Code of Virginia

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Code of Virginia
Title 2.2. Administration of Government
Chapter 11. Department of General Services

Article 3. Division of Purchases and Supply.

§ 2.2-1109. Division of Purchases and Supply established.

Within the Department shall be created a Division of Purchases and Supply (the "Division"), which shall exercise the powers and duties described in this article.

1977, c. 672, § 2.1-435; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1110. Using agencies to purchase through Division of Purchases and Supply; exception.

A. Except as provided by § 2.2-2012 or otherwise directed and authorized by the Division or in the Code of Virginia, every authority, department, division, institution, officer, agency, and other unit of state government, hereinafter called the using agency, shall purchase through the Division all materials, equipment, supplies, printing and nonprofessional services of every description, whenever the whole or a part of the costs is to be paid out of the state treasury. The Division shall make such purchases in conformity with this article.

B. The Division shall maintain the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement system. At a minimum this procurement system shall provide for the purchase of goods and services and the public posting of all Invitations to Bid, Requests for Proposal, sole source award notices, emergency award notices, awarded contracts and modifications thereto, and reports on purchases. All using agencies shall utilize the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement system as their purchasing system beginning at the point of requisitioning for all procurement actions, including but not limited to technology, transportation, and construction, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Division. Where necessary to capture data in agency enterprise resource planning systems and to eliminate or avoid duplicate or manual data entry in such agency systems, using agencies shall integrate their enterprise resource planning systems with the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement system, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Division or in accordance with the provisions of the Restructured Higher Education Financial and Administrative Operations Act (§ 23.1-1000 et seq.).

Using agencies shall post on the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement website all Invitations to Bid, Requests for Proposal, sole source award notices, emergency award notices, and awarded contracts and modifications thereto to ensure visibility and access to the Commonwealth's procurement opportunities on one website.

To increase transparency of governmental procurement activities, the Division shall direct all using agencies to conspicuously post on their respective homepages links to the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement system reports, thereby making them accessible to the public.

C. The provisions of subsection A shall not apply to the purchase of materials, equipment, supplies, printing and nonprofessional services of every description by the Virginia Retirement System; however, the Board of Trustees of the Virginia Retirement System shall adopt regulations made in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) that specify policies and procedures that are based on competitive principles and that are generally applicable to procurement of such goods and services by comparably situated state agencies. The exemption provided by this subsection shall apply for only as long as such regulations, or other regulations meeting the requirements of this subsection, remain in effect at the Virginia Retirement System.

Code 1950, § 2-249; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-273; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-440; 1980, c. 357; 1988, c. 140; 1995, c. 788; 2001, c. 844; 2003, cc. 981, 1021; 2011, c. 332; 2013, c. 493; 2020, cc. 47, 179.

§ 2.2-1111. Purchases to be made in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) and regulations of Division; exempt purchases.

A. All purchases made by any department, division, officer or agency of the Commonwealth shall be made in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act (§ 2.2-4300 et seq.) and such regulations as the Division may prescribe.

B. The regulations adopted by the Division shall:

1. Include a purchasing plan that shall be on file at the Division and shall be available to the public upon request;

2. Require that before any public body procures any computer system, equipment or software, it shall consider whether the proposed system, equipment or software is capable of producing products that facilitate the rights of the public to access official records under the Freedom of Information Act (§ 2.2-3700 et seq.) or other applicable law;

3. Require state public bodies to procure only shielded outdoor light fixtures and provide for waivers of this requirement when the Division determines that a bona fide operational, temporary, safety or specific aesthetic need is indicated or that such fixtures are not cost effective over the life cycle of the fixtures. For the purposes of this subdivision, "shielded outdoor light fixture" means an outdoor light fixture that is (i) fully shielded so that no light rays are emitted by the installed fixture above the horizontal plane or (ii) constructed so that no more than two percent of the total luminaire lumens in the zone of 90 to 180 degrees vertical angle is permitted, if the related output of the luminaire is greater than 3200 lumens. In adopting regulations under this subdivision, the Division shall consider national standards for outdoor lighting as adopted by the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA).

The Virginia Department of Transportation shall design all lighting systems in accordance with current IESNA standards and recommended practices. The lighting system shall utilize fixtures that minimize glare, light trespass, and skyglow, all as defined by the IESNA, while still providing a comfortable, visually effective, safe, and secure outdoor environment in a cost-effective manner over the life cycle of the lighting system;

4. Establish the conditions under which a public body may use, as a basis for the procurement of goods and nonprofessional services, a particular vendor's contract-pricing that has been negotiated and accepted by the U.S. General Services Administration;

5. Establish procurement preferences for products containing recycled oil (including reprocessed and rerefined oil products) and recycled antifreeze;

6. Establish conditions under which a public body shall demonstrate a good faith effort to ensure that state contracts or subcontracts for goods or services that involve the manual packaging of bulk supplies or the manual assemblage of goods where individual items weigh less than 50 pounds be offered to employment services organizations as defined in § 2.2-4301 that offer transitional or supported employment services serving individuals with disabilities;

7. Establish the conditions under which state public bodies may procure diesel fuel containing, at a minimum, two percent, by volume, biodiesel fuel or green diesel fuel, as defined in § 59.1-284.25 as such section was in effect on June 30, 2015, for use in on-road internal combustion engines. The conditions shall take into consideration the availability of such fuel and the variability in cost of biodiesel fuel with respect to unblended diesel fuel; and

8. Shall include a link to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Virginia Grown website on the Department of General Services' central electronic procurement system to facilitate purchases of Virginia-grown food products.

C. The Division may make, alter, amend or repeal regulations relating to the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment, nonprofessional services, and printing, and may specifically exempt purchases below a stated amount or particular agencies or specified materials, equipment, nonprofessional services, supplies and printing.

Code 1950, § 2-251; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-275; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-442; 1979, c. 508; 1980, c. 357; 1982, c. 647; 1996, c. 435; 1997, c. 907; 2001, cc. 569, 844; 2002, c. 504; 2003, c. 294; 2005, c. 817; 2007, c. 630; 2010, c. 458; 2011, cc. 815, 864; 2012, cc. 632, 803, 835; 2015, c. 761; 2016, c. 465.

§ 2.2-1112. Standardization of materials, equipment and supplies.

A. So far as practicable, all materials, equipment and supplies, purchased by or for the officers, departments, agencies or institutions of the Commonwealth, shall be standardized by the Division, and no variation shall be allowed from any established standard without the written approval of the Division. The standard shall be determined upon the needs of all using agencies, so far as their needs are in common, and for groups of using agencies or single using agencies so far as their needs differ. When changes or alterations in equipment are necessary in order to permit the application of any standard, the changes and alterations shall be made as rapidly as possible.

B. The Division shall determine the proper equipment or electrical devices used to monitor the speed of any motor vehicle pursuant to § 46.2-882 and shall so advise the respective law-enforcement officials. Police chiefs and sheriffs shall ensure that all such equipment and devices meet or exceed the standards established by the Division. This subsection shall apply only to equipment and devices purchased on or after July 1, 1986.

C. The Division shall determine the proper equipment to be used to determine the decibel level of sound and shall so advise the respective law-enforcement officials. Police chiefs and sheriffs shall ensure that all such equipment and devices meet or exceed the standards established by the Division and shall maintain, inspect, calibrate, and test for accuracy all such equipment and devices on a schedule and in accordance with standards established by the Division.

Code 1950, §§ 2-255, 2-256; 1958 c. 124; 1966, c. 677, §§ 2.1-279, 2.1-280; 1972, c. 494; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-446; 1986, c. 530; 1991, c. 345; 2001, c. 844; 2010, c. 558.

§ 2.2-1113. Printing management coordination; uniform standards for state forms.

A. The Division may establish criteria and procedures to obtain more economical operation of state printing facilities, provide guidelines to agencies regarding the most beneficial utilization of duplicating and reproduction equipment, and to centralize printing, duplicating and reproduction equipment and services.

B. The Division may set uniform standards for the design, utilization, procurement and inventory of state forms.

1972, c. 503, § 2.1-243.1; 1976, c. 759; 1977, c. 672, §§ 2.1-464, 2.1-465; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1114. Regulations as to estimates and requisitions; submission of estimates.

The Division shall prescribe and enforce regulations under which estimates of the needs of the using agencies shall be submitted and requisitions made, and under which contracts for purchases may be made. Estimates of the amount and quality of materials, equipment, supplies, and printing needed by the using agencies shall be submitted at such periods as may be prescribed by the Division.

Code 1950, § 2-250; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-274; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-441; 1980, c. 357; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1115. Execution of contracts; payment for purchases; violations.

A. All contracts entered into by the Division shall be executed in the name of the Commonwealth.

B. All purchases made by or through the Division shall be paid for in the same manner and out of the same funds as if the purchase had not been made by or through it.

C. The Division shall maintain a system of accounting prescribed by the State Comptroller. All moneys collected by the Division shall be paid promptly into the state treasury and reported to the State Comptroller for appropriate credit.

D. The Comptroller shall not issue any warrant upon any voucher issued by any using agency covering the purchase of any material, equipment or supplies, when such purchases are made in violation of any provision of this article.

E. Intentional violations of the centralized purchasing provisions of this article by any using agency, continued after notice from the Governor to desist, shall constitute malfeasance in office, and shall subject the officer responsible for violation to suspension or removal from office, as may be provided by law in other cases of malfeasance.

Code 1950, §§ 2-215, 2-216, 2-253, 2-263, 2-264; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, §§ 2.1-240, 2.1-241, 2.1-277, 2.1-289, 2.1-290; 1977, c. 672, §§ 2.1-438, 2.1-444, 2.1-455, 2.1-456; 1984, c. 612; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1115.1. Standard vendor accounting information.

A. The Division, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, and the State Comptroller shall develop and maintain data standards for use by all agencies and institutions for payments and purchases of goods and services pursuant to §§ 2.2-1115 and 2.2-2012. Such standards shall include at a minimum the vendor number, name, address, and tax identification number; commodity code, order number, invoice number, and receipt information; and other information necessary to appropriately and consistently identify all suppliers of goods, commodities, and other services to the Commonwealth. The Division, the Virginia Information Technologies Agency, and the State Comptroller shall annually review and update these standards to provide the Commonwealth information to monitor all procurement of goods and services and to implement adequate controls to pay only authorized providers of goods and services to the Commonwealth.

B. The Division and the Virginia Information Technologies Agency shall submit these standards to the Information Technology Advisory Council in accordance with § 2.2-2699.6 for review.

C. The Division and the State Comptroller shall adhere to the adopted data standards and match all purchases of goods, commodities, and other services to the related payment activity and make the matched information available on the Auditor of Public Accounts' Commonwealth Data Point website pursuant to subdivision H 3 a of § 30-133. This information shall be available at a transactional level and be in sufficient detail to make clear what an agency has purchased; when the purchase was made; the vendor from whom the purchase was made; the amount purchased, if applicable; and how much was paid. To the extent the purchase is made for professional services as defined in § 2.2-4301, other than for accounting or legal services, from an entity of the Commonwealth, the name of the buyer in the selling Department or agency shall be specified. Purchases made using credit card or other financing arrangements shall specify the vendor.

2009, cc. 758, 812; 2010, cc. 136, 145; 2013, c. 493; 2022, cc. 260, 261.

§ 2.2-1116. Purchase of products and services of state correctional facilities.

The provisions of this article shall be subject to the provisions of Title 53.1 relating to the products and services of state correctional facilities required by state departments, institutions, and agencies, and the purchase of the same through the Division.

Code 1950, § 2-268; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-294; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-453; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1117. Purchases from Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired; violation.

Unless exempted by the Division, all such services, articles and commodities as (i) are required for purchase by the Division or by any person authorized to make purchases on behalf of the Commonwealth and its departments, agencies and institutions; (ii) are performed or produced by persons, or in schools or workshops, under the supervision of the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired; (iii) are available for sale by such Department; and (iv) conform to the standards established by the Division shall be purchased from such Department at the fair market price without competitive procurement. When convenience or emergency requires it the Commissioner of the Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired may, upon request of the purchasing officer, release the purchasing officer from the obligations of this section. Any purchasing officer convicted of a violation of this section shall be guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.

Code 1950, § 2-259.2; 1954, c. 71; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-285; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-450; 1982, c. 647; 1984, c. 498; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1118. Purchases from employment services organizations of Virginia serving individuals with disabilities.

A. The Division shall publish annually a list of materials, supplies, services and equipment which, in the opinion of the Division, would be beneficial to the Commonwealth to procure from an employment services organization as defined in § 2.2-4301. The list shall exclude items currently produced by schools or workshops under the supervision of the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired or by inmates confined in state correctional institutions.

B. Any item or service included on the list required by subsection A may be purchased by the Division from employment services organizations serving individuals with disabilities without competitive procurement, if the Division is satisfied that the items and services (i) can be purchased within ten percent of their fair market value, (ii) will be of acceptable quality, and (iii) can be produced in sufficient quantities within the time required.

C. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Division from amending the list required under subsection A by adding categories to the list after it has been published.

1978, c. 24, § 2.1-450.1; 1982, c. 647; 1987, c. 72; 2001, c. 844; 2012, c. 632.

§ 2.2-1119. Cases in which purchasing through Division not mandatory.

A. Unless otherwise ordered by the Governor, the purchasing of materials, equipment, supplies, and nonprofessional services through the Division shall not be mandatory in the following cases:

1. Materials, equipment and supplies incident to the performance of a contract for labor or for labor and materials;

2. Manuscripts, maps, audiovisual materials, books, pamphlets and periodicals purchased for the use of The Library of Virginia or any other library in the Commonwealth supported in whole or in part by state funds;

3. Perishable articles, provided that no article except fresh vegetables, fish, eggs or milk shall be considered perishable within the meaning of this subdivision, unless so classified by the Division;

4. Materials, equipment and supplies needed by the Commonwealth Transportation Board; however, this exception may include, office stationery and supplies, office equipment, janitorial equipment and supplies, and coal and fuel oil for heating purposes shall not be included except when authorized in writing by the Division;

5. Materials, equipment, and supplies needed by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority, including office stationery and supplies, office equipment, and janitorial equipment and supplies; however, coal and fuel oil for heating purposes shall not be included except when authorized in writing by the Division;

6. Binding and rebinding of the books and other literary materials of libraries operated by the Commonwealth or under its authority;

7. Printing of the records of the Supreme Court; and

8. Financial services, including without limitation, underwriters, financial advisors, investment advisors and banking services.

B. Telecommunications and information technology goods and services of every description shall be procured as provided by § 2.2-2012.

Code 1950, § 2-260; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-286; 1970, c. 225; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-451; 1982, c. 647; 1988, c. 140; 1994, c. 64; 2001, c. 844; 2003, cc. 895, 981, 1021; 2015, cc. 38, 730.

§ 2.2-1120. Direct purchases by using agencies and certain charitable corporations and private nonprofit institutions of higher education.

A. The Division shall have the power, by general rule or special order, to permit purchases of any material, equipment, supplies, printing or nonprofessional services of every description to be made by any using agency directly, and not through the Division, whenever it appears to the satisfaction of the Division that by reason of the excess transportation costs, a lower price with equal quality can be obtained by the using agency, or for any other reason, which in the judgment of the Division warrants an exemption.

B. The Division shall allow corporations operating in Virginia and granted tax exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and operating as clinics for the indigent and uninsured that are organized for the delivery of primary health care services (i) as federally qualified health centers designated by the Health Care Financing Administration or (ii) at a reduced or sliding fee scale or without charge, to purchase directly from contracts established for state agencies and public bodies by the Division or, provided it is not prohibited by the terms of the procurement, through participation by the Division in other cooperative procurements.

C. The Division shall allow organizations that provide transportation services in Virginia and receive funding from the Federal Transit Administration or the Commonwealth Transportation Fund to purchase directly from contracts established for state agencies and public bodies by the Division. The Department of Rail and Public Transportation shall assist the Division in establishing and maintaining a list of organizations that shall be authorized to make purchases pursuant to this subsection.

D. The Division shall allow private institutions of higher education that are (i)(a) chartered in Virginia or (b) chartered by an Act of Congress in 1821 and that have owned and operated since 1991 a campus with a significant presence in the Commonwealth and (ii) granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to purchase directly from contracts established for state agencies and public bodies by the Division.

Code 1950, § 2-257; 1958, c. 124; 1966, c. 677, § 2.1-281; 1977, c. 672, § 2.1-447; 1980, c, 357; 1988, c. 140; 2001, c. 844; 2002, c. 491; 2003, c. 225; 2004, c. 484; 2006, c. 582; 2015, c. 462.

§ 2.2-1121. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2002, c. 579.

§ 2.2-1122. Aid and cooperation of Division may be sought by any public body or public broadcasting station in making purchases; use of facilities of Virginia Distribution Center; services to certain volunteer organizations.

A. Virginia public broadcasting stations as defined in § 22.1-20.1, and public bodies as defined in § 2.2-4300 who are empowered to purchase material, equipment, and supplies of any kind, may purchase through the Division. When any such public body, public broadcasting station, or duly authorized officer requests the Division to obtain bids for any materials, equipment and supplies, and the bids have been obtained by the Division, the Division may award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, and the public body or public broadcasting station shall be bound by the contract. The Division shall set forth in the purchase order that the materials, equipment, and supplies be delivered to, and that the bill be rendered and forwarded to, the public body or public broadcasting station. Any such bill shall be a valid and enforceable claim against the public body or public broadcasting station requesting the bids.

B. The Division may make available to any public body or public broadcasting station the facilities of the Virginia Distribution Center maintained by the Division; however, the furnishing of any such services or supplies shall not limit or impair any services or supplies normally rendered any department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth.

C. The Board of Education shall furnish to the Division a list of public broadcasting stations in Virginia for the purposes of this section.

D. The services or supplies authorized by this section shall extend to any fire company as defined in § 27-6.01 or volunteer emergency medical services agency as defined in § 32.1-111.1 that is recognized by an ordinance to be a part of the safety program of a county, city, or town. Purchases of motor fuel shall be limited for use in vehicles and equipment as defined in subsection A 12 of § 58.1-2259.

E. For purposes of this section, "public broadcasting station" means the same as that term is defined in § 22.1-20.1.

1982, c. 647, § 2.1-454.1; 1984, c. 746; 1997, c. 858; 2001, c. 844; 2012, cc. 803, 835; 2015, cc. 502, 503; 2018, c. 275.

§ 2.2-1123. Acquisition of surplus materials from the United States government.

The Division is designated as the agency of state government responsible for acquiring surplus personal property, including but not limited to materials, supplies, and equipment, by purchase, gift, or otherwise, from the United States government or any of its agencies for distribution to departments, agencies, institutions and political subdivisions of the Commonwealth and to eligible, nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations for use in the organizations' activities within the Commonwealth. The acquisitions shall be made, when in the judgment of the Division, it is advantageous to the Commonwealth to do so. The property may be acquired for storage and subsequent distribution or for immediate distribution. The Division may collect the purchase price of any such property, if applicable, and service charges sufficient to defray the costs of carrying out this program from entities to which it distributes the property. The Division shall publish a plan that meets the requirements of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as it may be amended from time to time, and any similar federal statutes requiring such plan.

The Division may, by general rule or special order, delegate to any using department, agency, institution, political subdivision, or eligible, nonprofit, nongovernmental organization the authority to acquire such property directly from the federal government rather than through the Division, whenever the Division determines that it is advantageous to do so. The Division may prescribe regulations for the acquisition of such property by entities to which it delegates its authority.

1984, c. 746, § 2.1-445.1; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1124. Disposition of surplus materials.

A. For purposes of this section, "surplus materials" means personal property, including materials, supplies, equipment, and recyclable items, but does not include property as defined in § 2.2-1147 that is determined to be surplus. "Surplus materials" does not include finished products that a state hospital or training center operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services sells for the benefit of individuals receiving services in the state hospital or training center, provided that (i) most of the supplies, equipment, or products have been donated to the state hospital or training center; (ii) the individuals in the state hospital or training center have substantially altered the supplies, equipment, or products in the course of occupational or other therapy; and (iii) the substantial alterations have resulted in a finished product.

B. The Department shall establish procedures for the disposition of surplus materials from departments, divisions, institutions, and agencies of the Commonwealth. Such procedures shall:

1. Permit surplus materials to be transferred between or sold to departments, divisions, institutions, or agencies of the Commonwealth;

2. Permit surplus materials to be sold to Virginia charitable corporations granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and operating as clinics for the indigent and uninsured that are organized for the delivery of primary health care services (i) as federally qualified health centers designated by the Health Care Financing Administration or (ii) at a reduced or sliding fee scale or without charge;

3. Permit public sales or auctions, including online public auctions;

4. Permit surplus motor vehicles to be sold prior to public sale or auction to local social service departments for the purpose of resale at cost to TANF recipients;

5. Permit surplus materials to be sold to Virginia charitable corporations granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and operating as children's homes;

6. Permit donations to political subdivisions of the Commonwealth under the circumstances specified in this section;

7. Permit other methods of disposal when (a) the cost of the sale will exceed the potential revenue to be derived therefrom or (b) the surplus material is not suitable for sale;

8. Permit any animal especially trained for police work to be sold at a price of $1 to the handler who last was in control of the animal. The agency or institution may allow the immediate survivor of any full-time sworn law-enforcement officer who (i) is killed in the line of duty or (ii) dies in service and has at least 10 years of service to purchase the service animal at a price of $1. Any such sale shall not be deemed a violation of the State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act (§ 2.2-3100 et seq.);

9. Permit the transfer of surplus clothing to an appropriate department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth for distribution to needy individuals by and through local social services boards;

10. Encourage the recycling of paper products, beverage containers, electronics, and used motor oil;

11. Require the proceeds from any sale or recycling of surplus materials be promptly deposited into the state treasury in accordance with § 2.2-1802 and report the deposit to the State Comptroller;

12. Permit donations of surplus computers and related equipment to:

a. Public schools in the Commonwealth;

b. Virginia charitable corporations granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and providing services to persons with disabilities, at-risk youths, or low-income families. For the purposes of this subdivision, "at-risk youths" means school-age children approved eligible to receive free or reduced price meals in the federally funded lunch program; and

c. Organizations in the Commonwealth granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code that refurbish computers and related equipment for donation to veterans and active military, naval, or air service members, as defined in § 2.2-2000.1. Any donation to an organization under this subdivision shall be conditioned upon, and in consideration of, the organization's promise to refurbish the donated equipment and distribute it free of charge to such veterans or active military, naval, or air service members.

13. Permit surplus materials to be transferred or sold, prior to public sale or auction, to public television stations located in the state and other nonprofit organizations approved for the distribution of federal surplus materials;

14. Permit a public institution of higher education to dispose of its surplus materials at the location where the surplus materials are held and to retain any proceeds from such disposal, provided that the institution meets the conditions prescribed in subsection A of § 23.1-1002 and § 23.1-1019 (regardless of whether or not the institution has been granted any authority under Article 4 (§ 23.1-1004 et seq.) of Chapter 10 of Title 23.1);

15. Permit surplus materials from (i) the Department of Defense Excess Property Program or (ii) other surplus property programs administered by the Commonwealth to be transferred or sold to Virginia charitable corporations granted tax-exempt status under § 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and operating as an educational institution devoted to emergency management training, preparedness, and response;

16. Require, to the extent practicable, the recycling and disposal of computers and other information technology assets, including the option to enter into an agreement with a purchasing vendor to buy back or trade in any technological equipment. Additionally, for computers or information technology assets that may contain confidential state data or personal identifying information of citizens of the Commonwealth, the Department shall ensure all policies for the transfer or other disposition of computers or information technology assets are consistent with data and information security policies developed by the Virginia Information Technologies Agency; and

17. Permit surplus materials to be sold, prior to public sale or auction, to (i) service disabled veteran-owned businesses, (ii) veterans service organizations, (iii) active military-owned businesses, and (iv) military spouse-owned businesses.

For purposes of this subdivision:

"Active military" means military service members who perform full-time duty in the Armed Forces of the United States, or a reserve component thereof, including the National Guard.

"Military spouse" means a person whose spouse is an active military, naval, or air service member or veteran as those terms are defined in § 2.2-2000.1.

"Military spouse-owned business" means a business concern that is at least 51 percent owned by one or more military spouses or, in the case of a corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity, at least 51 percent of the equity ownership interest in the corporation, partnership, or limited liability company or other entity is owned by one or more individuals who are military spouses and both the management and daily business operations are controlled by one or more individuals who are military spouses.

"Service disabled veteran" means the same as that term is defined in § 2.2-2000.1.

"Service disabled veteran-owned business" means the same as that term is defined in § 2.2-2000.1.

"Veterans service organization" means an association or other entity organized for the benefit of veterans that has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs or chartered by Congress.

C. The Department shall dispose of surplus materials pursuant to the procedures established in subsection B or permit any department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth to dispose of its surplus materials consistent with the procedures so established. No surplus materials shall be disposed of without prior consent of the head of the department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth in possession of such surplus materials or the Governor.

D. Departments, divisions, institutions, or agencies of the Commonwealth or the Governor may donate surplus materials only under the following circumstances:

1. Emergencies declared in accordance with § 44-146.18:2 or 44-146.28;

2. As set forth in the budget bill as defined by § 2.2-1509, provided that (a) the budget bill contains a description of the surplus materials, the method by which the surplus materials shall be distributed, and the anticipated recipients, and (b) such information shall be provided by the Department to the Department of Planning and Budget in sufficient time for inclusion in the budget bill;

3. When the market value of the surplus materials, which shall be donated for a public purpose, is less than $500; however, the total market value of all surplus materials so donated by any department, division, institution, or agency shall not exceed 25 percent of the revenue generated by such department's, division's, institution's, or agency's sale of surplus materials in the fiscal year, except these limits shall not apply in the case of surplus computer equipment and related items donated to Virginia public schools; or

4. During a local emergency, upon written request of the head of a local government or a political subdivision in the Commonwealth to the head of a department, division, institution, or agency.

E. On or before October 1 of each year, the Department shall prepare, and file with the Secretary of the Commonwealth, a plan that describes the expected disposition of surplus materials in the upcoming fiscal year pursuant to subdivision B 6.

F. The Department may make available to any local public body of the Commonwealth the services or facilities authorized by this section; however, the furnishing of any such services shall not limit or impair any services normally rendered any department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth. All public bodies shall be authorized to use the services of the Department's Surplus Property Program under the guidelines established pursuant to this section and the surplus property policies and procedures of the Department. Proceeds from the sale of the surplus property shall be returned to the local body minus a service fee. The service fee charged by the Department shall be consistent with the fee charged by the Department to state public bodies.

1996, cc. 935, 978, § 2.1-457.2; 1999, cc. 159, 578, 629, 911; 2000, cc. 615, 636, 661; 2001, c. 844; 2004, c. 670; 2005, cc. 933, 945; 2006, cc. 468, 493; 2007, c. 701; 2009, c. 75; 2012, cc. 476, 507, 805, 836; 2014, c. 226; 2016, cc. 298, 400; 2019, c. 425; 2020, cc. 43, 358; 2024, c. 47.

§ 2.2-1125. Proceeds from the sale or recycling of surplus materials.

A. The proceeds from the sale or recycling of surplus materials pursuant to § 2.2-1124 shall promptly be deposited into the state treasury and the deposit reported to the State Comptroller, along with a statement of total proceeds and the amount of the proceeds derived from the sale or recycling of surplus materials purchased in whole or in part from general fund appropriations.

B. At the end of each fiscal quarter, the State Comptroller shall (i) determine the total proceeds derived from the sale of surplus materials purchased in whole or in part from general fund appropriations and direct the State Treasurer to transfer fifty percent of the total of such proceeds to the Conservation Resources Fund and (ii) provide copies of the reports furnished to him pursuant to subsection A, or summaries thereof, to the Department of Planning and Budget.

C. Based on such reports, or summaries, the Department of Planning and Budget, pursuant to its authority in the appropriation act, may increase general fund appropriations to any department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth by the amount of available proceeds derived from the sale or recycling of surplus materials pursuant to § 2.2-1124. The department, division, institution, or agency of the Commonwealth may use the additional appropriations to purchase materials, supplies, or equipment, or to defray the cost of disposing of surplus materials to the extent permitted pursuant to § 2.2-1124.

D. Departments, divisions, institutions, or agencies may retain the full net profits from the sale of recycled materials provided that a report is filed with the State Comptroller on or before October 1 of each year.

E. Departments, divisions, institutions, or agencies meeting management standards prescribed by the Governor may retain the net proceeds from the surplus materials sold pursuant to § 2.2-1124. Such retention shall be effective on July 1 following the determination that the department, division, institution, or agency meets the management standards.

1996, cc. 935, 978, § 2.1-457.3; 2001, c. 844.

§ 2.2-1126. Repealed.

Repealed by Acts 2004, c. 650.

§ 2.2-1128. Sale of state flag.

The Division shall have available at all times flags of the Commonwealth, to be offered for sale to the public in such manner and cost as the Division may determine. The purchase of all flags of the Commonwealth by the Division shall comply with the provisions of § 2.2-4323.1.

1977, c. 672, § 2.1-468; 2001, c. 844; 2016, cc. 289, 297.