Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 62.1. Waters of the State, Ports and Harbors
Chapter 3.1. State Water Control Law

Article 4.02. Chesapeake Bay Watershed Nutrient Credit Exchange Program.

§ 62.1-44.19:12. Legislative findings and purposes.

The 2000 Chesapeake Bay Agreement and related multistate cooperative and regulatory initiatives (i) establish allocations for nitrogen and phosphorus delivered to the Chesapeake Bay and its tidal tributaries to meet applicable water quality standards and (ii) place caps on the loads of these nutrients that may be discharged into the Chesapeake Bay watershed. These initiatives will require public and private point source dischargers of nitrogen and phosphorus to achieve significant additional reductions of these nutrients to meet the cap load allocations. The General Assembly finds and determines that adoption and utilization of a watershed general permit and market-based point source nutrient credit trading program will assist in (a) meeting these cap load allocations cost-effectively and as soon as possible in keeping with the 2010 timeline and objectives of the Chesapeake 2000 Agreement, (b) accommodating continued growth and economic development in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, and (c) providing a foundation for establishing market-based incentives to help achieve the Chesapeake Bay Program's nonpoint source reduction goals.

2005, cc. 708, 710.

§ 62.1-44.19:13. Definitions.

As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning:

"Annual mass load of total nitrogen" (expressed in pounds per year) means the daily total nitrogen concentration (expressed as mg/L to the nearest 0.01 mg/L) multiplied by the flow volume of effluent discharged during the 24-hour period (expressed as MGD to the nearest 0.01 MGD), multiplied by 8.34 and rounded to the nearest whole number to convert to pounds per day (lbs/day) units, then totaled for the calendar month to convert to pounds per month (lbs/mo) units, and then totaled for the calendar year to convert to pounds per year (lbs/yr) units.

"Annual mass load of total phosphorus" (expressed in pounds per year) means the daily total phosphorus concentration (expressed as mg/L to the nearest 0.01mg/L) multiplied by the flow volume of effluent discharged during the 24-hour period (expressed as MGD to the nearest 0.01 MGD) multiplied by 8.34 and rounded to the nearest whole number to convert to pounds per day (lbs/day) units, then totaled for the calendar month to convert to pounds per month (lbs/mo) units, and then totaled for the calendar year to convert to pounds per year (lbs/yr) units.

"Association" means the Virginia Nutrient Credit Exchange Association authorized by this article.

"Attenuation" means the rate at which nutrients are reduced through natural processes during transport in water.

"Best management practice," "practice," or "BMP" means a structural practice, nonstructural practice, or other management practice used to prevent or reduce nutrient loads associated with stormwater from reaching surface waters or the adverse effects thereof.

"Biological nutrient removal technology" means (i) technology that will achieve an annual average total nitrogen effluent concentration of eight milligrams per liter and an annual average total phosphorus effluent concentration of one milligram per liter, or (ii) equivalent reductions in loads of total nitrogen and total phosphorus through the recycle or reuse of wastewater as determined by the Department.

"Delivered total nitrogen load" means the discharged mass load of total nitrogen from a point source that is adjusted by the delivery factor for that point source.

"Delivered total phosphorus load" means the discharged mass load of total phosphorus from a point source that is adjusted by the delivery factor for that point source.

"Delivery factor" means an estimate of the number of pounds of total nitrogen or total phosphorus delivered to tidal waters for every pound discharged from a permitted facility, as determined by the specific geographic location of the permitted facility, to account for attenuation that occurs during riverine transport between the permitted facility and tidal waters. Delivery factors shall be calculated using the Chesapeake Bay Program watershed model.

"Department" means the Department of Environmental Quality.

"Enhanced Nutrient Removal Certainty Program" or "ENRC Program" means the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan Enhanced Nutrient Removal Certainty Program established pursuant to subsection G of § 62.1-44.19:14.

"Equivalent load" means 2,300 pounds per year of total nitrogen and 300 pounds per year of total phosphorus at a flow volume of 40,000 gallons per day; 5,700 pounds per year of total nitrogen and 760 pounds per year of total phosphorus at a flow volume of 100,000 gallons per day; and 28,500 pounds per year of total nitrogen and 3,800 pounds per year of total phosphorus at a flow volume of 500,000 gallons per day.

"Facility" means a point source discharging or proposing to discharge total nitrogen or total phosphorus to the Chesapeake Bay or its tributaries. This term does not include confined animal feeding operations, discharges of stormwater, return flows from irrigated agriculture, or vessels.

"General permit" means the general permit authorized by this article.

"MS4" means a municipal separate storm sewer system.

"Nutrient credit" or "credit" means a nutrient reduction that is certified pursuant to this article and expressed in pounds of phosphorus or nitrogen either (i) delivered to tidal waters when the credit is generated within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed or (ii) as otherwise specified when generated in the Southern Rivers watersheds. "Nutrient credit" does not include point source nitrogen credits or point source phosphorus credits as defined in this section.

"Nutrient credit-generating entity" means an entity that generates nonpoint source nutrient credits.

"Permitted facility" means a facility authorized by the general permit to discharge total nitrogen or total phosphorus. For the sole purpose of generating point source nitrogen credits or point source phosphorus credits, "permitted facility" shall also mean the Blue Plains wastewater treatment facility operated by the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority.

"Permittee" means a person authorized by the general permit to discharge total nitrogen or total phosphorus.

"Point source nitrogen credit" means the difference between (i) the waste load allocation for a permitted facility specified as an annual mass load of total nitrogen, and (ii) the monitored annual mass load of total nitrogen discharged by that facility, where clause (ii) is less than clause (i), and where the difference is adjusted by the applicable delivery factor and expressed as pounds per year of delivered total nitrogen load.

"Point source phosphorus credit" means the difference between (i) the waste load allocation for a permitted facility specified as an annual mass load of total phosphorus, and (ii) the monitored annual mass load of total phosphorus discharged by that facility, where clause (ii) is less than clause (i), and where the difference is adjusted by the applicable delivery factor and expressed as pounds per year of delivered total phosphorus load.

"State-of-the-art nutrient removal technology" means (i) technology that will achieve an annual average total nitrogen effluent concentration of three milligrams per liter and an annual average total phosphorus effluent concentration of 0.3 milligrams per liter, or (ii) equivalent load reductions in total nitrogen and total phosphorus through recycle or reuse of wastewater as determined by the Department.

"Tributaries" means those river basins listed in the Chesapeake Bay TMDL and includes the Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James River Basins, and the Eastern Shore, which encompasses the creeks and rivers of the Eastern Shore of Virginia that are west of Route 13 and drain into the Chesapeake Bay.

"Waste load allocation" means (i) the water quality-based annual mass load of total nitrogen or annual mass load of total phosphorus allocated to individual facilities pursuant to the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9VAC25-720) or its successor, or permitted capacity in the case of nonsignificant dischargers; (ii) the water quality-based annual mass load of total nitrogen or annual mass load of total phosphorus acquired pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:15 for new or expanded facilities; or (iii) applicable total nitrogen or total phosphorus waste load allocations under the Chesapeake Bay total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) to restore or protect the water quality and beneficial uses of the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries.

2005, cc. 708, 710; 2012, cc. 748, 808; 2013, cc. 756, 793; 2015, c. 164; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 363, 364.

§ 62.1-44.19:14. Watershed general permit for nutrients.

A. The Board shall issue a Watershed General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit, hereafter referred to as the general permit, authorizing point source discharges of total nitrogen and total phosphorus to the waters of the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries. Except as otherwise provided in this article, the general permit shall control in lieu of technology-based, water quality-based, and best professional judgment, interim or final effluent limitations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus in individual Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits for facilities covered by the general permit where the effluent limitations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the individual permits are based upon standards, criteria, waste load allocations, policy, or guidance established to restore or protect the water quality and beneficial uses of the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries.

B. This section shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect the Board's authority to establish and enforce more stringent water quality-based effluent limitations for total nitrogen or total phosphorus in individual permits where those limitations are necessary to protect local water quality. The exchange or acquisition of credits pursuant to this article shall not affect any requirement to comply with such local water quality-based limitations.

C. The general permit shall contain the following:

1. Waste load allocations for total nitrogen and total phosphorus for each permitted facility expressed as annual mass loads, including reduced waste load allocations where applicable under the ENRC Program. The allocations for each permitted facility shall reflect the applicable individual water quality-based total nitrogen and total phosphorus waste load allocations. An owner or operator of two or more facilities located in the same tributary may apply for and receive an aggregated waste load allocation for total nitrogen and an aggregated waste load allocation for total phosphorus for multiple facilities reflecting the total of the water quality-based total nitrogen and total phosphorus waste load allocations established for such facilities individually;

2. A schedule requiring compliance with the combined waste load allocations for each tributary as soon as possible taking into account (i) opportunities to minimize costs to the public or facility owners by phasing in the implementation of multiple projects; (ii) the availability of required services and skilled labor; (iii) the availability of funding from the Virginia Water Quality Improvement Fund as established in § 10.1-2128, the Virginia Water Facilities Revolving Fund as established in § 62.1-225, and other financing mechanisms; (iv) water quality conditions; and (v) other relevant factors. Following receipt of the compliance plans required by subdivision C 3, the Board shall reevaluate the schedule taking into account the information in the compliance plans and the factors in this subdivision, and may modify the schedule as appropriate;

3. A requirement that the permittees shall either individually or through the Association submit compliance plans to the Department for approval. The compliance plans shall contain, at a minimum, any capital projects and implementation schedules needed to achieve total nitrogen and phosphorus reductions sufficient to comply with the individual and combined waste load allocations of all the permittees in the tributary. The compliance plans may rely on the exchange of point source credits in accordance with this article, but not the acquisition of credits through payments authorized by § 62.1-44.19:18, to achieve compliance with the individual and combined waste load allocations in each tributary. The compliance plans shall be updated annually and submitted to the Department no later than February 1 of each year. The compliance plans due beginning February 1, 2023, shall address the requirements of the ENRC Program;

4. Such monitoring and reporting requirements as the Board deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this article;

5. A procedure that requires every owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to discharge 100,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, directly into tidal waters, or 500,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, directly into nontidal waters, to secure general permit coverage by filing a registration statement with the Department within a specified period after each effective date of the general permit. The procedure shall also require any owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit to discharge 40,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, directly into tidal or nontidal waters to secure general permit coverage by filing a registration statement with the Department at the time he makes application with the Department for a new discharge or expansion that is subject to an offset or technology-based requirement in § 62.1-44.19:15, and thereafter within a specified period of time after each effective date of the general permit. The procedure shall also require any owner or operator of a facility with a discharge that is subject to an offset requirement in subdivision A 5 of § 62.1-44.19:15 to secure general permit coverage by filing a registration statement with the Department prior to commencing the discharge and thereafter within a specified period of time after each effective date of the general permit. The general permit shall provide that any facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit and not required by this subdivision to file a registration statement shall be deemed to be covered under the general permit at the time it is issued, and shall file a registration statement with the Department when required by this section. Owners or operators of facilities that are deemed to be permitted under this section shall have no other obligation under the general permit prior to filing a registration statement and securing coverage under the general permit based upon such registration statement;

6. A procedure for efficiently modifying the lists of facilities covered by the general permit where the modification does not change or otherwise alter any waste load allocation or delivery factor adopted pursuant to the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9VAC25-720) or its successor, or an applicable total maximum daily load. The procedure shall also provide for modifying or incorporating new waste load allocations or delivery factors, including the opportunity for public notice and comment on such modifications or incorporations; and

7. Such other conditions as the Board deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter and § 402 of the federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1342).

D. 1. The Board shall (i) review during the year 2020 and every 10 years thereafter the basis for allocations granted in the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9VAC25-720) and (ii) as a result of such decennial reviews propose for inclusion in the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation (9VAC25-720) either the reallocation of unneeded allocations to other facilities registered under the general permit or the reservation of such allocations for future use.

2. For each decennial review, the Board shall determine whether a permitted facility has:

a. Changed the use of the facility in such a way as to make discharges unnecessary, ceased the discharge of nutrients, and become unlikely to resume such discharges in the foreseeable future; or

b. Changed the production processes employed in the facility in such a way as to render impossible, or significantly to diminish the likelihood of, the resumption of previous nutrient discharges.

3. Beginning in 2030, each review also shall consider the following factors for municipal wastewater facilities:

a. Substantial changes in the size or population of a service area;

b. Significant changes in land use resulting from adopted changes to zoning ordinances or comprehensive plans within a service area;

c. Significant establishment of conservation easements or other perpetual instruments that are associated with a deed and that restrict growth or development;

d. Constructed treatment facility capacity;

e. Significant changes in the understanding of the water chemistry or biology of receiving waters that would reasonably result in unused nutrient discharge allocations over an extended period of time;

f. Significant changes in treatment technologies that would reasonably result in unused nutrient discharge allocations over an extended period of time;

g. The ability of the permitted facility to accommodate projected growth under existing nutrient waste load allocations; and

h. Other similarly significant factors that the Board determines reasonably to affect the allocations granted.

The Board shall not reduce allocations based solely on voluntary improvements in nutrient removal technology.

E. The Board shall maintain and make available to the public a current listing, by tributary, of all permittees and permitted facilities under the general permit, together with each permitted facility's total nitrogen and total phosphorus waste load allocations, and total nitrogen and total phosphorus delivery factors.

F. Except as otherwise provided in this article, in the event that there are conflicting or duplicative conditions contained in the general permit and an individual Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit, the conditions in the general permit shall control.

G. The Board shall adopt amendments to the Water Quality Management Planning Regulation and modifications to Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits or registration lists to establish and implement the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plan Enhanced Nutrient Removal Certainty Program (ENRC Program) as provided in this subsection. The ENRC Program shall consist of the following projects and the following waste load allocation reductions and their respective schedules for compliance.

1. Priority projects for additional nitrogen and phosphorus removal (schedule for compliance):

aHRSD-Chesapeake/Elizabeth STPConsolidate into regional system and close treatment facility (1/1/2023)
bHRSD-Boat Harbor WWTPConvey by subaqueous crossing to Nansemond River WWTP for nutrient removal (1/1/2026)
cHRSD-Nansemond River WWTPUpgrade and expand with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen (1/1/2026) and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2032)
dHRSD-Nassawadox WWTPConvey to regional system for nutrient removal (1/1/2026)
eFredericksburg WWTFExpand with nutrient removal technology of 3.0 mg/L total nitrogen and 0.22 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2026)
fSpotsylvania Co.-FMC WWTFConvey to Massaponax WWTF and close treatment facility (1/1/2026)
gSpotsylvania Co.-Massaponax WWTFExpand with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus to consolidate and close FMC WWTF (1/1/2026)
hSpotsylvania Co.-Thornburg STPUpgrade with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2026)
iHRRSA-North River WWTPPhosphorus removal tertiary filtration upgrade (1/1/2026)
jSouth Central Wastewater Authority WWTFUpgrade with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2026)
kHRSD-Williamsburg WWTPUpgrade with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen (1/1/2026) and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2032)
lHRSD-VIP WWTPUpgrade with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen (1/1/2026) and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2032)
mHRSD-James River WWTPUpgrade with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen (1/1/2026) and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2028)
nHRSD-Army Base WWTPConvey to VIP WWTP for nutrient removal (1/1/2032) or upgrade with nutrient removal technology of 4.0 mg/L total nitrogen (1/1/2026) and 0.30 mg/L total phosphorus (1/1/2032)

Each priority project and the associated schedule of compliance shall be incorporated into the applicable Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit or registration list. Each priority project facility shall be in compliance (i) by complying with applicable annual average total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations for compliance years 2026, 2028, and 2032; (ii) for the South Central Wastewater Authority WWTF, by implementing a phased construction program approved by the Department, and acquiring sufficient point source credits until its phased construction is completed as provided in this subsection; or (iii) only for a facility subject to an aggregated waste load allocation, by exercising the option of achieving an equivalent discharged load by the date set out in the schedule of compliance based on the applicable total nitrogen and total phosphorus annual average concentrations and actual annual flow treated without the acquisition and use of point source credits generated by permitted facilities not under common ownership. Noncompliance shall be enforceable in the same manner as any other condition of a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.

The following requirements shall apply to the phased construction program to upgrade the South Central Wastewater Authority WWTF: (a) by August 1, 2023, the South Central Wastewater Authority (SCWWA) shall submit a phased construction program to the Department, which shall review and approve such program by September 1, 2023, or as soon as possible thereafter;(b) by December 31, 2023, or within 150 days of approval by the Department of the phased construction program, whichever is later, SCWWA shall commence construction of the initial phase of construction; (c) by February 1, 2024, and annually thereafter, SCWWA shall submit a progress report to the Department describing its progress toward completing the phased construction program; (d) within 30 days of substantial completion of each major phase of construction, SCWWA shall submit an application for a certificate to operate to the Department and promptly place the associated treatment units into operation; (e) the phased construction program for the SCWWA WWTF priority project shall be completed as soon as possible on the schedule approved by the Department but no later than January 1, 2030; and (f) for each compliance year during the phased construction program that the facility does not achieve the nutrient removal technology concentration specified in this subsection, the SCWWA WWTF shall be responsible for acquiring sufficient point source credits to comply with its total nitrogen and total phosphorus waste load allocations applicable to that compliance year.

2. Nitrogen waste load allocation reductions — HRSD-York River WWTP:

Reduce the total nitrogen waste load allocation for the HRSD-York River WWTP to 228,444 lbs/year effective January 1, 2026.

3. James River HRSD SWIFT nutrient upgrades:

Reduce total nitrogen waste load allocations for HRSD treatment works in the James River basin to the following allocations effective January 1, 2026:

dHRSD-Army Base WWTP219,307
eHRSD-Boat Harbor STP304,593
fHRSD-James River STP243,674
hHRSD-Nansemond STP365,511
iHRSD-Williamsburg STP274,133

Reduce total phosphorus waste load allocations for HRSD treatment works in the James River basin to the following allocations effective January 1, 2026:

dHRSD-Army Base WWTP27,413
eHRSD-Boat Harbor STP38,074
fHRSD-James River STP30,459
hHRSD-Nansemond STP45,689
iHRSD-Williamsburg STP34,267

Reduce total phosphorus waste load allocations for HRSD treatment works in the James River basin to the following allocations effective January 1, 2030:

aHRSD-Army Base WWTP21,931
aHRSD-Boat Harbor STP30,459
aHRSD-James River STP24,367
aHRSD-Nansemond STP36,551
aHRSD-Williamsburg STP27,413

Reduce total phosphorus waste load allocations for HRSD treatment works in the James River basin to the following allocations effective January 1, 2032:

dHRSD-Army Base WWTP16,448
eHRSD-Boat Harbor STP22,844
fHRSD-James River STP18,276
hHRSD-Nansemond STP27,413
iHRSD-Williamsburg STP20,560

Transfer the total nitrogen (454,596 lbs/year) and total phosphorus (41,450 lbs/year) waste load allocations for the HRSD-Chesapeake/Elizabeth STP to the Nutrient Offset Fund effective January 1, 2026.

Transfer the total nitrogen (153,500 lbs/yr) and total phosphorous (17,437 lbs/yr) waste load allocations for the HRSD-J.H. Miles Facility consolidation to HRSD in accordance with the approved registration list December 21, 2015, transfer.

2005, cc. 708, 710; 2010, c. 288; 2017, c. 9; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, cc. 363, 364; 2022, cc. 127, 128; 2023, cc. 177, 178.

§ 62.1-44.19:15. New or expanded facilities.

A. An owner or operator of a new or expanded facility shall comply with the applicable requirements of this section as a condition of the facility's coverage under the general permit.

1. An owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit first issued before July 1, 2005, that expands his facility to discharge 100,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load directly into tidal waters, or 500,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, directly into nontidal waters shall demonstrate to the Department that he has acquired waste load allocations sufficient to offset any increase in his delivered total nitrogen and delivered total phosphorus loads resulting from any expansion beyond his waste load allocations or permitted design capacity as of July 1, 2005, and will install state-of-the-art nutrient removal technology at the time of the expansion.

2. An owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit first issued before July 1, 2005, that expands his facility to discharge 100,000 gallons or more per day up to and including 499,999 gallons per day, or an equivalent load, directly into nontidal waters, shall demonstrate to the Department that he has acquired waste load allocations sufficient to offset any increase in his delivered total nitrogen and delivered total phosphorus loads resulting from any expansion beyond his permitted capacity as of July 1, 2005, and will install, at a minimum, biological nutrient removal technology at the time of the expansion.

3. An owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit first issued before July 1, 2005, that expands his facility to discharge 40,000 gallons or more per day up to and including 99,999 gallons per day, or an equivalent load, directly into tidal or nontidal waters, shall demonstrate to the Department that he has acquired waste load allocations sufficient to offset any increase in his delivered total nitrogen and delivered total phosphorus loads resulting from any expansion beyond his permitted capacity as of July 1, 2005.

4. An owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit first issued on or after July 1, 2005, to discharge 40,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, shall demonstrate to the Department that he has acquired waste load allocations sufficient to offset his delivered total nitrogen and delivered total phosphorus loads, and will install (i) at a minimum, biological nutrient removal technology at any facility authorized to discharge up to and including 99,999 gallons per day, or an equivalent load, directly into tidal and nontidal waters, or up to and including 499,999 gallons per day, or an equivalent load, to nontidal waters; and (ii) state-of-the-art nutrient removal technology at any facility authorized to discharge 100,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, directly into tidal waters, or 500,000 gallons or more per day, or an equivalent load, directly into nontidal waters.

5. An owner or operator of a facility treating domestic sewage authorized by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit with a discharge greater than 1,000 gallons per day up to and including 39,999 gallons per day that has not commenced the discharge of pollutants prior to January 1, 2011, shall demonstrate to the Department that he has acquired waste load allocations sufficient to offset his delivered total nitrogen and delivered total phosphorus loads prior to commencing the discharge, except when the facility is for short-term temporary use only or when treatment of domestic sewage is not the primary purpose of the facility.

B. Waste load allocations required by this section to offset new or increased delivered total nitrogen and delivered total phosphorus loads shall be acquired in accordance with this subsection.

1. Such allocations may be acquired from one or a combination of the following:

a. Acquisition of all or a portion of the waste load allocations or point source nitrogen or point source phosphorus credits from one or more permitted facilities in the same tributary;

b. Acquisition of credits certified by the Board pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:20. Such best management practices shall achieve reductions beyond those already required by or funded under federal or state law, or the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan, and shall be installed in the same tributary in which the new or expanded facility is located and included as conditions of the facility's individual Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit;

c. Acquisition of allocations purchased through the Nutrient Offset Fund established pursuant to § 10.1-2128.2;

d. Acquisition of allocations through such other means as may be approved by the Department on a case-by-case basis; or

e. Acquisition of credits or allocations through the implementation of best management practices on lands owned or controlled by, or under contractual obligation with, the new or expanded facility that achieve reductions greater than those currently required by or funded under federal or state law, or the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan, subject to the approval by the Board in accordance with standards and procedures that are consistent with those established in § 62.1-44.19:20. Any such best management practices shall be implemented on lands within the same tributary as the new or expanded facility, and any credits assigned by the Board based on those practices shall be subject to adjustment based on the relevant delivery factor, as defined in § 62.1-44.19:13.

2. Such allocations or credits shall be provided for a minimum period of five years with each registration under the general permit. This subdivision shall not preclude longer-term or permanent allocations, except that such allocations are subject to modification by the Board where necessary to conform to the Chesapeake Bay TMDL.

3. The Board shall give priority to allocations or credits acquired in accordance with subdivisions 1 a, 1 b, and 1 d. The Board shall approve allocations acquired in accordance with subdivision 1 d only after the owner or operator has demonstrated that he has made a good faith effort to acquire sufficient allocations in accordance with subdivisions 1 a, 1 b, and 1 d and that such allocations are not reasonably available taking into account timing, cost, and other relevant factors.

4. Notwithstanding the priority provisions in subdivision 3, the Board may grant a waste load allocation in accordance with subdivision 1 d to an owner or operator of a facility authorized by a Virginia Pollution Abatement permit to land apply domestic sewage if (i) the Virginia Pollution Abatement permit was issued before July 1, 2005; (ii) the waste load allocation does not exceed such facility's permitted design capacity as of July 1, 2005; (iii) the waste treated by the existing facility is going to be treated and discharged pursuant to a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit for a new discharge; and (iv) the owner or operator installs state-of-the-art nutrient removal technology at such facility. Such facilities cannot generate credits or waste load allocations, based upon the removal of land application sites, that can be acquired by other permitted facilities to meet the requirements of this article.

C. Until such time as the Director finds that no allocations are reasonably available in an individual tributary, the general permit shall provide for the acquisition of allocations through payments into the Nutrient Offset Fund established in § 10.1-2128.2. Such payments shall be promptly applied by the Department to achieve equivalent point or nonpoint source reductions in the same tributary beyond those reductions already required by or funded under federal or state law or the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan. The general permit shall base the cost of each pound of allocation on (i) the estimated cost of achieving a reduction of one pound of nitrogen or phosphorus at the facility that is securing the allocation, or comparable facility, for each pound of allocation acquired; or (ii) the average cost of reducing two pounds of nitrogen or phosphorus from nonpoint sources in the same tributary for each pound of allocation acquired, whichever is higher. Upon each reissuance of the general permit, the Board may adjust the cost of each pound of allocation based on current costs and cost estimates.

D. The acquisition of nutrient allocations or credits from animal waste-to-energy or animal waste reduction facilities, or the acquisition of such nutrient allocations or credits from entities acting on behalf of such facilities, shall be considered point source allocations or credits for all nutrient trading purposes and shall not be subject to any otherwise applicable nonpoint source trading ratio if the best management practice being used to generate such nutrient allocations or credits is a point source nutrient removal technology. Point source nutrient removal technology shall include animal waste gasification in which lab analysis of the animal waste reveals the concentration of nutrients in the animal waste being fed into the gasifier, and the fate of the nutrients during the animal waste gasification process, is known and documented using studies such as air emissions tests and ash analyses.

2005, cc. 708, 710; 2007, c. 27; 2010, c. 288; 2011, cc. 440, 524; 2012, cc. 748, 808; 2013, cc. 756, 793; 2016, cc. 137, 377.

§ 62.1-44.19:16. Technology-based standards and effluent limitations.

A. The Board may establish a technology-based standard less stringent than the applicable standard specified in § 62.1-44.19:15 based on a demonstration by an owner or operator that the specified standard is not technically or economically feasible for the affected facility or that the technology-based standard would require the owner or operator to construct treatment facilities not otherwise necessary to comply with his waste load allocation without reliance on nutrient credit exchanges pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:18.

B. The Board may include technology-based effluent concentration limitations in the individual permit for any facility that has installed technology for the control of nitrogen and phosphorus whether by new construction, expansion, or upgrade. Such limitations shall be based upon the technology installed by the facility and shall be expressed as annual average limitations. Such limitations shall not affect the generation, acquisition, or exchange of allocations or credits pursuant to this article.

2005, cc. 708, 710.

§ 62.1-44.19:17. Virginia Nutrient Credit Exchange Association authorized; duties; composition; appointment; terms.

A. The permittees under the general permit may establish a nonstock corporation under Chapter 10 (§ 13.1-801 et seq.) of Title 13.1, to be known as the Virginia Nutrient Credit Exchange Association, to coordinate and facilitate participation in the nutrient credit exchange program by its members. The Virginia Nutrient Credit Exchange Association, which is hereafter referred to as the Association, may (i) submit on behalf of the permittees the compliance plans required by § 62.1-44.19:14, (ii) develop a standard form of agreement for use by permittees when buying and selling nitrogen and phosphorus allocations and credits, (iii) assist permittees in identifying buyers and sellers of nitrogen and phosphorus allocations and credits, (iv) coordinate planning to ensure that to the extent possible, sufficient credits are available each year to achieve full compliance with the general permit, (v) assist individual municipal permittees in utilizing public-private partnerships and other innovative measures to achieve the Commonwealth's water quality goals, and (vi) perform such other duties and functions as may be necessary to the effective and efficient implementation of the credit exchange program. The Association shall not assume any of the permittees' compliance obligations under the general permit.

B. Only permittees under the general permit may become members of the Association. The Association shall operate through a board of directors, which shall consist of 10 members and be representative of the membership in the Association. Association board members shall be employees of Association members, shall be elected by the Association membership at the beginning of each term of the general permit, and shall serve through the end of the permit term to which they were elected. Vacancies for unexpired Association board terms shall be filled in the same manner in which members are originally elected to the Association board.

C. The Association board shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer from among its members at the beginning of each permit term. Officers and Association board members shall receive no compensation for their services as officers and board members of the Association.

2005, cc. 708, 710.

§ 62.1-44.19:18. Nutrient allocation compliance and reporting.

A. Each permitted facility shall be in compliance with its individual waste load allocations if: (i) its annual mass load is less than the applicable waste load allocation assigned to the facility in the general permit; (ii) the permitted facility acquires sufficient point source nitrogen or phosphorus credits in accordance with subdivision 1; or (iii) in the event it is unable to meet the individual waste load allocation pursuant to clauses (i) or (ii), the permitted facility acquires sufficient nitrogen or phosphorus credits through payments made in accordance with subdivision 2, provided, however, that the acquisition of nitrogen or phosphorus credits pursuant to this section shall not alter or otherwise affect the individual waste load allocations for each permitted facility.

1. A permittee may acquire point source nitrogen or phosphorus credits from one or more permitted facilities only if (i) the credits are generated and applied to a compliance obligation in the same calendar year, (ii) the credits are generated by one or more permitted facilities in the same tributary, except that permitted facilities in the Eastern Coastal Basin may also acquire credits from permitted facilities in the Potomac and Rappahannock tributaries, (iii) the credits are acquired no later than June 1 immediately following the calendar year in which the credits are applied, and (iv) no later than June 1 immediately following the calendar year in which the credits are applied, the permittee certifies on a form supplied by the Department that he has acquired sufficient credits to satisfy his compliance obligations.

2. A permittee may acquire nitrogen or phosphorus credits through payments made into the Nutrient Offset Fund established in § 10.1-2128.2 only if, no later than June 1 immediately following the calendar year in which the credits are applied, the permittee certifies on a form supplied by the Department that he has diligently sought, but has been unable to acquire, sufficient credits to satisfy his compliance obligations through the acquisition of point source nitrogen or phosphorus credits with other permitted facilities in the same tributary, and that he has acquired sufficient credits to satisfy his compliance obligations through one or more payments made in accordance with the terms of the general permit.

B. Until such time as the Director finds that no credits are reasonably available in an individual tributary, the general permit shall provide for the acquisition of nitrogen and phosphorus credits through payments into the Nutrient Offset Fund in accordance with subdivision A 2. Such payments shall be promptly applied to achieve equivalent point or nonpoint source reductions in the same tributary beyond those reductions already required by or funded under federal or state law, or the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan. The general permit shall base the cost of each nitrogen or phosphorus credit on the average cost of reducing one pound of nitrogen or phosphorus from Virginia publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities for each credit acquired. Upon each reissuance of the general permit, the Board may adjust the cost of each nitrogen and phosphorus credit based on (i) the current average cost of reducing a pound of nitrogen or phosphorus from Virginia publicly owned wastewater treatment facilities for each credit acquired and (ii) any additional incentives reasonably necessary to ensure that there is timely and continuing progress toward attaining and maintaining each tributary's combined waste load allocation.

C. On or before February 1, annually, each permittee shall file a discharge monitoring report with the Department identifying the annual mass load of total nitrogen and the annual mass load of total phosphorus discharged by each permitted facility during the previous calendar year. The report shall contain the certification required by federal and state law and be signed by each permittee for each of the permittee's facilities covered by the general permit.

D. On or before April 1, annually, the Department shall prepare a report containing the annual mass load of total nitrogen and annual mass load of total phosphorus discharged by each permitted facility, the number of point source nitrogen and phosphorus credits for the previous calendar year generated or required by each such facility, and to the extent there are insufficient point source credits available for exchange to provide for full compliance by every permittee, the number of credits to be purchased pursuant to this section. Upon completion of the report, the Department shall promptly publish notice of the report and make the report available to any person requesting it.

E. On or before July 1, annually, the Department shall publish notice of all nitrogen and phosphorus credit exchanges and purchases for the previous calendar year and make all documents relating to the exchanges and purchases available to any person requesting them.

2005, cc. 708, 710; 2010, c. 11; 2011, c. 524; 2012, cc. 748, 808.

§ 62.1-44.19:19. Program audits.

In addition to its permit compliance and enforcement authority, the Department is authorized to conduct such audits of the Association and permittees as it deems necessary to ensure that the reports and data received from permittees and the Association are complete and accurate. The Association and permittees under the general permit shall cooperate with the Department in the conduct of such audits and provide the Department with such information as the Department may require to fulfill its responsibilities under this article.

2005, cc. 708, 710.

§ 62.1-44.19:20. Nutrient credit certification.

A. The Board may adopt regulations for the purpose of establishing procedures for the certification of point source nutrient credits except that no certification shall be required for point source nitrogen and point source phosphorus credits generated by point sources regulated under the Watershed General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit issued pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:14. The Board shall adopt regulations for the purpose of establishing procedures for the certification of nonpoint source nutrient credits.

B. Regulations adopted pursuant to this section shall:

1. Establish procedures for the certification and registration of credits, including:

a. Certifying credits that may be generated from effective nutrient controls or removal practices, including activities associated with the types of facilities or practices historically regulated by the Board, such as water withdrawal and treatment and wastewater collection, treatment, and beneficial reuse;

b. Certifying credits that may be generated from agricultural and urban stormwater best management practices, use or management of manures, managed turf, land use conversion, stream or wetlands projects, shellfish aquaculture, algal harvesting, and other established or innovative methods of nutrient control or removal, as appropriate;

c. Establishing a process and standards for wetland or stream credits to be converted to nutrient credits. Such process and standards shall only apply to wetland or stream credits that were established after July 1, 2005, and have not been transferred or used. Under no circumstances shall such credits be used for both wetland or stream credit and nutrient credit purposes;

d. Certifying credits from multiple practices that are bundled as a package by the applicant;

e. Prohibiting the certification of credits generated from activities funded by federal or state water quality grant funds other than controls and practices under subdivision B 1 a; however, baseline levels may be achieved through the use of such grants;

f. Establishing a timely and efficient certification process including application requirements, a reasonable application fee schedule not to exceed $10,000 per application, and review and approval procedures;

g. Requiring public notification of a proposed nutrient credit-generating entity; and

h. Establishing a timeline for the consideration of certification applications for land conversion projects. The timeline shall provide that within 30 days of receipt of an application the Department shall, if warranted, conduct a site visit and that within 45 days of receipt of an application the Department shall either determine that the application is complete or request additional specific information from the applicant. A determination that an application for a land conversion project is complete shall not require the Department to issue the certification. The Department shall deny, approve, or approve with conditions an application within 15 days of the Department's determination that the application is complete. When the request for credit release is made concurrently with the application for a land conversion project certification, the concurrent release shall be processed on the same timeline. When the request for credit release is from a previously approved land conversion project, the Department shall schedule a site visit, if warranted, within 30 days of the request and shall deny, approve, or approve with conditions the release within 15 days of the site visit or determination that a site visit is not warranted. The timelines set out in this subdivision shall be implemented prior to adoption of regulations. The Department shall release credits from a land conversion project after it is satisfied that the applicant has met the criteria for release in an approved nutrient reduction implementation plan.

2. Establish credit calculation procedures for proposed credit-generating practices, including the determination of:

a. Baselines for credits certified under subdivision B 1 a in accordance with any applicable provisions of the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan or approved TMDLs;

b. Baselines established for agricultural practices, which shall be those actions necessary to achieve a level of reduction assigned in the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan or approved TMDLs as implemented on the tract, field, or other land area under consideration;

c. Baselines for urban practices from new development and redevelopment, which shall be in compliance with postconstruction nutrient loading requirements of the Virginia Stormwater Management Program regulations. Baselines for all other existing development shall be at a level necessary to achieve the reductions assigned in the urban sector in the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan or approved TMDLs;

d. Baselines for land use conversion, which shall be based on the pre-conversion land use and the level of reductions assigned in the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan or approved TMDLs applicable to that land use;

e. Baselines for other nonpoint source credit-generating practices, which shall be based on the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan or approved TMDLs using the best available scientific and technical information;

f. Unless otherwise established by the Board, for certification within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed a credit-generating practice that involves land use conversion, which shall represent controls beyond those in place as of July 1, 2005. For other waters for which a TMDL has been approved, the practice shall represent controls beyond those in place at the time of TMDL approval;

g. Baseline dates for all other credit-generating practices, which shall be based on the Virginia Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Implementation Plan or approved TMDLs; and

h. Credit quantities, which shall be established using the best available scientific and technical information at the time of certification;

3. Provide certification of credits on an appropriate temporal basis, such as annual, term of years, or perpetual, depending on the nature of the credit-generating practice. A credit shall be certified for a term of no less than 12 months;

4. Establish requirements to reasonably assure the generation of the credit depending on the nature of the credit-generating activity and use, such as legal instruments for perpetual credits, operation and maintenance requirements, and associated financial assurance requirements. Financial assurance requirements may include letters of credit, escrows, surety bonds, insurance, and where the credits are used or generated by a locality, authority, utility, sanitation district, or permittee operating an MS4 or a point source permitted under this article, its existing tax or rate authority. In lieu of long-term management fund financial assurance mechanisms established or required by regulation for projects generating credits from stream restoration, a third-party long-term steward approved by the Department, such as a public agency, nongovernmental organization or private land manager, may hold long-term management funds in a separate interest-bearing account to be used only for the long-term management of the stream restoration project. Notwithstanding any release schedule set out in regulations of the Board, the Department may accelerate the release of a maximum of 50 percent of nutrient credits from a stream restoration project based on (i) a determination that the level of risk for restoration failure is low, (ii) the provision of additional financial assurance in an amount adequate to cover the cost of project repair or replacement in the event of failure, and (iii) the experience of the applicant or the applicant's agents who will implement the stream restoration project;

5. Establish appropriate reporting requirements;

6. Provide for the ability of the Department to inspect or audit for compliance with the requirements of such regulations;

7. Provide that the option to acquire nutrient credits for compliance purposes shall not eliminate any requirement to comply with local water quality requirements;

8. Establish a credit retirement requirement whereby five percent of nonpoint source credits in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed other than controls and practices under subdivision B 1 a are permanently retired at the time of certification pursuant to this section for the purposes of offsetting growth in unregulated nutrient loads; and

9. Establish such other requirements as the Board deems necessary and appropriate.

C. The Board shall certify (i) credits that may be generated from effective nutrient controls or removal practices, including activities associated with the types of facilities or practices historically regulated by the Board, such as water withdrawal and treatment and wastewater collection, treatment, and beneficial reuse, using the best available scientific and technical information and (ii) credits that are located in tributaries outside of the Chesapeake Bay watershed as defined in § 62.1-44.15:35, using an average of the nutrient removal rates for each practice identified in Appendix A of the Department's document "Trading Nutrient Reductions from Nonpoint Source Best Management Practices in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Guidance for Agricultural Landowners and Your Potential Trading Partners "; however, in the certification and recertification of credits under this subsection, the Department may substitute a delivery factor that is deemed by the Director to be based on the best available scientific and technical information appropriate for the tributaries located outside of the Chesapeake Bay watershed as an alternative to any delivery factor derived from the application of the Chesapeake Bay Program watershed model.

D. The Department shall establish and maintain an online Virginia Nutrient Credit Registry of credits as follows:

1. The registry shall include all nonpoint source credits certified pursuant to this article and may include point source nitrogen and point source phosphorus credits generated from point sources covered by the general permit issued pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:14 or point source nutrient credits certified pursuant to this section at the option of the owner. No other credits shall be valid for compliance purposes.

2. Registration of credits on the registry shall not preclude or restrict the right of the owner of such credits from transferring the credits on such commercial terms as may be established by and between the owner and the regulated or unregulated party acquiring the credits.

3. The Department shall establish procedures for the listing and tracking of credits on the registry, including but not limited to (i) notification of the availability of new nutrient credits to the locality where the credit-generating practice is implemented at least five business days prior to listing on the registry to provide the locality an opportunity to acquire such credits at fair market value for compliance purposes and (ii) notification that the listing of credits on the registry does not constitute a representation by the Board or the owner that the credits will satisfy the specific regulatory requirements applicable to the prospective user's intended use and that the prospective user is encouraged to contact the Board for technical assistance to identify limitations, if any, applicable to the intended use.

4. The registry shall be publicly accessible without charge.

E. The owner or operator of a nonpoint source nutrient credit-generating entity that fails to comply with the provisions of this section shall be subject to the enforcement and penalty provisions of § 62.1-44.19:22.

F. Nutrient credits from stormwater nonpoint nutrient credit-generating facilities in receipt of a Nonpoint Nutrient Offset Authorization for Transfer letter from the Department prior to July 1, 2012, shall be considered certified nutrient credits and shall not be subject to further certification requirements or to the credit retirement requirement under subdivision B 8. However, such facilities shall be subject to the other provisions of this article, including registration, inspection, reporting, and enforcement.

2012, cc. 748, 808; 2013, cc. 756, 793; 2016, c. 653; 2022, cc. 422, 526; 2023, c. 723.

§ 62.1-44.19:21. Nutrient credit use by regulated entities.

A. An MS4 permittee may acquire, use, and transfer nutrient credits for purposes of compliance with any waste load allocations established as effluent limitations in an MS4 permit issued pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:25. Such method of compliance may be approved by the Department following review of a compliance plan submitted by the permittee that includes the use of nutrient credits. The permittee may use such credits for compliance purposes only if (i) the credits, whether annual, term, or perpetual, are generated and applied for purposes of compliance for the same calendar year; (ii) the credits are acquired no later than a date following the calendar year in which the credits are applied as specified by the Department consistent with the permittee's Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) permit annual report deadline under such permit; (iii) the credits are generated in the same locality or tributary, except that permittees in the Eastern Coastal Basin may also acquire credits from the Potomac and Rappahannock tributaries; and (iv) the credits either are point source nitrogen or point source phosphorus credits generated by point sources covered by the general permit issued pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:14, or are certified pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:20. An MS4 permittee may enter into an agreement with one or more other MS4 permittees within the same locality or within the same or adjacent eight-digit hydrologic unit code to collectively meet the sum of any waste load allocations in their permits. Such permittees shall submit to the Department for approval a compliance plan to achieve their aggregate permit waste load allocations.

B. An applicant required to comply with water quality requirements for land-disturbing activities operating under a General VSMP Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities or a Construction Individual Permit may acquire and use perpetual nutrient credits certified and registered on the Virginia Nutrient Credit Registry in accordance with § 62.1-44.15:35.

C. A confined animal feeding operation issued a permit pursuant to this chapter may acquire, use, and transfer credits for compliance with any waste load allocations contained in the provisions of a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permit. Such method of compliance may be approved by the Department following review of a compliance plan submitted by the permittee that includes the use of nutrient credits.

D. A facility registered under the Industrial Stormwater General Permit issued pursuant to this chapter or issued a VPDES permit regulating stormwater discharges that requires nitrogen and phosphorus monitoring at the facility may acquire, use, and transfer credits for compliance with any waste load allocations established as effluent limitations in a VPDES permit. Such method of compliance may be approved by the Department following review of a compliance plan submitted by the permittee that includes the use of nutrient credits.

E. Public notice of each compliance plan submitted for approval pursuant to this section shall be given by the Department.

F. This section shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect the authority of the Board to establish and enforce more stringent water quality-based effluent limitations for total nitrogen or total phosphorus in permits where those limitations are necessary to protect local water quality. The exchange or acquisition of credits pursuant to this article shall not affect any requirement to comply with such local water quality-based limitations.

2012, cc. 748, 808, § 10.1-603.15:3; 2013, cc. 756, 793; 2021, Sp. Sess. I, c. 360.

§ 62.1-44.19:21.1. Sediment credit use by regulated MS4s.

A. Subject to the conditions and limitations of subsections B, C, and D, an MS4 permittee may acquire and use sediment credits for purposes of compliance with any waste load allocations established by total maximum daily loads for the Chesapeake Bay or its tidal tributaries applied in an MS4 permit issued pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:25, where such credit use is part of an integrated compliance plan for the MS4 permittee to address such nutrient and sediment total maximum daily loads.

B. Such method of compliance may be approved by the Department following review of an integrated compliance plan submitted by the permittee that includes the use of sediment credits. The permittee may use such credits for compliance purposes only if (i) the credits are generated and applied for purposes of compliance for the same calendar year; (ii) the credits are acquired no later than June 1 immediately following the calendar year to which the credits are applied; (iii) no later than June 1 immediately following the calendar year to which credits are applied, the permittee certifies on a form supplied by the Department that he has acquired sufficient credits to satisfy his compliance obligations; (iv) the credits are generated in the same tributary; (v) the sediment credits are not associated with phosphorus credits used for compliance with stormwater nonpoint nutrient runoff water quality criteria established pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:28; and (vi) the credits are derived from (a) implementation of best management practices in a defined area outside of an MS4 service area, in which case the necessary baseline sediment reduction for such defined area shall be achieved prior to the permittee's use of additional reductions as credit, or (b) a point source waste load allocation established by the Chesapeake Bay total maximum daily load, in which case the credit is the difference between the waste load allocation specified as an annual mass load and any lower monitored annual mass load that is discharged as certified on a form supplied by the Department.

C. This section shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect the authority of the Board to establish and enforce more stringent water quality-based effluent limitations in permits where those limitations are necessary to protect local water quality. The exchange or acquisition of credits pursuant to this article shall not affect any requirement to comply with such local water quality-based limitations.

D. The Board may adopt regulations for the purpose of establishing procedures for the certification of nonpoint source sediment credits used pursuant to subsection B. The Board's administration of this section and its adoption of any such regulations shall be consistent wherever appropriate with the standards and procedures established pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:20 for certification of nonpoint source nutrient credits, including, without limitation, the opportunity for public notification, the retirement of credits, sediment baseline attainment as a condition on generation and use of nonpoint source sediment credits, financial assurance requirements, and requirements for inspection or auditing by the Department.

E. For the purposes of this section, "sediment credit" means a sediment or total suspended solids reduction that is expressed in pounds delivered to tidal waters within the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.

2016, cc. 8, 126.

§ 62.1-44.19:21.2. Nutrient and sediment credit generation and transfer; public body.

A. Except as provided in subsection B, the only nonpoint nutrient credits that shall be transferred pursuant to either (i) § 62.1-44.15:35 or (ii) subsections B, C, and D of § 62.1-44.19:21 are nutrient credits generated by the private sector, including credits generated by the private sector pursuant to an agreement with a public body.

B. Other than for purposes of subsection A of § 62.1-44.19:21, nutrient credits or sediment credits generated by a project undertaken by a public body, including a locality, and certified by the Department shall be used only by such public body and only for the purpose of compliance with the provisions of this chapter by such public body's project. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "public body's project" means a project for which the public body is the named permittee and for which no third party conducts any lease, sale, grant, transfer, or use of the project or its nutrient or sediment credits.

C. Any publicly owned treatment works that is permitted under the Watershed General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit pursuant to § 62.1-44.19:14 and is constructing or expanding the treatment works, wastewater collection system, or other facility used for public wastewater utility operations may, as an alternative to acquiring and using certain perpetual nutrient credits pursuant to subsection B of § 62.1-44.19:21, permanently retire a portion of its wasteload allocation if (i) notice is given by such applicant to the Department, (ii) a ratio of 10 pounds of nitrogen allocation for each pound of phosphorous allocation retired is also permanently retired and applied toward the land-disturbing project, and (iii) the general permit registration list is modified to reflect the permanent retirement of the wasteload allocation. Except for a water reclamation and reuse project at a treatment works, no more than 10 pounds per year of phosphorous allocation may be applied toward a single project's postconstruction phosphorus control requirement.

D. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent any (i) public body, including a locality, from entering into an agreement with a private third party for the development of a project to generate nonpoint nutrient credits on terms and conditions upon which the public body and private third party agree or (ii) locality from operating a locality pollutant loading pro rata share program for nutrient reductions established pursuant to § 15.2-2243.

2020, cc. 1102, 1103.

§ 62.1-44.19:22. Enforcement and penalties.

A. Transfer of certified nutrient credits by an operator of a nutrient credit-generating entity may be suspended by the Department until such time as the operator comes into compliance with this article and attendant regulations.

B. Any operator of a nutrient credit-generating entity who violates any provision of this article, or of any regulations adopted hereunder, shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 within the discretion of the court. The Department may issue a summons for collection of the civil penalty, and the action may be prosecuted in the appropriate circuit court. When the penalties are assessed by the court as a result of a summons issued by the Department, the court shall direct the penalty to be paid into the state treasury and deposited by the State Treasurer into the Stormwater Local Assistance Fund established pursuant to § 62.1-44.15:29.1.

2012, cc. 748, 808, § 10.1-603.15:4; 2013, cc. 756, 793; 2016, cc. 68, 758.

§ 62.1-44.19:23. Appeals.

Any person applying to establish a nutrient credit-generating entity or an operator of a nutrient credit-generating entity aggrieved by any action of the Department taken in accordance with this section, or by inaction of the Department, shall have the right to review in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.).

2012, cc. 748, 808, § 10.1-603.15:5; 2013, cc. 756, 793.