Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 58.1. Taxation
Chapter 10. Cigarette Tax

Article 2.1. Tobacco Products Tax.

§ 58.1-1021.01. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Actual cost" means the actual price paid by a remote retail seller for each individual stock keeping unit or SKU.

"Alternative nicotine product" means any noncombustible product containing nicotine that is not made of tobacco and is intended for human consumption, whether chewed, absorbed, dissolved, or ingested by any other means. "Alternative nicotine product" does not include any nicotine vapor product or any product regulated as a drug or device by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under Chapter V (21 U.S.C. § 351 et seq.) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

"Cigar" means any roll of tobacco wrapped in leaf tobacco or in any substance containing tobacco, other than any roll of tobacco that is a cigarette as such term is defined in § 58.1-1000.

"Closed system" means any nicotine vapor product capable of utilizing a disposable container that is (i) prefilled with liquid nicotine and sealed by the manufacturer, (ii) not easily refillable or intended or designed to be refillable, and (iii) intended or used to dispense liquid nicotine for use in a nicotine vapor product that is intended or designed for reuse. "Closed system" does not include any open system.

"Consumer" means the person who is the end or final user of tobacco products or liquid nicotine.

"Delivery sale" means a sale of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products to a consumer in the Commonwealth in which the consumer submits the order for the sale by telephone, over the Internet, or through the mail or another delivery system, and where the liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products are shipped through a delivery service. "Delivery sale" does not include a sale of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products not for personal consumption to a person who is a manufacturer, distributor, or retail dealer.

"Distributor" means (i) any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco products in the Commonwealth who brings, or causes to be brought, into the Commonwealth from outside the Commonwealth any tobacco products for sale; (ii) any person who makes, manufactures, fabricates, or stores tobacco products in the Commonwealth for sale in the Commonwealth; (iii) any person engaged in the business of selling tobacco products outside the Commonwealth who ships or transports tobacco products to any person in the business of selling tobacco products in the Commonwealth; or (iv) any retail dealer in possession of untaxed tobacco products in the Commonwealth.

"Heated tobacco product" means a product other than a cigarette intended to be heated, as such term is defined in § 58.1-1000, containing tobacco that produces an inhalable aerosol (i) by heating the tobacco by means of an electronic device without combustion of the tobacco or (ii) by heat generated from a combustion source that only or primarily heats rather than burns the tobacco.

"Liquid nicotine" means a liquid or other substance containing nicotine in a concentration that is sold, marketed, and intended for use in a nicotine vapor product.

"Loose leaf tobacco" means any leaf tobacco that is not intended to be smoked but does not include moist snuff. Loose leaf tobacco weight unit categories shall be as follows:

1. "Loose leaf tobacco half pound-unit" means a consumer-sized unit, pouch, or package containing at least four ounces but not more than eight ounces of loose leaf tobacco, by net weight, produced by the manufacturer to be sold to consumers as a single unit and not produced to be divided or sold separately and containing one individual package.

2. "Loose leaf tobacco pound-unit" means a consumer-sized unit, pouch, or package containing more than eight ounces of loose leaf tobacco, by net weight, produced by the manufacturer to be sold to consumers as a single unit and not produced to be divided or sold separately and containing one individual package.

3. "Loose leaf tobacco single-unit" means a consumer-sized unit, pouch, or package containing less than four ounces of loose leaf tobacco, by net weight, produced by the manufacturer to be sold to consumers as a single unit and not produced to be divided or sold separately and containing one individual package.

"Manufacturer" means a person who manufactures or produces tobacco products and sells tobacco products to a distributor.

"Manufacturer's representative" means a person employed by a manufacturer to sell or distribute the manufacturer's tobacco products.

"Manufacturer's sales price" means the actual price for which a manufacturer, manufacturer's representative, or any other person sells tobacco products to an unaffiliated distributor.

"Moist snuff" means a tobacco product consisting of finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is not intended to be smoked but does not include any finely cut, ground, or powdered tobacco that is intended to be placed in the nasal cavity.

"Nicotine vapor product" means any noncombustible product containing nicotine that employs a heating element, power source, electronic circuit, or other electronic, chemical, or mechanical means, regardless of shape or size, that can be used to produce vapor from nicotine in a solution or other form, including liquid nicotine. "Nicotine vapor product" includes any electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, closed system, open system, or similar product or device and any cartridge or other container of nicotine in a solution or other form, including liquid nicotine, that is intended to be used with or in an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, electronic pipe, or similar product or device. "Nicotine vapor product" does not include any product regulated by the FDA under Chapter V (21 U.S.C. § 351 et seq.) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

"Open system" means a nicotine vapor product designed and intended by the manufacturer to be reusable and refilled with liquid nicotine of the end user's choice. "Open system" does not include any closed system.

"Person" means any individual, corporation, partnership, association, company, business, trust, joint venture, or other legal entity.

"Pipe tobacco" means any tobacco that, because of its appearance, type, packaging, or labeling, is suitable for use and likely to be offered or purchased by consumers as tobacco to be smoked in a pipe.

"Remote retail sale" means any sale of cigars or pipe tobacco to a consumer in the Commonwealth when (i) the consumer submits the order for the sale by means of a telephone or other method of voice transmission, the mail, or the Internet or other online service, or the seller is otherwise not in the physical presence of the consumer when the request for the purchase or order is made, or (ii) the cigars or pipe tobacco are delivered to the consumer by common carrier, private delivery service, or other method of remote delivery, or the seller is not in the physical presence of the consumer when the buyer obtains possession of the cigars or pipe tobacco.

"Remote retail seller" means a person located within or outside of the Commonwealth that makes remote retail sales of cigars or pipe tobacco.

"Retail dealer" means every person that sells or offers for sale any tobacco product or liquid nicotine to consumers at retail in a transaction other than a remote retail sale and includes any person that holds an approved Retail Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate for Stamped Cigarettes Purchased for Resale or an Other Tobacco Products Distributor's License issued by the Department of Taxation.

"SKU" means an individual stock keeping unit identifier used for tracking inventory.

"Tobacco product" or "tobacco products" means (i) "cigar" as defined in § 5702(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as such section may be amended; (ii) "smokeless tobacco" as defined in § 5702(m) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as such section may be amended; or (iii) "pipe tobacco" as defined in § 5702(n) of the Internal Revenue Code, and as such section may be amended. "Tobacco products" also includes loose leaf tobacco.

2004, Sp. Sess. I, c. 3; 2005, c. 71; 2006, c. 768; 2010, cc. 191, 804; 2019, c. 790; 2022, cc. 738, 779; 2024, cc. 611, 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.02. Tax on tobacco products and liquid nicotine.

A. In addition to all other taxes now imposed by law, there is hereby imposed a tax upon the privilege of selling or dealing in tobacco products and liquid nicotine in the Commonwealth by any person engaged in business as a distributor or remote retail seller thereof, at the following rates:

1. Upon each package of moist snuff, at the rate of $0.18 per ounce with a proportionate tax at the same rate on all fractional parts of an ounce. The tax shall be computed based on the net weight as listed by the manufacturer on the package in accordance with federal law.

2. For purposes of the tax under this article, loose leaf tobacco shall be classified as loose leaf tobacco single-units, loose leaf tobacco half pound-units, and loose leaf tobacco pound-units. Such tax shall be imposed upon the distributor for loose leaf tobacco as follows:

a. $0.21 for each loose leaf tobacco single-unit;

b. $0.40 for each loose leaf tobacco half pound-unit;

c. $0.70 for each loose leaf tobacco pound-unit; and

d. For any other unit, pouch, or package of loose leaf tobacco, the tax shall be by net weight and shall be $0.21 per unit, pouch, or package plus $0.21 for each increment of four ounces or portion thereof that the loose leaf tobacco exceeds 16 ounces.

The tax for each unit, pouch, or package of loose leaf tobacco shall be in accordance with the provisions of subdivisions a through d only and regardless of sales price.

3. Except as otherwise provided, upon tobacco products other than moist snuff or loose leaf tobacco, at the rate of 10 percent of the manufacturer's sales price of such tobacco products.

Upon cigars and pipe tobacco products sold by remote retail sellers, the tax rates delineated in this subdivision shall apply to:

a. The actual cost; or

b. If the actual cost is not available, the average of the actual cost over the 12 calendar months before January 1 of the year in which the sale occurs.

4. a. Upon the privilege of selling or dealing in liquid nicotine in the Commonwealth by any person engaged in business as a distributor of liquid nicotine, at the following rates:

(1) Upon liquid nicotine in closed systems at the rate of $0.066 per milliliter beginning July 1, 2024, for taxable sales or purchases occurring on and after such date.

(2) Upon liquid nicotine in open systems at the rate of 10 percent of the wholesale price beginning July 1, 2024, for taxable sales or purchases occurring on and after such date.

b. For any transaction involving liquid nicotine between a distributor and a retail dealer, both the distributor and the retail dealer shall maintain and retain records of any invoice or sales receipt that shall include itemized lists of the types of products included in such transaction, the tax due on each product pursuant to this subsection, and the total amount of taxes paid. In every instance, a distributor shall be responsible for paying the tax on liquid nicotine pursuant to this subdivision 4 at the time of sale to a retail dealer. Such taxes shall apply only to liquid nicotine and not to any batteries, filters, or other mechanical or aesthetic components of liquid nicotine in a closed system or an open system.

Such tax shall be imposed at the time the remote retail seller located within or outside the Commonwealth makes a remote retail sale to a consumer within the Commonwealth. It is the intent and purpose of this subdivision that the remote retail seller be liable for the tax. It is further the intent and purpose of this article to impose the tax once, and only once on all tobacco products, including cigars and pipe tobacco sold in the Commonwealth.

Except as otherwise provided, such tax shall be imposed on tobacco products (i) at the time of retail sale by a retail dealer or distributor; (ii) at the time the distributor makes, manufactures, or fabricates tobacco products in the Commonwealth for sale in the Commonwealth; or (iii) at the time the distributor ships or transports tobacco products to retailers in the Commonwealth to be sold by those retailers. It is the intent and purpose of this article that the distributor who first possesses the tobacco product subject to this tax in the Commonwealth shall be the distributor liable for the tax. It is further the intent and purpose of this article to impose the tax once and only once on all tobacco products for sale in the Commonwealth.

B. No tax shall be imposed pursuant to this section upon tobacco products not within the taxing power of the Commonwealth under the Commerce Clause of the United States Constitution.

C. A distributor that calculates and pays the tax pursuant to subdivision A 1 or A 2 in good faith reliance on the net weight listed by the manufacturer on the package or on the manufacturer's invoice shall not be liable for additional tax, or for interest or penalties, solely by reason of a subsequent determination that such weight information was incorrect.

2004, Sp. Sess. I, c. 3; 2005, c. 71; 2010, cc. 191, 804; 2022, cc. 738, 779; 2024, cc. 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.02:1. Reports by manufacturers of tobacco products.

Each manufacturer that ships tobacco products to any person located in the Commonwealth shall file a report with the Department no later than the twentieth of each month identifying all such shipments made by the manufacturer during the preceding month. The Department may allow such reports to be filed electronically. Such reports shall identify the names and addresses of the persons within the Commonwealth to whom the shipments were made and the quantities of tobacco products shipped, by type of product and brand. The Tax Commissioner may authorize any manufacturer to file such reports for a period less frequently than monthly when, in the opinion of the Tax Commissioner, doing so would improve the efficiency of the administration of the tax imposed by this article. If a manufacturer is allowed to file other than on a monthly basis, each such report shall be due no later than the twentieth day of the month that immediately follows the close of the reporting period. Each such report shall contain the same information as required herein for monthly reporting.

2010, cc. 191, 804; 2013, c. 381.

§ 58.1-1021.02:2. Records to be kept and reports by remote retail sellers of cigars and pipe tobacco.

Each remote retail seller that makes a remote retail sale of cigars and pipe tobacco products to any consumer located in the Commonwealth shall keep all records of remote retail sales as follows: (i) each remote retail seller that ships tobacco products to any consumer located in the Commonwealth shall file a report with the Department no later than the twentieth of each month identifying the total quantity, date, and dollar value of all such remote retail sale shipments made during the preceding month and (ii) every licensed remote retail seller outside the Commonwealth that is not a licensed distributor shall in a like manner file a return showing the quantity and actual cost of each cigar or pipe tobacco product shipped or transported to consumers in the Commonwealth during the preceding calendar month. The return shall be made on forms furnished or prescribed by the Department and shall contain or be accompanied by such further information as the Department shall require. The remote retail seller, at the time of filing the return, shall pay to the Department the tax imposed under subsection A of § 58.1-1021.02 for each such package sold in remote retail sales into the Commonwealth in the preceding month on which tax is due. The Department may allow such reports to be filed electronically.

2022, cc. 738, 779.

§ 58.1-1021.03. Monthly return and payments of tax.

A. Every distributor subject to the tax imposed under this article shall file a monthly return no later than the twentieth of each month on a form prescribed by the Department, covering the purchase of tobacco products by such distributor during the preceding month, for which tax is imposed pursuant to subsection A of § 58.1-1021.02, during the preceding month. Each return shall show the quantity and manufacturer's sales price of each tobacco product (i) brought, or caused to be brought, into the Commonwealth for sale; and (ii) made, manufactured, or fabricated in the Commonwealth for sale in the Commonwealth during the preceding calendar month. Every licensed distributor outside the Commonwealth shall in a like manner file a return showing the quantity and manufacturer's sales price of each tobacco product shipped or transported to retailers in the Commonwealth to be sold by those retailers, during the preceding calendar month. The return shall be made on forms furnished or prescribed by the Department and shall contain or be accompanied by such further information as the Department shall require. The distributor, at the time of filing the return, shall pay to the Department the tax imposed under subsection A of § 58.1-1021.02 for each such package of tobacco product purchased in the preceding month on which tax is due.

B. For the purpose of compensating dealers for accounting for the tax imposed under this article, a retail dealer or wholesale dealer shall be allowed when filing a monthly return and paying the tax to deduct two percent of the tax otherwise due if the amount due was not delinquent at the time of payment.

The Tax Commissioner shall prepare for each fiscal year an estimate of the total amount of all discounts allowed to retail or wholesale dealers pursuant to this subsection and such amount shall be taken into consideration in preparing the official estimate of the total revenues to be collected during the fiscal year by the Virginia Health Care Fund established under § 32.1-366. Any reduction in funding available for programs financed by the Virginia Health Care Fund as a result of such discounts shall be made up by the general fund.

2004, Sp. Sess. I, c. 3; 2005, cc. 71, 925; 2010, cc. 191, 804.

§ 58.1-1021.04. Failure to file return; fraudulent return; penalties; interest; overpayment of tax.

A. When any distributor or remote retail seller fails to make any return or pay the full amount of the tax required by this article, there shall be imposed a specific penalty to be added to the tax in the amount of five percent if the failure is for not more than one month, with an additional two percent for each additional month, or fraction thereof, during which the failure continues, not to exceed 20 percent in the aggregate. In no case, however, shall the penalty be less than $10 and such minimum penalty shall apply whether or not any tax is due for the period for which such return was required. If such failure is due to providential or other good cause shown to the satisfaction of the Tax Commissioner, such return with or without remittance may be accepted exclusive of penalties. In the case of a false or fraudulent return where willful intent exists to defraud the Commonwealth of any tax due under this article, or in the case of a willful failure to file a return with the intent to defraud the Commonwealth of any such tax, a specific penalty of 50 percent of the amount of the proper tax shall be assessed. All penalties and interest imposed by this article shall be payable by the distributor or remote retail seller and collectible by the Department in the same manner as if they were a part of the tax imposed.

B. It shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud the Commonwealth of any tax due under this article when any distributor or remote retail seller reports his purchases at 50 percent or less of the actual amount.

C. Interest at a rate determined in accordance with § 58.1-15 shall accrue on the tax until the same is paid.

No deficiency, interest or penalty shall be assessed for any month after the expiration of three years from the date set for the filing of the return for such month, except in cases of fraud, or where no return has been filed for such month.

D. If the Tax Commissioner determines that the amount paid the Commonwealth under this article in regard to any monthly return was greater than the amount of tax due the Commonwealth, the excess may be taken as a credit by the distributor or remote retail seller against a subsequent month's tax imposed under this article. However, if such distributor or remote retail seller requests a refund, such excess shall be refunded to the distributor or remote retail seller within 45 days of the request. The refund shall include interest at the rate provided in § 58.1-15. Interest on such refunds shall accrue from the due date of the return to which such excess is attributable to or the date such excess was paid to the Department, whichever is later, and shall end on a date determined by the Department preceding the date of the refund check by not more than seven days.

2004, Sp. Sess. I, c. 3; 2005, c. 71; 2022, cc. 738, 779.

§ 58.1-1021.04:1. Distributor's or remote retail seller's license; liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license; penalties.

A. 1. No person shall engage in the business of selling or dealing in tobacco products as a distributor in the Commonwealth without first having received a separate license from the Department for each location or place of business. Each application for a distributor's license shall be accompanied by a fee to be prescribed by the Department. Every application for such license shall be made on a form prescribed by the Department and the following information shall be provided on the application:

a. The name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is a firm, partnership, or association, the name and address of each of its members shall be provided. If the applicant is a corporation, the name and address of each of its principal officers shall be provided;

b. The address of the applicant's principal place of business;

c. The place or places where the business to be licensed is to be conducted; and

d. Such other information as the Department may require for the purpose of the administration of this article.

2. A person outside the Commonwealth who ships or transports tobacco products to retailers in the Commonwealth, to be sold by those retailers, may make application for license as a distributor, be granted such a license by the Department, and thereafter be subject to all the provisions of this article. Once a license is granted pursuant to this section, such person shall be entitled to act as a licensed distributor and, unless such person maintains a registered agent pursuant to Chapter 9 (§ 13.1-601 et seq.), 10 (§ 13.1-801 et seq.), 12 (§ 13.1-1000 et seq.), or 14 (§ 13.1-1200 et seq.) of Title 13.1 or Chapter 2.1 (§ 50-73.1 et seq.) or 2.2 (§ 50-73.79 et seq.) of Title 50, shall be deemed to have appointed the Clerk of the State Corporation Commission as the person's agent for the purpose of service of process relating to any matter or issue involving the person and arising under the provisions of this article.

The Department shall conduct a background investigation, to include a Virginia criminal history records search, and fingerprints of the applicant, or the responsible principals, managers, and other persons engaged in handling tobacco products at the licensable locations, that shall be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation if the Department deems a national criminal records search necessary, on applicants for licensure as tobacco products distributors. The Department may refuse to issue a distributor's license or may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a distributor's license issued to any person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or business trust if it determines that the principals, managers, and other persons engaged in handling tobacco products at the licensable location of the applicant have been (i) found guilty of any fraud or misrepresentation in any connection; (ii) convicted of robbery, extortion, burglary, larceny, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, gambling, perjury, bribery, treason, or racketeering; or (iii) convicted of a felony. Anyone who knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or misrepresents a material fact or knowingly and willfully makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in any application for a distributor's license to the Department, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The Department may establish an application or renewal fee not to exceed $750 to be retained by the Department to be applied to the administrative and other costs of processing distributor's license applications, conducting background investigations, and issuing distributor's licenses. Any amount collected pursuant to this section in excess of such costs as of June 30 in even-numbered years shall be reported to the State Treasurer and deposited into the state treasury.

3. No person inside or outside the Commonwealth shall make a remote retail sale of cigars or pipe tobacco to consumers in the Commonwealth without (i) completing an application for and being granted a license as a remote retail seller; (ii) determining whether economic nexus activity thresholds have been met to register for a dealer's certificate under § 58.1-613; (iii) if economic nexus thresholds are met, collecting and remitting the excise tax pursuant to subsection A of § 58.1-1021.02; (iv) providing for age verification through an independent, third-party age verification service that compares information available from a commercially available database, or aggregate of databases, that is regularly used by government agencies and businesses for the purpose of age and identity verification to the personal information entered by the individual during the ordering process that establishes that the individual is of age; and (v) if economic nexus thresholds are met and excise tax is being remitted using the actual cost list method to calculate the excise tax, providing the remote retail seller's certified actual cost list to the Department for each SKU to be offered for remote retail sale in the subsequent calendar year. The actual cost list shall be updated quarterly as new SKUs are added to a remote retail seller's inventory. New SKUs will be added using the actual cost first paid for the SKU.

B. Upon receipt of an application in proper form and payment of the required license fee, the Department shall, unless otherwise provided by this article, issue to the applicant a license, which shall permit the licensee to engage in business as a distributor at the place of business shown on the license. Each license, or a copy thereof, shall be prominently displayed on the premises covered by the license. No license shall be transferable to any other person. Distributor's licenses issued pursuant to this section shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of issue unless revoked by the Department in the manner provided herein. The Department may at any time revoke the license issued to any distributor who is found guilty of violating or noncompliance with any of the provisions of this chapter or any of the rules of the Department adopted and promulgated under authority of this chapter. The Department shall suspend or revoke the license issued to any distributor who is found guilty of a second or subsequent violation of subsection A or B of § 18.2-371.2.

C. 1. No person shall engage in the business of selling or dealing liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products or who ships or transports liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products to retailers in the Commonwealth, to be sold by those retailers, as a manufacturer, distributor, or retail dealer in the Commonwealth without first having received a separate license from the Department for each location or place of business. Each application for a manufacturer's, distributor's, or retail dealer's liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license shall be accompanied by a fee to be prescribed by the Department. Any retail dealer who holds an approved Retail Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate for Stamped Cigarettes Purchased for Resale or an Other Tobacco Products (OTP) Distributor's License issued by the Department shall not be required to obtain a license under this subsection. Every application for such liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license shall be made on a form prescribed by the Department and the following information shall be provided on the application:

a. The name and address of the applicant. If the applicant is a firm, partnership, or association, the name and address of each of its members shall be provided. If the applicant is a corporation, the name and address of each of its principal officers shall be provided;

b. The address of the applicant's principal place of business;

c. The place or places where the business to be licensed is to be conducted; and

d. Such other information as the Department may require for the purpose of the administration of this article.

2. The Department shall conduct a background investigation, to include a Virginia criminal history records search of the applicant, or the responsible principals and managers of liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products at the licensable locations that shall be submitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation if the Department deems a national criminal records search necessary, on applicants for licensure as a liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products manufacturer, distributor, or retailer, as applicable. The Department may refuse to issue a license or may suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew a license issued to any person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or business trust if it determines that the principals and managers at the licensable location of the applicant have been (i) found guilty of any fraud or misrepresentation in any connection; (ii) convicted of robbery, extortion, burglary, larceny, embezzlement, fraudulent conversion, gambling, perjury, bribery, treason, tax evasion, or racketeering; or (iii) convicted of a felony within the last five years. Anyone who knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals, or misrepresents a material fact or knowingly and willfully makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation in any application for a license to the Department is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. The Department may establish an application or renewal fee to be retained by the Department to be applied to the administrative and other costs of processing license applications, conducting background investigations, and issuing licenses. Any amount collected pursuant to this section in excess of such costs as of June 30 in even-numbered years shall be reported to the State Treasurer and deposited into the state treasury.

3. Upon receipt of an application in proper form and payment of the required license fee, the Department shall, unless otherwise provided by this article, issue to the applicant a liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license, which shall permit the licensee to engage in business as a manufacturer, distributor, or retail dealer at the place of business shown on the license. Each license, or a copy thereof, shall be prominently displayed on the premises covered by the license. No license shall be transferable to any other person, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, or business trust; however, the Department may grant a temporary license to any applicant that has purchased the business of any manufacturer, distributor, or retail dealer licensed pursuant to this section while such applicant's application for licensure is pending. Licenses, other than temporary licenses, issued pursuant to this section shall be valid for two years from the date of issue unless revoked by the Department in the manner provided in this section. The Department may at any time suspend or revoke the approved license, permit, or registration issued in accordance with this subsection to any person who is found guilty of violating or noncompliance with any of the provisions of this chapter or any of the rules of the Department adopted and promulgated under authority of this chapter. Any person authorized to sell liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products pursuant to this subsection shall, as a condition of renewing or extending an approved license, permit, or registration, be required to submit to the Department an accurate record of any taxes paid on liquid nicotine pursuant to § 58.1-1021.02.

4. No person shall make a sale of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products (i) to any person who has not attained the legal age for purchasing liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products and (ii) without a valid liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license issued pursuant to this subsection. Any person who is found guilty of violating or noncompliance with this subdivision shall be subject to the following penalties:

a. For the first violation in a 36-month period, a penalty of no less than $1,000;

b. For a second violation in a 36-month period, a penalty of no less than $5,000 and a 30-day suspension of the liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license. If the person is found to be in violation of clause (i) of this subdivision 4, such person shall be required to verify that any consumer who appears to be under 30 years of age is of legal age by verifying such consumer's government-issued photographic identification using fraud detection software, technology, or a scanner that confirms the authenticity of such identification; and

c. For a third violation in a 36-month period, a penalty of no less than $10,000, revocation of the liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license, and ineligibility to possess a liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products license for a period of three years from the date of the most recent violation.

5. No person inside or outside the Commonwealth shall make a retail sale of liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products without verifying that the consumer is of legal age by examining from any person who appears to be under 30 years of age a government-issued photographic identification that establishes that the person is of legal age or providing for age verification through an independent age verification service that compares information available from a commercially available database, or aggregate of databases, that is regularly used by government agencies and businesses for the purpose of age and identity verification to the personal information entered by the individual during the ordering process that establishes that the individual is of age.

6. For any transaction between a distributor and a retail dealer involving liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products, both the distributor and the retail dealer shall maintain and retain records of any invoice or sales receipt involved that shall include itemized lists of the types of products included in such transaction, the tax due on each product pursuant to subsection B of § 58.1-1021.02, and the total amount of taxes paid. Such records shall be produced and provided to the Department as necessary for auditing, compliance, and enforcement purposes.

D. The Department shall compile and maintain a current list of licensed distributors and remote retail sellers of tobacco products and of manufacturers, distributors, and retail dealers of liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products. The list shall be updated on a monthly basis and published on the Department's website, available to any interested party.

2005, c. 71; 2022, cc. 738, 779; 2024, cc. 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.04:2. Certain records required of distributor; access to premises.

A. Each distributor or remote retail seller shall keep in each licensed place of business complete and accurate records for that place of business, including itemized invoices of: (i) tobacco products held, purchased, manufactured, brought in or caused to be brought in from outside the Commonwealth, or shipped or transported to retailers in the Commonwealth; (ii) all sales of tobacco products made; (iii) all tobacco products, including cigars and pipe tobacco, transferred to other retail outlets owned or controlled by that licensed distributor or remote retail seller; and (iv) any records required by the Department.

All books, records and other papers and documents required by this subsection to be kept shall be preserved, in a form prescribed by the Department, for a period of at least three years after the date of the documents or the date of the entries thereof appearing in the records, unless the Department authorizes, in writing, their destruction or disposal at an earlier date.

B. At any time during usual business hours, duly authorized agents or employees of the Department may enter any place of business of a distributor and inspect the premises, the records required to be kept under this article and the tobacco products contained therein, to determine whether all the provisions of this article are being complied with fully. Refusal to permit such inspection by a duly authorized agent or employee of the Department shall be grounds for revocation of the license.

C. Each person who sells tobacco products to persons other than an ultimate consumer shall render with each sale itemized invoices showing the seller's name and address, the purchaser's name and address, the date of sale and all prices. Such person shall preserve legible copies of all such invoices for three years after the date of sale.

D. Each distributor or remote retail seller shall procure itemized invoices of all tobacco products purchased. The invoices shall show the name and address of the seller and the date of purchase. The distributor or remote retail seller shall preserve a legible copy of each invoice for three years after the date of purchase. Invoices shall be available for inspection by authorized agents or employees of the Department at the distributor's place of business or remote retail seller's place of business. If the remote retail seller cannot produce the required invoice information and the excise tax is being remitted using the actual cost list method to calculate the excise tax, the remote retail seller shall provide the remote retail seller's certified actual cost list to the Department for each SKU to be offered for remote retail sale in the subsequent calendar year. The actual cost list shall be updated quarterly as new SKUs are added to a remote retail seller's inventory. New SKUs will be added using the actual cost first paid for the SKU. This method shall not be used unless the actual cost list has been filed with the Department for the previous calendar year.

E. Any violation of § 58.1-1021.04:1, 58.1-1021.04:2, 58.1-1021.04:3, or 58.1-1021.04:4 of this article shall be grounds for revocation of the license.

2005, c. 71; 2022, cc. 738, 779.

§ 58.1-1021.04:3. Unlawful importation, transportation, or possession of tobacco products; civil penalty.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person who is not a licensed distributor in the Commonwealth pursuant to this article to import, transport, or possess, for resale, any tobacco products in the Commonwealth, or under circumstances and conditions that indicate that tobacco products are being imported, transported, or possessed in a manner as to knowingly and intentionally evade or attempt to evade the tax imposed by this article. Such tobacco products shall be subject to seizure, forfeiture, and destruction by any law-enforcement officer of the Commonwealth. All fixtures, equipment, materials, and personal property used in substantial connection with the sale or possession of tobacco products involved in a knowing and intentional violation of this article shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture according to the procedures contained in Chapter 22.1 (§ 19.2-386.1 et seq.) of Title 19.2, applied mutatis mutandis.

B. Any person, except as otherwise provided by law, who imports, transports, or possesses for resale tobacco products upon which the tax imposed by this article has not been paid shall be required to pay any tax owed pursuant to this article. In addition, if such person imports, transports, or possesses such tobacco products in such a manner as to knowingly and intentionally evade or attempt to evade the tax imposed by this article, he shall be required to pay a civil penalty of (i) $2.50 per tobacco product, up to $500, for the first violation by the person within a 36-month period; (ii) $5 per tobacco product, up to $1,000, for the second violation by the person within a 36-month period; and (iii) $10 per tobacco product, up to $50,000, for the third or subsequent violation by the person within a 36-month period, to be assessed and collected by the Department as other taxes are collected. In addition, where willful intent exists to defraud the Commonwealth of the tax levied under this article, such person shall be required to pay a civil penalty of $25 per tobacco product, up to $250,000.

2005, c. 71; 2014, cc. 38, 177.

§ 58.1-1021.04:4. Purchase of tobacco products for resale.

No retail dealer shall purchase tobacco products, for resale to consumers, from any person within or outside the Commonwealth of Virginia, except as follows:

1. A retail dealer purchases from a distributor licensed by the Commonwealth of Virginia.

2. A retail dealer applies for and is granted a license as a distributor, and files returns and maintains records as required of licensed distributors under this article.

2005, c. 71.

§ 58.1-1021.04:5. Tax Commissioner to establish guidelines and rules.

The Tax Commissioner shall establish guidelines and rules, including recordkeeping requirements, for implementation of the tax on tobacco products under this article. The establishment of the guidelines and rules by the Tax Commissioner shall be exempt from the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).

2005, c. 71; 2024, cc. 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.05. Use of revenues.

The revenues generated by the taxes imposed under this article shall be collected by the Department and deposited into the Virginia Health Care Fund established under § 32.1-366.

2004, Sp. Sess. I, c. 3.

§ 58.1-1021.06. Delivery sales of liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products.

A. A retail dealer shall not make a delivery sale of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products without a license issued pursuant to § 58.1-1021.04:1. Such delivery sales and any shipment shall be made only to a legal consumer.

B. A retail dealer may not ship for delivery sale any liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products without first making a good faith effort to verify the age of the purchaser of the liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products through an independent age verification software, service, or technology that compares information available from public records to the personal information entered by the purchaser during the ordering process that establishes the purchaser is of legal age or older.

C. Prior to shipment of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products for a delivery sale, a retail dealer shall be fully paid for the purchase and shall accept payment from the consumer by a check drawn on an account in the consumer's name, by a credit card issued in the consumer's name, or by a debit card issued in the consumer's name. A retail dealer taking a delivery sale may request the electronic mail address of the consumer as a condition of completing such delivery sale.

2024, cc. 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.07. Retail sales of liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products; identification and use by minors.

Before a retail dealer may sell liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products to any consumer, the person selling, offering for sale, giving, or furnishing the liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor product shall verify that the consumer is of legal age by:

1. For any retail sale by a retail dealer, examining from any person who appears to be under 30 years of age a government-issued photographic identification that establishes the person is of legal age or, if required pursuant to subdivision C 4 b of § 58.1-1021.04:1 or subdivision B 2 b of § 59.1-293.12, verifying the identification presented using identification fraud detection software, technology, or scanner that confirms the authenticity of such identification; or

2. For any delivery sale by a retail dealer to a consumer in the Commonwealth, performing an age verification through an independent, age verification software, service, or technology that compares information available from public records to the personal information entered by the purchaser during the ordering process that establishes that the purchaser is of legal age or older.

2024, cc. 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.08. General requirements for liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products sales and resale.

A. A retail dealer shall procure liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products only from distributors duly permitted to operate in the Commonwealth pursuant to this article.

B. A retail dealer shall sell liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products only to consumers and is prohibited from selling to manufacturers, distributors, other retailer dealers, and any other commercial entities.

C. A retail dealer shall not sell more than two packages of nicotine vapor products and five bottles or packages of liquid nicotine in any one transaction to a consumer.

D. In every instance, a distributor shall be responsible for paying the tax on liquid nicotine pursuant to § 58.1-1021.02 at the time of sale to a retail dealer.

E. A manufacturer may use as an ingredient in liquid nicotine and a distributor or retail dealer may sell liquid nicotine containing a flavoring or food grade additive or synthetic flavoring substance that is used to add flavor and that is not prohibited by the federal Food and Drug Administration as an additive in nicotine vapor products.

2024, cc. 796, 821.

§ 58.1-1021.09. Safety requirements for liquid nicotine and nicotine vapor products.

A. 1. Any retail dealer shall comply with the following requirements:

a. Any liquid nicotine container shall use a child-resistant cap that has the child-resistant effectiveness set forth in the poison prevention packaging standards under 16 C.F.R. § 1700.15(b)(1);

b. Any liquid nicotine container shall use a tamper-evident package feature that is designed to remain intact and that does remain intact when handled in a reasonable manner during the manufacture, distribution, and retail display of such liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor product container; and

c. Any label on a liquid nicotine container shall meet the nicotine addictiveness warning statement requirements under 21 C.F.R. § 1143.3.

2. Any retail dealer selling liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products shall also be required to display signage clearly indicating "products are not for sale to minors" or "underage sales prohibited" and to display vapor products behind a counter or in an enclosed display that is inaccessible without the assistance of a sales representative of the retailer.

B. No person may sell, offer for sale, or otherwise distribute any liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor product with labeling or packaging that is not in compliance with 21 C.F.R. § 1143.3 or that:

1. Imitates or mimics a trademark of any kind or trade dress of any food products, including candy, cookies, cereal, juice boxes, or soft drinks, that are or have primarily been marketed to minors;

2. Depicts images or references to video games, movies, videos, celebrity endorsements, or animated television shows known to appeal to minors;

3. Depicts the actual consumption of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products or a minor using liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products;

4. Makes any health, medicinal, or therapeutic claims about liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products; or

5. Otherwise promotes overconsumption of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products.

C. Any person shall advertise or market any liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products only where consistent with the following requirements:

1. All advertisements and marketing shall accurately and legibly identify the person responsible for its content, shall be truthful and appropriately substantiated, shall not be presented in a manner that is materially false or untrue, and shall not be presented in a manner that imitates or mimics a trademark of any kind or trade dress of any food products, including candy, cookies, cereal, juice boxes, or soft drinks, that are or have primarily been marketed to minors;

2. Any advertising or marketing in broadcast, cable, radio, print, and digital communications or any event marketing or sponsorships shall be made only where at least 85 percent of the audience is reasonably expected to be at least 21 years of age, as determined by reliable, up-to-date audience composition data;

3. No advertising or marketing may contain any statement concerning a brand or product that is inconsistent with any statement or images on its labeling; and

4. No advertising or marketing may contain any health-related statement that is untrue in any particular manner or tends to create a misleading impression as to the health benefits of consumption of liquid nicotine or nicotine vapor products.

2024, cc. 796, 821.