applicant where such credentials have been revoked pursuant to this chapter until the period of revocation imposed by the Department has passed. The Department shall process such applications under the same provisions, procedures, and requirements as an original application for such license, permit, or certificate. The Department shall issue such license, permit, or certificate provided the applicant has met all the appropriate qualifications and requirements, has satisfied the grounds upon which the revocation action was taken, and has paid the appropriate application or filing fees to the Department.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.29. Surrender of identification marker, license plate, and registration card; removal by law enforcement; operation of vehicle denied.

A. It shall be unlawful for a licensee, permittee, or certificate holder whose license, permit, or certificate has expired or been revoked, suspended, or canceled or whose renewal thereof has been denied pursuant to this chapter to fail or refuse to surrender, on demand, to the Department license plates, identification markers, and registration cards issued under this title.

B. It shall be unlawful for a vehicle owner who is not the holder of a valid permit or certificate or whose vehicle is not validly leased to a motor carrier holding an active permit or certificate to fail or refuse to surrender to the Department on demand license plates, identification markers, and registration cards issued under this title.

C. If any law-enforcement officer finds that a vehicle bearing Virginia license plates or temporary transport plates is in violation of subsection A or B, such law-enforcement officer may remove the license plate, identification marker, and registration card. If a law-enforcement officer removes a license plate, identification marker, or registration card, he shall forward the same to the Department.

D. When informed that a vehicle is being operated in violation of this section, the driver shall drive the vehicle to a nearby location off the public highways and not remove it or allow it to be moved until the motor carrier is in compliance with all provisions of this chapter.

2001, c. 596; 2015, cc. 2, 3, 258; 2017, cc. 694, 708.

§ 46.2-2011.30. No property rights in highways conferred by chapter.

Nothing in this chapter shall confer any proprietary or property rights in the use of the public highways.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.31. Licenses, taxes, etc., not affected.

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to relieve any person from the payment of any licenses, fees, taxes or levies now or hereafter imposed by law.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.32. Title to plates and markers.

All registration cards and identification markers issued by the Department shall remain the property of the Department.

2001, c. 596.

§ 46.2-2011.33. Prohibition on taxicab operators; registered sex offender.

No person who is required to register with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1 for a Tier III offense, as defined in § 9.1-902, or who is listed on the U.S. Department of Justice's National Sex Offender Public Website for an offense that is similar to a Tier III offense may operate a taxicab for the transportation of passengers for remuneration over the highways of the Commonwealth.

2019, c. 480; 2020, c. 829.

§ 46.2-2012. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 596, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2002.

§ 46.2-2042. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 137.

§ 46.2-2043. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2001, c. 596, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2002.