Administrative Code

Virginia Administrative Code

Article 2. Contents of the Community Based Corrections Plan

6VAC15-81-150. Needs assessment.

A. Prior to preparation of a community based corrections plan (CBCP) as required by § 53.1-82.1 of the Code of Virginia, any city or county or combination thereof intending to seek reimbursement for a jail project shall contact the Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit to have a meeting to discuss the requirement of completing a CBCP.

B. All documents in this section shall be submitted to the department in accordance with the budgeting time schedule as outlined in § 53.1-82.3 of the Code of Virginia or the appropriation act.

C. Documents shall be as follows:

1. Needs assessment. Four paper copies and one electronic copy of the community based corrections plan, prepared in accordance with this article, shall be submitted to the Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit. A needs assessment is not required for projects that do not increase bed capacity and for which the owner does not seek state reimbursement for construction, staffing, or operating cost.

2. Planning study. Three paper copies and one electronic copy of the planning study, prepared in accordance with this article, shall be submitted to Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit.

3. Minor renovation project. Three paper copies and one electronic copy of minor renovation project information prepared in accordance with 6VAC15-81-280 and 6VAC15-81-290 shall be submitted to Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit. A needs assessment is not required for minor renovation projects that do not increase capacity.

4. Modifications. Three paper copies and one electronic copy of minor renovation project information prepared in accordance with 6VAC15-81-280 and 6VAC15-81-290 shall be submitted to Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit.

5. Resolution and cooperative service agreement. Two paper copies and one electronic copy of minor renovation project information prepared in accordance with 6VAC15-81-280 and 6VAC15-81-290 shall be submitted to Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit.

An executed cooperative service agreement, where applicable, and resolution shall be submitted to the reviewing authority prior to board consideration of the project. The owner shall submit the following to the Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit:

a. Single locality facility. An ordinance or resolution of the local governing body requesting reimbursement funding.

b. Multijurisdictional facility not qualifying for regional jail status reimbursement pursuant to § 53.1-81 of the Code of Virginia. A joint resolution of or individual resolutions from the local governing bodies requesting reimbursement funding.

c. Regional jail board or jail authority facility. Pursuant to § 53.1-81, a joint resolution of or individual resolutions from the governing bodies of the established regional jail board or a resolution from the regional jail authority requesting reimbursement funding and a cooperative service agreement detailing the financial and operational responsibilities of the participating jurisdictions or jail authority.

6. Financing method. If the project is being financed, detailed information on the financing and financing method shall be provided to the Treasury Board in accordance with its requirements.

The reviewing authority shall verify documentation has been received by required deadlines and are correct, and advise the locality of any errors or discrepancies in their submittal.

A. The needs assessment is an evaluation of trends and factors at the local or regional level affecting current and future facility needs, and the assessment of resources available to meet such needs that is used as the basis for a request for reimbursement of local correctional facility construction costs.

B. The needs assessment shall address each of the elements of 6VAC15-81-160 through 6VAC15-81-260.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-160. Funding priority.

The needs assessment shall include a statement identifying which Board of Corrections funding priority or priorities the plan and jail project addresses, per 6VAC15-81-320.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-170. Analysis of criminal justice and inmate population data.

A. The needs assessment shall include an analysis of criminal justice and inmate population data as required by this chapter.

B. In order to evaluate the impact of the various criminal justice components on the jail population, the following data shall be provided for each locality participating in the needs assessment for the most recent five calendar years.

1. A table and an analysis of annual trends for the total adult arrests for Part A and B offenses from the latest edition of "Crime in Virginia" published by the Virginia State Police.

2. A table and an analysis of annual trends for the total adult arrests currently defined as "On View," "Taken into Custody," and "Summonses" and a comparison of these totals to those presented in subdivision 1 of this subsection. This data is available from the Research Unit of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services.

3. A table and an analysis of annual trends for process data from the Supreme Court of Virginia from the Magistrate Information System including the total number of:

a. Bonds.

b. Commitment orders - bail.

(1) Felony.

(a) Secured.

(b) Unsecured.

(c) Recognizance.

(d) Held without bail.

(e) Release by judicial officer to custody of responsible person or when accused is no longer intoxicated.

(2) Misdemeanor.

(a) Secured.

(b) Unsecured.

(c) Recognizance.

(d) Held without bail.

(e) Release by judicial officer to custody of responsible person or when accused is no longer intoxicated.

(3) Release orders.

4. A table and an analysis of annual trends for data from the State Compensation Board Local Inmate Data System (LIDS).

a. Total new "Pretrial Monthly Commitments" by month and by felony, and misdemeanor or ordinance violators for those awaiting trial. This report is available on the State Compensation Board website under "LIDS, the Forms Maintenance Menu" for individual jails or from any local pretrial services agency that currently serves the jail or jails in question.

b. Comparison and analysis of the total number of new "Pretrial Monthly Commitments" in subdivision 4 a of this subsection, with the total "Commitment Orders" in subdivision 3 b of this subsection.

c. A separate report of the total number of "Pretrial Commitments" in subdivision 4 a of this subsection above that were released for the following LIDS "Reason Release Codes":

(1) 19 - To bond.

(2) 49 - To pretrial service program.

d. Report of the total annual commitments "Serving Sentence" separately by misdemeanor and felony, for the following LIDS "Reason Confined Codes":

(1) 20 - Serving sentence.

(2) 29 - Weekend or nonconsecutive days.

(3) 26 - Work release.

e. Reports of the admissions in subdivision 4 d of this subsection, report the number released for the following LIDS "Release Reason":

(1) 16 - Time served.

(2) 33 - To Department of Corrections.

(3) 39 - Sentence served.

5. A table and an analysis of total average monthly adult ADP for the most recent 60 months by felony, misdemeanor, and ordinance violation categories for local responsible populations and for felony state responsible populations. Data is available from the State Compensation Board website under LIDS.

6. A table and an analysis of annual trends for identification of the following subpopulations separately:

a. The "overflow" population being held in another jail or jails.

b. The ADP help for:

(1) Federal authorities.

(2) Out-of-state authorities (non-state warrant).

(3) Other localities including payment agreements, courtesy holds for other localities, and exchange agreements. This does not include prisoners held in accordance with regional jail service agreements or jointly operated facilities.

(4) State responsible inmates held by agreement, jail contract bed or JCB or work release.

c. Localities currently without facilities can calculate the average daily population from total prisoner days reported for prisoners held for their locality by another jail or jails (use Federal Information Processing System Code in LIDS for specific locality or localities involved).

7. A table and an analysis of annual trends for total placements by felony and misdemeanor, where applicable, for the following services for each jurisdiction in the project served by the following agencies:

a. Agency.

(1) Pretrial service agency.

(2) Community based probation services agency.

(3) State adult probation and parole district office (probation cases only).

(4) Drug courts.

b. For pretrial and local community based probation services, the average daily caseload under supervision based on total supervision days.

c. For all other programs, the average of the total population under active supervision at the beginning and the end of the calendar or fiscal year.

d. For all programs and services:

(1) The total annual placements, where applicable, for misdemeanors and felony defendants and inmates.

(2) A description of each program including fiscal agent, administration and management, staffing, and annual budget or operating costs.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-180. Assessment of existing resources.

A. The needs assessment shall include an assessment of existing resources, including existing local correctional facilities, any lockups or other community based facilities that reduce the demand on jail space needs, and all pretrial and post-disposition alternatives, programs, and services.

B. The information provided pursuant to subsection A of this section shall include a description of the existing jail or jails in local lockups and correctional facilities that impact the project including:

1. The date of construction and dates of subsequent renovations or expansions.

2. The current rated capacity as established by the Department of Corrections.

3. A table indicating the total number of housing units including cell blocks, dormitories, and other housing units used for general population inmates. The tables for existing facilities shall be set up similar to the example table in subdivision 4 of this subsection.

4. A table indicating the design capacity and the total number of beds for each of the housing areas. The description and calculation of the existing facility's needs shall be consistent for each facility. The tables for the existing facility shall be set up using the following examples:

Example table for subdivisions 3 and 4 of this subsection.


Unit name

Unit type


per unit


op. cap.

Unit op. cap. x sq. ft.

Dayroom op. cap. x sq. ft.

#Perm. beds per unit

Sq. ft. per bed

Dayroom sq. ft. per bed


Block A









5. A table indicating the existing square footage available per inmate in each cell, dormitory, and dayroom.

Example table for subdivision 5 of this subsection.

Unit Name

Security/Custody Level

Pop. on (Date)

Total sq. ft. per person in unit

Total sq. ft. per person in dayroom

Total Aggr. sq. ft. per inmate

Cell A






6. The total number, type, and capacity of special purpose areas.

7. A statement of the number of stories and aggregate floor space in the facility.

8. A statement about the general condition of the facility and the feasibility of continued future use and, if applicable, the status of the action plan to correct physical plant deficiencies identified in the latest inspection or certification audit report.

9. A description and table depicting administrative, operating, and inmate program space and a description of the impact of the limitations that lack of space, inadequate space, or the design of the facility has on administration, operations, and security.

10. Where applicable, the impact that the holding of juveniles has on the design and operation of the facility.

11. A copy of the most current department inspection report for life, health, and safety and a copy of the most current department certification audit shall be submitted.

12. If the facility is to remain open as a jail, a jail condition assessment on major buildings and building systems shall be performed by a licensed A/E, and costs associated with necessary upgrades shall be provided. The cost of staffing and documentation of staff efficiency for continued operation shall also be provided. Analysis of the condition assessment shall be based on health safety issues, excessive maintenance costs, excessive repair costs, excessive staffing due to design, limited capacity, program space, and distance to other facilities associated with a regional jail.

C. The needs assessment shall include for the last fiscal year, a description of each program and a data table providing the number of placements, the average daily population, and where applicable, the annual number of bed days saved by each jail-based program, and a plan to increase the utilization of the impact of the various criminal justice components on the jail population to include:

1. Jail work force.

2. Work release.

3. Home or electronic incarceration.

4. Weekend sentencing work options.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-190. Analysis of existing criminal justice practices.

A. The needs assessment shall include an analysis of existing criminal justice practices and the impact they have on the use of existing and the need for future jail space, including arrest, bail, pretrial alternatives, commitments, sentencing practices, post-trial alternatives, Department of Corrections probation and parole violators, and state responsible felony inmate populations.

B. A description of the effect of current magistrate; court; public defender; and prosecutorial case management practices, policies, and procedures on the length of stay in jail. Included shall be a plan to improve criminal justice services, to include the staff and other resources necessary to effect a reduction in pretrial and post-dispositional length of stay in jail. Strategies to improve these practices and services shall be included and shall address such factors as:

1. The current use of summonses issued by law-enforcement agencies in lieu of arrest in certain criminal misdemeanor offences.

2. The current use of unsecured bond or pretrial services by magistrates.

3. Video arraignment in lieu of transportation to court.

4. Specifically for regional projects.

a. Cross court arraignments for confined defendants awaiting trial.

b. The need and solutions for short-term holding of defendants following arrest.

c. An assessment of travel distance and times to a proposed regional facility.

d. Where applicable, a collocated juvenile detention facility.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-200. Recommended resources to improve or expand existing and establish new alternatives.

The needs assessment shall include recommended resources, including the necessary funding, necessary to improve or expand existing and establish new pretrial and post-disposition alternatives.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-210. Impact from the loss of local jails.

The needs assessment shall include an examination of transportation costs, costs associated with closing of existing facilities, and the impact that the loss of local jails will have on the operation of local sheriff's offices and law-enforcement departments related to the current and future need for:

1. Lockups.

2. Short-term holding.

3. Court holding.

4. Staff availability for law-enforcement activities.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-220. Specific jail population forecast.

A. The needs assessment shall include a forecast of the future total average daily population as follows:

1. A table of data utilized shall be included in the forecast section and shall be based on a minimum of 60 monthly data points including a description of the timeframes and the unit of analysis.

2. A graph that plots the local responsible inmate and state responsible inmate population separately and a table with the calculation of the percent local responsible and state responsible population during the period of analysis presented in the forecast data base.

3. A calculation of the average percent of the local responsible inmates and state responsible inmates in the total jail population including state responsible inmates greater than 90 days as reported by State Compensation Board.

4. The results of the preliminary population data analysis such as trends and correlation structure.

5. A presentation of three to five forecasts (the specification, parameters, and diagnostic information from each model) selected from any of the following models:

a. Linear regression analysis.

b. Exponential smoothing models.

c. Autoregressive integrated moving average models.

d. Structural forecasting models (multiple regression analysis).

e. Other forecasting models preapproved by the reviewing authority.

6. The forecast shall exclude the ADP of detainees:

a. Held for other localities (includes those held for payment, by courtesy, or for exchange) for jurisdictions not participating in a jointly operated or regional jail, or held in a single jurisdiction jail.

b. Held for federal authorities.

c. Contract inmates.

d. Held for out-of-state authorities (non-state warrant).

B. The needs assessment shall include a forecast consisting of:

1. A year-by-year forecast based on the projected year of occupancy plus a minimum of 10 years.

2. A test of the model selected demonstrating its ability to forecast the most recent year's population.

3. The presentation of a forecast based on one of the models and the discussion of why it was selected for the jail project.

4. An additional 10-year estimate in yearly increments (based on the year of occupancy plus 20 years) for use in estimating the facility support service areas needs in the planning study. For new facilities if future expansion is anticipated, consideration shall be given to increasing support services areas by 50% to accommodate future expansion.

C. The needs assessment shall include the impact of state responsible prisoner population in local jails for each of the last five calendar or fiscal years.

1. The year-to-year growth trend for the state responsible felon population.

2. The percentage of the total for which state responsible population accounted.

3. The mean, median, and mode state responsible population.

D. The needs assessment shall include a report for the last calendar or fiscal year:

1. Separately, the number of inmates committed to jail solely for a probation violation (confinement awaiting probation revocation hearing) or for a parole violation (confinement awaiting parole revocation hearing).

2. The total prisoner days and a calculation of the ADP, separately, for each of the two confinement categories listed in subdivision 1 of this subsection.

3. The total prisoner days or monthly ADP for all state responsible felon inmates calculated from the date of final sentencing to release or transfer to the Department of Corrections.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-230. Analysis of defendant or inmate management practices.

A. The needs assessment shall include an analysis of the effect that the defendant or inmate management practices of law enforcement, magistrate, court, public defense, prosecution, local and state pretrial and post-trial alternative programs and the Department of Corrections have had on admissions to, releases from, and length of stay in jail.

B. The needs assessment shall include recommendations and agreements to eliminate or reduce the impact on jail bed space needs and to improve the practices of these services, including procedural changes, staffing, and the budget resources necessary to effect or implement these changes.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-240. Program or procedural strategies for reducing the jail population forecast.

The needs assessment shall include a presentation of the program or procedural strategies for reducing the jail population forecast, which shall be based on strategies for the expansion of existing and the establishment of new programs designed to divert misdemeanant and felon defendants and inmates detained in jail awaiting trial or actively serving sentences or reducing their lengths of stay. The strategies shall include a description of the proposed services, costs for implementing or expanding services, and, if possible, staff and other resources necessary to implement expanded or new programs. Strategies to be considered include:

1. Mental health diversion or alternative programs, services, or facilities.

2. Development or enhancement of a pretrial services agency.

3. Home or electronic incarceration or monitoring.

4. Programs that divert defendants from jail, prosecution, or conviction who have been charged with offenses for which they can receive a sentence to jail.

5. A program that reduces the awaiting trial length of stay through court-approved credit for voluntary work on public property by any adult confined in jail awaiting disposition for a nonviolent misdemeanor or felony offense.

6. Development of or enhancement of local community based probation services for local responsible misdemeanant and felon inmates placed on probation following a sentence of 12 months or less or following a deferred proceeding.

7. Jail based home electronic incarceration program for inmates actively serving sentence in jail. Sentenced inmates can be confined at home in lieu of being held in jail.

8. A jail based public work force program that reduces the post-disposition length of stay through court approved credit for voluntary work on public property by any adult confined in jail serving a sentence for a misdemeanor.

9. A state or local day reporting center that will divert probation and parole violators from jail.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-250. Proposed project.

A. The needs assessment shall include a table depicting the current jail housing and special purpose spaces in accordance with construction standards at the time that it was built that will be in continued use for the proposed project and the designated spaces proposed for the new construction.

B. The needs assessment shall include the recommended size of the proposed facility including the total number of cells, dormitories, or housing units necessary for general population, and community custody and special purpose housing, if applicable, special purpose, and short population management. This is the number to be used as the "relative size" of the proposed facility as required by 6VAC15-81-290.

C. The needs assessment shall include the proposed facility size based on future estimates and the need for management bed space in accordance with the requirements for design and construction set out in this chapter. Provide information in a table as shown in the example table in this section.

Bed Distribution: Existing or Proposed

Existing Jail

Special Purpose

Temporary Housing

Rated Capacity




Community Custody

Existing Jail


New Facility

New Facility


Grand Total

Percentage Distribution

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-260. Conclusions and recommendations.

The needs assessment shall include conclusions and recommendations for implementation or improvement of programs and services as a part of the recommended jail project.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-270. Needs assessment review.

A. The Department of Corrections and the Department of Criminal Justice Services shall review the needs assessment for compliance with this chapter and validation of the need for additional beds.

B. The Department of Corrections shall provide to the Board of Corrections a report on its review of the needs assessment for compliance with this chapter and validation of the need for additional beds.

C. The Board of Corrections shall evaluate the needs assessment to determine whether the assessment complies with this chapter and validates the need for the construction, expansion, or renovation project for which reimbursement is requested. The board may approve the needs assessment as presented. The board may require amendments or it may deny approval.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-280. Planning study requirements.

A. An owner proposing a new construction, expansion, or renovation project shall prepare and submit for approval a planning study in accordance with this article with the exception of those projects qualifying as a minor renovation project as specified in 6VAC15-81-300.

B. The owner or the owner's agent shall contact the Department of Corrections, Compliance, Certification, and Accreditation Unit for guidance in interpreting these procedures and requirements for planning study documentation submissions.

C. The Department of Corrections shall not assist in the preparation of a planning study but may provide guidance and shall respond to requests for clarification of the requirements.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-290. Required information for planning study.

A. The planning study shall include a statement acknowledging owners' and consultants' responsibilities for compliance with this chapter.

B. The planning study shall include a statement of the planned general population design capacity, as well as the number and capacity of temporary holding and special purpose cells of the proposed facility as detailed and approved in the needs assessment. If the capacity detailed in the planning study deviates from the forecasted capacity need shown in the needs assessment, the proposed interim capacity of the facility and the plan showing future expansion for achieving the approved capacity shall be detailed.

C. The planning study shall include, if applicable, a statement of rated capacity of the existing facility including current capacity of housing for custody levels, temporary holding, and special purpose.

D. The planning study shall include the operating program.

1. For new facilities, a written operating program describing the operating procedures envisioned for key operational functions such as, but not limited to, intake or release, inmate escorting, movement to and from court, medical, visitation, food services, program delivery, use of proposed technology, and related services such as video arraignment and telemedicine.

2. For renovations and expansions, any changes to the operating procedures shall be provided.

E. The planning study shall include a facility planning program setting forth the project requirements for building space by function, size, and quantity and addressing any special design considerations unique to the project.

F. The planning study shall include site data including site size, availability of utilities, and any other features of the site that would impact the facility design or cost.

G. Localities considering a campus style design concept that is designed to require the inmates to walk outdoors to access multiple buildings on the same site shall submit a written statement to the Board of Corrections detailing the management concept, anticipated staffing levels, and cost savings anticipated in construction and operation of the facility by this concept. Included in this request shall be a list of any specific sections of this chapter or 6VAC15-40 that are in conflict with the proposed facility with this management style and for which modification requests will be submitted. Explanation shall be given of how the security of individual buildings is provided in accordance with this chapter.

H. The owner shall submit a written statement to the Board of Corrections detailing the management concept (e.g., direct supervision, indirect supervision, hybrid, etc.) and anticipated operating procedures for the facility and anticipated staffing levels. Included with this statement shall be a request for modifications of specific sections that are in conflict with the proposed facility management style.

I. The planning study shall include a written description of the project setting forth:

1. The rationale for the building design.

2. The type of construction proposed.

3. A description of basic building materials and systems (structural; heating, ventilation, or air conditioning; security; etc.).

4. The size of the facility in gross square feet of floor area and size of facility in number of general population beds.

5. Building code designations as to the intended use group or groups, building code occupant loads, occupant load per this chapter, and construction type or types.

6. Provisions for future expansion based on findings in the facility program and needs assessment with number of beds, increased core, and support space.

7. Descriptions of proposed technology and related services.

8. Descriptions of sustainable design and construction initiatives proposed including energy conservation, resource management and environmental enhancements that can be benchmarked by third-party rating systems such as LEED, Green Globes, documenting compliance with ASHRAE 189.1, or the International Green Construction Code. Descriptions shall include benefits to the facility's users, environmental benefits and estimated payback timeframes. Initiates resulting in an increase in project costs shall be identified and include estimated costs.

9. Identification of specific items or features that increase the project cost of a median or basic jail building.

J. If the original jail is to remain open as a jail, the planning study shall include an assessment of the condition of the jail shall be performed by a licensed A/E, and estimated costs associated with necessary upgrades and phases shall be identified. The cost of staffing and documentation of staff efficiency for continued operation shall also be provided. Analysis of the condition assessment shall address life, health, and safety issues; excessive maintenance costs; excessive repair costs; excessive staffing due to design, limited capacity, program space, and distance to other facilities associated with a regional jail.

K. The planning study shall include conceptual floor plan or plans at a scale not smaller than 1/16 inch per foot, with indication by distinct symbols, overlays, or other means to denote the secure perimeter of the facility.

L. The planning study shall include conceptual building elevations at a scale not smaller than 1/16 inch per foot.

M. The planning study shall include a conceptual site plan at a scale not smaller than one inch per 60 feet indicating existing and proposed buildings, vehicular circulation, parking, outdoor recreation facilities and areas, security fences or walls, and future building expansions.

N. The planning study shall include a conceptual building section at a scale not less than 1/16 inch per foot if required to explain a multilevel building design.

O. The planning study shall include an energy analysis containing comparative fuel costs and energy conservation investigations including construction cost increase and savings, payback energy efficiency initiatives and other factors supporting the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and fuel selection.

P. The planning study shall include an analysis of staffing needs and a six-year operating budget cost for the proposed facility that includes:

1. Security positions indicating type of inmate supervision system proposed, specific security posts required, and anticipated hours that each post will be manned.

2. Nonsecurity staff functions and anticipated hours the posts will be manned.

3. Operating budget costs, with items such as the cost of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; utilities maintenance; food service; staff salaries; supplies; etc.

Q. The planning study shall include a construction cost estimate with a detailed description of the basis on which the estimate was made:

1. The construction cost estimate shall be based on the estimated cost as of the date of the planning study and shall also show the inflated values of the estimated costs as of the date of the midpoint of construction as proposed in the construction schedule. A chart shall be prepared in column format showing estimated building construction cost. Other costs as individual line items not included within the building envelope shall be added such as, but not limited to site development, professional fees, contingencies, permits, unusual site work, expanded core, and renovation. The estimate shall also show the sum of total project costs.

2. When projects involve a combination of two or more project types (new construction, renovations, and expansions) the construction cost estimate shall clearly identify the costs associated with each project type.

3. When items proposed exceed median construction costs, the construction cost estimate shall clearly identify such costs, and the need for such extraordinary work shall be fully explained and justified including the examination of alternative solutions. Examples of these items may include:

a. Expanded facility support services.

b. Unusual site conditions.

c. Utility runs beyond the limits of construction.

d. Virginia Department of Transportation turn lanes.

e. Sustainable design and construction initiatives.

4. When items proposed exceed median construction cost because of local requirement or desires, the work shall be specifically listed and the anticipated additional cost of each item identified. Portions of the project that are not eligible for funding reimbursement shall be clearly identified and costs tabulated separately. These items may include features such as:

a. Enhancements to meet local zoning or architectural requirements.

b. Stone facades.

c. Site constraints because of locations.

d. Slate roofs.

e. Retail stores.

f. Clock towers.

g. Copper roof.

h. Marble planters.

i. Brick outdoor recreation yard enclosures.

j. Loose equipment.

k. Inmate transportation tunnels or other passageways to courthouse.

5. In accordance with the Code of Virginia, only fixed equipment is reimbursable except in minimum security housing. Loose equipment or furnishings (i.e., those items not permanently or physically attached to the building) that are not reimbursable include the following items:

a. Blankets.

b. Chairs.

c. Curtains.

d. Desks.

e. Fire extinguishers.

f. Lamps.

g. Mattresses and pillows.

h. Medicines and medical equipment.

i. Movable beds.

j. Movable shelving.

k. Office equipment and furnishings.

l. Portable radios and communication devices.

m. Pots, pans, and utensils.

n. Small portable appliances.

o. Smoke machines.

p. Telephone handsets.

q. Televisions.

r. Uniforms.

s. Vehicles and vehicle equipment.

6. Additional items that are not considered to be eligible for reimbursement as a construction cost include:

a. Space for sheriff's functions unrelated to the operation of the jail.

b. Magistrate's offices.

c. Cost of financing or interest other than that calculated and provided by the Department of Treasury.

d. Land already owned by the owner.

e. Excess land not used exclusively for jail purposes.

f. Owner's operating or administrative budget or expenses.

g. Salary of an employee of any locality who is a participant in the jail project.

h. Owner's advertising fees, master planning, consultants, authority or board expense, legal fees, or similar items unrelated to planning, design and construction of the jail.

i. Selection of overly expensive design, building materials, or systems.

j. Repair of existing facility.

k. Oversized utility lines, central plants, or other similar services, onsite or off site, to provide service to facilities other than the jail now or in the future; if a portion of this is deemed reimbursable, it may be approved on a percentage of use by facility basis.

7. Items deducted from project cost:

a. Any money realized or planned to be realized from the sale or transfer of any building or real estate associated with existing jail in order to procure a site and construction of the new jail or expansion shall be reported and shall be deducted from the project cost.

b. Any grants received for construction shall be reported and shall be deducted from the project cost.

R. The planning study shall include a schedule for planning and construction of the project including at a minimum milestone dates for completion of design development drawings, completion of contract documents, start of construction (an executed construction contract and a notice to proceed), midpoint of construction, completion of construction, and projected date of occupancy.

S. The planning study shall include any other information that would be of value to a reviewing agency or the reviewing authority.

T. The planning study shall include a list of the sources of all allocated and projected construction or capital funds involved in the project.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

6VAC15-81-300. Minor renovation projects; required information.

A. A locality or regional jail proposing a renovation project that does not increase design capacity and for which the cost is less than $5 million or higher if approved by the board shall submit the following in lieu of the planning study:

1. Identification of the problem, need, or reason for the project.

2. Description of current situation including:

a. Analysis of existing facilities to include space utilization, condition, and capacity of facilities.

b. Determination of existing and recommended facility procedures related to the need.

c. Examination of existing and recommended alternatives to fulfill the need and the feasibility of implementing such alternatives.

3. Detailed written description of the planned project including an analysis of any existing facility function that would be displaced, replaced, or enhanced by the proposed renovation.

4. Statement of who will be responsible for designing, supervising, and accepting the project for the owner.

5. Conceptual floor plans, at a scale not smaller than 1/16 inch per foot, with indication by distinct symbols, overlays, or other means to denote work to be done.

6. Analysis of the project impact on staffing.

7. Analysis of the project impact on operating costs.

8. Analysis of impact on the security of the facility.

9. Total estimated project cost with a description of the basis and a breakdown of the estimate into construction costs, fees, and other expenses.

10. Proposed construction schedule to include anticipated completion date.

11. Other project-specific information as determined by the reviewing authority.

B. Nonreimbursable items as listed in 6VAC15-81-290 Q also apply to minor renovation projects.

Statutory Authority

§§ 53.1-5, 53.1-80, and 53.1-82 of the Code of Virginia.

Historical Notes

Derived from Virginia Register Volume 34, Issue 12, eff. March 8, 2018.

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