Administrative Code

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Virginia Administrative Code
Title 12. Health
Agency 30. Department of Medical Assistance Services
Chapter 122. Community Waiver Services for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

12VAC30-122-20. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"AAIDD" means the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

"Activities of daily living" or "ADLs" means personal care tasks, for example, bathing, dressing, using a toilet, transferring, and eating or feeding. An individual's degree of independence in performing these activities is a part of determining appropriate level of care and service needs.

"Agency-directed model" means a model of service delivery where an agency is responsible for providing direct support staff, for maintaining individuals' records, and for scheduling the dates and times of the direct support staff's presence in an individual's home and in community.

"Appeal" means the process used to challenge actions regarding services, benefits, and reimbursement provided by Medicaid pursuant to 12VAC30-110 and 12VAC30-20-500 through 12VAC30-20-560.

"Assistive technology" or "AT" means specialized medical equipment and supplies, including those devices, controls, or appliances specified in the individual support plan but not available under the State Plan for Medical Assistance that (i) enable individuals to increase their abilities to perform ADLs ; (ii) enable individuals to perceive, control, or communicate with their environment ; (iii) actively participate in other waiver services that are part of their plan for supports; or (iv) are necessary to the proper functioning of the specialized equipment.

"Back-up plan" means provision for alternative arrangements for the delivery of services that are critical to participant well-being in the event that the provider responsible for furnishing the services fails or is unable to deliver them.

"Barrier crime" means those crimes listed in § 19.2-392.02 of the Code of Virginia and as they apply to §§ 32.1-162.9:1, 37.2-314, 37.2-416, 37.2-506, 37.2-607, and 63.2-1719 of the Code of Virginia.

"Behavioral health authority" or "BHA" means the same as defined in § 37.2-100 of the Code of Virginia.

"Benefits planning" means an individualized analysis and consultation service that assists recipients of a DD waiver and social security (SSI, SSDI, SSI/SSDI) to understand their personal benefits and explore their options regarding working, how to begin employment, and the impact employment will have on their state and federal benefits.

"BI" means the Building Independence Waiver as further described in 12VAC30-122-240.

"Center-based crisis support services" means crisis support services provided in a crisis therapeutic home.

"Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services" or "CMS" means the unit of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that administers and funds the Medicare and Medicaid programs.

"Challenging behavior" means behaviors of such intensity, frequency, and duration that the physical safety of the individual or others is placed in serious jeopardy or the behavior limits access to the community. Challenging behavior may include withdrawal, self-injury, injury to others, aggression, or self-stimulation.

"CL" means the Community Living Waiver as described in 12VAC30-122-250.

"Community-based crisis support services" means crisis support services provided to individuals in their homes and in community settings.

"Community coaching" means a service designed for individuals who require one-to-one support in a variety of community settings in order to develop specific skills to address barriers that prevent that individual from participating in community engagement services.

"Community engagement" means, for the purpose of building relationships and natural supports, services that support and foster individuals' abilities to acquire, retain, or improve skills necessary to build positive social behavior, interpersonal competence, greater independence, employability, and personal choice necessary to access typical activities and benefits of community life equal to those available to the general population. Community engagement services shall be provided in groups no larger than three individuals with a minimum of one DSP.

"Community Guide" means direct assistance to promote individuals' self-determination through brokering specific community resources that lead to connection to and independent participation in integrated, independent housing, or community activities so as to avoid isolation.

"Community services board" or "CSB" means the same as defined in § 37.2-100 of the Code of Virginia.

"Companion" means a person who provides companion services for compensation by DMAS.

"Companion services" means nonmedical care, support, and socialization provided to an adult individual age 18 years and older in accordance with a therapeutic goal in the individual support plan. Companion services are not purely recreational in nature and shall not provide routine support with ADLs.

"Consumer direction" means a model of service delivery for which the individual or the individual's employer of record, as appropriate, shall be responsible for hiring, training, supervising, and firing of the person who provides the direct support or specific services covered by DMAS and whose wages are paid by DMAS through its fiscal agent.

"Crisis support services" means intensive supports by trained and, where applicable, licensed staff in crisis prevention, crisis intervention, and crisis stabilization for an individual who is experiencing an episodic behavioral or psychiatric event that has the potential to jeopardize his current community living situation.

"Customized rate" means a reimbursement rate that may be available to group home residential, sponsored residential, supported living residential, group day, community coaching, and in-home support service providers that exceeds the normal rate applicable to the individual receiving these specific services.

"DARS" means the Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services.

"DBHDS" means the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

"DBHDS staff" means persons employed by or contracted with DBHDS.

"Developmental Disability Waivers" or "DD Waivers" means the waiver program established in this chapter and consisting of the FIS, CL, and BI waivers.

"Developmental disability" means the same as defined in § 37.2-100 of the Code of Virginia.

"Direct support professional," "direct care staff," or "DSP" means staff members identified by the provider as having the primary role of assisting an individual on a day-to-day basis with routine personal care needs, social support, and physical assistance in a wide range of daily living activities so that the individual can lead a self-directed life in his own community. This term shall exclude consumer-directed staff and services facilitation providers.

"DMAS" means the Department of Medical Assistance Services.

"DMAS staff" means persons employed by or contracted with DMAS.

"Electronic home-based support" or "EHBS" means goods and services based on current technology, such as Smart Home©, and includes purchasing electronic devices, software, services, and supplies that allow individuals to use technology in their residences to achieve greater independence and self-determination and reduce the need for staff intervention but that are not otherwise covered through other benefits in the DD Waivers or through the State Plan for Medical Assistance.

"Electronic visit verification" or "EVV" means a telephone, computer-based system, or other electronic technology used in real time to document, verify, and report the delivery of certain specified information about the provision of in-home or other community location, personal care, respite, companion services, and home health services. The EVV system shall report the precise time that services begin and end.

"Employer of record" or "EOR" means the person who performs the functions of the employer in the consumer-directed model of service delivery and may be the individual enrolled in the waiver, a family member, an unpaid caregiver, or another designated person.

"Employment and community transportation" means a service offered to enable individuals to gain access to an individual's place of employment or volunteer activity, other community services or events, activities and resources, homes of family or friends, civic organizations or social clubs, public meetings or other civic activities, and spiritual activities or events as specified by the support plan and when no other means of access is available.

"Employment services organization" means providers of employment services with DARS. DARS verifies that these providers meet criteria to be providers through a DARS-recognized accrediting body.

"Enroll" with respect to an individual means (i) the local department of social services has determined the individual's financial eligibility for Medicaid as set out in 12VAC30-122-60; (ii) the individual has been determined by the support coordinator to be at risk of institutionalization and to meet the functional eligibility requirements in the Virginia Intellectual Developmental Disabilities Eligibility Survey form, which is referenced in 12VAC30-122-70, for the waiver; (iii) the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services has verified the availability of a waiver slot for the individual; and (iv) the individual has agreed to accept the waiver slot.

"Environmental modifications" or "EM" means physical adaptations to the individual's home or primary vehicle that are necessary to ensure the individual's health and welfare or to enable functioning with greater independence.

"EPSDT" means the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment program administered by DMAS for children younger than 21 years of age according to federal guidelines that prescribe preventive and treatment services for Medicaid eligible children and as defined in 12VAC30-50-130.

"Face-to-face contact" means an in-person meeting between the support coordinator and the individual and family/caregiver, as appropriate, for the purpose of assessing the individual's status and determining satisfaction with services, including the need for additional services and supports.

"Family" means, for the purpose of receiving individual and family/caregiver training services, the unpaid people who live with or provide care to an individual served by the waiver and may include a parent, a legal guardian, a spouse, children, relatives, a foster family, or in-laws but shall not include persons who are compensated to care for the individual.

"FIS" means the Family and Individual Support Waiver as further described in 12VAC30-122-260.

"General supports" means staff presence to ensure that appropriate action is taken in an emergency or an unanticipated event and includes (i) awake staff during nighttime hours; (ii) routine bed checks; (iii) oversight of unstructured activities; or (iv) asleep staff at night on premises for security or safety reasons.

"Group day services" means services for the individual to acquire, retain, or improve skills of self-help, socialization, community integration, employability, and adaptation via opportunities for peer interactions, community integration, and enhancement of social networks.

"Group home residential services" means skill-building, routine supports, general supports, and safety supports that are provided in a residence licensed by DBHDS or an adult foster care home approved by the local department of social services that enable the individual to acquire, retain, or improve skills necessary to lead a self-directed life in his own community.

"Home and community-based waiver services," "HCBS," or "waiver services" means the range of community services approved by CMS pursuant to § 1915(c) of the Social Security Act to be offered to persons as an alternative to institutionalization.

"ICF/IID" means a facility or distinct part of a facility that (i) is licensed by DBHDS; (ii) meets the federal certification regulations for an intermediate care facility for individuals with intellectual disabilities and individuals with related conditions; nd (iii) addresses the total needs of the individuals, which include physical, intellectual, social, emotional, and habilitation, and (iv) provides active treatment as defined in 42 CFR 483.440.

"IDEA" means the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 USC § 1400 et seq.).

"Immediate family member" means spouses, parents (as "parent" is defined in this section), children (biological, adoptive, foster, step,) and siblings of the individual in the waiver.

"Independent living" means an individual living on his own with sufficient opportunities to direct his life and make informed choices, including the freedom to pursue activities fitting his capabilities and interests while maximizing full participation in community life.

"Individual" means the Commonwealth's citizen, including a child, who meets the income and resource standards in order to be eligible for Medicaid-covered services, has a diagnosis of developmental disability, and is eligible for the DD Waivers. The individual may be a person on the DD Waiver waiting list or an enrolled person who is receiving these waiver services.

"Individual support plan" or "ISP" means a comprehensive, person-centered plan that sets out the supports and actions to be taken during the year by each provider, as detailed in each provider's plan for supports to achieve desired outcomes, and goalsnd dreams. The individual support plan shall be developed collaboratively by the individual, the individual's family/caregiver, as appropriate, providers, the support coordinator, and other interested parties chosen by the individual and shall contain the DMAS-approved ISP components as set forth in 12VAC30-122-190.

"Individual supported employment" means services that consist of ongoing, one-on-one supports provided by a job coach that enable the individual to be employed in an integrated work setting and may include assisting the individual to locate a job or develop a job on behalf of the individual, as well as activities needed to sustain paid work by the individual.

"Individual's responses to services" means the individual's behaviors in and responses to the services. In the case of an individual who does not communicate through spoken language, this shall mean the individual's condition and observable responses.

"In-home support services" means residential services that take place primarily in the individual's home, family home, or community settings that typically supplement the primary care provided to himself or by family or another unpaid caregiver and are designed to enable the individual to lead a self-directed life in the community while ensuring his health, safety, and welfare.

"Instrumental activities of daily living" or "IADLs" means skills that are needed to successfully live independently such as meal preparation, shopping, housekeeping, laundry, and money management and do not include ADLs.

"Job coach" means the person who instructs individuals with disabilities utilizing structured intervention techniques to help the individual learn to perform job tasks to the employer's specifications and to learn the interpersonal skills necessary to be accepted as a worker at the job site and in related community contacts.

"LEIE" means List of Excluded Individuals and Entities. For the purpose of the use of LEIE, the use of the word "individual" shall not refer to the enrolled waiver individual.

"Levels of support" means the level (1-7) that is assigned to an individual based on the SIS® score, the results of the Virginia Supplemental Questions, and, as needed, a supporting document review verification process.

"Licensed practical nurse" or "LPN" means a person who is licensed or holds multistate licensure privilege pursuant to Chapter 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia to practice practical nursing as defined in § 54.1-3000 of the Code of Virginia.

"LMHP" means a licensed mental health professional as defined in 12VAC30-50-130.

"LMHP-resident" means the same as defined in 12VAC30-50-130.

"LMHP-RP" means the same as defined in 12VAC30-50-130.

"LMHP-supervisee" means the same as defined in 12VAC30-50-130.

"Medically necessary" means an item or service provided for the diagnosis or treatment of an individual's condition consistent with community standards of medical practice s determined by DMAS and needed to maintain an individual in the community instead of placement in an institution.

"Own home" means an individual residence that meets the legal definition of a residential dwelling that can be owned or leased by an individual.

"Parent" means a person who is biologically or naturally related, a foster parent, step-parent, or an adoptive parent to the individual enrolled in the waiver.

"Participating provider" means an entity that meets the standards and requirements set forth by DMAS and has a current, signed provider participation agreement with DMAS.

"Peer mentor supports" means information, resources, guidance, and support from an experienced, trained peer mentor to an individual who is a waiver recipient.

"Person-centered planning" means a fundamental process that focuses on what is important to and for an individual and the needs and preferences of the individual to create an individual support plan.

"Personal assistance service" means direct support or supervision with (i) ADLs, (ii) IADLs, (iii) access to the community, (iv) monitoring the self-administration of medication or other medical needs, and (v) monitoring health status and physical condition. Personal assistance services may occur in the home, community, work site, or postsecondary school.

"Personal assistant" means a person who provides personal assistance services employed either by a provider agency or under consumer direction.

"Personal emergency response system" or "PERS" means an electronic device and monitoring service, and also may include medication monitoring units, that enable individuals to secure help in an emergency.

"Personal profile" means a point-in-time synopsis of what an individual enrolled in the waiver wants to maintain, change, improve in his life, or goals and outcomes to achieve, and shall be completed by the individual and another person, such as his support coordinator or family/caregiver, chosen by the individual to help him plan before the annual planning meeting where it is discussed and then finalized to inform the individual supports plan process.

"Plan for supports" means each provider's plan for supporting the individual enrolled in the waiver in achieving the individual's desired outcomes and facilitating the individual's health and safety. The provider plan for supports is one component of the individual support plan.

"Positive behavior support" means n applied science that uses educational methods to expand an individual's behavior repertoire and systems change methods to redesign an individual's living environment to enhance the individual's quality of life by minimizing his challenging behaviors to enable him to lead a self-directed life in the community. a set of research-based strategies used to increase quality of life and decrease challenging behavior by teaching new skills and making changes in a person's environment.

"Primary caregiver" means the primary person who consistently assumes the role of providing direct care and support without compensation for such care to the individual enrolled in the waiver to enable the individual to live a self-directed life in the community.

"Private duty nursing services" means individual and continuous nursing care for individuals who have a serious medical condition or complex health care needs, or both, and that has been certified by a physician as medically necessary to enable the individual to remain in a community setting rather than in a hospital, nursing facility, or ICF/IID. This service may be provided concurrently with other services.

"Progress notes" means individual-specific written documentation that (i) contains unique differences specific to the individual's circumstances and the supports provided, and the individual's responses to such supports; (ii) is signed and dated by the person who rendered the supports; and (iii) is signed and dated s soon as is practicable but no longer than one week after the referenced service. on the day the described supports were provided. Documentation that occurs after the date supports were provided shall be dated for the date the entry is recorded and the date of supports delivery shall be noted in the body of the note.

"Qualified developmental disabilities professional" or "QDDP" means a professional who (i) possesses at least one year of documented experience working directly with individuals who have developmental disabilities; (ii) is one of the following: a doctor of medicine or osteopathy, a registered nurse, a provider holding at least a bachelor's degree in a human service field including sociology, social work, special education, rehabilitation engineering, counseling, or psychology; and (iii) possesses the required Virginia or national license, registration, or certification in accordance with his profession, if applicable.

"Quality management review" or "QMR" (i) means a process used by DMAS to monitor provider compliance with DMAS participation standards and policies and to ensure an individual's health, safety, and welfare and individual satisfaction with services and (ii) includes a review of the provision of services to ensure that services are being provided in accordance with DMAS regulations, policies, and procedures.

"Registered nurse" or "RN" means a person who is licensed or holds multistate licensure privilege pursuant to Chapter 30 (§ 54.1-3000 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia to practice professional nursing.

"Respite services" means temporary substitute for care that is normally provided by the unpaid primary caregiver and shall be provided on a short-term basis due to the absence of or need for routine or periodic relief of the primary caregiver or other unpaid caregiver.

"Routine supports" means supports that assist the individual with ADLs and IADLs, if appropriate.

"Safety supports" means specialized assistance that is required to ensure an individual's health and safety.

"Service authorization" means the process to approve specific services for an enrolled Medicaid individual by a DMAS service authorization designee prior to service delivery and reimbursement in order to validate that the service requested is medically necessary and meets DMAS requirements for reimbursement. Service authorization does not guarantee payment for the service.

"Services facilitation" means a service that assists the individual or EOR, as appropriate, in arranging for, directing, and managing services provided through the consumer-directed model of service delivery.

"Services facilitator" means (i) a DMAS-enrolled provider, (ii) a DMAS-designated entity, or (iii) one who is employed by or contracts with a DMAS-enrolled services facilitator that is responsible for supporting the individual or EOR, as appropriate, by ensuring the development and monitoring of the plan for supports for consumer-directed services, providing employee management training, and completing ongoing review activities as required. "Services facilitator" shall be deemed to mean the same thing as "consumer-directed services facilitator."

"Shared living" means an arrangement in which a roommate resides in the same household as the individual receiving waiver services and provides an agreed-upon, limited amount of supports in exchange for which a portion of the total cost of rent, food, and utilities that can be reasonably attributed to the roommate is reimbursed to the individual.

"Skill building" means those supports that help the individual gain new skills and abilities and was previously called training.

"Skilled nursing services" means short-term nursing services (i) ordered by a physician and listed in the plan for supports that are not otherwise available under the State Plan for Medical Assistance, (ii) provided within the scope of § 54.1-3000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia and the Drug Control Act (§ 54.1-3400 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), and (iii) provided by a registered nurse or by a licensed practical nurse under the supervision of a registered nurse who is licensed to practice in the state or who holds a multistate licensure privilege. Skilled nursing services are to be used to train and provide consultation, using nurse delegation as appropriate, and oversight of direct staff s appropriate consistent with the Department of Health Professions requirements for delegation of tasks.

"Slot" means an opening or vacancy in waiver services.

"SSI" means social security income provided by the U.S. Social Security Administration.

"Sponsored residential services" means residential services that consist of skill-building, routine supports, general supports, and safety supports provided in the homes of families or persons (sponsors) who provide supports for no more than two individuals under the supervision of a DBHDS-licensed provider that enable the individuals to acquire, retain, or improve the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live a self-directed life in the community.

"State Plan for Medical Assistance" or "Plan" means the Commonwealth's legal document approved by CMS identifying the covered groups, covered services and their limitations, and provider reimbursement methodologies as provided for under Title XIX of the Social Security Act.

"Support coordination/case management" means assessing and planning of services; linking the individual to services and supports identified in the individual support plan; assisting the individual directly for the purpose of locating, developing, or obtaining needed services and resources; coordinating services and service planning with other agencies and providers involved with the individual; enhancing community integration; making collateral contacts to promote the implementation of the individual support plan and community integration; monitoring the individual to assess ongoing progress and ensuring that authorized services are delivered; and educating and counseling the individual to guide him to develop supportive relationships that promote the individual support plan.

"Support coordinator" means the person who provides support coordination services to an individual in accordance with 12VAC30-50-440 and 12VAC30-50-490. Formerly, this was referred to as case manager and may be either an employee of a CSB or of a private entity contracted with the local CSB.

"Supported living residential service" means a service taking place in n apartment a residential setting operated by a DBHDS-licensed provider of supervised living residential service or supportive in-home service that consists of skill-building, routine supports, general supports, and safety supports that enable the individual to acquire, retain, or improve self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to live a self-directed life in home and community settings.

"Supporting documentation" means any written or electronic materials used to record and verify the individual's support needs, services provided, and contacts made on behalf of the individual and may include, for example, the personal profile, individual support plan, providers' plans for supports, progress notes, reports, medical orders, contact logs, attendance logs, and assessments.

"Supports" means paid and nonpaid assistance that promotes the accomplishment of an individual's desired outcomes. There shall be four types of supports: (i) routine supports that assist the individual in ADLs and IADLs, if appropriate; (ii) skill building supports to help the individual gain new abilities; (iii) safety supports that are required to ensure the individual's health and safety; and (iv) general supports that provide general oversight.

"Supports Intensity Scale®" or "SIS®" means an assessment tool and form that is published by the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and administered through a thorough interview process that measures and documents an individual's practical support requirements in personal, school-related or work-related, social, behavioral, and medical areas to suggest the types and intensity levels of the supports required by that individual to live a self-directed life in the community and to inform the discussion in the person-centered planning process.

"Therapeutic consultation" means professional consultation provided by members of psychology, social work, rehabilitation engineering, behavioral analysis, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychiatry, psychiatric clinical nursing, therapeutic recreation, physical therapy, or behavior consultation disciplines that are designed to assist individuals, parents, family members, and any other providers of support services with implementing the individual support plan.

"Tiers of reimbursement" means four different rates of provider reimbursement associated with certain DD waiver services, which are tied to an individual's level of support need as determined by the Supports Intensity Scale®.

"Transition services" means the same as defined in 12VAC30-120-2010.

"VDSS" means the Virginia Department of Social Services.

"Virginia Individual Developmental Disabilities Eligibility Survey" or "VIDES" means the required level of care tool for demonstrating functional eligibility for the DD waivers. There are three types: adult, child, and infant.

"Workplace assistance service" means supports provided to an individual who has completed job development and completed or nearly completed job placement training but requires more than the typical job coach services, as in 12VAC30-122-400, to maintain stabilization in his employment.

Statutory Authority

§ 32.1-325 of the Code of Virginia; 42 USC § 1396 et seq.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 14, eff. March 31, 2021.

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