Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Part III. Licensure and Renewal; Reinstatement

18VAC90-19-110. Licensure by examination.

A. The board shall authorize the administration of the NCLEX for registered nurse licensure and practical nurse licensure.

B. A candidate shall be eligible to take the NCLEX examination (i) upon receipt by the board of the completed application, the fee, and an official transcript or attestation of graduation from the nursing education program and (ii) when a determination has been made that no grounds exist upon which the board may deny licensure pursuant to § 54.1-3007 of the Code of Virginia.

C. To establish eligibility for licensure by examination, an applicant for the licensing examination shall:

1. File the required application, any necessary documentation and fee, including a criminal history background check as required by § 54.1-3005.1 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Arrange for the board to receive an official transcript from the nursing education program that shows either:

a. That the degree or diploma has been awarded and the date of graduation or conferral; or

b. That all requirements for awarding the degree or diploma have been met and that specifies the date of conferral.

3. File a new application and reapplication fee if:

a. The examination is not taken within 12 months of the date that the board determines the applicant to be eligible; or

b. Eligibility is not established within 12 months of the original filing date.

D. The minimum passing standard on the examination for registered nurse licensure and practical nurse licensure shall be determined by the board.

E. Any applicant suspected of giving or receiving unauthorized assistance during the examination may be noticed for a hearing pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) to determine eligibility for licensure or reexamination.

F. Practice of nursing pending receipt of examination results.

1. A graduate who has filed a completed application for licensure in Virginia and has received an authorization letter issued by the board may practice nursing in Virginia from the date of the authorization letter. The period of practice shall not exceed 90 days between the date of successful completion of the nursing education program, as documented on the applicant's transcript, and the publication of the results of the candidate's first licensing examination.

2. Candidates who practice nursing as provided in subdivision 1 of this subsection shall use the designation "R.N. Applicant" or "L.P.N. Applicant" on a nametag or when signing official records.

3. The designations "R.N. Applicant" and "L.P.N. Applicant" shall not be used by applicants beyond the 90-day period of authorized practice or by applicants who have failed the examination.

G. Applicants who fail the examination.

1. An applicant who fails the licensing examination shall not be licensed or be authorized to practice nursing in Virginia.

2. An applicant for licensure by reexamination shall file the required board application and reapplication fee in order to establish eligibility for reexamination.

3. Applicants who have failed the examination for licensure in another United States jurisdiction but satisfy the qualifications for licensure in this jurisdiction may apply for licensure by examination in Virginia. Such applicants shall submit the required application and fee. Such applicants shall not, however, be permitted to practice nursing in Virginia until the requisite license has been issued.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017; amended, Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 14, eff. April 20, 2017; Volume 35, Issue 10, eff. February 21, 2019.

18VAC90-19-120. Licensure by endorsement.

A. A graduate of an approved nursing education program who has been licensed by examination in another United States jurisdiction and whose license is in good standing, or is eligible for reinstatement if lapsed, shall be eligible for licensure by endorsement in Virginia provided the applicant satisfies the same requirements for registered nurse or practical nurse licensure as those seeking initial licensure in Virginia.

1. Applicants who have graduated from approved nursing education programs that did not require a sufficient number of clinical hours as specified in 18VAC90-27-100 may qualify for licensure if they can provide evidence of at least 960 hours of clinical practice with an active, unencumbered license in another United States jurisdiction.

2. Applicants whose basic nursing education was received in another country shall meet the requirements of 18VAC90-19-130 for a CGFNS credentials review and examination of English proficiency. However, those requirements may be satisfied if the applicant can provide evidence from another United States jurisdiction of:

a. A CGFNS credentials evaluation for educational comparability; and

b. Passage of an English language proficiency examination approved by the CGFNS, unless the applicant met the CGFNS criteria for an exemption from the requirement.

3. A graduate of a nursing school in Canada where English was the primary language shall be eligible for licensure by endorsement provided the applicant has passed the Canadian Registered Nurses Examination and holds an unrestricted license in Canada.

B. An applicant for licensure by endorsement who has submitted a criminal history background check as required by § 54.1-3005.1 of the Code of Virginia and the required application and fee and has submitted the required form to the appropriate credentialing agency for verification of licensure may practice for 30 days upon receipt of an authorization letter from the board. If an applicant has not received a Virginia license within 30 days and wishes to continue practice, he shall seek an extension of authorization to practice by submitting a request and evidence that he has requested verification of licensure.

C. If the application is not completed within one year of the initial filing date, the applicant shall submit a new application and fee.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017; amended, Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 6, eff. December 28, 2017.

18VAC90-19-130. Licensure of applicants from other countries.

A. With the exception of applicants from Canada who are eligible to be licensed by endorsement, applicants whose basic nursing education was received in another country shall be scheduled to take the licensing examination provided they meet the statutory qualifications for licensure. Verification of qualification shall be based on documents submitted as required in subsection B or C of this section.

B. Such applicants for registered nurse licensure shall:

1. Submit evidence from the CGFNS that the secondary education and nursing education are comparable to those required for registered nurses in the Commonwealth;

2. Submit evidence of passage of an English language proficiency examination approved by the CGFNS, unless the applicant meets the CGFNS criteria for an exemption from the requirement; and

3. Submit the required application and fee for licensure by examination.

C. Such applicants for practical nurse licensure shall:

1. Submit evidence from the CGFNS that the secondary education and nursing education are comparable to those required for practical nurses in the Commonwealth;

2. Submit evidence of passage of an English language proficiency examination approved by the CGFNS, unless the applicant meets the CGFNS criteria for an exemption from the requirement; and

3. Submit the required application and fee for licensure by examination.

D. An applicant for licensure as a registered nurse who has met the requirements of subsections A and B of this section may practice for a period not to exceed 90 days from the date of approval of an application submitted to the board when he is working as a nonsupervisory staff nurse in a licensed nursing home or certified nursing facility.

1. Applicants who practice nursing as provided in this subsection shall use the designation "RN applicant" on nametags or when signing official records.

2. During the 90-day period, the applicant shall take and pass the licensing examination in order to remain eligible to practice nursing in Virginia.

3. Any person practicing nursing under this exemption who fails to pass the licensure examination within the 90-day period may not thereafter practice nursing until he passes the licensing examination.

E. In addition to CGFNS, the board may accept credentials from other recognized agencies that review credentials of foreign-educated nurses if such agencies have been approved by the board.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017; amended, Virginia Register Volume 37, Issue 1, eff. October 15, 2020.

18VAC90-19-140. Provisional licensure of applicants for licensure as registered nurses.

A. Pursuant to § 54.1-3017.1 of the Code of Virginia, the board may issue a provisional license to an applicant for the purpose of meeting the 500 hours of supervised, direct, hands-on client care required of an approved registered nurse education program.

B. Such applicants for provisional licensure shall submit:

1. A completed application for licensure by examination and fee, including a criminal history background check as required by § 54.1-3005.1 of the Code of Virginia;

2. Documentation that the applicant has successfully completed a nursing education program; and

3. Documentation of passage of the NCLEX in accordance with 18VAC90-19-110.

C. Requirements for hours of supervised clinical experience in direct client care with a provisional license.

1. To qualify for licensure as a registered nurse, direct, hands-on hours of supervised clinical experience shall include the areas of adult medical/surgical nursing, geriatric nursing, maternal/infant (obstetrics, gynecology, neonatal) nursing, mental health/psychiatric nursing, nursing fundamentals, and pediatric nursing. Supervised clinical hours may be obtained in employment in the role of a registered nurse or without compensation for the purpose of meeting these requirements.

2. Hours of direct, hands-on clinical experience obtained as part of the applicant's nursing education program and noted on the official transcript shall be counted towards the minimum of 500 hours and in the applicable areas of clinical practice.

3. For applicants with a current, active license as an LPN, 150 hours of credit shall be counted towards the 500-hour requirement.

4. 100 hours of credit may be applied towards the 500-hour requirement for applicants who have successfully completed a nursing education program that:

a. Requires students to pass competency-based assessments of nursing knowledge as well as a summative performance assessment of clinical competency that has been evaluated by the American Council on Education or any other board-approved organization; and

b. Has a passage rate for first-time test takers on the NCLEX that is not less than 80%, calculated on the cumulative results of the past four quarters of all graduates in each calendar year regardless of where the graduate is seeking licensure.

5. An applicant for licensure shall submit verification from a supervisor of the number of hours of direct client care and the areas in which clinical experiences in the role of a registered nurse were obtained.

D. Requirements for supervision of a provisional licensee.

1. The supervisor shall be on site and physically present in the unit where the provisional licensee is providing clinical care of clients.

2. In the supervision of provisional licensees in the clinical setting, the ratio shall not exceed two provisional licensees to one supervisor at any given time.

3. Licensed registered nurses providing supervision for a provisional licensee shall:

a. Notify the board of the intent to provide supervision for a provisional licensee on a form provided by the board;

b. Hold an active, unrestricted license or multistate licensure privilege and have at least two years of active clinical practice as a registered nurse prior to acting as a supervisor;

c. Be responsible and accountable for the assignment of clients and tasks based on their assessment and evaluation of the supervisee's clinical knowledge and skills;

d. Be required to monitor clinical performance and intervene if necessary for the safety and protection of the clients; and

e. Document on a form provided by the board the frequency and nature of the supervision of provisional licensees to verify completion of hours of clinical experience.

E. The provisional status of the licensee shall be disclosed to the client prior to treatment and shall be indicated on identification worn by the provisional licensee.

F. All provisional licenses shall expire six months from the date of issuance and may be renewed for an additional six months. Renewal of a provisional license beyond the limit of 12 months may be granted and shall be for good cause shown. A request for extension of a provisional license beyond 12 months shall be made at least 30 days prior to its expiration.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

18VAC90-19-150. Renewal of licenses.

A. Licensees born in even-numbered years shall renew their licenses by the last day of the birth month in even-numbered years. Licensees born in odd-numbered years shall renew their licenses by the last day of the birth month in odd-numbered years.

B. A nurse shall be required to meet the requirements for continued competency set forth in 18VAC90-19-160 to renew an active license.

C. A notice for renewal of license shall be sent by the board to the last known address of the licensee. The licensee shall complete the renewal form and submit it with the required fee.

D. Failure to receive the renewal form shall not relieve the licensee of the responsibility for renewing the license by the expiration date.

E. The license shall automatically lapse if the licensee fails to renew by the expiration date.

F. Any person practicing nursing during the time a license has lapsed shall be considered an illegal practitioner and shall be subject to prosecution under the provisions of § 54.1-3008 of the Code of Virginia.

G. Upon renewal, all licensees shall declare their primary state of residence. If the declared state of residence is another compact state, the licensee is not eligible for renewal.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

18VAC90-19-160. Continued competency requirements for renewal of an active license.

A. To renew an active nursing license, a licensee shall complete at least one of the following learning activities or courses:

1. Current specialty certification by a national certifying organization, as defined in 18VAC90-19-10;

2. Completion of a minimum of three credit hours of post-licensure academic education relevant to nursing practice, offered by a regionally accredited college or university;

3. A board-approved refresher course in nursing;

4. Completion of nursing-related, evidence-based practice project or research study;

5. Completion of publication as the author or co-author during a renewal cycle;

6. Teaching or developing a nursing-related course resulting in no less than three semester hours of college credit, a 15-week course, or specialty certification;

7. Teaching or developing nursing-related continuing education courses for up to 30 contact hours;

8. Fifteen contact hours of workshops, seminars, conferences, or courses relevant to the practice of nursing and 640 hours of active practice as a nurse; or

9. Thirty contact hours of workshops, seminars, conferences, or courses relevant to the practice of nursing.

B. To meet requirements of subdivision A 8 or A 9 of this section, workshops, seminars, conferences, or courses shall be offered by a provider recognized or approved by one of the following:

1. American Nurses Credentialing Center American Nurses Association;

2. National Council of State Boards of Nursing;

3. Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) in any state in which the AHEC is a member of the National AHEC Organization;

4. Any state nurses association;

5. National League for Nursing;

6. National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Service;

7. National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses;

8. A licensed health care facility, agency, or hospital;

9. A health care provider association;

10. Regionally or nationally accredited colleges or universities;

11. A state or federal government agency;

12. The American Heart Association, the American Health and Safety Institute, or the American Red Cross for courses in advanced resuscitation; or

13. The Virginia Board of Nursing or any state board of nursing.

C. Dual licensed persons.

1. Those persons dually licensed by this board as a registered nurse and a licensed practical nurse shall only meet one of the continued competency requirements as set forth in subsection A of this section.

2. Registered nurses who also hold an active license as a nurse practitioner shall only meet the requirements of 18VAC90-30-105 and, for those with prescriptive authority, 18VAC90-40-55.

D. A licensee is exempt from the continued competency requirement for the first renewal following initial licensure by examination or endorsement.

E. The board may grant an extension for good cause of up to one year for the completion of continuing competency requirements upon written request from the licensee 60 days prior to the renewal date. Such extension shall not relieve the licensee of the continuing competency requirement.

F. The board may grant an exemption for all or part of the continuing competency requirements due to circumstances beyond the control of the licensee such as temporary disability, mandatory military service, or officially declared disasters.

G. Continued competency activities or courses required by board order in a disciplinary proceeding shall not be counted as meeting the requirements for licensure renewal.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

18VAC90-19-170. Documenting compliance with continued competency requirements.

A. All licensees are required to maintain original documentation of completion for a period of two years following renewal and to provide such documentation within 30 days of a request from the board for proof of compliance.

B. Documentation of compliance shall be as follows:

1. Evidence of national certification shall include a copy of a certificate that includes name of licensee, name of certifying body, date of certification, and date of certification expiration. Certification shall be initially attained during the licensure period, have been in effect during the entire licensure period, or have been recertified during the licensure period.

2. Evidence of post-licensure academic education shall include a copy of transcript with the name of the licensee, name of educational institution, date of attendance, name of course with grade, and number of credit hours received.

3. Evidence of completion of a board-approved refresher course shall include written correspondence from the provider with the name of the licensee, name of the provider, and verification of successful completion of the course.

4. Evidence of completion of a nursing research study or project shall include an abstract or summary, the name of the licensee, role of the licensee as principal or coprincipal investigator, date of completion, statement of the problem, research or project objectives, methods used, and summary of findings.

5. Evidence of authoring or co-authoring a published nursing-related article, paper, book, or book chapter shall include a copy of the publication that includes the name of the licensee and publication date.

6. Evidence of teaching a course for college credit shall include documentation of the course offering, indicating instructor, course title, course syllabus, and the number of credit hours. Teaching a particular course may only be used once to satisfy the continued competency requirement unless the course offering and syllabus has changed.

7. Evidence of teaching a course for continuing education credit shall include a written attestation from the director of the program or authorizing entity including the date or dates of the course or courses and the number of contact hours awarded. If the total number of contact hours totals less than 30, the licensee shall obtain additional hours in continuing learning activities or courses.

8. Evidence of contact hours of continuing learning activities or courses shall include the name of the licensee, title of educational activity, name of the provider, number of contact hours, and date of activity.

9. Evidence of 640 hours of active practice in nursing shall include documentation satisfactory to the board of the name of the licensee, number of hours worked in calendar or fiscal year, name and address of employer, and signature of supervisor. If self-employed, hours worked may be validated through other methods such as tax records or other business records. If active practice is of a volunteer or gratuitous nature, hours worked may be validated by the recipient agency.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

18VAC90-19-180. Inactive licensure.

A. A registered nurse or licensed practical nurse who holds a current, unrestricted license in Virginia may, upon a request on the renewal application and submission of the required fee, be issued an inactive license. The holder of an inactive license shall not be entitled to practice nursing in Virginia or practice on a multistate licensure privilege but may use the title "registered nurse" or "licensed practical nurse."

B. Reactivation of an inactive license.

1. A nurse whose license is inactive may reactivate within one renewal period by:

a. Payment of the difference between the inactive renewal and the active renewal fee; and

b. Providing attestation of completion of at least one of the learning activities or courses specified in 18VAC90-19-160 during the two years immediately preceding reactivation.

2. A nurse whose license has been inactive for more than one renewal period may reactivate by:

a. Submitting an application;

b. Paying the difference between the inactive renewal and the active renewal fee; and

c. Providing evidence of completion of at least one of the learning activities or courses specified in 18VAC90-19-160 during the two years immediately preceding application for reactivation.

3. The board may waive all or part of the continuing education requirement for a nurse who holds a current, unrestricted license in another state and who has engaged in active practice during the period the Virginia license was inactive.

4. The board may request additional evidence that the nurse is prepared to resume practice in a competent manner.

5. The board may deny a request for reactivation to any licensee who has been determined to have committed an act in violation of § 54.1-3007 of the Code of Virginia or any provision of this chapter.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

18VAC90-19-190. Reinstatement of lapsed licenses or license suspended or revoked.

A. A nurse whose license has lapsed may be reinstated within one renewal period by:

1. Payment of the current renewal fee and the late renewal fee; and

2. Providing attestation of completion of at least one of the learning activities or courses specified in 18VAC90-19-160 during the two years immediately preceding reinstatement.

B. A nurse whose license has lapsed for more than one renewal period shall:

1. File a reinstatement application and pay the reinstatement fee;

2. Provide evidence of completing at least one of the learning activities or courses specified in 18VAC90-19-160 during the two years immediately preceding application for reinstatement; and

3. Submit a criminal history background check as required by § 54.1-3005.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. The board may waive all or part of the continuing education requirement for a nurse who holds a current, unrestricted license in another state and who has engaged in active practice during the period the Virginia license was lapsed.

D. A nurse whose license has been suspended or revoked by the board may apply for reinstatement by filing a reinstatement application, fulfilling requirements for continuing competency as required in subsection B of this section, and paying the fee for reinstatement after suspension or revocation. A nurse whose license has been revoked may not apply for reinstatement sooner than three years from entry of the order of revocation.

E. The board may request additional evidence that the nurse is prepared to resume practice in a competent manner.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

18VAC90-19-200. Restricted volunteer license and registration for voluntary practice by out-of-state licensees.

A. A registered or practical nurse may be issued a restricted volunteer license and may practice in accordance with provisions of § 54.1-3011.01 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Any licensed nurse who does not hold a license to practice in Virginia and who seeks registration to practice on a voluntary basis under the auspices of a publicly supported, all volunteer nonprofit organization that sponsors the provision of health care to populations of underserved people shall:

1. File a complete application for registration on a form provided by the board at least five business days prior to engaging in such practice. An incomplete application will not be considered;

2. Provide evidence of current, unrestricted licensure in a United States jurisdiction;

3. Provide the name of the nonprofit organization and the dates and location of the voluntary provision of services;

4. Pay a registration fee of $10; and

5. Provide an attestation from a representative of the nonprofit organization attesting to its compliance with provisions of subdivision 11 of § 54.1-3001 of the Code of Virginia.

Statutory Authority

§ 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 33, Issue 10, eff. February 24, 2017.

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