Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles
Chapter 20. Regulation of Passenger Carriers

Article 15. Transportation Network Companies.

§ 46.2-2099.45. Certificates required unless exempted.

Unless otherwise exempted, no person shall engage in the business of a transportation network company on any highway within the Commonwealth on an intrastate basis unless such person has secured from the Department a certificate of fitness authorizing such business.

2015, cc. 2, 3.

§ 46.2-2099.46. Control, supervision, and regulation by Department.

Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, every transportation network company, TNC partner, and TNC partner vehicle shall be subject to exclusive control, supervision, and regulation by the Department, but enforcement of statutes and Department regulations shall be not only by the Department but also by any other law-enforcement officer. Nothing in this section shall be construed as authorizing the adoption of local ordinances providing for local regulation of transportation network companies, TNC partners, or TNC partner vehicles.

2015, cc. 2, 3.

§ 46.2-2099.47. Operation except in accordance with chapter prohibited.

No transportation network company or TNC partner shall transport passengers for compensation on any highway in the Commonwealth on an intrastate basis except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

2015, cc. 2, 3.

§ 46.2-2099.48. General operational requirements for transportation network companies and TNC partner.

A. A transportation network company and a TNC partner shall provide passenger transportation only on a prearranged basis and only by means of a digital platform that enables passengers to connect with TNC partners using a TNC partner vehicle. No TNC partner shall transport a passenger unless a transportation network company has matched the TNC partner to that passenger through the digital platform. A TNC partner shall not provide transportation in any other manner. A TNC partner shall not solicit, accept, or arrange transportation except through a transportation network company's digital platform or through a TNC broker.

B. A transportation network company shall authorize collection of fares for transporting passengers solely through a digital platform. A TNC partner shall not accept payment of fares directly from a passenger or any other person prearranging a ride or by any means other than electronically via a digital platform, unless:

1. The ride is booked by a transit system, with a transportation network company with which it has a contract, on behalf of an eligible paratransit passenger;

2. The fare is a defined amount, as published by the transit system, and is communicated to the passenger in advance;

3. The transportation network company specifically authorizes over the digital network the TNC partner to collect cash for the fare, and that authorization includes the amount to be collected. The transportation network company's digital platform shall provide the TNC partner with a method to acknowledge receipt of the fare when it is collected;

4. The passenger receives a receipt for the fare paid; and

5. The transit system receives a receipt and full accounting of cash fares monthly, or on demand, through the transportation network company's account dashboard.

C. A transportation network company with knowledge that a TNC partner has violated the provisions of subsection A or B shall remove the TNC partner from the transportation network company's digital platform for at least one year.

D. A transportation network company shall publish the following information on its public website and associated digital platform:

1. The method used to calculate fares or the applicable rates being charged and an option to receive an estimated fare;

2. Information about its TNC partner screening criteria, including a description of the offenses that the transportation network company will regard as grounds for disqualifying an individual from acting as a TNC partner;

3. The means for a passenger or other person to report a TNC partner reasonably suspected of operating a TNC partner vehicle under the influence of drugs or alcohol;

4. Information about the company's training and testing policies for TNC partners;

5. Information about the company's standards for TNC partner vehicles; and

6. A customer support telephone number or email address and instructions regarding any alternative methods for reporting a complaint.

E. A transportation network company shall associate a TNC partner with one or more personal vehicles and shall authorize a TNC partner to transport passengers only in a vehicle specifically associated with a TNC partner by the transportation network company. The transportation network company shall arrange transportation solely for previously associated TNC partners and TNC partner vehicles. A TNC partner shall not transport passengers except in a TNC partner vehicle associated with the TNC partner by the transportation network company.

F. A TNC partner shall carry at all times while operating a TNC partner vehicle proof of coverage under each in-force TNC insurance policy, which may be displayed as part of the digital platform, and each in-force personal automobile insurance policy covering the vehicle. The TNC partner shall present such proof of insurance upon request to the Commissioner, a law-enforcement officer, an airport owner and operator, an official of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, or any person involved in an accident that occurs during the operation of a TNC partner vehicle. The transportation network company shall require the TNC partner's compliance with the provisions of this subsection.

G. Prior to a passenger's entering a TNC partner vehicle, a transportation network company shall provide through the digital platform to the person prearranging the ride the first name and a photograph of the TNC partner, the make and model of the TNC partner vehicle, and the license plate number of the TNC partner vehicle.

H. A transportation network company shall provide to each of its TNC partners a credential, which may be displayed as part of the digital platform, that includes the following information:

1. The name or logo of the transportation network company;

2. The name and a photograph of the TNC partner; and

3. The make, model, and license plate number of each TNC partner vehicle associated with the TNC partner and the state issuing each such license plate.

The TNC partner shall carry the credential at all times during the operation of a TNC partner vehicle and shall present the credential upon request to law-enforcement officers, airport owners and operators, officials of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, or a passenger. The transportation network company shall require the TNC partner's compliance with this subsection.

I. A transportation network company and its TNC partner shall, at all times during a prearranged ride, make the following information available through its digital platform immediately upon request to representatives of the Department, to law-enforcement officers, to officials of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, and to airport owners and operators:

1. The name of the transportation network company;

2. The name of the TNC partner and the identification number issued to the TNC partner by the transportation network company;

3. The license plate number of the TNC partner vehicle and the state issuing such license plate; and

4. The location, date, and approximate time that each passenger was or will be picked up.

J. Upon completion of a prearranged ride, a transportation network company shall transmit to the person who prearranged the ride an electronic receipt that includes:

1. A map of the route taken;

2. The date and the times the trip began and ended;

3. The total fare, including the base fare and any additional charges incurred for distance traveled or duration of the prearranged ride;

4. The TNC partner's first name and photograph; and

5. Contact information by which additional support may be obtained.

K. The transportation network company shall adopt and enforce a policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of a passenger's points of departure and destination and shall notify TNC partners of such policy.

TNC partners shall comply with all applicable laws regarding nondiscrimination against passengers or potential passengers.

A transportation network company shall provide passengers an opportunity to indicate whether they require a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. If a transportation network company cannot arrange wheelchair-accessible service in a TNC partner vehicle in any instance, it shall direct the passenger to an alternate provider of wheelchair-accessible service, if available.

A transportation network company shall not impose additional charges for providing services to persons with disabilities because of those disabilities.

TNC partners shall comply with all applicable laws relating to accommodation of service animals.

A TNC partner may refuse to transport a passenger for any reason not prohibited by law, including any case in which (i) the passenger is acting in an unlawful, disorderly, or endangering manner; (ii) the passenger is unable to care for himself and is not in the charge of a responsible companion; or (iii) the TNC partner has already committed to providing a ride for another passenger.

A TNC partner shall immediately report to the transportation network company any refusal to transport a passenger after accepting a request to transport that passenger.

L. No transportation network company or TNC partner shall conduct any operation on the property of or into any airport unless such operation is authorized by the airport owner and operator and is in compliance with the rules and regulations of that airport. The Department may take action against a transportation network company that violates any regulation of an airport owner and operator, including the suspension or revocation of the transportation network company's certificate.

M. A TNC partner shall access and utilize a digital platform in a manner that is consistent with traffic laws of the Commonwealth.

N. In accordance with § 46.2-812, no TNC partner shall operate a motor vehicle for more than 13 hours in any 24-hour period.

2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, c. 635; 2022, c. 239.

§ 46.2-2099.49. Requirements for TNC partners; mandatory background screening; drug and alcohol policy; mandatory disclosures to TNC partners; duty of TNC partners to provide updated information to transportation network companies.

A. Before authorizing an individual to act as a TNC partner, a transportation network company shall confirm that the person is at least 21 years old and possesses a valid driver's license.

B. 1. Before authorizing an individual to act as a TNC partner, and at least once every two years after authorizing an individual to act as a TNC partner, a transportation network company shall obtain a national criminal history records check of that person. The background check shall include (i) a Multi-State/Multi-Jurisdiction Criminal Records Database Search or a search of a similar nationwide database with validation (primary source search) and (ii) a search of the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry and the U.S. Department of Justice's National Sex Offender Public Website. The person conducting the background check shall be accredited by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners or a comparable entity approved by the Department.

2. Before authorizing an individual to act as a TNC partner, and at least once annually after authorizing an individual to act as a TNC partner, a transportation network company shall obtain and review a driving history research report on that person from the individual's state of licensure.

3. Before authorizing an individual to act as a TNC partner, and at least once every two years after authorizing a person to act as a TNC partner, a transportation network company shall verify that the person is not listed on the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry or on the U.S. Department of Justice's National Sex Offender Public Website.

C. A transportation network company shall not authorize an individual to act as a TNC partner if the criminal history records check required under subsection B reveals that the individual:

1. Is a person for whom registration with the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry is required pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1 or is listed on the U.S. Department of Justice's National Sex Offender Public Website;

2. Has ever been convicted of or has ever pled guilty or nolo contendere to a violent felony offense as listed in subsection C of § 17.1-805, or a substantially similar law of another state or of the United States;

3. Within the preceding seven years has been convicted of or has pled guilty or nolo contendere to any of the following offenses, either under Virginia law or a substantially similar law of another state or of the United States: (i) any felony offense other than those included in subdivision 2; (ii) an offense under § 18.2-266, 18.2-266.1, 18.2-272, or 46.2-341.24; or (iii) any offense resulting in revocation of a driver's license pursuant to § 46.2-389 or 46.2-391; or

4. Within the preceding three years has been convicted of or has pled guilty or nolo contendere to any of the following offenses, either under Virginia law or a substantially similar law of another state or of the United States: (i) three or more moving violations; (ii) eluding a law-enforcement officer, as described in § 46.2-817; (iii) reckless driving, as described in Article 7 (§ 46.2-852 et seq.) of Chapter 8; (iv) operating a motor vehicle in violation of § 46.2-301; or (v) refusing to submit to a chemical test to determine the alcohol or drug content of the person's blood or breath, as described in § 18.2-268.3 or 46.2-341.26:3.

D. A transportation network company shall employ a zero-tolerance policy with respect to the use of drugs and alcohol by TNC partners and shall include a notice concerning the policy on its website and associated digital platform.

E. A transportation network company shall make the following disclosures in writing to a TNC partner or prospective TNC partner:

1. The transportation network company shall disclose the liability insurance coverage and limits of liability that the transportation network company provides while the TNC partner uses a vehicle in connection with the transportation network company's digital platform.

2. The transportation network company shall disclose any physical damage coverage provided by the transportation network company for damage to the vehicle used by the TNC partner in connection with the transportation network company's digital platform.

3. The transportation network company shall disclose the uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist coverage and policy limits provided by the transportation network company while the TNC partner uses a vehicle in connection with the transportation network company's digital platform and advise the TNC partner that the TNC partner's personal automobile insurance policy may not provide uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist coverage when the TNC partner uses a vehicle in connection with a transportation network company's digital platform.

4. The transportation network company shall include the following disclosure prominently in writing to a TNC partner or prospective TNC partner: "If the vehicle that you plan to use to transport passengers for our transportation network company has a lien against it, you must notify the lienholder that you will be using the vehicle for transportation services that may violate the terms of your contract with the lienholder."

F. A TNC partner shall inform each transportation network company that has authorized him to act as a TNC partner of any event that may disqualify him from continuing to act as a TNC partner, including any of the following: a change in the registration status of the TNC partner vehicle; the revocation, suspension, cancellation, or restriction of the TNC partner's driver's license; a change in the insurance coverage of the TNC partner vehicle; a motor vehicle moving violation; and a criminal arrest, plea, or conviction.

2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, c. 623.

§ 46.2-2099.50. Requirements for TNC partner vehicles; trade dress issued by transportation network company.

A. A TNC partner vehicle shall:

1. Be a personal vehicle;

2. Have a seating capacity of no more than eight persons, including the driver;

3. Be validly titled and registered in the Commonwealth or in another state;

4. Not have been issued a certificate of title, either in Virginia or in any other state, branding the vehicle as salvage, nonrepairable, rebuilt, or any equivalent classification;

5. Have a valid Virginia safety inspection or an annual inspection conducted in another state for which the Department of State Police has determined that such motor vehicle safety inspection standards adequately ensure public safety and carry proof of that inspection on or in the vehicle; and

6. Be covered under a TNC insurance policy meeting the requirements of § 46.2-2099.52.

No TNC partner shall operate a TNC partner vehicle unless that vehicle meets the requirements of this subsection.

B. Before authorizing a vehicle to be used as a TNC partner vehicle, a transportation network company shall confirm that the vehicle meets the requirements of subsection A and shall provide each TNC partner with proof of any TNC insurance policy maintained by the transportation network company.

For each TNC partner vehicle it authorizes, a transportation network company shall issue trade dress to the TNC partner associated with that vehicle. The trade dress shall be sufficient to identify the transportation network company or digital platform with which the vehicle is affiliated and shall be displayed in a manner that complies with Virginia law. The trade dress shall be of such size, shape, and color as to be readily identifiable during daylight hours from a distance of 50 feet while the vehicle is not in motion and shall be reflective, illuminated, or otherwise patently visible in darkness. The trade dress may take the form of a removable device that meets the identification and visibility requirements of this subsection.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, a TNC partner vehicle may be equipped with no more than two removable, illuminated, interior, TNC-issued, trade dress devices that assist passengers in identifying and communicating with TNC partners. Such devices may use a single steady-burning color while the TNC partner is logged in to a transportation network company's associated digital platform and may change to a different steady-burning color once the TNC partner accepts a request to transport a passenger and is within 0.4 miles of such passenger. The illuminated display on each such device shall not (i) exceed five candlepower or 62.85 lumens; (ii) exceed 20 square inches; (iii) utilize red, blue, or amber lights; (iv) project a glaring or dazzling light; or (v) attach to the windshield.

The transportation network company shall submit to the Department proof that the transportation network company has established the trade dress required under this subsection by filing with the Department an illustration or photograph of the trade dress. Any TNC that issues an illuminated removable interior trade dress device for use in the Commonwealth shall file with the Department the specifications of such device, including the default color.

A TNC partner shall keep the trade dress issued under this subsection visible at all times while the vehicle is being operated as a TNC partner vehicle.

No person shall operate a vehicle bearing trade dress issued under this subsection without the authorization of the transportation network company issuing the trade dress.

2015, cc. 2, 3; 2017, cc. 694, 708; 2018, cc. 356, 443; 2020, c. 393; 2023, cc. 321, 322.

§ 46.2-2099.51. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2023, cc. 321 and 322, cl. 2, effective July 1, 2023.

§ 46.2-2099.52. TNC insurance.

A. At all times during the operation of a TNC partner vehicle, a transportation network company or TNC partner shall keep in force TNC insurance as provided in this section.

B. The following requirements shall apply to TNC insurance from the moment a TNC partner accepts a prearranged ride request on a transportation network company's digital platform until the TNC partner completes the transaction on the digital platform or until the prearranged ride is complete, whichever is later:

1. TNC insurance shall provide motor vehicle liability coverage. Such coverage shall be primary and the minimum amount of liability coverage for death, bodily injury, and property damage shall be $1 million.

2. TNC insurance shall provide uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage as required by § 38.2-2206. With regard to such underinsured motorist coverage that applies solely from the moment a passenger enters a TNC partner vehicle until the passenger exits the vehicle, it shall be paid without any credit for the bodily injury and property damage coverage available for payment, and neither the TNC nor the TNC partner shall elect to refuse the change in underinsured motorist coverage pursuant to subsection C of § 38.2-2202.

3. The requirements of this subsection may be satisfied by any of the following:

a. TNC insurance maintained by a TNC partner;

b. TNC insurance maintained by a transportation network company; or

c. Any combination of subdivisions a and b.

A transportation network company may meet its obligations under this subsection through a policy obtained by a TNC partner under subdivision a or c only if the transportation network company verifies that the policy is maintained by the TNC partner.

4. Insurers providing insurance coverage under this subsection shall have the exclusive duty to defend any liability claim, including any claim against a TNC partner, arising from an accident occurring within the time periods specified in this subsection. Neither the TNC partner's nor the vehicle owner's personal automobile insurance policy shall have the duty to defend or indemnify the TNC partner's activities in connection with the transportation network company, unless the policy expressly provides otherwise for the period of time to which this subsection is applicable or the policy contains an amendment or endorsement to provide that coverage.

5. Coverage under a TNC insurance policy shall not be dependent on a personal automobile insurance policy first denying a claim, nor shall a personal automobile insurance policy be required to first deny a claim.

6. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require a personal automobile insurance policy to provide primary or excess coverage. Neither the TNC partner's nor the vehicle owner's personal automobile insurance policy shall provide any coverage to the TNC partner, the vehicle owner, or any third party, unless the policy expressly provides for that coverage during the period of time to which this subsection is applicable or the policy contains an amendment or endorsement to provide that coverage.

C. The following requirements shall apply to TNC insurance (i) from the moment a TNC partner logs on to a transportation network company's associated digital platform until the TNC partner accepts a request to transport a passenger and (ii) from the moment the TNC partner completes the transaction on the digital platform or the prearranged ride is complete, whichever is later, until the TNC partner either accepts another prearranged ride request on the digital platform or logs off the digital platform:

1. TNC insurance shall provide motor vehicle liability coverage. Such coverage shall be primary and shall provide liability coverage of at least $50,000 per person and $100,000 per incident for death and bodily injury and at least $25,000 for property damage. TNC insurance shall provide uninsured motorist coverage and underinsured motorist coverage as required by § 38.2-2206.

2. The requirements for the coverage required by this subsection may be satisfied by any of the following:

a. TNC insurance maintained by a TNC partner;

b. TNC insurance maintained by a transportation network company that provides coverage in the event that a TNC partner's insurance policy under subdivision a has ceased to exist or has been canceled or in the event that the TNC partner does not otherwise maintain TNC insurance; or

c. Any combination of subdivisions a and b.

A transportation network company may meet its obligations under this subsection through a policy obtained by a TNC partner pursuant to subdivision a or c only if the transportation network company verifies that the policy is maintained by the TNC partner and is specifically written to cover the TNC partner's use of a vehicle in connection with a transportation network company's digital platform.

D. In the event that the digital platform becomes inaccessible due to failure or malfunction while a TNC partner is en route to or transporting a passenger during a prearranged ride described in subsection B, TNC insurance coverage shall be presumed to be that required in subdivision B 1 until the passenger exits the vehicle.

E. In every instance where TNC insurance maintained by a TNC partner to fulfill the insurance obligations of this section has lapsed or ceased to exist, the transportation network company shall provide the coverage required by this section beginning with the first dollar of a claim.

F. This section shall not limit the liability of a transportation network company arising out of an accident involving a TNC partner in any action for damages against a transportation network company for an amount above the required insurance coverage.

G. Any person, or an attorney acting on his behalf, who suffers a loss in an automobile accident with a reasonable belief that the accident involves a TNC partner vehicle driven by a TNC partner in connection with a transportation network company and who provides the transportation network company with the date, approximate time, and location of the accident, and if available the name of the TNC partner and if available the accident report, may request in writing from the transportation network company information relating to the insurance coverage and the company providing the coverage. The transportation network company shall respond electronically or in writing within 30 days. The transportation network company's response shall contain the following information: (i) whether, at the approximate time of the accident, the TNC partner was logged into the transportation network company's digital platform and, if so logged in, whether a trip request had been accepted or a passenger was in the TNC partner vehicle; (ii) the name of the insurance carrier providing primary coverage; and (iii) the identity and last known address of the TNC partner.

H. No contract, receipt, rule, or regulation shall exempt any transportation network company from the liability that would exist had no contract been made or entered into, and no such contract, receipt, rule, or regulation for exemption from liability for injury or loss occasioned by the neglect or misconduct of such transportation network company shall be valid. The liability referred to in this subsection shall mean the liability imposed by law upon a transportation network company for any loss, damage, or injury to passengers in its custody and care as a transportation network company.

I. Any insurance required by this section may be placed with an insurer that has been admitted in Virginia or with an insurer providing surplus lines insurance as defined in § 38.2-4805.2.

J. Any insurance policy required by this section shall satisfy the financial responsibility requirement for a motor vehicle under § 46.2-706 during the period such vehicle is being operated as a TNC partner vehicle.

K. The Department shall not issue the certificate of fitness required under § 46.2-2099.45 to any transportation network company that has not certified to the Department that every TNC partner vehicle it has authorized to operate on its digital platform is covered by an insurance policy that meets the requirements of this section.

L. Each transportation network company shall keep on file with the Department proof of an insurance policy maintained by the transportation network company in accordance with this section. Such proof shall be in a form acceptable to the Commissioner. A record of the policy shall remain in the files of the Department six months after the certificate is revoked or suspended for any cause.

M. The Department may suspend a certificate if the certificate holder fails to comply with the requirements of this section. Any person whose certificate has been suspended pursuant to this subsection may request a hearing as provided in subsection D of § 46.2-2011.26.

N. In a claims coverage investigation, a transportation network company and its insurer shall cooperate with insurers involved in the claims coverage investigation to facilitate the exchange of information, including the dates and times of any accident involving a TNC partner and the precise times that the TNC partner logged in and was logged out of the transportation network company's digital platform.

2015, cc. 2, 3; 2023, cc. 321, 322.

§ 46.2-2099.53. Recordkeeping and reporting requirements for transportation network companies.

A. Records maintained by a transportation network company shall be adequate to confirm compliance with subsection D of § 46.2-2099.48 and with §§ 46.2-2099.49 and 46.2-2099.50 and shall at a minimum include:

1. True and accurate results of each national criminal history records check for each individual that the transportation network company authorizes to act as a TNC partner;

2. True and accurate results of the driving history research report for each individual that the transportation network company authorizes to act as a TNC partner;

3. Driver's license records of TNC partners, including records associated with participation in a driver record monitoring program;

4. True and accurate results of the sex offender screening for each individual that the transportation network company authorizes to act as a TNC partner;

5. Proof of compliance with the requirements enumerated in subdivisions A 1 and 3 through 6 of § 46.2-2099.50;

6. Proof of compliance with the notice and disclosure requirements of subsection D of § 46.2-2099.48 and subsections D and E of § 46.2-2099.49; and

7. Proof that the transportation network company obtained certification from the TNC partner that the TNC partner secured the consent of each owner, lessor, and lessee of the vehicle for its registration as a TNC partner vehicle and for its use as a TNC partner vehicle by the TNC partner.

A transportation network company shall retain all records required under this subsection for a period of three years. Such records shall be retained in a manner that permits systematic retrieval and shall be made available to the Department in a format acceptable to the Commissioner for the purposes of conducting an audit on no more than an annual basis.

B. A transportation network company shall maintain the following records and make them available, in an acceptable format, on request to the Commissioner, a law-enforcement officer, an official of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, or an airport owner and operator to investigate and resolve a complaint or respond to an incident:

1. Data regarding TNC partner activity while logged into the digital platform, including beginning and ending times and locations of each prearranged ride;

2. Records regarding any actions taken against a TNC partner;

3. Contracts or agreements between the transportation network company and its TNC partners;

4. Information identifying each TNC partner, including the TNC partner's name, date of birth, and driver's license number and the state issuing the license; and

5. Information identifying each TNC partner vehicle the transportation network company has authorized, including the vehicle's make, model, model year, vehicle identification number, and license plate number and the state issuing the license plate.

Requests for information pursuant to subdivision 2 or 3 shall be in writing.

C. Information obtained by the Department, law-enforcement officers, officials of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, or airport owners and operators pursuant to this section shall be considered privileged information and shall only be used by the Department, law-enforcement officers, officials of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, and airport owners and operators for purposes specified in subsection A or B. Such information shall not be subject to disclosure except on the written request of the Commissioner, a law-enforcement officer, an official of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, or an airport owner and operator who requires such information for the purposes specified in subsection A or B.

D. Except as provided in subsection C, information obtained by the Department, law-enforcement officers, officials of the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission, or airport owners and operators pursuant to this section shall not be disclosed to anyone without the transportation network company's express written permission and shall not be subject to disclosure through a court order or through a third-party request submitted pursuant to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.). This provision shall not be construed to mean that a person is denied the right to seek such information directly from a transportation network company during a court proceeding.

E. Except as required under this section, a transportation network company shall not disclose any personal information, as defined in § 2.2-3801, about a user of its digital platform unless:

1. The transportation network company obtains the user's consent to disclose the personal information;

2. The disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal obligation; or

3. The disclosure is necessary to protect or defend the terms and conditions for use of the service or to investigate violations of the terms and conditions.

This limitation regarding disclosure does not apply to the disclosure of aggregated user data or to information about the user that is not personal information as defined in § 2.2-3801.

2015, cc. 2, 3.