Chapter 40. Regulated OperationsRead Chapter
- Part I.Read allGeneral Provisions
- Section 10
- Definitions
- Section 20
- General provisions
- Section 30
- Facility prohibitions
- Section 40
- Electronic tracking
- Part II.Read allWholesale Distribution and Inventory
- Section 50
- Wholesale distribution of cannabis products, bulk cannabis oil, botanical cannabis, and usable cannabis
- Section 60
- Inventory requirements
- Section 70
- Reserved
- Section 80
- Reserved
- Section 90
- Reserved
- Part III.Read allPersonnel and Security
- Section 100
- Employee training
- Section 110
- Pharmacy technicians; ratio; supervision and responsibility
- Section 120
- Responsibilities of the responsible party
- Section 130
- Responsibilities of the PIC
- Section 140
- Security requirements
- Section 150
- Reportable events
- Part IV.Read allAdvertising
- Section 160
- General provisions
- Section 170
- Prohibited practices
- Section 180
- Permitted practices
- Section 190
- Advertising requirements
- Part V.Read allRecords, Storage, and Transportation
- Section 200
- Recordkeeping requirements
- Section 210
- Storage and handling requirements
- Section 220
- Medical cannabis facility closings; going out of business; change of ownership
- Section 230
- Cannabis delivery and transportation general requirements
- Section 240
- Vehicle security
- Section 250
- Manifests
- Section 260
- Transportation of cannabis
- Section 270
- Delivery to qualifying patients, parents, legal guardians, and registered agents
- Section 280
- Delivery and transportation incident notification